XhtmlBasicControlAdapter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Adapters / XhtmlAdapters / XhtmlBasicControlAdapter.cs / 1305376 / XhtmlBasicControlAdapter.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mobile;
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls;
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; 
using System.Configuration; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web.Security; 

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource.XhtmlAdapters
namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.XhtmlAdapters

    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")]
    public class XhtmlControlAdapter : ControlAdapter { 
        private bool _physicalCssClassPushed = false;
        private bool IsRooted(String basepath) { 
            return(basepath == null || basepath.Length == 0 || basepath[0] == '/' || basepath[0] == '\\');

        private bool IsRelativeUrl(string url) {
            // If it has a protocol, it's not relative
            if (url.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1) 
                return false;
            return !IsRooted(url); 

        protected XhtmlPageAdapter PageAdapter {
            get { 
                return Page.Adapter as XhtmlPageAdapter;

        public override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
        public virtual void Render(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
        protected virtual void RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor (
            XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer,
            String argument, 
            String linkText) {
            RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor(writer, argument, linkText, null /* accessKey */, null /* style */, null /*cssClass */); 

        // For convenience in extensibility -not used internally.  The overload with style and cssClass args is 
        // to be preferred.  See ASURT 144034.
        protected virtual void RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor (
            XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, 
            String argument,
            String linkText, 
            String accessKey) { 
            RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor(writer, argument, linkText, accessKey, null /* style */, null /* cssClass */);

        // For Style/CssClass args, see ASURT 144034
        protected virtual void RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor ( 
            XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer,
            String argument, 
            String linkText, 
            String accessKey,
            Style style, 
            String cssClass) {
            writer.Write(" href=\"");
            PageAdapter.RenderUrlPostBackEvent(writer, Control.UniqueID /* target */, argument); 
            writer.Write("\" ");
            if (accessKey != null && accessKey.Length > 0) { 
                writer.WriteAttribute("accesskey", accessKey); 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true") { 
                if (CssLocation != StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                    String className = writer.GetCssFormatClassName(style);
                    if (className != null) {
                        writer.WriteAttribute ("class", className); 
                else if (cssClass != null && cssClass.Length > 0) { 
                    writer.WriteAttribute ("class", cssClass, true /* encode */);
        protected virtual void ConditionalSetPendingBreakAfterInline (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.BreaksOnInlineElements] == "true") { 

        protected virtual void ConditionalSetPendingBreak (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
            MobileControl mobileControl = Control as MobileControl;
            if (mobileControl != null && mobileControl.BreakAfter) { 
                writer.SetPendingBreak ();
        // Overloads for complex controls like list that compose list items.  For these controls, the accessKey attribute
        // for each link may be different from the accessKey attribute for the control. 
        protected virtual void RenderBeginLink(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target, String accessKey, Style style, String cssClass) {
            RenderBeginLink(writer, target, accessKey, style, cssClass, null /* title */); 

        protected virtual void RenderBeginLink(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target, String accessKey, Style style, String cssClass, String title) {
            writer.Write(" href=\""); 
            RenderHrefValue (writer, target);
            if (accessKey != null && accessKey.Length > 0) {
                writer.WriteAttribute("accesskey", accessKey, true);
            if (CssLocation != StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) { 
                String className = writer.GetCssFormatClassName(style);
                if (className != null) { 
                    writer.WriteAttribute ("class", className); 
            else if (cssClass != null && cssClass.Length > 0) {
                writer.WriteAttribute ("class", cssClass, true /* encode */);
            if (title != null && title.Length > 0) { 
                writer.WriteAttribute("title", title, true /* encode */);
        protected virtual void RenderBeginLink(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target) {
            String attributeValue = ((IAttributeAccessor)Control).GetAttribute(XhtmlConstants.AccessKeyCustomAttribute);
            RenderBeginLink(writer, target, attributeValue, null, null); 
        // Writes the href value for RenderBeginLink, depending on whether the target is a new form on the 
        // current page or a standard url (e.g., a new page).
        private void RenderHrefValue (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target) { 
            bool appendCookielessDataDictionary = PageAdapter.PersistCookielessData  &&
                !target.StartsWith("http:", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                !target.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            bool queryStringWritten = false; 

