InfoCardConstants.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / InfoCardConstants.cs / 1 / InfoCardConstants.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace Microsoft.InfoCards
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.IdentityModel.Claims; 
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace;
    using Microsoft.Win32;

    // Summary:
    //   This class contains the dictionary for the claims associated with the 
    //   infocards. 
    internal static class InfoCardConstants 
        // Indigo message limits, managed through the registry.
        private static int s_maxMessageSize;
        private static int s_maxMexChainLength; 
        private const int DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE  = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // in bytes 
        private const int DEFAULT_MAX_MEX_CHAIN     = 100;
        private const string MAX_MESSAGE_KEY        = "MaximumMessageSize";
        private const string MAX_MEX_CHAIN          = "MaximumMexChain";

        private const string INFOCARD_REGISTRY_KEY  = @"software\microsoft\infocard"; 

        static public int MaximumMessageSize 
                return s_maxMessageSize;
        static public int MaximumMexChainLength 
                return s_maxMexChainLength;

        static public string RegistryKey
                return INFOCARD_REGISTRY_KEY; 

        static public string GivenName { get { return ClaimTypes.GivenName; } }
        static public string EmailAddress { get { return ClaimTypes.Email; } } 
        static public string Surname { get { return ClaimTypes.Surname; } }
        static public string StreetAddress { get { return ClaimTypes.StreetAddress; } } 
        static public string Locality { get { return ClaimTypes.Locality; } } 
        static public string StateOrProvince { get { return ClaimTypes.StateOrProvince; } }
        /* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */ static public string PostalCode { get { return ClaimTypes.PostalCode; } } 
        static public string Country { get { return ClaimTypes.Country; } }  					/* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */
        static public string HomePhone { get { return ClaimTypes.HomePhone; } }
        static public string OtherPhone { get { return ClaimTypes.OtherPhone; } }
        static public string MobilePhone { get { return ClaimTypes.MobilePhone; } } 
        static public string DateOfBirth { get { return ClaimTypes.DateOfBirth; } }
        static public string Gender { get { return ClaimTypes.Gender; } } 
        static public string PPID { get { return ClaimTypes.PPID; } } 
        static public string Webpage{ get { return ClaimTypes.Webpage; } }
        private static string[ ] s_SelfIssuedClaims =  {
                       /* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */       PostalCode,
                                                    Country,			 /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */ 
        private static Dictionary s_claimDisplayTags = new Dictionary();
        private static Dictionary s_claimDescription = new Dictionary(); 
 /* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */       private static XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas s_defaultQuotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas();
        private static  List s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList = new List();          /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */
        private static  List s_policyElementsToBeProcessed = new List();
        // Summary 
        //  Checks if the input values are in the list that the local token factory supports 
        // Parameters 
        // nameSpaceValue - NameSpace for the xml element
        // value -the xml element name
/* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */        public static bool DoesLocalTokenFactoryWhiteListContain( string nameSpaceValue, string value ) 
             return s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Contains( nameSpaceValue + "/" + value );  /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */ 

        // Summary
        //  Checks if the input values are in the list of elements that infocard processes
        // Parameters
        // nameSpaceValue - NameSpace for the xml element 
        // value -the xml element name 
        public static bool DoesPolicyElementsToBeProcessedListContain( string nameSpaceValue, string value ) 
            return s_policyElementsToBeProcessed.Contains( nameSpaceValue + "/" + value );
        public static XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas DefaultQuotas
                return s_defaultQuotas; 

        public static string[ ] SelfIssuedClaimsUris 
                return s_SelfIssuedClaims;

        public static string PPIDClaimsUri
                return PPID; 

        public static string ClaimDisplayTag( string key )
            string displayTag = null;
            if( s_claimDisplayTags.ContainsKey( key ) ) 
                displayTag = SR.GetString( s_claimDisplayTags[ key ] );
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperWarning(
                    new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( SR.GetString( SR.InvalidSelfIssuedUri ) ) ); 
            return displayTag; 

        public static string ClaimsDescription( string key ) 
            string description = null;
            if( s_claimDescription.ContainsKey( key ) )
                description = SR.GetString( s_claimDescription[ key ] );
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperWarning( 
                    new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( SR.GetString( SR.InvalidSelfIssuedUri ) ) );
            return description;

