TabOrder.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / TabOrder.cs / 1 / TabOrder.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design {
    using System; 
    using System.Design;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    ///     This class encapsulates the tab order UI for our form designer. 
    internal class TabOrder : Control, IMouseHandler, IMenuStatusHandler { 
        private IDesignerHost   host;
        private Control         ctlHover; 
        private ArrayList      tabControls; 
        private Rectangle[]     tabGlyphs;
        private ArrayList      tabComplete; 
        private Hashtable       tabNext;
        private Font            tabFont;
        private StringBuilder   drawString;
        private Brush           highlightTextBrush; 
        private Pen             highlightPen;
        private int             selSize; 
        private Hashtable       tabProperties; 
        private Region          region = null;
        private MenuCommand[]   commands; 
        private MenuCommand[]   newCommands;
        private string          decimalSep;

        ///     Creates a new tab order control that displays the tab order 
        ///     UI for a form. 
        public TabOrder(IDesignerHost host) { 
   = host;

            // Determine a font for us to use.
            IUIService uisvc = (IUIService)host.GetService(typeof(IUIService));
            if (uisvc != null) { 
                tabFont = (Font)uisvc.Styles["DialogFont"]; 
            else { 
                tabFont = Control.DefaultFont;
            tabFont = new Font(tabFont, FontStyle.Bold);
            // And compute the proper highlight dimensions.
            selSize = DesignerUtils.GetAdornmentDimensions(AdornmentType.GrabHandle).Width; 

            // Colors and brushes... 
            drawString  = new StringBuilder(12);
            highlightTextBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.HighlightText);
            highlightPen = new Pen(SystemColors.Highlight); 

            // The decimal separator 
            NumberFormatInfo formatInfo = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.GetFormat(typeof(NumberFormatInfo));
            if (formatInfo != null) { 
                decimalSep = formatInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
            else {
                decimalSep = "."; 
            tabProperties = new Hashtable();
            // Set up a NULL brush so we never try to invalidate the control.  This is
            // more efficient for what we're doing
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true); 

            // We're an overlay on top of the form 
            IOverlayService os = (IOverlayService)host.GetService(typeof(IOverlayService));
            Debug.Assert(os != null, "No overlay service -- tab order UI cannot be shown"); 
            if (os != null) {
            // Push a help keyword so the help system knows we're in place.
            IHelpService hs = (IHelpService)host.GetService(typeof(IHelpService)); 
            if (hs != null) {
                hs.AddContextAttribute("Keyword", "TabOrderView", HelpKeywordType.FilterKeyword); 

            commands = new MenuCommand[] {
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyCancel), 
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyDefault), 
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyPrevious),

                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyNext), 
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyPrevious), 
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyNext),

                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyNext), 
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyPrevious), 

            newCommands = new MenuCommand[] {
                new MenuCommand(new EventHandler(OnKeyDefault),
            IMenuCommandService mcs = (IMenuCommandService)host.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)); 
            if (mcs != null) {
                foreach(MenuCommand mc in newCommands) { 
            // We also override keyboard, menu and mouse handlers.  Our override relies on the
            // above array of menu commands, so this must come after we initialize the array. 
            IEventHandlerService ehs = (IEventHandlerService)host.GetService(typeof(IEventHandlerService));
            if (ehs != null) { 

            // We sync add, remove and change events so we remain in sync with any nastiness that the 
            // form may pull on us.
            IComponentChangeService cs = (IComponentChangeService)host.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); 
            if (cs != null) {
                cs.ComponentAdded += new ComponentEventHandler(this.OnComponentAddRemove); 
                cs.ComponentRemoved += new ComponentEventHandler(this.OnComponentAddRemove);
                cs.ComponentChanged += new ComponentChangedEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanged);

        ///     Called when it is time for the tab order UI to go away.
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
            if (disposing) {
                if (region != null) {
                    region = null;
                if (host != null) {
                    IOverlayService os = (IOverlayService)host.GetService(typeof(IOverlayService)); 
                    if (os != null) {
                    IEventHandlerService ehs = (IEventHandlerService)host.GetService(typeof(IEventHandlerService));
                    if (ehs != null) { 
                    IMenuCommandService mcs = (IMenuCommandService)host.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService));
                    if (mcs != null) {
                        foreach(MenuCommand mc in newCommands) {
                    // We sync add, remove and change events so we remain in sync with any nastiness that the
                    // form may pull on us. 
                    IComponentChangeService cs = (IComponentChangeService)host.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));
                    if (cs != null) {
                        cs.ComponentAdded -= new ComponentEventHandler(this.OnComponentAddRemove); 
                        cs.ComponentRemoved -= new ComponentEventHandler(this.OnComponentAddRemove);
                        cs.ComponentChanged -= new ComponentChangedEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanged); 

