ByteRangeDownloader.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / IO / Packaging / ByteRangeDownloader.cs / 1 / ByteRangeDownloader.cs

                            #if DEBUG 
#define TRACE
// File: ByteRangeDownloader.cs
// Description: 
// Downloader for downloading resources from the Internet in byte ranges using .NET
//  web requests. This class is used by ByteWrapper (unmanaged code) to make additional 
//  web requests other than through WININET
// History:
//  03/20/2003 - younggk    Created 
//  06/30/2003 - younggk    Ported to WCP tree
//  10/25/2003 - brucemac   Introduced FileMutex to enable safe shared access to the temp file 
// Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;              // For Win32Exception
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;        // For IsolatedStorage temp file 
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Cache;                     // For RequestCachePolicy
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;   // For Marshal
using System.Security;                  // SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe 
using System.Threading;                  // For Mutex
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; 
using System.Security.Permissions;      // for WebPermission
namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging
    /// Downloader for byte range requests 
    // Consider (younggk 05/15/2003): For now, we will only process one batch of requests at a time. We will most likely 
    //  want to spin multiple threads and do multiple batches at a time in the future 
    internal class ByteRangeDownloader : IDisposable 
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader - for UrlMon usage
        /// event to signal when new data is available in tempStream 
        /// uri we should make requests to
        /// temp file to write to 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle 
        internal ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, string tempFileName, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle)
            : this(requestedUri, eventHandle) 
            if (tempFileName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tempFileName");

            if (tempFileName.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidTempFileName), "tempFileName"); 
            _tempFileStream = File.Open(tempFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); 
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader - used by NetStream who owns the tempStream
        /// event to signal when new data is available in tempStream 
        /// mutex to synchronize access to tempStream
        /// uri we should make requests to 
        /// stream to write data to 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle
        internal ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, Stream tempStream, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle, Mutex fileMutex) 
            : this(requestedUri, eventHandle)
            Debug.Assert(fileMutex != null, "FileMutex must be a valid mutex"); 
            Debug.Assert(tempStream != null, "ByteRangeDownloader requires a stream to write to");
            _tempFileStream = tempStream; 
            _fileMutex = fileMutex;

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Interfaces

        #region IDisposable
        public void Dispose()
            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);  // not strictly necessary, but if we ever have a subclass with a finalizer, this will be more efficient

        /// Critical
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _readEventHandle 
        ///  2) modifies Critical data _proxy
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) _eventHandle is Critical for set but we are just nulling it out for dispose 
        ///  2) _proxy is Critical for set but safe to null for dispose
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing) 
                lock (_syncObject) 
                    if (!_disposed)
                            // if there is no mutex, then we own the stream and we should close it
                            if (FileMutex == null && _tempFileStream != null) 
                            _requestedUri = null;
                            _byteRangesInProgress = null;
                            _requestsOnWait = null; 
                            _byteRangesAvailable = null;
                            _tempFileStream = null; 
                            _eventHandle = null; 
                            _proxy = null;
                            _credentials = null; 
                            _cachePolicy = null;
                            _disposed = true;

        #endregion IDisposable 

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Get the byte ranges that are downloaded
        /// byte ranges that are downloaded; byteRanges is one dimensional 
        /// array consisting pairs of offset and length
        internal int[,] GetDownloadedByteRanges() 
            int[,] byteRanges = null;
            // The worker thread will never call dispose nor this method; no need lock

            lock (_syncObject) 
                int rangeCount = _byteRangesAvailable.Count / 2;
                // The worker thread will update the bytes downloaded; need to lock
                byteRanges = new int[rangeCount, 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; ++i)
                    byteRanges[i, Offset_Index] = (int)_byteRangesAvailable[(i * 2) + Offset_Index];
                    byteRanges[i, Length_Index] = (int)_byteRangesAvailable[(i * 2) + Length_Index]; 

            return byteRanges;
        /// Make byte range request 
        /// byte ranges to be downloaded; byteRanges is two dimensional
        /// array consisting pairs of offset and length 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) Sets the callback function (ResponseCallback) which is critical
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) Creates new CLR HttWebRequest where HttWebReponse is the caller of
        ///     the callback function 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void RequestByteRanges(int[,] byteRanges) 
            // The worker thread will never call dispose nor this method; no need to lock
            if (byteRanges == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("byteRanges"); 

            // When multiple byte ranges are requested through one HttpWebRequest, the current HttpWebResponse
            // returns a stream with headers which has to be manually parsed. At this point, we decided to 
            // make only one byte range request at a time
            // At this point, none of the callers of this class will make more than one range 
            //  So, we will assert if more than one byte range request is made
            Debug.Assert(byteRanges.GetLength(0) == 1, "We don't support a request with multiple byte ranges"); 

            _firstRequestMade = true;

            // If there is no request in progress, start the request process; otherwise put it in the wait queue 
            lock (_syncObject)

