/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / _FtpControlStream.cs / 1305376 / _FtpControlStream.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // namespace System.Net { using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Net.Cache; internal enum FtpPrimitive { Upload = 0, Download = 1, CommandOnly = 2 }; internal enum FtpLoginState:byte { NotLoggedIn, LoggedIn, LoggedInButNeedsRelogin, ReloginFailed }; ////// internal class FtpControlStream : CommandStream { private Socket m_DataSocket; private IPEndPoint m_PassiveEndPoint; private TlsStream m_TlsStream; private StringBuilder m_BannerMessage; private StringBuilder m_WelcomeMessage; private StringBuilder m_ExitMessage; private WeakReference m_Credentials; private string m_CurrentTypeSetting = string.Empty; private long m_ContentLength = -1; private DateTime m_LastModified; private bool m_DataHandshakeStarted = false; private string m_LoginDirectory = null; private string m_EstablishedServerDirectory = null; private string m_RequestedServerDirectory = null; private Uri m_ResponseUri; private FtpLoginState m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn; internal FtpStatusCode StatusCode; internal string StatusLine; internal NetworkCredential Credentials { get { if (m_Credentials != null && m_Credentials.IsAlive) { return (NetworkCredential) m_Credentials.Target; } else { return null; } } set { if (m_Credentials == null) { m_Credentials = new WeakReference(null); } m_Credentials.Target = value; } } private static readonly AsyncCallback m_AcceptCallbackDelegate = new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback); private static readonly AsyncCallback m_ConnectCallbackDelegate = new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback); private static readonly AsyncCallback m_SSLHandshakeCallback = new AsyncCallback(SSLHandshakeCallback); ////// The FtpControlStream class implements a basic FTP connection, /// This means basic command sending and parsing. /// Queuing is handled by the ConnectionPool, so that a Request is guarenteed /// exclusive access to the Connection. /// This is a pooled object, that will be stored in a pool when idle. /// ////// internal FtpControlStream( ConnectionPool connectionPool, TimeSpan lifetime, bool checkLifetime ) : base(connectionPool, lifetime, checkLifetime) { } ////// Setups and Creates a NetworkStream connection to the server /// perform any initalization if needed /// ////// internal void AbortConnect() { Socket socket = m_DataSocket; if (socket != null) { try { socket.Close(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } } ///Closes the connecting socket to generate an error. ////// private static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; LazyAsyncResult castedAsyncResult = asyncResult as LazyAsyncResult; Socket listenSocket = (Socket)castedAsyncResult.AsyncObject; try { connection.m_DataSocket = listenSocket.EndAccept(asyncResult); if (!connection.ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)connection.m_DataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address)) { connection.m_DataSocket.Close(); throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); } connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } finally { listenSocket.Close(); } } ///Provides a wrapper for the async accept operations /// /// private static void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; try { LazyAsyncResult castedAsyncResult = asyncResult as LazyAsyncResult; Socket dataSocket = (Socket)castedAsyncResult.AsyncObject; dataSocket.EndConnect(asyncResult); connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } } // // We issue a dummy read on the the SSL data stream to force SSL handshake // This callback will will get stream to the user. // private static void SSLHandshakeCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; try { connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } } // Creates a FtpDataStream object, constructs a TLS stream if needed. // In case SSL we issue a 0 bytes read on that stream to force handshake. // In case SSL and ASYNC we delay sigaling the user stream until the handshake is done. // private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref Stream stream) { if (m_DataSocket == null) throw new InternalException(); // // Re-entered pipeline with completed read on the TlsStream // if (this.m_TlsStream != null ) { stream = new FtpDataStream(this.m_TlsStream, (FtpWebRequest) m_Request, IsFtpDataStreamWriteable()); this.m_TlsStream = null; return PipelineInstruction.GiveStream; } NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(m_DataSocket, true); #if !FEATURE_PAL if (UsingSecureStream) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(request.RequestUri.Host, networkStream, request.ClientCertificates, Pool.ServicePoint, request, m_Async ? request.GetWritingContext().ContextCopy : null); networkStream = tlsStream; if (m_Async) { this.m_TlsStream = tlsStream; LazyAsyncResult handshakeResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, this, m_SSLHandshakeCallback); tlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(handshakeResult); return PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { tlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(null); } } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL stream = new FtpDataStream(networkStream, (FtpWebRequest) m_Request, IsFtpDataStreamWriteable()); return PipelineInstruction.GiveStream; } ///Provides a wrapper for the async accept operations ////// protected override void ClearState() { m_ContentLength = -1; m_LastModified = DateTime.MinValue; m_ResponseUri = null; m_DataHandshakeStarted = false; StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.Undefined; StatusLine = null; m_DataSocket = null; m_PassiveEndPoint = null; m_TlsStream = null; base.ClearState(); } // // This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed. // This function controls the seting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses // protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream) { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + (entry == null? "null" : entry.Command)); GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + ((response == null) ? "null" : response.StatusDescription)); // null response is not expected if (response == null) return PipelineInstruction.Abort; FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode) response.Status; // // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest // if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl) { // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response // Anything else will (by design?) StatusCode = status; StatusLine = response.StatusDescription; } // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw if (response.InvalidStatusCode) throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); // Update the banner message if any, this is a little hack because the "entry" param is null if (m_Index == -1) { if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand) { m_BannerMessage = new StringBuilder(); m_BannerMessage.Append(StatusLine); return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable) { return PipelineInstruction.Reread; } else throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } // // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8 // Condsider: optimize this for speed (avoid string compare) as that is the only command that may fail // if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n") { if (response.PositiveCompletion) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; } else { Encoding = Encoding.Default; } return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command, // tear down the connection and start all over again if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1) { // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) { m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn; m_Index++; } // The server does not like re-login // (We are logged in already but want to re-login under a different user) else if (status == FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn && m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn) { m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.ReloginFailed; throw ExceptionHelper.IsolatedException; } } // // Throw on an error with possible recovery option // if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure) { if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable) { MarkAsRecoverableFailure(); } throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn && entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1) { // Note the fact that we logged in if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn; else throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } // // Parse special cases // if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate)) { bool isSocketReady; PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady); if (!isSocketReady) return result; // otheriwse we have a stream to create } // // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back // if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen) { if (m_DataSocket == null) { // a better diagnostic? return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream)) { m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command); return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } // Parse out the Content length, if we can