BindingContext.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / BindingContext.cs / 1305376 / BindingContext.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
    using System;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 

    /// Manages the collection of System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase
    /// objects for a Win Form. 
    public class BindingContext : ICollection {
        private Hashtable listManagers;
        /// Gets the total number of System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBases
        /// objects.
        int ICollection.Count { 
            get { 
                return listManagers.Count; 

        /// Copies the elements of the collection into a specified array, starting
        /// at the collection index. 
        void ICollection.CopyTo(Array ar, int index)
            listManagers.CopyTo(ar, index); 
        /// Gets an enumerator for the collection.
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return listManagers.GetEnumerator();

        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
        public bool IsReadOnly { 
            get {
                return false; 
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the collection is synchronized.
        bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
            get { 
                // so the user will know that it has to lock this object
                return false;

        /// Gets an object to use for synchronization (thread safety). 
        object ICollection.SyncRoot {
            get {
                return null; 

        /// Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext class.
        public BindingContext() { 
            listManagers = new Hashtable();
        ///       Gets the System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase
        ///       associated with the specified data source.
        public BindingManagerBase this[object dataSource] { 
            get { 
                return this[dataSource, ""];

        /// Gets the System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase associated with the specified data source and
        ///    data member. 
        public BindingManagerBase this[object dataSource, string dataMember] {
            get { 
                return EnsureListManager(dataSource, dataMember);
        /// Adds the listManager to the collection.  An ArgumentNullException is thrown if this listManager 
        /// is null.  An exception is thrown if a listManager to the same target and Property as an existing listManager or
        /// if the listManager's column isn't a valid column given this DataSource.Table's schema. 
        /// Fires the CollectionChangedEvent.
        internal protected void Add(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager) {
            AddCore(dataSource, listManager);
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Add, dataSource)); 

        protected virtual void AddCore(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager) {
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource"); 
            if (listManager == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("listManager");
            // listManagers[dataSource] = listManager;
            listManagers[GetKey(dataSource, "")] = new WeakReference(listManager, false);

        ///       Occurs when the collection has changed. 
        [SRDescription(SR.collectionChangedEventDescr), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Browsable(false)]
        public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")] 
            add { 
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")]
            remove {

        /// Clears the collection of any bindings.
        /// Fires the CollectionChangedEvent. 
        internal protected void Clear() {
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, null));
        ///       Clears the collection.
        protected virtual void ClearCore() {
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext
        /// contains the specified 
        /// data source.
        public bool Contains(object dataSource) { 
            return Contains(dataSource, "");

        /// Gets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext 
        /// contains the specified data source and data member.
        public bool Contains(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
            return listManagers.ContainsKey(GetKey(dataSource, dataMember));

        internal HashKey GetKey(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
            return new HashKey(dataSource, dataMember);

        internal class HashKey {
            WeakReference wRef;
            int dataSourceHashCode; 
            string dataMember;
            internal HashKey(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
                if (dataSource == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource"); 
                if (dataMember == null)
                    dataMember = "";
                // The dataMember should be case insensitive.
                // so convert the dataMember to lower case 
                this.wRef = new WeakReference(dataSource, false); 
                this.dataSourceHashCode = dataSource.GetHashCode(); 
                this.dataMember = dataMember.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            public override int GetHashCode() { 
                return dataSourceHashCode * dataMember.GetHashCode(); 
            public override bool Equals(object target) {
                if (target is HashKey) { 
                    HashKey keyTarget = (HashKey)target; 
                    return wRef.Target == keyTarget.wRef.Target && dataMember == keyTarget.dataMember;
                return false;
        ///    This method is called whenever the collection changes.  Overriders
        ///    of this method should call the base implementation of this method. 
        ///    NOTE: This shipped in Everett, so we need to keep it, but we don't do
        ///    anything here.
        protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent) { 
        /// Removes the given listManager from the collection. 
        /// An ArgumentNullException is thrown if this listManager is null.  An ArgumentException is thrown
        /// if this listManager doesn't belong to this collection.
        /// The CollectionChanged event is fired if it succeeds.
        internal protected void Remove(object dataSource) {
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, dataSource));

        protected virtual void RemoveCore(object dataSource) { 
            listManagers.Remove(GetKey(dataSource, ""));