                // _byteRangeInprogress can be cleared out from the worker thread and this method can be called 
                //  from the caller thread; need to lock
                if (_byteRangesInProgress == null)
                    _webRequest = CreateHttpWebRequest(byteRanges); 
                    _byteRangesInProgress = byteRanges;
                    _webRequest.BeginGetResponse(ResponseCallback, this); 
                else    // cannot make request yet, put the request in the wait queue
                    // Lazy Init
                    if (_requestsOnWait == null)
                        // there are currently only ever two of these (one pair) 
                        // so optimize
                        _requestsOnWait = new ArrayList(2); 

                    for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i) 
                        // Add requests to the wait queue
                        _requestsOnWait.Add((int) byteRanges[i, Offset_Index]);
                        _requestsOnWait.Add((int) byteRanges[i, Length_Index]); 
        /// Convert bytes ranges from one dimensional array (pairs of offset and length)
        /// to two dimensional array
        /// byteRanges in one dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        /// byteRanges in two dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length 
        static internal int[,] ConvertByteRanges(int[] inByteRanges) 

            int[,] outByteRanges = new int[(inByteRanges.Length / 2),2];

            for (int i=0, j=0; i < inByteRanges.Length; ++i, ++j) 
                outByteRanges[j,Offset_Index] = inByteRanges[i]; 
                outByteRanges[j,Length_Index] = inByteRanges[i+1]; 


            return outByteRanges;

        /// Convert bytes ranges from two dimensional array (paris of offiset and length) 
        /// to one dimensional array
        /// byteRanges in two dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        /// byteRanges in one dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        static internal int[] ConvertByteRanges(int[,] inByteRanges)
            // Normallly we will check the input from the caller
            //  but in our scenario, the two dimensional array is always generated by ByteRangeDownloader 
            //  No need to check 

            int[] outByteRanges = new int[inByteRanges.Length];
            for (int i=0, j=0; i < inByteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i, ++j)
                outByteRanges[j] = inByteRanges[i, Offset_Index]; 
                outByteRanges[++j] = inByteRanges[i, Length_Index];

            return outByteRanges;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// Proxy for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) accesses Critical member _proxy
        internal IWebProxy Proxy 
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

                if (!_firstRequestMade) 
                    _proxy = value;
                else    // Once first request is made it cannot change
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RequestAlreadyStarted));
        /// Authentication information for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader 
        internal ICredentials Credentials
                _credentials = value; 

        /// Cache Policy for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader
        internal RequestCachePolicy CachePolicy
                if (!_firstRequestMade)
                    _cachePolicy = value;
                else    // Once first request is made it cannot cahnge
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RequestAlreadyStarted)); 

        /// OS synchronization object use to synchronize access to the temp file - if null, no [....] is needed 
        internal Mutex FileMutex 
                return _fileMutex;

        /// Returns true if any request errored out 
        internal bool ErroredOut 

                lock (_syncObject) 
                    return _erroredOut;

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Private Classes

        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 

        /// Check if the object is disposed
        /// this._disposed is not changed by a thread while another thread is calling this function
        private void CheckDisposed() 
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeDownloaderDisposed));
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle
        private ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle) 
            if (requestedUri == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestedUri");

            // Ensure uri is correct scheme (http or https) Do case-sensitive comparison since Uri.Scheme contract is to return in lower case only.
            if (String.Compare(requestedUri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttp, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0
                    && String.Compare(requestedUri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttps, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidScheme), "requestedUri"); 

            if (eventHandle == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventHandle");
            if (eventHandle.IsInvalid || eventHandle.IsClosed)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidEventHandle), "eventHandle"); 
            _requestedUri = requestedUri;
            _eventHandle = eventHandle;
        /// Check if it has been errored out from the worker thread and re-throw the exception that was 
        /// thrown from the worker thread 
        /// No need to lock in this function since the caller always locks before making this call 
        private void CheckErroredOutCondition()
            if (_erroredOut)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeDownloaderErroredOut), _erroredOutException);

        /// Download the requested bytes
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) local assert of WebPermission to access get_Proxy property
        ///  2) accesses Critical member _proxy 
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) WebPermission assert is local and needed only to synchronize two WebRequest properties
        ///  2) Safe use of Critical member _proxy - used only to ensure that multiple WebRequests 
        ///     share the same proxy settings.  Proxy member is known safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private HttpWebRequest CreateHttpWebRequest(int[,] byteRanges) 
            HttpWebRequest request; 
            // Create the request object
            request = (HttpWebRequest)WpfWebRequestHelper.CreateRequest(_requestedUri); 
            request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
            request.Method = "GET";

            // Set the Proxy to Empty one; If we don't set this to empty one, it will try to find one for us 
            //  and ends up triggering JScript in another assembly. This will throw PolicyException since the JScript
            //  dll doesn't have execution right. This is bug in CLR; supposed to be fixed later 
            // ToDo (younggk 05/15/2003): Need to keep consistent HTTP stack with the WININET one (e.g. authentication, proxy, cookies) 
//            IWebProxy emptyProxy = GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
//            request.Proxy = emptyProxy; 

