EnglishPluralizationService.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntityDesign / Design / System / Data / Entity / Design / PluralizationService / EnglishPluralizationService.cs / 1305376 / EnglishPluralizationService.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Entity.Design.Common; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices 
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Pluralization")] 
    internal class EnglishPluralizationService : PluralizationService, ICustomPluralizationMapping
        private BidirectionalDictionary _userDictionary;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularPluralsPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _oSuffixPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _classicalInflectionPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularVerbPluralizationService;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService;

        private List _knownSingluarWords;
        private List _knownPluralWords; 

        private string[] _uninflectiveSuffixes = 
            new string[] { "fish", "ois", "sheep", "deer", "pos", "itis", "ism" }; 

        private string[] _uninflectiveWords = 
            new string[] {
                "bison", "flounder", "pliers", "bream", "gallows", "proceedings",
                "breeches", "graffiti", "rabies", "britches", "headquarters", "salmon",
                "carp", "----", "scissors", "ch----is", "high-jinks", "sea-bass", 
                "clippers", "homework", "series", "cod", "innings", "shears", "contretemps",
                "jackanapes", "species", "corps", "mackerel", "swine", "debris", "measles", 
                "trout", "diabetes", "mews", "tuna", "djinn", "mumps", "whiting", "eland", 
                "news", "wildebeest", "elk", "pincers", "police", "hair", "ice", "chaos",
                "milk", "cotton", "corn", "millet", "hay", "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", 
                "information", "rice", "tobacco", "aircraft", "rabies", "scabies", "diabetes",
                "traffic", "cotton", "corn", "millet", "rice", "hay", "----", "tobacco", "cabbage",
                "okra", "broccoli", "asparagus", "lettuce", "beef", "pork", "venison", "bison",
                "mutton",  "cattle", "offspring", "molasses", "shambles", "shingles"}; 

        private Dictionary _irregularVerbList = 
            new Dictionary() 
                {"am", "are"}, {"are", "are"}, {"is", "are"}, {"was", "were"}, {"were", "were"}, 
                {"has", "have"}, {"have", "have"}

        private List _pronounList = 
            new List()
                    "I", "we", "you", "he", "she", "they", "it", 
                    "me", "us", "him", "her", "them",
                    "myself", "ourselves", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "itself", 
                    "oneself", "oneselves",
                    "my", "our", "your", "his", "their", "its",
                    "mine", "yours", "hers", "theirs", "this", "that", "these", "those",
                    "all", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyone", "anything", "both", "each", 
                    "other", "either", "everyone", "everybody", "everything", "most", "much", "nothing",
                    "nobody", "none", "one", "others", "some", "somebody", "someone", "something", 
                    "what", "whatever", "which", "whichever", "who", "whoever", "whom", "whomever", 

