MethodSet.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Wmi / managed / System / Management / MethodSet.cs / 1305376 / MethodSet.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using WbemClient_v1;
namespace System.Management
    ///     Represents the set of methods available in the collection. 
    ///    using System;
    /// using System.Management; 
    /// // This sample demonstrates enumerate all methods in a ManagementClass object. 
    /// class Sample_MethodDataCollection 
    /// {
    ///     public static int Main(string[] args) { 
    ///         ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk");
    ///         MethodDataCollection diskMethods = diskClass.Methods;
    ///         foreach (MethodData method in diskMethods) {
    ///             Console.WriteLine("Method = " + method.Name); 
    ///         }
    ///         return 0; 
    ///     } 
    /// }
    ///    Imports System
    /// Imports System.Management
    /// ' This sample demonstrates enumerate all methods in a ManagementClass object. 
    /// Class Sample_MethodDataCollection
    ///     Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer 
    ///         Dim diskClass As New ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk") 
    ///         Dim diskMethods As MethodDataCollection = diskClass.Methods
    ///         Dim method As MethodData 
    ///         For Each method In diskMethods
    ///             Console.WriteLine("Method = " & method.Name)
    ///         Next method
    ///         Return 0 
    ///     End Function
    /// End Class 
    public class MethodDataCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable
        private ManagementObject parent;
        private class enumLock
        } //used to lock usage of BeginMethodEnum/NextMethod 

        internal MethodDataCollection(ManagementObject parent) : base() 
            this.parent = parent;

        /// Represents the number of objects in the .
        ///  The number of objects in the .  
        public int Count 
                int i = 0;
                IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded inParameters = null, outParameters = null;
                string methodName;
                int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                        status = parent.wbemObject.BeginMethodEnumeration_(0);

                        if (status >= 0)
                            methodName = "";    // Condition primer to branch into the while loop.
                            while (methodName != null && status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                                methodName = null; inParameters = null; outParameters = null;
                                status = parent.wbemObject.NextMethod_(0, out methodName, out inParameters, out outParameters); 
                                if (status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA)
                            parent.wbemObject.EndMethodEnumeration_();  // Ignore status. 
                    catch (COMException e) 
                } // lock

                if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) 
                else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

                return i; 
        ///    Indicates whether the object is synchronized. 
        ///  if the object is synchronized;
        ///    otherwise, . 
        public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } 

        ///    Represents the object to be used for synchronization.
        ///    The object to be used for synchronization. 
        public object SyncRoot { get { return this; } 

        /// Copies the  into an array.
        ///  Copies the  into an array. 
        /// The array to which to copy the collection.  
        /// The index from which to start.  
        public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
            //Use an enumerator to get the MethodData objects and attach them into the target array
            foreach (MethodData m in this)
                array.SetValue(m, index++);

        /// Copies the  to a specialized  
        /// array.
        /// The destination array to which to copy the  objects.
        /// The index in the destination array from which to start the copy.
        public void CopyTo(MethodData[] methodArray, int index)
            CopyTo((Array)methodArray, index);
        // IEnumerable 
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return (IEnumerator)(new MethodDataEnumerator(parent)); 
        /// Returns an enumerator for the .
        ///     Each call to this method
        ///       returns a new enumerator on the collection. Multiple enumerators can be obtained
        ///       for the same method collection. However, each enumerator takes a snapshot 
        ///       of the collection, so changes made to the collection after the enumerator was
        ///       obtained are not reflected. 
        /// An  to enumerate through the collection.
        public MethodDataEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return new MethodDataEnumerator(parent);
        //Enumerator class
        /// Represents the enumerator for  
        /// objects in the .
        ///    using System;
        /// using System.Management;
        /// // This sample demonstrates how to enumerate all methods in
        /// // Win32_LogicalDisk class using MethodDataEnumerator object. 
        /// class Sample_MethodDataEnumerator
        /// { 
        ///  public static int Main(string[] args)
        ///  {
        ///   ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk");
        ///   MethodDataCollection.MethodDataEnumerator diskEnumerator = 
        ///    diskClass.Methods.GetEnumerator();
        ///   while(diskEnumerator.MoveNext()) 
        ///   { 
        ///    MethodData method = diskEnumerator.Current;
        ///    Console.WriteLine("Method = " + method.Name); 
        ///   }
        ///   return 0;
        ///  }
        /// } 
        ///    Imports System 
        /// Imports System.Management 
        /// ' This sample demonstrates how to enumerate all methods in 
        /// ' Win32_LogicalDisk class using MethodDataEnumerator object.
        /// Class Sample_MethodDataEnumerator
        ///  Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer 
        ///   Dim diskClass As New ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk")
        ///   Dim diskEnumerator As _ 
        ///        MethodDataCollection.MethodDataEnumerator = _ 
        ///       diskClass.Methods.GetEnumerator()
        ///   While diskEnumerator.MoveNext() 
        ///    Dim method As MethodData = diskEnumerator.Current
        ///    Console.WriteLine("Method = " & method.Name)
        ///   End While
        ///   Return 0 
        ///  End Function
        /// End Class 
        public class MethodDataEnumerator : IEnumerator 
            private ManagementObject parent;
            private ArrayList methodNames; //can't use simple array because we don't know the size...
            private IEnumerator en; 