            // Local assert to allow Proxy get/set under partial trust
            new WebPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();   // Blessed
                request.Proxy = _proxy; 

            request.Credentials = _credentials; 
            request.CachePolicy = _cachePolicy;
            // Add byte ranges (to header) 
            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i)
                                 byteRanges[i,Offset_Index] + byteRanges[i,Length_Index] - 1);
            return request;
        /// Raise Win32 events informing a client that the requested bytes are available or it errored out 
        /// indicates if an exception to be thrown on fail to set event
        /// Critical
        ///  1) This method calls into SetEvent which is critical marked SUC 
        ///  2) It accesses Critical data _eventHandle 
        private void RaiseEvent(bool throwExceptionOnError)
            if (_eventHandle != null && !_eventHandle.IsInvalid && !_eventHandle.IsClosed)
                if (MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.SetEvent(_eventHandle) == 0)
                    if (throwExceptionOnError) 
                        throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); 

        /// ResponseCallBack 
        /// async result 
        /// static method not necessary
        /// Critical
        ///  1) It calls RaiseEvent which is critical 
        private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar) 
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = null; 

            lock (_syncObject)
                    if (_disposed) 

                    // The caller thread can dispose this class and the worker thread need to check the disposed
                    //  condition; need to lock
                    // If disposed, there is nothing to handle 
                    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)WpfWebRequestHelper.EndGetResponse(_webRequest, ar);
                    // If it is not partial content, no need to look further 
                    if (webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
                        // Check for few conditions
                        // Get the header and make sure that it was indeed the byte range response
                        int beginOffset = _byteRangesInProgress[0, Offset_Index]; 
                        int endOffset = beginOffset+ _byteRangesInProgress[0,Length_Index] - 1; 

                        // HttpWebRequest in the current CLR does not allow multiple byte range requests. 
                        // At this point, none of the callers of this class will make more than one range at a time
                        //  So, we should not receive any response with more than one range returned

                        // When multiple byte ranges requests are support in HttpWebRequest eventually, 
                        // there is a question on how to handle multipart response (Content-Type=multipart/byteranges)
                        // At this point we only need to handle one byte range response (Content-Range header) only 
                        // Request was successful
                        // Note: endOffset could be trimmed offset in the case where the response didn't 
                        //  satisfy the entire request
                        if (CheckContentRange(webResponse.Headers, beginOffset, ref endOffset))
                            // Write out the bytes to the temp file 
                            if (WriteByteRange(webResponse, beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset + 1))
                                // The range is downloaded successfully; add it to the list 
                                _byteRangesAvailable.Add(endOffset - beginOffset + 1); 
                                _erroredOut = true;
                            _erroredOut = true; 
                            _erroredOutException = new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeRequestIsNotSupported));
                        _erroredOut = true; 
                catch (Exception e)  // catch (and re-throw) exceptions so we can inform the other thread 
                    _erroredOut = true; 
                    _erroredOutException = e;

                    throw e;
                catch   // catch (and re-throw) all kinds of exceptions so we can inform the other thread
                    // inform other thread of error condition 
                    _erroredOut= true;
                    _erroredOutException = null; 

                    if (webResponse != null) 

                    // bytes requested are downloaded or errored out
                    //  inform the caller that these ranges are available
                // If we haven't errored out already, process the next batch 
                if (!_erroredOut)

        /// Shared code for mutex and non-mutex to call 
        private bool Write(Stream s, int offset, int length) 
            int readBytes;

            // Process the data chunk at a time (Size of the data that can be processed one time is WriteBufferSize) 
            _tempFileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            while (length > 0) 
                // Read in the data into the buffer
                readBytes = s.Read(_buffer, 0, WriteBufferSize); 
                if (readBytes == 0)

                // Write it out 
                _tempFileStream.Write(_buffer, 0, readBytes);
                length -= readBytes; 

            if (length != 0) 
                return false;

            return true; 
        /// Write out the downloaded byte ranges to the temp file
        /// Http web response
        /// Offset of the byte range
        /// Length of the byte range
        /// True if it is successfully written out 
        private bool WriteByteRange(HttpWebResponse response, int offset, int length)
            bool result = false; 

            // Get the downloaded stream 
            using (Stream s = response.GetResponseStream())
                if (_buffer == null)
                    _buffer = new byte[WriteBufferSize];
                // mutex available?
                if (_fileMutex != null) 
                    // use it
                        // block until temp file is available
                        result = Write(s, offset, length); 
                    result = Write(s, offset, length); 

            return result; 