        private Dictionary _irregularPluralsList =
            new Dictionary()
                    {"brother", "brothers"}, {"child", "children"},
                    {"cow", "cows"}, {"ephemeris", "ephemerides"}, {"genie", "genies"}, 
                    {"money", "moneys"}, {"mongoose", "mongooses"}, {"mythos", "mythoi"}, 
                    {"octopus", "octopuses"}, {"ox", "oxen"}, {"soliloquy", "soliloquies"},
                    {"trilby", "trilbys"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"synopsis","synopses"}, 
                    {"rose", "roses"}, {"gas","gases"}, {"bus", "buses"},
                    {"axis", "axes"},{"memo", "memos"}, {"casino","casinos"},
                    {"silo", "silos"},{"stereo", "stereos"}, {"studio","studios"},
                    {"lens", "lenses"}, {"alias","aliases"}, 
                    {"pie","pies"}, {"corpus","corpora"},
                    {"viscus", "viscera"},{"hippopotamus", "hippopotami"}, {"trace", "traces"}, 
                    {"person", "people"}, {"chilli", "chillies"}, {"analysis", "analyses"}, 
                    {"basis", "bases"}, {"neurosis", "neuroses"}, {"oasis", "oases"},
                    {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, {"thesis", "theses"}, 
                    {"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses"},
                    {"status", "statuses"}, {"prospectus", "prospectuses"}, {"change", "changes"},
                    {"lie", "lies"}, {"calorie", "calories"}, {"freebie", "freebies"}, {"case", "cases"},
                    {"house", "houses"}, {"valve", "valves"}, {"cloth", "clothes"}, 
        Dictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionList = 
                    new Dictionary()
                        {"alumna", "alumnae"}, {"alga", "algae"}, {"vertebra", "vertebrae"},
                        {"codex", "codices"},
                        {"murex", "murices"}, {"silex", "silices"}, {"aphelion", "aphelia"},
                        {"hyperbaton", "hyperbata"}, {"perihelion", "perihelia"}, 
                        {"asyndeton", "asyndeta"}, {"noumenon", "noumena"},
                        {"phenomenon", "phenomena"}, {"criterion", "criteria"}, {"organon", "organa"}, 
                        {"prolegomenon", "prolegomena"}, {"agendum", "agenda"}, {"datum", "data"}, 
                        {"extremum", "extrema"}, {"bacterium", "bacteria"}, {"desideratum", "desiderata"},
                        {"stratum", "strata"}, {"candelabrum", "candelabra"}, {"erratum", "errata"}, 
                        {"ovum", "ova"}, {"forum", "fora"}, {"addendum", "addenda"},  {"stadium", "stadia"},
                        {"automaton", "automata"}, {"polyhedron", "polyhedra"},
        Dictionary _oSuffixList =
                    new Dictionary() 
                        {"albino", "albinos"}, {"generalissimo", "generalissimos"},
                        {"manifesto", "manifestos"}, {"archipelago", "archipelagos"}, 
                        {"ghetto", "ghettos"}, {"medico", "medicos"}, {"armadillo", "armadillos"},
                        {"guano", "guanos"}, {"octavo", "octavos"}, {"commando", "commandos"},
                        {"inferno", "infernos"}, {"photo", "photos"}, {"ditto", "dittos"},
                        {"jumbo", "jumbos"}, {"pro", "pros"}, {"dynamo", "dynamos"}, 
                        {"lingo", "lingos"}, {"quarto", "quartos"}, {"embryo", "embryos"},
                        {"lumbago", "lumbagos"}, {"rhino", "rhinos"}, {"fiasco", "fiascos"}, 
                        {"magneto", "magnetos"}, {"stylo", "stylos"} 
        Dictionary _classicalInflectionList =
                    new Dictionary()
                        {"stamen", "stamina"}, {"foramen", "foramina"}, {"lumen", "lumina"}, 
                        {"anathema", "anathemata"}, {"----", "----ta"}, {"oedema", "oedemata"},
                        {"bema", "bemata"}, {"enigma", "enigmata"}, {"sarcoma", "sarcomata"}, 
                        {"carcinoma", "carcinomata"}, {"gumma", "gummata"}, {"schema", "schemata"}, 
                        {"charisma", "charismata"}, {"lemma", "lemmata"}, {"soma", "somata"},
                        {"diploma", "diplomata"}, {"lymphoma", "lymphomata"}, {"stigma", "stigmata"}, 
                        {"dogma", "dogmata"}, {"magma", "magmata"}, {"stoma", "stomata"},
                        {"drama", "dramata"}, {"melisma", "melismata"}, {"trauma", "traumata"},
                        {"edema", "edemata"}, {"miasma", "miasmata"}, {"abscissa", "abscissae"},
                        {"formula", "formulae"}, {"medusa", "medusae"}, {"amoeba", "amoebae"}, 
                        {"hydra", "hydrae"}, {"nebula", "nebulae"}, {"antenna", "antennae"},
                        {"hyperbola", "hyperbolae"}, {"nova", "novae"}, {"aurora", "aurorae"}, 
                        {"lacuna", "lacunae"}, {"parabola", "parabolae"}, {"apex", "apices"}, 
                        {"latex", "latices"}, {"vertex", "vertices"}, {"cortex", "cortices"},
                        {"pontifex", "pontifices"}, {"vortex", "vortices"}, {"index", "indices"}, 
                        {"simplex", "simplices"}, {"iris", "irides"}, {"----oris", "----orides"},
                        {"alto", "alti"}, {"contralto", "contralti"}, {"soprano", "soprani"},
                        {"b----o", "b----i"}, {"crescendo", "crescendi"}, {"tempo", "tempi"},
                        {"canto", "canti"}, {"solo", "soli"}, {"aquarium", "aquaria"}, 
                        {"interregnum", "interregna"}, {"quantum", "quanta"},
                        {"compendium", "compendia"}, {"lustrum", "lustra"}, {"rostrum", "rostra"}, 
                        {"consortium", "consortia"}, {"maximum", "maxima"}, {"spectrum", "spectra"}, 
                        {"cranium", "crania"}, {"medium", "media"}, {"speculum", "specula"},
                        {"curriculum", "curricula"}, {"memorandum", "memoranda"}, {"stadium", "stadia"}, 
                        {"dictum", "dicta"}, {"millenium", "millenia"}, {"t----zium", "t----zia"},
                        {"emporium", "emporia"}, {"minimum", "minima"}, {"ultimatum", "ultimata"},
                        {"enconium", "enconia"}, {"momentum", "momenta"}, {"vacuum", "vacua"},
                        {"gymnasium", "gymnasia"}, {"optimum", "optima"}, {"velum", "vela"}, 
                        {"honorarium", "honoraria"}, {"phylum", "phyla"}, {"focus", "foci"},
                        {"nimbus", "nimbi"}, {"succubus", "succubi"}, {"fungus", "fungi"}, 
                        {"nucleolus", "nucleoli"}, {"torus", "tori"}, {"genius", "genii"}, 
                        {"radius", "radii"}, {"umbilicus", "umbilici"}, {"incubus", "incubi"},
                        {"stylus", "styli"}, {"uterus", "uteri"}, {"stimulus", "stimuli"}, {"apparatus", "apparatus"}, 
                        {"impetus", "impetus"}, {"prospectus", "prospectus"}, {"cantus", "cantus"},
                        {"nexus", "nexus"}, {"sinus", "sinus"}, {"coitus", "coitus"}, {"plexus", "plexus"},
                        {"status", "status"}, {"hiatus", "hiatus"}, {"afreet", "afreeti"},
                        {"afrit", "afriti"}, {"efreet", "efreeti"}, {"cherub", "cherubim"}, 
                        {"goy", "goyim"}, {"seraph", "seraphim"}, {"alumnus", "alumni"}
        // this list contains all the plural words that being treated as singluar form, for example, "they" -> "they"
        private List _knownConflictingPluralList = 
            new List()
                "they", "them", "their", "have", "were", "yourself", "are"

