SrgsElementFactory.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Recognition / SrgsGrammar / SrgsElementFactory.cs / 1 / SrgsElementFactory.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
// History: 
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Kurosawa Code

#region Using directives 

using System; 
using System.Speech.Internal; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;

namespace System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar
    internal class SrgsElementFactory : IElementFactory
        internal SrgsElementFactory (SrgsGrammar grammar) 
            _grammar = grammar; 

        /// Clear all the rules 
        void IElementFactory.RemoveAllRules () 
        IPropertyTag IElementFactory.CreatePropertyTag (IElement parent)
            return (IPropertyTag) new SrgsNameValueTag ();

        ISemanticTag IElementFactory.CreateSemanticTag (IElement parent) 
            return (ISemanticTag) new SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag ();

        IElementText IElementFactory.CreateText (IElement parent, string value)
            return (IElementText) new SrgsText (value); 
        IToken IElementFactory.CreateToken (IElement parent, string content, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence) 
            SrgsToken token = new SrgsToken (content); 
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (pronunciation))
                // Check if the pronunciations are ok
                string sPron = pronunciation; 
                for (int iCurPron = 0, iDeliminator = 0; iCurPron < sPron.Length; iCurPron = iDeliminator + 1)
                    // Find semi-colon deliminator and replace with null 
                    iDeliminator = pronunciation.IndexOfAny (_pronSeparator, iCurPron);
                    if (iDeliminator == -1) 
                        iDeliminator = sPron.Length;
                    string sSubPron = sPron.Substring (iCurPron, iDeliminator - iCurPron);
                    // make sure this goes through 
                    switch (_grammar.PhoneticAlphabet)
                        case AlphabetType.Sapi:
                            sSubPron = PhonemeConverter.ConvertPronToId (sSubPron, _grammar.Culture.LCID);
                        case AlphabetType.Ipa:
                            PhonemeConverter.ValidateUpsIds (sSubPron); 

                        case AlphabetType.Ups: 
                            sSubPron = PhonemeConverter.UpsConverter.ConvertPronToId (sSubPron);

                token.Pronunciation = pronunciation; 

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (display)) 
                token.Display = display;
            if (reqConfidence >= 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.ReqConfidenceNotSupported)); 
            return (IToken) token; 

        IItem IElementFactory.CreateItem (IElement parent, IRule rule, int minRepeat, int maxRepeat, float repeatProbability, float weight)
            SrgsItem item = new SrgsItem ();
            if (minRepeat != 1 || maxRepeat != 1) 
                item.SetRepeat (minRepeat, maxRepeat);
            item.RepeatProbability = repeatProbability;
            item.Weight = weight;
            return (IItem) item;

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.CreateRuleRef (IElement parent, Uri srgsUri) 
            return (IRuleRef) new SrgsRuleRef (srgsUri);

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.CreateRuleRef (IElement parent, Uri srgsUri, string semanticKey, string parameters)
            return (IRuleRef) new SrgsRuleRef (semanticKey, parameters, srgsUri); 
        IOneOf IElementFactory.CreateOneOf (IElement parent, IRule rule) 
            return (IOneOf) new SrgsOneOf (); 

        ISubset IElementFactory.CreateSubset (IElement parent, string text, MatchMode matchMode)
            SubsetMatchingMode matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence;
            switch (matchMode) 
                case MatchMode.OrderedSubset: 
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubset;

                case MatchMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired: 
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired;
                case MatchMode.Subsequence:
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence; 

                case MatchMode.SubsequenceContentRequired:
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.SubsequenceContentRequired; 
            return (ISubset) new SrgsSubset (text, matchingMode);

        void IElementFactory.InitSpecialRuleRef (IElement parent, IRuleRef special)

#if !NO_STG 
        void IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string sRule, string code) 
            SrgsGrammar srgsGrammar = (SrgsGrammar) grammar; 
            SrgsRule rule = srgsGrammar.Rules [sRule];
            if (rule != null)
                rule.Script = rule.Script + code; 
                srgsGrammar.AddScript (sRule, code);

        string IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string sRule, string code, string filename, int line)
            return code;
        void IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string script, string filename, int line)
            SrgsGrammar srgsGrammar = (SrgsGrammar) grammar;
            srgsGrammar.AddScript (null, script);

        void IElementFactory.AddItem (IOneOf oneOf, IItem value) 
            ((SrgsOneOf) oneOf).Add ((SrgsItem) value);

        void IElementFactory.AddElement (IRule rule, IElement value)
            ((SrgsRule) rule).Elements.Add ((SrgsElement) value); 
        void IElementFactory.AddElement (IItem item, IElement value) 
            ((SrgsItem) item).Elements.Add ((SrgsElement) value); 

        IGrammar IElementFactory.Grammar
                return _grammar; 

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Null
                return SrgsRuleRef.Null; 
        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Void 
                return SrgsRuleRef.Void; 
        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Garbage 
                return SrgsRuleRef.Garbage;
        private SrgsGrammar _grammar;
        private static readonly char [] _pronSeparator = new char [] { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', ';' }; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
// History: 
//		5/1/2004	jeanfp		Created from the Kurosawa Code

