ApplicationProxyInternal.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / AppModel / ApplicationProxyInternal.cs / 1305600 / ApplicationProxyInternal.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: This is an internal proxy wrapper class over Application class. 
//              This derives from MarshalByRefObject and thus facilitates calling 
//              the AppCode from DocobjHost that may be running in a different
//              AppDomain.  The other thing it allows is to be able to create 
//              the App Object on the right thread by exposing a delegate that
//              could be set to point to the code that creates the AppObject and
//              invoking the delegate from the right thread.
// History:
//  07/03/2003 [....]  Created 
//  10/04/2005 FrankGor Documented & refactored class; primary reason was ensure 
//                      disposal of all XpsViewer (DocumentApplication)
//                      resources 

//** IMPORTANT: Running arbitrary application code in the context of an incoming call from the browser 
//**    should be avoided. This could lead to unexpected reentrancy (on either side) or making the
//      browser frame unresponsive while the application code is running. Bug 1139336 illustrates 
//      what can happen if the application code enters a local message loop while the browser is 
//      blocked. To avoid such situations in general, use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() instead of making
//      direct calls into unknown code. 

using System;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop; 
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Threading;

using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents.Application; 
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging; 
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.CompoundFile;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; 
using MS.Internal.Utility;
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
using MS.Utility;
//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler, 
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation) 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace MS.Internal.AppModel
    // All security sensitive classes should be sealed or protected with InheritanceDemand
    internal sealed class ApplicationProxyInternal : MarshalByRefObject 
        internal class InitData 
            internal IServiceProvider ServiceProvider; 
            internal IHostBrowser HostBrowser;
            internal SecurityCriticalDataForSet MimeType;
            internal SecurityCriticalDataForSet ActivationUri;
            internal string Fragment; 
            internal object UcomLoadIStream;
            internal bool HandleHistoryLoad; 
            internal string UserAgentString; 
            internal HostingFlags HostingFlags;
            internal Rect WindowRect; 
            internal bool ShowWindow;

        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors 

        /// ApplicationProxyInternal is created only for browser-hosted applications.
        /// Critical: 
        ///     1) We want to track creation of ApplicationProxyInternal because it can be used to 
        ///        make calls between AppDomains (it's MarshalByRefObject).
        ///     2) It sets BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted, which is critical for set. 
        internal ApplicationProxyInternal()
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyCtor);
            if (_proxyInstance != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.MultiSingleton, this.GetType().FullName)); 
            // Set this here so it will be true for documents or applications (i.e. anything in the browser.)
            _proxyInstance = this; 
        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        public override object InitializeLifetimeService() 
            //Keeps it alive until the AppDomain is teared down which is what we want. 
            //Otherwise the .Net remoting infrastructure releases all remote objects in 5 mins
            //if there are no sponsors registered with the lease manager for the remote object.
            //This is an alternative to the client side registering a sponsor by the server object
            //marking itself to be kept alive for the life of the AppDomain. 
            return null;
        //Creates the internal RootBrowserWindow. If the startup Uri points
        //to a Window/NavigationWindow, we still need to create this empty 
        //RootBrowserWindow so we can repaint properly inside the browser window

        ///  Critical as this code invokes a delegate that accesses critical data. 
        ///  TreatAsSafe - creating the browser window for your content to be hosted in is considered safe.
        ///                       this is considered safe - as you can only control the internal window of the browser. 
        ///                       you cannot change styles of the actual browser window ( verified this). 
        ///                       Dangerous behaviors ( e.g. ShowInTaskbar = false) don't work when in browser hosted.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
        internal void CreateRootBrowserWindow()
            if (_rbw.Value == null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_CreateRootBrowserWindowCallback),

        internal bool FocusedElementWantsBackspace() 
            TextBoxBase textBoxBase = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBoxBase;
            if (textBoxBase != null) 
                return true; // textBoxBase.IsEmpty
            PasswordBox passwordBox = Keyboard.FocusedElement as PasswordBox;
            if (passwordBox != null) 
                return true; // passwordBox.IsEmpty

            return false;
        ///  Critical as this code calls the critical RootBrowserWindow.CreateAndInitialize() 
        private object _CreateRootBrowserWindowCallback(object unused) 
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_RootBrowserWindowSetupStart);

            RootBrowserWindow = RootBrowserWindow.CreateAndInitialize(); 

            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_RootBrowserWindowSetupEnd); 
            return null ;

        // Calls the Run method on the app object.
        /// Critical - creates a critical delegate, provides the path to LoadFromContainer, which 
        ///            is critical, and also calls InitContainer which is critical.  Accesses
        ///            several critical data values (_path, _container, _storageRoot). 
        ///          - also sets Uri and _mimeType, which are critical. 
        internal int Run(InitData initData)
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunStart);
            // Keep in mind that Run() is called once in the default AppDomain and then in the XBAP's domain.
            // We want initialization of statics to happen in both AppDomains. 
            if (!AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsDefaultAppDomain())
                // Since IHostBrowser was marshaled from the default AppDomain as a managed interface, we get
                // a Remoting transparent proxy here. Any calls on the interface would have to first be marshaled
                // to the default AppDomain, where the CLR will realize it's actually a COM interface. This is
                // wasteful since the object lives in the browser process. So, to shake off the Remoting layer, 
                // we round-trip the IHostBrowser reference through IUknown/IntPtr.
                IntPtr pObj = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(initData.HostBrowser); 
                try { initData.HostBrowser = (IHostBrowser)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pObj); } 
                finally { Marshal.Release(pObj); }
            BrowserInteropHelper.HostBrowser = initData.HostBrowser;

            MimeType mimeType = initData.MimeType.Value;
            _mimeType.Value = mimeType; 
            Uri = initData.ActivationUri.Value;
            WpfWebRequestHelper.DefaultUserAgent = initData.UserAgentString; 
            BrowserInteropHelper.HostingFlags = initData.HostingFlags; 

            // These methods are asynchronous. 
            // If the RootBrowserWindow is not created yet, only the size for it will be stored.
            switch (mimeType)
                case MimeType.Markup: 
                    // Make a dummy application (in lieu of the one provided by the defunct XamlViewer.xbap).
                    Invariant.Assert(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName == "XamlViewer"); 
                    Application app = new Application();
                    app.StartupUri = Uri;
                    // Any URL #fragment is appended to StartupUri in _RunDelegate().
                    // For history navigation, ApplicationProxyInternal has already started navigation to the 
                    // last journal entry captured. (This journal entry may include a #fragment target and/or
                    // a CustomContentState.) 

                case MimeType.Application: 
                    //This is a browser app, the application object has already been created

                case MimeType.Document: 
                    throw new NotImplementedException(); // removed in v4
                case MimeType.Unknown: 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Set the Application.MimeType
            // Since loading containers causes the application to be constructed now,
            // the initial setting of the MimeType does not get passed to the application. 
            Application.Current.MimeType = mimeType;
            ServiceProvider = initData.ServiceProvider; // also sets Application.ServiceProvider 
                new DispatcherOperationCallback(_RunDelegate),

            int exitCode = Application.Current.RunInternal(null); 

            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunEnd); 
            return exitCode;