        // this list contains the words ending with "se" and we special case these words since 
        // we need to add a rule for "ses" singularize to "s" 
        private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSeList =
            new Dictionary() 
                {"house", "houses"}, {"case", "cases"}, {"enterprise", "enterprises"},
                {"purchase", "purchases"}, {"surprise", "surprises"}, {"release", "releases"},
                {"disease", "diseases"}, {"promise", "promises"}, {"refuse", "refuses"}, 
                {"whose", "whoses"}, {"phase", "phases"}, {"noise", "noises"},
                {"nurse", "nurses"}, {"rose", "roses"}, {"franchise", "franchises"}, 
                {"supervise", "supervises"}, {"farmhouse", "farmhouses"}, 
                {"suitcase", "suitcases"}, {"recourse", "recourses"}, {"impulse", "impulses"},
                {"license", "licenses"}, {"diocese", "dioceses"}, {"excise", "excises"}, 
                {"demise", "demises"}, {"blouse", "blouses"},
                {"bruise", "bruises"}, {"misuse", "misuses"}, {"curse", "curses"},
                {"prose", "proses"}, {"purse", "purses"}, {"goose", "gooses"},
                {"tease", "teases"}, {"poise", "poises"}, {"vase", "vases"}, 
                {"fuse", "fuses"}, {"muse", "muses"},
                {"slaughterhouse", "slaughterhouses"}, {"clearinghouse", "clearinghouses"}, 
                {"endonuclease", "endonucleases"}, {"steeplechase", "steeplechases"}, 
                {"metamorphose", "metamorphoses"}, {"----", "----s"},
                {"commonsense", "commonsenses"}, {"intersperse", "intersperses"}, 
                {"merchandise", "merchandises"}, {"phosphatase", "phosphatases"},
                {"summerhouse", "summerhouses"}, {"watercourse", "watercourses"},
                {"catchphrase", "catchphrases"}, {"compromise", "compromises"},
                {"greenhouse", "greenhouses"}, {"lighthouse", "lighthouses"}, 
                {"paraphrase", "paraphrases"}, {"mayonnaise", "mayonnaises"},
                {"----course", "----courses"}, {"apocalypse", "apocalypses"}, 
                {"courthouse", "courthouses"}, {"powerhouse", "powerhouses"}, 
                {"storehouse", "storehouses"}, {"glasshouse", "glasshouses"},
                {"hypotenuse", "hypotenuses"}, {"peroxidase", "peroxidases"}, 
                {"pillowcase", "pillowcases"}, {"roundhouse", "roundhouses"},
                {"streetwise", "streetwises"}, {"expertise", "expertises"},
                {"discourse", "discourses"}, {"warehouse", "warehouses"},
                {"staircase", "staircases"}, {"workhouse", "workhouses"}, 
                {"briefcase", "briefcases"}, {"clubhouse", "clubhouses"},
                {"clockwise", "clockwises"}, {"concourse", "concourses"}, 
                {"playhouse", "playhouses"}, {"turquoise", "turquoises"}, 
                {"boathouse", "boathouses"}, {"cellulose", "celluloses"},
                {"epitomise", "epitomises"}, {"gatehouse", "gatehouses"}, 
                {"grandiose", "grandioses"}, {"menopause", "menopauses"},
                {"penthouse", "penthouses"}, {"----horse", "----horses"},
                {"transpose", "transposes"}, {"almshouse", "almshouses"},
                {"customise", "customises"}, {"footloose", "footlooses"}, 
                {"galvanise", "galvanises"}, {"princesse", "princesses"},
                {"universe", "universes"}, {"workhorse", "workhorses"} 

        private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSisList = 
            new Dictionary()
                {"analysis", "analyses"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"basis", "bases"},
                {"atherosclerosis", "atheroscleroses"}, {"electrophoresis", "electrophoreses"}, 
                {"psychoanalysis", "psychoanalyses"}, {"photosynthesis", "photosyntheses"},
                {"amniocentesis", "amniocenteses"}, {"metamorphosis", "metamorphoses"}, 
                {"toxoplasmosis", "toxoplasmoses"}, {"endometriosis", "endometrioses"}, 
                {"tuberculosis", "tuberculoses"}, {"pathogenesis", "pathogeneses"},
                {"osteoporosis", "osteoporoses"}, {"parenthesis", "parentheses"}, 
                {"anastomosis", "anastomoses"}, {"peristalsis", "peristalses"},
                {"hypothesis", "hypotheses"}, {"antithesis", "antitheses"},
                {"apotheosis", "apotheoses"}, {"thrombosis", "thromboses"},
                {"diagnosis", "diagnoses"}, {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, 
                {"paralysis", "paralyses"}, {"prognosis", "prognoses"},
                {"cirrhosis", "cirrhoses"}, {"sclerosis", "scleroses"}, 
                {"psychosis", "psychoses"}, {"apoptosis", "apoptoses"}, {"symbiosis", "symbioses"} 
        internal EnglishPluralizationService()
            this.Culture = new CultureInfo("en");
            this._userDictionary = new BidirectionalDictionary();
            this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularPluralsList);
            this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionList);
            this._oSuffixPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._oSuffixList);
            this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._classicalInflectionList);
            this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSeList); 
            this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSisList); 

            // verb
            this._irregularVerbPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularVerbList); 

            this._knownSingluarWords = new List( 
                .Except(this._knownConflictingPluralList)); // see the _knowConflictingPluralList comment above 

            this._knownPluralWords = new List( 

        public override bool IsPlural(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return true;
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word))
                return false; 
            if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownPluralWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture)))
                return true;
            else if (this.Singularize(word).Equals(word))
                return false; 
                return true;

        public override bool IsSingular(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word))
                return true;
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return false; 
            if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture)))
                return true;
            else if (!IsNoOpWord(word) && this.Singularize(word).Equals(word))
                return true; 
                return false;

        public override string Pluralize(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); 

            return Capitalize(word, InternalPluralize);
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private string InternalPluralize(string word) 
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word)) 
                return this._userDictionary.GetSecondValue(word);
            if (IsNoOpWord(word))
                return word; 
            string prefixWord;
            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord);

