/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / System / Windows / Media3D / GeometryModel3D.cs / 2 / GeometryModel3D.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // // Description: 3D geometry primitive implementation. // // See spec at [....]/medialayer/Specifications/Avalon3D%20API%20Spec.mht // // History: // 06/10/2004 : [....] - Created from MeshPrimitive3D.cs (deprecated) // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.Media3D; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Composition; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using System.Windows.Markup; namespace System.Windows.Media.Media3D { ////// GeometryModel3D is for modeling with a Geometry3D and a Material. /// public sealed partial class GeometryModel3D : Model3D { //----------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //----------------------------------------------------- ////// Builds a GeometryModel3D with empty Geometry3D and Material. /// public GeometryModel3D() {} ////// Constructor. /// /// Geometry of the new mesh primitive. /// Material of the new mesh primitive. public GeometryModel3D(Geometry3D geometry, Material material) { Geometry = geometry; Material = material; } //------------------------------------------------------ // // Public Methods // //----------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods internal override Rect3D CalculateSubgraphBoundsInnerSpace() { Geometry3D geometry = Geometry; if (geometry == null) { return Rect3D.Empty; } return geometry.Bounds; } internal override void RayHitTestCore(RayHitTestParameters rayParams) { Geometry3D geometry = Geometry; if (geometry != null) { // If our Geometry3D hit test intersects anything we should return "this" Model3D // as the HitTestResult.ModelHit. rayParams.CurrentModel = this; FaceType facesToHit = FaceType.None; if (Material != null) { facesToHit |= FaceType.Front; } if (BackMaterial != null) { facesToHit |= FaceType.Back; } if (facesToHit != FaceType.None) { geometry.RayHitTest(rayParams, facesToHit); } } } internal void MaterialPropertyChangedHook(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { // Override of OnChanged on Model3DGroup will propagate this up _flags[DirtyForPreComputeFlag] = true; } internal void BackMaterialPropertyChangedHook(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { MaterialPropertyChangedHook(e); } internal override void PreCompute() { Debug.Assert(_flags[DirtyForPreComputeFlag]); bool requiresRealization = false; Material material = Material; if (material != null) { requiresRealization |= material.PreCompute(); } Material backMaterial = BackMaterial; if (backMaterial != null) { requiresRealization |= backMaterial.PreCompute(); } _flags[RequiresRealizationFlag] = requiresRealization; _flags[DirtyForPreComputeFlag] = false; } ////// Realization support /// internal override void MarkVisibleRealizations( RealizationContext rc) { Debug.Assert(_flags[RequiresRealizationFlag]); MeshGeometry3D geometry = Geometry as MeshGeometry3D; Material material = Material; Material backMaterial = BackMaterial; if (geometry != null && (material != null || backMaterial != null)) { Rect textureCoordinateBounds = geometry.GetTextureCoordinateBounds(); // // If the texture coordinate bounds are empty, we skip realizing this // material. if (textureCoordinateBounds.IsEmpty) { return; } Transform3D transform = Transform; Matrix3DStack stack3D = rc.Transform3DStack; if (transform != null) { stack3D.Push(transform.Value); } Rect3D mesh3DBox = geometry.Bounds; // // Extend the 2D world transform to a 3D matrix and calculate the // full 3d device transform. MatrixStack stack2D = rc.TransformStack; Matrix deviceTransform2D = stack2D.Peek(); Matrix3D deviceTransform3D = new Matrix3D( deviceTransform2D.M11 , deviceTransform2D.M12, 0, 0, deviceTransform2D.M21 , deviceTransform2D.M22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, deviceTransform2D.OffsetX, deviceTransform2D.OffsetY, 0, 1); deviceTransform3D.Prepend(stack3D.Top); // // Calculate the material to texture sample space transform. Matrix textureSpaceTransform2D; MILUtilities.CalcMesh3DBrushAndSampleSpace( ref deviceTransform3D, ref mesh3DBox, ref textureCoordinateBounds, out textureSpaceTransform2D); // // The textureSpaceTransform is bascially our new 2D device transform. stack2D.Push(ref textureSpaceTransform2D, false); if (material != null && material.RequiresRealization) { material.UpdateRealizations(rc, ref textureCoordinateBounds); } if (backMaterial != null && backMaterial.RequiresRealization) { backMaterial.UpdateRealizations(rc, ref textureCoordinateBounds); } stack2D.Pop(); if (transform != null) { stack3D.Pop(); } } } #endregion Internal Methods } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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