Button.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / Button.cs / 1305376 / Button.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    using System.Diagnostics; 

    using System; 
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.ButtonInternal;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;

    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Internal;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    ///    Represents a
    ///       Windows button.
     Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ButtonBaseDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) 
    public class Button : ButtonBase, IButtonControl { 

        ///     The dialog result that will be sent to the parent dialog form when 
        ///     we are clicked.
        private DialogResult dialogResult; 

        ///     For buttons whose FaltStyle = FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the size, in pixels
        ///     of the border around the button.
        private Size systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue);
        ///       Initializes a new instance of the 
        ///       class.
        public Button() : base() {
            // Buttons shouldn't respond to right clicks, so we need to do all our own click logic 
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick | 

        ///     Allows the control to optionally shrink when AutoSize is true. 
        public AutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode { 
            get {
                return GetAutoSizeMode(); 
            set {
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, (int)AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly)){
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(AutoSizeMode));
                if (GetAutoSizeMode() != value) {
                    if(ParentInternal != null) { 
                        // DefaultLayout does not keep anchor information until it needs to.  When
                        // AutoSize became a common property, we could no longer blindly call into 
                        // DefaultLayout, so now we do a special InitLayout just for DefaultLayout.
                        if(ParentInternal.LayoutEngine == DefaultLayout.Instance) {
                            ParentInternal.LayoutEngine.InitLayout(this, BoundsSpecified.Size);
                        LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.AutoSize);

        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreateFlatAdapter() {
            return new ButtonFlatAdapter(this);

        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreatePopupAdapter() { 
            return new ButtonPopupAdapter(this); 
        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreateStandardAdapter() {
            return new ButtonStandardAdapter(this);
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedConstraints) {
            if(FlatStyle != FlatStyle.System) { 
                Size prefSize = base.GetPreferredSizeCore(proposedConstraints); 
                return AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink ? prefSize : LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(prefSize, Size);

            if (systemSize.Width == Int32.MinValue) {
                Size requiredSize;
                // Note: The result from the BCM_GETIDEALSIZE message isn't accurate if the font has been 
                // changed, because this method is called before the font is set into the device context.
                // Commenting this line is the fix for bug VSWhidbey#228843. 
                //if(UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(hWnd, NativeMethods.BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, size) != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                //    requiredSize = size.ToSize(); ...
                requiredSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font); 
                requiredSize = SizeFromClientSize(requiredSize);

                // This padding makes FlatStyle.System about the same size as FlatStyle.Standard
                // with an 8px font. 
                requiredSize.Width += 14;
                requiredSize.Height += 9; 
                systemSize = requiredSize; 
            Size paddedSize = systemSize + Padding.Size; 
            return AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink ? paddedSize : LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(paddedSize, Size);

        ///       This is called when creating a window. Inheriting classes can overide
        ///       this to add extra functionality, but should not forget to first call 
        ///       base.CreateParams() to make sure the control continues to work
        ///       correctly.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            get {
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; 
                cp.ClassName = "BUTTON";
                if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_OWNERDRAW;
                else {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_PUSHBUTTON; 
                    if (IsDefault) { 
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON;
                return cp;

        ///       Gets or sets a value that is returned to the 
        ///       parent form when the button
        ///       is clicked.
        public virtual DialogResult DialogResult {
            get {
                return dialogResult;

            set { 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DialogResult.None, (int) DialogResult.No)) { 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DialogResult));
                dialogResult = value;
        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e) {
        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) {

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
        public new event EventHandler DoubleClick {
            add { 
                base.DoubleClick += value;
            remove { 
                base.DoubleClick -= value;

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
        public new event MouseEventHandler MouseDoubleClick { 
            add { 
                base.MouseDoubleClick += value;
            remove {
                base.MouseDoubleClick -= value;

        ///       Notifies the  
        ///       whether it is the default button so that it can adjust its appearance
        ///       accordingly.
        public virtual void NotifyDefault(bool value) { 
            if (IsDefault != value) { 
                IsDefault = value;

        ///       This method actually raises the Click event. Inheriting classes should 
        ///       override this if they wish to be notified of a Click event. (This is far
        ///       preferable to actually adding an event handler.) They should not, 
        ///       however, forget to call base.onClick(e); before exiting, to ensure that
        ///       other recipients do actually get the event.
        protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { 
            Form form = FindFormInternal(); 
            if (form != null) form.DialogResult = dialogResult;