        /// Process the requests that are in the wait queue 
        /// This is only called from ResponseCallback which synchronize the call 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) Sets the callback function (ResponseCallback) which is critical 
        /// Safe
        ///  1) Creates new CLR HttWebRequest where HttWebReponse is the caller of
        ///     the callback function
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void ProcessWaitQueue() 
            // There is other requests waiting in the queue; Process those
            if (_requestsOnWait != null && _requestsOnWait.Count > 0) 
                // _byteRangesInProgress is already allocated and can be reused
                _byteRangesInProgress[0,Offset_Index] = (int) _requestsOnWait[Offset_Index];
                _byteRangesInProgress[0,Length_Index] = (int) _requestsOnWait[Length_Index]; 
                _requestsOnWait.RemoveRange(0, 2);
                _webRequest = CreateHttpWebRequest(_byteRangesInProgress); 
                _webRequest.BeginGetResponse(ResponseCallback, this);
                // If there is nothing more to process in the wait queue, clear out
                //  _byteRangesInProgress so that subsequent byte range requests can be made 
                _byteRangesInProgress = null;

        /// Check if the given byte ranges follows correct format
        /// 1) number of items in the array should be even number (It should be one dimensional array consisting pairs
        ///     of offset and length
        /// 2) offset cannot be less than 0 
        /// 3) length cannot be less than equal to 0
        /// Byte ranges to be checked 
        /// True if the byte ranges are in correct format
        static private void CheckOneDimensionalByteRanges(int[] byteRanges) 
            // The byteRanges should never be less; perf optimization
            if (byteRanges.Length < 2 || (byteRanges.Length % 2) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));
            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.Length; i++)
                if (byteRanges[i] < 0 || byteRanges[i+1] <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

        /// Check if the given byte ranges follows correct format
        /// 1) array should consist pairs of offset and length
        /// 2) offset cannot be less than 0
        /// 3) length cannot be less than equal to 0 
        /// Byte ranges to be checked 
        /// True if the byte ranges are in correct format 
        static private void CheckTwoDimensionalByteRanges(int[,] byteRanges)
            if (byteRanges.GetLength(0) <= 0 || byteRanges.GetLength(1) != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i) 
                if (byteRanges[i,Offset_Index] < 0 || byteRanges[i,Length_Index] <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

        /// Check if the some of byte range request is satisfied by the given response 
        /// This method make sure of the following:
        /// 1) It contains Content-Range field 
        /// 2) Content-Range follows the format defined in RFC2616
        ///     a. it should be in the form of "bytes 0-499/1234" or "bytes 0-499/*"
        ///     b. it should not be "bytes */*" or "*/1234"
        ///     c. last-byte-pos must not be less than its first byte pos 
        /// 3) Ignore the response that does not conform to condition #1 and #2
        /// collection of headers returned with WebResponse 
        /// first byte pos the requested byte range
        /// last byte pos the requested byte range 
        /// False if the response contains invalid Content-Range field
        ///         or none of bytes requested is included in the response.
        ///         True if the some bytes of the requested bytes are included in the response.
        static private bool CheckContentRange(WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders, int beginOffset, ref int endOffset) 
            String contentRange = responseHeaders[ContentRangeHeader]; 
            // No Content-Range (condition #1)
            if (contentRange == null) 
                return false;
            contentRange = contentRange.ToUpperInvariant();
            // No Content-Range (condition #1) 
            if (contentRange.Length == 0
                    || !contentRange.StartsWith(ByteRangeUnit, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                return false;
            // ContentRange: BYTES XXX-YYY/ZZZ
            int index = contentRange.IndexOf('-'); 
            if (index == -1)
                return false;

            // Get the first byte offset of the range (XXX) 
            int firstByteOffset = Int32.Parse(contentRange.Substring(ByteRangeUnit.Length,
                                                                        index - ByteRangeUnit.Length), 
                                                NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); 

            contentRange = contentRange.Substring(index + 1); 
            // ContentRange: YYY/ZZZ
            index = contentRange.IndexOf('/');

            if (index == -1) 
                return false; 

            // Get the last byte offset of the range (YYY) 
            int lastByteOffset = Int32.Parse(contentRange.Substring(0, index), NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            // Get the instance length
            // ContentRange: ZZZ 
            contentRange = contentRange.Substring(index + 1);
            if (String.CompareOrdinal(contentRange, "*") != 0) 
                // Note: for firstByteOffset and lastByteOffset, we are using Int32.Parse to make sure Int32.Parse to throw
                //  if it is not an integer or the integer is bigger than Int32 since HttpWebRequest.AddRange 
                //  only supports Int32
                //  Once HttpWebRequest.AddRange start supporting Int64 we should change it to Int64 and long
                Int32.Parse(contentRange, NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            // The response is considered to be successful if 
            //  the last byte offset is greater than the first offset of the response 
            //  and the response range satisfies some or all of the requested range
            //  However, we don't want to deal with the situation where the first byte of the response is not the beginning 
            //  of the requested range
            bool successful = (firstByteOffset <= lastByteOffset
                                    && beginOffset == firstByteOffset);
            // Check if the response didn't satisfy the end part of the requested range
            if (successful && lastByteOffset < endOffset) 
                endOffset = lastByteOffset;

            return successful;
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties 

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private bool _firstRequestMade;
        private bool _disposed; 
        private Object _syncObject = new Object();
        private bool _erroredOut; 
        private Exception _erroredOutException; 

        private Uri _requestedUri;            // url to be downloaded 
        private RequestCachePolicy _cachePolicy;