        ///    Create a suitable binding manager for the specified dataSource/dataMember combination. 
        ///    - If one has already been created and cached by this BindingContext, return that instead.
        ///    - If the data source is an ICurrencyManagerProvider, just delegate to the data source. 
        internal BindingManagerBase EnsureListManager(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
            BindingManagerBase bindingManagerBase = null; 

            if (dataMember == null)
                dataMember = "";
            // Check whether data source wants to provide its own binding managers
            // (but fall through to old logic if it fails to provide us with one) 
            if (dataSource is ICurrencyManagerProvider) {
                bindingManagerBase = (dataSource as ICurrencyManagerProvider).GetRelatedCurrencyManager(dataMember); 

                if (bindingManagerBase != null) {
                    return bindingManagerBase;
            // Check for previously created binding manager 
            HashKey key = GetKey(dataSource, dataMember); 
            WeakReference wRef;
            wRef = listManagers[key] as WeakReference;
            if (wRef != null)
                bindingManagerBase = (BindingManagerBase) wRef.Target; 
            if (bindingManagerBase != null) {
                return bindingManagerBase; 

            if (dataMember.Length == 0) { 
                // No data member specified, so create binding manager directly on the data source
                if (dataSource is IList || dataSource is IListSource) {
                    // IListSource so we can bind the dataGrid to a table and a dataSet 
                    bindingManagerBase = new CurrencyManager(dataSource);
                else { 
                    // Otherwise assume simple property binding
                    bindingManagerBase = new PropertyManager(dataSource); 
            else {
                // Data member specified, so get data source's binding manager, and hook a 'related' binding manager to it 
                int lastDot = dataMember.LastIndexOf("."); 
                string dataPath = (lastDot == -1) ? "" : dataMember.Substring(0, lastDot); 
                string dataField = dataMember.Substring(lastDot + 1);
                BindingManagerBase formerManager = EnsureListManager(dataSource, dataPath);

                PropertyDescriptor prop = formerManager.GetItemProperties().Find(dataField, true);
                if (prop == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.RelatedListManagerChild, dataField));
                if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType)) 
                    bindingManagerBase = new RelatedCurrencyManager(formerManager, dataField);
                    bindingManagerBase = new RelatedPropertyManager(formerManager, dataField);

            // if wRef == null, then it is the first time we want this bindingManagerBase: so add it 
            // if wRef != null, then the bindingManagerBase was GC'ed at some point: keep the old wRef and change its target
            if (wRef == null) 
                listManagers.Add(key, new WeakReference(bindingManagerBase, false)); 
                wRef.Target = bindingManagerBase; 

            // Return the final binding manager
            return bindingManagerBase;

        // may throw 
        private static void CheckPropertyBindingCycles(BindingContext newBindingContext, Binding propBinding) { 
            if (newBindingContext == null || propBinding == null)
            if (newBindingContext.Contains(propBinding.BindableComponent, "")) {
                // this way we do not add a bindingManagerBase to the
                // bindingContext if there isn't one already
                BindingManagerBase bindingManagerBase = newBindingContext.EnsureListManager(propBinding.BindableComponent, ""); 
                for (int i = 0; i < bindingManagerBase.Bindings.Count; i++) {
                    Binding binding = bindingManagerBase.Bindings[i]; 
                    if (binding.DataSource == propBinding.BindableComponent) { 
                        if (propBinding.BindToObject.BindingMemberInfo.BindingMember.Equals(binding.PropertyName))
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBindingCycle, binding.PropertyName), "propBinding"); 
                    } else if (propBinding.BindToObject.BindingManagerBase is PropertyManager)
                        CheckPropertyBindingCycles(newBindingContext, binding);
        private void ScrubWeakRefs() { 
            object[] list = new object[listManagers.Count];
            listManagers.CopyTo(list, 0); 
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) {
                DictionaryEntry entry = (DictionaryEntry) list[i];
                WeakReference wRef = (WeakReference) entry.Value;
                if (wRef.Target == null) { 
        ///     Associates a Binding with a different BindingContext. Intended for use by components that support
        ///     IBindableComponent, to update their Bindings when the value of IBindableComponent.BindingContext 
        ///     is changed.
        public static void UpdateBinding(BindingContext newBindingContext, Binding binding) { 
            BindingManagerBase oldManager = binding.BindingManagerBase;
            if (oldManager != null) { 

            if (newBindingContext != null) { 
                // we need to first check for cycles before adding this binding to the collection
                // of bindings. 
                if (binding.BindToObject.BindingManagerBase is PropertyManager) 
                    CheckPropertyBindingCycles(newBindingContext, binding);
                BindToObject bindTo = binding.BindToObject;
                BindingManagerBase newManager = newBindingContext.EnsureListManager(bindTo.DataSource, bindTo.BindingMemberInfo.BindingPath);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
    using System;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 