TryUpdateContentLength(response.StatusDescription); // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri) { TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request); } return QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream); } // // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly // //Update welcome message if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) { m_WelcomeMessage.Append(StatusLine); } // OR set the user response ExitMessage else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl) { m_ExitMessage.Append(response.StatusDescription); // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT" CloseSocket(); } #if !FEATURE_PAL // OR set us up for SSL/TLS, after this we'll be writing securely else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServerWantsSecureSession) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(request.RequestUri.Host, NetworkStream, request.ClientCertificates, Pool.ServicePoint, request, m_Async ? request.GetWritingContext().ContextCopy : null); NetworkStream = tlsStream; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE ")) { m_ContentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription); } else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM ")) { m_LastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription); } } // OR parse out our login directory else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated) { if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)) { m_LoginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription); } } // Asserting we have some positive response else { // We only use CWD to reset ourselves back to the login directory. if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1) { m_EstablishedServerDirectory = m_RequestedServerDirectory; } } // Intermediate responses require rereading if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n")) { return PipelineInstruction.Reread; } return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } ///Cleans up state variables for reuse of the connection ////// protected override PipelineEntry [] BuildCommandsList(WebRequest req) { bool resetLoggedInState = false; FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) req; GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "BuildCommandsList"); m_ResponseUri = request.RequestUri; ArrayList commandList = new ArrayList(); #if DEBUG // the Credentials.IsEqualTo method is only compiled in DEBUG so the assert must be restricted to DEBUG // as well // While some FTP servers support it, in general, the RFC's don't allow re-issuing the USER command to // change the authentication context of an existing logged in connection. We prevent re-using existing // connections if the credentials are different from the previous FtpWebRequest. Let's make sure that // our connection pooling code is working correctly. Debug.Assert(Credentials == null || Credentials.IsEqualTo(request.Credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "basic")), "Should not be re-using an existing connection with different credentials"); #endif if (request.EnableSsl && !UsingSecureStream) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("AUTH", "TLS"))); // According to RFC we need to re-authorize with USER/PASS after we re-authenticate. resetLoggedInState = true; } if (resetLoggedInState) { m_LoginDirectory = null; m_EstablishedServerDirectory = null; m_RequestedServerDirectory = null; m_CurrentTypeSetting = string.Empty; if (m_LoginState == FtpLoginState.LoggedIn) m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedInButNeedsRelogin; } if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn) { Credentials = request.Credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "basic"); m_WelcomeMessage = new StringBuilder(); m_ExitMessage = new StringBuilder(); string domainUserName = string.Empty; string password = string.Empty; if (Credentials != null) { domainUserName = Credentials.InternalGetDomainUserName(); password = Credentials.InternalGetPassword(); } if (domainUserName.Length == 0 && password.Length == 0) { domainUserName = "anonymous"; password = "anonymous@"; } commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("USER", domainUserName))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PASS", password), PipelineEntryFlags.DontLogParameter)); // If SSL, always configure data channel encryption after authentication to maximum RFC compatibility. The RFC allows for // PBSZ/PROT commands to come either before or after the USER/PASS, but some servers require USER/PASS immediately after // the AUTH TLS command. if (request.EnableSsl && !UsingSecureStream) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PBSZ", "0"))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PROT", "P"))); } commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("OPTS", "utf8 on"))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PWD", null))); } GetPathOption getPathOption = GetPathOption.Normal; if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.DoesNotTakeParameter)) { getPathOption = GetPathOption.AssumeNoFilename; } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.ParameterIsDirectory)) { getPathOption = GetPathOption.AssumeFilename; } string requestPath; string requestDirectory; string requestFilename; GetPathInfo(getPathOption, request.RequestUri, out requestPath, out requestDirectory, out requestFilename); if (requestFilename.Length == 0 && request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.TakesParameter)) throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_uri)); // We optimize for having the current working directory staying at the login directory. This ensure that // our relative paths work right and reduces unnecessary CWD commands. // Usually, we don't change the working directory except for some FTP commands. If necessary, // we need to reset our working directory back to the login directory. if (m_EstablishedServerDirectory != null && m_LoginDirectory != null && m_EstablishedServerDirectory != m_LoginDirectory) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", m_LoginDirectory), PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)); m_RequestedServerDirectory = m_LoginDirectory; } // For most commands, we don't need to navigate to the directory since we pass in the full // path as part of the FTP protocol command. However, some commands require it. if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.MustChangeWorkingDirectoryToPath) && requestDirectory.Length > 0) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", requestDirectory), PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)); m_RequestedServerDirectory = requestDirectory; } if (request.CacheProtocol != null && request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus == CacheValidationStatus.DoNotTakeFromCache && request.MethodInfo.Operation == FtpOperation.DownloadFile) commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("MDTM", requestPath))); if (!request.MethodInfo.IsCommandOnly) { // This is why having a protocol logic on the connection is a bad idea if (request.CacheProtocol == null || request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus != CacheValidationStatus.Continue) { string requestedTypeSetting = request.UseBinary ? "I" : "A"; if (m_CurrentTypeSetting != requestedTypeSetting) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("TYPE", requestedTypeSetting))); m_CurrentTypeSetting = requestedTypeSetting; } if (request.UsePassive) { string passiveCommand = (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) ? "PASV" : "EPSV"; commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(passiveCommand, null), PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection)); } else { string portCommand = (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) ? "PORT" : "EPRT"; CreateFtpListenerSocket(request); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(portCommand, GetPortCommandLine(request)))); } if (request.CacheProtocol != null && request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus == CacheValidationStatus.CombineCachedAndServerResponse) { // Combining partial cache with the reminder using "REST" if (request.CacheProtocol.Validator.CacheEntry.StreamSize > 0) commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("REST", request.CacheProtocol.Validator.CacheEntry.StreamSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))); } else if (request.ContentOffset > 0) { // REST command must always be the last sent before the main file command is sent. commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("REST", request.ContentOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))); } } else { // revalidating GetFileSize = "SIZE" GetDateTimeStamp = "MDTM" commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("SIZE", requestPath))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("MDTM", requestPath))); } } // // Suppress the data file if this is a revalidation request // if (request.CacheProtocol == null || request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus != CacheValidationStatus.Continue) { PipelineEntryFlags flags = PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand; if (!request.MethodInfo.IsCommandOnly) { flags |= PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream; if (!request.UsePassive) flags |= PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection; } if (request.MethodInfo.Operation == FtpOperation.Rename) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("RNFR", requestDirectory+"/"+requestFilename), flags)); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("RNTO", requestDirectory+"/"+request.RenameTo), flags)); } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.DoesNotTakeParameter)) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, string.Empty), flags)); } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.MustChangeWorkingDirectoryToPath)) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, requestFilename), flags)); } else { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, requestPath), flags)); } if (!request.KeepAlive) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("QUIT", null))); } } return (PipelineEntry []) commandList.ToArray(typeof(PipelineEntry)); } private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream, out bool isSocketReady) { isSocketReady = false; if (m_DataHandshakeStarted) { isSocketReady = true; return PipelineInstruction.Pause; //if we already started then this is re-entering into the callback where we proceed with the stream } m_DataHandshakeStarted = true; // handle passive responses by parsing the port and later doing a Connect(...) bool isPassive = false; int port = -1; if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n" || entry.Command == "EPSV\r\n") { if (!response.PositiveCompletion) { m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_server_failed_passive, response.Status); return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n") { port = GetPortV4(response.StatusDescription); } else { port = GetPortV6(response.StatusDescription); } isPassive = true; } new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { if (isPassive) { GlobalLog.Assert(port != -1, "FtpControlStream#{0}|'port' not set.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this)); try { m_DataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket((FtpWebRequest)m_Request, Socket); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException; } m_PassiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerAddress, port); } PipelineInstruction result; if (m_PassiveEndPoint != null) { IPEndPoint passiveEndPoint = m_PassiveEndPoint; m_PassiveEndPoint = null; GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Connect()"); if (m_Async) { m_DataSocket.BeginConnect(passiveEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, this); result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { m_DataSocket.Connect(passiveEndPoint); result = PipelineInstruction.Advance; // for passive mode we end up going to the next command } } else { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Accept()"); if (m_Async) { m_DataSocket.BeginAccept(m_AcceptCallbackDelegate, this); result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { Socket listenSocket = m_DataSocket; try { m_DataSocket = m_DataSocket.Accept(); if (!ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)m_DataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address)) { m_DataSocket.Close(); throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); } isSocketReady = true; // for active mode we end up creating a stream before advancing the pipeline result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } finally { listenSocket.Close(); } } } return result; } finally { SocketPermission.RevertAssert(); } } // // A door into protected CloseSocket() method // internal void Quit() { CloseSocket(); } private enum GetPathOption { Normal, AssumeFilename, AssumeNoFilename } ///Creates an array of commands, that will be sent to the server ////// private static void GetPathInfo(GetPathOption pathOption, Uri uri, out string path, out string directory, out string filename) { path = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path,UriFormat.Unescaped); int index = path.LastIndexOf('/'); if (pathOption == GetPathOption.AssumeFilename && index != -1 && index == path.Length-1) { // Remove last '/' and continue normal processing path = path.Substring(0, path.Length-1); index = path.LastIndexOf('/'); } // split path into directory and filename if (pathOption == GetPathOption.AssumeNoFilename) { directory = path; filename = string.Empty; } else { directory = path.Substring(0, index+1); filename = path.Substring(index+1, path.Length-(index+1)); } // strip off trailing '/' on directory if present if (directory.Length > 1 && directory[directory.Length-1] == '/') directory = directory.Substring(0, directory.Length-1); } // ///Gets the path componet of the Uri ////// private String FormatAddress(IPAddress address, int Port ) { byte [] localAddressInBytes = address.GetAddressBytes(); // produces a string in FTP IPAddress/Port encoding (a1, a2, a3, a4, p1, p2), for sending as a parameter // to the port command. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); foreach (byte element in localAddressInBytes) { sb.Append(element); sb.Append(','); } sb.Append(Port / 256 ); sb.Append(','); sb.Append(Port % 256 ); return sb.ToString(); } ///Formats an IP address (contained in a UInt32) to a FTP style command string ////// private string FormatAddressV6(IPAddress address, int port) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(43); // based on max size of IPv6 address + port + seperators String addressString = address.ToString(); sb.Append("|2|"); sb.Append(addressString); sb.Append('|'); sb.Append(port.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); sb.Append('|'); return sb.ToString(); } internal long ContentLength { get { return m_ContentLength; } } internal DateTime LastModified { get { return m_LastModified; } } internal Uri ResponseUri { get { return m_ResponseUri; } } ///Formats an IP address (v6) to a FTP style command string /// Looks something in this form: |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282| /// |2|4567::0123:5678:0123:5678|0123| /// /// internal string BannerMessage { get { return (m_BannerMessage != null) ? m_BannerMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the server message sent before user credentials are sent ////// internal string WelcomeMessage { get { return (m_WelcomeMessage != null) ? m_WelcomeMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the server message sent after user credentials are sent ////// internal string ExitMessage { get { return (m_ExitMessage != null) ? m_ExitMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the exit sent message on shutdown ////// private long GetContentLengthFrom213Response(string responseString) { string [] parsedList = responseString.Split(new char [] {' '}); if (parsedList.Length < 2) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); return Convert.ToInt64(parsedList[1], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } ///Parses a response string for content length ////// private DateTime GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(string str) { DateTime dateTime = m_LastModified; string [] parsedList = str.Split(new char [] {' ', '.'}); if (parsedList.Length < 2) { return dateTime; } string dateTimeLine = parsedList[1]; if (dateTimeLine.Length < 14) { return dateTime; } int year = Convert.ToInt32(dateTimeLine.Substring(0, 4), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int month = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(4, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int day = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(6, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int hour = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(8, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int minute = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(10, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int second = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(12, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int millisecond = 0; if (parsedList.Length > 2) { millisecond = Convert.ToInt16(parsedList[2], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } try { dateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond); dateTime = dateTime.ToLocalTime(); // must be handled in local time } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } return dateTime; } ///Parses a response string for last modified time ////// private void TryUpdateResponseUri(string str, FtpWebRequest request) { Uri baseUri = request.RequestUri; // // Not sure what we are doing here but I guess the logic is IIS centric // int start = str.IndexOf("for "); if (start == -1) return; start += 4; int end = str.LastIndexOf('('); if (end == -1) end = str.Length; if (end <= start) return; string filename = str.Substring(start, end-start); filename = filename.TrimEnd(new char [] {' ', '.','\r','\n'}); // Do minimal escaping that we need to get a valid Uri // when combined with the baseUri string escapedFilename; escapedFilename = filename.Replace("%", "%25"); escapedFilename = escapedFilename.Replace("#", "%23"); // help us out if the user forgot to add a slash to the directory name string orginalPath = baseUri.AbsolutePath; if (orginalPath.Length > 0 && orginalPath[orginalPath.Length-1] != '/') { UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(baseUri); uriBuilder.Path = orginalPath + "/"; baseUri = uriBuilder.Uri; } Uri newUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(baseUri, escapedFilename, out newUri)) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_response_filename, filename)); } else { if (!baseUri.IsBaseOf(newUri) || baseUri.Segments.Length != newUri.Segments.Length-1) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_response_filename, filename)); } else { m_ResponseUri = newUri; } } } ///Attempts to find the response Uri /// Typical string looks like this, need to get trailing filename /// "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FTP46.tmp." ////// private void TryUpdateContentLength(string str) { int pos1 = str.LastIndexOf("("); if (pos1 != -1) { int pos2 = str.IndexOf(" bytes)."); if (pos2 != -1 && pos2 > pos1) { pos1++; long result; if (Int64.TryParse (str.Substring(pos1, pos2-pos1), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out result)) { m_ContentLength = result; } } } } ///Parses a response string for content length ////// /* private string GetIPAddress(string str) { StringBuilder IPstr=new StringBuilder(32); string Substr = null; int pos1 = str.IndexOf("(")+1; int pos2 = str.IndexOf(","); for(int i =0; i<3;i++) { Substr = str.Substring(pos1,pos2-pos1)+"."; IPstr.Append(Substr); pos1 = pos2+1; pos2 = str.IndexOf(",",pos1); } Substr = str.Substring(pos1,pos2-pos1); IPstr.Append(Substr); return IPstr.ToString(); } */ ///Parses a response string for a an IP Address ////// private string GetLoginDirectory(string str) { int firstQuote = str.IndexOf('"'); int lastQuote = str.LastIndexOf('"'); if (firstQuote != -1 && lastQuote != -1 && firstQuote != lastQuote) { return str.Substring(firstQuote+1, lastQuote-firstQuote-1); } else { return String.Empty; } } ///Parses a response string for our login dir in " " ////// private int GetPortV4(string responseString) { string [] parsedList = responseString.Split(new char [] {' ', '(', ',', ')'}); // We need at least the status code and the port if (parsedList.Length <= 7) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); } int index = parsedList.Length-1; // skip the last non-number token (e.g. terminating '.') if (!Char.IsNumber(parsedList[index], 0)) index--; int port = Convert.ToByte(parsedList[index--], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); port = port | (Convert.ToByte(parsedList[index--], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) << 8); return port; } ///Parses a response string for a port number ////// private int GetPortV6(string responseString) { int pos1 = responseString.LastIndexOf("("); int pos2 = responseString.LastIndexOf(")"); if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 <= pos1) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); // addressInfo will contain a string of format "|||Parses a response string for a port number ///|" string addressInfo = responseString.Substring(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1); // Although RFC2428 recommends using "|" as the delimiter, // It allows ASCII characters in range 33-126 inclusive. // We should consider allowing the full range. string [] parsedList = addressInfo.Split(new char [] {'|'}); if (parsedList.Length < 4) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); return Convert.ToInt32(parsedList[3], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } /// /// private void CreateFtpListenerSocket(FtpWebRequest request) { // see \\index1\sdnt\inetcore\wininet\ftp // gets an IPEndPoint for the local host for the data socket to bind to. IPEndPoint epListener = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Address, 0); try { m_DataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket(request, Socket); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException; } // SECURITY: // Since we are doing WebRequest, we don't require SocketPermissions // Consider V.Next: Change to declarative form (10x faster) but // SocketPermission must be moved out of System.dll for this to work new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { // binds the data socket to the local end point. m_DataSocket.Bind(epListener); m_DataSocket.Listen(1); // Put the dataSocket * & in Listen mode } finally { SocketPermission.RevertAssert(); } } ///Creates the Listener socket ////// private string GetPortCommandLine(FtpWebRequest request) { try { // retrieves the IP address of the local endpoint IPEndPoint localEP = (IPEndPoint) m_DataSocket.LocalEndPoint; if (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { return FormatAddress(localEP.Address, localEP.Port); } else if (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { return FormatAddressV6(localEP.Address, localEP.Port); } else { throw new InternalException(); } } catch(Exception e) { throw GenerateException(WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, e); // could not open data connection } } ///Builds a command line to send to the server with proper port and IP address of client ////// private string FormatFtpCommand(string command, string parameter) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(command.Length + ((parameter != null) ? parameter.Length : 0) + 3 /*size of ' ' \r\n*/); stringBuilder.Append(command); if(!ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(parameter)) { stringBuilder.Append(' '); stringBuilder.Append(parameter); } stringBuilder.Append("\r\n"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } ///Formats a simple FTP command + parameter in correct pre-wire format ////// protected Socket CreateFtpDataSocket(FtpWebRequest request, Socket templateSocket) { // Safe to be called under an Assert. Socket socket = new Socket( templateSocket.AddressFamily, templateSocket.SocketType, templateSocket.ProtocolType ); return socket; } ////// This will handle either connecting to a port or listening for one /// ////// This function is called by the GeneralWebRequest superclass to determine whether a response is valid, and when it is complete. /// It also gives the response description a /// protected override bool CheckValid(ResponseDescription response, ref int validThrough, ref int completeLength) { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "CheckValid(" + response.StatusBuffer.ToString() + ")" ); // If the response is less than 4 bytes long, it is too short to tell, so return true, valid so far. if(response.StatusBuffer.Length < 4) { return true; } string responseString = response.StatusBuffer.ToString(); // Otherwise, if there is no status code for this response yet, get one. if(response.Status == ResponseDescription.NoStatus) { // If the response does not start with three digits, then it is not a valid response from an FTP server. if(!(Char.IsDigit(responseString[0]) && Char.IsDigit(responseString[1]) && Char.IsDigit(responseString[2]) && (responseString[3] == ' ' || responseString[3] == '-'))) { return false; } else { response.StatusCodeString = responseString.Substring(0, 3); response.Status = Convert.ToInt16(response.StatusCodeString, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } // IF a hyphen follows the status code on the first line of the response, then we have a multiline response coming. if (responseString[3] == '-') { response.Multiline = true; } } // If a complete line of response has been received from the server, then see if the // overall response is complete. // If this was not a multiline response, then the response is complete at the end of the line. // If this was a multiline response (indicated by three digits followed by a '-' in the first line, // then we see if the last line received started with the same three digits followed by a space. // If it did, then this is the sign of a complete multiline response. // If the line contained three other digits followed by the response, then this is a violation of the // FTP protocol for multiline responses. // All other cases indicate that the response is not yet complete. int index = 0; while((index = responseString.IndexOf("\r\n", validThrough)) != -1) // gets the end line. { int lineStart = validThrough; validThrough = index + 2; // validThrough now marks the end of the line being examined. if(!response.Multiline) { completeLength = validThrough; return true; } // same here if(responseString.Length > lineStart + 4) { // if the first three characters of the the response line currently being examined // match the status code, then if they are followed by a space, then we // have reached the end of the reply. if(responseString.Substring(lineStart, 3) == response.StatusCodeString) { if(responseString[lineStart + 3] == ' ') { completeLength = validThrough; return true; } } } } return true; } ////// private TriState IsFtpDataStreamWriteable() { FtpWebRequest request = m_Request as FtpWebRequest; if (request != null) { if (request.MethodInfo.IsUpload) { return TriState.True; } else if (request.MethodInfo.IsDownload) { return TriState.False; } } return TriState.Unspecified; } } // class FtpControlStream } // namespace System.Net // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Determnines whether the stream we return is Writeable or Readable ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // namespace System.Net { using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Net.Cache; internal enum FtpPrimitive { Upload = 0, Download = 1, CommandOnly = 2 }; internal enum FtpLoginState:byte { NotLoggedIn, LoggedIn, LoggedInButNeedsRelogin, ReloginFailed }; ////// internal class FtpControlStream : CommandStream { private Socket m_DataSocket; private IPEndPoint m_PassiveEndPoint; private TlsStream m_TlsStream; private StringBuilder m_BannerMessage; private StringBuilder m_WelcomeMessage; private StringBuilder m_ExitMessage; private WeakReference m_Credentials; private string