ItemContainerGenerator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / ItemContainerGenerator.cs / 1305600 / ItemContainerGenerator.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: ItemContainerGenerator object 
// Specs:       http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20General%20Docs/Data%20Styling.mht

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Globalization;     // for CultureInfo.InvariantCulture (event tracing)
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;   // IItemContainerGenerator
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Controls; 
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes;
using MS.Internal.Utility; 
using MS.Utility;

namespace System.Windows.Controls 
    /// An ItemContainerGenerator is responsible for generating the UI on behalf of 
    /// its host (e.g. ItemsControl).  It maintains the association between the items in
    /// the control's data view and the corresponding 
    /// UIElements.  The control's item-host can ask the ItemContainerGenerator for
    /// a Generator, which does the actual generation of UI.
    public sealed class ItemContainerGenerator : IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator, IWeakEventListener 
        //  Constructors

        ///  Constructor 
        ///  the control that owns the items  
        internal ItemContainerGenerator(IGeneratorHost host)
            : this(null, host, host as DependencyObject, 0) 
            // The top-level generator always listens to changes from ItemsCollection.
            // It needs to get these events before anyone else, so that other listeners 
            // can call the generator's mapping functions with correct results.
            CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(host.View, this);
        private ItemContainerGenerator(ItemContainerGenerator parent, GroupItem groupItem)
            : this(parent, parent.Host, groupItem, parent.Level + 1) 
        private ItemContainerGenerator(ItemContainerGenerator parent, IGeneratorHost host, DependencyObject peer, int level)
            _parent = parent;
            _host = host; 
            _peer = peer;
            _level = level; 
        //  Public Properties
        ///  The status of the generator  
        public GeneratorStatus Status
            get { return _status; }

        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647 
        private void SetStatus(GeneratorStatus value)
            if (value != _status) 
                _status = value; 

                switch (_status)
                    case GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers: 
                        if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info))
                            EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientStringBegin, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info, "ItemsControl.Generator"); 
                            _itemsGenerated = 0;
                            _itemsGenerated = Int32.MinValue;

                    case GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated: 
                        string label = null;
                        if (_itemsGenerated >= 0)   // this implies that tracing is enabled
                            DependencyObject d = Host as DependencyObject; 
                            if (d != null)
                                label = (string)d.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty); 
                            if (label == null || label.Length == 0) 
                                label = Host.GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientStringEnd, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info, 
                                                                 String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ItemContainerGenerator for {0} {1} - {2} items", Host.GetType().Name, label, _itemsGenerated));
                        if (_itemsGenerated > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Generator for {0} {1}  did {2} items in {3:f2} msec - {4:f2} msec/item", 
                                Host.GetType().Name, label, _itemsGenerated, _timer.TimeOfLastPeriod, _timer.TimeOfLastPeriod/_itemsGenerated);
                            Console.WriteLine("  this excludes time for element creation: {0:f2} msec - {1:f2} msec/item", 
                                _creationTimer.OverallTimeInMilliseconds, _creationTimer.OverallTimeInMilliseconds/_itemsGenerated);
                if (StatusChanged != null) 
                    StatusChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        //  Public Methods 
        #region IItemContainerGenerator

        /// Return the ItemContainerGenerator appropriate for use by the given panel 
        ItemContainerGenerator IItemContainerGenerator.GetItemContainerGeneratorForPanel(Panel panel) 
            if (!panel.IsItemsHost)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.PanelIsNotItemsHost), "panel"); 

            // if panel came from an ItemsPresenter, use its generator
            ItemsPresenter ip = ItemsPresenter.FromPanel(panel);
            if (ip != null) 
                return ip.Generator;
            // if panel came from a style, use the main generator 
            if (panel.TemplatedParent != null)
                return this; 

            // otherwise the panel doesn't have a generator
            return null;

        ///  Begin generating at the given position and direction  
        /// This method must be called before calling GenerateNext.  It returns an
        /// IDisposable object that tracks the lifetime of the generation loop. 
        /// This method sets the generator's status to GeneratingContent;  when
        /// the IDisposable is disposed, the status changes to ContentReady or
        /// Error, as appropriate.
        IDisposable IItemContainerGenerator.StartAt(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction)
            return ((IItemContainerGenerator)this).StartAt(position, direction, false); 
        ///  Begin generating at the given position and direction 
        /// This method must be called before calling GenerateNext.  It returns an
        /// IDisposable object that tracks the lifetime of the generation loop. 
        /// This method sets the generator's status to GeneratingContent;  when
        /// the IDisposable is disposed, the status changes to ContentReady or 
        /// Error, as appropriate. 
        IDisposable IItemContainerGenerator.StartAt(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem) 
            if (_generator != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationInProgress));
            _generator = new Generator(this, position, direction, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
            return _generator; 

        DependencyObject IItemContainerGenerator.GenerateNext() 
            bool isNewlyRealized;
            if (_generator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationNotInProgress)); 

            return _generator.GenerateNext(true, out isNewlyRealized); 

        DependencyObject IItemContainerGenerator.GenerateNext(out bool isNewlyRealized) 
            if (_generator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationNotInProgress));
            return _generator.GenerateNext(false, out isNewlyRealized);
        /// Prepare the given element to act as the container for the 
        /// corresponding item.  This includes applying the container style,
        /// forwarding information from the host control (ItemTemplate, etc.),
        /// and other small adjustments.
        /// This method must be called after the element has been added to the 
        /// visual tree, so that resource references and inherited properties 
        /// work correctly.
        ///  The container to prepare.
        /// Normally this is the result of the previous call to GenerateNext.
        void IItemContainerGenerator.PrepareItemContainer(DependencyObject container) 
            object item = container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty); 
            Host.PrepareItemContainer(container, item); 
        /// Remove generated elements.
        void IItemContainerGenerator.Remove(GeneratorPosition position, int count) 
            Remove(position, count, /*isRecycling = */ false); 

        /// Remove generated elements.
        private void Remove(GeneratorPosition position, int count, bool isRecycling)
            if (position.Offset != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RemoveRequiresOffsetZero, position.Index, position.Offset), "position"); 
            if (count <= 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RemoveRequiresPositiveCount, count), "count");
            int index = position.Index;
            ItemBlock block;

            // find the leftmost item to remove 
            int offsetL = index;
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next) 
                if (offsetL < block.ContainerCount)

                offsetL -= block.ContainerCount;
            RealizedItemBlock blockL = block as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // find the rightmost item to remove 
            int offsetR = offsetL + count - 1; 
            for (; block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                if (!(block is RealizedItemBlock))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotRemoveUnrealizedItems, index, count));

                if (offsetR < block.ContainerCount) 
                offsetR -= block.ContainerCount; 
            RealizedItemBlock blockR = block as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // de-initialize the containers that are being removed
            RealizedItemBlock rblock = blockL;
            int offset = offsetL; 
            while (rblock != blockR || offset <= offsetR)
                DependencyObject container = rblock.ContainerAt(offset); 

                UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, rblock.ItemAt(offset)); 

                if (isRecycling)
                    Debug.Assert(!_recyclableContainers.Contains(container), "trying to add a container to the collection twice"); 

                    if (_containerType == null) 
                        _containerType = container.GetType();
                    else if (_containerType != container.GetType())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotRecyleHeterogeneousTypes));


                if (++offset >= rblock.ContainerCount && rblock != blockR) 
                    rblock = rblock.Next as RealizedItemBlock;
                    offset = 0;
            // see whether the range hits the edge of a block on either side, 
            // and whether the a`butting block is an unrealized gap
            bool edgeL = (offsetL == 0); 
            bool edgeR = (offsetR == blockR.ItemCount-1);
            bool abutL = edgeL && (blockL.Prev is UnrealizedItemBlock);
            bool abutR = edgeR && (blockR.Next is UnrealizedItemBlock);
            // determine the target (unrealized) block,
            // the offset within the target at which to insert items, 
            // and the intial change in cumulative item count 
            UnrealizedItemBlock blockT;
            ItemBlock predecessor = null; 
            int offsetT;
            int deltaCount;

            if (abutL) 
                blockT = (UnrealizedItemBlock)blockL.Prev; 
                offsetT = blockT.ItemCount; 
                deltaCount = -blockT.ItemCount;
            else if (abutR)
                blockT = (UnrealizedItemBlock)blockR.Next;
                offsetT = 0; 
                deltaCount = offsetL;
                blockT = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                offsetT = 0;
                deltaCount = offsetL;

                // remember where the new block goes, so we can insert it later 
                predecessor = (edgeL) ? blockL.Prev : blockL;
            // move items within the range to the target block
            for (block = blockL;  block != blockR;  block = block.Next) 
                int itemCount = block.ItemCount;
                MoveItems(block, offsetL, itemCount-offsetL,
                            blockT, offsetT, deltaCount); 
                offsetT += itemCount-offsetL;
                offsetL = 0; 
                deltaCount -= itemCount; 
                if (block.ItemCount == 0)

            // the last block in the range is a little special...
            // Move the last unrealized piece. 
            int remaining = block.ItemCount - 1 - offsetR;
            MoveItems(block, offsetL, offsetR - offsetL + 1, 
                        blockT, offsetT, deltaCount); 

            // Move the remaining realized items 
            RealizedItemBlock blockX = blockR;
            if (!edgeR)
                if (blockL == blockR && !edgeL) 
                    blockX = new RealizedItemBlock(); 

                MoveItems(block, offsetR+1, remaining, 
                            blockX, 0, offsetR+1);

            // if we created any new blocks, insert them in the list 
            if (predecessor != null)
            if (blockX != blockR) 

        /// Remove all generated elements. 
        void IItemContainerGenerator.RemoveAll()
            // Take _itemMap offline, to protect against reentrancy (bug 1285179)
            ItemBlock itemMap = _itemMap;
            _itemMap = null;
                // de-initialize the containers that are being removed 
                if (itemMap != null)
                    for (ItemBlock block = itemMap.Next;  block != itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                        RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                        if (rib != null) 
                            for (int offset = 0; offset < rib.ContainerCount; ++offset) 
                                UnlinkContainerFromItem(rib.ContainerAt(offset), rib.ItemAt(offset));

                // re-initialize the data structure 
                _itemMap = new ItemBlock();
                _itemMap.Prev = _itemMap.Next = _itemMap;

                UnrealizedItemBlock uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                uib.ItemCount = Items.Count; 
                _recyclableContainers = new Queue();

                // tell generators what happened
                if (MapChanged != null) 
                    MapChanged(null, -1, 0, uib, 0, 0); 

        void IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator.Recycle(GeneratorPosition position, int count)
            Remove(position, count, /*isRecyling = */ true);
        /// Map an index into the items collection to a GeneratorPosition. 
        GeneratorPosition IItemContainerGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(int itemIndex)
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock itemBlock;
            int offsetFromBlockStart; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out itemBlock, out offsetFromBlockStart);
            if (itemBlock == _itemMap && position.Index == -1)

            return position; 
        /// Map a GeneratorPosition to an index into the items collection.
        int IItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(GeneratorPosition position)
            int index = position.Index;
            if (index == -1)
                // offset is relative to the fictitious boundary item 
                if (position.Offset >= 0)
                    return position.Offset - 1;
                    return Items.Count + position.Offset;

            if (_itemMap != null) 
                int itemIndex = 0;      // number of items we've skipped over

                // locate container at the given index 
                for (ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                    if (index < block.ContainerCount) 
                        // container is within this block.  return the answer 
                        return itemIndex + index + position.Offset;
                        // skip over this block
                        itemIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                        index -= block.ContainerCount; 

            return -1;

        #endregion IItemContainerGenerator 
        /// Return the item corresponding to the given UI element. 
        /// If the element was not generated as a container for this generator's
        /// host, the method returns DependencyProperty.UnsetValue.
        public object ItemFromContainer(DependencyObject container) 
            if (container == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); 

            object item = container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty); 

            if (item != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                // verify that the element really belongs to the host 
                if (!Host.IsHostForItemContainer(container))
                    item = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

            return item; 

        /// Return the UI element corresponding to the given item. 
        /// Returns null if the item does not belong to the item collection,
        /// or if no UI has been generated for it. 
        public DependencyObject ContainerFromItem(object item)
            DependencyObject container = null;
            int index;
            DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out index);
            return container;
        /// Given a generated UI element, return the index of the corresponding item 
        /// within the ItemCollection.
        public int IndexFromContainer(DependencyObject container)
            if (container == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); 
            object item = null;
            int index;
            DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out index);
            return index;
        ///     Performs a linear search. 
        ///     There's no avoiding a linear search, which leads to O(n^2) performance
        ///     if someone calls ContainerFromItem or IndexFromContainer for every item. 
        ///     To mitigate this, we start each search at _startIndexForUIFromItem, and
        ///     heuristically set this in various places to where we expect the next 
        ///     call to occur. 
        ///     For example, after a successul search, we set it to the resulting 
        ///     index, hoping that the next call will query either the same item or
        ///     the one after it.  And after inserting a new item, we expect a query
        ///     about the new item.  Etc.
        ///     Saving this as an index instead of a (block, offset) pair, makes it
        ///     more robust during insertions/deletions.  If the index ends up being 
        ///     wrong, the worst that happens is a full search (as opposed to following 
        ///     a reference to a block that's no longer in use).
        ///     To re-use the search code for two methods, please read the description
        ///     of the parameters.
        ///     If non-null, then searches for the container.
        ///     Otherwise, updated with container for the item. 
        ///     If non-null, then searches for the item. 
        ///     Otherwise, updated with the item that the container represents.
        ///     If a container or item is found, then updated with its index. 
        ///     Otherwise, set to -1.
        ///     true if found, false otherwise.
        private bool DoLinearSearch(ref DependencyObject container, ref object item, out int itemIndex)
            itemIndex = 0;
            if (_itemMap == null)
                // _itemMap can be null if we re-enter the generator.  Scenario:  user calls RemoveAll(), we Unlink every container, fire 
                // ClearContainerForItem for each, and someone overriding ClearContainerForItem decides to look up the container.
                return false; 

            // Move to the starting point of the search
            ItemBlock startBlock = _itemMap.Next; 
            int index = 0;      // index of first item in current block
            RealizedItemBlock rib; 
            int startOffset; 

            while (index <= _startIndexForUIFromItem && startBlock != _itemMap) 
                index += startBlock.ItemCount;
                startBlock = startBlock.Next;
            startBlock = startBlock.Prev;
            index -= startBlock.ItemCount; 
            rib = startBlock as RealizedItemBlock; 

            if (rib != null) 
                startOffset = _startIndexForUIFromItem - index;
                if (startOffset >= rib.ItemCount)
                    // we can get here if items get removed since the last
                    // time we saved _startIndexForUIFromItem - so the 
                    // saved offset is no longer meaningful.  To make the 
                    // search work, we need to make sure the first loop
                    // does at least one iteration.  Setting startOffset to 0 
                    // does exactly that.
                    startOffset = 0;
                startOffset = 0; 
            // search for the desired item, wrapping around the end
            ItemBlock block = startBlock;
            int offset = startOffset;
            int endOffset = startBlock.ItemCount; 
            while (true)
                // search the current block (only need to search realized blocks) 
                if (rib != null)
                    for (; offset < endOffset; ++offset)
                        CollectionViewGroup group;
                        bool found = false; 
                        if (container != null)
                            if (rib.ContainerAt(offset) == container) 
                                found = true; 
                                item = rib.ItemAt(offset);
                            if (Object.Equals(item, rib.ItemAt(offset))) 
                                found = true;
                                container = rib.ContainerAt(offset); 