        /// Critical 
        ///  1) _proxy is Critical because we use it under Unrestricted assert
        private IWebProxy _proxy;
        private ICredentials _credentials; 
        private CookieContainer _cookieContainer = new CookieContainer(1);

        private SafeWaitHandle _eventHandle;    // event handle which needs to be raised to inform the caller that 
                                         //  the requested bytes are available
        private Mutex _fileMutex;       // object controlling synchronization on the temp file - if this is null, we own the stream 
        private System.IO.Stream _tempFileStream;   // stream to write to 

        private ArrayList _byteRangesAvailable = new ArrayList(2); // byte ranges that are downloaded 
        private ArrayList _requestsOnWait;      // List of byte ranges requested need to be processed
        private int[,] _byteRangesInProgress;

        private HttpWebRequest _webRequest; 

        private byte[] _buffer;             // Buffer used for writing out the downloaded bytes to temp file 
        private const int WriteBufferSize = 4096; // Buffer size for writing out to the temp file
        private const int TimeOut = 5000; 
        private const int Offset_Index = 0;
        private const int Length_Index = 1;

        private const String ByteRangeUnit = "BYTES "; 
        private const String ContentRangeHeader = "Content-Range";
        #endregion Private Fields 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#if DEBUG 
#define TRACE
// File: ByteRangeDownloader.cs
// Description: 
// Downloader for downloading resources from the Internet in byte ranges using .NET
//  web requests. This class is used by ByteWrapper (unmanaged code) to make additional 
//  web requests other than through WININET
// History:
//  03/20/2003 - younggk    Created 
//  06/30/2003 - younggk    Ported to WCP tree
//  10/25/2003 - brucemac   Introduced FileMutex to enable safe shared access to the temp file 
// Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;              // For Win32Exception
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;        // For IsolatedStorage temp file 
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Cache;                     // For RequestCachePolicy
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;   // For Marshal
using System.Security;                  // SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe 
using System.Threading;                  // For Mutex
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; 
using System.Security.Permissions;      // for WebPermission
namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging
    /// Downloader for byte range requests 
    // Consider (younggk 05/15/2003): For now, we will only process one batch of requests at a time. We will most likely 
    //  want to spin multiple threads and do multiple batches at a time in the future 
    internal class ByteRangeDownloader : IDisposable 
        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader - for UrlMon usage
        /// event to signal when new data is available in tempStream 
        /// uri we should make requests to
        /// temp file to write to 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle 
        internal ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, string tempFileName, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle)
            : this(requestedUri, eventHandle) 
            if (tempFileName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tempFileName");

            if (tempFileName.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidTempFileName), "tempFileName"); 
            _tempFileStream = File.Open(tempFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); 
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader - used by NetStream who owns the tempStream
        /// event to signal when new data is available in tempStream 
        /// mutex to synchronize access to tempStream
        /// uri we should make requests to 
        /// stream to write data to 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle
        internal ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, Stream tempStream, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle, Mutex fileMutex) 
            : this(requestedUri, eventHandle)
            Debug.Assert(fileMutex != null, "FileMutex must be a valid mutex"); 
            Debug.Assert(tempStream != null, "ByteRangeDownloader requires a stream to write to");
            _tempFileStream = tempStream; 
            _fileMutex = fileMutex;

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Interfaces

        #region IDisposable
        public void Dispose()
            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);  // not strictly necessary, but if we ever have a subclass with a finalizer, this will be more efficient

        /// Critical
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _readEventHandle 
        ///  2) modifies Critical data _proxy
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) _eventHandle is Critical for set but we are just nulling it out for dispose 
        ///  2) _proxy is Critical for set but safe to null for dispose
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing) 
                lock (_syncObject) 
                    if (!_disposed)
                            // if there is no mutex, then we own the stream and we should close it
                            if (FileMutex == null && _tempFileStream != null) 
                            _requestedUri = null;
                            _byteRangesInProgress = null;
                            _requestsOnWait = null; 
                            _byteRangesAvailable = null;
                            _tempFileStream = null; 
                            _eventHandle = null; 
                            _proxy = null;
                            _credentials = null; 
                            _cachePolicy = null;
                            _disposed = true;

        #endregion IDisposable 

        //  Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods
        /// Get the byte ranges that are downloaded
        /// byte ranges that are downloaded; byteRanges is one dimensional 
        /// array consisting pairs of offset and length
        internal int[,] GetDownloadedByteRanges() 
            int[,] byteRanges = null;
            // The worker thread will never call dispose nor this method; no need lock

            lock (_syncObject) 
                int rangeCount = _byteRangesAvailable.Count / 2;
                // The worker thread will update the bytes downloaded; need to lock
                byteRanges = new int[rangeCount, 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < rangeCount; ++i)
                    byteRanges[i, Offset_Index] = (int)_byteRangesAvailable[(i * 2) + Offset_Index];
                    byteRanges[i, Length_Index] = (int)_byteRangesAvailable[(i * 2) + Length_Index]; 

            return byteRanges;
        /// Make byte range request 
        /// byte ranges to be downloaded; byteRanges is two dimensional
        /// array consisting pairs of offset and length 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) Sets the callback function (ResponseCallback) which is critical
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) Creates new CLR HttWebRequest where HttWebReponse is the caller of
        ///     the callback function 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void RequestByteRanges(int[,] byteRanges) 
            // The worker thread will never call dispose nor this method; no need to lock
            if (byteRanges == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("byteRanges"); 