        ///     Critical as this calls a critical function ( LoadHistoryStream).
        private object _RunDelegate( object args ) 
            InitData initData = (InitData)args;
            Application currentApp = Application.Current;
            if (currentApp != null && !(currentApp is XappLauncherApp))
                string fragment = initData.Fragment; 
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment) && currentApp.StartupUri != null)
                    // Apply Fragment to Application StartupUri. 
                    UriBuilder uriBuilder;
                    Uri absUri = currentApp.StartupUri; 

                    if (currentApp.StartupUri.IsAbsoluteUri == false)
                        absUri = new Uri(BindUriHelper.BaseUri, currentApp.StartupUri); 
                    uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(absUri); 
                    if (fragment.StartsWith(FRAGMENT_MARKER, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        fragment = fragment.Substring(FRAGMENT_MARKER.Length);
                    uriBuilder.Fragment = fragment;
                    currentApp.StartupUri = uriBuilder.Uri; 
            //If we were started through IPersistHistory::Load, load from the history stream instead
            //of navigating to the StartupPage
            if (initData.UcomLoadIStream != null && initData.HandleHistoryLoad)
                LoadHistoryStream(DocObjHost.ExtractComStream(initData.UcomLoadIStream), /*firstHistoryLoad=s*/true);
            return null; 
        // Show or hide view.
        internal void Show(bool show)
            _show = show; 
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_ShowDelegate), 


        private object _ShowDelegate(object ignore) 
            // The RBW might be torn down just before the DispatcherOperation is invoked.
            if (RootBrowserWindow == null || Application.IsShuttingDown) 
                return null;

            if (_show)
                // The window is shown asynchronously (using Visibility, not Show()) to allow first restoring
                // the Journal on history navigation. This prevents bug 1367999. 
                _rbw.Value.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 

                // initial focus should be on us, not the browser frame 
                // Focusing is done asynchronously because Visibility actually changes asynchronously.
                    // same priority as used in the Window.Visibility PropertyChangedCallback
                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_FocusDelegate), null);
                _rbw.Value.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 

            return null;

        /// Critical: Calls the critical UnsafeNativeMethods.SetFocus(), which returns a handle to 
        ///     the previously focused window.
        /// Safe: The handle is not disclosed, and focusing the application's own window (RBW) is okay. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private object _FocusDelegate(object unused)
            if (_rbw.Value != null)
                    MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.SetFocus(new HandleRef(_rbw.Value, _rbw.Value.CriticalHandle)); 
#pragma warning disable 6502
                // The browser may temporarily disable the RBW. Then SetFocus() fails.
                // This is known to happen when the browser pops up the modal dialog about the Information Bar. 
                catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
                    Debug.WriteLine("SetFocus() on RootBrowserWindow failed."); 
#pragma warning restore 6502 
            return null;
        internal void Move(Rect windowRect)
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null) 
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_MoveDelegate),
                // We got UIActivated too early.  Remember the data passed in. 
                _windowRect = windowRect;
                _rectset = true; 

        private object _MoveDelegate( object moveArgs ) 
            // The RBW might be closed just before _MoveDelegate() is called. => check _rbw again. 
            if (_rbw.Value != null && !Application.IsShuttingDown) 
                Rect r = (Rect)moveArgs; 

                // ResizeMove is implemented by RBW and should be called here
                // since it resizes and moves the WS_CHILD window.  Do not call
                // Height/Width & Top/Left here since they govern the browser 
                // window properties.
                _rbw.Value.ResizeMove((int)r.X, (int)r.Y, (int)r.Width, (int)r.Height); 
            return null;

        // Shutdown the App.
        // Note: The "post" in the method name is legacy. Now all of Application's shutdown work is complete
        // when this method returns. In particular, the managed Dispatcher is shut down. 
        ///  Critical: Calls Application.CriticalShutdown(). 
        internal void PostShutdown() 
            _proxyInstance = null;
            Application app = Application.Current;
            if (app != null) 
                XappLauncherApp launcherApp = app as XappLauncherApp;
                if (launcherApp != null) 
                    //this calls into the internal helper and is hardcoded for a clean 
                    // shutdown

                    // The Application.Exit event is raised in a Dispatcher callback at Normal priority.
                    // Blocking on this callback here ensures that the event will be raised before we've
                    // disconnected from the browser. An XBAP may want, in particular, to write a cookie. 
                        new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object unused) { return null; }), null); 

        // Activate or Deactivate RootBrowserWindow

        internal void Activate(bool fActivate) 
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_ActivateDelegate),
        private object _ActivateDelegate(object arg )
            if (RootBrowserWindow != null)
                bool fActivate = (bool)arg;
                if (fActivate) 
            return null;
        internal bool CanInvokeJournalEntry(int entryId)
            if (Application.Current == null) 
                return false; 

            return (bool)Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(
                (DispatcherOperationCallback) delegate(object unused)
                NavigationWindow window = Application.Current.MainWindow as NavigationWindow; 

                if (window == null) 
                    return false;

                return window.JournalNavigationScope.CanInvokeJournalEntry(entryId);
        // Private class just to facilitate passing of data back to GetSaveHistoryBytes.
        private class SaveHistoryReturnInfo 
            internal string uri;
            internal string title;
            internal int entryId; 
            internal byte[] saveByteArray ;
        ///  Called by the browser to serialize the entire journal or just the index of
        /// the current entry. The second case is when an internal Journal update needs to be 
        /// reflected in the TravelLog.
        ///  true is the entire Journal is to serialized 
        ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data.
        ///              and we elevate for serialization permission. 
        private object _GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate(object arg) 
            bool entireJournal = (bool)arg;

            SaveHistoryReturnInfo info = new SaveHistoryReturnInfo(); 

            // When we are here, the browser has just started to shut down, so we should only check 
            // whether the application object is shutting down. 
            if (Application.IsApplicationObjectShuttingDown == true)
                return null; 

            Invariant.Assert(_rbw.Value != null, "BrowserJournalingError: _rbw should not be null");

            Journal journal = _rbw.Value.Journal; 
            Invariant.Assert(journal != null, "BrowserJournalingError: Could not get internal journal for the window");
            JournalEntry entry; 
            if (entireJournal) // The application is about to be shut down...
                NavigationService topNavSvc = _rbw.Value.NavigationService;
                catch(Exception e) 
                // Since the current page is not added to the journal until it is replaced, 
                // we add it here explicitly to the internal Journal before serializing it.
                entry = topNavSvc.MakeJournalEntry(JournalReason.NewContentNavigation); 
                if (entry != null && !entry.IsAlive())
                    if (entry.JEGroupState.JournalDataStreams != null)
                else // Maybe the current content is null or a PageFunction doesn't want to be journaled. 
                {   // Then the previous navigable page, if any, should be remembered as current.
                    entry = journal.GetGoBackEntry();
                    // i. _LoadHistoryStreamDelegate() has a similar special case.
            {   // (Brittle) Assumption: GetSaveHistoryBytes() is called after the current entry has 
                // been updated in the internal journal but before the new navigation is committed.
                // This means journal.CurrentEntry is what was just added (or updated). 
                // Note that it would be wrong to call topNavSvc.MakeJournalEntry() in this case because
                // the navigation that just took place may be in a different NavigationService (in a
                // frame), and here we don't know which one it is.
                entry = journal.CurrentEntry; 

                // The entry may be null here when the user has selected "New Window" or pressed Ctrl+N. 
                // In this case the browser calls us on IPersistHistory::Save and then throws that data 
                // away.  Hopefully at some point in the future that saved data will be loaded in the new
                // window via IPersistHistory::Load.  This unusual behavior is tracked in bug 1353584. 