                        if (IsGrouping && !found && ((group = rib.ItemAt(offset) as CollectionViewGroup) != null)) 
                            // found a group;  see if the group contains the item 
                            GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)rib.ContainerAt(offset); 
                            found = groupItem.Generator.DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out itemIndex);

                        if (found)
                            // found the item;  update state and return 
                            _startIndexForUIFromItem = index + offset;
                            itemIndex += GetRealizedItemBlockCount(rib, offset) + GetCount(block); 
                            return true; 

                    // check for termination
                    if (block == startBlock && offset == startOffset)
                        itemIndex = -1;
                        return false; 
                // advance to next block
                index += block.ItemCount;
                offset = 0;
                block = block.Next; 

                // if we've reached the end, wrap around 
                if (block == _itemMap) 
                    block = block.Next; 
                    index = 0;

                // prepare to search the block 
                endOffset = block.ItemCount;
                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                // check for termination
                if (block == startBlock) 
                    if (rib != null)
                        endOffset = startOffset;    // search first part of block 
                        itemIndex = -1;
                        return false; 

        private int GetCount() 
            return GetCount(_itemMap);

        private int GetCount(ItemBlock stop)
            int count = 0; 
            ItemBlock start = _itemMap;
            ItemBlock block = start.Next; 
            while (block != stop)
                RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                if (rib != null)
                    // Search for groups within realized blocks 
                    count += GetRealizedItemBlockCount(rib, rib.ItemCount);
                    count += block.ItemCount; 

                block = block.Next;

            return count; 

        private int GetRealizedItemBlockCount(RealizedItemBlock rib, int end) 
            if (!IsGrouping)
                // when the UI is not grouping, each item counts as 1, even 
                // groups (bug 1761421)
                return end; 

            int count = 0; 

            for (int offset = 0; offset < end; ++offset)
                CollectionViewGroup group; 
                if ((group = rib.ItemAt(offset) as CollectionViewGroup) != null)
                    // found a group, count the group 
                    GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)rib.ContainerAt(offset);
                    count += groupItem.Generator.GetCount(); 
            return count;

        /// Return the UI element corresponding to the item at the given index
        /// within the ItemCollection. 
        public DependencyObject ContainerFromIndex(int index) 
            object target = (Parent == null) && (0 <= index  &&  index < Host.View.Count) ? Host.View[index] : null; 
            int subIndex = 0;

            // if we're grouping, determine the appropriate child 
            if (IsGrouping)
                int n; 
                subIndex = index;
                for (index=0, n=Items.Count;  index < n;  ++index) 
                    CollectionViewGroup group = Items[index] as CollectionViewGroup;
                    int size = (group == null) ? 1 : group.ItemCount;
                    if (subIndex < size)
                        subIndex -= size;

            // search the table for the item
            for (ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; block != _itemMap; block = block.Next)
                if (index < block.ItemCount) 
                    DependencyObject container = block.ContainerAt(index); 
                    GroupItem groupItem = container as GroupItem;

                    if (groupItem != null)
                        container = groupItem.Generator.ContainerFromIndex(subIndex);
#if DEBUG 
                    object item = (Parent == null) && (container != null) ?
                                container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) : null; 
                    Debug.Assert(item == null || Object.Equals(item, target),
                        "Generator's data structure is corrupt - ContainerFromIndex found wrong item");
                    return container; 
                index -= block.ItemCount; 
            return null;  // *not* throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); - bug 890195

        //  Public Events 

        /// The ItemsChanged event is raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform
        /// layouts that the items collection has changed. 
        public event ItemsChangedEventHandler ItemsChanged; 
        /// The StatusChanged event is raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform 
        /// controls that its status has changed.
        public event EventHandler StatusChanged;

        //  Internal methods

        // ItemsControl sometimes needs access to the recyclable containers.
        // For eg. DataGrid needs to mark recyclable containers dirty for measure when DataGridColumn.Visibility changes. 
        internal IEnumerable RecyclableContainers
                return _recyclableContainers; 

        // regenerate everything 
        internal void Refresh()
        // called when this generator is no longer needed
        internal void Release()
        // called when the host's AlternationCount changes 
        internal void ChangeAlternationCount()
            // update my AlternationCount and adjust my containers

            // propagate to subgroups, if necessary 
            if (IsGrouping && GroupStyle != null)
                ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; 
                while (block != _itemMap)
                    for (int offset = 0;  offset < block.ContainerCount;  ++offset)
                        GroupItem gi = ((RealizedItemBlock)block).ContainerAt(offset) as GroupItem;
                        if (gi != null) 
                    block = block.Next;

        // update AlternationIndex on each container to reflect the new AlternationCount 
        void ChangeAlternationCount(int newAlternationCount) 
            if (_alternationCount == newAlternationCount) 

            // find the first realized container (need this regardless of what happens)
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; 
            int offset = 0;
            while (offset == block.ContainerCount) 
                block = block.Next;

            // if there are no realized containers, there's nothing to do
            if (block != _itemMap)
                // if user is requesting alternation, reset each container's AlternationIndex
                if (newAlternationCount > 0) 
                    _alternationCount = newAlternationCount;
                    SetAlternationIndex((RealizedItemBlock)block, offset, GeneratorDirection.Forward); 
                // otherwise, clear each container's AlternationIndex
                else if (_alternationCount > 0)
                    while (block != _itemMap)
                        for (offset = 0;  offset < block.ContainerCount;  ++offset) 

                        block = block.Next;
            _alternationCount = newAlternationCount;

        //  Internal properties 
        internal ItemContainerGenerator Parent
            get { return _parent;}

        internal int Level 
            get { return _level;} 

        // The group style that governs the generation of UI for the items. 
        internal GroupStyle GroupStyle
            get { return _groupStyle; }
                if (_groupStyle != value) 
                    if (_groupStyle is INotifyPropertyChanged)
                        PropertyChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(_groupStyle, this, String.Empty);

                    _groupStyle = value; 

                    if (_groupStyle is INotifyPropertyChanged) 
                        PropertyChangedEventManager.AddListener(_groupStyle, this, String.Empty);
        // The collection of items, as IList
        internal IList Items 
            get { return _items; }
                if (_items != value)
                    INotifyCollectionChanged incc = _items as INotifyCollectionChanged; 
                    if (_items != Host.View && incc != null)
                        CollectionChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(incc, this); 
                    _items = value;

                    incc = _items as INotifyCollectionChanged;
                    if (_items != Host.View && incc != null) 
                        CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(incc, this); 

        ///     ItemForItemContainer DependencyProperty 
        // This is an attached property that the generator sets on each container 
        // (generated or direct) to point back to the item. 
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty ItemForItemContainerProperty =
                DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ItemForItemContainer", typeof(object), typeof(ItemContainerGenerator), 
                                            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object)null));

        //  Internal events

        internal event EventHandler PanelChanged; 

        internal void OnPanelChanged()
            if (PanelChanged != null) 
                PanelChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        //  Private Nested Class -  ItemContainerGenerator.Generator

        ///     Generator is the object that generates UI on behalf of an ItemsControl, 
        ///     working under the supervision of an ItemContainerGenerator.
        private class Generator : IDisposable
            //  Constructors

            internal Generator(ItemContainerGenerator factory, GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem) 
                _factory = factory;
                _direction = direction;
                _factory.MapChanged += new MapChangedHandler(OnMapChanged);
                _factory.MoveToPosition(position, direction, allowStartAtRealizedItem, ref _cachedState); 
                _done = (_factory.Items.Count == 0);

            //  Public Properties 
/* This method was requested for virtualization.  It's not being used right now
(bug 1079525) but it probably will be when UI virtualization comes back.
            /// returns false if a call to GenerateNext is known to return null (indicating 
            /// that the generator is done).  Does not generate anything or change the
            /// generator's state;  cheaper than GenerateNext.  Returning true does not 
            /// necessarily mean GenerateNext will produce anything. 
            public bool IsActive 
                get { return !_done; }

            //  Public Methods

            ///  Generate UI for the next item or group
            public DependencyObject GenerateNext(bool stopAtRealized, out bool isNewlyRealized) 
                DependencyObject container = null; 
                isNewlyRealized = false; 

                while (container == null) 
                    UnrealizedItemBlock uBlock = _cachedState.Block as UnrealizedItemBlock;
                    IList items = _factory.Items;
                    int itemIndex = _cachedState.ItemIndex; 
                    int incr = (_direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward) ? +1 : -1;
                    if (_cachedState.Block == _factory._itemMap) 
                        _done = true;            // we've reached the end of the list
                    if (uBlock == null && stopAtRealized)
                        _done = true;

                    if (!(0 <= itemIndex && itemIndex < items.Count)) 
                        _done = true;
                    if (_done) 
                        isNewlyRealized = false; 
                        return null;

                    object item = items[itemIndex]; 

                    if (uBlock != null) 
                        // We don't have a realized container for this item.  Try to use a recycled container
                        // if possible, otherwise generate a new container. 

                        isNewlyRealized = true;

                        CollectionViewGroup group = item as CollectionViewGroup; 
                        if (group == null || !_factory.IsGrouping)
                            if (_factory._recyclableContainers.Count > 0 && !_factory.Host.IsItemItsOwnContainer(item))
                                container = _factory._recyclableContainers.Dequeue();
                                isNewlyRealized = false;
                                // generate container for an item 
                                container = _factory.Host.GetContainerForItem(item); 
                            ItemContainerGenerator.LinkContainerToItem(container, item, /* isRecycled = */ !isNewlyRealized);
                            // generate container for a group
                            container = _factory.ContainerForGroup(group); 

                        // add the (item, container) to the current block 
                        if (container != null)
                            _factory.Realize(uBlock, _cachedState.Offset, item, container);
                            // set AlternationIndex on the container (and possibly others)
                            _factory.SetAlternationIndex(_cachedState.Block, _cachedState.Offset, _direction); 
                        // return existing realized container
                        isNewlyRealized = false;
                        RealizedItemBlock rib = (RealizedItemBlock)_cachedState.Block; 
                        container = rib.ContainerAt(_cachedState.Offset);
                    // advance to the next item
                    _cachedState.ItemIndex = itemIndex; 
                    if (_direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward)
                        _cachedState.Block.MoveForward(ref _cachedState, true);
                        _cachedState.Block.MoveBackward(ref _cachedState, true); 

                return container;
            //  Interfaces - IDisposable 

            ///  Dispose this generator. 
            void IDisposable.Dispose()
                if (_factory != null)
                    _factory.MapChanged -= new MapChangedHandler(OnMapChanged); 
                    _done = true;
                    _factory._generator = null;
                    _factory = null;
            //  Private methods
            // The map data structure has changed, so the state must change accordingly.
            // This is called in various different ways. 
            //  A. Items were moved within the data structure, typically because 
            //  items were realized or un-realized.  In this case, the args are:
            //      block - the block from where the items were moved 
            //      offset - the offset within the block of the first item moved
            //      count - how many items moved
            //      newBlock - the block to which the items were moved
            //      newOffset - the offset within the new block of the first item moved 
            //      deltaCount - the difference between the cumululative item counts
            //                  of newBlock and block 
            //  B. An item was added or removed from the data structure.  In this 
            //  case the args are:
            //      block - null  (to distinguish case B from case A) 
            //      offset - the index of the changed item, w.r.t. the entire item list
            //      count - +1 for insertion, -1 for deletion
            //      others - unused
            //  C. Refresh: all items are returned to a single unrealized block. 
            //  In this case, the args are:
            //      block - null 
            //      offset - -1 (to distinguish case C from case B) 
            //      newBlock = the single unrealized block
            //      others - unused 
            void OnMapChanged(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count,
                            ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount)
                // Case A.  Items were moved within the map data structure 
                if (block != null)
                    // if the move affects this generator, update the cached state 
                    if (block == _cachedState.Block && offset <= _cachedState.Offset &&
                        _cachedState.Offset < offset + count) 
                        _cachedState.Block = newBlock;
                        _cachedState.Offset += newOffset - offset;
                        _cachedState.Count += deltaCount; 
                // Case B.  An item was inserted or deleted 
                else if (offset >= 0)
                    // if the item occurs before my block, update my item count
                    if (offset < _cachedState.Count)
                        _cachedState.Count += count; 
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count;
                    // if the item occurs within my block before my item, update my offset 
                    else if (offset < _cachedState.Count + _cachedState.Offset)
                        _cachedState.Offset += count;
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count;
                    // if an insert occurs at my position, update my offset 
                    else if (offset == _cachedState.Count + _cachedState.Offset &&
                        count > 0) 
                        _cachedState.Offset += count;
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count; 
                // Case C.  Refresh
                    _cachedState.Block = newBlock; 
                    _cachedState.Offset += _cachedState.Count; 
                    _cachedState.Count = 0;

            //  Private Fields

            ItemContainerGenerator     _factory; 
            GeneratorDirection  _direction;
            bool                _done;
            GeneratorState      _cachedState;

        //  Private Properties 

        IGeneratorHost Host { get { return _host; } } 

        // The DO for which this generator was created.  For normal generators, 
        // this is the ItemsControl.  For subgroup generators, this is 
        // the GroupItem.
        DependencyObject Peer 
            get { return _peer; }
        bool IsGrouping
            get { return (Items != Host.View); } 

        //  Private Methods 
        void MoveToPosition(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem, ref GeneratorState state)
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap;
            int itemIndex = 0;

            // first move to the indexed (realized) item 
            if (position.Index != -1)
                // find the right block 
                int itemCount = 0;
                int index = position.Index; 
                block = block.Next;
                while (index >= block.ContainerCount)
                    itemCount += block.ItemCount; 
                    index -= block.ContainerCount;
                    itemIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                    block = block.Next; 
                // set the position
                state.Block = block;
                state.Offset = index;
                state.Count = itemCount; 
                state.ItemIndex = itemIndex + index;
                state.Block = block; 
                state.Offset = 0;
                state.Count = 0;
                state.ItemIndex = itemIndex - 1;

            // adjust the offset - we always set the state so it points to the next 
            // item to be generated. 
            int offset = position.Offset;
            if (offset == 0 && (!allowStartAtRealizedItem || state.Block == _itemMap)) 
                offset = (direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward) ? 1 : -1;
            // advance the state according to the offset
            if (offset > 0) 
                state.Block.MoveForward(ref state, true);
                while (--offset > 0) 
                    state.Block.MoveForward(ref state, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
            else if (offset < 0)
                if (state.Block == _itemMap) 
                    state.ItemIndex = state.Count = Items.Count; 
                state.Block.MoveBackward(ref state, true);
                while (++offset < 0)
                    state.Block.MoveBackward(ref state, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
        // "Realize" the item in a block at the given offset, to be
        // the given item with corresponding container.  This means updating
        // the item map data structure so that the item belongs to a Realized block.
        // It also requires updating the state of every generator to track the 
        // changes we make here.
        void Realize(UnrealizedItemBlock block, int offset, object item, DependencyObject container) 
            RealizedItemBlock prevR, nextR;
            RealizedItemBlock newBlock; // new location of the target item
            int newOffset;              // its offset within the new block
            int deltaCount;             // diff between cumulative item count of block and newBlock
            // if we're realizing the leftmost item and there's room in the
            // previous block, move it there 
            if (offset == 0 && 
                (prevR = block.Prev as RealizedItemBlock) != null &&
                prevR.ItemCount < ItemBlock.BlockSize) 
                newBlock = prevR;
                newOffset = prevR.ItemCount;
                MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, -prevR.ItemCount); 
                MoveItems(block, 1, block.ItemCount, block, 0, +1);
            // if we're realizing the rightmost item and there's room in the
            // next block, move it there 
            else if (offset == block.ItemCount - 1 &&
                (nextR = block.Next as RealizedItemBlock) != null &&
                nextR.ItemCount < ItemBlock.BlockSize)
                newBlock = nextR;
                newOffset = 0; 
                MoveItems(newBlock, 0, newBlock.ItemCount, newBlock, 1, -1); 
                MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, offset);

