/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Permissions / URLIdentityPermission.cs / 1305376 / URLIdentityPermission.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // UrlIdentityPermission.cs // //[....] // namespace System.Security.Permissions { using System; #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY using SecurityElement = System.Security.SecurityElement; #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY using System.Security.Util; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] [Serializable] sealed public class UrlIdentityPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission { //------------------------------------------------------ // // PRIVATE STATE DATA // //----------------------------------------------------- [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private bool m_unrestricted; [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private URLString[] m_urls; #if FEATURE_REMOTING // This field will be populated only for non X-AD scenarios where we create a XML-ised string of the Permission [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private String m_serializedPermission; // This field is legacy info from v1.x and is never used in v2.0 and beyond: purely for serialization purposes private URLString m_url; [OnDeserialized] private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx) { // v2.0 and beyond XML case if (m_serializedPermission != null) { FromXml(SecurityElement.FromString(m_serializedPermission)); m_serializedPermission = null; } else if (m_url != null) //v1.x case where we read the m_site value { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = m_url; m_url = null; } } [OnSerializing] private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { m_serializedPermission = ToXml().ToString(); //for the v2 and beyond case if (m_urls != null && m_urls.Length == 1) // for the v1.x case m_url = m_urls[0]; } } [OnSerialized] private void OnSerialized(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { m_serializedPermission = null; m_url = null; } } #endif // FEATURE_REMOTING //----------------------------------------------------- // // PUBLIC CONSTRUCTORS // //----------------------------------------------------- public UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState state) { if (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted) { m_unrestricted = true; } else if (state == PermissionState.None) { m_unrestricted = false; } else { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidPermissionState")); } } public UrlIdentityPermission( String site ) { if (site == null) throw new ArgumentNullException( "site" ); Contract.EndContractBlock(); Url = site; } internal UrlIdentityPermission( URLString site ) { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = site; } // Internal function to append all the urls in m_urls to the input originList internal void AppendOrigin(ArrayList originList) { if (m_urls == null) originList.Add(""); else { int n; for(n = 0; n < this.m_urls.Length; n++) originList.Add(m_urls[n].ToString()); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // PUBLIC ACCESSOR METHODS // //----------------------------------------------------- public String Url { set { m_unrestricted = false; if(value == null || value.Length == 0) m_urls = null; else { m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = new URLString( value ); } } get { if(m_urls == null) return ""; if(m_urls.Length == 1) return m_urls[0].ToString(); throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_AmbiguousIdentity")); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // PRIVATE AND PROTECTED HELPERS FOR ACCESSORS AND CONSTRUCTORS // //------------------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------------- // // CODEACCESSPERMISSION IMPLEMENTATION // //------------------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------------- // // IPERMISSION IMPLEMENTATION // //----------------------------------------------------- public override IPermission Copy() { UrlIdentityPermission perm = new UrlIdentityPermission( PermissionState.None ); perm.m_unrestricted = this.m_unrestricted; if (this.m_urls != null) { perm.m_urls = new URLString[this.m_urls.Length]; int n; for(n = 0; n < this.m_urls.Length; n++) perm.m_urls[n] = (URLString)this.m_urls[n].Copy(); } return perm; } public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target) { if (target == null) { if(m_unrestricted) return false; if(m_urls == null) return true; if(m_urls.Length == 0) return true; return false; } UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(that.m_unrestricted) return true; if(m_unrestricted) return false; if(this.m_urls != null) { foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) { bool bOK = false; if(that.m_urls != null) { foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { if(usThis.IsSubsetOf(usThat)) { bOK = true; break; } } } if(!bOK) return false; } } return true; } public override IPermission Intersect(IPermission target) { if (target == null) return null; UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(this.m_unrestricted && that.m_unrestricted) { UrlIdentityPermission res = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); res.m_unrestricted = true; return res; } if(this.m_unrestricted) return that.Copy(); if(that.m_unrestricted) return this.Copy(); if(this.m_urls == null || that.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0 || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return null; ListalUrls = new List (); foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) { foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { URLString usInt = (URLString)usThis.Intersect(usThat); if(usInt != null) alUrls.Add(usInt); } } if(alUrls.Count == 0) return null; UrlIdentityPermission result = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); result.m_urls = alUrls.ToArray(); return result; } public override IPermission Union(IPermission target) { if (target == null) { if((this.