        static InfoCardConstants() 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( GivenName, SR.GivenNameText ); 
   /* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */         s_claimDisplayTags.Add( EmailAddress, SR.EmailAddressText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( Country, SR.CountryText );              /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( DateOfBirth, SR.DateOfBirthText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( Gender, SR.GenderText); 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( HomePhone, SR.HomePhoneText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( Locality, SR.LocalityText ); 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( MobilePhone, SR.MobilePhoneText ); 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( OtherPhone, SR.OtherPhoneText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( PostalCode, SR.PostalCodeText ); 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( StateOrProvince, SR.StateOrProvinceText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( StreetAddress, SR.StreetAddressText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( Surname, SR.SurnameText );
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( PPID, SR.PPIDText ); 
            s_claimDisplayTags.Add( Webpage, SR.WebPageText );
            s_claimDescription.Add( GivenName, SR.GivenNameDescription ); 
/* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */            s_claimDescription.Add( EmailAddress, SR.EmailAddressDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( Country, SR.CountryDescription );                        /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */ 
            s_claimDescription.Add( DateOfBirth, SR.DateOfBirthDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( Gender, SR.GenderDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( HomePhone, SR.HomePhoneDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( Locality, SR.LocalityDescription ); 
            s_claimDescription.Add( MobilePhone, SR.MobilePhoneDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( OtherPhone, SR.OtherPhoneDescription ); 
            s_claimDescription.Add( PostalCode, SR.PostalCodeDescription ); 
            s_claimDescription.Add( StateOrProvince, SR.StateOrProvinceDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( StreetAddress, SR.StreetAddressDescription ); 
            s_claimDescription.Add( Surname, SR.SurnameDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( PPID, SR.PPIDDescription );
            s_claimDescription.Add( Webpage, SR.WebPageDescription );
            // Quotas for xml readers 
            s_defaultQuotas.MaxDepth                = 32;               // max depth of elements
            s_defaultQuotas.MaxStringContentLength  = 8192;             // maximum string read 
            s_defaultQuotas.MaxArrayLength          = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // maximum byte array
            s_defaultQuotas.MaxBytesPerRead         = 4096;             // max start element tag
            s_defaultQuotas.MaxNameTableCharCount   = 16384;            // max size of name table
            // Message limits 
            s_maxMessageSize = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE;
            s_maxMexChainLength = DEFAULT_MAX_MEX_CHAIN; 
            using( SystemIdentity system = new SystemIdentity( false ) )
                using( RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( INFOCARD_REGISTRY_KEY, false ) )
                    if( null != rk )
                        object maxMessage = rk.GetValue( MAX_MESSAGE_KEY, DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE ); 

                        // Registry is in kbs. Indigo properties in bytes
                        if( maxMessage is int && (int)maxMessage > 0 && (int)maxMessage * 1024 > 0 )
                            s_maxMessageSize = (int) maxMessage * 1024;
                        object maxHops = rk.GetValue( MAX_MEX_CHAIN, DEFAULT_MAX_MEX_CHAIN ); 
                        if( maxHops is int && (int)maxHops > 0  )
                            s_maxMexChainLength = (int) maxHops;
            // Add the allowed elements from WSTrust Feb 2005
/* SSS_WARNINGS_OFF */            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_SignatureAlgorithm );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_EncryptionAlgorithm );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_CanonicalizationAlgorithm );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_SignWith ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_ClaimsElement );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_TokenType ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_KeyType ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_KeySize );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_EncryptWith ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustXmlSoap2005.c_RequestType );

            // Add the allowed elements from WSTrust Oasis 2007 (1.3) 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_SignatureAlgorithm ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_EncryptionAlgorithm ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_CanonicalizationAlgorithm );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_SignWith ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_ClaimsElement );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_TokenType );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_KeyType );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_KeySize ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_EncryptWith );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_RequestType ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_SecondaryParameters ); 
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSTrustOasis2007.c_KeyWrapAlgorithm );
            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.c_Namespace + "/" +
                                                XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyXmlSoap2005.c_RequestSecurityTokenTemplate );

            s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList.Add( XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyOasis2007.c_Namespace + "/" + 
                                                XmlNames.WSSecurityPolicyOasis2007.c_RequestSecurityTokenTemplate );
            s_policyElementsToBeProcessed.AddRange( s_localTokenFactoryWhiteList );   /* SSS_WARNINGS_ON */ 

            s_policyElementsToBeProcessed.Add( XmlNames.WSPolicyXmlSoap2004.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSPolicyXmlSoap2004.c_AppliesTo ); 
            s_policyElementsToBeProcessed.Add( XmlNames.WSPolicyW32007.c_Namespace + "/" + XmlNames.WSPolicyW32007.c_AppliesTo );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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