BindingGraph.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Client / System / Data / Services / Client / Binding / BindingGraph.cs / 1625574 / BindingGraph.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//   BindingGraph class
namespace System.Data.Services.Client
    #region Namespaces
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq; 
    using System.Reflection;

    /// Color of each vertex to be used for Depth First Search
    internal enum VertexColor 
        /// White color means un-visited 

        /// Gray color means added to queue for DFS

        /// Black color means already visited hence reachable from root 
    /// The BindingGraph maps objects tracked by the DataServiceContext to vertices in a
    /// graph used to manage the information needed for data binding. The objects tracked
    /// by the BindingGraph are entity type objects and observable entity collections. 
    internal sealed class BindingGraph 
        /// The observer of the graph
        private BindingObserver observer; 

        /// Graph containing entities, collections and their relationships
        private Graph graph;
        /// Constructor
        /// Observer of the graph 
        public BindingGraph(BindingObserver observer) 
   = observer; 
            this.graph = new Graph();

        /// Adds a collection to the graph 
        /// Source object for the collection, this object has navigation property corresponding to collection
        /// Property in  that corresponds to the collection 
        /// Collection being added 
        /// Entity set of entities in the collection
        /// true if a new vertex had to be created, false if it already exists 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        public bool AddCollection(
            object source,
            string sourceProperty, 
            object collection,
            string collectionEntitySet) 
            Debug.Assert(collection != null, "'collection' can not be null");
                "Argument 'collection' must be an DataServiceCollection of entity type T");

            if (this.graph.ExistsVertex(collection)) 
                return false; 

            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(collection); 
            collectionVertex.IsCollection = true;
            collectionVertex.EntitySet = collectionEntitySet;

            ICollection collectionItf = collection as ICollection; 

            if (source != null) 
                collectionVertex.Parent = this.graph.LookupVertex(source);
                collectionVertex.ParentProperty = sourceProperty; 
                this.graph.AddEdge(source, collection, sourceProperty);

                // Update the observer on the child collection
                Type entityType = BindingUtils.GetCollectionEntityType(collection.GetType()); 
                Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "Collection must at least be inherited from DataServiceCollection");
                // Fail if the collection entity type does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. 
                if (!typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged).IsAssignableFrom(entityType))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(entityType));

                    .GetMethod("SetObserver", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                    .Invoke(this, new object[] { collectionItf }); 
                // When there is no source, then this vertex is the root vertex
                this.graph.Root = collectionVertex;

                    collectionVertex.Parent != null || collectionVertex.IsRootCollection, 
                    "If parent is null, then collectionVertex should be a root collection");
            // Register for collection notifications

            // Perform deep add, by recursively adding entities in the collection 
            foreach (var item in collectionItf)

            return true; 

        /// Adds an entity to the graph 
        /// Source object for the entity, this object has navigation property that links to entity
        /// Property in  that links to entity
        /// Entity being added
        /// Entity set of entity being added 
        /// Item from which the directed edge in the graph goes into . This can be a collection
        /// true if a new vertex had to be created, false if it already exists 
        /// This method processes the current 'target' entity and then recursively moves into the graph through
        /// the navigation properties. The 'source' is a previously processed item - it is the 'parent' 
        /// of the target entity.
        /// The code generated EntitySetAttribute is processed by this method.
        /// A source entity can reference the target entity directly through an entity reference navigation property,
        /// or indirectly through a collection navigation property. 
        public bool AddEntity( 
            object source, 
            string sourceProperty,
            object target, 
            string targetEntitySet,
            object edgeSource)
            Vertex sourceVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(edgeSource); 
            Debug.Assert(sourceVertex != null, "Must have a valid edge source");
            Vertex entityVertex = null; 
            bool addedNewEntity = false;
            if (target != null)
                entityVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(target);
                if (entityVertex == null)
                    entityVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(target); 

                    entityVertex.EntitySet = BindingEntityInfo.GetEntitySet(target, targetEntitySet); 

                    // Register for entity notifications, fail if the entity does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
                    if (!this.AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(target))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(target.GetType()));
                    addedNewEntity = true;

                // Add relationship. Connect the from end to the target.
                if (this.graph.ExistsEdge(edgeSource, target, sourceVertex.IsCollection ? null : sourceProperty))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_EntityAlreadyInCollection(target.GetType()));
                this.graph.AddEdge(edgeSource, target, sourceVertex.IsCollection ? null : sourceProperty);

            if (!sourceVertex.IsCollection)
                        entityVertex == null ? null : entityVertex.EntitySet); 
                Debug.Assert(target != null, "Target must be non-null when adding to collections"); 
                        sourceVertex.Parent != null ? sourceVertex.Parent.EntitySet : null,
                        edgeSource as ICollection, 
            if (addedNewEntity)
                // Perform recursive add operation through target's properties 

            return addedNewEntity;
        /// Removes the  from the binding graph 
        /// Item to remove
        /// Parent of the  
        /// Parent property that refers to 
        public void Remove(object item, object parent, string parentProperty)
            Vertex vertexToRemove = this.graph.LookupVertex(item); 
            if (vertexToRemove == null)
            Debug.Assert(!vertexToRemove.IsRootCollection, "Root collections are never removed");