            // ASURT 144021 
            if (target == null || target.Length == 0) { 
                target = Page.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(Control.TemplateSourceDirectory);

            if (target.StartsWith(Constants.FormIDPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { 
                RenderFormNavigationHrefValue (writer, target);
                appendCookielessDataDictionary = false; 
            else {
                // For page adapter Control = null. 
                if (Control != null) {
                    target = Control.ResolveUrl(target);
                // ASURT 147179
                if ((String)Device["requiresAbsolutePostbackUrl"] == "true" 
                    && IsRelativeUrl(target)) { 
                    String templateSourceDirectory = Page.TemplateSourceDirectory;
                    String prefix = writer.EncodeUrlInternal(Page.Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(Page.TemplateSourceDirectory)); 
                    if (prefix[prefix.Length - 1] != '/') {
                        prefix = prefix + '/';
                    target = prefix + target; 
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] != "false") { 
                    writer.WriteEncodedText (target);
                else {
                    writer.Write (target);
                queryStringWritten = target.IndexOf ('?') != -1; 
            if (appendCookielessDataDictionary) { 
                RenderCookielessDataDictionaryInQueryString (writer, queryStringWritten);

        // Writes an href postback event with semantics of form navigation (activation).
        private void RenderFormNavigationHrefValue (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target) { 
            String prefix = Constants.FormIDPrefix;
            Debug.Assert (target.StartsWith (prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)); 
            String name = target.Substring(prefix.Length); 
            Form form = Control.ResolveFormReference(name);
            // EventTarget = Control, EventArg = Form has semantics navigate to (activate) the form. 
            PageAdapter.RenderUrlPostBackEvent (writer, Control.UniqueID /* target */, form.UniqueID /* argument */);

        private void RenderCookielessDataDictionaryInQueryString (XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, bool queryStringWritten) { 
            IDictionary dictionary = PageAdapter.CookielessDataDictionary;
            if (dictionary != null) { 
                foreach (String name in dictionary.Keys) { 
                    if (queryStringWritten) {
                        String amp = (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.SupportsUrlAttributeEncoding] != "false" ? "&" : "&"; 
                    else {
                        writer.Write ('?'); 
                        queryStringWritten = true;
                    writer.Write (name); 
                    writer.Write ('=');
                    writer.Write (dictionary[name]); 
        protected virtual void RenderEndLink(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
        internal const int NotSecondaryUIInit = -1;  // For initialization of private consts in derived classes.
        protected static readonly int NotSecondaryUI = NotSecondaryUIInit; 

        protected virtual int SecondaryUIMode {
            get {
                if (Control == null || Control.Form == null) {
                    return NotSecondaryUI; 
                else { 
            set {
                ((XhtmlFormAdapter)Control.Form.Adapter).SetSecondaryUIMode(Control, value);

        protected virtual void ExitSecondaryUIMode() { 
            SecondaryUIMode = NotSecondaryUI;

        public override void LoadAdapterState(Object state) {
            if (state != null) { 
                SecondaryUIMode = (int)state;

        public override Object SaveAdapterState() {
            int mode = SecondaryUIMode;
            if (mode != NotSecondaryUI) {
                return mode; 
            else { 
                return null; 

        //  ENTER STYLE SUPPORT:  These methods should, in general, be used in place
        //  of writer.EnterStyle, ExitStyle, etc.  They check whether there is 
        //  a cssLocation attribute on the active form, and enter style only if
        //  not. 

        protected virtual void ConditionalEnterStyle(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style) {
            ConditionalEnterStyle(writer, style, String.Empty);
        protected virtual void ConditionalEnterStyle(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style, String tag) { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") { 
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute.
            if (tag == null || tag.Length == 0) {
            else {
                writer.EnterStyle(style, tag); 


        protected virtual void ConditionalExitStyle(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style)  { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute.

        protected virtual void ConditionalEnterFormat(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style) {
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute. 

        protected virtual void ConditionalExitFormat(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style) { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute. 

        protected virtual void ConditionalEnterLayout(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style) { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute.

        protected virtual void ConditionalExitLayout(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Style style) {
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) {
                // Do nothing.  Styles should be handled by CssClass custom attribute. 