            // When multiple byte ranges are requested through one HttpWebRequest, the current HttpWebResponse
            // returns a stream with headers which has to be manually parsed. At this point, we decided to 
            // make only one byte range request at a time
            // At this point, none of the callers of this class will make more than one range 
            //  So, we will assert if more than one byte range request is made
            Debug.Assert(byteRanges.GetLength(0) == 1, "We don't support a request with multiple byte ranges"); 

            _firstRequestMade = true;

            // If there is no request in progress, start the request process; otherwise put it in the wait queue 
            lock (_syncObject)

                // _byteRangeInprogress can be cleared out from the worker thread and this method can be called 
                //  from the caller thread; need to lock
                if (_byteRangesInProgress == null)
                    _webRequest = CreateHttpWebRequest(byteRanges); 
                    _byteRangesInProgress = byteRanges;
                    _webRequest.BeginGetResponse(ResponseCallback, this); 
                else    // cannot make request yet, put the request in the wait queue
                    // Lazy Init
                    if (_requestsOnWait == null)
                        // there are currently only ever two of these (one pair) 
                        // so optimize
                        _requestsOnWait = new ArrayList(2); 

                    for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i) 
                        // Add requests to the wait queue
                        _requestsOnWait.Add((int) byteRanges[i, Offset_Index]);
                        _requestsOnWait.Add((int) byteRanges[i, Length_Index]); 
        /// Convert bytes ranges from one dimensional array (pairs of offset and length)
        /// to two dimensional array
        /// byteRanges in one dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        /// byteRanges in two dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length 
        static internal int[,] ConvertByteRanges(int[] inByteRanges) 

            int[,] outByteRanges = new int[(inByteRanges.Length / 2),2];

            for (int i=0, j=0; i < inByteRanges.Length; ++i, ++j) 
                outByteRanges[j,Offset_Index] = inByteRanges[i]; 
                outByteRanges[j,Length_Index] = inByteRanges[i+1]; 


            return outByteRanges;

        /// Convert bytes ranges from two dimensional array (paris of offiset and length) 
        /// to one dimensional array
        /// byteRanges in two dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        /// byteRanges in one dimensional array consisting pairs of offset and length
        static internal int[] ConvertByteRanges(int[,] inByteRanges)
            // Normallly we will check the input from the caller
            //  but in our scenario, the two dimensional array is always generated by ByteRangeDownloader 
            //  No need to check 

            int[] outByteRanges = new int[inByteRanges.Length];
            for (int i=0, j=0; i < inByteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i, ++j)
                outByteRanges[j] = inByteRanges[i, Offset_Index]; 
                outByteRanges[++j] = inByteRanges[i, Length_Index];

            return outByteRanges;
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// Proxy for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) accesses Critical member _proxy
        internal IWebProxy Proxy 
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

                if (!_firstRequestMade) 
                    _proxy = value;
                else    // Once first request is made it cannot change
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RequestAlreadyStarted));
        /// Authentication information for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader 
        internal ICredentials Credentials
                _credentials = value; 

        /// Cache Policy for all requests to ByteRangeDownloader
        internal RequestCachePolicy CachePolicy
                if (!_firstRequestMade)
                    _cachePolicy = value;
                else    // Once first request is made it cannot cahnge
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RequestAlreadyStarted)); 

        /// OS synchronization object use to synchronize access to the temp file - if null, no [....] is needed 
        internal Mutex FileMutex 
                return _fileMutex;

        /// Returns true if any request errored out 
        internal bool ErroredOut 

                lock (_syncObject) 
                    return _erroredOut;

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Private Classes

        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 

        /// Check if the object is disposed
        /// this._disposed is not changed by a thread while another thread is calling this function
        private void CheckDisposed() 
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeDownloaderDisposed));
        /// Constructor for ByteRangeDownloader 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical data _eventHandle
        private ByteRangeDownloader(Uri requestedUri, SafeWaitHandle eventHandle) 
            if (requestedUri == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestedUri");