                    IHelpService hs = (IHelpService)host.GetService(typeof(IHelpService)); 
                    if (hs != null) {
                        hs.RemoveContextAttribute("Keyword", "TabOrderView");
                    host = null;

        ///     this function does double duty:  it draws the tabs if fRegion is false, or it 
        ///     computes control region rects if fRegion is true (both require that we essentially
        ///     "draw" the tabs) 
        private void DrawTabs(IList tabs, Graphics gr, bool fRegion) {
            IEnumerator e = tabs.GetEnumerator(); 
            int         iCtl = 0;
            Control     ctl;
            Control     parent;
            Rectangle   rc = Rectangle.Empty; 
            Size        sz = Size.Empty;
            string      str; 
            Font font = tabFont;
            if (fRegion) {
                region = new Region(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));
            if (ctlHover != null) {
                Rectangle ctlInner = GetConvertedBounds(ctlHover); 
                Rectangle ctlOuter = ctlInner; 
                ctlOuter.Inflate(selSize, selSize);
                if (fRegion) {
                    region = new Region(ctlOuter);
                else {
                    Control p = ctlHover.Parent; 
                    Color backColor; 
                    backColor = p.BackColor;
                    Region clip = gr.Clip;
                    gr.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(backColor), ctlOuter);
                    ControlPaint.DrawSelectionFrame(gr, false, ctlOuter, ctlInner, backColor);
                    gr.Clip = clip; 
            while (e.MoveNext()) {
                ctl = (Control)e.Current;
                rc = GetConvertedBounds(ctl);
                drawString.Length = 0;
                parent = GetSitedParent(ctl); 
                Control baseControl = (Control)host.RootComponent;
                while (parent != baseControl && parent != null) {
                    drawString.Insert(0, decimalSep);
                    drawString.Insert(0, parent.TabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                    parent = GetSitedParent(parent); 
                drawString.Insert(0, ' '); 
                drawString.Append(' '); 

                if (((PropertyDescriptor)tabProperties[ctl]).IsReadOnly) {
                    drawString.Append(' '); 
                str = drawString.ToString(); 
                sz = Size.Ceiling(gr.MeasureString(str, font));
                rc.Width = sz.Width + 2; 
                rc.Height = sz.Height + 2;

                tabGlyphs[iCtl++] = rc;
                Brush brush;
                Pen pen; 
                Color textColor; 
                if (fRegion) {
                else {
                    if (tabComplete.IndexOf(ctl)!=-1) {
                        brush = highlightTextBrush; 
                        pen = highlightPen;
                        textColor = SystemColors.Highlight; 
                    else {
                        brush = SystemBrushes.Highlight; 
                        pen = SystemPens.HighlightText;
                        textColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;
                    gr.FillRectangle(brush, rc);
                    gr.DrawRectangle(pen, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width - 1, rc.Height - 1); 
                    Brush foreBrush = new SolidBrush(textColor);
                    gr.DrawString(str, font, foreBrush, rc.X + 1, rc.Y + 1); 
            if (fRegion) { 
                ctl = (Control)host.RootComponent;
                rc = GetConvertedBounds(ctl); 
                Region = region;

        ///     returns a control in the given tab vector that is at the given point, in
        ///     screen coords. 
        private Control GetControlAtPoint(IList tabs, int x, int y) {
            IEnumerator e = tabs.GetEnumerator(); 
            Rectangle   rc;
            Control      ctlFound = null;
            Control      ctl;
            Control      parent; 

            while (e.MoveNext()) { 
                ctl = (Control)e.Current; 
                parent = GetSitedParent(ctl);
                rc = ctl.Bounds; 
                rc = parent.RectangleToScreen(rc);

                // We do not break if we find it here.  The vector is already setup
                // to have all controls in the current tabbing order, and child controls 
                // are always after their parents.  If we broke, we wouldn't necessarially
                // find the appropriate child. 
                if (rc.Contains(x, y)) {
                    ctlFound = ctl; 
            return ctlFound;

        ///     returns a rectangle in our own client space that represents the bounds
        ///     if the given control 
        private Rectangle GetConvertedBounds(Control ctl) {
            Control parent = ctl.Parent;
            Rectangle rc = ctl.Bounds; 
            rc = parent.RectangleToScreen(rc);
            rc = RectangleToClient(rc); 
            return rc; 
        ///     returns the maximum valid control count for the given control.  This
        ///     may be less than Control.getControlCount() because of invisible controls 
        ///     and our own control
        private int GetMaxControlCount(Control ctl) { 
            int count = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < ctl.Controls.Count; n++) {
                if (GetTabbable(ctl.Controls[n])) {
            return count; 

