WinEventTracker.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / AccessibleTech / longhorn / Automation / Win32Providers / MS / Internal / AutomationProxies / WinEventTracker.cs / 1 / WinEventTracker.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Handles WinEvent notifications. 
// History: 
//  07/01/2003 : a-jeanp Created

// PRESHARP: In order to avoid generating warnings about unkown message numbers and unknown pragmas. 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies 
    // Manage a list of notifications per WinEvents to send for a given set of hwnd. 
    // All members are static
    // A static arrays is  maintained with the size of the total
    // number of known WinEvents id (around 50). 
    // Each entry in the array contains a list of hwnd that should receive a 
    // notification for a given EventId. The list is dynamically built on each call 
    // to AdviseEventAdded/AdviseEventRemoved.
    // Notifications are processed:
    //     Convert an EventID into an index for the above array.
    //     Sequential traverse of the list of windows handles
    //     to find a match. (for one WinEvent Id) 
    //     Call the delegate associated with the hwnd to create a raw element.
    //     Call the automation code to queue a new notification for the client. 
    static class WinEventTracker
        #region Internal Methods

        // -----------------------------------------------------
        // Internal Methods
        // ----------------------------------------------------- 
        // Update the Array of hwnd requesting notifications
        // Param name="hwnd" 
        // Param name="raiseEvents" - function to call to create a raw element
        // Param name="aEvtIdProp"
        // Param name="cProps" - Number of valid props in the array
        static internal void AddToNotificationList (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyRaiseEvents raiseEvents, EvtIdProperty[] aEvtIdProp, int cProps) 
            // Build the list of Event to Window List
            BuildEventsList (EventFlag.Add, hwnd, raiseEvents, aEvtIdProp, cProps); 

        // Get the QueueProcessor so MSAA events can use it as well 
        static internal QueueProcessor GetCallbackQueue()
            lock (_queueLock) 
                // Create the thread to process the notification if necessary 
                if (_callbackQueue == null)
                    _callbackQueue = new QueueProcessor();
            return _callbackQueue;

        // Update the Array of hwnd requesting notifications calling the main routine
        // Param name="hwnd"
        // Param name="raiseEvents" - Callback, should be null for non system-wide events 
        // Param name="aEvtIdProp"
        // Param name="cProps" - Number of valid props in the array 
        static internal void RemoveToNotificationList (IntPtr hwnd, EvtIdProperty[] aEvtIdProp, ProxyRaiseEvents raiseEvents, int cProps) 
            // Remove the list of Event to Window List 
            // NOTE: raiseEvents must be null in the case when event is not a system-wide event
            BuildEventsList (EventFlag.Remove, hwnd, raiseEvents, aEvtIdProp, cProps);
        #region Internal Types 

        // ------------------------------------------------------ 
        // Internal Types Declaration
        // ----------------------------------------------------- 
        // Callback into the Proxy code to create a raw element based on a WinEvent callback parameters
        internal delegate void ProxyRaiseEvents (IntPtr hwnd, int eventId, object idProp, int idObject, int idChild); 
        // Association, WinEvent/Automation Property/RawBase class property
        internal struct EvtIdProperty 
            // Win32 Win Events Id
            internal int _evtId;
            // Automation Property or Automation Event
            internal object _idProp; 
            // constructor
            internal EvtIdProperty (int evtId, object idProp) 
                _evtId = evtId;
                _idProp = idProp;
        // WinEvent Notification parameters. Used as data in a hash table, there is one of these 
        // per call to SetWineventHook.  Must be a class as a ref is send to an another thread via
        // a messenging scheme. 
        // The array list _alHwnd catains a struct of type EventCreateParams.
        internal class EventHookParams
            // List of hwnd that requested to receive notification event 
            internal ArrayList _alHwnd;
            // Win32 Hook handle from SetWinEventHook. 
            internal IntPtr _winEventHook;
            // Reference to the locked Procedure
            internal GCHandle _procHookHandle;

            // the procces that we are getting events for 
            internal uint _process;
            // index in the array of winevents 
            internal int _evtId;