            // by me -> by me 
            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // handle the word that do not inflect in the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // if word is one of the known plural forms, then just return 
            if (this._knownPluralWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()) || this.IsPlural(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord;

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" 
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            string newSuffixWord;
            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice"
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "man" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "en", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "louse", "mouse" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ice", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "tooth" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eeth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "goose" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eese", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "foot" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "eet", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "zoon" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oa", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "cis", "sis", "xis" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 

            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections 
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "trix" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ces", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "eau", "ieu" }, 
                (s) => s + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "inx", "anx", "ynx" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ges", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ch", "sh", "ss" }, (s) => s + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // f, fe that take ves as plural form 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "alf", "elf", "olf", "eaf", "arf" }, 
                (s) => s.EndsWith("deaf", true, this.Culture) ? s : s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "nife", "life", "wife" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;

            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy" }, 
                (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("y", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1) + "ies"; 
            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo" },
                (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("o", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es"; 
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("x", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es";

            // cats, bags, hats, speakers 
            return prefixWord + suffixWord + "s"; 
        public override string Singularize(string word)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            return Capitalize(word, InternalSingularize);
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private string InternalSingularize(string word) 
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return this._userDictionary.GetFirstValue(word);
            if (IsNoOpWord(word))
                return word;

            string prefixWord; 
            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord);
            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 

            // handle the word that is the same as the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 

            // if word is one of the known singular words, then just return 

            if (this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // handle simple irregular verbs, e.g. was -> were 
            if (this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" 
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); 
            // handle singluarization for words ending with sis and pluralized to ses,
            // e.g. "ses" -> "sis"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            // handle words ending with se, e.g. "ses" -> "se"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            string newSuffixWord;
            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice" 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "men" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "an", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "lice", "mice" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "ouse", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "teeth" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ooth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "geese" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "oose", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "feet" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oot", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "zoa" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "oon", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form, this is being moved up since the sses will be override by the ses
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ches", "shes", "sses" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); 
            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections 
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "trices" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "eaux", "ieux" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "inges", "anges", "ynges" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            // f, fe that take ves as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "alves", "elves", "olves", "eaves", "arves" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "f", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "nives", "lives", "wives" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "fe", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ays", "eys", "iys", "oys", "uys" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;


            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ies", true, this.Culture)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 3, 3) + "y";

            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "aos", "eos", "ios", "oos", "uos" }, 
                (s) => suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;



            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ces"},
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ces", "ses", "xes" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("oes", true, this.Culture)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 2, 2); 

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ss", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord;
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1);

            // word is a singlar 
            return prefixWord + suffixWord;
        #region Utils
        /// captalize the return word if the parameter is capitalized
        /// if word is "Table", then return "Tables"
        private string Capitalize(string word, Func action) 
            string result = action(word); 

            if (IsCapitalized(word))
                if (result.Length == 0) 
                    return result;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(result.Length); 

                return sb.ToString();
                return result; 
        /// separate one combine word in to two parts, prefix word and the last word(suffix word)
        private string GetSuffixWord(string word, out string prefixWord) 
            // use the last space to separate the words 
            int lastSpaceIndex = word.LastIndexOf(' ');
            prefixWord = word.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex + 1);
            return word.Substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1);
        private bool IsCapitalized(string word)
            return string.IsNullOrEmpty(word) ? false : char.IsUpper(word, 0);

        private bool IsAlphabets(string word) 
            // return false when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces 
            // or contains non alphabetical characters 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.Trim()) || !word.Equals(word.Trim()) ||
                Regex.IsMatch(word, "[^a-zA-Z\\s]")) 
                return false;
                return true; 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private bool IsUninflective(string word)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.DoesWordContainSuffix(word, _uninflectiveSuffixes, this.Culture)
                           || (!word.ToLower(this.Culture).Equals(word) && word.EndsWith("ese", false, this.Culture)) 
                           || this._uninflectiveWords.Contains(word.ToLowerInvariant())) 
                return true; 
                return false; 
        /// return true when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces 
        /// or contains non alphabetical characters
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private bool IsNoOpWord(string word) 

            if (!IsAlphabets(word) || 
                word.Length <= 1 ||
                return true; 
                return false;

        #region ICustomPluralizationMapping Members
        /// This method allow you to add word to internal PluralizationService of English.
        /// If the singluar or the plural value was already added by this method, then an ArgumentException will be thrown. 
        public void AddWord(string singular, string plural) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(singular, "singular"); 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(plural, "plural"); 

            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(plural)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("plural", plural), "plural");
            else if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(singular)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("singular", singular), "singular"); 
                this._userDictionary.AddValue(singular, plural);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Entity.Design.Common; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices 
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Pluralization")] 
    internal class EnglishPluralizationService : PluralizationService, ICustomPluralizationMapping
        private BidirectionalDictionary _userDictionary;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularPluralsPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _oSuffixPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _classicalInflectionPluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _irregularVerbPluralizationService;
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService; 
        private StringBidirectionalDictionary _wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService;

        private List _knownSingluarWords;
        private List _knownPluralWords; 

        private string[] _uninflectiveSuffixes = 
            new string[] { "fish", "ois", "sheep", "deer", "pos", "itis", "ism" }; 