            // otherwise we need a new block for the target item
                newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                newOffset = 0; 
                deltaCount = offset; 

                // if target is leftmost item, insert it before remaining items 
                if (offset == 0)
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, 0); 
                    MoveItems(block, 1, block.ItemCount, block, 0, +1);
                // if target is rightmost item, insert it after remaining items
                else if (offset == block.ItemCount - 1) 
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, offset);

                // otherwise split the block into two, with the target in the middle 
                    UnrealizedItemBlock newUBlock = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                    MoveItems(block, offset+1, block.ItemCount-offset-1, newUBlock, 0, offset+1);
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, 0, offset); 
            // add the new target to the map
            newBlock.RealizeItem(newOffset, item, container);
        void RemoveAndCoalesceBlocksIfNeeded(ItemBlock block)
            if (block != null && block != _itemMap && block.ItemCount == 0) 

                // coalesce adjacent unrealized blocks
                if (block.Prev is UnrealizedItemBlock && block.Next is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    MoveItems(block.Next, 0, block.Next.ItemCount, block.Prev, block.Prev.ItemCount, -block.Prev.ItemCount-1);

        // Move 'count' items starting at position 'offset' in block 'block'
        // to position 'newOffset' in block 'newBlock'.  The difference between
        // the cumulative item counts of newBlock and block is given by 'deltaCount'. 
        void MoveItems(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count,
                        ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount) 
            RealizedItemBlock ribSrc = block as RealizedItemBlock;
            RealizedItemBlock ribDst = newBlock as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // when both blocks are Realized, entries must be physically copied
            if (ribSrc != null && ribDst != null)
                ribDst.CopyEntries(ribSrc, offset, count, newOffset);
            // when the source block is Realized, clear the vacated entries - 
            // to avoid leaks.  (No need if it's now empty - the block will get GC'd).
            else if (ribSrc != null && ribSrc.ItemCount > count) 
                ribSrc.ClearEntries(offset, count);
            // update block information
            block.ItemCount -= count; 
            newBlock.ItemCount += count; 

            // tell generators what happened 
            if (MapChanged != null)
                MapChanged(block, offset, count, newBlock, newOffset, deltaCount);
        // Set the AlternationIndex on a newly-realized container.  Also, reset
        // the AlternationIndex on other containers to maintain the adjacency 
        // criterion. 
        void SetAlternationIndex(ItemBlock block, int offset, GeneratorDirection direction)
            // If user doesn't request alternation, don't do anything
            if (_alternationCount <= 0)
            int index;
            RealizedItemBlock rib; 
            // Proceed in the direction of generation.  This tends to reach the
            // end sooner (often in one step). 
            if (direction != GeneratorDirection.Backward)
                // Forward.  Back up one container to determine the starting index
                -- offset; 
                while (offset < 0 || block is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    block = block.Prev; 
                    offset = block.ContainerCount - 1;

                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                index = (block == _itemMap) ? -1 : ItemsControl.GetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset));
                // loop through the remaining containers, resetting each AlternationIndex
                for (;;) 
                    // advance to next realized container
                    while (offset == block.ContainerCount)
                        block = block.Next;
                        offset = 0; 
                    // exit if we've reached the end 
                    if (block == _itemMap)

                    // advance the AlternationIndex
                    index = (index + 1) % _alternationCount;
                    // assign it to the container
                    rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    ItemsControl.SetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset), index); 
                // Backward.  Advance one container to determine the starting index
                ++ offset; 
                while (offset >= block.ContainerCount || block is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    block = block.Next; 
                    offset = 0;

                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                index = (block == _itemMap) ? _alternationCount : ItemsControl.GetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset));
                // loop through the remaining containers, resetting each AlternationIndex
                for (;;) 
                    // retreat to next realized container
                    while (offset == 0)
                        block = block.Prev;
                        offset = block.ContainerCount; 
                    // exit if we've reached the end 
                    if (block == _itemMap)

                    // retreat the AlternationIndex
                    index = (index - 1) % _alternationCount;
                    // assign it to the container
                    rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    ItemsControl.SetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset), index); 

        // create a group item for the given group
        DependencyObject ContainerForGroup(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            if (!ShouldHide(group)) 
                // normal group - link a new GroupItem
                GroupItem groupItem = new GroupItem(); 

                LinkContainerToItem(groupItem, group);

                // create the generator 
                groupItem.Generator = new ItemContainerGenerator(this, groupItem);
                return groupItem; 
                // hidden empty group - link a new EmptyGroupItem
                // but don't return it to layout
                return null; 
        // prepare the grouping information.  Called from RemoveAll.
        void PrepareGrouping()
            GroupStyle groupStyle; 
            IList items;
            if (Level == 0) 
                groupStyle = Host.GetGroupStyle(null, 0); 

                if (groupStyle == null)
                    items = Host.View; 
                    CollectionView cv = Host.View.CollectionView;
                    items = (cv == null) ? null : cv.Groups; 
                    if (items == null)
                        items = Host.View;
                GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)Peer; 
                CollectionViewGroup group = groupItem.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) as CollectionViewGroup;

                if (group != null)
                    if (group.IsBottomLevel)
                        groupStyle = null; 
                        groupStyle = Host.GetGroupStyle(group, Level);
                    items = group.Items;
                    groupStyle = null; 
                    items = Host.View;
            GroupStyle = groupStyle;
            Items = items; 
            if ((Level == 0) && (Host != null))
                // Notify the host of a change in IsGrouping

        void SetAlternationCount() 
            int alternationCount;
            if (IsGrouping && GroupStyle != null)
                if (GroupStyle.IsAlternationCountSet)
                    alternationCount = GroupStyle.AlternationCount;
                else if (_parent != null) 
                    alternationCount = _parent._alternationCount; 
                    alternationCount = Host.AlternationCount; 
                alternationCount = Host.AlternationCount; 


        // should the given group be hidden? 
        bool ShouldHide(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            return  GroupStyle.HidesIfEmpty &&      // user asked to hide 
                    group.ItemCount == 0;           // group is empty

        // create an empty-group placeholder item 
        void AddEmptyGroupItem(CollectionViewGroup group)
            EmptyGroupItem emptyGroupItem = new EmptyGroupItem(); 

            LinkContainerToItem(emptyGroupItem, group); 

            emptyGroupItem.SetGenerator(new ItemContainerGenerator(this, emptyGroupItem));

            // add it to the list of placeholder items (this keeps it from being GC'd) 
            if (_emptyGroupItems == null)
                _emptyGroupItems = new ArrayList(); 
        // notification that a subgroup has become non-empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameNonEmpty(EmptyGroupItem groupItem, CollectionViewGroup group)
            // Discard placeholder container. 
            UnlinkContainerFromItem(groupItem, group);
            if (_emptyGroupItems != null) 

            // inform layout as if the group just got added 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(Items.IndexOf(group));
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, position, 1, 0)); 
        // notification that a subgroup has become empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameEmpty(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            if (ShouldHide(group))
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(Items.IndexOf(group)); 

                // if the group is realized, un-realize it and notify layout 
                if (position.Offset == 0 && position.Index >= 0) 
                    // un-realize 
                    ((IItemContainerGenerator)this).Remove(position, 1);

                    // inform layout as if the group just got removed
                    if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                        ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, position, 1, 1)); 

                    // create the placeholder 

        // convert an index (into Items) into a GeneratorPosition 
        GeneratorPosition PositionFromIndex(int itemIndex) 
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock itemBlock;
            int offsetFromBlockStart;

            GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out itemBlock, out offsetFromBlockStart); 

            return position; 

        void GetBlockAndPosition(object item, int itemIndex, bool deletedFromItems, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart, out int correctIndex)
            if (itemIndex >= 0)
                GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart);
                correctIndex = itemIndex; 
                GetBlockAndPosition(item, deletedFromItems, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex);

        void GetBlockAndPosition(int itemIndex, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart) 
            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1, 0);
            block = null; 
            offsetFromBlockStart = itemIndex;

            if (_itemMap == null || itemIndex < 0)

            int containerIndex = 0; 
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                if (offsetFromBlockStart >= block.ItemCount)
                    // item belongs to a later block, increment the containerIndex
                    containerIndex += block.ContainerCount; 
                    offsetFromBlockStart -= block.ItemCount;
                    // item belongs to this block.  Determine the container index and offset 
                    if (block.ContainerCount > 0)
                        // block has realized items
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex + offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 
                        // block has unrealized items
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex-1, offsetFromBlockStart+1); 

        void GetBlockAndPosition(object item, bool deletedFromItems, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart, out int correctIndex)
            correctIndex = 0;
            int containerIndex = 0;
            offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
            int deletionOffset = deletedFromItems ? 1 : 0; 
            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1, 0);
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next) 
                UnrealizedItemBlock uib; 
                RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;

                if (rib != null)
                    // compare realized items with item for which we are searching
                    offsetFromBlockStart = rib.OffsetOfItem(item); 
                    if (offsetFromBlockStart >= 0) 
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex + offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 
                        correctIndex += offsetFromBlockStart;
                else if ((uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    // if the item isn't realized, we can't find it 
                    // directly.  Instead, look for indirect evidence that it
                    // belongs to this block by checking the indices of 
                    // nearby realized items.

                    // Sanity check - make sure data structure is OK so far. 
                    rib = block.Prev as RealizedItemBlock;
                    if (rib != null && rib.ContainerCount > 0) 
                        Debug.Assert(Object.Equals(rib.ItemAt(rib.ContainerCount - 1),
                                                    Items[correctIndex - 1]), 
                                    "Generator data structure is corrupt");
                    bool itemIsInCurrentBlock = false;
                    rib = block.Next as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    if (rib != null && rib.ContainerCount > 0) 
                        // if the index of the next realized item is off by one, 
                        // the deleted item likely comes from the current
                        // unrealized block.
                        itemIsInCurrentBlock =
                                    Items[correctIndex + block.ItemCount - deletionOffset]);
                    else if (block.Next == _itemMap) 
                        // similarly if we're at the end of the list and the 
                        // overall count is off by one, or if the current block
                        // is the only block, the deleted item likely
                        // comes from the current (last) unrealized block
                        itemIsInCurrentBlock = block.Prev == _itemMap || 
                            (Items.Count == correctIndex + block.ItemCount - deletionOffset);
                    if (itemIsInCurrentBlock)
                        // we don't know where it is in this block, so assume
                        // it's the very first item.
                        offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex-1, 1); 

                correctIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                containerIndex += block.ContainerCount;

            if (block == _itemMap) 
                // There's no way of knowing which unrealized block it belonged to, so 
                // the data structure can't be updated correctly.  Sound the alarm. 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotFindRemovedItem));

        private void LinkContainerToItem(DependencyObject container, object item) 
            LinkContainerToItem(container, item, false); 

        // establish the link from the container to the corresponding item 
        static void LinkContainerToItem(DependencyObject container, object item, bool isRecycled)
            // always set the ItemForItemContainer property
            container.SetValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty, item);
            // for non-direct items, set the DataContext property 
            if (container != item)
                #if DEBUG
                // Some ancient code at this point handled the case when DataContext
                // was set via an Expression (presumably a binding).  I don't think
                // this actually happens any more.  Just in case... 
                DependencyProperty dp = FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty;
                EntryIndex entryIndex = container.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
                Debug.Assert(!container.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp), "DataContext set by expression (unexpectedly)"); 
                container.SetValue(FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty, item);
        private void UnlinkContainerFromItem(DependencyObject container, object item)
            // When a container is removed from the tree, its future takes one of 
            // two forms:
            //      a) [normal mode] the container becomes eligible for GC 
            //      b) [recycling mode] the container joins the recycled list, and
            //          possibly re-enters the tree at some point, usually with a
            //          different item.
            // As Dev10 bug 452669 and some "subtle issues" that arose in the
            // container recycling work illustrate, it's important that the container 
            // and its subtree sever their connection to the data item.  Otherwise 
            // you can get aliasing - a dead container reacting to the same item as a live
            // container.  Even without aliasing, it's a perf waste for a dead container 
            // to continue reacting to its former data item.
            // On the other hand, it's a perf waste to spend too much effort cleaning
            // up the container and its subtree, since they will often just get GC'd 
            // in the near future.
            // WPF initially did a full cleanup of the container, removing all properties 
            // that were set in PrepareContainerForItem.  This avoided aliasing, but
            // was deemed too expensive, especially for scrolling.  For Windows OS Bug 
            // 1445288, all this cleanup work was removed.  This sped up scrolling, but
            // introduced the problems cited in Dev10 452669 and the recycling "subtle
            // issues".  A compromise is needed.
            // The compromise is tell the container to attach to a sentinel item
            // BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem.  We allow this to propagate into the 
            // conainer's subtree through properties like DataContext and 
            // ContentControl.Content that are normally set by PrepareItemForContainer.
            // A Binding that sees the sentinel as the data item will disconnect its 
            // event listeners from the former data item, but will not change its
            // own value or invalidate its target property.  This avoids the cost
            // of re-measuring most of the subtree.
            // TreeView virtualization requires that we call ClearContainer before setting 
            // the DataContext to "Disconnected".  This gives the TreeViewItems a chance
            // to save "Item values" in the look-aside table, before that table is 
            // discarded.   (See Dev10 628778)
            _host.ClearContainerForItem(container, item);

            if (container != item) 
                DependencyProperty dp = FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty; 
                #if DEBUG
                // Some ancient code at this point handled the case when DataContext 
                // was set via an Expression (presumably a binding).  I don't think
                // this actually happens any more.  Just in case...
                EntryIndex entryIndex = container.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                Debug.Assert(!container.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp), "DataContext set by expression (unexpectedly)"); 
                container.SetValue(dp, BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem); 

        /// Handle events from the centralized event table
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (managerType == typeof(PropertyChangedEventManager)) 
                PropertyChangedEventArgs pce = (PropertyChangedEventArgs)e; 
                if (sender == GroupStyle)
                    if (pce.PropertyName == "Panel")
            else if (managerType == typeof(CollectionChangedEventManager)) 
                OnCollectionChanged(sender, (NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)e); 
                return false;       // unrecognized event

            return true; 
        void ValidateAndCorrectIndex(object item, ref int index) 
            if (index >= 0) 
                // this check is expensive - Items[index] potentially iterates through
                // the collection.  So trust the sender to tell us the truth in retail bits.
                Debug.Assert(Object.Equals(item, Items[index]), "Event contains the wrong index"); 
                index = Items.IndexOf(item);
                if (index < 0) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CollectionAddEventMissingItem, item));
        /// Forward a CollectionChanged event 
        // Called  when items collection changes.
        void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) 
            // get the affected item
            object item;
            int startingIndex = -1; 
            switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    if (sender != Items) 
                        return;     // ignore events from ItemsCollection when we're listening to group's items.

