/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Client / System / Data / Services / Client / ProjectionPathBuilder.cs / 1305376 / ProjectionPathBuilder.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //// Provides a class that can materialize ATOM entries into typed // objects, while maintaining a log of changes done. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Services.Client { #region Namespaces. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; #endregion Namespaces. ////// Use this class to help keep track of projection paths built /// while compiling a projection-based materialization plan. /// internal class ProjectionPathBuilder { #region Private fields. ///Stack of whether entities are in scope. private readonly StackentityInScope; /// Registers rewrites for member initialization blocks. private readonly Listrewrites; /// Stack of lambda expressions in scope. private readonly StackparameterExpressions; /// /// Stack of expected type expression for private readonly Stack. /// parameterExpressionTypes; /// Stack of 'entry' parameter expressions. private readonly StackparameterEntries; /// Stack of projection (target-tree) types for parameters. private readonly StackparameterProjectionTypes; #endregion Private fields. #region Constructors. /// Initializes a new internal ProjectionPathBuilder() { this.entityInScope = new Stackinstance. (); this.rewrites = new List (); this.parameterExpressions = new Stack (); this.parameterExpressionTypes = new Stack (); this.parameterEntries = new Stack (); this.parameterProjectionTypes = new Stack (); } #endregion Constructors. #region Internal properties. /// Whether the current scope is acting on an entity. internal bool CurrentIsEntity { get { return this.entityInScope.Peek(); } } ///Expression for the expected type parameter. internal Expression ExpectedParamTypeInScope { get { Debug.Assert(this.parameterExpressionTypes.Count > 0, "this.parameterExpressionTypes.Count > 0"); return this.parameterExpressionTypes.Peek(); } } ///Whether any rewrites have been registered. internal bool HasRewrites { get { return this.rewrites.Count > 0; } } ///Expression for the entity parameter in the source tree lambda. internal Expression LambdaParameterInScope { get { return this.parameterExpressions.Peek(); } } ///Expression for the entry parameter in the target tree. internal Expression ParameterEntryInScope { get { return this.parameterEntries.Peek(); } } #endregion Internal properties. #region Methods. ///Provides a string representation of this object. ///String representation of this object. public override string ToString() { string result = "ProjectionPathBuilder: "; if (this.parameterExpressions.Count == 0) { result += "(empty)"; } else { result += "entity:" + this.CurrentIsEntity + " param:" + this.ParameterEntryInScope; } return result; } ///Records that a lambda scope has been entered when visiting a projection. /// Lambda being visited. /// Expression to the entry parameter from the target tree. /// Expression to the entry-expected-type from the target tree. internal void EnterLambdaScope(LambdaExpression lambda, Expression entry, Expression expectedType) { Debug.Assert(lambda != null, "lambda != null"); Debug.Assert(lambda.Parameters.Count == 1, "lambda.Parameters.Count == 1"); ParameterExpression param = lambda.Parameters[0]; Type projectionType = lambda.Body.Type; bool isEntityType = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(projectionType); this.entityInScope.Push(isEntityType); this.parameterExpressions.Push(param); this.parameterExpressionTypes.Push(expectedType); this.parameterEntries.Push(entry); this.parameterProjectionTypes.Push(projectionType); } ////// Records that a member initialization expression has been entered /// when visting a projection. /// /// Expression for initialization. internal void EnterMemberInit(MemberInitExpression init) { bool isEntityType = ClientType.CheckElementTypeIsEntity(init.Type); this.entityInScope.Push(isEntityType); } ///Gets a rewrite for the specified expression; null if none is found. /// Expression to match. ///A rewrite for the expression; possibly null. internal Expression GetRewrite(Expression expression) { Debug.Assert(expression != null, "expression != null"); Listnames = new List (); while (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { MemberExpression member = (MemberExpression)expression; names.Add(member.Member.Name); expression = member.Expression; } Expression result = null; foreach (var rewrite in this.rewrites) { if (rewrite.Root != expression) { continue; } if (names.Count != rewrite.MemberNames.Length) { continue; } bool match = true; for (int i = 0; i < names.Count && i < rewrite.MemberNames.Length; i++) { if (names[names.Count - i - 1] != rewrite.MemberNames[i]) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { result = rewrite.RewriteExpression; break; } } return result; } /// Records that a lambda scope has been left when visting a projection. internal void LeaveLambdaScope() { this.entityInScope.Pop(); this.parameterExpressions.Pop(); this.parameterExpressionTypes.Pop(); this.parameterEntries.Pop(); this.parameterProjectionTypes.Pop(); } ////// Records that a member initialization expression has been left when /// visting a projection. /// internal void LeaveMemberInit() { this.entityInScope.Pop(); } ///Registers a member initialization rewrite. /// Root of member access path, typically a source tree parameter of entity type. /// Sequence of names to match. /// Rewrite expression for names. internal void RegisterRewrite(Expression root, string[] names, Expression rewriteExpression) { Debug.Assert(root != null, "root != null"); Debug.Assert(names != null, "names != null"); Debug.Assert(rewriteExpression != null, "rewriteExpression != null"); this.rewrites.Add(new MemberInitRewrite() { Root = root, MemberNames = names, RewriteExpression = rewriteExpression }); this.parameterEntries.Push(rewriteExpression); } ///Revokes the latest rewrite registered on the specified /// Root of rewrites to revoke. /// Names to revoke. internal void RevokeRewrite(Expression root, string[] names) { Debug.Assert(root != null, "root != null"); for (int i = 0; i < this.rewrites.Count; i++) { if (this.rewrites[i].Root != root) { continue; } if (names.Length != this.rewrites[i].MemberNames.Length) { continue; } bool match = true; for (int j = 0; j < names.Length; j++) { if (names[j] != this.rewrites[i].MemberNames[j]) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { this.rewrites.RemoveAt(i); this.parameterEntries.Pop(); return; } } } #endregion Methods. #region Inner types. ///. Use this class to record how rewrites should occur under nested member initializations. internal class MemberInitRewrite { ///Sequence of member names to match. internal string[] MemberNames { get; set; } ///Root of member access path, typically a source tree parameter of entity type. internal Expression Root { get; set; } ///Rewrite expressions for the last member path. internal Expression RewriteExpression { get; set; } } #endregion Inner types. } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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