    /// Manages the collection of System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase
    /// objects for a Win Form. 
    public class BindingContext : ICollection {
        private Hashtable listManagers;
        /// Gets the total number of System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBases
        /// objects.
        int ICollection.Count { 
            get { 
                return listManagers.Count; 

        /// Copies the elements of the collection into a specified array, starting
        /// at the collection index. 
        void ICollection.CopyTo(Array ar, int index)
            listManagers.CopyTo(ar, index); 
        /// Gets an enumerator for the collection.
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return listManagers.GetEnumerator();

        ///       Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
        public bool IsReadOnly { 
            get {
                return false; 
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the collection is synchronized.
        bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
            get { 
                // so the user will know that it has to lock this object
                return false;

        /// Gets an object to use for synchronization (thread safety). 
        object ICollection.SyncRoot {
            get {
                return null; 

        /// Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext class.
        public BindingContext() { 
            listManagers = new Hashtable();
        ///       Gets the System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase
        ///       associated with the specified data source.
        public BindingManagerBase this[object dataSource] { 
            get { 
                return this[dataSource, ""];

        /// Gets the System.Windows.Forms.BindingManagerBase associated with the specified data source and
        ///    data member. 
        public BindingManagerBase this[object dataSource, string dataMember] {
            get { 
                return EnsureListManager(dataSource, dataMember);
        /// Adds the listManager to the collection.  An ArgumentNullException is thrown if this listManager 
        /// is null.  An exception is thrown if a listManager to the same target and Property as an existing listManager or
        /// if the listManager's column isn't a valid column given this DataSource.Table's schema. 
        /// Fires the CollectionChangedEvent.
        internal protected void Add(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager) {
            AddCore(dataSource, listManager);
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Add, dataSource)); 

        protected virtual void AddCore(object dataSource, BindingManagerBase listManager) {
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource"); 
            if (listManager == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("listManager");
            // listManagers[dataSource] = listManager;
            listManagers[GetKey(dataSource, "")] = new WeakReference(listManager, false);

        ///       Occurs when the collection has changed. 
        [SRDescription(SR.collectionChangedEventDescr), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Browsable(false)]
        public event CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChanged { 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")] 
            add { 
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")]
            remove {

        /// Clears the collection of any bindings.
        /// Fires the CollectionChangedEvent. 
        internal protected void Clear() {
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, null));
        ///       Clears the collection.
        protected virtual void ClearCore() {
        /// Gets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext
        /// contains the specified 
        /// data source.
        public bool Contains(object dataSource) { 
            return Contains(dataSource, "");

        /// Gets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext 
        /// contains the specified data source and data member.
        public bool Contains(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
            return listManagers.ContainsKey(GetKey(dataSource, dataMember));

        internal HashKey GetKey(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
            return new HashKey(dataSource, dataMember);

        internal class HashKey {
            WeakReference wRef;
            int dataSourceHashCode; 
            string dataMember;
            internal HashKey(object dataSource, string dataMember) { 
                if (dataSource == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource"); 
                if (dataMember == null)
                    dataMember = "";
                // The dataMember should be case insensitive.
                // so convert the dataMember to lower case 
                this.wRef = new WeakReference(dataSource, false); 
                this.dataSourceHashCode = dataSource.GetHashCode(); 
                this.dataMember = dataMember.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            public override int GetHashCode() { 
                return dataSourceHashCode * dataMember.GetHashCode(); 
            public override bool Equals(object target) {
                if (target is HashKey) { 
                    HashKey keyTarget = (HashKey)target; 
                    return wRef.Target == keyTarget.wRef.Target && dataMember == keyTarget.dataMember;
                return false;
        ///    This method is called whenever the collection changes.  Overriders
        ///    of this method should call the base implementation of this method. 
        ///    NOTE: This shipped in Everett, so we need to keep it, but we don't do
        ///    anything here.
        protected virtual void OnCollectionChanged(CollectionChangeEventArgs ccevent) { 
        /// Removes the given listManager from the collection. 
        /// An ArgumentNullException is thrown if this listManager is null.  An ArgumentException is thrown
        /// if this listManager doesn't belong to this collection.
        /// The CollectionChanged event is fired if it succeeds.
        internal protected void Remove(object dataSource) {
            OnCollectionChanged(new CollectionChangeEventArgs(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, dataSource));

        protected virtual void RemoveCore(object dataSource) { 
            listManagers.Remove(GetKey(dataSource, ""));