        // Use for determining whether stylesheet is physical or virtual, and
        // where it is located (application cache, session state, or a physical 
        // directory). 
        // For intelligibility at point of call.
        protected virtual String StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue {
                return(String) Page.ActiveForm.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.StyleSheetLocationCustomAttribute];

        protected virtual String StyleSheetStorageApplicationSetting {
            get {
                return(String) ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[XhtmlConstants.CssStateLocationAppSettingKey];
        // Add new supported markups here. 
        private Doctype _documentType = Doctype.NotSet;
        protected virtual Doctype DocumentType {
                if (_documentType != Doctype.NotSet) {
                    return _documentType; 
                if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresOnEnterForward] == "true") { 
                    return Doctype.Wml20; 
                // Use capability rather than preferred rendering type header for accuracy. 
                String browserCap = Device[XhtmlConstants.InternalStyleConfigSetting];
                // Send internal styles by default.
                if (browserCap == null || !String.Equals(browserCap, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return _documentType = Doctype.XhtmlMobileProfile; 
                    return _documentType = Doctype.XhtmlBasic; 
        private StyleSheetLocation _cssLocation = StyleSheetLocation.NotSet;
        protected virtual StyleSheetLocation CssLocation {
            get { 
                if (_cssLocation != StyleSheetLocation.NotSet) {
                    return _cssLocation; 
                if (StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue != null && StyleSheetLocationAttributeValue.Length > 0) {
                    return _cssLocation = StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile; 
                if (DocumentType == Doctype.XhtmlMobileProfile  || DocumentType == Doctype.Wml20) {
                    return _cssLocation = StyleSheetLocation.Internal;
                // if (String.Compare(StyleSheetStorageApplicationSetting, XhtmlConstants.CacheStyleSheetValue, ((true /* ignore case */) ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal)) == 0) {
                if (String.Compare(StyleSheetStorageApplicationSetting, XhtmlConstants.CacheStyleSheetValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { 
                    return _cssLocation = StyleSheetLocation.ApplicationCache; 
                return _cssLocation = StyleSheetLocation.SessionState; 

        // The cssClass custom attribute should only be honored if we are using a physical 
        // stylesheet. 
        // The use of _physicalCssClassPushed precludes nesting calls to ConditionalRenderClassAttribute, ConditionalRenderOpeningSpanElement,
        // ConditionalRenderClosingSpanElement, etc.  The ConditionalRenderOpening call and ConditionalRenderClosing call must be paired without
        // nesting.  ConditionalRenderClassAttribute is to be paired with ConditionalPopPhysicalCssClass (without nesting).
        protected virtual void ConditionalRenderClassAttribute(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") { 
            String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute];
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile &&
                classAttribute != null &&
                classAttribute.Length > 0 && 
                writer.DiffersFromCurrentPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute)) {
                writer.WriteAttribute("class", classAttribute); 
                Debug.Assert(!_physicalCssClassPushed, "These calls should not be nested.");
                _physicalCssClassPushed = true; 

        private bool _physicalSpanClassOpen = false; 
        // Render opening  in case the stylesheet location has been specified as a physical file.
        protected virtual void ConditionalRenderOpeningSpanElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { 
            if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") {
            String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute];
            if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile &&
                classAttribute != null && 
                classAttribute.Length > 0 &&
                writer.DiffersFromCurrentPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute)) { 
                writer.WriteAttribute("class", classAttribute, true /*encode*/); 
                _physicalSpanClassOpen = true;
                Debug.Assert(!_physicalCssClassPushed, "These calls should not be nested."); 
                _physicalCssClassPushed = true;

        // Render closing  in case the stylesheet location has been specified as a physical file. 
        protected virtual void ConditionalRenderClosingSpanElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) {
            String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute];
            if (_physicalSpanClassOpen) { 
                Debug.Assert(_physicalCssClassPushed, "_physicalSpanClassOpen implies _physicalCssClassPushed");
                ConditionalPopPhysicalCssClass(writer); // resets _physicalCssClassPushed
                _physicalSpanClassOpen = false; 