            if (entry != null)
                info.title = entry.Name;
                info.entryId = entry.Id; 
                info.title = _rbw.Value.Title;

            // We only use the base URI here because the travel log will validate a file URI when making a PIDL. 
            // We use the URI stored in the JournalEntry, and the travel log doesn't care what the URI is, so
            // duplicates don't matter. 
            info.uri = BindUriHelper.UriToString(Uri); 

            MemoryStream saveStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            saveStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            object objectToSave = info.entryId; 

            if (entireJournal) 
                //Save the Journal and BaseUri also. We don't need BaseUri except for the xaml case
                //since this is set specially for the container case (ssres scheme). Exe case 
                //will pretty much set it to the exe path. For the xaml case it is set to the path
                //of the first uri(eg BaseDir\page1.xaml) that was navigated to.
                //BaseDir/Subdir/page2.xaml is also considered to be in the same extent and when
                //we navigate back to the app from a webpage, the baseUri should still be BaseDir 
                //not BaseDir/Subdir. We were setting the BaseDir from JournalEntry.Uri but we may
                //end up setting BaseUri to BaseDir/Subdir which is not the same. So explicitly 
                //persist BaseUri as well 
                BrowserJournal browserJournal = new BrowserJournal(journal, BindUriHelper.BaseUri);
                objectToSave = browserJournal; 

            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter).Assert();
                formatter.Serialize(saveStream, objectToSave); 
            catch(Exception e)

                // The application is shutting down and the exception would not be reported anyway. 
                // This is here to help with debugging and failure analysis. 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Failed to serialize the navigation journal: " + e);
                CodeAccessPermission.RevertAll() ;

            info.saveByteArray = saveStream.ToArray(); 

            return info ; 

        //CASRemoval:[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        ///     Critical as the delegate that this method invokes accesses critical data. 
        internal byte[] GetSaveHistoryBytes(bool persistEntireJournal, out int journalEntryId, out string uriString, out string titleString) 
            SaveHistoryReturnInfo info = null ;

            if (Application.Current != null) 
                info = ( SaveHistoryReturnInfo) Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( 
                                new DispatcherOperationCallback(_GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate) ,

            if ( info != null )
                journalEntryId = info.entryId;
                uriString = info.uri; 
                titleString = info.title; 
                return info.saveByteArray;
                journalEntryId = 0;
                uriString = null; 
                titleString = null;
                return null; 
        ///     Critical as the delegate that this method invokes accesses critical data.
        internal void LoadHistoryStream(MemoryStream loadStream, bool firstLoadFromHistory)
            if (Application.Current == null) 

            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = new LoadHistoryStreamInfo();
            info.loadStream = loadStream ; 
            info.firstLoadFromHistory = firstLoadFromHistory ;
                        new DispatcherOperationCallback(_LoadHistoryStreamDelegate), 

        private class LoadHistoryStreamInfo 
            internal MemoryStream loadStream ; 
            internal bool firstLoadFromHistory; 
        ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data.
        private object _LoadHistoryStreamDelegate( object arg )
            Journal             journal     = null; 
            JournalEntry        entry       = null;
            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = (LoadHistoryStreamInfo) arg ;

            if (IsShutdown() == true)
                return null; 

            // Reset the memory stream pointer back to the begining and get the persisted object 
            info.loadStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); 

            object journaledObject = DeserializeJournaledObject(info.loadStream); 

            //This is the very first load from history, so need to set the BaseUri and StartupUri.
            if (info.firstLoadFromHistory)
                // Patch for WOSB 1834243: The journal does not get saved on Ctrl+N. Because of this,
                // here we can get just an index, like in the 'else' case below. 
                if(!(journaledObject is BrowserJournal)) 
                    return null;
                BrowserJournal browserJournal = (BrowserJournal)journaledObject;

                journal = browserJournal.Journal;
                entry = journal.CurrentEntry; 
                if (entry == null) // See special case in _GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate().
                    entry = journal.GetGoBackEntry(); // could still be null 
                //This will create the frame to use for hosting
                    NavigationService navigationService = null;
                    navigationService = _rbw.Value.NavigationService; 
                //This should already be set for the container and exe cases. The former
                //sets it to the transformed ssres scheme and we don't want to overwrite it. 
                if (BindUriHelper.BaseUri == null)
                    BindUriHelper.BaseUri = browserJournal.BaseUri;



                Debug.Assert(Application.Current != null, "BrowserJournalingError: Application object should already be created");

                if (entry != null) 
                    //Prevent navigations to StartupUri for history loads by canceling the StartingUp event 
                    Application.Current.Startup += new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.OnStartup); 

                //else: fall back on navigating to StartupUri
                journal = _rbw.Value.Journal; 
                int index = journal.FindIndexForEntryWithId((int)journaledObject);
                Debug.Assert(journal[index].Id == (int)journaledObject, "BrowserJournalingError: Index retrieved from journal stream does not match index of journal entry");

                // Check whether the navigation is canceled.
                if (! _rbw.Value.JournalNavigationScope.NavigateToEntry(index)) 
                    // When the navigation is canceled, we want to notify browser to prevent the internal journal from 
                    // getting out of [....] with the browser's. 
                    // The exception will be caught by the interop layer and browser will cancel the navigation as a result.
                    // If the navigation is initiated pragmatically by calling GoBack/Forward (comparing to user initiated
                    // by clicking the back/forward button),  this will result in a managed exception at the call to ibcs.GoBack()
                    // in rbw.GoBackOverride(). rbw catches the exception when this happens.
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

            return null; 

        /// Critical - Asserts for Serialization permission to deserialize an object from the input stream. 
        private object DeserializeJournaledObject(MemoryStream inputStream) 
            object deserialized = null; 
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            new System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter).Assert();
                deserialized = formatter.Deserialize(inputStream);
            return deserialized;
        // See if an App instance is currently loaded.
        internal bool IsAppLoaded() 
            return (Application.Current == null ? false : true);

        // Return the internal static variable _shutdown.
        internal bool IsShutdown()
            return Application.IsShuttingDown;
        /// Critical: 
        ///  1) Accesses _storageRoot, _container, _packageStream, _unmanagedStream
        /// TreatAsSafe:
        ///  1) Doesn't disclose _storageRoot, _container, _packageStream, 
        ///     _unmanagedStream
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void Cleanup()
            if (Application.Current != null)
                IBrowserCallbackServices bcs = Application.Current.BrowserCallbackServices;
                if (bcs != null) 
                    // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bcs) has to be called so that the refcount of the 
                    // native objects goes to zero for clean shutdown. But it should not be called
                    // right away, because there may still be DispatcherOperations in the queue 
                    // that will attempt to use IBCS, especially during downloading/activation.
                    // Last, it can't be called with prioroty lower than Normal, because that's
                    // the priority of Applicatoin.ShudownCallback(), which shuts down the
                    // Dispatcher. 
                        DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReleaseBrowserCallback), bcs); 
            ServiceProvider = null;

            if (_storageRoot != null && _storageRoot.Value != null  ) 

            // Due to the dependecies the following objects have to be released 
            // in the following order: _document, DocumentManager,
            // _packageStream, _unmanagedStream.