        ///     Retrieves the next parent control that would be usable
        ///     by the tab order UI.  We only want parents that are
        ///     sited by the designer host. 
        private Control GetSitedParent(Control child) { 
            Control parent = child.Parent; 

            while (parent != null) { 
                ISite site = parent.Site;
                IContainer container = null;

                if (site != null) 
                    container = site.Container; 

                container = DesignerUtils.CheckForNestedContainer(container); // ...necessary to support SplitterPanel components 

                if (site != null && container == host) {
                parent = parent.Parent;
            return parent;

        ///     recursively fills the given tab vector with a control list 
        private void GetTabbing(Control ctl, IList tabs) { 
            Control ctlTab; 

            // Now actually count the controls.  We add them to the list in reverse 
            // order because the Controls collection is in z-order, and our list
            // needs to be in reverse z-order.  When done, we want this list to be
            // in z-order from back-most to top-most, and from parent-most to
            // child-most. 
            int cnt = ctl.Controls.Count; 
            for (int i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
                ctlTab = ctl.Controls[i];
                if (null != GetSitedParent(ctlTab) && GetTabbable(ctlTab)) {
                if (ctlTab.Controls.Count > 0) {
                    GetTabbing(ctlTab, tabs); 

        ///     returns true if this component should show up in our tab list 
        private bool GetTabbable(Control control) { 
            for (Control c = control; c != null; c = c.Parent) {
                if (!c.Visible) 
                    return false;

            ISite site = control.Site; 
            if (site == null || site.Container != host) {
                return false; 

            PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(control)["TabIndex"]; 

            if (prop == null || !prop.IsBrowsable) {
                return false;

            tabProperties[control] = prop; 
            return true; 
        ///     Called in response to a component add or remove event.  Here we re-aquire our
        ///     set of tabs. 
        private void OnComponentAddRemove(object sender, ComponentEventArgs ce) { 
            ctlHover = null; 
            tabControls = null;
            tabGlyphs = null; 

            if (tabComplete != null) {
            if (tabNext != null) {
            if (region != null) {
                region = null;

        ///      Called in response to a component change event.  Here we update our
        ///      tab order and redraw. 
        private void OnComponentChanged(object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs ce) {
            tabControls = null;
            tabGlyphs = null; 
            if (region != null) {
                region = null; 

        ///      Closes the tab order UI.
        private void OnKeyCancel(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            IMenuCommandService mcs = (IMenuCommandService)host.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService));
            Debug.Assert(mcs != null, "No menu command service, can't get out of tab order UI"); 
            if (mcs != null) {
                MenuCommand mc = mcs.FindCommand(StandardCommands.TabOrder);
                Debug.Assert(mc != null, "No tab order menu command, can't get out of tab order UI");
                if (mc != null) { 
        ///      Sets the current tab order selection.
        private void OnKeyDefault(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (ctlHover != null) { 

        ///      Selects the next component in the tab order.
        private void OnKeyNext(object sender, EventArgs e) { 

        ///      Selects the previous component in the tab order. 
        private void OnKeyPrevious(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
        ///     This is called when the user double clicks on a component.  The typical
        ///     behavior is to create an event handler for the component's default event 
        ///     and nativagate to the handler.
        public virtual void OnMouseDoubleClick(IComponent component) { 
        ///     This is called when a mouse button is depressed.  This will perform
        ///     the default drag action for the selected components,  which is to 
        ///     move those components around by the mouse.
        public virtual void OnMouseDown(IComponent component, MouseButtons button, int x, int y) { 
            if (ctlHover != null) {

        ///     Overrides control.OnMouseDown.  Here we set the tab index.  We must 
        ///     do this as well as the above OnMouseDown to take into account clicks 
        ///     in the tab index numbers.
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
            if (ctlHover != null) {
        ///     This is called when the mouse momentarially hovers over the
        ///     view for the given component.
        public virtual void OnMouseHover(IComponent component) { 
        ///     This is called for each movement of the mouse. 
        public virtual void OnMouseMove(IComponent component, int x, int y) {
            if (tabControls != null) {
                Control ctl = GetControlAtPoint(tabControls, x, y); 