        private string[] _uninflectiveWords = 
            new string[] {
                "bison", "flounder", "pliers", "bream", "gallows", "proceedings",
                "breeches", "graffiti", "rabies", "britches", "headquarters", "salmon",
                "carp", "----", "scissors", "ch----is", "high-jinks", "sea-bass", 
                "clippers", "homework", "series", "cod", "innings", "shears", "contretemps",
                "jackanapes", "species", "corps", "mackerel", "swine", "debris", "measles", 
                "trout", "diabetes", "mews", "tuna", "djinn", "mumps", "whiting", "eland", 
                "news", "wildebeest", "elk", "pincers", "police", "hair", "ice", "chaos",
                "milk", "cotton", "corn", "millet", "hay", "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", 
                "information", "rice", "tobacco", "aircraft", "rabies", "scabies", "diabetes",
                "traffic", "cotton", "corn", "millet", "rice", "hay", "----", "tobacco", "cabbage",
                "okra", "broccoli", "asparagus", "lettuce", "beef", "pork", "venison", "bison",
                "mutton",  "cattle", "offspring", "molasses", "shambles", "shingles"}; 

        private Dictionary _irregularVerbList = 
            new Dictionary() 
                {"am", "are"}, {"are", "are"}, {"is", "are"}, {"was", "were"}, {"were", "were"}, 
                {"has", "have"}, {"have", "have"}

        private List _pronounList = 
            new List()
                    "I", "we", "you", "he", "she", "they", "it", 
                    "me", "us", "him", "her", "them",
                    "myself", "ourselves", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "itself", 
                    "oneself", "oneselves",
                    "my", "our", "your", "his", "their", "its",
                    "mine", "yours", "hers", "theirs", "this", "that", "these", "those",
                    "all", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyone", "anything", "both", "each", 
                    "other", "either", "everyone", "everybody", "everything", "most", "much", "nothing",
                    "nobody", "none", "one", "others", "some", "somebody", "someone", "something", 
                    "what", "whatever", "which", "whichever", "who", "whoever", "whom", "whomever", 