            if (_document.Value is PackageDocument) 
                // We are about to close the package ad remove it from the Preloaded Packages Store. 
                // Let's make sure that the data structures are consistent. The package that we hold is 
                // actually in the store under the URI that we think it should be using
                Debug.Assert(((PackageDocument)_document.Value).Package == 

                // We need to remove the Package from the PreloadedPackage storage,
                // so that potential future requests would fail in a way of returning a null (resource not found) 
                // rather then return a Package or stream that is already Closed
                _document.Value = null; 

            if (_mimeType.Value == MimeType.Document)
            if (_packageStream.Value != null)

            if (_unmanagedStream.Value != null) 
                _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null); 

        /// Critical: Calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject(), which has a LinkDemand for unmanaged code.
        private object ReleaseBrowserCallback(object browserCallback) 
            return null;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties

        internal RootBrowserWindowProxy RootBrowserWindowProxy
                if (_rbwProxy.Value == null) 
                return _rbwProxy.Value; 
        /// Critical as the setter stores the critical RBW reference 
        internal RootBrowserWindow RootBrowserWindow
                return _rbw.Value; 
            private set 
                _rbw.Value = value;
                if (value == null)
                    _rbwProxy.Value = null;
                    _rbwProxy.Value = new RootBrowserWindowProxy(value); 

                    if (_rectset == true)
                        // If UIActivation already happened, set the size with 
                        // cached values.
                        _rectset = false; 
                    //Incase Show() was called before we had a chance to create the window
                    //If the old and new values are the same, this will be a no-op anyway
        internal bool RootBrowserWindowCreated { get { return _rbw.Value != null; } }
        internal OleCmdHelper OleCmdHelper
                if (Application.Current == null)
                    return null; 
                return (OleCmdHelper) Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(
                (DispatcherOperationCallback) delegate(object unused)
                    // V3.5: Check for Application object shutting down only.
                    // Consider to check for Browser shutting down. 
                    if (Application.IsApplicationObjectShuttingDown == true) 
                        return null;
                    if (_oleCmdHelper == null)
                        _oleCmdHelper = new OleCmdHelper();
                    return _oleCmdHelper;

        /// Critical: Returns a critical object, which can be used cross-AppDomain.
        internal static ApplicationProxyInternal Current
            get { return _proxyInstance; }

        /// Critical:
        ///  - sets _criticalUri which is critical 
        internal Uri Uri 
                return _criticalUri.Value;
            private set 
                _criticalUri.Value = value; 
                // We need to set these properties now, because there are times during the application's lifetime
                // when the source URI would be useful, but the ApplicationProxyInternal has come and gone. 
                // If there is DebugSecurityZoneUrl, SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource would have been set to that value.
                // We don't want to overwrite that, so check whether the value is null or not before setting.
                if (SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource == null)
                    SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource = value;
        /// Critical:
        ///  - sets SiteOfOriginContainer.DebugSeurityZoneURL which is critical
        internal void SetDebugSecurityZoneURL(Uri debugSecurityZoneURL) 
            SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource = debugSecurityZoneURL;

        ///     Critical - An external caller is setting the stream that we are using.  This is external
        ///                data from the web. 
        internal object StreamContainer 
                _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown((IntPtr)value));

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods 

        private void OnStartup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e) 
            //We listen to the Startup event only for history loads in which
            //case we want to do our journaling load instead of StartupUri load 
            e.PerformDefaultAction = false;
            Application.Current.Startup -= new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.OnStartup);

        ///     Critical as this accesses critical data. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as clearing the RBW is eliminating critical data - and considered safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void ClearRootBrowserWindow()
            RootBrowserWindow = null; 
        #endregion Private Methods 

        #region Private Properties 

        private IServiceProvider ServiceProvider
                _serviceProvider = value; 
                if (Application.Current != null)
                    Application.Current.ServiceProvider = value;

        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields 

        // Instance fields. 
        // These are fields that moved from DocobjHost class so we can have a
        // unified way of calling for single vs multiple AppDomain scenarios. 

        /// Critical: We don't want an arbitrary window to be assigned here
        ///   (even though only the real RBW can be created in PT). 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet   _rbw; 
        /// Critical for the same reason that _rbw is. 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _rbwProxy;

        private bool                _show; 
        private OleCmdHelper        _oleCmdHelper;
        // The following variables are used to remember the window size until the window is created 
        // because the OLE SetRect/Show calls happen before the app and window are created internally
        Rect                        _windowRect; 
        bool                        _rectset;

        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _criticalUri;
        SecurityCriticalDataClass _storageRoot = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(null); 
        SecurityCriticalDataForSet _mimeType;
        IServiceProvider _serviceProvider ; 
        /// Critical: ApplicationProxyInternal can be used cross-AppDomain and implements 
        ///     critical functionality.
        private static ApplicationProxyInternal _proxyInstance; 

        private const string FRAGMENT_MARKER = "#"; 
        #region XpsViewer (DocumentApplication) Specific
        /// This is an unmanaged COM IStream that is provided by the byte range downloader
        /// (progressive download) and comes from our unmanaged host.
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) this is a pointer to a security suppressed unmanaged stream, using it directly is 
        ///     unsafe 
        ///  2) the data from this stream likely comes from the internet
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  1) although we did our best to protect from native exploits, no one is perfect and
        ///     the backing code is unmanaged
        SecurityCriticalData _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null);
        /// This is a ByteWrapper a managed class that is an adapter from IStream to Stream.
        /// The stream it wraps is the _unmanagedStream. 
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) we do not want this replaced with another stream after we have made security 
        ///     decisions based on its contents (like mime type and start part)
        ///  2) this may be an EncryptedPackage which contains PII (Personally Identifiable 
        ///     Information) in clear text; as such we want to audit use so information is 
        ///     not leaked
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  1) we want to audit it is set once
        ///  2) we want to audit for leaks
        SecurityCriticalData _packageStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null);
        /// This contains many streams and packages that represent the current 'Package'
        /// for the XpsViewer. 
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) none of this data can be effectively protected due to the visual tree 
        ///     and Package.GetStream model currently in place protecting leaking of this
        ///     has been waived in a security review as it would have no net effect 
        ///  2) based on the current hosting design we expect one 'Package' for the lifetime 
        ///     of the application, thus this should be audited such that it is set only once
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  2) we want to audit it is set once
        // The Document has been weakly-typed to avoid PresentationFramework 
        // having a type dependency on PresentationUI.  The perf impact of the weak
        // typed variables in this case was determined to be much less than forcing the load 
        // of a new assembly when Assembly.GetTypes was called on PresentationFramework. 
        SecurityCriticalDataForSet _document;

        #endregion Private Fields

        #region Private Structs 
        /// Holder for all things to be persisted in the BrowserJournal before we 
        /// navigate away from the app 
        private struct BrowserJournal
            #region Constructors
            internal BrowserJournal(Journal journal, Uri baseUri) 
                _journal = journal; 
                _baseUri = baseUri; 
            #endregion Constructors 

            #region Properties
            internal Journal Journal
                get { return _journal; }
            internal Uri BaseUri
                get { return _baseUri; }
            #endregion Properties
            #region Private Fields
            private Journal         _journal; 
            private Uri             _baseUri; 
            #endregion Private Fields
        #endregion Private Structs