            // Ensure uri is correct scheme (http or https) Do case-sensitive comparison since Uri.Scheme contract is to return in lower case only.
            if (String.Compare(requestedUri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttp, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0
                    && String.Compare(requestedUri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttps, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidScheme), "requestedUri"); 

            if (eventHandle == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventHandle");
            if (eventHandle.IsInvalid || eventHandle.IsClosed)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidEventHandle), "eventHandle"); 
            _requestedUri = requestedUri;
            _eventHandle = eventHandle;
        /// Check if it has been errored out from the worker thread and re-throw the exception that was 
        /// thrown from the worker thread 
        /// No need to lock in this function since the caller always locks before making this call 
        private void CheckErroredOutCondition()
            if (_erroredOut)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeDownloaderErroredOut), _erroredOutException);

        /// Download the requested bytes
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) local assert of WebPermission to access get_Proxy property
        ///  2) accesses Critical member _proxy 
        /// Safe 
        ///  1) WebPermission assert is local and needed only to synchronize two WebRequest properties
        ///  2) Safe use of Critical member _proxy - used only to ensure that multiple WebRequests 
        ///     share the same proxy settings.  Proxy member is known safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private HttpWebRequest CreateHttpWebRequest(int[,] byteRanges) 
            HttpWebRequest request; 
            // Create the request object
            request = (HttpWebRequest)WpfWebRequestHelper.CreateRequest(_requestedUri); 
            request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
            request.Method = "GET";

            // Set the Proxy to Empty one; If we don't set this to empty one, it will try to find one for us 
            //  and ends up triggering JScript in another assembly. This will throw PolicyException since the JScript
            //  dll doesn't have execution right. This is bug in CLR; supposed to be fixed later 
            // ToDo (younggk 05/15/2003): Need to keep consistent HTTP stack with the WININET one (e.g. authentication, proxy, cookies) 
//            IWebProxy emptyProxy = GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
//            request.Proxy = emptyProxy; 

            // Local assert to allow Proxy get/set under partial trust
            new WebPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();   // Blessed
                request.Proxy = _proxy; 

            request.Credentials = _credentials; 
            request.CachePolicy = _cachePolicy;
            // Add byte ranges (to header) 
            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i)
                                 byteRanges[i,Offset_Index] + byteRanges[i,Length_Index] - 1);
            return request;
        /// Raise Win32 events informing a client that the requested bytes are available or it errored out 
        /// indicates if an exception to be thrown on fail to set event
        /// Critical
        ///  1) This method calls into SetEvent which is critical marked SUC 
        ///  2) It accesses Critical data _eventHandle 
        private void RaiseEvent(bool throwExceptionOnError)
            if (_eventHandle != null && !_eventHandle.IsInvalid && !_eventHandle.IsClosed)
                if (MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.SetEvent(_eventHandle) == 0)
                    if (throwExceptionOnError) 
                        throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); 

        /// ResponseCallBack 
        /// async result 
        /// static method not necessary
        /// Critical
        ///  1) It calls RaiseEvent which is critical 
        private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar) 
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = null; 

            lock (_syncObject)
                    if (_disposed) 

                    // The caller thread can dispose this class and the worker thread need to check the disposed
                    //  condition; need to lock
                    // If disposed, there is nothing to handle 
                    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)WpfWebRequestHelper.EndGetResponse(_webRequest, ar);
                    // If it is not partial content, no need to look further 
                    if (webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
                        // Check for few conditions
                        // Get the header and make sure that it was indeed the byte range response
                        int beginOffset = _byteRangesInProgress[0, Offset_Index]; 
                        int endOffset = beginOffset+ _byteRangesInProgress[0,Length_Index] - 1; 

                        // HttpWebRequest in the current CLR does not allow multiple byte range requests. 
                        // At this point, none of the callers of this class will make more than one range at a time
                        //  So, we should not receive any response with more than one range returned

                        // When multiple byte ranges requests are support in HttpWebRequest eventually, 
                        // there is a question on how to handle multipart response (Content-Type=multipart/byteranges)
                        // At this point we only need to handle one byte range response (Content-Range header) only 
                        // Request was successful
                        // Note: endOffset could be trimmed offset in the case where the response didn't 
                        //  satisfy the entire request
                        if (CheckContentRange(webResponse.Headers, beginOffset, ref endOffset))
                            // Write out the bytes to the temp file 
                            if (WriteByteRange(webResponse, beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset + 1))
                                // The range is downloaded successfully; add it to the list 
                                _byteRangesAvailable.Add(endOffset - beginOffset + 1); 
                                _erroredOut = true;
                            _erroredOut = true; 
                            _erroredOutException = new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeRequestIsNotSupported));
                        _erroredOut = true; 
                catch (Exception e)  // catch (and re-throw) exceptions so we can inform the other thread 
                    _erroredOut = true; 
                    _erroredOutException = e;

                    throw e;
                catch   // catch (and re-throw) all kinds of exceptions so we can inform the other thread
                    // inform other thread of error condition 
                    _erroredOut= true;
                    _erroredOutException = null; 

                    if (webResponse != null) 

                    // bytes requested are downloaded or errored out
                    //  inform the caller that these ranges are available
                // If we haven't errored out already, process the next batch 
                if (!_erroredOut)

        /// Shared code for mutex and non-mutex to call 
        private bool Write(Stream s, int offset, int length) 
            int readBytes;