m_CurrentTypeSetting = string.Empty; private long m_ContentLength = -1; private DateTime m_LastModified; private bool m_DataHandshakeStarted = false; private string m_LoginDirectory = null; private string m_EstablishedServerDirectory = null; private string m_RequestedServerDirectory = null; private Uri m_ResponseUri; private FtpLoginState m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn; internal FtpStatusCode StatusCode; internal string StatusLine; internal NetworkCredential Credentials { get { if (m_Credentials != null && m_Credentials.IsAlive) { return (NetworkCredential) m_Credentials.Target; } else { return null; } } set { if (m_Credentials == null) { m_Credentials = new WeakReference(null); } m_Credentials.Target = value; } } private static readonly AsyncCallback m_AcceptCallbackDelegate = new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback); private static readonly AsyncCallback m_ConnectCallbackDelegate = new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback); private static readonly AsyncCallback m_SSLHandshakeCallback = new AsyncCallback(SSLHandshakeCallback); ////// The FtpControlStream class implements a basic FTP connection, /// This means basic command sending and parsing. /// Queuing is handled by the ConnectionPool, so that a Request is guarenteed /// exclusive access to the Connection. /// This is a pooled object, that will be stored in a pool when idle. /// ////// internal FtpControlStream( ConnectionPool connectionPool, TimeSpan lifetime, bool checkLifetime ) : base(connectionPool, lifetime, checkLifetime) { } ////// Setups and Creates a NetworkStream connection to the server /// perform any initalization if needed /// ////// internal void AbortConnect() { Socket socket = m_DataSocket; if (socket != null) { try { socket.Close(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } } ///Closes the connecting socket to generate an error. ////// private static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; LazyAsyncResult castedAsyncResult = asyncResult as LazyAsyncResult; Socket listenSocket = (Socket)castedAsyncResult.AsyncObject; try { connection.m_DataSocket = listenSocket.EndAccept(asyncResult); if (!connection.ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)connection.m_DataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address)) { connection.m_DataSocket.Close(); throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); } connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } finally { listenSocket.Close(); } } ///Provides a wrapper for the async accept operations /// /// private static void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; try { LazyAsyncResult castedAsyncResult = asyncResult as LazyAsyncResult; Socket dataSocket = (Socket)castedAsyncResult.AsyncObject; dataSocket.EndConnect(asyncResult); connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } } // // We issue a dummy read on the the SSL data stream to force SSL handshake // This callback will will get stream to the user. // private static void SSLHandshakeCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { FtpControlStream connection = (FtpControlStream)asyncResult.AsyncState; try { connection.ContinueCommandPipeline(); } catch (Exception e) { connection.CloseSocket(); connection.InvokeRequestCallback(e); } } // Creates a FtpDataStream object, constructs a TLS stream if needed. // In case SSL we issue a 0 bytes read on that stream to force handshake. // In case SSL and ASYNC we delay sigaling the user stream until the handshake is done. // private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref Stream stream) { if (m_DataSocket == null) throw new InternalException(); // // Re-entered pipeline with completed read on the TlsStream // if (this.m_TlsStream != null ) { stream = new FtpDataStream(this.m_TlsStream, (FtpWebRequest) m_Request, IsFtpDataStreamWriteable()); this.m_TlsStream = null; return PipelineInstruction.GiveStream; } NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(m_DataSocket, true); #if !FEATURE_PAL if (UsingSecureStream) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(request.RequestUri.Host, networkStream, request.ClientCertificates, Pool.ServicePoint, request, m_Async ? request.GetWritingContext().ContextCopy : null); networkStream = tlsStream; if (m_Async) { this.m_TlsStream = tlsStream; LazyAsyncResult handshakeResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, this, m_SSLHandshakeCallback); tlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(handshakeResult); return PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { tlsStream.ProcessAuthentication(null); } } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL stream = new FtpDataStream(networkStream, (FtpWebRequest) m_Request, IsFtpDataStreamWriteable()); return PipelineInstruction.GiveStream; } ///Provides a wrapper for the async accept operations ////// protected override void ClearState() { m_ContentLength = -1; m_LastModified = DateTime.MinValue; m_ResponseUri = null; m_DataHandshakeStarted = false; StatusCode = FtpStatusCode.Undefined; StatusLine = null; m_DataSocket = null; m_PassiveEndPoint = null; m_TlsStream = null; base.ClearState(); } // // This is called by underlying base class code, each time a new response is received from the wire or a protocol stage is resumed. // This function controls the seting up of a data socket/connection, and of saving off the server responses // protected override PipelineInstruction PipelineCallback(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream) { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + (entry == null? "null" : entry.Command)); GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + ">" + ((response == null) ? "null" : response.StatusDescription)); // null response is not expected if (response == null) return PipelineInstruction.Abort; FtpStatusCode status = (FtpStatusCode) response.Status; // // Update global "current status" for FtpWebRequest // if (status != FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl) { // A 221 status won't be reflected on the user FTP response // Anything else will (by design?) StatusCode = status; StatusLine = response.StatusDescription; } // If the status code is outside the range defined in RFC (1xx to 5xx) throw if (response.InvalidStatusCode) throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_InvalidStatusCode), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); // Update the banner message if any, this is a little hack because the "entry" param is null if (m_Index == -1) { if (status == FtpStatusCode.SendUserCommand) { m_BannerMessage = new StringBuilder(); m_BannerMessage.Append(StatusLine); return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable) { return PipelineInstruction.Reread; } else throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } // // Check for the result of our attempt to use UTF8 // Condsider: optimize this for speed (avoid string compare) as that is the only command that may fail // if (entry.Command == "OPTS utf8 on\r\n") { if (response.PositiveCompletion) { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; } else { Encoding = Encoding.Default; } return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } // If we are already logged in and the server returns 530 then // the server does not support re-issuing a USER command, // tear down the connection and start all over again if (entry.Command.IndexOf("USER") != -1) { // The server may not require a password for this user, so bypass the password command if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) { m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn; m_Index++; } // The server does not like re-login // (We are logged in already but want to re-login under a different user) else if (status == FtpStatusCode.NotLoggedIn && m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.NotLoggedIn) { m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.ReloginFailed; throw ExceptionHelper.IsolatedException; } } // // Throw on an error with possible recovery option // if (response.TransientFailure || response.PermanentFailure) { if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServiceNotAvailable) { MarkAsRecoverableFailure(); } throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn && entry.Command.IndexOf("PASS") != -1) { // Note the fact that we logged in if (status == FtpStatusCode.NeedLoginAccount || status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedIn; else throw GenerateException(status,response.StatusDescription, null); } // // Parse special cases // if (entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection) && (response.PositiveCompletion || response.PositiveIntermediate)) { bool isSocketReady; PipelineInstruction result = QueueOrCreateDataConection(entry, response, timeout, ref stream, out isSocketReady); if (!isSocketReady) return result; // otheriwse we have a stream to create } // // This is part of the above case and it's all about giving data stream back // if (status == FtpStatusCode.OpeningData || status == FtpStatusCode.DataAlreadyOpen) { if (m_DataSocket == null) { // a better diagnostic? return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } if (!entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream)) { m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_status_response, status, entry.Command); return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } // Parse out the Content length, if we can