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: This is an internal proxy wrapper class over Application class. 
//              This derives from MarshalByRefObject and thus facilitates calling 
//              the AppCode from DocobjHost that may be running in a different
//              AppDomain.  The other thing it allows is to be able to create 
//              the App Object on the right thread by exposing a delegate that
//              could be set to point to the code that creates the AppObject and
//              invoking the delegate from the right thread.
// History:
//  07/03/2003 [....]  Created 
//  10/04/2005 FrankGor Documented & refactored class; primary reason was ensure 
//                      disposal of all XpsViewer (DocumentApplication)
//                      resources 

//** IMPORTANT: Running arbitrary application code in the context of an incoming call from the browser 
//**    should be avoided. This could lead to unexpected reentrancy (on either side) or making the
//      browser frame unresponsive while the application code is running. Bug 1139336 illustrates 
//      what can happen if the application code enters a local message loop while the browser is 
//      blocked. To avoid such situations in general, use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() instead of making
//      direct calls into unknown code. 

using System;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop; 
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Threading;

using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents.Application; 
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging; 
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging.CompoundFile;
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; 
using MS.Internal.Utility;
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
using MS.Utility;
//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler, 
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation) 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace MS.Internal.AppModel
    // All security sensitive classes should be sealed or protected with InheritanceDemand
    internal sealed class ApplicationProxyInternal : MarshalByRefObject 
        internal class InitData 
            internal IServiceProvider ServiceProvider; 
            internal IHostBrowser HostBrowser;
            internal SecurityCriticalDataForSet MimeType;
            internal SecurityCriticalDataForSet ActivationUri;
            internal string Fragment; 
            internal object UcomLoadIStream;
            internal bool HandleHistoryLoad; 
            internal string UserAgentString; 
            internal HostingFlags HostingFlags;
            internal Rect WindowRect; 
            internal bool ShowWindow;

        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors 

        /// ApplicationProxyInternal is created only for browser-hosted applications.
        /// Critical: 
        ///     1) We want to track creation of ApplicationProxyInternal because it can be used to 
        ///        make calls between AppDomains (it's MarshalByRefObject).
        ///     2) It sets BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted, which is critical for set. 
        internal ApplicationProxyInternal()
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyCtor);
            if (_proxyInstance != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.MultiSingleton, this.GetType().FullName)); 
            // Set this here so it will be true for documents or applications (i.e. anything in the browser.)
            _proxyInstance = this; 
        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        public override object InitializeLifetimeService() 
            //Keeps it alive until the AppDomain is teared down which is what we want. 
            //Otherwise the .Net remoting infrastructure releases all remote objects in 5 mins
            //if there are no sponsors registered with the lease manager for the remote object.
            //This is an alternative to the client side registering a sponsor by the server object
            //marking itself to be kept alive for the life of the AppDomain. 
            return null;
        //Creates the internal RootBrowserWindow. If the startup Uri points
        //to a Window/NavigationWindow, we still need to create this empty 
        //RootBrowserWindow so we can repaint properly inside the browser window

        ///  Critical as this code invokes a delegate that accesses critical data. 
        ///  TreatAsSafe - creating the browser window for your content to be hosted in is considered safe.
        ///                       this is considered safe - as you can only control the internal window of the browser. 
        ///                       you cannot change styles of the actual browser window ( verified this). 
        ///                       Dangerous behaviors ( e.g. ShowInTaskbar = false) don't work when in browser hosted.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
        internal void CreateRootBrowserWindow()
            if (_rbw.Value == null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_CreateRootBrowserWindowCallback),

        internal bool FocusedElementWantsBackspace() 
            TextBoxBase textBoxBase = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBoxBase;
            if (textBoxBase != null) 
                return true; // textBoxBase.IsEmpty
            PasswordBox passwordBox = Keyboard.FocusedElement as PasswordBox;
            if (passwordBox != null) 
                return true; // passwordBox.IsEmpty

            return false;
        ///  Critical as this code calls the critical RootBrowserWindow.CreateAndInitialize() 
        private object _CreateRootBrowserWindowCallback(object unused) 
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_RootBrowserWindowSetupStart);

            RootBrowserWindow = RootBrowserWindow.CreateAndInitialize(); 

            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_RootBrowserWindowSetupEnd); 
            return null ;

        // Calls the Run method on the app object.
        /// Critical - creates a critical delegate, provides the path to LoadFromContainer, which 
        ///            is critical, and also calls InitContainer which is critical.  Accesses
        ///            several critical data values (_path, _container, _storageRoot). 
        ///          - also sets Uri and _mimeType, which are critical. 
        internal int Run(InitData initData)
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunStart);
            // Keep in mind that Run() is called once in the default AppDomain and then in the XBAP's domain.
            // We want initialization of statics to happen in both AppDomains. 
            if (!AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsDefaultAppDomain())
                // Since IHostBrowser was marshaled from the default AppDomain as a managed interface, we get
                // a Remoting transparent proxy here. Any calls on the interface would have to first be marshaled
                // to the default AppDomain, where the CLR will realize it's actually a COM interface. This is
                // wasteful since the object lives in the browser process. So, to shake off the Remoting layer, 
                // we round-trip the IHostBrowser reference through IUknown/IntPtr.
                IntPtr pObj = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(initData.HostBrowser); 
                try { initData.HostBrowser = (IHostBrowser)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pObj); } 
                finally { Marshal.Release(pObj); }
            BrowserInteropHelper.HostBrowser = initData.HostBrowser;

            MimeType mimeType = initData.MimeType.Value;
            _mimeType.Value = mimeType; 
            Uri = initData.ActivationUri.Value;
            WpfWebRequestHelper.DefaultUserAgent = initData.UserAgentString; 
            BrowserInteropHelper.HostingFlags = initData.HostingFlags; 

            // These methods are asynchronous. 
            // If the RootBrowserWindow is not created yet, only the size for it will be stored.
            switch (mimeType)
                case MimeType.Markup: 
                    // Make a dummy application (in lieu of the one provided by the defunct XamlViewer.xbap).
                    Invariant.Assert(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName == "XamlViewer"); 
                    Application app = new Application();
                    app.StartupUri = Uri;
                    // Any URL #fragment is appended to StartupUri in _RunDelegate().
                    // For history navigation, ApplicationProxyInternal has already started navigation to the 
                    // last journal entry captured. (This journal entry may include a #fragment target and/or
                    // a CustomContentState.) 

                case MimeType.Application: 
                    //This is a browser app, the application object has already been created

                case MimeType.Document: 
                    throw new NotImplementedException(); // removed in v4
                case MimeType.Unknown: 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // Set the Application.MimeType
            // Since loading containers causes the application to be constructed now,
            // the initial setting of the MimeType does not get passed to the application. 
            Application.Current.MimeType = mimeType;
            ServiceProvider = initData.ServiceProvider; // also sets Application.ServiceProvider 
                new DispatcherOperationCallback(_RunDelegate),

            int exitCode = Application.Current.RunInternal(null); 

            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordHosting | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Verbose, EventTrace.Event.WpfHost_AppProxyRunEnd); 
            return exitCode;