            // Parent will always be non-null for deletes from collections, this will include
            // both root and child collections. For root collections, parentProperty will be null. 
            Debug.Assert(parent != null, "Parent has to be present.");
            // When parentProperty is null, parent is itself a root collection 
            if (parentProperty != null)
                BindingEntityInfo.BindingPropertyInfo bpi = BindingEntityInfo.GetObservableProperties(parent.GetType())
                                                                             .Single(p => p.PropertyInfo.PropertyName == parentProperty);
                Debug.Assert(bpi.PropertyKind == BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindCollection, "parentProperty must refer to an DataServiceCollection");
                parent = bpi.PropertyInfo.GetValue(parent);
            object source = null;
            string sourceProperty = null; 
            string sourceEntitySet = null;
            string targetEntitySet = null;

                    out source, 
                    out sourceProperty, 
                    out sourceEntitySet,
                    out targetEntitySet); 

            targetEntitySet = BindingEntityInfo.GetEntitySet(item, targetEntitySet);

                            parent as ICollection,

            this.graph.RemoveEdge(parent, item, null);

        /// Removes the collection from the graph 
        /// Collection to remove 
        public void RemoveCollection(object collection)
            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(collection);
            Debug.Assert(collectionVertex != null, "Must be tracking the vertex for the collection");

            foreach (Edge collectionEdge in collectionVertex.OutgoingEdges.ToList()) 
                this.graph.RemoveEdge(collection, collectionEdge.Target.Item, null); 

            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object 

        /// Removes a relationship between two items based on source and relation label 
        /// Source item
        /// Label for relation 
        public void RemoveRelation(object source, string relation) 
            Edge edge = this.graph 
                            .SingleOrDefault(e => e.Source.Item == source && e.Label == relation);
            if (edge != null) 
                this.graph.RemoveEdge(edge.Source.Item, edge.Target.Item, edge.Label); 

            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object 

#if DEBUG 
        /// Checks to see if an object is being tracked by the graph
        /// Object being checked 
        /// true if the object exists in the graph, false otherwise 
        public bool IsTracking(object item)
            return this.graph.ExistsVertex(item);
        /// Remove all non-tracked entities from the graph 
        public void RemoveNonTrackedEntities()
            // Cleanup all untracked entities 
            foreach (var entity in this.graph.Select(o => BindingEntityInfo.IsEntityType(o.GetType()) && !

        /// Returns a sequence of items belonging to a collection. Uses the children of a collection
        /// vertex for this enumeration. 
        /// Collection being enumerated.
        /// Sequence of items belonging to the collection.
        public IEnumerable GetCollectionItems(object collection) 
            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(collection); 
            Debug.Assert(collectionVertex != null, "Must be tracking the vertex for the collection"); 
            foreach (Edge collectionEdge in collectionVertex.OutgoingEdges.ToList())
                yield return collectionEdge.Target.Item;
        /// Reset the graph after detaching notifications for everything
        public void Reset() 

        /// Removes the un-reachable vertices from the graph and un-registers notification handlers
        public void RemoveUnreachableVertices()
            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object

        /// Get the binding information for a collection 
        /// Collection
        /// The source object that reference the target object through a navigation property.
        /// The navigation property in the source object that reference the target object.
        /// The entity set of the source object. 
        /// The entity set name of the target object.
        public void GetEntityCollectionInfo( 
            object collection, 
            out object source,
            out string sourceProperty, 
            out string sourceEntitySet,
            out string targetEntitySet)
            Debug.Assert(collection != null, "Argument 'collection' cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(this.graph.ExistsVertex(collection), "Vertex corresponding to 'collection' must exist in the graph.");
                    out source,
                    out sourceProperty,
                    out sourceEntitySet,
                    out targetEntitySet); 
        /// Obtains the closest ancestor entity type in the graph corresponding to a complex object vertex.
        /// On input this is a complex object, on output it is the closest entity ancestor.
        /// On input this is a complex object's member property name, on output it is the name of complex type property of the ancestor.
        /// On input this is a complex object's member property value, on output it is the value of complex type property of the ancestor.
        public void GetAncestorEntityForComplexProperty( 
            ref object entity,
            ref string propertyName, 
            ref object propertyValue) 
            Vertex childVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(entity); 
            Debug.Assert(childVertex != null, "Must have a vertex in the graph corresponding to the entity.");
            Debug.Assert(childVertex.IsComplex == true, "Vertex must correspond to a complex object.");

            while (childVertex.IsComplex) 
                propertyName = childVertex.IncomingEdges[0].Label; 
                propertyValue = childVertex.Item; 

                Debug.Assert(childVertex.Parent != null, "Complex properties must always have parent vertices."); 
                entity = childVertex.Parent.Item;

                childVertex = childVertex.Parent;
        /// Adds a complex typed property to the graph for an object, also traverses all the child complex properties and adds them.
        /// Source entity object.
        /// Source entity property of complex type.
        /// Target complex object property value.
        public void AddComplexProperty(object source, string sourceProperty, object target) 
            Vertex parentVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(source); 
            Debug.Assert(parentVertex != null, "Must have a valid parent entity for complex properties."); 
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Must have non-null complex object reference.");
            Vertex complexVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(target);

            if (complexVertex == null)
                complexVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(target);
                complexVertex.Parent = parentVertex; 
                complexVertex.IsComplex = true; 