        private Dictionary _irregularPluralsList =
            new Dictionary()
                    {"brother", "brothers"}, {"child", "children"},
                    {"cow", "cows"}, {"ephemeris", "ephemerides"}, {"genie", "genies"}, 
                    {"money", "moneys"}, {"mongoose", "mongooses"}, {"mythos", "mythoi"}, 
                    {"octopus", "octopuses"}, {"ox", "oxen"}, {"soliloquy", "soliloquies"},
                    {"trilby", "trilbys"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"synopsis","synopses"}, 
                    {"rose", "roses"}, {"gas","gases"}, {"bus", "buses"},
                    {"axis", "axes"},{"memo", "memos"}, {"casino","casinos"},
                    {"silo", "silos"},{"stereo", "stereos"}, {"studio","studios"},
                    {"lens", "lenses"}, {"alias","aliases"}, 
                    {"pie","pies"}, {"corpus","corpora"},
                    {"viscus", "viscera"},{"hippopotamus", "hippopotami"}, {"trace", "traces"}, 
                    {"person", "people"}, {"chilli", "chillies"}, {"analysis", "analyses"}, 
                    {"basis", "bases"}, {"neurosis", "neuroses"}, {"oasis", "oases"},
                    {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, {"thesis", "theses"}, 
                    {"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis", "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses"},
                    {"status", "statuses"}, {"prospectus", "prospectuses"}, {"change", "changes"},
                    {"lie", "lies"}, {"calorie", "calories"}, {"freebie", "freebies"}, {"case", "cases"},
                    {"house", "houses"}, {"valve", "valves"}, {"cloth", "clothes"}, 
        Dictionary _assimilatedClassicalInflectionList = 
                    new Dictionary()
                        {"alumna", "alumnae"}, {"alga", "algae"}, {"vertebra", "vertebrae"},
                        {"codex", "codices"},
                        {"murex", "murices"}, {"silex", "silices"}, {"aphelion", "aphelia"},
                        {"hyperbaton", "hyperbata"}, {"perihelion", "perihelia"}, 
                        {"asyndeton", "asyndeta"}, {"noumenon", "noumena"},
                        {"phenomenon", "phenomena"}, {"criterion", "criteria"}, {"organon", "organa"}, 
                        {"prolegomenon", "prolegomena"}, {"agendum", "agenda"}, {"datum", "data"}, 
                        {"extremum", "extrema"}, {"bacterium", "bacteria"}, {"desideratum", "desiderata"},
                        {"stratum", "strata"}, {"candelabrum", "candelabra"}, {"erratum", "errata"}, 
                        {"ovum", "ova"}, {"forum", "fora"}, {"addendum", "addenda"},  {"stadium", "stadia"},
                        {"automaton", "automata"}, {"polyhedron", "polyhedra"},
        Dictionary _oSuffixList =
                    new Dictionary() 
                        {"albino", "albinos"}, {"generalissimo", "generalissimos"},
                        {"manifesto", "manifestos"}, {"archipelago", "archipelagos"}, 
                        {"ghetto", "ghettos"}, {"medico", "medicos"}, {"armadillo", "armadillos"},
                        {"guano", "guanos"}, {"octavo", "octavos"}, {"commando", "commandos"},
                        {"inferno", "infernos"}, {"photo", "photos"}, {"ditto", "dittos"},
                        {"jumbo", "jumbos"}, {"pro", "pros"}, {"dynamo", "dynamos"}, 
                        {"lingo", "lingos"}, {"quarto", "quartos"}, {"embryo", "embryos"},
                        {"lumbago", "lumbagos"}, {"rhino", "rhinos"}, {"fiasco", "fiascos"}, 
                        {"magneto", "magnetos"}, {"stylo", "stylos"} 
        Dictionary _classicalInflectionList =
                    new Dictionary()
                        {"stamen", "stamina"}, {"foramen", "foramina"}, {"lumen", "lumina"}, 
                        {"anathema", "anathemata"}, {"----", "----ta"}, {"oedema", "oedemata"},
                        {"bema", "bemata"}, {"enigma", "enigmata"}, {"sarcoma", "sarcomata"}, 
                        {"carcinoma", "carcinomata"}, {"gumma", "gummata"}, {"schema", "schemata"}, 
                        {"charisma", "charismata"}, {"lemma", "lemmata"}, {"soma", "somata"},
                        {"diploma", "diplomata"}, {"lymphoma", "lymphomata"}, {"stigma", "stigmata"}, 
                        {"dogma", "dogmata"}, {"magma", "magmata"}, {"stoma", "stomata"},
                        {"drama", "dramata"}, {"melisma", "melismata"}, {"trauma", "traumata"},
                        {"edema", "edemata"}, {"miasma", "miasmata"}, {"abscissa", "abscissae"},
                        {"formula", "formulae"}, {"medusa", "medusae"}, {"amoeba", "amoebae"}, 
                        {"hydra", "hydrae"}, {"nebula", "nebulae"}, {"antenna", "antennae"},
                        {"hyperbola", "hyperbolae"}, {"nova", "novae"}, {"aurora", "aurorae"}, 
                        {"lacuna", "lacunae"}, {"parabola", "parabolae"}, {"apex", "apices"}, 
                        {"latex", "latices"}, {"vertex", "vertices"}, {"cortex", "cortices"},
                        {"pontifex", "pontifices"}, {"vortex", "vortices"}, {"index", "indices"}, 
                        {"simplex", "simplices"}, {"iris", "irides"}, {"----oris", "----orides"},
                        {"alto", "alti"}, {"contralto", "contralti"}, {"soprano", "soprani"},
                        {"b----o", "b----i"}, {"crescendo", "crescendi"}, {"tempo", "tempi"},
                        {"canto", "canti"}, {"solo", "soli"}, {"aquarium", "aquaria"}, 
                        {"interregnum", "interregna"}, {"quantum", "quanta"},
                        {"compendium", "compendia"}, {"lustrum", "lustra"}, {"rostrum", "rostra"}, 
                        {"consortium", "consortia"}, {"maximum", "maxima"}, {"spectrum", "spectra"}, 
                        {"cranium", "crania"}, {"medium", "media"}, {"speculum", "specula"},
                        {"curriculum", "curricula"}, {"memorandum", "memoranda"}, {"stadium", "stadia"}, 
                        {"dictum", "dicta"}, {"millenium", "millenia"}, {"t----zium", "t----zia"},
                        {"emporium", "emporia"}, {"minimum", "minima"}, {"ultimatum", "ultimata"},
                        {"enconium", "enconia"}, {"momentum", "momenta"}, {"vacuum", "vacua"},
                        {"gymnasium", "gymnasia"}, {"optimum", "optima"}, {"velum", "vela"}, 
                        {"honorarium", "honoraria"}, {"phylum", "phyla"}, {"focus", "foci"},
                        {"nimbus", "nimbi"}, {"succubus", "succubi"}, {"fungus", "fungi"}, 
                        {"nucleolus", "nucleoli"}, {"torus", "tori"}, {"genius", "genii"}, 
                        {"radius", "radii"}, {"umbilicus", "umbilici"}, {"incubus", "incubi"},
                        {"stylus", "styli"}, {"uterus", "uteri"}, {"stimulus", "stimuli"}, {"apparatus", "apparatus"}, 
                        {"impetus", "impetus"}, {"prospectus", "prospectus"}, {"cantus", "cantus"},
                        {"nexus", "nexus"}, {"sinus", "sinus"}, {"coitus", "coitus"}, {"plexus", "plexus"},
                        {"status", "status"}, {"hiatus", "hiatus"}, {"afreet", "afreeti"},
                        {"afrit", "afriti"}, {"efreet", "efreeti"}, {"cherub", "cherubim"}, 
                        {"goy", "goyim"}, {"seraph", "seraphim"}, {"alumnus", "alumni"}
        // this list contains all the plural words that being treated as singluar form, for example, "they" -> "they"
        private List _knownConflictingPluralList = 
            new List()
                "they", "them", "their", "have", "were", "yourself", "are"