        ///     Critical as this calls a critical function ( LoadHistoryStream).
        private object _RunDelegate( object args ) 
            InitData initData = (InitData)args;
            Application currentApp = Application.Current;
            if (currentApp != null && !(currentApp is XappLauncherApp))
                string fragment = initData.Fragment; 
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment) && currentApp.StartupUri != null)
                    // Apply Fragment to Application StartupUri. 
                    UriBuilder uriBuilder;
                    Uri absUri = currentApp.StartupUri; 

                    if (currentApp.StartupUri.IsAbsoluteUri == false)
                        absUri = new Uri(BindUriHelper.BaseUri, currentApp.StartupUri); 
                    uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(absUri); 
                    if (fragment.StartsWith(FRAGMENT_MARKER, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        fragment = fragment.Substring(FRAGMENT_MARKER.Length);
                    uriBuilder.Fragment = fragment;
                    currentApp.StartupUri = uriBuilder.Uri; 
            //If we were started through IPersistHistory::Load, load from the history stream instead
            //of navigating to the StartupPage
            if (initData.UcomLoadIStream != null && initData.HandleHistoryLoad)
                LoadHistoryStream(DocObjHost.ExtractComStream(initData.UcomLoadIStream), /*firstHistoryLoad=s*/true);
            return null; 
        // Show or hide view.
        internal void Show(bool show)
            _show = show; 
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_ShowDelegate), 


        private object _ShowDelegate(object ignore) 
            // The RBW might be torn down just before the DispatcherOperation is invoked.
            if (RootBrowserWindow == null || Application.IsShuttingDown) 
                return null;

            if (_show)
                // The window is shown asynchronously (using Visibility, not Show()) to allow first restoring
                // the Journal on history navigation. This prevents bug 1367999. 
                _rbw.Value.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 

                // initial focus should be on us, not the browser frame 
                // Focusing is done asynchronously because Visibility actually changes asynchronously.
                    // same priority as used in the Window.Visibility PropertyChangedCallback
                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_FocusDelegate), null);
                _rbw.Value.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 

            return null;

        /// Critical: Calls the critical UnsafeNativeMethods.SetFocus(), which returns a handle to 
        ///     the previously focused window.
        /// Safe: The handle is not disclosed, and focusing the application's own window (RBW) is okay. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private object _FocusDelegate(object unused)
            if (_rbw.Value != null)
                    MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.SetFocus(new HandleRef(_rbw.Value, _rbw.Value.CriticalHandle)); 
#pragma warning disable 6502
                // The browser may temporarily disable the RBW. Then SetFocus() fails.
                // This is known to happen when the browser pops up the modal dialog about the Information Bar. 
                catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
                    Debug.WriteLine("SetFocus() on RootBrowserWindow failed."); 
#pragma warning restore 6502 
            return null;
        internal void Move(Rect windowRect)
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null) 
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_MoveDelegate),
                // We got UIActivated too early.  Remember the data passed in. 
                _windowRect = windowRect;
                _rectset = true; 

        private object _MoveDelegate( object moveArgs ) 
            // The RBW might be closed just before _MoveDelegate() is called. => check _rbw again. 
            if (_rbw.Value != null && !Application.IsShuttingDown) 
                Rect r = (Rect)moveArgs; 

                // ResizeMove is implemented by RBW and should be called here
                // since it resizes and moves the WS_CHILD window.  Do not call
                // Height/Width & Top/Left here since they govern the browser 
                // window properties.
                _rbw.Value.ResizeMove((int)r.X, (int)r.Y, (int)r.Width, (int)r.Height); 
            return null;

        // Shutdown the App.
        // Note: The "post" in the method name is legacy. Now all of Application's shutdown work is complete
        // when this method returns. In particular, the managed Dispatcher is shut down. 
        ///  Critical: Calls Application.CriticalShutdown(). 
        internal void PostShutdown() 
            _proxyInstance = null;
            Application app = Application.Current;
            if (app != null) 
                XappLauncherApp launcherApp = app as XappLauncherApp;
                if (launcherApp != null) 
                    //this calls into the internal helper and is hardcoded for a clean 
                    // shutdown

                    // The Application.Exit event is raised in a Dispatcher callback at Normal priority.
                    // Blocking on this callback here ensures that the event will be raised before we've
                    // disconnected from the browser. An XBAP may want, in particular, to write a cookie. 
                        new DispatcherOperationCallback(delegate(object unused) { return null; }), null); 

        // Activate or Deactivate RootBrowserWindow

        internal void Activate(bool fActivate) 
            if (Application.Current != null && RootBrowserWindow != null)
                                    new DispatcherOperationCallback(_ActivateDelegate),
        private object _ActivateDelegate(object arg )
            if (RootBrowserWindow != null)
                bool fActivate = (bool)arg;
                if (fActivate) 
            return null;
        internal bool CanInvokeJournalEntry(int entryId)
            if (Application.Current == null) 
                return false; 

            return (bool)Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(
                (DispatcherOperationCallback) delegate(object unused)
                NavigationWindow window = Application.Current.MainWindow as NavigationWindow; 

                if (window == null) 
                    return false;

                return window.JournalNavigationScope.CanInvokeJournalEntry(entryId);
        // Private class just to facilitate passing of data back to GetSaveHistoryBytes.
        private class SaveHistoryReturnInfo 
            internal string uri;
            internal string title;
            internal int entryId; 
            internal byte[] saveByteArray ;
        ///  Called by the browser to serialize the entire journal or just the index of
        /// the current entry. The second case is when an internal Journal update needs to be 
        /// reflected in the TravelLog.
        ///  true is the entire Journal is to serialized 
        ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data.
        ///              and we elevate for serialization permission. 
        private object _GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate(object arg) 
            bool entireJournal = (bool)arg;

            SaveHistoryReturnInfo info = new SaveHistoryReturnInfo(); 

            // When we are here, the browser has just started to shut down, so we should only check 
            // whether the application object is shutting down. 
            if (Application.IsApplicationObjectShuttingDown == true)
                return null; 

            Invariant.Assert(_rbw.Value != null, "BrowserJournalingError: _rbw should not be null");

            Journal journal = _rbw.Value.Journal; 
            Invariant.Assert(journal != null, "BrowserJournalingError: Could not get internal journal for the window");
            JournalEntry entry; 
            if (entireJournal) // The application is about to be shut down...
                NavigationService topNavSvc = _rbw.Value.NavigationService;
                catch(Exception e) 
                // Since the current page is not added to the journal until it is replaced, 
                // we add it here explicitly to the internal Journal before serializing it.
                entry = topNavSvc.MakeJournalEntry(JournalReason.NewContentNavigation); 
                if (entry != null && !entry.IsAlive())
                    if (entry.JEGroupState.JournalDataStreams != null)
                else // Maybe the current content is null or a PageFunction doesn't want to be journaled. 
                {   // Then the previous navigable page, if any, should be remembered as current.
                    entry = journal.GetGoBackEntry();
                    // i. _LoadHistoryStreamDelegate() has a similar special case.
            {   // (Brittle) Assumption: GetSaveHistoryBytes() is called after the current entry has 
                // been updated in the internal journal but before the new navigation is committed.
                // This means journal.CurrentEntry is what was just added (or updated). 
                // Note that it would be wrong to call topNavSvc.MakeJournalEntry() in this case because
                // the navigation that just took place may be in a different NavigationService (in a
                // frame), and here we don't know which one it is.
                entry = journal.CurrentEntry; 

                // The entry may be null here when the user has selected "New Window" or pressed Ctrl+N. 
                // In this case the browser calls us on IPersistHistory::Save and then throws that data 
                // away.  Hopefully at some point in the future that saved data will be loaded in the new
                // window via IPersistHistory::Load.  This unusual behavior is tracked in bug 1353584. 