TryUpdateContentLength(response.StatusDescription); // Parse out the file name, when it is returned and use it for our ResponseUri FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; if (request.MethodInfo.ShouldParseForResponseUri) { TryUpdateResponseUri(response.StatusDescription, request); } return QueueOrCreateFtpDataStream(ref stream); } // // Parse responses by status code exclusivelly // //Update welcome message if (status == FtpStatusCode.LoggedInProceed) { m_WelcomeMessage.Append(StatusLine); } // OR set the user response ExitMessage else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl) { m_ExitMessage.Append(response.StatusDescription); // And close the control stream socket on "QUIT" CloseSocket(); } #if !FEATURE_PAL // OR set us up for SSL/TLS, after this we'll be writing securely else if (status == FtpStatusCode.ServerWantsSecureSession) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; TlsStream tlsStream = new TlsStream(request.RequestUri.Host, NetworkStream, request.ClientCertificates, Pool.ServicePoint, request, m_Async ? request.GetWritingContext().ContextCopy : null); NetworkStream = tlsStream; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // OR parse out the file size or file time, usually a result of sending SIZE/MDTM commands else if (status == FtpStatusCode.FileStatus) { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) m_Request; if (entry.Command.StartsWith("SIZE ")) { m_ContentLength = GetContentLengthFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription); } else if (entry.Command.StartsWith("MDTM ")) { m_LastModified = GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(response.StatusDescription); } } // OR parse out our login directory else if (status == FtpStatusCode.PathnameCreated) { if (entry.Command == "PWD\r\n" && !entry.HasFlag(PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)) { m_LoginDirectory = GetLoginDirectory(response.StatusDescription); } } // Asserting we have some positive response else { // We only use CWD to reset ourselves back to the login directory. if (entry.Command.IndexOf("CWD") != -1) { m_EstablishedServerDirectory = m_RequestedServerDirectory; } } // Intermediate responses require rereading if (response.PositiveIntermediate || (!UsingSecureStream && entry.Command == "AUTH TLS\r\n")) { return PipelineInstruction.Reread; } return PipelineInstruction.Advance; } ///Cleans up state variables for reuse of the connection ////// protected override PipelineEntry [] BuildCommandsList(WebRequest req) { bool resetLoggedInState = false; FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) req; GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "BuildCommandsList"); m_ResponseUri = request.RequestUri; ArrayList commandList = new ArrayList(); #if DEBUG // the Credentials.IsEqualTo method is only compiled in DEBUG so the assert must be restricted to DEBUG // as well // While some FTP servers support it, in general, the RFC's don't allow re-issuing the USER command to // change the authentication context of an existing logged in connection. We prevent re-using existing // connections if the credentials are different from the previous FtpWebRequest. Let's make sure that // our connection pooling code is working correctly. Debug.Assert(Credentials == null || Credentials.IsEqualTo(request.Credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "basic")), "Should not be re-using an existing connection with different credentials"); #endif if (request.EnableSsl && !UsingSecureStream) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("AUTH", "TLS"))); // According to RFC we need to re-authorize with USER/PASS after we re-authenticate. resetLoggedInState = true; } if (resetLoggedInState) { m_LoginDirectory = null; m_EstablishedServerDirectory = null; m_RequestedServerDirectory = null; m_CurrentTypeSetting = string.Empty; if (m_LoginState == FtpLoginState.LoggedIn) m_LoginState = FtpLoginState.LoggedInButNeedsRelogin; } if (m_LoginState != FtpLoginState.LoggedIn) { Credentials = request.Credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "basic"); m_WelcomeMessage = new StringBuilder(); m_ExitMessage = new StringBuilder(); string domainUserName = string.Empty; string password = string.Empty; if (Credentials != null) { domainUserName = Credentials.InternalGetDomainUserName(); password = Credentials.InternalGetPassword(); } if (domainUserName.Length == 0 && password.Length == 0) { domainUserName = "anonymous"; password = "anonymous@"; } commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("USER", domainUserName))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PASS", password), PipelineEntryFlags.DontLogParameter)); // If SSL, always configure data channel encryption after authentication to maximum RFC compatibility. The RFC allows for // PBSZ/PROT commands to come either before or after the USER/PASS, but some servers require USER/PASS immediately after // the AUTH TLS command. if (request.EnableSsl && !UsingSecureStream) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PBSZ", "0"))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PROT", "P"))); } commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("OPTS", "utf8 on"))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("PWD", null))); } GetPathOption getPathOption = GetPathOption.Normal; if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.DoesNotTakeParameter)) { getPathOption = GetPathOption.AssumeNoFilename; } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.ParameterIsDirectory)) { getPathOption = GetPathOption.AssumeFilename; } string requestPath; string requestDirectory; string requestFilename; GetPathInfo(getPathOption, request.RequestUri, out requestPath, out requestDirectory, out requestFilename); if (requestFilename.Length == 0 && request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.TakesParameter)) throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_uri)); // We optimize for having the current working directory staying at the login directory. This ensure that // our relative paths work right and reduces unnecessary CWD commands. // Usually, we don't change the working directory except for some FTP commands. If necessary, // we need to reset our working directory back to the login directory. if (m_EstablishedServerDirectory != null && m_LoginDirectory != null && m_EstablishedServerDirectory != m_LoginDirectory) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", m_LoginDirectory), PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)); m_RequestedServerDirectory = m_LoginDirectory; } // For most commands, we don't need to navigate to the directory since we pass in the full // path as part of the FTP protocol command. However, some commands require it. if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.MustChangeWorkingDirectoryToPath) && requestDirectory.Length > 0) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("CWD", requestDirectory), PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand)); m_RequestedServerDirectory = requestDirectory; } if (request.CacheProtocol != null && request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus == CacheValidationStatus.DoNotTakeFromCache && request.MethodInfo.Operation == FtpOperation.DownloadFile) commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("MDTM", requestPath))); if (!request.MethodInfo.IsCommandOnly) { // This is why having a protocol logic on the connection is a bad idea if (request.CacheProtocol == null || request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus != CacheValidationStatus.Continue) { string requestedTypeSetting = request.UseBinary ? "I" : "A"; if (m_CurrentTypeSetting != requestedTypeSetting) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("TYPE", requestedTypeSetting))); m_CurrentTypeSetting = requestedTypeSetting; } if (request.UsePassive) { string passiveCommand = (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) ? "PASV" : "EPSV"; commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(passiveCommand, null), PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection)); } else { string portCommand = (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) ? "PORT" : "EPRT"; CreateFtpListenerSocket(request); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(portCommand, GetPortCommandLine(request)))); } if (request.CacheProtocol != null && request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus == CacheValidationStatus.CombineCachedAndServerResponse) { // Combining partial cache with the reminder using "REST" if (request.CacheProtocol.Validator.CacheEntry.StreamSize > 0) commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("REST", request.CacheProtocol.Validator.CacheEntry.StreamSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))); } else if (request.ContentOffset > 0) { // REST command must always be the last sent before the main file command is sent. commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("REST", request.ContentOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))); } } else { // revalidating GetFileSize = "SIZE" GetDateTimeStamp = "MDTM" commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("SIZE", requestPath))); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("MDTM", requestPath))); } } // // Suppress the data file if this is a revalidation request // if (request.CacheProtocol == null || request.CacheProtocol.ProtocolStatus != CacheValidationStatus.Continue) { PipelineEntryFlags