                    if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) 
                        if (args.NewItems.Count != 1) 
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.RangeActionsNotSupported)); 
                        item = args.NewItems[0];
                        startingIndex = args.NewStartingIndex; 
                        if (args.OldItems.Count != 1) 
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.RangeActionsNotSupported));
                        item = args.OldItems[0]; 
                        startingIndex = args.OldStartingIndex; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    item = null;
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, args.Action)); 

            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("Received collection change from {0}  action = {1}  item={2}", 
                            TraceLog.IdFor(sender), args.Action, item);
            switch (args.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    OnItemAdded(item, startingIndex);

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    OnItemRemoved(item, startingIndex);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    OnItemReplaced(args.OldItems[0], args.NewItems[0], args.NewStartingIndex); 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    OnItemMoved(args.OldItems[0], args.OldStartingIndex, args.NewStartingIndex);

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 

        // Called when an item is added to the items collection 
        void OnItemAdded(object item, int index)
            ValidateAndCorrectIndex(item, ref index); 

            GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(-1,0); 

            // find the block containing the new item
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next;
            int offset = index; 
            while (block != _itemMap && offset >= block.ItemCount)
                offset -= block.ItemCount; 
                position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                block = block.Next; 

            position.Offset = offset + 1;
            // if it's an unrealized block, add the item by bumping the count
            UnrealizedItemBlock uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock; 
            if (uib != null) 
                MoveItems(uib, offset, 1, uib, offset+1, 0); 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;

            // if the item can be added to a previous unrealized block, do so 
            else if ((offset == 0 || block == _itemMap) &&
                    ((uib = block.Prev as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)) 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;

            // otherwise, create a new unrealized block
                uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock();
                uib.ItemCount = 1; 
                // split the current realized block, if necessary
                RealizedItemBlock rib; 
                if (offset > 0 && (rib = block as RealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    RealizedItemBlock newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                    MoveItems(rib, offset, rib.ItemCount - offset, newBlock, 0, offset); 
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount; 
                    position.Offset = 1; 
                    block = newBlock;

            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemAdded {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), index); 
            // tell generators what happened
            if (MapChanged != null) 
                MapChanged(null, index, +1, null, 0, 0);
            // tell layout what happened
            if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, position, 1, 0));

        // Called when an item is removed from the items collection 
        void OnItemRemoved(object item, int itemIndex)
            DependencyObject container = null;    // the corresponding container
            int containerCount = 0; 

            // search for the deleted item
            GeneratorPosition position;
            ItemBlock block; 
            int offsetFromBlockStart;
            int correctIndex; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(item, itemIndex, true, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex); 

            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
            if (rib != null)
                containerCount = 1;
                container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart); 
            // remove the item, and remove the block if it's now empty 
            MoveItems(block, offsetFromBlockStart + 1, block.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart - 1, block, offsetFromBlockStart, 0);
            if (rib != null)
                // fix up the alternation index before removing an empty block, while
                // we still have a valid block and offset 
                SetAlternationIndex(block, offsetFromBlockStart, GeneratorDirection.Forward);

            if (_traceLog != null) 
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemRemoved {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), itemIndex);

            // tell generators what happened
            if (MapChanged != null) 
                MapChanged(null, itemIndex, -1, null, 0, 0); 

            // tell layout what happened 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, position, 1, containerCount));

            // unhook the container.  Do this after layout has (presumably) removed it from 
            // the UI, so that it doesn't inherit DataContext falsely. 
            if (container != null)
                UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, item);

            // detect empty groups, so they can be hidden if necessary 
            if (Level > 0 && Items.Count == 0)
                GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)Peer; 
                CollectionViewGroup group = groupItem.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) as CollectionViewGroup;
                // the group could be null if the parent generator has already
                // unhooked its container
                if (group != null)
        void OnItemReplaced(object oldItem, object newItem, int index)
            // search for the replaced item
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock block;
            int offsetFromBlockStart; 
            int correctIndex; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(oldItem, index, false, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex);
            // If the item is in an UnrealizedItemBlock, then this change need not
            // be made to the _itemsMap as we are replacing an unrealized item with another unrealized
            // item in the same place.
            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
            if (rib != null)
                DependencyObject container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart); 

                if (oldItem != container && !_host.IsItemItsOwnContainer(newItem)) 
                    // if we can re-use the old container, just relink it to the
                    // new item
                    rib.RealizeItem(offsetFromBlockStart, newItem, container); 
                    LinkContainerToItem(container, newItem);
                    _host.PrepareItemContainer(container, newItem); 
                    // otherwise, we need a new container
                    DependencyObject newContainer = _host.GetContainerForItem(newItem);
                    rib.RealizeItem(offsetFromBlockStart, newItem, newContainer);
                    LinkContainerToItem(newContainer, newItem); 

                    if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                        ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace, position, 1, 1));

                    // after layout has removed the old container, unlink it
                    UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, oldItem);
            if (_traceLog != null) 
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemReplaced {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(oldItem), index);

        void OnItemMoved(object item, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
            DependencyObject container = null;    // the corresponding container 
            int containerCount = 0;
            UnrealizedItemBlock uib; 
            // search for the moved item
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock block;
            int offsetFromBlockStart;
            int correctIndex;
            GetBlockAndPosition(item, oldIndex, true, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex); 

            GeneratorPosition oldPosition = position; 
            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
            if (rib != null) 
                containerCount = 1;
                container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart);

            // remove the item, and remove the block if it's now empty 
            MoveItems(block, offsetFromBlockStart + 1, block.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart - 1, block, offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 

            // now insert into the new spot.

            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1,0); 
            block = _itemMap.Next; 
            offsetFromBlockStart = newIndex;
            while (block != _itemMap && offsetFromBlockStart >= block.ItemCount) 
                offsetFromBlockStart -= block.ItemCount;
                if (block.ContainerCount > 0)
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                    position.Offset = 0; 
                    position.Offset += block.ItemCount;
                block = block.Next;

            position.Offset += offsetFromBlockStart + 1; 
            // if it's an unrealized block, add the item by bumping the count
            uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock; 
            if (uib != null)
                MoveItems(uib, offsetFromBlockStart, 1, uib, offsetFromBlockStart+1, 0);
                ++ uib.ItemCount; 
            // if the item can be added to a previous unrealized block, do so 
            else if ((offsetFromBlockStart == 0 || block == _itemMap) &&
                    ((uib = block.Prev as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)) 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;
            // otherwise, create a new unrealized block
                uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock();
                uib.ItemCount = 1; 

                // split the current realized block, if necessary
                if (offsetFromBlockStart > 0 && (rib = block as RealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    RealizedItemBlock newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                    MoveItems(rib, offsetFromBlockStart, rib.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart, newBlock, 0, offsetFromBlockStart); 
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                    position.Offset = 1; 
                    offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
                    block = newBlock;
            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemMoved {0} oldIndex = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), oldIndex); 

            DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParentInternal(container);

            // tell layout what happened 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move, position, oldPosition, 1, containerCount)); 
            // unhook the container.  Do this after layout has (presumably) removed it from
            // the UI, so that it doesn't inherit DataContext falsely.
            if (container != null)
                if (parent == null || VisualTreeHelper.GetParentInternal(container) != parent)
                    UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, item); 
                    // If the container has the same visual parent as before then that means that
                    // the container was just repositioned within the parent's VisualCollection.
                    // we don't need to unlink the container, but we do need to re-realize the block. 
                    Realize(uib, offsetFromBlockStart, item, container);

            // fix up the AlternationIndex on containers affected by the move 
            if (_alternationCount > 0)
                // start with the smaller of the two positions, and proceed forward.
                // This tends to preserve the AlternatonIndex on containers at the 
                // front of the list, as users expect
                int index = Math.Min(oldIndex, newIndex); 
                GetBlockAndPosition(index, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart); 
                SetAlternationIndex(block, offsetFromBlockStart, GeneratorDirection.Forward);

        // Called when the items collection is refreshed
        void OnRefresh() 
            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnRefresh count = {0}", Items.Count); 

            // tell layout what happened
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(0, 0);
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset, position, 0, 0)); 
        // this method is here just to avoid the compiler error
        // error CS0649: Warning as Error: Field '..._traceLog' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
        void InitializeTraceLog()
            _traceLog = new TraceLog(20);
        //  Private Fields
        private TraceLog        _traceLog;
        private Generator       _generator; 
        private IGeneratorHost  _host; 
        private ItemBlock       _itemMap;
        private GeneratorStatus _status; 
        private int             _itemsGenerated;
        private int             _startIndexForUIFromItem;
        private DependencyObject _peer;
        private int             _level; 
        private IList           _items;
        private GroupStyle      _groupStyle; 
        private ItemContainerGenerator _parent; 
        private ArrayList       _emptyGroupItems;
        private int             _alternationCount; 

        private Type            _containerType;     // type of containers on the recycle queue
        private Queue _recyclableContainers = new Queue();
        event MapChangedHandler MapChanged;
        delegate void MapChangedHandler(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count, 
                    ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount);
        MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer _timer = new MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer();
        MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer _creationTimer = new MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer();

        //  Private Nested Classes

        // The ItemContainerGenerator uses the following data structure to maintain
        // the correspondence between items and their containers.  It's a doubly-linked 
        // list of ItemBlocks, with a sentinel node serving as the header.
        // Each node maintains two counts:  the number of items it holds, and 
        // the number of containers. 
        // There are two kinds of blocks - one holding only "realized" items (i.e. 
        // items that have been generated into containers) and one holding only
        // unrealized items.  The container count of a realized block is the same
        // as its item count (one container per item);  the container count of an
        // unrealized block is zero. 
        // Unrealized blocks can hold any number of items.  We only need to know 
        // the count.  Realized blocks have a fixed-sized array (BlockSize) so 
        // they hold up to that many items and their corresponding containers.  When
        // a realized block fills up, it inserts a new (empty) realized block into 
        // the list and carries on.
        // This data structure was chosen with virtualization in mind.  The typical
        // state is a long block of unrealized items (the ones that have scrolled 
        // off the top), followed by a moderate number (<50?) of realized items
        // (the ones in view), followed by another long block of unrealized items 
        // (the ones that have not yet scrolled into view).  So the list will contain 
        // an unrealized block, followed by 3 or 4 realized blocks, followed by
        // another unrealized block.  Fewer than 10 blocks altogether, so linear 
        // searching won't cost that much.  Thus we don't need a more sophisticated
        // data structure.  (If profiling reveals that we do, we can always replace
        // this one.  It's totally private to the ItemContainerGenerator and its
        // Generators.) 

        // represents a block of items 
        private class ItemBlock 
            public const int BlockSize = 16; 

            public int ItemCount { get { return _count; } set { _count = value; } }
            public ItemBlock Prev { get { return _prev; } set { _prev = value; } }
            public ItemBlock Next { get { return _next; } set { _next = value; } } 

            public virtual int ContainerCount { get { return Int32.MaxValue; } } 
            public virtual DependencyObject ContainerAt(int index) { return null; } 
            public virtual object ItemAt(int index) { return null; }
            public void InsertAfter(ItemBlock prev)
                Next = prev.Next;
                Prev = prev; 

                Prev.Next = this; 
                Next.Prev = this; 
            public void InsertBefore(ItemBlock next)

            public void Remove() 
                Prev.Next = Next;
                Next.Prev = Prev; 

            public void MoveForward(ref GeneratorState state, bool allowMovePastRealizedItem)
                if (IsMoveAllowed(allowMovePastRealizedItem))
                    state.ItemIndex += 1; 
                    if (++state.Offset >= ItemCount)
                        state.Block = Next;
                        state.Offset = 0;
                        state.Count += ItemCount;
            public void MoveBackward(ref GeneratorState state, bool allowMovePastRealizedItem)
                if (IsMoveAllowed(allowMovePastRealizedItem))
                    if (--state.Offset < 0)
                        state.Block = Prev;
                        state.Offset = state.Block.ItemCount - 1; 
                        state.Count -= state.Block.ItemCount; 
                    state.ItemIndex -= 1; 

            protected virtual bool IsMoveAllowed(bool allowMovePastRealizedItem) 
                return allowMovePastRealizedItem; 

            int _count; 
            ItemBlock _prev, _next;

        // represents a block of unrealized (ungenerated) items 
        private class UnrealizedItemBlock : ItemBlock
            public override int ContainerCount { get { return 0; } } 

            protected override bool IsMoveAllowed(bool allowMovePastRealizedItem) 
                return true;

        // represents a block of realized (generated) items 
        private class RealizedItemBlock : ItemBlock 
            public override int ContainerCount { get { return ItemCount; } } 

            public override DependencyObject ContainerAt(int index)
                return _entry[index].Container; 
            public override object ItemAt(int index) 
                return _entry[index].Item; 

            public void CopyEntries(RealizedItemBlock src, int offset, int count, int newOffset)
                int k;
                // choose which direction to copy so as not to clobber existing 
                // entries (in case the source and destination blocks are the same) 
                if (offset < newOffset)
                    // copy right-to-left
                    for (k = count - 1;  k >= 0;  --k)
                        _entry[newOffset + k] = src._entry[offset + k]; 
                    // clear vacated entries, to avoid leak 
                    if (src != this)
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, count);
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, newOffset - offset);
                    // copy left-to-right
                    for (k = 0;  k < count;  ++k)
                        _entry[newOffset + k] = src._entry[offset + k]; 
                    // clear vacated entries, to avoid leak 
                    if (src != this)
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, count);
                        src.ClearEntries(newOffset + count, offset - newOffset);
            public void ClearEntries(int offset, int count)
                for (int i=0; i 0) 
                    ItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;
                    generator.ItemsChanged -= new ItemsChangedEventHandler(OnItemsChanged);
                    generator.Parent.OnSubgroupBecameNonEmpty(this, group); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: ItemContainerGenerator object 
// Specs:       http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20General%20Docs/Data%20Styling.mht

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Globalization;     // for CultureInfo.InvariantCulture (event tracing)
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;   // IItemContainerGenerator
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.Controls; 
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes;
using MS.Internal.Utility; 
using MS.Utility;

namespace System.Windows.Controls 
    /// An ItemContainerGenerator is responsible for generating the UI on behalf of 
    /// its host (e.g. ItemsControl).  It maintains the association between the items in
    /// the control's data view and the corresponding 
    /// UIElements.  The control's item-host can ask the ItemContainerGenerator for
    /// a Generator, which does the actual generation of UI.
    public sealed class ItemContainerGenerator : IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator, IWeakEventListener 
        //  Constructors