        ///     Overrides control.  We update our cursor here.  We must do this
        ///     as well as the OnSetCursor to take into account mouse movements
        ///     over the tab index numbers. 
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { 

            if (tabGlyphs != null) { 

                Control ctl = null;

                for(int i = 0; i < tabGlyphs.Length; i++) { 
                    if (tabGlyphs[i].Contains(e.X, e.Y)) {
                        // Do not break if we find it -- we must 
                        // work for nested children too. 
                        ctl = (Control)tabControls[i];



        ///     This is called when the user releases the mouse from a component.
        ///     This will update the UI to reflect the release of the mouse.
        public virtual void OnMouseUp(IComponent component, MouseButtons button) {
        private void SetAppropriateCursor() {
            if (ctlHover != null) { 
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Cross;
            else {
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; 
        ///     This is called when the cursor for the given component should be updated. 
        ///     The mouse is always over the given component's view when this is called.
        public virtual void OnSetCursor(IComponent component) {
        ///     Paints the tab control. 
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
            if (null == tabControls) {
                tabControls = new ArrayList(); 
                GetTabbing((Control)host.RootComponent, tabControls);
                tabGlyphs = new Rectangle[tabControls.Count]; 
            if (null == tabComplete) {
                tabComplete = new ArrayList();
            if (null == tabNext) {
                tabNext = new Hashtable(); 
            if (null == region) {
                DrawTabs(tabControls, e.Graphics, true); 
            DrawTabs(tabControls, e.Graphics, false);
        ///     CommandSet will check with this handler on each status update 
        ///     to see if the handler wants to override the availability of
        ///     this command. 
        public bool OverrideInvoke(MenuCommand cmd) {
            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++) {
                if (commands[i].CommandID.Equals(cmd.CommandID)) { 
                    return true; 
            return false;

        ///     CommandSet will check with this handler on each status update 
        ///     to see if the handler wants to override the availability of 
        ///     this command.
        public bool OverrideStatus(MenuCommand cmd) {

            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++) {
                if (commands[i].CommandID.Equals(cmd.CommandID)) { 
                    cmd.Enabled = commands[i].Enabled;
                    return true; 
            // Overriding the status of commands is easy.  We only
            // get commands that the designer implements, so we don't
            // have to pick and choose which ones to get rid of.  We
            // keep a select view and disable the rest. 
            if (!cmd.CommandID.Equals(StandardCommands.TabOrder)) { 
                cmd.Enabled = false; 
                return true;

            return false;
        ///     Called when the keyboard has been pressed to rotate us 
        ///     through the control list.
        private void RotateControls(bool forward) {
            Control ctl = ctlHover;
            Control form = (Control)host.RootComponent;
            if (ctl == null) {
                ctl = form; 

            while (null != (ctl = form.GetNextControl(ctl, forward))) { 
                if (GetTabbable(ctl))
        ///     Establishes a new hover control. 
        private void SetNewHover(Control ctl) {

            if (ctlHover != ctl) { 
                if (null != ctlHover) {
                    if (region != null) { 
                        region = null;
                    Rectangle rc = GetConvertedBounds(ctlHover);
                    rc.Inflate(selSize, selSize);

                ctlHover = ctl; 
                if (null != ctlHover) {
                    if (region != null) { 
                        region = null;
                    Rectangle rc = GetConvertedBounds(ctlHover); 
                    rc.Inflate(selSize, selSize);

        ///     sets up the next tab index for the given control 
        // Standard 'catch all - rethrow critical' exception pattern 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")] 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2102:CatchNonClsCompliantExceptionsInGeneralHandlers")]
        private void SetNextTabIndex(Control ctl) { 
            if (tabControls != null)
                int index, max;
                Control parent = GetSitedParent(ctl); 
                object nextIndex = tabNext[parent];
                if (tabComplete.IndexOf(ctl)==-1) 
                if (null != nextIndex)
                    index = (int)nextIndex;
                    index = 0; 

                try { 
                    PropertyDescriptor prop = (PropertyDescriptor)tabProperties[ctl]; 
                    if (prop != null) {
                        int newIndex = index + 1;

                        if (prop.IsReadOnly) {
                            newIndex = (int)prop.GetValue(ctl) + 1; 
                        max = GetMaxControlCount(parent); 

                        if (newIndex >= max) { 
                            newIndex = 0;

                        tabNext[parent] = newIndex; 

                        if (tabComplete.Count == tabControls.Count) 

                        // Now set the property 
                        if (!prop.IsReadOnly) {
                            try {
                                prop.SetValue(ctl, index); 
                            catch(Exception) { 
                        else { 
                            // If the property is read only, we still count it
                            // so that other properties can "flow" around it.
                            // Therefore, we need a paint.
                catch (Exception ex) { 
                     if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(ex)) {

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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