UpdateDelegates.Generated.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Core / Microsoft / Scripting / Actions / UpdateDelegates.Generated.cs / 1305376 / UpdateDelegates.Generated.cs

                            /* **************************************************************************** 
 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
 * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A 
 * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
 * you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
 * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
 * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
 * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
 * ***************************************************************************/ 

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace System.Dynamic { 
    internal static partial class UpdateDelegates {

        // WARNING: do not edit these methods here. The real source code lives 
        // in two places: generate_dynsites.py, which generates the methods in
        // this file, and UpdateDelegates.cs, which dynamically generates 
        // methods like these at run time. If you want to make a change, edit 
        // *both* of those files instead

        #region Generated UpdateAndExecute Methods

        // *** BEGIN GENERATED CODE *** 
        // generated by function: gen_update_targets from: generate_dynsites.py
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute0(CallSite site) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                    result = rule(site);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] {  };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch0(CallSite site) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;
            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { 
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 };

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 }; 

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result; 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 }; 
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8 };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) { 
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1); 
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1 }; 

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            site._match = false;


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) {
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) { 
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 };

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 }; 
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) {
            site._match = false; 


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) { 
            site._match = false; 

        // *** END GENERATED CODE *** 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
/* **************************************************************************** 
 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
 * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A 
 * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
 * you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
 * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
 * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
 * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
 * ***************************************************************************/ 

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace System.Dynamic { 
    internal static partial class UpdateDelegates {

        // WARNING: do not edit these methods here. The real source code lives 
        // in two places: generate_dynsites.py, which generates the methods in
        // this file, and UpdateDelegates.cs, which dynamically generates 
        // methods like these at run time. If you want to make a change, edit 
        // *both* of those files instead

        #region Generated UpdateAndExecute Methods

        // *** BEGIN GENERATED CODE *** 
        // generated by function: gen_update_targets from: generate_dynsites.py
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute0(CallSite site) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                    result = rule(site);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] {  };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch0(CallSite site) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;
            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) { 
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 };

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 }; 

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet); 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result; 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result;
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 }; 
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Func[] applicable;
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                            return result; 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8 };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static TRet NoMatch9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            site._match = false;
            return default(TRet);

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static TRet UpdateAndExecute10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Func[] applicable; 
            Func rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            TRet result; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                        result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                            return result;
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        return result; 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                    result = rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        return result;
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static TRet NoMatch10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) {
            site._match = false; 
            return default(TRet);


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid1(CallSite site, T0 arg0) { 
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1); 
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1 }; 

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid2(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1) { 
            site._match = false;


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid3(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) {
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 };
            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid4(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) { 
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;
            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i]; 

                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid5(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) { 
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless. 
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i]; 

                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); 

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache? 
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule;

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 };

            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid6(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) {
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this); 

            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule

                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?
            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 
                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null; 
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 };
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid7(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6) {
            site._match = false; 

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable; 
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target;

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule 

                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule;
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 
            applicable = cache.GetRules();
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];

                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule; 
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i);

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 }; 
            for (; ; ) {
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);

                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 
                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);

                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one
        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid8(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7) {
            site._match = false;

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)]
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space.
            var @this = (CallSite>)site; 
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);
            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];

                    // Execute the rule 
                    // if we've already tried it skip it... 
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) {
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);

                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i); 
                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one
            // Level 2 cache lookup 

            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this); 

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                rule = applicable[i];
                // Execute the rule
                @this.Target = rule; 

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one 
            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 

            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8 }; 

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule; 
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args);
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site
                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache. 
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")] 
        internal static void NoMatchVoid9(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8) {
            site._match = false; 


        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        internal static void UpdateAndExecuteVoid10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) { 
            // Declare the locals here upfront. It actually saves JIT stack space. 
            var @this = (CallSite>)site;
            Action[] applicable;
            Action rule, originalRule = @this.Target; 

            // Create matchmaker and its site. We'll need them regardless.
            site = CallSiteOps.CreateMatchmaker(@this);

            // Level 1 cache lookup 
            if ((applicable = CallSiteOps.GetRules(@this)) != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) { 
                    rule = applicable[i];
                    // Execute the rule
                    // if we've already tried it skip it...
                    if ((object)rule != (object)originalRule) { 
                        @this.Target = rule; 
                         rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
                        if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                            CallSiteOps.UpdateRules(@this, i);

                        // Rule didn't match, try the next one 

            // Level 2 cache lookup 
            // Any applicable rules in level 2 cache?

            var cache = CallSiteOps.GetRuleCache(@this);

            applicable = cache.GetRules(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < applicable.Length; i++) {
                rule = applicable[i]; 
                // Execute the rule 
                @this.Target = rule;

                try { 
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                } finally { 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                        // Rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule);
                        // and then move it to the front of the L2 cache 
                        CallSiteOps.MoveRule(cache, rule, i); 

                // Rule didn't match, try the next one

            // Miss on Level 0, 1 and 2 caches. Create new rule 
            rule = null;
            var args = new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 };

            for (; ; ) { 
                @this.Target = originalRule;
                rule = @this.Target = @this.Binder.BindCore(@this, args); 
                // Execute the rule on the matchmaker site 

                try {
                     rule(site, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9); 
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) {
                } finally {
                    if (CallSiteOps.GetMatch(site)) { 
                        // The rule worked. Add it to level 1 cache.
                        CallSiteOps.AddRule(@this, rule); 
                // Rule we got back didn't work, try another one

        [Obsolete("pregenerated CallSite.Update delegate", true)] 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters")]
        internal static void NoMatchVoid10(CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9) { 
            site._match = false; 

        // *** END GENERATED CODE *** 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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