        ///  Constructor 
        ///  the control that owns the items  
        internal ItemContainerGenerator(IGeneratorHost host)
            : this(null, host, host as DependencyObject, 0) 
            // The top-level generator always listens to changes from ItemsCollection.
            // It needs to get these events before anyone else, so that other listeners 
            // can call the generator's mapping functions with correct results.
            CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(host.View, this);
        private ItemContainerGenerator(ItemContainerGenerator parent, GroupItem groupItem)
            : this(parent, parent.Host, groupItem, parent.Level + 1) 
        private ItemContainerGenerator(ItemContainerGenerator parent, IGeneratorHost host, DependencyObject peer, int level)
            _parent = parent;
            _host = host; 
            _peer = peer;
            _level = level; 
        //  Public Properties
        ///  The status of the generator  
        public GeneratorStatus Status
            get { return _status; }

        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647 
        private void SetStatus(GeneratorStatus value)
            if (value != _status) 
                _status = value; 

                switch (_status)
                    case GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers: 
                        if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info))
                            EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientStringBegin, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info, "ItemsControl.Generator"); 
                            _itemsGenerated = 0;
                            _itemsGenerated = Int32.MinValue;

                    case GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated: 
                        string label = null;
                        if (_itemsGenerated >= 0)   // this implies that tracing is enabled
                            DependencyObject d = Host as DependencyObject; 
                            if (d != null)
                                label = (string)d.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty); 
                            if (label == null || label.Length == 0) 
                                label = Host.GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Event.WClientStringEnd, EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordGeneral, EventTrace.Level.Info, 
                                                                 String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ItemContainerGenerator for {0} {1} - {2} items", Host.GetType().Name, label, _itemsGenerated));
                        if (_itemsGenerated > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Generator for {0} {1}  did {2} items in {3:f2} msec - {4:f2} msec/item", 
                                Host.GetType().Name, label, _itemsGenerated, _timer.TimeOfLastPeriod, _timer.TimeOfLastPeriod/_itemsGenerated);
                            Console.WriteLine("  this excludes time for element creation: {0:f2} msec - {1:f2} msec/item", 
                                _creationTimer.OverallTimeInMilliseconds, _creationTimer.OverallTimeInMilliseconds/_itemsGenerated);
                if (StatusChanged != null) 
                    StatusChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

        //  Public Methods 
        #region IItemContainerGenerator

        /// Return the ItemContainerGenerator appropriate for use by the given panel 
        ItemContainerGenerator IItemContainerGenerator.GetItemContainerGeneratorForPanel(Panel panel) 
            if (!panel.IsItemsHost)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.PanelIsNotItemsHost), "panel"); 

            // if panel came from an ItemsPresenter, use its generator
            ItemsPresenter ip = ItemsPresenter.FromPanel(panel);
            if (ip != null) 
                return ip.Generator;
            // if panel came from a style, use the main generator 
            if (panel.TemplatedParent != null)
                return this; 

            // otherwise the panel doesn't have a generator
            return null;

        ///  Begin generating at the given position and direction  
        /// This method must be called before calling GenerateNext.  It returns an
        /// IDisposable object that tracks the lifetime of the generation loop. 
        /// This method sets the generator's status to GeneratingContent;  when
        /// the IDisposable is disposed, the status changes to ContentReady or
        /// Error, as appropriate.
        IDisposable IItemContainerGenerator.StartAt(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction)
            return ((IItemContainerGenerator)this).StartAt(position, direction, false); 
        ///  Begin generating at the given position and direction 
        /// This method must be called before calling GenerateNext.  It returns an
        /// IDisposable object that tracks the lifetime of the generation loop. 
        /// This method sets the generator's status to GeneratingContent;  when
        /// the IDisposable is disposed, the status changes to ContentReady or 
        /// Error, as appropriate. 
        IDisposable IItemContainerGenerator.StartAt(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem) 
            if (_generator != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationInProgress));
            _generator = new Generator(this, position, direction, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
            return _generator; 

        DependencyObject IItemContainerGenerator.GenerateNext() 
            bool isNewlyRealized;
            if (_generator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationNotInProgress)); 

            return _generator.GenerateNext(true, out isNewlyRealized); 

        DependencyObject IItemContainerGenerator.GenerateNext(out bool isNewlyRealized) 
            if (_generator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.GenerationNotInProgress));
            return _generator.GenerateNext(false, out isNewlyRealized);
        /// Prepare the given element to act as the container for the 
        /// corresponding item.  This includes applying the container style,
        /// forwarding information from the host control (ItemTemplate, etc.),
        /// and other small adjustments.
        /// This method must be called after the element has been added to the 
        /// visual tree, so that resource references and inherited properties 
        /// work correctly.
        ///  The container to prepare.
        /// Normally this is the result of the previous call to GenerateNext.
        void IItemContainerGenerator.PrepareItemContainer(DependencyObject container) 
            object item = container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty); 
            Host.PrepareItemContainer(container, item); 
        /// Remove generated elements.
        void IItemContainerGenerator.Remove(GeneratorPosition position, int count) 
            Remove(position, count, /*isRecycling = */ false); 

        /// Remove generated elements.
        private void Remove(GeneratorPosition position, int count, bool isRecycling)
            if (position.Offset != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RemoveRequiresOffsetZero, position.Index, position.Offset), "position"); 
            if (count <= 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RemoveRequiresPositiveCount, count), "count");
            int index = position.Index;
            ItemBlock block;

            // find the leftmost item to remove 
            int offsetL = index;
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next) 
                if (offsetL < block.ContainerCount)

                offsetL -= block.ContainerCount;
            RealizedItemBlock blockL = block as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // find the rightmost item to remove 
            int offsetR = offsetL + count - 1; 
            for (; block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                if (!(block is RealizedItemBlock))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotRemoveUnrealizedItems, index, count));

                if (offsetR < block.ContainerCount) 
                offsetR -= block.ContainerCount; 
            RealizedItemBlock blockR = block as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // de-initialize the containers that are being removed
            RealizedItemBlock rblock = blockL;
            int offset = offsetL; 
            while (rblock != blockR || offset <= offsetR)
                DependencyObject container = rblock.ContainerAt(offset); 

                UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, rblock.ItemAt(offset)); 

                if (isRecycling)
                    Debug.Assert(!_recyclableContainers.Contains(container), "trying to add a container to the collection twice"); 

                    if (_containerType == null) 
                        _containerType = container.GetType();
                    else if (_containerType != container.GetType())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotRecyleHeterogeneousTypes));


                if (++offset >= rblock.ContainerCount && rblock != blockR) 
                    rblock = rblock.Next as RealizedItemBlock;
                    offset = 0;
            // see whether the range hits the edge of a block on either side, 
            // and whether the a`butting block is an unrealized gap
            bool edgeL = (offsetL == 0); 
            bool edgeR = (offsetR == blockR.ItemCount-1);
            bool abutL = edgeL && (blockL.Prev is UnrealizedItemBlock);
            bool abutR = edgeR && (blockR.Next is UnrealizedItemBlock);
            // determine the target (unrealized) block,
            // the offset within the target at which to insert items, 
            // and the intial change in cumulative item count 
            UnrealizedItemBlock blockT;
            ItemBlock predecessor = null; 
            int offsetT;
            int deltaCount;

            if (abutL) 
                blockT = (UnrealizedItemBlock)blockL.Prev; 
                offsetT = blockT.ItemCount; 
                deltaCount = -blockT.ItemCount;
            else if (abutR)
                blockT = (UnrealizedItemBlock)blockR.Next;
                offsetT = 0; 
                deltaCount = offsetL;
                blockT = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                offsetT = 0;
                deltaCount = offsetL;

                // remember where the new block goes, so we can insert it later 
                predecessor = (edgeL) ? blockL.Prev : blockL;
            // move items within the range to the target block
            for (block = blockL;  block != blockR;  block = block.Next) 
                int itemCount = block.ItemCount;
                MoveItems(block, offsetL, itemCount-offsetL,
                            blockT, offsetT, deltaCount); 
                offsetT += itemCount-offsetL;
                offsetL = 0; 
                deltaCount -= itemCount; 
                if (block.ItemCount == 0)

            // the last block in the range is a little special...
            // Move the last unrealized piece. 
            int remaining = block.ItemCount - 1 - offsetR;
            MoveItems(block, offsetL, offsetR - offsetL + 1, 
                        blockT, offsetT, deltaCount); 

            // Move the remaining realized items 
            RealizedItemBlock blockX = blockR;
            if (!edgeR)
                if (blockL == blockR && !edgeL) 
                    blockX = new RealizedItemBlock(); 

                MoveItems(block, offsetR+1, remaining, 
                            blockX, 0, offsetR+1);

            // if we created any new blocks, insert them in the list 
            if (predecessor != null)
            if (blockX != blockR) 

        /// Remove all generated elements. 
        void IItemContainerGenerator.RemoveAll()
            // Take _itemMap offline, to protect against reentrancy (bug 1285179)
            ItemBlock itemMap = _itemMap;
            _itemMap = null;
                // de-initialize the containers that are being removed 
                if (itemMap != null)
                    for (ItemBlock block = itemMap.Next;  block != itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                        RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                        if (rib != null) 
                            for (int offset = 0; offset < rib.ContainerCount; ++offset) 
                                UnlinkContainerFromItem(rib.ContainerAt(offset), rib.ItemAt(offset));

                // re-initialize the data structure 
                _itemMap = new ItemBlock();
                _itemMap.Prev = _itemMap.Next = _itemMap;

                UnrealizedItemBlock uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                uib.ItemCount = Items.Count; 
                _recyclableContainers = new Queue();

                // tell generators what happened
                if (MapChanged != null) 
                    MapChanged(null, -1, 0, uib, 0, 0); 

        void IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator.Recycle(GeneratorPosition position, int count)
            Remove(position, count, /*isRecyling = */ true);
        /// Map an index into the items collection to a GeneratorPosition. 
        GeneratorPosition IItemContainerGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(int itemIndex)
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock itemBlock;
            int offsetFromBlockStart; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out itemBlock, out offsetFromBlockStart);
            if (itemBlock == _itemMap && position.Index == -1)

            return position; 
        /// Map a GeneratorPosition to an index into the items collection.
        int IItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(GeneratorPosition position)
            int index = position.Index;
            if (index == -1)
                // offset is relative to the fictitious boundary item 
                if (position.Offset >= 0)
                    return position.Offset - 1;
                    return Items.Count + position.Offset;

            if (_itemMap != null) 
                int itemIndex = 0;      // number of items we've skipped over

                // locate container at the given index 
                for (ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                    if (index < block.ContainerCount) 
                        // container is within this block.  return the answer 
                        return itemIndex + index + position.Offset;
                        // skip over this block
                        itemIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                        index -= block.ContainerCount; 

            return -1;

        #endregion IItemContainerGenerator 
        /// Return the item corresponding to the given UI element. 
        /// If the element was not generated as a container for this generator's
        /// host, the method returns DependencyProperty.UnsetValue.
        public object ItemFromContainer(DependencyObject container) 
            if (container == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); 

            object item = container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty); 

            if (item != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                // verify that the element really belongs to the host 
                if (!Host.IsHostForItemContainer(container))
                    item = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; 

            return item; 

        /// Return the UI element corresponding to the given item. 
        /// Returns null if the item does not belong to the item collection,
        /// or if no UI has been generated for it. 
        public DependencyObject ContainerFromItem(object item)
            DependencyObject container = null;
            int index;
            DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out index);
            return container;
        /// Given a generated UI element, return the index of the corresponding item 
        /// within the ItemCollection.
        public int IndexFromContainer(DependencyObject container)
            if (container == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); 
            object item = null;
            int index;
            DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out index);
            return index;
        ///     Performs a linear search. 
        ///     There's no avoiding a linear search, which leads to O(n^2) performance
        ///     if someone calls ContainerFromItem or IndexFromContainer for every item. 
        ///     To mitigate this, we start each search at _startIndexForUIFromItem, and
        ///     heuristically set this in various places to where we expect the next 
        ///     call to occur. 
        ///     For example, after a successul search, we set it to the resulting 
        ///     index, hoping that the next call will query either the same item or
        ///     the one after it.  And after inserting a new item, we expect a query
        ///     about the new item.  Etc.
        ///     Saving this as an index instead of a (block, offset) pair, makes it
        ///     more robust during insertions/deletions.  If the index ends up being 
        ///     wrong, the worst that happens is a full search (as opposed to following 
        ///     a reference to a block that's no longer in use).
        ///     To re-use the search code for two methods, please read the description
        ///     of the parameters.
        ///     If non-null, then searches for the container.
        ///     Otherwise, updated with container for the item. 
        ///     If non-null, then searches for the item. 
        ///     Otherwise, updated with the item that the container represents.
        ///     If a container or item is found, then updated with its index. 
        ///     Otherwise, set to -1.
        ///     true if found, false otherwise.
        private bool DoLinearSearch(ref DependencyObject container, ref object item, out int itemIndex)
            itemIndex = 0;
            if (_itemMap == null)
                // _itemMap can be null if we re-enter the generator.  Scenario:  user calls RemoveAll(), we Unlink every container, fire 
                // ClearContainerForItem for each, and someone overriding ClearContainerForItem decides to look up the container.
                return false; 

            // Move to the starting point of the search
            ItemBlock startBlock = _itemMap.Next; 
            int index = 0;      // index of first item in current block
            RealizedItemBlock rib; 
            int startOffset; 

            while (index <= _startIndexForUIFromItem && startBlock != _itemMap) 
                index += startBlock.ItemCount;
                startBlock = startBlock.Next;
            startBlock = startBlock.Prev;
            index -= startBlock.ItemCount; 
            rib = startBlock as RealizedItemBlock; 

            if (rib != null) 
                startOffset = _startIndexForUIFromItem - index;
                if (startOffset >= rib.ItemCount)
                    // we can get here if items get removed since the last
                    // time we saved _startIndexForUIFromItem - so the 
                    // saved offset is no longer meaningful.  To make the 
                    // search work, we need to make sure the first loop
                    // does at least one iteration.  Setting startOffset to 0 
                    // does exactly that.
                    startOffset = 0;
                startOffset = 0; 
            // search for the desired item, wrapping around the end
            ItemBlock block = startBlock;
            int offset = startOffset;
            int endOffset = startBlock.ItemCount; 
            while (true)
                // search the current block (only need to search realized blocks) 
                if (rib != null)
                    for (; offset < endOffset; ++offset)
                        CollectionViewGroup group;
                        bool found = false; 
                        if (container != null)
                            if (rib.ContainerAt(offset) == container) 
                                found = true; 
                                item = rib.ItemAt(offset);
                            if (Object.Equals(item, rib.ItemAt(offset))) 
                                found = true;
                                container = rib.ContainerAt(offset); 

                        if (IsGrouping && !found && ((group = rib.ItemAt(offset) as CollectionViewGroup) != null)) 
                            // found a group;  see if the group contains the item 
                            GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)rib.ContainerAt(offset); 
                            found = groupItem.Generator.DoLinearSearch(ref container, ref item, out itemIndex);

                        if (found)
                            // found the item;  update state and return 
                            _startIndexForUIFromItem = index + offset;
                            itemIndex += GetRealizedItemBlockCount(rib, offset) + GetCount(block); 
                            return true; 

                    // check for termination
                    if (block == startBlock && offset == startOffset)
                        itemIndex = -1;
                        return false; 
                // advance to next block
                index += block.ItemCount;
                offset = 0;
                block = block.Next; 

                // if we've reached the end, wrap around 
                if (block == _itemMap) 
                    block = block.Next; 
                    index = 0;