        // Function call to either the Start or Stop Listener
        internal delegate void StartStopDelegate (ref EventHookParams hp);
        #region Private Methods 

        // ------------------------------------------------------ 
        // Private Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------ 

        // Enables the notification of WinEvents. 
        // This function must be called once for each WinEvent to track. 
        private static void StartListening (ref EventHookParams hp)
            NativeMethods.WinEventProcDef proc = new NativeMethods.WinEventProcDef (WinEventProc);

            uint processId = hp._process;
            // The console window is special.  It does not raise its own WinEvents.  The CSRSS raises the 
            // WinEvents for console windows.  When calling SetWinEventHook use the CSRSS process id instead of the
            // console windows process id, so that we receive the WinEvents for the console windows. 
            if (IsConsoleProcess((int)processId)) 
                    processId = CSRSSProcessId;
                catch (Exception e) 
                    if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e)) 

                    processId = hp._process;

            hp._procHookHandle = GCHandle.Alloc (proc); 
            hp._winEventHook = Misc.SetWinEventHook(hp._evtId, hp._evtId, IntPtr.Zero, proc, processId, 0, NativeMethods.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT); 
        // Disable the notification of WinEvents.
        // This function must be called once for each WinEvent to track.
        private static void StopListening (ref EventHookParams hp)
            // remove the hook
            hp._procHookHandle.Free ();

        // Callback function for WinEvents
        // Notifications are processed that way: 
        //     Convert an EventID into an index for the above array.
        //     Sequential traverse of the list of windows handles for a give EventID 
        //     to find a match. 
        //     Call the delegate associated with the hwnd to create a raw element.
        //     Call the automation code to queue a new notification for the client. 
        private static void WinEventProc (int winEventHook, int eventId, IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, int idChild, int eventThread, uint eventTime)
            if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                // filter out non-hwnd events - eg. listening for hide/show also gets us mouse pointer (OBJID_CURSOR)
                // hide/show events (eg. when mouse is hidden as text is being entered) that have NULL hwnd... 
                int evt = Array.BinarySearch(_eventIdToIndex, eventId);
                if (evt < 0) 
                    return; // negative means this event is unknown so ignore it
                // All operations in the list of events and windows handle must be atomic 
                lock (_ahp)
                    EventHookParams hookParams = null;

                    // Don't use the Misc.GetWindowThreadProcessId() helper since that throws; some events we want even
                    // though the hwnd is no longer valid (e.g. menu item events). 
                    uint processId;
                    // Disabling the PreSharp error since GetWindowThreadProcessId doesn't use SetLastError(). 
    #pragma warning suppress 6523 
                    if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out processId) != 0)
                        // Find the EventHookParams.
                        // _ahp is an array of Hashtables where each Hashtable corrasponds to one event.
                        // Get the correct Hashtable using the index evt.  Then lookup the EventHookParams
                        // in the hash table, using the process id. 
                        hookParams = (EventHookParams)_ahp[evt][processId];
                    // Sanity check
                    if (hookParams != null && hookParams._alHwnd != null) 
                        ArrayList eventCreateParams = hookParams._alHwnd;

                        // Loop for all the registered hwnd listeners for this event 
                        for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                            EventCreateParams ecp = (EventCreateParams)eventCreateParams[index]; 

                            // if hwnd of the event matches the registered hwnd -OR- this is a global event (all hwnds) 
                            // -AND- the hwnd is still valid have the proxies raise appropriate events.
                            if (ecp._hwnd == hwnd || ecp._hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                                // If this event isn't on a menu element that has just been invoked, throw away the event if the hwnd is gone 
                                if (!((idObject == NativeMethods.OBJID_MENU || idObject == NativeMethods.OBJID_SYSMENU) && eventId == NativeMethods.EventObjectInvoke) &&

                                    // Call the proxy code to create a raw element. null is valid as a result 
                                    // The proxy must fill in the parameters for the AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs
                                    ecp._raiseEventFromRawElement(hwnd, eventId, ecp._idProp, idObject, idChild); 
                                catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
                                    // the element has gone away from the time the event happened and now
                                    // So continue the loop and allow the other proxies a chance to raise the event.
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    // If we get here there is a problem in a proxy that needs fixing. 
                                    Debug.Assert(false, "Exception raising event " + eventId + " for prop " + ecp._idProp + " on hwnd " + hwnd + "\n" + e.Message);
                                    if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e))

                                    // Do not break the loop for one mis-behaving proxy. 