                // Register for complex type notifications, fail if the complex type does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. 
                if (!this.AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(target))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(target.GetType()));
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_ComplexObjectAssociatedWithMultipleEntities(target.GetType()));

            this.graph.AddEdge(source, target, sourceProperty);

            // Add nested properties for the complex object. 
        /// Add items to the graph, from the  object's properties
        /// Object whose properties are to be explored 
        private void AddFromProperties(object entity)
            // Once the entity is attached to the graph, we need to traverse all it's properties
            // and add related entities and collections to this entity. 
            foreach (BindingEntityInfo.BindingPropertyInfo bpi in BindingEntityInfo.GetObservableProperties(entity.GetType()))
                object propertyValue = bpi.PropertyInfo.GetValue(entity); 

                if (propertyValue != null) 
                    switch (bpi.PropertyKind)
                        case BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindCollection: 


                        case BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindEntity: 

                            Debug.Assert(bpi.PropertyKind == BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindComplex, "Must be complex type if PropertyKind is not entity or collection."); 
        /// Attach the CollectionChanged handler to an DataServiceCollection.
        /// An DataServiceCollection. 
        private void AttachCollectionNotification(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null");
            INotifyCollectionChanged notify = target as INotifyCollectionChanged;
            Debug.Assert(notify != null, "DataServiceCollection must implement INotifyCollectionChanged"); 
            notify.CollectionChanged -=;
            notify.CollectionChanged +=; 

        /// Attach the PropertyChanged handler to an entity or complex object.
        /// An entity or complex object. 
        /// True if the target is attached; otherwise false.
        private bool AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(object target) 
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null");
            INotifyPropertyChanged notify = target as INotifyPropertyChanged;
            if (notify != null)
                notify.PropertyChanged -=; 
                notify.PropertyChanged +=;
                return true; 

            return false; 

        /// Detach CollectionChanged or PropertyChanged handlers from the target
        /// An entity object or collection 
        private void DetachNotifications(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null"); 


            INotifyPropertyChanged notifyPropertyChanged = target as INotifyPropertyChanged;
            if (notifyPropertyChanged != null)
                notifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -=;

        /// Detach CollectionChanged handlers from the target 
        /// A collection object
        private void DetachCollectionNotifications(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null"); 

            INotifyCollectionChanged notifyCollectionChanged = target as INotifyCollectionChanged; 
            if (notifyCollectionChanged != null) 
                notifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged -=; 

        /// Sets the observer for a child DataServiceCollection
        /// Entity type for the collection 
        /// Non-typed collection interface
        private void SetObserver(ICollection collection) 
            DataServiceCollection oec = collection as DataServiceCollection;
            oec.Observer =;

        /// Graph implementation for tracking entities, collections for binding 
        internal sealed class Graph 
            /// Vertices of the graph, which also hold edges 
            private Dictionary vertices;

            /// The root vertex for the graph, DFS traversals start from this vertex
            private Vertex root; 

            /// Constructor 
            public Graph() 
                this.vertices = new Dictionary(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); 

            /// Root vertex of the graph
            public Vertex Root 
                    Debug.Assert(this.root != null, "Must have a non-null root vertex when this call is made.");
                    return this.root; 

                    Debug.Assert(this.root == null, "Must only initialize root vertex once.");
                    Debug.Assert(this.ExistsVertex(value.Item), "Must already have the assigned vertex in the graph."); 
                    this.root = value; 

            /// Adds vertex to the graph
            /// Item corresponding to vertex
            /// Newly created vertex 
            public Vertex AddVertex(object item)
                Vertex v = new Vertex(item); 
                this.vertices.Add(item, v);
                return v; 

            /// Removes all edges going out of and coming into the given vertex
            /// Vertex whose edges are to be cleared 
            public void ClearEdgesForVertex(Vertex v)
                foreach (Edge e in v.OutgoingEdges.Concat(v.IncomingEdges).ToList()) 
                    this.RemoveEdge(e.Source.Item, e.Target.Item, e.Label); 

            /// Checks if a vertex exists corresponding to given 
            /// Item to lookup 
            /// true if vertex found, false otherwise
            public bool ExistsVertex(object item) 
                Vertex v;
                return this.vertices.TryGetValue(item, out v);

            /// Looksup the vertex corresponding to  
            /// Item to lookup 
            /// Vertex corresponding to item
            public Vertex LookupVertex(object item) 
                Vertex v;
                this.vertices.TryGetValue(item, out v);
                return v; 
            /// Adds edge between vertices corresponding to  and 
            /// objects which will be labeled with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex 
            /// Newly created edge
            public Edge AddEdge(object source, object target, string label) 
                Vertex s = this.vertices[source];
                Vertex t = this.vertices[target]; 
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = s, Target = t, Label = label };
                return e; 
            /// Removes edge between vertices corresponding to  and 
            /// objects which was labeled with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex 
            public void RemoveEdge(object source, object target, string label)
                Vertex s = this.vertices[source]; 
                Vertex t = this.vertices[target];
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = s, Target = t, Label = label }; 
            /// Checks if an edge exists between  and  labeled 
            /// with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge 
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex
            /// true if an edge exists between source and target with given label, false otherwise
            public bool ExistsEdge(object source, object target, string label) 
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = this.vertices[source], Target = this.vertices[target], Label = label }; 
                return this.vertices[source].OutgoingEdges.Any(r => r.Equals(e)); 
            /// Selects collection of objects tracked by the graph based on the given filter
            /// Filter for the objects 
            /// Filtered list of objects tracked by the graph
            public IList Select(Func filter) 
                return this.vertices.Keys.Where(filter).ToList();

