/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / SendMailErrorEventArgs.cs / 1 / SendMailErrorEventArgs.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System.Web.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class SendMailErrorEventArgs : EventArgs { private Exception _exception; private bool _handled = false; public SendMailErrorEventArgs(Exception e) { _exception = e; } ////// Gets or sets the exception which caused the failure /// public Exception Exception { get { return _exception; } set { _exception = value; } } ////// Gets or sets whether the error has been handled /// public bool Handled { get { return _handled; } set { _handled = value; } } } }
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