        // this list contains the words ending with "se" and we special case these words since 
        // we need to add a rule for "ses" singularize to "s" 
        private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSeList =
            new Dictionary() 
                {"house", "houses"}, {"case", "cases"}, {"enterprise", "enterprises"},
                {"purchase", "purchases"}, {"surprise", "surprises"}, {"release", "releases"},
                {"disease", "diseases"}, {"promise", "promises"}, {"refuse", "refuses"}, 
                {"whose", "whoses"}, {"phase", "phases"}, {"noise", "noises"},
                {"nurse", "nurses"}, {"rose", "roses"}, {"franchise", "franchises"}, 
                {"supervise", "supervises"}, {"farmhouse", "farmhouses"}, 
                {"suitcase", "suitcases"}, {"recourse", "recourses"}, {"impulse", "impulses"},
                {"license", "licenses"}, {"diocese", "dioceses"}, {"excise", "excises"}, 
                {"demise", "demises"}, {"blouse", "blouses"},
                {"bruise", "bruises"}, {"misuse", "misuses"}, {"curse", "curses"},
                {"prose", "proses"}, {"purse", "purses"}, {"goose", "gooses"},
                {"tease", "teases"}, {"poise", "poises"}, {"vase", "vases"}, 
                {"fuse", "fuses"}, {"muse", "muses"},
                {"slaughterhouse", "slaughterhouses"}, {"clearinghouse", "clearinghouses"}, 
                {"endonuclease", "endonucleases"}, {"steeplechase", "steeplechases"}, 
                {"metamorphose", "metamorphoses"}, {"----", "----s"},
                {"commonsense", "commonsenses"}, {"intersperse", "intersperses"}, 
                {"merchandise", "merchandises"}, {"phosphatase", "phosphatases"},
                {"summerhouse", "summerhouses"}, {"watercourse", "watercourses"},
                {"catchphrase", "catchphrases"}, {"compromise", "compromises"},
                {"greenhouse", "greenhouses"}, {"lighthouse", "lighthouses"}, 
                {"paraphrase", "paraphrases"}, {"mayonnaise", "mayonnaises"},
                {"----course", "----courses"}, {"apocalypse", "apocalypses"}, 
                {"courthouse", "courthouses"}, {"powerhouse", "powerhouses"}, 
                {"storehouse", "storehouses"}, {"glasshouse", "glasshouses"},
                {"hypotenuse", "hypotenuses"}, {"peroxidase", "peroxidases"}, 
                {"pillowcase", "pillowcases"}, {"roundhouse", "roundhouses"},
                {"streetwise", "streetwises"}, {"expertise", "expertises"},
                {"discourse", "discourses"}, {"warehouse", "warehouses"},
                {"staircase", "staircases"}, {"workhouse", "workhouses"}, 
                {"briefcase", "briefcases"}, {"clubhouse", "clubhouses"},
                {"clockwise", "clockwises"}, {"concourse", "concourses"}, 
                {"playhouse", "playhouses"}, {"turquoise", "turquoises"}, 
                {"boathouse", "boathouses"}, {"cellulose", "celluloses"},
                {"epitomise", "epitomises"}, {"gatehouse", "gatehouses"}, 
                {"grandiose", "grandioses"}, {"menopause", "menopauses"},
                {"penthouse", "penthouses"}, {"----horse", "----horses"},
                {"transpose", "transposes"}, {"almshouse", "almshouses"},
                {"customise", "customises"}, {"footloose", "footlooses"}, 
                {"galvanise", "galvanises"}, {"princesse", "princesses"},
                {"universe", "universes"}, {"workhorse", "workhorses"} 

        private Dictionary _wordsEndingWithSisList = 
            new Dictionary()
                {"analysis", "analyses"}, {"crisis", "crises"}, {"basis", "bases"},
                {"atherosclerosis", "atheroscleroses"}, {"electrophoresis", "electrophoreses"}, 
                {"psychoanalysis", "psychoanalyses"}, {"photosynthesis", "photosyntheses"},
                {"amniocentesis", "amniocenteses"}, {"metamorphosis", "metamorphoses"}, 
                {"toxoplasmosis", "toxoplasmoses"}, {"endometriosis", "endometrioses"}, 
                {"tuberculosis", "tuberculoses"}, {"pathogenesis", "pathogeneses"},
                {"osteoporosis", "osteoporoses"}, {"parenthesis", "parentheses"}, 
                {"anastomosis", "anastomoses"}, {"peristalsis", "peristalses"},
                {"hypothesis", "hypotheses"}, {"antithesis", "antitheses"},
                {"apotheosis", "apotheoses"}, {"thrombosis", "thromboses"},
                {"diagnosis", "diagnoses"}, {"synthesis", "syntheses"}, 
                {"paralysis", "paralyses"}, {"prognosis", "prognoses"},
                {"cirrhosis", "cirrhoses"}, {"sclerosis", "scleroses"}, 
                {"psychosis", "psychoses"}, {"apoptosis", "apoptoses"}, {"symbiosis", "symbioses"} 
        internal EnglishPluralizationService()
            this.Culture = new CultureInfo("en");
            this._userDictionary = new BidirectionalDictionary();
            this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularPluralsList);
            this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionList);
            this._oSuffixPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._oSuffixList);
            this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._classicalInflectionList);
            this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService = 
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSeList); 
            this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._wordsEndingWithSisList); 

            // verb
            this._irregularVerbPluralizationService =
                new StringBidirectionalDictionary(this._irregularVerbList); 

            this._knownSingluarWords = new List( 
                .Except(this._knownConflictingPluralList)); // see the _knowConflictingPluralList comment above 

            this._knownPluralWords = new List( 

        public override bool IsPlural(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return true;
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word))
                return false; 
            if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownPluralWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture)))
                return true;
            else if (this.Singularize(word).Equals(word))
                return false; 
                return true;

        public override bool IsSingular(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word))
                return true;
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return false; 
            if (this.IsUninflective(word) || this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(word.ToLower(this.Culture)))
                return true;
            else if (!IsNoOpWord(word) && this.Singularize(word).Equals(word))
                return true; 
                return false;

        public override string Pluralize(string word) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); 

            return Capitalize(word, InternalPluralize);
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private string InternalPluralize(string word) 
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(word)) 
                return this._userDictionary.GetSecondValue(word);
            if (IsNoOpWord(word))
                return word; 
            string prefixWord;
            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord);

            // by me -> by me 
            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // handle the word that do not inflect in the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // if word is one of the known plural forms, then just return 
            if (this._knownPluralWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()) || this.IsPlural(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord;

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" 
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            string newSuffixWord;
            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice"
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "man" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "en", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "louse", "mouse" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ice", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "tooth" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eeth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "goose" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eese", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "foot" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "eet", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "zoon" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oa", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "cis", "sis", "xis" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 

            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections 
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "trix" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ces", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "eau", "ieu" }, 
                (s) => s + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "inx", "anx", "ynx" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ges", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, new List() { "ch", "sh", "ss" }, (s) => s + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // f, fe that take ves as plural form 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "alf", "elf", "olf", "eaf", "arf" }, 
                (s) => s.EndsWith("deaf", true, this.Culture) ? s : s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "nife", "life", "wife" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;