            //Internal constructor 
            //Because WMI doesn't provide a "GetMethodNames" for methods similar to "GetNames" for properties, 
            //We have to walk the methods list and cache the names here.
            //We lock to ensure that another thread doesn't interfere in the Begin/Next sequence. 
            internal MethodDataEnumerator(ManagementObject parent)
                this.parent = parent;
                methodNames = new ArrayList(); 
                IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded inP = null, outP = null;
                string tempMethodName; 
                int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                        status = parent.wbemObject.BeginMethodEnumeration_(0); 

                        if (status >= 0) 
                            tempMethodName = "";    // Condition primer to branch into the while loop.
                            while (tempMethodName != null && status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                                tempMethodName = null;
                                status = parent.wbemObject.NextMethod_(0, out tempMethodName, out inP, out outP);
                                if (status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                            parent.wbemObject.EndMethodEnumeration_();  // Ignore status. 
                    catch (COMException e)
                    en = methodNames.GetEnumerator();
                if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000)
                else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

            object IEnumerator.Current { get { return (object)this.Current; } }

            /// Returns the current  in the  
            /// enumeration.
            /// The current  item in the collection. 
            public MethodData Current
                        return new MethodData(parent, (string)en.Current);
            /// Moves to the next element in the  enumeration.
            ///  if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next method;  if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
            public bool MoveNext ()
                return en.MoveNext(); 
            /// Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the  enumeration.
            public void Reset()



        /// Returns the specified  from the .
        /// The name of the method requested. 
        /// A  instance containing all information about the specified method.
        public virtual MethodData this[string methodName] 
                if (null == methodName) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("methodName");
                return new MethodData(parent, methodName); 

        /// Removes a  from the . 
        /// The name of the method to remove from the collection. 
        ///       Removing  objects from the  
        ///       can only be done when the class has no
        ///       instances. Any other case will result in an exception.
        public virtual void Remove(string methodName) 
            if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't remove methods from instance 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 

            int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                status = parent.wbemObject.DeleteMethod_(methodName); 
            catch (COMException e) 

            if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000)
            else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0) 

        //This variant takes only a method name and assumes a void method with no in/out parameters
        /// Adds a  to the .
        /// Adds a  to the . This overload will
        ///    add a new method with no parameters to the collection. 
        /// The name of the method to add.
        ///  Adding  objects to the  can only 
        ///    be done when the class has no instances. Any other case will result in an
        ///    exception. 
        public virtual void Add(string methodName)
            Add(methodName, null, null);


        //This variant takes the full information, i.e. the method name and in & out param objects 
        /// Adds a  to the . This overload will add a new method with the
        ///    specified parameter objects to the collection. 
        /// The name of the method to add.
        /// The  holding the input parameters to the method.
        /// The  holding the output parameters to the method. 
        ///  Adding  objects to the  can only be 
        ///    done when the class has no instances. Any other case will result in an 
        ///    exception.
        public virtual void Add(string methodName, ManagementBaseObject inParameters, ManagementBaseObject outParameters)
            IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded wbemIn = null, wbemOut = null;
            if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't add methods to instance
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 
            if (inParameters != null)
                wbemIn = inParameters.wbemObject; 
            if (outParameters != null)
                wbemOut = outParameters.wbemObject;

            int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                status = parent.wbemObject.PutMethod_(methodName, 0, wbemIn, wbemOut);
            catch (COMException e)