            /// Removes everything from the graph after applying 
            /// Action to apply before removal of each node
            public void Reset(Action action) 
                foreach (object obj in this.vertices.Keys)

            /// Remove all vertices from graph that are unreachable from the root collection vertex 
            /// Action to perform for each removed vertex
            public void RemoveUnreachableVertices(Action detachAction) 
                    foreach (Vertex v in this.UnreachableVertices()) 
                    // Reset color for all vertices back to white. 
                    foreach (Vertex v in this.vertices.Values)
                        v.Color = VertexColor.White; 

            /// Collects all vertices unreachable from the root collection vertex
            /// Sequence of vertices that are unreachable from the root collection vertex 
            /// Performs a depth first traversal of the graph starting from the root collection 
            /// vertex and checks if some vertices were unreachable was reached while doing the traversal. 
            /// Alogrithm from Introduction to Algorithms 22.2 by Cormen et al.
            private IEnumerable UnreachableVertices()
                Queue q = new Queue();
                this.Root.Color = VertexColor.Gray;
                while (q.Count != 0)
                    Vertex current = q.Dequeue();

                    foreach (Edge e in current.OutgoingEdges)
                        if (e.Target.Color == VertexColor.White)
                            e.Target.Color = VertexColor.Gray; 

                    current.Color = VertexColor.Black;

                return this.vertices.Values.Where(v => v.Color == VertexColor.White).ToList(); 
        /// Vertex of the 
        internal sealed class Vertex
            /// Collection of incoming edges for the vertex 
            private List incomingEdges;
            /// Collection of outgoing edges for the vertex 
            private List outgoingEdges;
            /// Constructor
            /// Item corresponding to vertex
            public Vertex(object item)
                Debug.Assert(item != null, "item must be non-null");
                this.Item = item; 
                this.Color = VertexColor.White; 
            /// Item corresponding to the vertex
            public object Item
                private set;
            /// Entity set of the item held by the vertex
            public string EntitySet 

            /// Is item a collection object 
            public bool IsCollection 

            /// Is item a complex type object 
            public bool IsComplex

            /// Parent vertex, only exists for non-top level collection vertices or complex objects
            public Vertex Parent

            /// Property of the  object that associates this vertex with it's parent 
            public string ParentProperty
            /// Is item a root collection object 
            public bool IsRootCollection
                    return this.IsCollection && this.Parent == null;
            /// Color of the vertex 
            public VertexColor Color
            /// Edges coming into this vertex
            public IList IncomingEdges 
                    if (this.incomingEdges == null)
                        this.incomingEdges = new List();

                    return this.incomingEdges; 
            /// Edges going out of this vertex
            public IList OutgoingEdges
                    if (this.outgoingEdges == null) 
                        this.outgoingEdges = new List();

                    return this.outgoingEdges;

            /// Get the binding information for a collection vertex 
            /// The source object that reference the target object through a navigation property corresponding to current collection vertex. 
            /// The navigation property in the source object that reference the target object.
            /// The entity set of the source object. 
            /// The entity set of the target object.
            public void GetEntityCollectionInfo(
                out object source,
                out string sourceProperty, 
                out string sourceEntitySet,
                out string targetEntitySet) 
                Debug.Assert(this.IsCollection, "Must be a collection to be in this method");
                if (!this.IsRootCollection)
                    Debug.Assert(this.Parent != null, "Parent must be non-null for child collection");
                    source = this.Parent.Item;
                    Debug.Assert(source != null, "Source object must be present for child collection"); 
                    sourceProperty = this.ParentProperty;
                    Debug.Assert(sourceProperty != null, "Source entity property associated with a child collection must be non-null"); 

                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = source.GetType().GetProperty(sourceProperty);
                    Debug.Assert(propertyInfo != null, "Unable to get information for the source entity property associated with a child collection"); 
                    sourceEntitySet = this.Parent.EntitySet; 
                    Debug.Assert(this.Parent == null, "Parent must be null for top level collection");
                    source = null;
                    sourceProperty = null;
                    sourceEntitySet = null; 
                targetEntitySet = this.EntitySet; 

        /// Edge between two vertices of graph, directed and labeled
        internal sealed class Edge : IEquatable
            /// Source vertex 
            public Vertex Source
            /// Target vertex
            public Vertex Target 

            /// Label of the edge
            public string Label 
            /// IEquatable override
            /// Comparand
            /// true if equal, false otherwise
            public bool Equals(Edge other) 
                return other != null && 
                    Object.ReferenceEquals(this.Source, other.Source) && 
                    Object.ReferenceEquals(this.Target, other.Target) &&
                    this.Label == other.Label; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//   BindingGraph class
namespace System.Data.Services.Client
    #region Namespaces
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq; 
    using System.Reflection;

