/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WF / RunTime / Tracking / TrackPoint.cs / 1305376 / TrackPoint.cs
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; //using System.Workflow.Activities; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel; using System.Workflow.Runtime; using System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting; using Hosting = System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting; namespace System.Workflow.Runtime.Tracking { public sealed class ActivityTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private ActivityTrackingLocationCollection _match = new ActivityTrackingLocationCollection(); private ActivityTrackingLocationCollection _exclude = new ActivityTrackingLocationCollection(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); private ExtractCollection _extracts = new ExtractCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public ActivityTrackingLocationCollection MatchingLocations { get { return _match; } } public ActivityTrackingLocationCollection ExcludedLocations { get { return _exclude; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } public ExtractCollection Extracts { get { return _extracts; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, out Liststatus, out bool hasCondition) { hasCondition = false; // // Check if we have any conditions on this track point. // If we do signal that we need to recheck this item for each activity event (can't cache) foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { if ((null != location.Conditions) && (location.Conditions.Count > 0)) { hasCondition = true; break; } } foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if ((null != location.Conditions) && (location.Conditions.Count > 0)) { hasCondition = true; break; } } status = new List (9); // // Do matches first foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if (location.Match(activity, true)) { // // Insert all status values for this location foreach (ActivityExecutionStatus s in location.ExecutionStatusEvents) { if (!status.Contains(s)) status.Add(s); } } } // // If no includes matched // this trackpoint isn't relevant to this activity if (0 == status.Count) return false; // // Check the excludes but only if there aren't any conditions if (!hasCondition) { foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { if (location.Match(activity, true)) { // // Remove all status values for this location foreach (ActivityExecutionStatus s in location.ExecutionStatusEvents) status.Remove(s); } } } return (status.Count > 0); } internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, ActivityExecutionStatus status) { // // Do matches first bool included = false; foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if (location.Match(activity, false)) { if (location.ExecutionStatusEvents.Contains(status)) { included = true; break; } } } // // If no includes matched this trackpoint // doesn't match this activity if (!included) return false; // // Check the excludes foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { // // If any exclude matches this trackpoint // doesn't match this activity if (location.Match(activity, false)) { if (location.ExecutionStatusEvents.Contains(status)) return false; } } return included; } internal void Track(Activity activity, IServiceProvider provider, IList items) { foreach (TrackingExtract e in _extracts) e.GetData(activity, provider, items); } #endregion } public sealed class UserTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private UserTrackingLocationCollection _match = new UserTrackingLocationCollection(); private UserTrackingLocationCollection _exclude = new UserTrackingLocationCollection(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); private ExtractCollection _extracts = new ExtractCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public UserTrackingLocationCollection MatchingLocations { get { return _match; } } public UserTrackingLocationCollection ExcludedLocations { get { return _exclude; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } public ExtractCollection Extracts { get { return _extracts; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity) { // // Check include, excludes checked at event time foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _match) if (location.Match(activity)) return true; return false; } internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, string keyName, object argument) { // // We need to check runtime values here // // Check the excludes - if any exclude matches based on activity, key and arg type we're not a match foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _exclude) if (location.Match(activity, keyName, argument)) return false; // // No excludes match, check includes foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _match) if (location.Match(activity, keyName, argument)) return true; return false; } internal void Track(Activity activity, object arg, IServiceProvider provider, IList items) { foreach (TrackingExtract e in _extracts) e.GetData(activity, provider, items); } #endregion } public sealed class WorkflowTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private WorkflowTrackingLocation _location = new WorkflowTrackingLocation(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public WorkflowTrackingLocation MatchingLocation { get { return _location; } set { _location = value; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(TrackingWorkflowEvent status) { return _location.Match(status); } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; //using System.Workflow.Activities; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel; using System.Workflow.Runtime; using System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting; using Hosting = System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting; namespace System.Workflow.Runtime.Tracking { public sealed class ActivityTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private ActivityTrackingLocationCollection _match = new ActivityTrackingLocationCollection(); private ActivityTrackingLocationCollection _exclude = new ActivityTrackingLocationCollection(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); private ExtractCollection _extracts = new ExtractCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public ActivityTrackingLocationCollection MatchingLocations { get { return _match; } } public ActivityTrackingLocationCollection ExcludedLocations { get { return _exclude; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } public ExtractCollection Extracts { get { return _extracts; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, out List status, out bool hasCondition) { hasCondition = false; // // Check if we have any conditions on this track point. // If we do signal that we need to recheck this item for each activity event (can't cache) foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { if ((null != location.Conditions) && (location.Conditions.Count > 0)) { hasCondition = true; break; } } foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if ((null != location.Conditions) && (location.Conditions.Count > 0)) { hasCondition = true; break; } } status = new List (9); // // Do matches first foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if (location.Match(activity, true)) { // // Insert all status values for this location foreach (ActivityExecutionStatus s in location.ExecutionStatusEvents) { if (!status.Contains(s)) status.Add(s); } } } // // If no includes matched // this trackpoint isn't relevant to this activity if (0 == status.Count) return false; // // Check the excludes but only if there aren't any conditions if (!hasCondition) { foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { if (location.Match(activity, true)) { // // Remove all status values for this location foreach (ActivityExecutionStatus s in location.ExecutionStatusEvents) status.Remove(s); } } } return (status.Count > 0); } internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, ActivityExecutionStatus status) { // // Do matches first bool included = false; foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _match) { if (location.Match(activity, false)) { if (location.ExecutionStatusEvents.Contains(status)) { included = true; break; } } } // // If no includes matched this trackpoint // doesn't match this activity if (!included) return false; // // Check the excludes foreach (ActivityTrackingLocation location in _exclude) { // // If any exclude matches this trackpoint // doesn't match this activity if (location.Match(activity, false)) { if (location.ExecutionStatusEvents.Contains(status)) return false; } } return included; } internal void Track(Activity activity, IServiceProvider provider, IList items) { foreach (TrackingExtract e in _extracts) e.GetData(activity, provider, items); } #endregion } public sealed class UserTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private UserTrackingLocationCollection _match = new UserTrackingLocationCollection(); private UserTrackingLocationCollection _exclude = new UserTrackingLocationCollection(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); private ExtractCollection _extracts = new ExtractCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public UserTrackingLocationCollection MatchingLocations { get { return _match; } } public UserTrackingLocationCollection ExcludedLocations { get { return _exclude; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } public ExtractCollection Extracts { get { return _extracts; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity) { // // Check include, excludes checked at event time foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _match) if (location.Match(activity)) return true; return false; } internal bool IsMatch(Activity activity, string keyName, object argument) { // // We need to check runtime values here // // Check the excludes - if any exclude matches based on activity, key and arg type we're not a match foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _exclude) if (location.Match(activity, keyName, argument)) return false; // // No excludes match, check includes foreach (UserTrackingLocation location in _match) if (location.Match(activity, keyName, argument)) return true; return false; } internal void Track(Activity activity, object arg, IServiceProvider provider, IList items) { foreach (TrackingExtract e in _extracts) e.GetData(activity, provider, items); } #endregion } public sealed class WorkflowTrackPoint { #region Private Data Members private WorkflowTrackingLocation _location = new WorkflowTrackingLocation(); private TrackingAnnotationCollection _annotations = new TrackingAnnotationCollection(); #endregion #region Public Properties public WorkflowTrackingLocation MatchingLocation { get { return _location; } set { _location = value; } } public TrackingAnnotationCollection Annotations { get { return _annotations; } } #endregion #region Internal Matching Methods internal bool IsMatch(TrackingWorkflowEvent status) { return _location.Match(status); } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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