            if (entry != null)
                info.title = entry.Name;
                info.entryId = entry.Id; 
                info.title = _rbw.Value.Title;

            // We only use the base URI here because the travel log will validate a file URI when making a PIDL. 
            // We use the URI stored in the JournalEntry, and the travel log doesn't care what the URI is, so
            // duplicates don't matter. 
            info.uri = BindUriHelper.UriToString(Uri); 

            MemoryStream saveStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            saveStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            object objectToSave = info.entryId; 

            if (entireJournal) 
                //Save the Journal and BaseUri also. We don't need BaseUri except for the xaml case
                //since this is set specially for the container case (ssres scheme). Exe case 
                //will pretty much set it to the exe path. For the xaml case it is set to the path
                //of the first uri(eg BaseDir\page1.xaml) that was navigated to.
                //BaseDir/Subdir/page2.xaml is also considered to be in the same extent and when
                //we navigate back to the app from a webpage, the baseUri should still be BaseDir 
                //not BaseDir/Subdir. We were setting the BaseDir from JournalEntry.Uri but we may
                //end up setting BaseUri to BaseDir/Subdir which is not the same. So explicitly 
                //persist BaseUri as well 
                BrowserJournal browserJournal = new BrowserJournal(journal, BindUriHelper.BaseUri);
                objectToSave = browserJournal; 

            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter).Assert();
                formatter.Serialize(saveStream, objectToSave); 
            catch(Exception e)

                // The application is shutting down and the exception would not be reported anyway. 
                // This is here to help with debugging and failure analysis. 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Failed to serialize the navigation journal: " + e);
                CodeAccessPermission.RevertAll() ;

            info.saveByteArray = saveStream.ToArray(); 

            return info ; 

        //CASRemoval:[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        ///     Critical as the delegate that this method invokes accesses critical data. 
        internal byte[] GetSaveHistoryBytes(bool persistEntireJournal, out int journalEntryId, out string uriString, out string titleString) 
            SaveHistoryReturnInfo info = null ;

            if (Application.Current != null) 
                info = ( SaveHistoryReturnInfo) Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( 
                                new DispatcherOperationCallback(_GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate) ,

            if ( info != null )
                journalEntryId = info.entryId;
                uriString = info.uri; 
                titleString = info.title; 
                return info.saveByteArray;
                journalEntryId = 0;
                uriString = null; 
                titleString = null;
                return null; 
        ///     Critical as the delegate that this method invokes accesses critical data.
        internal void LoadHistoryStream(MemoryStream loadStream, bool firstLoadFromHistory)
            if (Application.Current == null) 

            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = new LoadHistoryStreamInfo();
            info.loadStream = loadStream ; 
            info.firstLoadFromHistory = firstLoadFromHistory ;
                        new DispatcherOperationCallback(_LoadHistoryStreamDelegate), 

        private class LoadHistoryStreamInfo 
            internal MemoryStream loadStream ; 
            internal bool firstLoadFromHistory; 
        ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data.
        private object _LoadHistoryStreamDelegate( object arg )
            Journal             journal     = null; 
            JournalEntry        entry       = null;
            LoadHistoryStreamInfo info = (LoadHistoryStreamInfo) arg ;

            if (IsShutdown() == true)
                return null; 

            // Reset the memory stream pointer back to the begining and get the persisted object 
            info.loadStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); 

            object journaledObject = DeserializeJournaledObject(info.loadStream); 

            //This is the very first load from history, so need to set the BaseUri and StartupUri.
            if (info.firstLoadFromHistory)
                // Patch for WOSB 1834243: The journal does not get saved on Ctrl+N. Because of this,
                // here we can get just an index, like in the 'else' case below. 
                if(!(journaledObject is BrowserJournal)) 
                    return null;
                BrowserJournal browserJournal = (BrowserJournal)journaledObject;

                journal = browserJournal.Journal;
                entry = journal.CurrentEntry; 
                if (entry == null) // See special case in _GetSaveHistoryBytesDelegate().
                    entry = journal.GetGoBackEntry(); // could still be null 
                //This will create the frame to use for hosting
                    NavigationService navigationService = null;
                    navigationService = _rbw.Value.NavigationService; 
                //This should already be set for the container and exe cases. The former
                //sets it to the transformed ssres scheme and we don't want to overwrite it. 
                if (BindUriHelper.BaseUri == null)
                    BindUriHelper.BaseUri = browserJournal.BaseUri;



                Debug.Assert(Application.Current != null, "BrowserJournalingError: Application object should already be created");

                if (entry != null) 
                    //Prevent navigations to StartupUri for history loads by canceling the StartingUp event 
                    Application.Current.Startup += new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.OnStartup); 

                //else: fall back on navigating to StartupUri
                journal = _rbw.Value.Journal; 
                int index = journal.FindIndexForEntryWithId((int)journaledObject);
                Debug.Assert(journal[index].Id == (int)journaledObject, "BrowserJournalingError: Index retrieved from journal stream does not match index of journal entry");

                // Check whether the navigation is canceled.
                if (! _rbw.Value.JournalNavigationScope.NavigateToEntry(index)) 
                    // When the navigation is canceled, we want to notify browser to prevent the internal journal from 
                    // getting out of [....] with the browser's. 
                    // The exception will be caught by the interop layer and browser will cancel the navigation as a result.
                    // If the navigation is initiated pragmatically by calling GoBack/Forward (comparing to user initiated
                    // by clicking the back/forward button),  this will result in a managed exception at the call to ibcs.GoBack()
                    // in rbw.GoBackOverride(). rbw catches the exception when this happens.
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

            return null; 

        /// Critical - Asserts for Serialization permission to deserialize an object from the input stream. 
        private object DeserializeJournaledObject(MemoryStream inputStream) 
            object deserialized = null; 
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            new System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter).Assert();
                deserialized = formatter.Deserialize(inputStream);
            return deserialized;
        // See if an App instance is currently loaded.
        internal bool IsAppLoaded() 
            return (Application.Current == null ? false : true);

        // Return the internal static variable _shutdown.
        internal bool IsShutdown()
            return Application.IsShuttingDown;
        /// Critical: 
        ///  1) Accesses _storageRoot, _container, _packageStream, _unmanagedStream
        /// TreatAsSafe:
        ///  1) Doesn't disclose _storageRoot, _container, _packageStream, 
        ///     _unmanagedStream
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void Cleanup()
            if (Application.Current != null)
                IBrowserCallbackServices bcs = Application.Current.BrowserCallbackServices;
                if (bcs != null) 
                    // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bcs) has to be called so that the refcount of the 
                    // native objects goes to zero for clean shutdown. But it should not be called
                    // right away, because there may still be DispatcherOperations in the queue 
                    // that will attempt to use IBCS, especially during downloading/activation.
                    // Last, it can't be called with prioroty lower than Normal, because that's
                    // the priority of Applicatoin.ShudownCallback(), which shuts down the
                    // Dispatcher. 
                        DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReleaseBrowserCallback), bcs); 
            ServiceProvider = null;

            if (_storageRoot != null && _storageRoot.Value != null  ) 

            // Due to the dependecies the following objects have to be released 
            // in the following order: _document, DocumentManager,
            // _packageStream, _unmanagedStream.