    /// Color of each vertex to be used for Depth First Search
    internal enum VertexColor 
        /// White color means un-visited 

        /// Gray color means added to queue for DFS

        /// Black color means already visited hence reachable from root 
    /// The BindingGraph maps objects tracked by the DataServiceContext to vertices in a
    /// graph used to manage the information needed for data binding. The objects tracked
    /// by the BindingGraph are entity type objects and observable entity collections. 
    internal sealed class BindingGraph 
        /// The observer of the graph
        private BindingObserver observer; 

        /// Graph containing entities, collections and their relationships
        private Graph graph;
        /// Constructor
        /// Observer of the graph 
        public BindingGraph(BindingObserver observer) 
   = observer; 
            this.graph = new Graph();

        /// Adds a collection to the graph 
        /// Source object for the collection, this object has navigation property corresponding to collection
        /// Property in  that corresponds to the collection 
        /// Collection being added 
        /// Entity set of entities in the collection
        /// true if a new vertex had to be created, false if it already exists 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        public bool AddCollection(
            object source,
            string sourceProperty, 
            object collection,
            string collectionEntitySet) 
            Debug.Assert(collection != null, "'collection' can not be null");
                "Argument 'collection' must be an DataServiceCollection of entity type T");

            if (this.graph.ExistsVertex(collection)) 
                return false; 

            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(collection); 
            collectionVertex.IsCollection = true;
            collectionVertex.EntitySet = collectionEntitySet;

            ICollection collectionItf = collection as ICollection; 

            if (source != null) 
                collectionVertex.Parent = this.graph.LookupVertex(source);
                collectionVertex.ParentProperty = sourceProperty; 
                this.graph.AddEdge(source, collection, sourceProperty);

                // Update the observer on the child collection
                Type entityType = BindingUtils.GetCollectionEntityType(collection.GetType()); 
                Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "Collection must at least be inherited from DataServiceCollection");
                // Fail if the collection entity type does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. 
                if (!typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged).IsAssignableFrom(entityType))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(entityType));

                    .GetMethod("SetObserver", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                    .Invoke(this, new object[] { collectionItf }); 
                // When there is no source, then this vertex is the root vertex
                this.graph.Root = collectionVertex;

                    collectionVertex.Parent != null || collectionVertex.IsRootCollection, 
                    "If parent is null, then collectionVertex should be a root collection");
            // Register for collection notifications

            // Perform deep add, by recursively adding entities in the collection 
            foreach (var item in collectionItf)

            return true; 

        /// Adds an entity to the graph 
        /// Source object for the entity, this object has navigation property that links to entity
        /// Property in  that links to entity
        /// Entity being added
        /// Entity set of entity being added 
        /// Item from which the directed edge in the graph goes into . This can be a collection
        /// true if a new vertex had to be created, false if it already exists 
        /// This method processes the current 'target' entity and then recursively moves into the graph through
        /// the navigation properties. The 'source' is a previously processed item - it is the 'parent' 
        /// of the target entity.
        /// The code generated EntitySetAttribute is processed by this method.
        /// A source entity can reference the target entity directly through an entity reference navigation property,
        /// or indirectly through a collection navigation property. 
        public bool AddEntity( 
            object source, 
            string sourceProperty,
            object target, 
            string targetEntitySet,
            object edgeSource)
            Vertex sourceVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(edgeSource); 
            Debug.Assert(sourceVertex != null, "Must have a valid edge source");
            Vertex entityVertex = null; 
            bool addedNewEntity = false;
            if (target != null)
                entityVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(target);
                if (entityVertex == null)
                    entityVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(target); 

                    entityVertex.EntitySet = BindingEntityInfo.GetEntitySet(target, targetEntitySet); 

                    // Register for entity notifications, fail if the entity does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
                    if (!this.AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(target))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(target.GetType()));
                    addedNewEntity = true;

                // Add relationship. Connect the from end to the target.
                if (this.graph.ExistsEdge(edgeSource, target, sourceVertex.IsCollection ? null : sourceProperty))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_EntityAlreadyInCollection(target.GetType()));
                this.graph.AddEdge(edgeSource, target, sourceVertex.IsCollection ? null : sourceProperty);

            if (!sourceVertex.IsCollection)
                        entityVertex == null ? null : entityVertex.EntitySet); 
                Debug.Assert(target != null, "Target must be non-null when adding to collections"); 
                        sourceVertex.Parent != null ? sourceVertex.Parent.EntitySet : null,
                        edgeSource as ICollection, 
            if (addedNewEntity)
                // Perform recursive add operation through target's properties 

            return addedNewEntity;
        /// Removes the  from the binding graph 
        /// Item to remove
        /// Parent of the  
        /// Parent property that refers to 
        public void Remove(object item, object parent, string parentProperty)
            Vertex vertexToRemove = this.graph.LookupVertex(item); 
            if (vertexToRemove == null)
            Debug.Assert(!vertexToRemove.IsRootCollection, "Root collections are never removed");