                // prepare to search the block 
                endOffset = block.ItemCount;
                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                // check for termination
                if (block == startBlock) 
                    if (rib != null)
                        endOffset = startOffset;    // search first part of block 
                        itemIndex = -1;
                        return false; 

        private int GetCount() 
            return GetCount(_itemMap);

        private int GetCount(ItemBlock stop)
            int count = 0; 
            ItemBlock start = _itemMap;
            ItemBlock block = start.Next; 
            while (block != stop)
                RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                if (rib != null)
                    // Search for groups within realized blocks 
                    count += GetRealizedItemBlockCount(rib, rib.ItemCount);
                    count += block.ItemCount; 

                block = block.Next;

            return count; 

        private int GetRealizedItemBlockCount(RealizedItemBlock rib, int end) 
            if (!IsGrouping)
                // when the UI is not grouping, each item counts as 1, even 
                // groups (bug 1761421)
                return end; 

            int count = 0; 

            for (int offset = 0; offset < end; ++offset)
                CollectionViewGroup group; 
                if ((group = rib.ItemAt(offset) as CollectionViewGroup) != null)
                    // found a group, count the group 
                    GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)rib.ContainerAt(offset);
                    count += groupItem.Generator.GetCount(); 
            return count;

        /// Return the UI element corresponding to the item at the given index
        /// within the ItemCollection. 
        public DependencyObject ContainerFromIndex(int index) 
            object target = (Parent == null) && (0 <= index  &&  index < Host.View.Count) ? Host.View[index] : null; 
            int subIndex = 0;

            // if we're grouping, determine the appropriate child 
            if (IsGrouping)
                int n; 
                subIndex = index;
                for (index=0, n=Items.Count;  index < n;  ++index) 
                    CollectionViewGroup group = Items[index] as CollectionViewGroup;
                    int size = (group == null) ? 1 : group.ItemCount;
                    if (subIndex < size)
                        subIndex -= size;

            // search the table for the item
            for (ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; block != _itemMap; block = block.Next)
                if (index < block.ItemCount) 
                    DependencyObject container = block.ContainerAt(index); 
                    GroupItem groupItem = container as GroupItem;

                    if (groupItem != null)
                        container = groupItem.Generator.ContainerFromIndex(subIndex);
#if DEBUG 
                    object item = (Parent == null) && (container != null) ?
                                container.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) : null; 
                    Debug.Assert(item == null || Object.Equals(item, target),
                        "Generator's data structure is corrupt - ContainerFromIndex found wrong item");
                    return container; 
                index -= block.ItemCount; 
            return null;  // *not* throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); - bug 890195

        //  Public Events 

        /// The ItemsChanged event is raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform
        /// layouts that the items collection has changed. 
        public event ItemsChangedEventHandler ItemsChanged; 
        /// The StatusChanged event is raised by a ItemContainerGenerator to inform 
        /// controls that its status has changed.
        public event EventHandler StatusChanged;

        //  Internal methods

        // ItemsControl sometimes needs access to the recyclable containers.
        // For eg. DataGrid needs to mark recyclable containers dirty for measure when DataGridColumn.Visibility changes. 
        internal IEnumerable RecyclableContainers
                return _recyclableContainers; 

        // regenerate everything 
        internal void Refresh()
        // called when this generator is no longer needed
        internal void Release()
        // called when the host's AlternationCount changes 
        internal void ChangeAlternationCount()
            // update my AlternationCount and adjust my containers

            // propagate to subgroups, if necessary 
            if (IsGrouping && GroupStyle != null)
                ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; 
                while (block != _itemMap)
                    for (int offset = 0;  offset < block.ContainerCount;  ++offset)
                        GroupItem gi = ((RealizedItemBlock)block).ContainerAt(offset) as GroupItem;
                        if (gi != null) 
                    block = block.Next;

        // update AlternationIndex on each container to reflect the new AlternationCount 
        void ChangeAlternationCount(int newAlternationCount) 
            if (_alternationCount == newAlternationCount) 

            // find the first realized container (need this regardless of what happens)
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next; 
            int offset = 0;
            while (offset == block.ContainerCount) 
                block = block.Next;

            // if there are no realized containers, there's nothing to do
            if (block != _itemMap)
                // if user is requesting alternation, reset each container's AlternationIndex
                if (newAlternationCount > 0) 
                    _alternationCount = newAlternationCount;
                    SetAlternationIndex((RealizedItemBlock)block, offset, GeneratorDirection.Forward); 
                // otherwise, clear each container's AlternationIndex
                else if (_alternationCount > 0)
                    while (block != _itemMap)
                        for (offset = 0;  offset < block.ContainerCount;  ++offset) 

                        block = block.Next;
            _alternationCount = newAlternationCount;

        //  Internal properties 
        internal ItemContainerGenerator Parent
            get { return _parent;}

        internal int Level 
            get { return _level;} 

        // The group style that governs the generation of UI for the items. 
        internal GroupStyle GroupStyle
            get { return _groupStyle; }
                if (_groupStyle != value) 
                    if (_groupStyle is INotifyPropertyChanged)
                        PropertyChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(_groupStyle, this, String.Empty);

                    _groupStyle = value; 

                    if (_groupStyle is INotifyPropertyChanged) 
                        PropertyChangedEventManager.AddListener(_groupStyle, this, String.Empty);
        // The collection of items, as IList
        internal IList Items 
            get { return _items; }
                if (_items != value)
                    INotifyCollectionChanged incc = _items as INotifyCollectionChanged; 
                    if (_items != Host.View && incc != null)
                        CollectionChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(incc, this); 
                    _items = value;

                    incc = _items as INotifyCollectionChanged;
                    if (_items != Host.View && incc != null) 
                        CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(incc, this); 

        ///     ItemForItemContainer DependencyProperty 
        // This is an attached property that the generator sets on each container 
        // (generated or direct) to point back to the item. 
        internal static readonly DependencyProperty ItemForItemContainerProperty =
                DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ItemForItemContainer", typeof(object), typeof(ItemContainerGenerator), 
                                            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((object)null));

        //  Internal events

        internal event EventHandler PanelChanged; 

        internal void OnPanelChanged()
            if (PanelChanged != null) 
                PanelChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        //  Private Nested Class -  ItemContainerGenerator.Generator

        ///     Generator is the object that generates UI on behalf of an ItemsControl, 
        ///     working under the supervision of an ItemContainerGenerator.
        private class Generator : IDisposable
            //  Constructors

            internal Generator(ItemContainerGenerator factory, GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem) 
                _factory = factory;
                _direction = direction;
                _factory.MapChanged += new MapChangedHandler(OnMapChanged);
                _factory.MoveToPosition(position, direction, allowStartAtRealizedItem, ref _cachedState); 
                _done = (_factory.Items.Count == 0);

            //  Public Properties 
/* This method was requested for virtualization.  It's not being used right now
(bug 1079525) but it probably will be when UI virtualization comes back.
            /// returns false if a call to GenerateNext is known to return null (indicating 
            /// that the generator is done).  Does not generate anything or change the
            /// generator's state;  cheaper than GenerateNext.  Returning true does not 
            /// necessarily mean GenerateNext will produce anything. 
            public bool IsActive 
                get { return !_done; }

            //  Public Methods

            ///  Generate UI for the next item or group
            public DependencyObject GenerateNext(bool stopAtRealized, out bool isNewlyRealized) 
                DependencyObject container = null; 
                isNewlyRealized = false; 

                while (container == null) 
                    UnrealizedItemBlock uBlock = _cachedState.Block as UnrealizedItemBlock;
                    IList items = _factory.Items;
                    int itemIndex = _cachedState.ItemIndex; 
                    int incr = (_direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward) ? +1 : -1;
                    if (_cachedState.Block == _factory._itemMap) 
                        _done = true;            // we've reached the end of the list
                    if (uBlock == null && stopAtRealized)
                        _done = true;

                    if (!(0 <= itemIndex && itemIndex < items.Count)) 
                        _done = true;
                    if (_done) 
                        isNewlyRealized = false; 
                        return null;

                    object item = items[itemIndex]; 

                    if (uBlock != null) 
                        // We don't have a realized container for this item.  Try to use a recycled container
                        // if possible, otherwise generate a new container. 

                        isNewlyRealized = true;

                        CollectionViewGroup group = item as CollectionViewGroup; 
                        if (group == null || !_factory.IsGrouping)
                            if (_factory._recyclableContainers.Count > 0 && !_factory.Host.IsItemItsOwnContainer(item))
                                container = _factory._recyclableContainers.Dequeue();
                                isNewlyRealized = false;
                                // generate container for an item 
                                container = _factory.Host.GetContainerForItem(item); 
                            ItemContainerGenerator.LinkContainerToItem(container, item, /* isRecycled = */ !isNewlyRealized);
                            // generate container for a group
                            container = _factory.ContainerForGroup(group); 

                        // add the (item, container) to the current block 
                        if (container != null)
                            _factory.Realize(uBlock, _cachedState.Offset, item, container);
                            // set AlternationIndex on the container (and possibly others)
                            _factory.SetAlternationIndex(_cachedState.Block, _cachedState.Offset, _direction); 
                        // return existing realized container
                        isNewlyRealized = false;
                        RealizedItemBlock rib = (RealizedItemBlock)_cachedState.Block; 
                        container = rib.ContainerAt(_cachedState.Offset);
                    // advance to the next item
                    _cachedState.ItemIndex = itemIndex; 
                    if (_direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward)
                        _cachedState.Block.MoveForward(ref _cachedState, true);
                        _cachedState.Block.MoveBackward(ref _cachedState, true); 

                return container;
            //  Interfaces - IDisposable 

            ///  Dispose this generator. 
            void IDisposable.Dispose()
                if (_factory != null)
                    _factory.MapChanged -= new MapChangedHandler(OnMapChanged); 
                    _done = true;
                    _factory._generator = null;
                    _factory = null;
            //  Private methods
            // The map data structure has changed, so the state must change accordingly.
            // This is called in various different ways. 
            //  A. Items were moved within the data structure, typically because 
            //  items were realized or un-realized.  In this case, the args are:
            //      block - the block from where the items were moved 
            //      offset - the offset within the block of the first item moved
            //      count - how many items moved
            //      newBlock - the block to which the items were moved
            //      newOffset - the offset within the new block of the first item moved 
            //      deltaCount - the difference between the cumululative item counts
            //                  of newBlock and block 
            //  B. An item was added or removed from the data structure.  In this 
            //  case the args are:
            //      block - null  (to distinguish case B from case A) 
            //      offset - the index of the changed item, w.r.t. the entire item list
            //      count - +1 for insertion, -1 for deletion
            //      others - unused
            //  C. Refresh: all items are returned to a single unrealized block. 
            //  In this case, the args are:
            //      block - null 
            //      offset - -1 (to distinguish case C from case B) 
            //      newBlock = the single unrealized block
            //      others - unused 
            void OnMapChanged(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count,
                            ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount)
                // Case A.  Items were moved within the map data structure 
                if (block != null)
                    // if the move affects this generator, update the cached state 
                    if (block == _cachedState.Block && offset <= _cachedState.Offset &&
                        _cachedState.Offset < offset + count) 
                        _cachedState.Block = newBlock;
                        _cachedState.Offset += newOffset - offset;
                        _cachedState.Count += deltaCount; 
                // Case B.  An item was inserted or deleted 
                else if (offset >= 0)
                    // if the item occurs before my block, update my item count
                    if (offset < _cachedState.Count)
                        _cachedState.Count += count; 
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count;
                    // if the item occurs within my block before my item, update my offset 
                    else if (offset < _cachedState.Count + _cachedState.Offset)
                        _cachedState.Offset += count;
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count;
                    // if an insert occurs at my position, update my offset 
                    else if (offset == _cachedState.Count + _cachedState.Offset &&
                        count > 0) 
                        _cachedState.Offset += count;
                        _cachedState.ItemIndex += count; 
                // Case C.  Refresh
                    _cachedState.Block = newBlock; 
                    _cachedState.Offset += _cachedState.Count; 
                    _cachedState.Count = 0;

            //  Private Fields

            ItemContainerGenerator     _factory; 
            GeneratorDirection  _direction;
            bool                _done;
            GeneratorState      _cachedState;

        //  Private Properties 

        IGeneratorHost Host { get { return _host; } } 

        // The DO for which this generator was created.  For normal generators, 
        // this is the ItemsControl.  For subgroup generators, this is 
        // the GroupItem.
        DependencyObject Peer 
            get { return _peer; }
        bool IsGrouping
            get { return (Items != Host.View); } 

        //  Private Methods 
        void MoveToPosition(GeneratorPosition position, GeneratorDirection direction, bool allowStartAtRealizedItem, ref GeneratorState state)
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap;
            int itemIndex = 0;

            // first move to the indexed (realized) item 
            if (position.Index != -1)
                // find the right block 
                int itemCount = 0;
                int index = position.Index; 
                block = block.Next;
                while (index >= block.ContainerCount)
                    itemCount += block.ItemCount; 
                    index -= block.ContainerCount;
                    itemIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                    block = block.Next; 
                // set the position
                state.Block = block;
                state.Offset = index;
                state.Count = itemCount; 
                state.ItemIndex = itemIndex + index;
                state.Block = block; 
                state.Offset = 0;
                state.Count = 0;
                state.ItemIndex = itemIndex - 1;

            // adjust the offset - we always set the state so it points to the next 
            // item to be generated. 
            int offset = position.Offset;
            if (offset == 0 && (!allowStartAtRealizedItem || state.Block == _itemMap)) 
                offset = (direction == GeneratorDirection.Forward) ? 1 : -1;
            // advance the state according to the offset
            if (offset > 0) 
                state.Block.MoveForward(ref state, true);
                while (--offset > 0) 
                    state.Block.MoveForward(ref state, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
            else if (offset < 0)
                if (state.Block == _itemMap) 
                    state.ItemIndex = state.Count = Items.Count; 
                state.Block.MoveBackward(ref state, true);
                while (++offset < 0)
                    state.Block.MoveBackward(ref state, allowStartAtRealizedItem);
        // "Realize" the item in a block at the given offset, to be
        // the given item with corresponding container.  This means updating
        // the item map data structure so that the item belongs to a Realized block.
        // It also requires updating the state of every generator to track the 
        // changes we make here.
        void Realize(UnrealizedItemBlock block, int offset, object item, DependencyObject container) 
            RealizedItemBlock prevR, nextR;
            RealizedItemBlock newBlock; // new location of the target item
            int newOffset;              // its offset within the new block
            int deltaCount;             // diff between cumulative item count of block and newBlock
            // if we're realizing the leftmost item and there's room in the
            // previous block, move it there 
            if (offset == 0 && 
                (prevR = block.Prev as RealizedItemBlock) != null &&
                prevR.ItemCount < ItemBlock.BlockSize) 
                newBlock = prevR;
                newOffset = prevR.ItemCount;
                MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, -prevR.ItemCount); 
                MoveItems(block, 1, block.ItemCount, block, 0, +1);
            // if we're realizing the rightmost item and there's room in the
            // next block, move it there 
            else if (offset == block.ItemCount - 1 &&
                (nextR = block.Next as RealizedItemBlock) != null &&
                nextR.ItemCount < ItemBlock.BlockSize)
                newBlock = nextR;
                newOffset = 0; 
                MoveItems(newBlock, 0, newBlock.ItemCount, newBlock, 1, -1); 
                MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, offset);