                    // handle global events.  These are usually for things that do not yet exist like show events 
                    // where the hwnd is not there until it is shown.  So we need to raise these event all the time.
                    // Office command bars use this. 
                    hookParams = (EventHookParams)_ahp[evt][_globalEventKey]; 
                    if (hookParams != null && hookParams._alHwnd != null)
                        ArrayList eventCreateParams = hookParams._alHwnd;

                        // Loop for all the registered hwnd listeners for this event
                        for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 
                            EventCreateParams ecp = (EventCreateParams)eventCreateParams[index]; 
                            // We have global event
                            if ((ecp._hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)) 
                                    // Call the proxy code to create a raw element. null is valid as a result 
                                    // The proxy must fill in the parameters for the AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs
                                    ecp._raiseEventFromRawElement(hwnd, eventId, ecp._idProp, idObject, idChild); 
                                catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
                                    // the element has gone away from the time the event happened and now
                                    // So continue the loop and allow the other proxies a chance to raise the event.
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    // If we get here there is a problem in a proxy that needs fixing. 
                                    Debug.Assert(false, "Exception raising event " + eventId + " for prop " + ecp._idProp + " on hwnd " + hwnd + "\n" + e.Message);
                                    if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e))

                                    // Do not break the loop for one mis-behaving proxy. 
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e)) 
                // ignore non-critical errors from external code 

        // Update the Array of hwnd requesting notifications 
        //      eFlag - Add or Remove
        //      hwnd 
        //      raiseEvents - function to call to create a raw element 
        //      aEvtIdProp - Array of Tupples WinEvent and Automation properties
        //      cProps  - Number of valid props in the array 
        private static void BuildEventsList (EventFlag eFlag, IntPtr hwnd, ProxyRaiseEvents raiseEvents, EvtIdProperty[] aEvtIdProp, int cProps)
            // All operations in the list of events and windows handle must be atomic
            lock (_ahp) 
                for (int i = 0; i < cProps; i++) 
                    EvtIdProperty evtIdProp = aEvtIdProp[i];
                    // Map a property into a WinEventHookProperty
                    int evt = Array.BinarySearch (_eventIdToIndex, evtIdProp._evtId);

                    // add the window to the list 
                    if (evt >= 0)
                        EventHookParams hookParams = null; 

                        uint processId; 

                        if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                            // if its a global event use this well known key to the hash 
                            processId = _globalEventKey;
                            if (Misc.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out processId) == 0) 
                                processId = _globalEventKey;

                        // If never seens this EventId before. Create the notification object 
                        if (_ahp[evt] == null) 
                            // create the hash table the key is the process id 
                            _ahp[evt] = new Hashtable(10);

                        // Find the EventHookParams. 
                        // _ahp is an array of Hashtables where each Hashtable corrasponds to one event.
                        // Get the correct Hashtable using the index evt.  Then lookup the EventHookParams 
                        // in the hash table, using the process id. 
                        hookParams = (EventHookParams)_ahp[evt][processId];
                        // If there is not an entry for the event for the specified process then create one.
                        if (hookParams == null)
                            hookParams = new EventHookParams(); 
                            hookParams._process = processId;
                            _ahp[evt].Add(processId, hookParams); 

                        ArrayList eventCreateParams = hookParams._alHwnd; 

                        if (eFlag == EventFlag.Add)
                            if (eventCreateParams == null) 
                                // empty array, create the hwnd arraylist 
                                hookParams._evtId = evtIdProp._evtId; 
                                eventCreateParams = hookParams._alHwnd = new ArrayList (16);