#region Using directives 

using System; 
using System.Speech.Internal; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser;

namespace System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar
    internal class SrgsElementFactory : IElementFactory
        internal SrgsElementFactory (SrgsGrammar grammar) 
            _grammar = grammar; 

        /// Clear all the rules 
        void IElementFactory.RemoveAllRules () 
        IPropertyTag IElementFactory.CreatePropertyTag (IElement parent)
            return (IPropertyTag) new SrgsNameValueTag ();

        ISemanticTag IElementFactory.CreateSemanticTag (IElement parent) 
            return (ISemanticTag) new SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag ();

        IElementText IElementFactory.CreateText (IElement parent, string value)
            return (IElementText) new SrgsText (value); 
        IToken IElementFactory.CreateToken (IElement parent, string content, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence) 
            SrgsToken token = new SrgsToken (content); 
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (pronunciation))
                // Check if the pronunciations are ok
                string sPron = pronunciation; 
                for (int iCurPron = 0, iDeliminator = 0; iCurPron < sPron.Length; iCurPron = iDeliminator + 1)
                    // Find semi-colon deliminator and replace with null 
                    iDeliminator = pronunciation.IndexOfAny (_pronSeparator, iCurPron);
                    if (iDeliminator == -1) 
                        iDeliminator = sPron.Length;
                    string sSubPron = sPron.Substring (iCurPron, iDeliminator - iCurPron);
                    // make sure this goes through 
                    switch (_grammar.PhoneticAlphabet)
                        case AlphabetType.Sapi:
                            sSubPron = PhonemeConverter.ConvertPronToId (sSubPron, _grammar.Culture.LCID);
                        case AlphabetType.Ipa:
                            PhonemeConverter.ValidateUpsIds (sSubPron); 

                        case AlphabetType.Ups: 
                            sSubPron = PhonemeConverter.UpsConverter.ConvertPronToId (sSubPron);

                token.Pronunciation = pronunciation; 

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (display)) 
                token.Display = display;
            if (reqConfidence >= 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.ReqConfidenceNotSupported)); 
            return (IToken) token; 

        IItem IElementFactory.CreateItem (IElement parent, IRule rule, int minRepeat, int maxRepeat, float repeatProbability, float weight)
            SrgsItem item = new SrgsItem ();
            if (minRepeat != 1 || maxRepeat != 1) 
                item.SetRepeat (minRepeat, maxRepeat);
            item.RepeatProbability = repeatProbability;
            item.Weight = weight;
            return (IItem) item;

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.CreateRuleRef (IElement parent, Uri srgsUri) 
            return (IRuleRef) new SrgsRuleRef (srgsUri);

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.CreateRuleRef (IElement parent, Uri srgsUri, string semanticKey, string parameters)
            return (IRuleRef) new SrgsRuleRef (semanticKey, parameters, srgsUri); 
        IOneOf IElementFactory.CreateOneOf (IElement parent, IRule rule) 
            return (IOneOf) new SrgsOneOf (); 

        ISubset IElementFactory.CreateSubset (IElement parent, string text, MatchMode matchMode)
            SubsetMatchingMode matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence;
            switch (matchMode) 
                case MatchMode.OrderedSubset: 
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubset;

                case MatchMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired: 
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired;
                case MatchMode.Subsequence:
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence; 

                case MatchMode.SubsequenceContentRequired:
                    matchingMode = SubsetMatchingMode.SubsequenceContentRequired; 
            return (ISubset) new SrgsSubset (text, matchingMode);

        void IElementFactory.InitSpecialRuleRef (IElement parent, IRuleRef special)

#if !NO_STG 
        void IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string sRule, string code) 
            SrgsGrammar srgsGrammar = (SrgsGrammar) grammar; 
            SrgsRule rule = srgsGrammar.Rules [sRule];
            if (rule != null)
                rule.Script = rule.Script + code; 
                srgsGrammar.AddScript (sRule, code);

        string IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string sRule, string code, string filename, int line)
            return code;
        void IElementFactory.AddScript (IGrammar grammar, string script, string filename, int line)
            SrgsGrammar srgsGrammar = (SrgsGrammar) grammar;
            srgsGrammar.AddScript (null, script);

        void IElementFactory.AddItem (IOneOf oneOf, IItem value) 
            ((SrgsOneOf) oneOf).Add ((SrgsItem) value);

        void IElementFactory.AddElement (IRule rule, IElement value)
            ((SrgsRule) rule).Elements.Add ((SrgsElement) value); 
        void IElementFactory.AddElement (IItem item, IElement value) 
            ((SrgsItem) item).Elements.Add ((SrgsElement) value); 

        IGrammar IElementFactory.Grammar
                return _grammar; 

        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Null
                return SrgsRuleRef.Null; 
        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Void 
                return SrgsRuleRef.Void; 
        IRuleRef IElementFactory.Garbage 
                return SrgsRuleRef.Garbage;
        private SrgsGrammar _grammar;
        private static readonly char [] _pronSeparator = new char [] { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', ';' }; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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