            // otherwise we need a new block for the target item
                newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                newOffset = 0; 
                deltaCount = offset; 

                // if target is leftmost item, insert it before remaining items 
                if (offset == 0)
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, 0); 
                    MoveItems(block, 1, block.ItemCount, block, 0, +1);
                // if target is rightmost item, insert it after remaining items
                else if (offset == block.ItemCount - 1) 
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, newOffset, offset);

                // otherwise split the block into two, with the target in the middle 
                    UnrealizedItemBlock newUBlock = new UnrealizedItemBlock(); 
                    MoveItems(block, offset+1, block.ItemCount-offset-1, newUBlock, 0, offset+1);
                    MoveItems(block, offset, 1, newBlock, 0, offset); 
            // add the new target to the map
            newBlock.RealizeItem(newOffset, item, container);
        void RemoveAndCoalesceBlocksIfNeeded(ItemBlock block)
            if (block != null && block != _itemMap && block.ItemCount == 0) 

                // coalesce adjacent unrealized blocks
                if (block.Prev is UnrealizedItemBlock && block.Next is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    MoveItems(block.Next, 0, block.Next.ItemCount, block.Prev, block.Prev.ItemCount, -block.Prev.ItemCount-1);

        // Move 'count' items starting at position 'offset' in block 'block'
        // to position 'newOffset' in block 'newBlock'.  The difference between
        // the cumulative item counts of newBlock and block is given by 'deltaCount'. 
        void MoveItems(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count,
                        ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount) 
            RealizedItemBlock ribSrc = block as RealizedItemBlock;
            RealizedItemBlock ribDst = newBlock as RealizedItemBlock; 

            // when both blocks are Realized, entries must be physically copied
            if (ribSrc != null && ribDst != null)
                ribDst.CopyEntries(ribSrc, offset, count, newOffset);
            // when the source block is Realized, clear the vacated entries - 
            // to avoid leaks.  (No need if it's now empty - the block will get GC'd).
            else if (ribSrc != null && ribSrc.ItemCount > count) 
                ribSrc.ClearEntries(offset, count);
            // update block information
            block.ItemCount -= count; 
            newBlock.ItemCount += count; 

            // tell generators what happened 
            if (MapChanged != null)
                MapChanged(block, offset, count, newBlock, newOffset, deltaCount);
        // Set the AlternationIndex on a newly-realized container.  Also, reset
        // the AlternationIndex on other containers to maintain the adjacency 
        // criterion. 
        void SetAlternationIndex(ItemBlock block, int offset, GeneratorDirection direction)
            // If user doesn't request alternation, don't do anything
            if (_alternationCount <= 0)
            int index;
            RealizedItemBlock rib; 
            // Proceed in the direction of generation.  This tends to reach the
            // end sooner (often in one step). 
            if (direction != GeneratorDirection.Backward)
                // Forward.  Back up one container to determine the starting index
                -- offset; 
                while (offset < 0 || block is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    block = block.Prev; 
                    offset = block.ContainerCount - 1;

                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                index = (block == _itemMap) ? -1 : ItemsControl.GetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset));
                // loop through the remaining containers, resetting each AlternationIndex
                for (;;) 
                    // advance to next realized container
                    while (offset == block.ContainerCount)
                        block = block.Next;
                        offset = 0; 
                    // exit if we've reached the end 
                    if (block == _itemMap)

                    // advance the AlternationIndex
                    index = (index + 1) % _alternationCount;
                    // assign it to the container
                    rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    ItemsControl.SetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset), index); 
                // Backward.  Advance one container to determine the starting index
                ++ offset; 
                while (offset >= block.ContainerCount || block is UnrealizedItemBlock)
                    block = block.Next; 
                    offset = 0;

                rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
                index = (block == _itemMap) ? _alternationCount : ItemsControl.GetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset));
                // loop through the remaining containers, resetting each AlternationIndex
                for (;;) 
                    // retreat to next realized container
                    while (offset == 0)
                        block = block.Prev;
                        offset = block.ContainerCount; 
                    // exit if we've reached the end 
                    if (block == _itemMap)

                    // retreat the AlternationIndex
                    index = (index - 1) % _alternationCount;
                    // assign it to the container
                    rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    ItemsControl.SetAlternationIndex(rib.ContainerAt(offset), index); 

        // create a group item for the given group
        DependencyObject ContainerForGroup(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            if (!ShouldHide(group)) 
                // normal group - link a new GroupItem
                GroupItem groupItem = new GroupItem(); 

                LinkContainerToItem(groupItem, group);

                // create the generator 
                groupItem.Generator = new ItemContainerGenerator(this, groupItem);
                return groupItem; 
                // hidden empty group - link a new EmptyGroupItem
                // but don't return it to layout
                return null; 
        // prepare the grouping information.  Called from RemoveAll.
        void PrepareGrouping()
            GroupStyle groupStyle; 
            IList items;
            if (Level == 0) 
                groupStyle = Host.GetGroupStyle(null, 0); 

                if (groupStyle == null)
                    items = Host.View; 
                    CollectionView cv = Host.View.CollectionView;
                    items = (cv == null) ? null : cv.Groups; 
                    if (items == null)
                        items = Host.View;
                GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)Peer; 
                CollectionViewGroup group = groupItem.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) as CollectionViewGroup;

                if (group != null)
                    if (group.IsBottomLevel)
                        groupStyle = null; 
                        groupStyle = Host.GetGroupStyle(group, Level);
                    items = group.Items;
                    groupStyle = null; 
                    items = Host.View;
            GroupStyle = groupStyle;
            Items = items; 
            if ((Level == 0) && (Host != null))
                // Notify the host of a change in IsGrouping

        void SetAlternationCount() 
            int alternationCount;
            if (IsGrouping && GroupStyle != null)
                if (GroupStyle.IsAlternationCountSet)
                    alternationCount = GroupStyle.AlternationCount;
                else if (_parent != null) 
                    alternationCount = _parent._alternationCount; 
                    alternationCount = Host.AlternationCount; 
                alternationCount = Host.AlternationCount; 


        // should the given group be hidden? 
        bool ShouldHide(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            return  GroupStyle.HidesIfEmpty &&      // user asked to hide 
                    group.ItemCount == 0;           // group is empty

        // create an empty-group placeholder item 
        void AddEmptyGroupItem(CollectionViewGroup group)
            EmptyGroupItem emptyGroupItem = new EmptyGroupItem(); 

            LinkContainerToItem(emptyGroupItem, group); 

            emptyGroupItem.SetGenerator(new ItemContainerGenerator(this, emptyGroupItem));

            // add it to the list of placeholder items (this keeps it from being GC'd) 
            if (_emptyGroupItems == null)
                _emptyGroupItems = new ArrayList(); 
        // notification that a subgroup has become non-empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameNonEmpty(EmptyGroupItem groupItem, CollectionViewGroup group)
            // Discard placeholder container. 
            UnlinkContainerFromItem(groupItem, group);
            if (_emptyGroupItems != null) 

            // inform layout as if the group just got added 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(Items.IndexOf(group));
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, position, 1, 0)); 
        // notification that a subgroup has become empty
        void OnSubgroupBecameEmpty(CollectionViewGroup group) 
            if (ShouldHide(group))
                GeneratorPosition position = PositionFromIndex(Items.IndexOf(group)); 

                // if the group is realized, un-realize it and notify layout 
                if (position.Offset == 0 && position.Index >= 0) 
                    // un-realize 
                    ((IItemContainerGenerator)this).Remove(position, 1);

                    // inform layout as if the group just got removed
                    if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                        ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, position, 1, 1)); 

                    // create the placeholder 

        // convert an index (into Items) into a GeneratorPosition 
        GeneratorPosition PositionFromIndex(int itemIndex) 
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock itemBlock;
            int offsetFromBlockStart;

            GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out itemBlock, out offsetFromBlockStart); 

            return position; 

        void GetBlockAndPosition(object item, int itemIndex, bool deletedFromItems, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart, out int correctIndex)
            if (itemIndex >= 0)
                GetBlockAndPosition(itemIndex, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart);
                correctIndex = itemIndex; 
                GetBlockAndPosition(item, deletedFromItems, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex);

        void GetBlockAndPosition(int itemIndex, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart) 
            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1, 0);
            block = null; 
            offsetFromBlockStart = itemIndex;

            if (_itemMap == null || itemIndex < 0)

            int containerIndex = 0; 
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next)
                if (offsetFromBlockStart >= block.ItemCount)
                    // item belongs to a later block, increment the containerIndex
                    containerIndex += block.ContainerCount; 
                    offsetFromBlockStart -= block.ItemCount;
                    // item belongs to this block.  Determine the container index and offset 
                    if (block.ContainerCount > 0)
                        // block has realized items
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex + offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 
                        // block has unrealized items
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex-1, offsetFromBlockStart+1); 

        void GetBlockAndPosition(object item, bool deletedFromItems, out GeneratorPosition position, out ItemBlock block, out int offsetFromBlockStart, out int correctIndex)
            correctIndex = 0;
            int containerIndex = 0;
            offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
            int deletionOffset = deletedFromItems ? 1 : 0; 
            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1, 0);
            for (block = _itemMap.Next;  block != _itemMap;  block = block.Next) 
                UnrealizedItemBlock uib; 
                RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;

                if (rib != null)
                    // compare realized items with item for which we are searching
                    offsetFromBlockStart = rib.OffsetOfItem(item); 
                    if (offsetFromBlockStart >= 0) 
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex + offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 
                        correctIndex += offsetFromBlockStart;
                else if ((uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    // if the item isn't realized, we can't find it 
                    // directly.  Instead, look for indirect evidence that it
                    // belongs to this block by checking the indices of 
                    // nearby realized items.

                    // Sanity check - make sure data structure is OK so far. 
                    rib = block.Prev as RealizedItemBlock;
                    if (rib != null && rib.ContainerCount > 0) 
                        Debug.Assert(Object.Equals(rib.ItemAt(rib.ContainerCount - 1),
                                                    Items[correctIndex - 1]), 
                                    "Generator data structure is corrupt");
                    bool itemIsInCurrentBlock = false;
                    rib = block.Next as RealizedItemBlock; 
                    if (rib != null && rib.ContainerCount > 0) 
                        // if the index of the next realized item is off by one, 
                        // the deleted item likely comes from the current
                        // unrealized block.
                        itemIsInCurrentBlock =
                                    Items[correctIndex + block.ItemCount - deletionOffset]);
                    else if (block.Next == _itemMap) 
                        // similarly if we're at the end of the list and the 
                        // overall count is off by one, or if the current block
                        // is the only block, the deleted item likely
                        // comes from the current (last) unrealized block
                        itemIsInCurrentBlock = block.Prev == _itemMap || 
                            (Items.Count == correctIndex + block.ItemCount - deletionOffset);
                    if (itemIsInCurrentBlock)
                        // we don't know where it is in this block, so assume
                        // it's the very first item.
                        offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
                        position = new GeneratorPosition(containerIndex-1, 1); 

                correctIndex += block.ItemCount; 
                containerIndex += block.ContainerCount;

            if (block == _itemMap) 
                // There's no way of knowing which unrealized block it belonged to, so 
                // the data structure can't be updated correctly.  Sound the alarm. 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotFindRemovedItem));

        private void LinkContainerToItem(DependencyObject container, object item) 
            LinkContainerToItem(container, item, false); 

        // establish the link from the container to the corresponding item 
        static void LinkContainerToItem(DependencyObject container, object item, bool isRecycled)
            // always set the ItemForItemContainer property
            container.SetValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty, item);
            // for non-direct items, set the DataContext property 
            if (container != item)
                #if DEBUG
                // Some ancient code at this point handled the case when DataContext
                // was set via an Expression (presumably a binding).  I don't think
                // this actually happens any more.  Just in case... 
                DependencyProperty dp = FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty;
                EntryIndex entryIndex = container.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex); 
                Debug.Assert(!container.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp), "DataContext set by expression (unexpectedly)"); 
                container.SetValue(FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty, item);
        private void UnlinkContainerFromItem(DependencyObject container, object item)
            // When a container is removed from the tree, its future takes one of 
            // two forms:
            //      a) [normal mode] the container becomes eligible for GC 
            //      b) [recycling mode] the container joins the recycled list, and
            //          possibly re-enters the tree at some point, usually with a
            //          different item.
            // As Dev10 bug 452669 and some "subtle issues" that arose in the
            // container recycling work illustrate, it's important that the container 
            // and its subtree sever their connection to the data item.  Otherwise 
            // you can get aliasing - a dead container reacting to the same item as a live
            // container.  Even without aliasing, it's a perf waste for a dead container 
            // to continue reacting to its former data item.
            // On the other hand, it's a perf waste to spend too much effort cleaning
            // up the container and its subtree, since they will often just get GC'd 
            // in the near future.
            // WPF initially did a full cleanup of the container, removing all properties 
            // that were set in PrepareContainerForItem.  This avoided aliasing, but
            // was deemed too expensive, especially for scrolling.  For Windows OS Bug 
            // 1445288, all this cleanup work was removed.  This sped up scrolling, but
            // introduced the problems cited in Dev10 452669 and the recycling "subtle
            // issues".  A compromise is needed.
            // The compromise is tell the container to attach to a sentinel item
            // BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem.  We allow this to propagate into the 
            // conainer's subtree through properties like DataContext and 
            // ContentControl.Content that are normally set by PrepareItemForContainer.
            // A Binding that sees the sentinel as the data item will disconnect its 
            // event listeners from the former data item, but will not change its
            // own value or invalidate its target property.  This avoids the cost
            // of re-measuring most of the subtree.
            // TreeView virtualization requires that we call ClearContainer before setting 
            // the DataContext to "Disconnected".  This gives the TreeViewItems a chance
            // to save "Item values" in the look-aside table, before that table is 
            // discarded.   (See Dev10 628778)
            _host.ClearContainerForItem(container, item);

            if (container != item) 
                DependencyProperty dp = FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty; 
                #if DEBUG
                // Some ancient code at this point handled the case when DataContext 
                // was set via an Expression (presumably a binding).  I don't think
                // this actually happens any more.  Just in case...
                EntryIndex entryIndex = container.LookupEntry(dp.GlobalIndex);
                Debug.Assert(!container.HasExpression(entryIndex, dp), "DataContext set by expression (unexpectedly)"); 
                container.SetValue(dp, BindingExpressionBase.DisconnectedItem); 

        /// Handle events from the centralized event table
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (managerType == typeof(PropertyChangedEventManager)) 
                PropertyChangedEventArgs pce = (PropertyChangedEventArgs)e; 
                if (sender == GroupStyle)
                    if (pce.PropertyName == "Panel")
            else if (managerType == typeof(CollectionChangedEventManager)) 
                OnCollectionChanged(sender, (NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)e); 
                return false;       // unrecognized event

            return true; 
        void ValidateAndCorrectIndex(object item, ref int index) 
            if (index >= 0) 
                // this check is expensive - Items[index] potentially iterates through
                // the collection.  So trust the sender to tell us the truth in retail bits.
                Debug.Assert(Object.Equals(item, Items[index]), "Event contains the wrong index"); 
                index = Items.IndexOf(item);
                if (index < 0) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CollectionAddEventMissingItem, item));
        /// Forward a CollectionChanged event 
        // Called  when items collection changes.
        void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) 
            // get the affected item
            object item;
            int startingIndex = -1; 
            switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                    if (sender != Items) 
                        return;     // ignore events from ItemsCollection when we're listening to group's items.