            if (_document.Value is PackageDocument) 
                // We are about to close the package ad remove it from the Preloaded Packages Store. 
                // Let's make sure that the data structures are consistent. The package that we hold is 
                // actually in the store under the URI that we think it should be using
                Debug.Assert(((PackageDocument)_document.Value).Package == 

                // We need to remove the Package from the PreloadedPackage storage,
                // so that potential future requests would fail in a way of returning a null (resource not found) 
                // rather then return a Package or stream that is already Closed
                _document.Value = null; 

            if (_mimeType.Value == MimeType.Document)
            if (_packageStream.Value != null)

            if (_unmanagedStream.Value != null) 
                _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null); 

        /// Critical: Calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject(), which has a LinkDemand for unmanaged code.
        private object ReleaseBrowserCallback(object browserCallback) 
            return null;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties

        internal RootBrowserWindowProxy RootBrowserWindowProxy
                if (_rbwProxy.Value == null) 
                return _rbwProxy.Value; 
        /// Critical as the setter stores the critical RBW reference 
        internal RootBrowserWindow RootBrowserWindow
                return _rbw.Value; 
            private set 
                _rbw.Value = value;
                if (value == null)
                    _rbwProxy.Value = null;
                    _rbwProxy.Value = new RootBrowserWindowProxy(value); 

                    if (_rectset == true)
                        // If UIActivation already happened, set the size with 
                        // cached values.
                        _rectset = false; 
                    //Incase Show() was called before we had a chance to create the window
                    //If the old and new values are the same, this will be a no-op anyway
        internal bool RootBrowserWindowCreated { get { return _rbw.Value != null; } }
        internal OleCmdHelper OleCmdHelper
                if (Application.Current == null)
                    return null; 
                return (OleCmdHelper) Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(
                (DispatcherOperationCallback) delegate(object unused)
                    // V3.5: Check for Application object shutting down only.
                    // Consider to check for Browser shutting down. 
                    if (Application.IsApplicationObjectShuttingDown == true) 
                        return null;
                    if (_oleCmdHelper == null)
                        _oleCmdHelper = new OleCmdHelper();
                    return _oleCmdHelper;

        /// Critical: Returns a critical object, which can be used cross-AppDomain.
        internal static ApplicationProxyInternal Current
            get { return _proxyInstance; }

        /// Critical:
        ///  - sets _criticalUri which is critical 
        internal Uri Uri 
                return _criticalUri.Value;
            private set 
                _criticalUri.Value = value; 
                // We need to set these properties now, because there are times during the application's lifetime
                // when the source URI would be useful, but the ApplicationProxyInternal has come and gone. 
                // If there is DebugSecurityZoneUrl, SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource would have been set to that value.
                // We don't want to overwrite that, so check whether the value is null or not before setting.
                if (SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource == null)
                    SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource = value;
        /// Critical:
        ///  - sets SiteOfOriginContainer.DebugSeurityZoneURL which is critical
        internal void SetDebugSecurityZoneURL(Uri debugSecurityZoneURL) 
            SiteOfOriginContainer.BrowserSource = debugSecurityZoneURL;

        ///     Critical - An external caller is setting the stream that we are using.  This is external
        ///                data from the web. 
        internal object StreamContainer 
                _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown((IntPtr)value));

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods 

        private void OnStartup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e) 
            //We listen to the Startup event only for history loads in which
            //case we want to do our journaling load instead of StartupUri load 
            e.PerformDefaultAction = false;
            Application.Current.Startup -= new System.Windows.StartupEventHandler(this.OnStartup);

        ///     Critical as this accesses critical data. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as clearing the RBW is eliminating critical data - and considered safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void ClearRootBrowserWindow()
            RootBrowserWindow = null; 
        #endregion Private Methods 

        #region Private Properties 

        private IServiceProvider ServiceProvider
                _serviceProvider = value; 
                if (Application.Current != null)
                    Application.Current.ServiceProvider = value;

        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields 

        // Instance fields. 
        // These are fields that moved from DocobjHost class so we can have a
        // unified way of calling for single vs multiple AppDomain scenarios. 

        /// Critical: We don't want an arbitrary window to be assigned here
        ///   (even though only the real RBW can be created in PT). 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet   _rbw; 
        /// Critical for the same reason that _rbw is. 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _rbwProxy;

        private bool                _show; 
        private OleCmdHelper        _oleCmdHelper;
        // The following variables are used to remember the window size until the window is created 
        // because the OLE SetRect/Show calls happen before the app and window are created internally
        Rect                        _windowRect; 
        bool                        _rectset;

        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _criticalUri;
        SecurityCriticalDataClass _storageRoot = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(null); 
        SecurityCriticalDataForSet _mimeType;
        IServiceProvider _serviceProvider ; 
        /// Critical: ApplicationProxyInternal can be used cross-AppDomain and implements 
        ///     critical functionality.
        private static ApplicationProxyInternal _proxyInstance; 

        private const string FRAGMENT_MARKER = "#"; 
        #region XpsViewer (DocumentApplication) Specific
        /// This is an unmanaged COM IStream that is provided by the byte range downloader
        /// (progressive download) and comes from our unmanaged host.
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) this is a pointer to a security suppressed unmanaged stream, using it directly is 
        ///     unsafe 
        ///  2) the data from this stream likely comes from the internet
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  1) although we did our best to protect from native exploits, no one is perfect and
        ///     the backing code is unmanaged
        SecurityCriticalData _unmanagedStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null);
        /// This is a ByteWrapper a managed class that is an adapter from IStream to Stream.
        /// The stream it wraps is the _unmanagedStream. 
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) we do not want this replaced with another stream after we have made security 
        ///     decisions based on its contents (like mime type and start part)
        ///  2) this may be an EncryptedPackage which contains PII (Personally Identifiable 
        ///     Information) in clear text; as such we want to audit use so information is 
        ///     not leaked
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  1) we want to audit it is set once
        ///  2) we want to audit for leaks
        SecurityCriticalData _packageStream = new SecurityCriticalData(null);
        /// This contains many streams and packages that represent the current 'Package'
        /// for the XpsViewer. 
        /// Critical:
        ///  1) none of this data can be effectively protected due to the visual tree 
        ///     and Package.GetStream model currently in place protecting leaking of this
        ///     has been waived in a security review as it would have no net effect 
        ///  2) based on the current hosting design we expect one 'Package' for the lifetime 
        ///     of the application, thus this should be audited such that it is set only once
        /// Not Safe:
        ///  2) we want to audit it is set once
        // The Document has been weakly-typed to avoid PresentationFramework 
        // having a type dependency on PresentationUI.  The perf impact of the weak
        // typed variables in this case was determined to be much less than forcing the load 
        // of a new assembly when Assembly.GetTypes was called on PresentationFramework. 
        SecurityCriticalDataForSet _document;

        #endregion Private Fields

        #region Private Structs 
        /// Holder for all things to be persisted in the BrowserJournal before we 
        /// navigate away from the app 
        private struct BrowserJournal
            #region Constructors
            internal BrowserJournal(Journal journal, Uri baseUri) 
                _journal = journal; 
                _baseUri = baseUri; 
            #endregion Constructors 

            #region Properties
            internal Journal Journal
                get { return _journal; }
            internal Uri BaseUri
                get { return _baseUri; }
            #endregion Properties
            #region Private Fields
            private Journal         _journal; 
            private Uri             _baseUri; 
            #endregion Private Fields
        #endregion Private Structs


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



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