            // Parent will always be non-null for deletes from collections, this will include
            // both root and child collections. For root collections, parentProperty will be null. 
            Debug.Assert(parent != null, "Parent has to be present.");
            // When parentProperty is null, parent is itself a root collection 
            if (parentProperty != null)
                BindingEntityInfo.BindingPropertyInfo bpi = BindingEntityInfo.GetObservableProperties(parent.GetType())
                                                                             .Single(p => p.PropertyInfo.PropertyName == parentProperty);
                Debug.Assert(bpi.PropertyKind == BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindCollection, "parentProperty must refer to an DataServiceCollection");
                parent = bpi.PropertyInfo.GetValue(parent);
            object source = null;
            string sourceProperty = null; 
            string sourceEntitySet = null;
            string targetEntitySet = null;

                    out source, 
                    out sourceProperty, 
                    out sourceEntitySet,
                    out targetEntitySet); 

            targetEntitySet = BindingEntityInfo.GetEntitySet(item, targetEntitySet);

                            parent as ICollection,

            this.graph.RemoveEdge(parent, item, null);

        /// Removes the collection from the graph 
        /// Collection to remove 
        public void RemoveCollection(object collection)
            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(collection);
            Debug.Assert(collectionVertex != null, "Must be tracking the vertex for the collection");

            foreach (Edge collectionEdge in collectionVertex.OutgoingEdges.ToList()) 
                this.graph.RemoveEdge(collection, collectionEdge.Target.Item, null); 

            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object 

        /// Removes a relationship between two items based on source and relation label 
        /// Source item
        /// Label for relation 
        public void RemoveRelation(object source, string relation) 
            Edge edge = this.graph 
                            .SingleOrDefault(e => e.Source.Item == source && e.Label == relation);
            if (edge != null) 
                this.graph.RemoveEdge(edge.Source.Item, edge.Target.Item, edge.Label); 

            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object 

#if DEBUG 
        /// Checks to see if an object is being tracked by the graph
        /// Object being checked 
        /// true if the object exists in the graph, false otherwise 
        public bool IsTracking(object item)
            return this.graph.ExistsVertex(item);
        /// Remove all non-tracked entities from the graph 
        public void RemoveNonTrackedEntities()
            // Cleanup all untracked entities 
            foreach (var entity in this.graph.Select(o => BindingEntityInfo.IsEntityType(o.GetType()) && !

        /// Returns a sequence of items belonging to a collection. Uses the children of a collection
        /// vertex for this enumeration. 
        /// Collection being enumerated.
        /// Sequence of items belonging to the collection.
        public IEnumerable GetCollectionItems(object collection) 
            Vertex collectionVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(collection); 
            Debug.Assert(collectionVertex != null, "Must be tracking the vertex for the collection"); 
            foreach (Edge collectionEdge in collectionVertex.OutgoingEdges.ToList())
                yield return collectionEdge.Target.Item;
        /// Reset the graph after detaching notifications for everything
        public void Reset() 

        /// Removes the un-reachable vertices from the graph and un-registers notification handlers
        public void RemoveUnreachableVertices()
            // This is where actual removal from graph happens, detach notifications for removed object

        /// Get the binding information for a collection 
        /// Collection
        /// The source object that reference the target object through a navigation property.
        /// The navigation property in the source object that reference the target object.
        /// The entity set of the source object. 
        /// The entity set name of the target object.
        public void GetEntityCollectionInfo( 
            object collection, 
            out object source,
            out string sourceProperty, 
            out string sourceEntitySet,
            out string targetEntitySet)
            Debug.Assert(collection != null, "Argument 'collection' cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(this.graph.ExistsVertex(collection), "Vertex corresponding to 'collection' must exist in the graph.");
                    out source,
                    out sourceProperty,
                    out sourceEntitySet,
                    out targetEntitySet); 
        /// Obtains the closest ancestor entity type in the graph corresponding to a complex object vertex.
        /// On input this is a complex object, on output it is the closest entity ancestor.
        /// On input this is a complex object's member property name, on output it is the name of complex type property of the ancestor.
        /// On input this is a complex object's member property value, on output it is the value of complex type property of the ancestor.
        public void GetAncestorEntityForComplexProperty( 
            ref object entity,
            ref string propertyName, 
            ref object propertyValue) 
            Vertex childVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(entity); 
            Debug.Assert(childVertex != null, "Must have a vertex in the graph corresponding to the entity.");
            Debug.Assert(childVertex.IsComplex == true, "Vertex must correspond to a complex object.");

            while (childVertex.IsComplex) 
                propertyName = childVertex.IncomingEdges[0].Label; 
                propertyValue = childVertex.Item; 

                Debug.Assert(childVertex.Parent != null, "Complex properties must always have parent vertices."); 
                entity = childVertex.Parent.Item;

                childVertex = childVertex.Parent;
        /// Adds a complex typed property to the graph for an object, also traverses all the child complex properties and adds them.
        /// Source entity object.
        /// Source entity property of complex type.
        /// Target complex object property value.
        public void AddComplexProperty(object source, string sourceProperty, object target) 
            Vertex parentVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(source); 
            Debug.Assert(parentVertex != null, "Must have a valid parent entity for complex properties."); 
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Must have non-null complex object reference.");
            Vertex complexVertex = this.graph.LookupVertex(target);

            if (complexVertex == null)
                complexVertex = this.graph.AddVertex(target);
                complexVertex.Parent = parentVertex; 
                complexVertex.IsComplex = true; 