            // accessibility stuff
            AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.StateChange, -1); 
            AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.NameChange, -1);
        protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) {
            systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue);

        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) {
            if (mevent.Button == MouseButtons.Left && MouseIsPressed) { 
                bool isMouseDown = base.MouseIsDown; 

                if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) { 
                    //Paint in raised state...
                if (isMouseDown) { 
                    Point pt = PointToScreen(new Point(mevent.X, mevent.Y));
                    if (UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint(pt.X, pt.Y) == Handle && !ValidationCancelled) { 
                        if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) { 
        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) {
            systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue); 

        ///       Generates a  event for a 
        ///       button.
        public void PerformClick() {
            if (CanSelect) {
                bool validatedControlAllowsFocusChange; 
                bool validate = ValidateActiveControl(out validatedControlAllowsFocusChange);
                if (!ValidationCancelled && (validate || validatedControlAllowsFocusChange)) 
                    //Paint in raised state...
        ///       Lets a control process mnmemonic characters. Inheriting classes can
        ///       override this to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call
        ///       base.ProcessMnemonic(charCode); to ensure basic functionality 
        ///       remains unchanged.
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
        protected internal override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode) {
            if (UseMnemonic && CanProcessMnemonic() && IsMnemonic(charCode, Text)) {
                return true; 
            return base.ProcessMnemonic(charCode); 

        ///       Provides some interesting information for the Button control in 
        ///       String form.
        public override string ToString() {
            string s = base.ToString();
            return s + ", Text: " + Text;
        ///     The button's window procedure.  Inheriting classes can override this 
        ///     to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call
        ///     base.wndProc(m); to ensure the button continues to function properly. 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { 
            switch (m.Msg) {
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_COMMAND: 
                    if (NativeMethods.Util.HIWORD(m.WParam) == NativeMethods.BN_CLICKED) { 
                        Debug.Assert(!GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint), "Shouldn't get BN_CLICKED when UserPaint");
                        if (!ValidationCancelled) { 
                case NativeMethods.WM_ERASEBKGND:
                    DefWndProc(ref m); 
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    using System.Diagnostics; 

    using System; 
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.ButtonInternal;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;

    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Internal;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    ///    Represents a
    ///       Windows button.
     Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ButtonBaseDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign) 
    public class Button : ButtonBase, IButtonControl { 

        ///     The dialog result that will be sent to the parent dialog form when 
        ///     we are clicked.
        private DialogResult dialogResult; 

        ///     For buttons whose FaltStyle = FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the size, in pixels
        ///     of the border around the button.
        private Size systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue);
        ///       Initializes a new instance of the 
        ///       class.
        public Button() : base() {
            // Buttons shouldn't respond to right clicks, so we need to do all our own click logic 
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick | 

        ///     Allows the control to optionally shrink when AutoSize is true. 
        public AutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode { 
            get {
                return GetAutoSizeMode(); 
            set {
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, (int)AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly)){
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(AutoSizeMode));
                if (GetAutoSizeMode() != value) {
                    if(ParentInternal != null) { 
                        // DefaultLayout does not keep anchor information until it needs to.  When
                        // AutoSize became a common property, we could no longer blindly call into 
                        // DefaultLayout, so now we do a special InitLayout just for DefaultLayout.
                        if(ParentInternal.LayoutEngine == DefaultLayout.Instance) {
                            ParentInternal.LayoutEngine.InitLayout(this, BoundsSpecified.Size);
                        LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.AutoSize);

        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreateFlatAdapter() {
            return new ButtonFlatAdapter(this);

        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreatePopupAdapter() { 
            return new ButtonPopupAdapter(this); 
        internal override ButtonBaseAdapter CreateStandardAdapter() {
            return new ButtonStandardAdapter(this);
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedConstraints) {
            if(FlatStyle != FlatStyle.System) { 
                Size prefSize = base.GetPreferredSizeCore(proposedConstraints); 
                return AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink ? prefSize : LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(prefSize, Size);

            if (systemSize.Width == Int32.MinValue) {
                Size requiredSize;
                // Note: The result from the BCM_GETIDEALSIZE message isn't accurate if the font has been 
                // changed, because this method is called before the font is set into the device context.
                // Commenting this line is the fix for bug VSWhidbey#228843. 
                //if(UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(hWnd, NativeMethods.BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, size) != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                //    requiredSize = size.ToSize(); ...
                requiredSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.Text, this.Font); 
                requiredSize = SizeFromClientSize(requiredSize);