        // Render opening 
in case the stylesheet location has been specified as a physical file. /// protected virtual void ConditionalRenderOpeningDivElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") { return; } String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute]; if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) { writer.WriteLine(); if ((String)Device["usePOverDiv"] == "true") { writer.WriteBeginTag("p"); } else { writer.WriteBeginTag("div"); } if (classAttribute != null && classAttribute.Length > 0 && writer.DiffersFromCurrentPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute)) { writer.WriteAttribute("class", classAttribute, true); writer.PushPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute); Debug.Assert(!_physicalCssClassPushed, "These calls should not be nested."); _physicalCssClassPushed = true; } writer.Write(">"); } } // Render closing
in case the stylesheet location has been specified as a physical file. /// protected virtual void ConditionalRenderClosingDivElement(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] == "true") { return; } String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute]; if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile) { writer.WriteLine(); if ((String)Device["usePOverDiv"] == "true") { writer.WriteEndTag("p"); } else { writer.WriteEndTag("div"); } writer.WriteLine(); ConditionalPopPhysicalCssClass(writer); } } /// protected virtual void ConditionalPopPhysicalCssClass(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if (_physicalCssClassPushed) { writer.PopPhysicalCssClass(); _physicalCssClassPushed = false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Plays same role as HtmlAdapter.AddCustomAttribute. Named for consistency // within Xhtml adapter set. /// protected virtual void ConditionalRenderCustomAttribute(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String attributeName) { ConditionalRenderCustomAttribute(writer, attributeName, attributeName); } /// protected virtual void ConditionalRenderCustomAttribute(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String attributeName, String markupAttributeName) { String attributeValue = ((IAttributeAccessor)Control).GetAttribute(attributeName); if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue.Length > 0) { writer.WriteAttribute(markupAttributeName, attributeValue, true); } } // Utilities to increase intelligibility /// protected virtual String GetCustomAttributeValue(String attributeName) { return((IAttributeAccessor)Control).GetAttribute(attributeName); } /// protected virtual String GetCustomAttributeValue(MobileControl control, String attributeName) { return((IAttributeAccessor)control).GetAttribute(attributeName); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SPECIALIZED UTILITY METHODS FOR LIST SELECTIONLIST OBJECTLIST ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // tagname can be any of table, ul, ol. See the list adapters for examples. /// protected virtual void RenderOpeningListTag(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String tagName) { String classAttribute = (String) Control.CustomAttributes[XhtmlConstants.CssClassCustomAttribute]; if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile && (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true") { writer.WritePendingBreak(); writer.WriteBeginTag(tagName); if (classAttribute != null && classAttribute.Length > 0 && writer.DiffersFromCurrentPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute)) { writer.WriteAttribute("class", classAttribute, true); writer.PushPhysicalCssClass(classAttribute); Debug.Assert(!_physicalCssClassPushed, "These calls should not be nested."); _physicalCssClassPushed = true; } writer.Write(">"); } else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true") { writer.WritePendingBreak(); StyleFilter filter = writer.CurrentStyleClass.GetFilter(Style); writer.EnterStyle(new XhtmlFormatStyleClass(Style, filter), tagName); } else { writer.WritePendingBreak(); writer.WriteFullBeginTag(tagName); } } /// protected virtual void RenderClosingListTag(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String tagName) { if (CssLocation == StyleSheetLocation.PhysicalFile && (String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true") { writer.WriteEndTag(tagName); ConditionalPopPhysicalCssClass(writer); } else if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.RequiresXhtmlCssSuppression] != "true") { writer.ExitStyle(Style); } else { writer.WriteEndTag(tagName); } } /// protected virtual void ClearPendingBreakIfDeviceBreaksOnBlockLevel(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.BreaksOnBlockElements] != "false") { writer.ClearPendingBreak(); } } /// protected virtual void ConditionalClearPendingBreak(XhtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if ((String)Device[XhtmlConstants.BreaksOnInlineElements] == "true") { writer.ClearPendingBreak(); } } // Required for a very rare device case where