            if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) 
            else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using WbemClient_v1;
namespace System.Management
    ///     Represents the set of methods available in the collection. 
    ///    using System;
    /// using System.Management; 
    /// // This sample demonstrates enumerate all methods in a ManagementClass object. 
    /// class Sample_MethodDataCollection 
    /// {
    ///     public static int Main(string[] args) { 
    ///         ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk");
    ///         MethodDataCollection diskMethods = diskClass.Methods;
    ///         foreach (MethodData method in diskMethods) {
    ///             Console.WriteLine("Method = " + method.Name); 
    ///         }
    ///         return 0; 
    ///     } 
    /// }
    ///    Imports System
    /// Imports System.Management
    /// ' This sample demonstrates enumerate all methods in a ManagementClass object. 
    /// Class Sample_MethodDataCollection
    ///     Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer 
    ///         Dim diskClass As New ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk") 
    ///         Dim diskMethods As MethodDataCollection = diskClass.Methods
    ///         Dim method As MethodData 
    ///         For Each method In diskMethods
    ///             Console.WriteLine("Method = " & method.Name)
    ///         Next method
    ///         Return 0 
    ///     End Function
    /// End Class 
    public class MethodDataCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable
        private ManagementObject parent;
        private class enumLock
        } //used to lock usage of BeginMethodEnum/NextMethod 

        internal MethodDataCollection(ManagementObject parent) : base() 
            this.parent = parent;

        /// Represents the number of objects in the .
        ///  The number of objects in the .  
        public int Count 
                int i = 0;
                IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded inParameters = null, outParameters = null;
                string methodName;
                int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                        status = parent.wbemObject.BeginMethodEnumeration_(0);

                        if (status >= 0)
                            methodName = "";    // Condition primer to branch into the while loop.
                            while (methodName != null && status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                                methodName = null; inParameters = null; outParameters = null;
                                status = parent.wbemObject.NextMethod_(0, out methodName, out inParameters, out outParameters); 
                                if (status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA)
                            parent.wbemObject.EndMethodEnumeration_();  // Ignore status. 
                    catch (COMException e) 
                } // lock

                if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) 
                else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

                return i; 
        ///    Indicates whether the object is synchronized. 
        ///  if the object is synchronized;
        ///    otherwise, . 
        public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } 

        ///    Represents the object to be used for synchronization.
        ///    The object to be used for synchronization. 
        public object SyncRoot { get { return this; } 

        /// Copies the  into an array.
        ///  Copies the  into an array. 
        /// The array to which to copy the collection.  
        /// The index from which to start.  
        public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
            //Use an enumerator to get the MethodData objects and attach them into the target array
            foreach (MethodData m in this)
                array.SetValue(m, index++);

        /// Copies the  to a specialized  
        /// array.
        /// The destination array to which to copy the  objects.
        /// The index in the destination array from which to start the copy.
        public void CopyTo(MethodData[] methodArray, int index)
            CopyTo((Array)methodArray, index);
        // IEnumerable 
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return (IEnumerator)(new MethodDataEnumerator(parent)); 
        /// Returns an enumerator for the .
        ///     Each call to this method
        ///       returns a new enumerator on the collection. Multiple enumerators can be obtained
        ///       for the same method collection. However, each enumerator takes a snapshot 
        ///       of the collection, so changes made to the collection after the enumerator was
        ///       obtained are not reflected. 
        /// An  to enumerate through the collection.
        public MethodDataEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return new MethodDataEnumerator(parent);
        //Enumerator class
        /// Represents the enumerator for  
        /// objects in the .
        ///    using System;
        /// using System.Management;
        /// // This sample demonstrates how to enumerate all methods in
        /// // Win32_LogicalDisk class using MethodDataEnumerator object. 
        /// class Sample_MethodDataEnumerator
        /// { 
        ///  public static int Main(string[] args)
        ///  {
        ///   ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk");
        ///   MethodDataCollection.MethodDataEnumerator diskEnumerator = 
        ///    diskClass.Methods.GetEnumerator();
        ///   while(diskEnumerator.MoveNext()) 
        ///   { 
        ///    MethodData method = diskEnumerator.Current;
        ///    Console.WriteLine("Method = " + method.Name); 
        ///   }
        ///   return 0;
        ///  }
        /// } 
        ///    Imports System 
        /// Imports System.Management 
        /// ' This sample demonstrates how to enumerate all methods in 
        /// ' Win32_LogicalDisk class using MethodDataEnumerator object.
        /// Class Sample_MethodDataEnumerator
        ///  Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer 
        ///   Dim diskClass As New ManagementClass("win32_logicaldisk")
        ///   Dim diskEnumerator As _ 
        ///        MethodDataCollection.MethodDataEnumerator = _ 
        ///       diskClass.Methods.GetEnumerator()
        ///   While diskEnumerator.MoveNext() 
        ///    Dim method As MethodData = diskEnumerator.Current
        ///    Console.WriteLine("Method = " & method.Name)
        ///   End While
        ///   Return 0 
        ///  End Function
        /// End Class 
        public class MethodDataEnumerator : IEnumerator 
            private ManagementObject parent;
            private ArrayList methodNames; //can't use simple array because we don't know the size...
            private IEnumerator en; 