                // This padding makes FlatStyle.System about the same size as FlatStyle.Standard
                // with an 8px font. 
                requiredSize.Width += 14;
                requiredSize.Height += 9; 
                systemSize = requiredSize; 
            Size paddedSize = systemSize + Padding.Size; 
            return AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink ? paddedSize : LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(paddedSize, Size);

        ///       This is called when creating a window. Inheriting classes can overide
        ///       this to add extra functionality, but should not forget to first call 
        ///       base.CreateParams() to make sure the control continues to work
        ///       correctly.
        protected override CreateParams CreateParams { 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            get {
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; 
                cp.ClassName = "BUTTON";
                if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_OWNERDRAW;
                else {
                    cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_PUSHBUTTON; 
                    if (IsDefault) { 
                        cp.Style |= NativeMethods.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON;
                return cp;

        ///       Gets or sets a value that is returned to the 
        ///       parent form when the button
        ///       is clicked.
        public virtual DialogResult DialogResult {
            get {
                return dialogResult;

            set { 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DialogResult.None, (int) DialogResult.No)) { 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(DialogResult));
                dialogResult = value;
        ///       Raises the  event. 
        protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e) {
        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) {

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
        public new event EventHandler DoubleClick {
            add { 
                base.DoubleClick += value;
            remove { 
                base.DoubleClick -= value;

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
        public new event MouseEventHandler MouseDoubleClick { 
            add { 
                base.MouseDoubleClick += value;
            remove {
                base.MouseDoubleClick -= value;

        ///       Notifies the  
        ///       whether it is the default button so that it can adjust its appearance
        ///       accordingly.
        public virtual void NotifyDefault(bool value) { 
            if (IsDefault != value) { 
                IsDefault = value;

        ///       This method actually raises the Click event. Inheriting classes should 
        ///       override this if they wish to be notified of a Click event. (This is far
        ///       preferable to actually adding an event handler.) They should not, 
        ///       however, forget to call base.onClick(e); before exiting, to ensure that
        ///       other recipients do actually get the event.
        protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { 
            Form form = FindFormInternal(); 
            if (form != null) form.DialogResult = dialogResult;

            // accessibility stuff
            AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.StateChange, -1); 
            AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.NameChange, -1);
        protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) {
            systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue);

        ///       Raises the  event.
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) {
            if (mevent.Button == MouseButtons.Left && MouseIsPressed) { 
                bool isMouseDown = base.MouseIsDown; 

                if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) { 
                    //Paint in raised state...
                if (isMouseDown) { 
                    Point pt = PointToScreen(new Point(mevent.X, mevent.Y));
                    if (UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint(pt.X, pt.Y) == Handle && !ValidationCancelled) { 
                        if (GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint)) { 
        protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) {
            systemSize = new Size(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue); 

        ///       Generates a  event for a 
        ///       button.
        public void PerformClick() {
            if (CanSelect) {
                bool validatedControlAllowsFocusChange; 
                bool validate = ValidateActiveControl(out validatedControlAllowsFocusChange);
                if (!ValidationCancelled && (validate || validatedControlAllowsFocusChange)) 
                    //Paint in raised state...
        ///       Lets a control process mnmemonic characters. Inheriting classes can
        ///       override this to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call
        ///       base.ProcessMnemonic(charCode); to ensure basic functionality 
        ///       remains unchanged.
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
        protected internal override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode) {
            if (UseMnemonic && CanProcessMnemonic() && IsMnemonic(charCode, Text)) {
                return true; 
            return base.ProcessMnemonic(charCode); 

        ///       Provides some interesting information for the Button control in 
        ///       String form.
        public override string ToString() {
            string s = base.ToString();
            return s + ", Text: " + Text;
        ///     The button's window procedure.  Inheriting classes can override this 
        ///     to add extra functionality, but should not forget to call
        ///     base.wndProc(m); to ensure the button continues to function properly. 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { 
            switch (m.Msg) {
                case NativeMethods.WM_REFLECT + NativeMethods.WM_COMMAND: 
                    if (NativeMethods.Util.HIWORD(m.WParam) == NativeMethods.BN_CLICKED) { 
                        Debug.Assert(!GetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint), "Shouldn't get BN_CLICKED when UserPaint");
                        if (!ValidationCancelled) { 
                case NativeMethods.WM_ERASEBKGND:
                    DefWndProc(ref m); 
                    base.WndProc(ref m); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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