                            // Check if the event for that window already exist.
                            // Discard it as no dups are allowed
                            for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 
                                EventCreateParams ecp = (EventCreateParams)eventCreateParams[index]; 
                                // Code below will discard duplicates:
                                // Proxy cannot subscribe same hwnd to the same event more than once 
                                // However proxy can be globaly registered to be always notified of some event, in order to
                                // do this proxy will send IntPtr.Zero as hwnd. Please notice that a given Proxy can be globaly registered
                                // to some EVENT_XXX only once. This will be ensured via delegate comparison.
                                if ( (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero || ecp._hwnd == hwnd) && 
                                     ecp._idProp == evtIdProp._idProp &&
                                     ecp._raiseEventFromRawElement == raiseEvents) 

                            // Set the WinEventHook if first time around
                            if (eventCreateParams.Count == 0) 
                                _callbackQueue.PostSyncWorkItem (new QueueItem.WinEventItem (ref hookParams, _startDelegate)); 

                            // add the event into the list 
                            // Called after the Post does not matter because of the lock
                            eventCreateParams.Add (new EventCreateParams (hwnd, evtIdProp._idProp, raiseEvents));
                            if ( eventCreateParams == null ) 

                            // Remove a notification 
                            // Go through the list of window to find the one
                            for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
                                EventCreateParams ecp = (EventCreateParams)eventCreateParams[index]; 

                                // Detect if caller should be removed from notification list 
                                bool remove = false; 

                                if (raiseEvents == null) 
                                    // Not a global wide events
                                    remove = (ecp._hwnd == hwnd && ecp._idProp == evtIdProp._idProp);
                                    // Global events 
                                    Debug.Assert (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero, @"BuildEventsList: event is global but hwnd is not null");
                                    remove = (ecp._hwnd == hwnd && ecp._raiseEventFromRawElement == raiseEvents); 

                                if (remove)
                                    eventCreateParams.RemoveAt (index);
                                    // if empty then stop listening for this event arg 
                                    if (eventCreateParams.Count == 0)
                                        _callbackQueue.PostSyncWorkItem (new QueueItem.WinEventItem (ref hookParams, _stopDelegate));

        private static bool IsConsoleProcess(int processId) 
                return Misc.ProxyGetClassName(Process.GetProcessById(processId).MainWindowHandle).Equals("ConsoleWindowClass");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Misc.IsCriticalException(e))
                return false;

        private static uint CSRSSProcessId
                if (_CSRSSProcessId == 0) 
                    Process[] localByName = Process.GetProcessesByName("csrss"); 
                    if (localByName[0] != null)
                        _CSRSSProcessId = (uint)localByName[0].Id;
                return _CSRSSProcessId; 


        #region Private Fields 

        // ----------------------------------------------------- 
        // Private Fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Flag
        private enum EventFlag

        // Maps WinEvents ID to indices in _ahp 
        private static readonly int[] _eventIdToIndex = new int[] {
        // WinEventHooks must be processed in the same thread that created them.
        // Use a seperate thread to manage the hooks
        private static QueueProcessor _callbackQueue = null;
        private static object _queueLock = new object(); 

        // static: Array of Hashtables, one per WinEvent Id. 
        // Each Hashtable contains EventHookParams classes the key is the process id. 
        // Each element in the array list is a struct EventCreateParams that contains
        // the hwnd and the other parameters needed to call the Proxy and then 
        // the client notification
        private static Hashtable[] _ahp = new Hashtable[_eventIdToIndex.Length];

        private static uint _globalEventKey = 0; 

        // Parameters needed to send a notification to a client 
        struct EventCreateParams 
            // hwnd requesting a notification 
            internal IntPtr _hwnd;

            // Automation Property or Automation Event
            internal object _idProp; 

            // delegate to call to Create a RawElementProvider from a hwnd 
            internal ProxyRaiseEvents _raiseEventFromRawElement; 

            internal EventCreateParams (IntPtr hwnd, object idProp, ProxyRaiseEvents raiseEvents) 
                _hwnd = hwnd;
                _idProp = idProp;
                _raiseEventFromRawElement = raiseEvents; 
        // function to start and stop WinEvents
        private static StartStopDelegate _startDelegate = new StartStopDelegate (StartListening); 

        private static StartStopDelegate _stopDelegate = new StartStopDelegate (StopListening);

        private static uint _CSRSSProcessId = 0; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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