            //Internal constructor 
            //Because WMI doesn't provide a "GetMethodNames" for methods similar to "GetNames" for properties, 
            //We have to walk the methods list and cache the names here.
            //We lock to ensure that another thread doesn't interfere in the Begin/Next sequence. 
            internal MethodDataEnumerator(ManagementObject parent)
                this.parent = parent;
                methodNames = new ArrayList(); 
                IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded inP = null, outP = null;
                string tempMethodName; 
                int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                        status = parent.wbemObject.BeginMethodEnumeration_(0); 

                        if (status >= 0) 
                            tempMethodName = "";    // Condition primer to branch into the while loop.
                            while (tempMethodName != null && status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                                tempMethodName = null;
                                status = parent.wbemObject.NextMethod_(0, out tempMethodName, out inP, out outP);
                                if (status >= 0 && status != (int)tag_WBEMSTATUS.WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) 
                            parent.wbemObject.EndMethodEnumeration_();  // Ignore status. 
                    catch (COMException e)
                    en = methodNames.GetEnumerator();
                if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000)
                else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

            object IEnumerator.Current { get { return (object)this.Current; } }

            /// Returns the current  in the  
            /// enumeration.
            /// The current  item in the collection. 
            public MethodData Current
                        return new MethodData(parent, (string)en.Current);
            /// Moves to the next element in the  enumeration.
            ///  if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next method;  if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
            public bool MoveNext ()
                return en.MoveNext(); 
            /// Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the  enumeration.
            public void Reset()



        /// Returns the specified  from the .
        /// The name of the method requested. 
        /// A  instance containing all information about the specified method.
        public virtual MethodData this[string methodName] 
                if (null == methodName) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("methodName");
                return new MethodData(parent, methodName); 

        /// Removes a  from the . 
        /// The name of the method to remove from the collection. 
        ///       Removing  objects from the  
        ///       can only be done when the class has no
        ///       instances. Any other case will result in an exception.
        public virtual void Remove(string methodName) 
            if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't remove methods from instance 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 

            int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                status = parent.wbemObject.DeleteMethod_(methodName); 
            catch (COMException e) 

            if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000)
            else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0) 

        //This variant takes only a method name and assumes a void method with no in/out parameters
        /// Adds a  to the .
        /// Adds a  to the . This overload will
        ///    add a new method with no parameters to the collection. 
        /// The name of the method to add.
        ///  Adding  objects to the  can only 
        ///    be done when the class has no instances. Any other case will result in an
        ///    exception. 
        public virtual void Add(string methodName)
            Add(methodName, null, null);


        //This variant takes the full information, i.e. the method name and in & out param objects 
        /// Adds a  to the . This overload will add a new method with the
        ///    specified parameter objects to the collection. 
        /// The name of the method to add.
        /// The  holding the input parameters to the method.
        /// The  holding the output parameters to the method. 
        ///  Adding  objects to the  can only be 
        ///    done when the class has no instances. Any other case will result in an 
        ///    exception.
        public virtual void Add(string methodName, ManagementBaseObject inParameters, ManagementBaseObject outParameters)
            IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded wbemIn = null, wbemOut = null;
            if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't add methods to instance
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 
            if (inParameters != null)
                wbemIn = inParameters.wbemObject; 
            if (outParameters != null)
                wbemOut = outParameters.wbemObject;

            int status = (int)ManagementStatus.Failed; 

                status = parent.wbemObject.PutMethod_(methodName, 0, wbemIn, wbemOut);
            catch (COMException e)

            if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) 
            else if ((status & 0x80000000) != 0)

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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