        ///    Create a suitable binding manager for the specified dataSource/dataMember combination. 
        ///    - If one has already been created and cached by this BindingContext, return that instead.
        ///    - If the data source is an ICurrencyManagerProvider, just delegate to the data source. 
        internal BindingManagerBase EnsureListManager(object dataSource, string dataMember) {
            BindingManagerBase bindingManagerBase = null; 

            if (dataMember == null)
                dataMember = "";
            // Check whether data source wants to provide its own binding managers
            // (but fall through to old logic if it fails to provide us with one) 
            if (dataSource is ICurrencyManagerProvider) {
                bindingManagerBase = (dataSource as ICurrencyManagerProvider).GetRelatedCurrencyManager(dataMember); 

                if (bindingManagerBase != null) {
                    return bindingManagerBase;
            // Check for previously created binding manager 
            HashKey key = GetKey(dataSource, dataMember); 
            WeakReference wRef;
            wRef = listManagers[key] as WeakReference;
            if (wRef != null)
                bindingManagerBase = (BindingManagerBase) wRef.Target; 
            if (bindingManagerBase != null) {
                return bindingManagerBase; 

            if (dataMember.Length == 0) { 
                // No data member specified, so create binding manager directly on the data source
                if (dataSource is IList || dataSource is IListSource) {
                    // IListSource so we can bind the dataGrid to a table and a dataSet 
                    bindingManagerBase = new CurrencyManager(dataSource);
                else { 
                    // Otherwise assume simple property binding
                    bindingManagerBase = new PropertyManager(dataSource); 
            else {
                // Data member specified, so get data source's binding manager, and hook a 'related' binding manager to it 
                int lastDot = dataMember.LastIndexOf("."); 
                string dataPath = (lastDot == -1) ? "" : dataMember.Substring(0, lastDot); 
                string dataField = dataMember.Substring(lastDot + 1);
                BindingManagerBase formerManager = EnsureListManager(dataSource, dataPath);

                PropertyDescriptor prop = formerManager.GetItemProperties().Find(dataField, true);
                if (prop == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.RelatedListManagerChild, dataField));
                if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType)) 
                    bindingManagerBase = new RelatedCurrencyManager(formerManager, dataField);
                    bindingManagerBase = new RelatedPropertyManager(formerManager, dataField);

            // if wRef == null, then it is the first time we want this bindingManagerBase: so add it 
            // if wRef != null, then the bindingManagerBase was GC'ed at some point: keep the old wRef and change its target
            if (wRef == null) 
                listManagers.Add(key, new WeakReference(bindingManagerBase, false)); 
                wRef.Target = bindingManagerBase; 

            // Return the final binding manager
            return bindingManagerBase;

        // may throw 
        private static void CheckPropertyBindingCycles(BindingContext newBindingContext, Binding propBinding) { 
            if (newBindingContext == null || propBinding == null)
            if (newBindingContext.Contains(propBinding.BindableComponent, "")) {
                // this way we do not add a bindingManagerBase to the
                // bindingContext if there isn't one already
                BindingManagerBase bindingManagerBase = newBindingContext.EnsureListManager(propBinding.BindableComponent, ""); 
                for (int i = 0; i < bindingManagerBase.Bindings.Count; i++) {
                    Binding binding = bindingManagerBase.Bindings[i]; 
                    if (binding.DataSource == propBinding.BindableComponent) { 
                        if (propBinding.BindToObject.BindingMemberInfo.BindingMember.Equals(binding.PropertyName))
                            throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataBindingCycle, binding.PropertyName), "propBinding"); 
                    } else if (propBinding.BindToObject.BindingManagerBase is PropertyManager)
                        CheckPropertyBindingCycles(newBindingContext, binding);
        private void ScrubWeakRefs() { 
            object[] list = new object[listManagers.Count];
            listManagers.CopyTo(list, 0); 
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) {
                DictionaryEntry entry = (DictionaryEntry) list[i];
                WeakReference wRef = (WeakReference) entry.Value;
                if (wRef.Target == null) { 
        ///     Associates a Binding with a different BindingContext. Intended for use by components that support
        ///     IBindableComponent, to update their Bindings when the value of IBindableComponent.BindingContext 
        ///     is changed.
        public static void UpdateBinding(BindingContext newBindingContext, Binding binding) { 
            BindingManagerBase oldManager = binding.BindingManagerBase;
            if (oldManager != null) { 

            if (newBindingContext != null) { 
                // we need to first check for cycles before adding this binding to the collection
                // of bindings. 
                if (binding.BindToObject.BindingManagerBase is PropertyManager) 
                    CheckPropertyBindingCycles(newBindingContext, binding);
                BindToObject bindTo = binding.BindToObject;
                BindingManagerBase newManager = newBindingContext.EnsureListManager(bindTo.DataSource, bindTo.BindingMemberInfo.BindingPath);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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