                    if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) 
                        if (args.NewItems.Count != 1) 
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.RangeActionsNotSupported)); 
                        item = args.NewItems[0];
                        startingIndex = args.NewStartingIndex; 
                        if (args.OldItems.Count != 1) 
                            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.RangeActionsNotSupported));
                        item = args.OldItems[0]; 
                        startingIndex = args.OldStartingIndex; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 
                    item = null;
                    throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedCollectionChangeAction, args.Action)); 

            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("Received collection change from {0}  action = {1}  item={2}", 
                            TraceLog.IdFor(sender), args.Action, item);
            switch (args.Action) 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: 
                    OnItemAdded(item, startingIndex);

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    OnItemRemoved(item, startingIndex);
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    OnItemReplaced(args.OldItems[0], args.NewItems[0], args.NewStartingIndex); 
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
                    OnItemMoved(args.OldItems[0], args.OldStartingIndex, args.NewStartingIndex);

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: 

        // Called when an item is added to the items collection 
        void OnItemAdded(object item, int index)
            ValidateAndCorrectIndex(item, ref index); 

            GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(-1,0); 

            // find the block containing the new item
            ItemBlock block = _itemMap.Next;
            int offset = index; 
            while (block != _itemMap && offset >= block.ItemCount)
                offset -= block.ItemCount; 
                position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                block = block.Next; 

            position.Offset = offset + 1;
            // if it's an unrealized block, add the item by bumping the count
            UnrealizedItemBlock uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock; 
            if (uib != null) 
                MoveItems(uib, offset, 1, uib, offset+1, 0); 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;

            // if the item can be added to a previous unrealized block, do so 
            else if ((offset == 0 || block == _itemMap) &&
                    ((uib = block.Prev as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)) 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;

            // otherwise, create a new unrealized block
                uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock();
                uib.ItemCount = 1; 
                // split the current realized block, if necessary
                RealizedItemBlock rib; 
                if (offset > 0 && (rib = block as RealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    RealizedItemBlock newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                    MoveItems(rib, offset, rib.ItemCount - offset, newBlock, 0, offset); 
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount; 
                    position.Offset = 1; 
                    block = newBlock;

            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemAdded {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), index); 
            // tell generators what happened
            if (MapChanged != null) 
                MapChanged(null, index, +1, null, 0, 0);
            // tell layout what happened
            if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, position, 1, 0));

        // Called when an item is removed from the items collection 
        void OnItemRemoved(object item, int itemIndex)
            DependencyObject container = null;    // the corresponding container
            int containerCount = 0; 

            // search for the deleted item
            GeneratorPosition position;
            ItemBlock block; 
            int offsetFromBlockStart;
            int correctIndex; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(item, itemIndex, true, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex); 

            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
            if (rib != null)
                containerCount = 1;
                container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart); 
            // remove the item, and remove the block if it's now empty 
            MoveItems(block, offsetFromBlockStart + 1, block.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart - 1, block, offsetFromBlockStart, 0);
            if (rib != null)
                // fix up the alternation index before removing an empty block, while
                // we still have a valid block and offset 
                SetAlternationIndex(block, offsetFromBlockStart, GeneratorDirection.Forward);

            if (_traceLog != null) 
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemRemoved {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), itemIndex);

            // tell generators what happened
            if (MapChanged != null) 
                MapChanged(null, itemIndex, -1, null, 0, 0); 

            // tell layout what happened 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, position, 1, containerCount));

            // unhook the container.  Do this after layout has (presumably) removed it from 
            // the UI, so that it doesn't inherit DataContext falsely. 
            if (container != null)
                UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, item);

            // detect empty groups, so they can be hidden if necessary 
            if (Level > 0 && Items.Count == 0)
                GroupItem groupItem = (GroupItem)Peer; 
                CollectionViewGroup group = groupItem.ReadLocalValue(ItemForItemContainerProperty) as CollectionViewGroup;
                // the group could be null if the parent generator has already
                // unhooked its container
                if (group != null)
        void OnItemReplaced(object oldItem, object newItem, int index)
            // search for the replaced item
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock block;
            int offsetFromBlockStart; 
            int correctIndex; 
            GetBlockAndPosition(oldItem, index, false, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex);
            // If the item is in an UnrealizedItemBlock, then this change need not
            // be made to the _itemsMap as we are replacing an unrealized item with another unrealized
            // item in the same place.
            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock; 
            if (rib != null)
                DependencyObject container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart); 

                if (oldItem != container && !_host.IsItemItsOwnContainer(newItem)) 
                    // if we can re-use the old container, just relink it to the
                    // new item
                    rib.RealizeItem(offsetFromBlockStart, newItem, container); 
                    LinkContainerToItem(container, newItem);
                    _host.PrepareItemContainer(container, newItem); 
                    // otherwise, we need a new container
                    DependencyObject newContainer = _host.GetContainerForItem(newItem);
                    rib.RealizeItem(offsetFromBlockStart, newItem, newContainer);
                    LinkContainerToItem(newContainer, newItem); 

                    if (ItemsChanged != null) 
                        ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace, position, 1, 1));

                    // after layout has removed the old container, unlink it
                    UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, oldItem);
            if (_traceLog != null) 
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemReplaced {0} index = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(oldItem), index);

        void OnItemMoved(object item, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
            DependencyObject container = null;    // the corresponding container 
            int containerCount = 0;
            UnrealizedItemBlock uib; 
            // search for the moved item
            GeneratorPosition position; 
            ItemBlock block;
            int offsetFromBlockStart;
            int correctIndex;
            GetBlockAndPosition(item, oldIndex, true, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart, out correctIndex); 

            GeneratorPosition oldPosition = position; 
            RealizedItemBlock rib = block as RealizedItemBlock;
            if (rib != null) 
                containerCount = 1;
                container = rib.ContainerAt(offsetFromBlockStart);

            // remove the item, and remove the block if it's now empty 
            MoveItems(block, offsetFromBlockStart + 1, block.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart - 1, block, offsetFromBlockStart, 0); 

            // now insert into the new spot.

            position = new GeneratorPosition(-1,0); 
            block = _itemMap.Next; 
            offsetFromBlockStart = newIndex;
            while (block != _itemMap && offsetFromBlockStart >= block.ItemCount) 
                offsetFromBlockStart -= block.ItemCount;
                if (block.ContainerCount > 0)
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                    position.Offset = 0; 
                    position.Offset += block.ItemCount;
                block = block.Next;

            position.Offset += offsetFromBlockStart + 1; 
            // if it's an unrealized block, add the item by bumping the count
            uib = block as UnrealizedItemBlock; 
            if (uib != null)
                MoveItems(uib, offsetFromBlockStart, 1, uib, offsetFromBlockStart+1, 0);
                ++ uib.ItemCount; 
            // if the item can be added to a previous unrealized block, do so 
            else if ((offsetFromBlockStart == 0 || block == _itemMap) &&
                    ((uib = block.Prev as UnrealizedItemBlock) != null)) 
                ++ uib.ItemCount;
            // otherwise, create a new unrealized block
                uib = new UnrealizedItemBlock();
                uib.ItemCount = 1; 

                // split the current realized block, if necessary
                if (offsetFromBlockStart > 0 && (rib = block as RealizedItemBlock) != null)
                    RealizedItemBlock newBlock = new RealizedItemBlock();
                    MoveItems(rib, offsetFromBlockStart, rib.ItemCount - offsetFromBlockStart, newBlock, 0, offsetFromBlockStart); 
                    position.Index += block.ContainerCount;
                    position.Offset = 1; 
                    offsetFromBlockStart = 0;
                    block = newBlock;
            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnItemMoved {0} oldIndex = {1}", TraceLog.IdFor(item), oldIndex); 

            DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParentInternal(container);

            // tell layout what happened 
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move, position, oldPosition, 1, containerCount)); 
            // unhook the container.  Do this after layout has (presumably) removed it from
            // the UI, so that it doesn't inherit DataContext falsely.
            if (container != null)
                if (parent == null || VisualTreeHelper.GetParentInternal(container) != parent)
                    UnlinkContainerFromItem(container, item); 
                    // If the container has the same visual parent as before then that means that
                    // the container was just repositioned within the parent's VisualCollection.
                    // we don't need to unlink the container, but we do need to re-realize the block. 
                    Realize(uib, offsetFromBlockStart, item, container);

            // fix up the AlternationIndex on containers affected by the move 
            if (_alternationCount > 0)
                // start with the smaller of the two positions, and proceed forward.
                // This tends to preserve the AlternatonIndex on containers at the 
                // front of the list, as users expect
                int index = Math.Min(oldIndex, newIndex); 
                GetBlockAndPosition(index, out position, out block, out offsetFromBlockStart); 
                SetAlternationIndex(block, offsetFromBlockStart, GeneratorDirection.Forward);

        // Called when the items collection is refreshed
        void OnRefresh() 
            if (_traceLog != null)
                _traceLog.Add("OnRefresh count = {0}", Items.Count); 

            // tell layout what happened
            if (ItemsChanged != null)
                GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(0, 0);
                ItemsChanged(this, new ItemsChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset, position, 0, 0)); 
        // this method is here just to avoid the compiler error
        // error CS0649: Warning as Error: Field '..._traceLog' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
        void InitializeTraceLog()
            _traceLog = new TraceLog(20);
        //  Private Fields
        private TraceLog        _traceLog;
        private Generator       _generator; 
        private IGeneratorHost  _host; 
        private ItemBlock       _itemMap;
        private GeneratorStatus _status; 
        private int             _itemsGenerated;
        private int             _startIndexForUIFromItem;
        private DependencyObject _peer;
        private int             _level; 
        private IList           _items;
        private GroupStyle      _groupStyle; 
        private ItemContainerGenerator _parent; 
        private ArrayList       _emptyGroupItems;
        private int             _alternationCount; 

        private Type            _containerType;     // type of containers on the recycle queue
        private Queue _recyclableContainers = new Queue();
        event MapChangedHandler MapChanged;
        delegate void MapChangedHandler(ItemBlock block, int offset, int count, 
                    ItemBlock newBlock, int newOffset, int deltaCount);
        MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer _timer = new MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer();
        MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer _creationTimer = new MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer();

        //  Private Nested Classes

        // The ItemContainerGenerator uses the following data structure to maintain
        // the correspondence between items and their containers.  It's a doubly-linked 
        // list of ItemBlocks, with a sentinel node serving as the header.
        // Each node maintains two counts:  the number of items it holds, and 
        // the number of containers. 
        // There are two kinds of blocks - one holding only "realized" items (i.e. 
        // items that have been generated into containers) and one holding only
        // unrealized items.  The container count of a realized block is the same
        // as its item count (one container per item);  the container count of an
        // unrealized block is zero. 
        // Unrealized blocks can hold any number of items.  We only need to know 
        // the count.  Realized blocks have a fixed-sized array (BlockSize) so 
        // they hold up to that many items and their corresponding containers.  When
        // a realized block fills up, it inserts a new (empty) realized block into 
        // the list and carries on.
        // This data structure was chosen with virtualization in mind.  The typical
        // state is a long block of unrealized items (the ones that have scrolled 
        // off the top), followed by a moderate number (<50?) of realized items
        // (the ones in view), followed by another long block of unrealized items 
        // (the ones that have not yet scrolled into view).  So the list will contain 
        // an unrealized block, followed by 3 or 4 realized blocks, followed by
        // another unrealized block.  Fewer than 10 blocks altogether, so linear 
        // searching won't cost that much.  Thus we don't need a more sophisticated
        // data structure.  (If profiling reveals that we do, we can always replace
        // this one.  It's totally private to the ItemContainerGenerator and its
        // Generators.) 

        // represents a block of items 
        private class ItemBlock 
            public const int BlockSize = 16; 

            public int ItemCount { get { return _count; } set { _count = value; } }
            public ItemBlock Prev { get { return _prev; } set { _prev = value; } }
            public ItemBlock Next { get { return _next; } set { _next = value; } } 

            public virtual int ContainerCount { get { return Int32.MaxValue; } } 
            public virtual DependencyObject ContainerAt(int index) { return null; } 
            public virtual object ItemAt(int index) { return null; }
            public void InsertAfter(ItemBlock prev)
                Next = prev.Next;
                Prev = prev; 

                Prev.Next = this; 
                Next.Prev = this; 
            public void InsertBefore(ItemBlock next)

            public void Remove() 
                Prev.Next = Next;
                Next.Prev = Prev; 

            public void MoveForward(ref GeneratorState state, bool allowMovePastRealizedItem)
                if (IsMoveAllowed(allowMovePastRealizedItem))
                    state.ItemIndex += 1; 
                    if (++state.Offset >= ItemCount)
                        state.Block = Next;
                        state.Offset = 0;
                        state.Count += ItemCount;
            public void MoveBackward(ref GeneratorState state, bool allowMovePastRealizedItem)
                if (IsMoveAllowed(allowMovePastRealizedItem))
                    if (--state.Offset < 0)
                        state.Block = Prev;
                        state.Offset = state.Block.ItemCount - 1; 
                        state.Count -= state.Block.ItemCount; 
                    state.ItemIndex -= 1; 

            protected virtual bool IsMoveAllowed(bool allowMovePastRealizedItem) 
                return allowMovePastRealizedItem; 

            int _count; 
            ItemBlock _prev, _next;

        // represents a block of unrealized (ungenerated) items 
        private class UnrealizedItemBlock : ItemBlock
            public override int ContainerCount { get { return 0; } } 

            protected override bool IsMoveAllowed(bool allowMovePastRealizedItem) 
                return true;

        // represents a block of realized (generated) items 
        private class RealizedItemBlock : ItemBlock 
            public override int ContainerCount { get { return ItemCount; } } 

            public override DependencyObject ContainerAt(int index)
                return _entry[index].Container; 
            public override object ItemAt(int index) 
                return _entry[index].Item; 

            public void CopyEntries(RealizedItemBlock src, int offset, int count, int newOffset)
                int k;
                // choose which direction to copy so as not to clobber existing 
                // entries (in case the source and destination blocks are the same) 
                if (offset < newOffset)
                    // copy right-to-left
                    for (k = count - 1;  k >= 0;  --k)
                        _entry[newOffset + k] = src._entry[offset + k]; 
                    // clear vacated entries, to avoid leak 
                    if (src != this)
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, count);
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, newOffset - offset);
                    // copy left-to-right
                    for (k = 0;  k < count;  ++k)
                        _entry[newOffset + k] = src._entry[offset + k]; 
                    // clear vacated entries, to avoid leak 
                    if (src != this)
                        src.ClearEntries(offset, count);
                        src.ClearEntries(newOffset + count, offset - newOffset);
            public void ClearEntries(int offset, int count)
                for (int i=0; i 0) 
                    ItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;
                    generator.ItemsChanged -= new ItemsChangedEventHandler(OnItemsChanged);
                    generator.Parent.OnSubgroupBecameNonEmpty(this, group); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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