                // Register for complex type notifications, fail if the complex type does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. 
                if (!this.AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(target))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_NotifyPropertyChangedNotImpl(target.GetType()));
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.DataBinding_ComplexObjectAssociatedWithMultipleEntities(target.GetType()));

            this.graph.AddEdge(source, target, sourceProperty);

            // Add nested properties for the complex object. 
        /// Add items to the graph, from the  object's properties
        /// Object whose properties are to be explored 
        private void AddFromProperties(object entity)
            // Once the entity is attached to the graph, we need to traverse all it's properties
            // and add related entities and collections to this entity. 
            foreach (BindingEntityInfo.BindingPropertyInfo bpi in BindingEntityInfo.GetObservableProperties(entity.GetType()))
                object propertyValue = bpi.PropertyInfo.GetValue(entity); 

                if (propertyValue != null) 
                    switch (bpi.PropertyKind)
                        case BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindCollection: 


                        case BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindEntity: 

                            Debug.Assert(bpi.PropertyKind == BindingPropertyKind.BindingPropertyKindComplex, "Must be complex type if PropertyKind is not entity or collection."); 
        /// Attach the CollectionChanged handler to an DataServiceCollection.
        /// An DataServiceCollection. 
        private void AttachCollectionNotification(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null");
            INotifyCollectionChanged notify = target as INotifyCollectionChanged;
            Debug.Assert(notify != null, "DataServiceCollection must implement INotifyCollectionChanged"); 
            notify.CollectionChanged -=;
            notify.CollectionChanged +=; 

        /// Attach the PropertyChanged handler to an entity or complex object.
        /// An entity or complex object. 
        /// True if the target is attached; otherwise false.
        private bool AttachEntityOrComplexObjectNotification(object target) 
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null");
            INotifyPropertyChanged notify = target as INotifyPropertyChanged;
            if (notify != null)
                notify.PropertyChanged -=; 
                notify.PropertyChanged +=;
                return true; 

            return false; 

        /// Detach CollectionChanged or PropertyChanged handlers from the target
        /// An entity object or collection 
        private void DetachNotifications(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null"); 


            INotifyPropertyChanged notifyPropertyChanged = target as INotifyPropertyChanged;
            if (notifyPropertyChanged != null)
                notifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -=;

        /// Detach CollectionChanged handlers from the target 
        /// A collection object
        private void DetachCollectionNotifications(object target)
            Debug.Assert(target != null, "Argument 'target' cannot be null"); 

            INotifyCollectionChanged notifyCollectionChanged = target as INotifyCollectionChanged; 
            if (notifyCollectionChanged != null) 
                notifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged -=; 

        /// Sets the observer for a child DataServiceCollection
        /// Entity type for the collection 
        /// Non-typed collection interface
        private void SetObserver(ICollection collection) 
            DataServiceCollection oec = collection as DataServiceCollection;
            oec.Observer =;

        /// Graph implementation for tracking entities, collections for binding 
        internal sealed class Graph 
            /// Vertices of the graph, which also hold edges 
            private Dictionary vertices;

            /// The root vertex for the graph, DFS traversals start from this vertex
            private Vertex root; 

            /// Constructor 
            public Graph() 
                this.vertices = new Dictionary(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); 

            /// Root vertex of the graph
            public Vertex Root 
                    Debug.Assert(this.root != null, "Must have a non-null root vertex when this call is made.");
                    return this.root; 

                    Debug.Assert(this.root == null, "Must only initialize root vertex once.");
                    Debug.Assert(this.ExistsVertex(value.Item), "Must already have the assigned vertex in the graph."); 
                    this.root = value; 

            /// Adds vertex to the graph
            /// Item corresponding to vertex
            /// Newly created vertex 
            public Vertex AddVertex(object item)
                Vertex v = new Vertex(item); 
                this.vertices.Add(item, v);
                return v; 

            /// Removes all edges going out of and coming into the given vertex
            /// Vertex whose edges are to be cleared 
            public void ClearEdgesForVertex(Vertex v)
                foreach (Edge e in v.OutgoingEdges.Concat(v.IncomingEdges).ToList()) 
                    this.RemoveEdge(e.Source.Item, e.Target.Item, e.Label); 

            /// Checks if a vertex exists corresponding to given 
            /// Item to lookup 
            /// true if vertex found, false otherwise
            public bool ExistsVertex(object item) 
                Vertex v;
                return this.vertices.TryGetValue(item, out v);

            /// Looksup the vertex corresponding to  
            /// Item to lookup 
            /// Vertex corresponding to item
            public Vertex LookupVertex(object item) 
                Vertex v;
                this.vertices.TryGetValue(item, out v);
                return v; 
            /// Adds edge between vertices corresponding to  and 
            /// objects which will be labeled with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex 
            /// Newly created edge
            public Edge AddEdge(object source, object target, string label) 
                Vertex s = this.vertices[source];
                Vertex t = this.vertices[target]; 
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = s, Target = t, Label = label };
                return e; 
            /// Removes edge between vertices corresponding to  and 
            /// objects which was labeled with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex 
            public void RemoveEdge(object source, object target, string label)
                Vertex s = this.vertices[source]; 
                Vertex t = this.vertices[target];
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = s, Target = t, Label = label }; 
            /// Checks if an edge exists between  and  labeled 
            /// with  
            /// Outgoing end of the edge 
            /// Incoming end of the edge
            /// Label for the vertex
            /// true if an edge exists between source and target with given label, false otherwise
            public bool ExistsEdge(object source, object target, string label) 
                Edge e = new Edge { Source = this.vertices[source], Target = this.vertices[target], Label = label }; 
                return this.vertices[source].OutgoingEdges.Any(r => r.Equals(e)); 
            /// Selects collection of objects tracked by the graph based on the given filter
            /// Filter for the objects 
            /// Filtered list of objects tracked by the graph
            public IList Select(Func filter) 
                return this.vertices.Keys.Where(filter).ToList();