flags = PipelineEntryFlags.UserCommand; if (!request.MethodInfo.IsCommandOnly) { flags |= PipelineEntryFlags.GiveDataStream; if (!request.UsePassive) flags |= PipelineEntryFlags.CreateDataConnection; } if (request.MethodInfo.Operation == FtpOperation.Rename) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("RNFR", requestDirectory+"/"+requestFilename), flags)); commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("RNTO", requestDirectory+"/"+request.RenameTo), flags)); } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.DoesNotTakeParameter)) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, string.Empty), flags)); } else if (request.MethodInfo.HasFlag(FtpMethodFlags.MustChangeWorkingDirectoryToPath)) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, requestFilename), flags)); } else { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand(request.Method, requestPath), flags)); } if (!request.KeepAlive) { commandList.Add(new PipelineEntry(FormatFtpCommand("QUIT", null))); } } return (PipelineEntry []) commandList.ToArray(typeof(PipelineEntry)); } private PipelineInstruction QueueOrCreateDataConection(PipelineEntry entry, ResponseDescription response, bool timeout, ref Stream stream, out bool isSocketReady) { isSocketReady = false; if (m_DataHandshakeStarted) { isSocketReady = true; return PipelineInstruction.Pause; //if we already started then this is re-entering into the callback where we proceed with the stream } m_DataHandshakeStarted = true; // handle passive responses by parsing the port and later doing a Connect(...) bool isPassive = false; int port = -1; if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n" || entry.Command == "EPSV\r\n") { if (!response.PositiveCompletion) { m_AbortReason = SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_server_failed_passive, response.Status); return PipelineInstruction.Abort; } if (entry.Command == "PASV\r\n") { port = GetPortV4(response.StatusDescription); } else { port = GetPortV6(response.StatusDescription); } isPassive = true; } new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { if (isPassive) { GlobalLog.Assert(port != -1, "FtpControlStream#{0}|'port' not set.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this)); try { m_DataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket((FtpWebRequest)m_Request, Socket); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException; } m_PassiveEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerAddress, port); } PipelineInstruction result; if (m_PassiveEndPoint != null) { IPEndPoint passiveEndPoint = m_PassiveEndPoint; m_PassiveEndPoint = null; GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Connect()"); if (m_Async) { m_DataSocket.BeginConnect(passiveEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, this); result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { m_DataSocket.Connect(passiveEndPoint); result = PipelineInstruction.Advance; // for passive mode we end up going to the next command } } else { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "starting Accept()"); if (m_Async) { m_DataSocket.BeginAccept(m_AcceptCallbackDelegate, this); result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } else { Socket listenSocket = m_DataSocket; try { m_DataSocket = m_DataSocket.Accept(); if (!ServerAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)m_DataSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address)) { m_DataSocket.Close(); throw new WebException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_active_address_different), WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError); } isSocketReady = true; // for active mode we end up creating a stream before advancing the pipeline result = PipelineInstruction.Pause; } finally { listenSocket.Close(); } } } return result; } finally { SocketPermission.RevertAssert(); } } // // A door into protected CloseSocket() method // internal void Quit() { CloseSocket(); } private enum GetPathOption { Normal, AssumeFilename, AssumeNoFilename } ///Creates an array of commands, that will be sent to the server ////// private static void GetPathInfo(GetPathOption pathOption, Uri uri, out string path, out string directory, out string filename) { path = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path,UriFormat.Unescaped); int index = path.LastIndexOf('/'); if (pathOption == GetPathOption.AssumeFilename && index != -1 && index == path.Length-1) { // Remove last '/' and continue normal processing path = path.Substring(0, path.Length-1); index = path.LastIndexOf('/'); } // split path into directory and filename if (pathOption == GetPathOption.AssumeNoFilename) { directory = path; filename = string.Empty; } else { directory = path.Substring(0, index+1); filename = path.Substring(index+1, path.Length-(index+1)); } // strip off trailing '/' on directory if present if (directory.Length > 1 && directory[directory.Length-1] == '/') directory = directory.Substring(0, directory.Length-1); } // ///Gets the path componet of the Uri ////// private String FormatAddress(IPAddress address, int Port ) { byte [] localAddressInBytes = address.GetAddressBytes(); // produces a string in FTP IPAddress/Port encoding (a1, a2, a3, a4, p1, p2), for sending as a parameter // to the port command. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); foreach (byte element in localAddressInBytes) { sb.Append(element); sb.Append(','); } sb.Append(Port / 256 ); sb.Append(','); sb.Append(Port % 256 ); return sb.ToString(); } ///Formats an IP address (contained in a UInt32) to a FTP style command string ////// private string FormatAddressV6(IPAddress address, int port) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(43); // based on max size of IPv6 address + port + seperators String addressString = address.ToString(); sb.Append("|2|"); sb.Append(addressString); sb.Append('|'); sb.Append(port.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); sb.Append('|'); return sb.ToString(); } internal long ContentLength { get { return m_ContentLength; } } internal DateTime LastModified { get { return m_LastModified; } } internal Uri ResponseUri { get { return m_ResponseUri; } } ///Formats an IP address (v6) to a FTP style command string /// Looks something in this form: |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282| /// |2|4567::0123:5678:0123:5678|0123| /// /// internal string BannerMessage { get { return (m_BannerMessage != null) ? m_BannerMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the server message sent before user credentials are sent ////// internal string WelcomeMessage { get { return (m_WelcomeMessage != null) ? m_WelcomeMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the server message sent after user credentials are sent ////// internal string ExitMessage { get { return (m_ExitMessage != null) ? m_ExitMessage.ToString() : null; } } ///Returns the exit sent message on shutdown ////// private long GetContentLengthFrom213Response(string responseString) { string [] parsedList = responseString.Split(new char [] {' '}); if (parsedList.Length < 2) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); return Convert.ToInt64(parsedList[1], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } ///Parses a response string for content length ////// private DateTime GetLastModifiedFrom213Response(string str) { DateTime dateTime = m_LastModified; string [] parsedList = str.Split(new char [] {' ', '.'}); if (parsedList.Length < 2) { return dateTime; } string dateTimeLine = parsedList[1]; if (dateTimeLine.Length < 14) { return dateTime; } int year = Convert.ToInt32(dateTimeLine.Substring(0, 4), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int month = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(4, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int day = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(6, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int hour = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(8, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int minute = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(10, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int second = Convert.ToInt16(dateTimeLine.Substring(12, 2), NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); int millisecond = 0; if (parsedList.Length > 2) { millisecond = Convert.ToInt16(parsedList[2], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } try { dateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond); dateTime = dateTime.ToLocalTime(); // must be handled in local time } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } catch (ArgumentException) { } return dateTime; } ///Parses a response string for last modified time ////// private void TryUpdateResponseUri(string str, FtpWebRequest request) { Uri baseUri = request.RequestUri; // // Not sure what we are doing here but I guess the logic is IIS centric // int start = str.IndexOf("for "); if (start == -1) return; start += 4; int end = str.LastIndexOf('('); if (end == -1) end = str.Length; if (end <= start) return; string filename = str.Substring(start, end-start); filename = filename.TrimEnd(new char [] {' ', '.','\r','\n'}); // Do minimal escaping that we need to get a valid Uri // when combined with the baseUri string escapedFilename; escapedFilename = filename.Replace("%", "%25"); escapedFilename = escapedFilename.Replace("#", "%23"); // help us out if the user forgot to add a slash to the directory name string