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0) && !this.m_unrestricted) return null; return this.Copy(); } UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(this.m_unrestricted || that.m_unrestricted) { UrlIdentityPermission res = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); res.m_unrestricted = true; return res; } if (this.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0) { if(that.m_urls == null || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return null; return that.Copy(); } if(that.m_urls == null || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return this.Copy(); List alUrls = new List (); foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) alUrls.Add(usThis); foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { bool bDupe = false; foreach(URLString us in alUrls) { if(usThat.Equals(us)) { bDupe = true; break; } } if(!bDupe) alUrls.Add(usThat); } UrlIdentityPermission result = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); result.m_urls = alUrls.ToArray(); return result; } #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd) { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = null; CodeAccessPermission.ValidateElement( esd, this ); String unr = esd.Attribute( "Unrestricted" ); if(unr != null && String.Compare(unr, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { m_unrestricted = true; return; } String elem = esd.Attribute( "Url" ); List al = new List (); if(elem != null) al.Add(new URLString( elem, true )); ArrayList alChildren = esd.Children; if(alChildren != null) { foreach(SecurityElement child in alChildren) { elem = child.Attribute( "Url" ); if(elem != null) al.Add(new URLString( elem, true )); } } if(al.Count != 0) m_urls = al.ToArray(); } public override SecurityElement ToXml() { SecurityElement esd = CodeAccessPermission.CreatePermissionElement( this, "System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission" ); if (m_unrestricted) esd.AddAttribute( "Unrestricted", "true" ); else if (m_urls != null) { if (m_urls.Length == 1) esd.AddAttribute( "Url", m_urls[0].ToString() ); else { int n; for(n = 0; n < m_urls.Length; n++) { SecurityElement child = new SecurityElement("Url"); child.AddAttribute( "Url", m_urls[n].ToString() ); esd.AddChild(child); } } } return esd; } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY /// int IBuiltInPermission.GetTokenIndex() { return UrlIdentityPermission.GetTokenIndex(); } internal static int GetTokenIndex() { return BuiltInPermissionIndex.UrlIdentityPermissionIndex; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // UrlIdentityPermission.cs // // [....] // namespace System.Security.Permissions { using System; #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY using SecurityElement = System.Security.SecurityElement; #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY using System.Security.Util; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] [Serializable] sealed public class UrlIdentityPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IBuiltInPermission { //------------------------------------------------------ // // PRIVATE STATE DATA // //----------------------------------------------------- [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private bool m_unrestricted; [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private URLString[] m_urls; #if FEATURE_REMOTING // This field will be populated only for non X-AD scenarios where we create a XML-ised string of the Permission [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private String m_serializedPermission; // This field is legacy info from v1.x and is never used in v2.0 and beyond: purely for serialization purposes private URLString m_url; [OnDeserialized] private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx) { // v2.0 and beyond XML case if (m_serializedPermission != null) { FromXml(SecurityElement.FromString(m_serializedPermission)); m_serializedPermission = null; } else if (m_url != null) //v1.x case where we read the m_site value { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = m_url; m_url = null; } } [OnSerializing] private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { m_serializedPermission = ToXml().ToString(); //for the v2 and beyond case if (m_urls != null && m_urls.Length == 1) // for the v1.x case m_url = m_urls[0]; } } [OnSerialized] private void OnSerialized(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { m_serializedPermission = null; m_url = null; } } #endif // FEATURE_REMOTING //----------------------------------------------------- // // PUBLIC CONSTRUCTORS // //----------------------------------------------------- public UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState state) { if (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted) { m_unrestricted = true; } else if (state == PermissionState.None) { m_unrestricted = false; } else { throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidPermissionState")); } } public UrlIdentityPermission( String site ) { if (site == null) throw new ArgumentNullException( "site" ); Contract.EndContractBlock(); Url = site; } internal UrlIdentityPermission( URLString site ) { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = site; } // Internal function to append all the urls in m_urls to the input originList internal void AppendOrigin(ArrayList originList) { if (m_urls == null) originList.Add(""); else { int n; for(n = 0; n < this.m_urls.Length; n++) originList.Add(m_urls[n].ToString()); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // PUBLIC ACCESSOR METHODS // //----------------------------------------------------- public String Url { set { m_unrestricted = false; if(value == null || value.Length == 0) m_urls = null; else { m_urls = new URLString[1]; m_urls[0] = new URLString( value ); } } get { if(m_urls == null) return ""; if(m_urls.Length == 1) return m_urls[0].ToString(); throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("NotSupported_AmbiguousIdentity")); } } //------------------------------------------------------ // // PRIVATE AND PROTECTED HELPERS FOR ACCESSORS AND CONSTRUCTORS // //------------------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------------- // // CODEACCESSPERMISSION IMPLEMENTATION // //------------------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------------- // // IPERMISSION IMPLEMENTATION // //----------------------------------------------------- public override IPermission Copy() { UrlIdentityPermission perm = new UrlIdentityPermission( PermissionState.None ); perm.m_unrestricted = this.m_unrestricted; if (this.m_urls != null) { perm.m_urls = new URLString[this.m_urls.Length]; int n; for(n = 0; n < this.m_urls.Length; n++) perm.m_urls[n] = (URLString)this.m_urls[n].Copy(); } return perm; } public override bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission target) { if (target == null) { if(m_unrestricted) return false; if(m_urls == null) return true; if(m_urls.Length == 0) return true; return false; } UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(that.m_unrestricted) return true; if(m_unrestricted) return false; if(this.m_urls != null) { foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) { bool bOK = false; if(that.m_urls != null) { foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { if(usThis.IsSubsetOf(usThat)) { bOK = true; break; } } } if(!bOK) return false; } } return true; } public override IPermission Intersect(IPermission target) { if (target == null) return null; UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(this.m_unrestricted && that.m_unrestricted) { UrlIdentityPermission res = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); res.m_unrestricted = true; return res; } if(this.m_unrestricted) return that.Copy(); if(that.m_unrestricted) return this.Copy(); if(this.m_urls == null || that.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0 || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return null; ListalUrls = new List (); foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) { foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { URLString usInt = (URLString)usThis.Intersect(usThat); if(usInt != null) alUrls.Add(usInt); } } if(alUrls.Count == 0) return null; UrlIdentityPermission result = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); result.m_urls = alUrls.ToArray(); return result; } public override IPermission Union(IPermission target) { if (target == null) { if((this.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0) && !this.m_unrestricted) return null; return this.Copy(); } UrlIdentityPermission that = target as UrlIdentityPermission; if(that == null) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_WrongType", this.GetType().FullName)); if(this.m_unrestricted || that.m_unrestricted) { UrlIdentityPermission res = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); res.m_unrestricted = true; return res; } if (this.m_urls == null || this.m_urls.Length == 0) { if(that.m_urls == null || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return null; return that.Copy(); } if(that.m_urls == null || that.m_urls.Length == 0) return this.Copy(); List alUrls = new List (); foreach(URLString usThis in this.m_urls) alUrls.Add(usThis); foreach(URLString usThat in that.m_urls) { bool bDupe = false; foreach(URLString us in alUrls) { if(usThat.Equals(us)) { bDupe = true; break; } } if(!bDupe) alUrls.Add(usThat); } UrlIdentityPermission result = new UrlIdentityPermission(PermissionState.None); result.m_urls = alUrls.ToArray(); return result; } #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY public override void FromXml(SecurityElement esd) { m_unrestricted = false; m_urls = null; CodeAccessPermission.ValidateElement( esd, this ); String unr = esd.Attribute( "Unrestricted" ); if(unr != null && String.Compare(unr, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { m_unrestricted = true; return; } String elem = esd.Attribute( "Url" ); List al = new List (); if(elem != null) al.Add(new URLString( elem, true )); ArrayList alChildren = esd.Children; if(alChildren != null) { foreach(SecurityElement child in alChildren) { elem = child.Attribute( "Url" ); if(elem != null) al.Add(new URLString( elem, true )); } } if(al.Count != 0) m_urls = al.ToArray(); } public override SecurityElement ToXml() { SecurityElement esd = CodeAccessPermission.CreatePermissionElement( this, "System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission" ); if (m_unrestricted) esd.AddAttribute( "Unrestricted", "true" ); else if (m_urls != null) { if (m_urls.Length == 1) esd.AddAttribute( "Url", m_urls[0].ToString() ); else { int n; for(n = 0; n < m_urls.Length; n++) { SecurityElement child = new SecurityElement("Url"); child.AddAttribute( "Url", m_urls[n].ToString() ); esd.AddChild(child); } } } return esd; } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY /// int IBuiltInPermission.GetTokenIndex() { return UrlIdentityPermission.GetTokenIndex(); } internal static int GetTokenIndex() { return BuiltInPermissionIndex.UrlIdentityPermissionIndex; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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