            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ay", "ey", "iy", "oy", "uy" }, 
                (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("y", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1) + "ies"; 
            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInFirst(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetSecondValue(suffixWord); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo" },
                (s) => s + "s", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("o", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es"; 
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("x", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord + "es";

            // cats, bags, hats, speakers 
            return prefixWord + suffixWord + "s"; 
        public override string Singularize(string word)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word");
            return Capitalize(word, InternalSingularize);
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private string InternalSingularize(string word) 
            // words that we know of
            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(word))
                return this._userDictionary.GetFirstValue(word);
            if (IsNoOpWord(word))
                return word;

            string prefixWord; 
            string suffixWord = GetSuffixWord(word, out prefixWord);
            if (IsNoOpWord(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 

            // handle the word that is the same as the plural form
            if (this.IsUninflective(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 

            // if word is one of the known singular words, then just return 

            if (this._knownSingluarWords.Contains(suffixWord.ToLowerInvariant()))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord; 
            // handle simple irregular verbs, e.g. was -> were 
            if (this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularVerbPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);

            // handle irregular plurals, e.g. "ox" -> "oxen" 
            if (this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._irregularPluralsPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); 
            // handle singluarization for words ending with sis and pluralized to ses,
            // e.g. "ses" -> "sis"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSisPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            // handle words ending with se, e.g. "ses" -> "se"
            if (this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._wordsEndingWithSePluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            string newSuffixWord;
            // handle irregular inflections for common suffixes, e.g. "mouse" -> "mice" 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "men" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "an", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "lice", "mice" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "ouse", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "teeth" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ooth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "geese" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "oose", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "feet" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oot", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "zoa" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "oon", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            // [cs]h and ss that take es as plural form, this is being moved up since the sses will be override by the ses
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ches", "shes", "sses" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            // handle assimilated classical inflections, e.g. vertebra -> vertebrae
            if (this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._assimilatedClassicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord); 
            // Handle the classical variants of modern inflections 
            if (this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + this._classicalInflectionPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "trices" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "eaux", "ieux" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "inges", "anges", "ynges" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            // f, fe that take ves as plural form
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "alves", "elves", "olves", "eaves", "arves" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "f", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "nives", "lives", "wives" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "fe", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;
            // y takes ys as plural form if preceded by a vowel, but ies if preceded by a consonant, e.g. stays, skies
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ays", "eys", "iys", "oys", "uys" }, 
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;


            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ies", true, this.Culture)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 3, 3) + "y";

            // handle some of the words o -> os, and [vowel]o -> os, and the rest are o->oes
            if (this._oSuffixPluralizationService.ExistsInSecond(suffixWord))
                return prefixWord + this._oSuffixPluralizationService.GetFirstValue(suffixWord);
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "aos", "eos", "ios", "oos", "uos" }, 
                (s) => suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord;



            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord,
                new List() { "ces"},
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 

            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.TryInflectOnSuffixInWord(suffixWord, 
                new List() { "ces", "ses", "xes" },
                (s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord))
                return prefixWord + newSuffixWord; 
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("oes", true, this.Culture)) 
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 2, 2); 

            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("ss", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord;
            if (suffixWord.EndsWith("s", true, this.Culture))
                return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1);

            // word is a singlar 
            return prefixWord + suffixWord;
        #region Utils
        /// captalize the return word if the parameter is capitalized
        /// if word is "Table", then return "Tables"
        private string Capitalize(string word, Func action) 
            string result = action(word); 

            if (IsCapitalized(word))
                if (result.Length == 0) 
                    return result;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(result.Length); 

                return sb.ToString();
                return result; 
        /// separate one combine word in to two parts, prefix word and the last word(suffix word)
        private string GetSuffixWord(string word, out string prefixWord) 
            // use the last space to separate the words 
            int lastSpaceIndex = word.LastIndexOf(' ');
            prefixWord = word.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex + 1);
            return word.Substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1);
        private bool IsCapitalized(string word)
            return string.IsNullOrEmpty(word) ? false : char.IsUpper(word, 0);

        private bool IsAlphabets(string word) 
            // return false when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces 
            // or contains non alphabetical characters 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.Trim()) || !word.Equals(word.Trim()) ||
                Regex.IsMatch(word, "[^a-zA-Z\\s]")) 
                return false;
                return true; 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private bool IsUninflective(string word)
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(word, "word"); 
            if (PluralizationServiceUtil.DoesWordContainSuffix(word, _uninflectiveSuffixes, this.Culture)
                           || (!word.ToLower(this.Culture).Equals(word) && word.EndsWith("ese", false, this.Culture)) 
                           || this._uninflectiveWords.Contains(word.ToLowerInvariant())) 
                return true; 
                return false; 
        /// return true when the word is "[\s]*" or leading or tailing with spaces 
        /// or contains non alphabetical characters
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")]
        private bool IsNoOpWord(string word) 

            if (!IsAlphabets(word) || 
                word.Length <= 1 ||
                return true; 
                return false;

        #region ICustomPluralizationMapping Members
        /// This method allow you to add word to internal PluralizationService of English.
        /// If the singluar or the plural value was already added by this method, then an ArgumentException will be thrown. 
        public void AddWord(string singular, string plural) 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(singular, "singular"); 
            EDesignUtil.CheckArgumentNull(plural, "plural"); 

            if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInSecond(plural)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("plural", plural), "plural");
            else if (this._userDictionary.ExistsInFirst(singular)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.DuplicateEntryInUserDictionary("singular", singular), "singular"); 
                this._userDictionary.AddValue(singular, plural);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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