            /// Removes everything from the graph after applying 
            /// Action to apply before removal of each node
            public void Reset(Action action) 
                foreach (object obj in this.vertices.Keys)

            /// Remove all vertices from graph that are unreachable from the root collection vertex 
            /// Action to perform for each removed vertex
            public void RemoveUnreachableVertices(Action detachAction) 
                    foreach (Vertex v in this.UnreachableVertices()) 
                    // Reset color for all vertices back to white. 
                    foreach (Vertex v in this.vertices.Values)
                        v.Color = VertexColor.White; 

            /// Collects all vertices unreachable from the root collection vertex
            /// Sequence of vertices that are unreachable from the root collection vertex 
            /// Performs a depth first traversal of the graph starting from the root collection 
            /// vertex and checks if some vertices were unreachable was reached while doing the traversal. 
            /// Alogrithm from Introduction to Algorithms 22.2 by Cormen et al.
            private IEnumerable UnreachableVertices()
                Queue q = new Queue();
                this.Root.Color = VertexColor.Gray;
                while (q.Count != 0)
                    Vertex current = q.Dequeue();

                    foreach (Edge e in current.OutgoingEdges)
                        if (e.Target.Color == VertexColor.White)
                            e.Target.Color = VertexColor.Gray; 

                    current.Color = VertexColor.Black;

                return this.vertices.Values.Where(v => v.Color == VertexColor.White).ToList(); 
        /// Vertex of the 
        internal sealed class Vertex
            /// Collection of incoming edges for the vertex 
            private List incomingEdges;
            /// Collection of outgoing edges for the vertex 
            private List outgoingEdges;
            /// Constructor
            /// Item corresponding to vertex
            public Vertex(object item)
                Debug.Assert(item != null, "item must be non-null");
                this.Item = item; 
                this.Color = VertexColor.White; 
            /// Item corresponding to the vertex
            public object Item
                private set;
            /// Entity set of the item held by the vertex
            public string EntitySet 

            /// Is item a collection object 
            public bool IsCollection 

            /// Is item a complex type object 
            public bool IsComplex

            /// Parent vertex, only exists for non-top level collection vertices or complex objects
            public Vertex Parent

            /// Property of the  object that associates this vertex with it's parent 
            public string ParentProperty
            /// Is item a root collection object 
            public bool IsRootCollection
                    return this.IsCollection && this.Parent == null;
            /// Color of the vertex 
            public VertexColor Color
            /// Edges coming into this vertex
            public IList IncomingEdges 
                    if (this.incomingEdges == null)
                        this.incomingEdges = new List();

                    return this.incomingEdges; 
            /// Edges going out of this vertex
            public IList OutgoingEdges
                    if (this.outgoingEdges == null) 
                        this.outgoingEdges = new List();

                    return this.outgoingEdges;

            /// Get the binding information for a collection vertex 
            /// The source object that reference the target object through a navigation property corresponding to current collection vertex. 
            /// The navigation property in the source object that reference the target object.
            /// The entity set of the source object. 
            /// The entity set of the target object.
            public void GetEntityCollectionInfo(
                out object source,
                out string sourceProperty, 
                out string sourceEntitySet,
                out string targetEntitySet) 
                Debug.Assert(this.IsCollection, "Must be a collection to be in this method");
                if (!this.IsRootCollection)
                    Debug.Assert(this.Parent != null, "Parent must be non-null for child collection");
                    source = this.Parent.Item;
                    Debug.Assert(source != null, "Source object must be present for child collection"); 
                    sourceProperty = this.ParentProperty;
                    Debug.Assert(sourceProperty != null, "Source entity property associated with a child collection must be non-null"); 

                    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = source.GetType().GetProperty(sourceProperty);
                    Debug.Assert(propertyInfo != null, "Unable to get information for the source entity property associated with a child collection"); 
                    sourceEntitySet = this.Parent.EntitySet; 
                    Debug.Assert(this.Parent == null, "Parent must be null for top level collection");
                    source = null;
                    sourceProperty = null;
                    sourceEntitySet = null; 
                targetEntitySet = this.EntitySet; 

        /// Edge between two vertices of graph, directed and labeled
        internal sealed class Edge : IEquatable
            /// Source vertex 
            public Vertex Source
            /// Target vertex
            public Vertex Target 

            /// Label of the edge
            public string Label 
            /// IEquatable override
            /// Comparand
            /// true if equal, false otherwise
            public bool Equals(Edge other) 
                return other != null && 
                    Object.ReferenceEquals(this.Source, other.Source) && 
                    Object.ReferenceEquals(this.Target, other.Target) &&
                    this.Label == other.Label; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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