orginalPath = baseUri.AbsolutePath; if (orginalPath.Length > 0 && orginalPath[orginalPath.Length-1] != '/') { UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(baseUri); uriBuilder.Path = orginalPath + "/"; baseUri = uriBuilder.Uri; } Uri newUri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(baseUri, escapedFilename, out newUri)) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_response_filename, filename)); } else { if (!baseUri.IsBaseOf(newUri) || baseUri.Segments.Length != newUri.Segments.Length-1) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_invalid_response_filename, filename)); } else { m_ResponseUri = newUri; } } } ///Attempts to find the response Uri /// Typical string looks like this, need to get trailing filename /// "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FTP46.tmp." ////// private void TryUpdateContentLength(string str) { int pos1 = str.LastIndexOf("("); if (pos1 != -1) { int pos2 = str.IndexOf(" bytes)."); if (pos2 != -1 && pos2 > pos1) { pos1++; long result; if (Int64.TryParse (str.Substring(pos1, pos2-pos1), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out result)) { m_ContentLength = result; } } } } ///Parses a response string for content length ////// /* private string GetIPAddress(string str) { StringBuilder IPstr=new StringBuilder(32); string Substr = null; int pos1 = str.IndexOf("(")+1; int pos2 = str.IndexOf(","); for(int i =0; i<3;i++) { Substr = str.Substring(pos1,pos2-pos1)+"."; IPstr.Append(Substr); pos1 = pos2+1; pos2 = str.IndexOf(",",pos1); } Substr = str.Substring(pos1,pos2-pos1); IPstr.Append(Substr); return IPstr.ToString(); } */ ///Parses a response string for a an IP Address ////// private string GetLoginDirectory(string str) { int firstQuote = str.IndexOf('"'); int lastQuote = str.LastIndexOf('"'); if (firstQuote != -1 && lastQuote != -1 && firstQuote != lastQuote) { return str.Substring(firstQuote+1, lastQuote-firstQuote-1); } else { return String.Empty; } } ///Parses a response string for our login dir in " " ////// private int GetPortV4(string responseString) { string [] parsedList = responseString.Split(new char [] {' ', '(', ',', ')'}); // We need at least the status code and the port if (parsedList.Length <= 7) { throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); } int index = parsedList.Length-1; // skip the last non-number token (e.g. terminating '.') if (!Char.IsNumber(parsedList[index], 0)) index--; int port = Convert.ToByte(parsedList[index--], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); port = port | (Convert.ToByte(parsedList[index--], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) << 8); return port; } ///Parses a response string for a port number ////// private int GetPortV6(string responseString) { int pos1 = responseString.LastIndexOf("("); int pos2 = responseString.LastIndexOf(")"); if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 <= pos1) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); // addressInfo will contain a string of format "|||Parses a response string for a port number ///|" string addressInfo = responseString.Substring(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1); // Although RFC2428 recommends using "|" as the delimiter, // It allows ASCII characters in range 33-126 inclusive. // We should consider allowing the full range. string [] parsedList = addressInfo.Split(new char [] {'|'}); if (parsedList.Length < 4) throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ftp_response_invalid_format, responseString)); return Convert.ToInt32(parsedList[3], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } /// /// private void CreateFtpListenerSocket(FtpWebRequest request) { // see \\index1\sdnt\inetcore\wininet\ftp // gets an IPEndPoint for the local host for the data socket to bind to. IPEndPoint epListener = new IPEndPoint(((IPEndPoint)Socket.LocalEndPoint).Address, 0); try { m_DataSocket = CreateFtpDataSocket(request, Socket); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { throw ExceptionHelper.RequestAbortedException; } // SECURITY: // Since we are doing WebRequest, we don't require SocketPermissions // Consider V.Next: Change to declarative form (10x faster) but // SocketPermission must be moved out of System.dll for this to work new SocketPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { // binds the data socket to the local end point. m_DataSocket.Bind(epListener); m_DataSocket.Listen(1); // Put the dataSocket * & in Listen mode } finally { SocketPermission.RevertAssert(); } } ///Creates the Listener socket ////// private string GetPortCommandLine(FtpWebRequest request) { try { // retrieves the IP address of the local endpoint IPEndPoint localEP = (IPEndPoint) m_DataSocket.LocalEndPoint; if (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { return FormatAddress(localEP.Address, localEP.Port); } else if (ServerAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { return FormatAddressV6(localEP.Address, localEP.Port); } else { throw new InternalException(); } } catch(Exception e) { throw GenerateException(WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, e); // could not open data connection } } ///Builds a command line to send to the server with proper port and IP address of client ////// private string FormatFtpCommand(string command, string parameter) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(command.Length + ((parameter != null) ? parameter.Length : 0) + 3 /*size of ' ' \r\n*/); stringBuilder.Append(command); if(!ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(parameter)) { stringBuilder.Append(' '); stringBuilder.Append(parameter); } stringBuilder.Append("\r\n"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } ///Formats a simple FTP command + parameter in correct pre-wire format ////// protected Socket CreateFtpDataSocket(FtpWebRequest request, Socket templateSocket) { // Safe to be called under an Assert. Socket socket = new Socket( templateSocket.AddressFamily, templateSocket.SocketType, templateSocket.ProtocolType ); return socket; } ////// This will handle either connecting to a port or listening for one /// ////// This function is called by the GeneralWebRequest superclass to determine whether a response is valid, and when it is complete. /// It also gives the response description a /// protected override bool CheckValid(ResponseDescription response, ref int validThrough, ref int completeLength) { GlobalLog.Print("FtpControlStream#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "CheckValid(" + response.StatusBuffer.ToString() + ")" ); // If the response is less than 4 bytes long, it is too short to tell, so return true, valid so far. if(response.StatusBuffer.Length < 4) { return true; } string responseString = response.StatusBuffer.ToString(); // Otherwise, if there is no status code for this response yet, get one. if(response.Status == ResponseDescription.NoStatus) { // If the response does not start with three digits, then it is not a valid response from an FTP server. if(!(Char.IsDigit(responseString[0]) && Char.IsDigit(responseString[1]) && Char.IsDigit(responseString[2]) && (responseString[3] == ' ' || responseString[3] == '-'))) { return false; } else { response.StatusCodeString = responseString.Substring(0, 3); response.Status = Convert.ToInt16(response.StatusCodeString, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } // IF a hyphen follows the status code on the first line of the response, then we have a multiline response coming. if (responseString[3] == '-') { response.Multiline = true; } } // If a complete line of response has been received from the server, then see if the // overall response is complete. // If this was not a multiline response, then the response is complete at the end of the line. // If this was a multiline response (indicated by three digits followed by a '-' in the first line, // then we see if the last line received started with the same three digits followed by a space. // If it did, then this is the sign of a complete multiline response. // If the line contained three other digits followed by the response, then this is a violation of the // FTP protocol for multiline responses. // All other cases indicate that the response is not yet complete. int index = 0; while((index = responseString.IndexOf("\r\n", validThrough)) != -1) // gets the end line. { int lineStart = validThrough; validThrough = index + 2; // validThrough now marks the end of the line being examined. if(!response.Multiline) { completeLength = validThrough; return true; } // same here if(responseString.Length > lineStart + 4) { // if the first three characters of the the response line currently being examined // match the status code, then if they are followed by a space, then we // have reached the end of the reply. if(responseString.Substring(lineStart, 3) == response.StatusCodeString) { if(responseString[lineStart + 3] == ' ') { completeLength = validThrough; return true; } } } } return true; } ////// private TriState IsFtpDataStreamWriteable() { FtpWebRequest request = m_Request as FtpWebRequest; if (request != null) { if (request.MethodInfo.IsUpload) { return TriState.True; } else if (request.MethodInfo.IsDownload) { return TriState.False; } } return TriState.Unspecified; } } // class FtpControlStream } // namespace System.Net // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.Determnines whether the stream we return is Writeable or Readable ///
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