            // Process the data chunk at a time (Size of the data that can be processed one time is WriteBufferSize) 
            _tempFileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            while (length > 0) 
                // Read in the data into the buffer
                readBytes = s.Read(_buffer, 0, WriteBufferSize); 
                if (readBytes == 0)

                // Write it out 
                _tempFileStream.Write(_buffer, 0, readBytes);
                length -= readBytes; 

            if (length != 0) 
                return false;

            return true; 
        /// Write out the downloaded byte ranges to the temp file
        /// Http web response
        /// Offset of the byte range
        /// Length of the byte range
        /// True if it is successfully written out 
        private bool WriteByteRange(HttpWebResponse response, int offset, int length)
            bool result = false; 

            // Get the downloaded stream 
            using (Stream s = response.GetResponseStream())
                if (_buffer == null)
                    _buffer = new byte[WriteBufferSize];
                // mutex available?
                if (_fileMutex != null) 
                    // use it
                        // block until temp file is available
                        result = Write(s, offset, length); 
                    result = Write(s, offset, length); 

            return result; 

        /// Process the requests that are in the wait queue 
        /// This is only called from ResponseCallback which synchronize the call 
        /// Critical
        ///  1) Sets the callback function (ResponseCallback) which is critical 
        /// Safe
        ///  1) Creates new CLR HttWebRequest where HttWebReponse is the caller of
        ///     the callback function
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void ProcessWaitQueue() 
            // There is other requests waiting in the queue; Process those
            if (_requestsOnWait != null && _requestsOnWait.Count > 0) 
                // _byteRangesInProgress is already allocated and can be reused
                _byteRangesInProgress[0,Offset_Index] = (int) _requestsOnWait[Offset_Index];
                _byteRangesInProgress[0,Length_Index] = (int) _requestsOnWait[Length_Index]; 
                _requestsOnWait.RemoveRange(0, 2);
                _webRequest = CreateHttpWebRequest(_byteRangesInProgress); 
                _webRequest.BeginGetResponse(ResponseCallback, this);
                // If there is nothing more to process in the wait queue, clear out
                //  _byteRangesInProgress so that subsequent byte range requests can be made 
                _byteRangesInProgress = null;

        /// Check if the given byte ranges follows correct format
        /// 1) number of items in the array should be even number (It should be one dimensional array consisting pairs
        ///     of offset and length
        /// 2) offset cannot be less than 0 
        /// 3) length cannot be less than equal to 0
        /// Byte ranges to be checked 
        /// True if the byte ranges are in correct format
        static private void CheckOneDimensionalByteRanges(int[] byteRanges) 
            // The byteRanges should never be less; perf optimization
            if (byteRanges.Length < 2 || (byteRanges.Length % 2) != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));
            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.Length; i++)
                if (byteRanges[i] < 0 || byteRanges[i+1] <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

        /// Check if the given byte ranges follows correct format
        /// 1) array should consist pairs of offset and length
        /// 2) offset cannot be less than 0
        /// 3) length cannot be less than equal to 0 
        /// Byte ranges to be checked 
        /// True if the byte ranges are in correct format 
        static private void CheckTwoDimensionalByteRanges(int[,] byteRanges)
            if (byteRanges.GetLength(0) <= 0 || byteRanges.GetLength(1) != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

            for (int i = 0; i < byteRanges.GetLength(0); ++i) 
                if (byteRanges[i,Offset_Index] < 0 || byteRanges[i,Length_Index] <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidByteRanges, "byteRanges"));

        /// Check if the some of byte range request is satisfied by the given response 
        /// This method make sure of the following:
        /// 1) It contains Content-Range field 
        /// 2) Content-Range follows the format defined in RFC2616
        ///     a. it should be in the form of "bytes 0-499/1234" or "bytes 0-499/*"
        ///     b. it should not be "bytes */*" or "*/1234"
        ///     c. last-byte-pos must not be less than its first byte pos 
        /// 3) Ignore the response that does not conform to condition #1 and #2
        /// collection of headers returned with WebResponse 
        /// first byte pos the requested byte range
        /// last byte pos the requested byte range 
        /// False if the response contains invalid Content-Range field
        ///         or none of bytes requested is included in the response.
        ///         True if the some bytes of the requested bytes are included in the response.
        static private bool CheckContentRange(WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders, int beginOffset, ref int endOffset) 
            String contentRange = responseHeaders[ContentRangeHeader]; 
            // No Content-Range (condition #1)
            if (contentRange == null) 
                return false;
            contentRange = contentRange.ToUpperInvariant();
            // No Content-Range (condition #1) 
            if (contentRange.Length == 0
                    || !contentRange.StartsWith(ByteRangeUnit, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                return false;
            // ContentRange: BYTES XXX-YYY/ZZZ
            int index = contentRange.IndexOf('-'); 
            if (index == -1)
                return false;

            // Get the first byte offset of the range (XXX) 
            int firstByteOffset = Int32.Parse(contentRange.Substring(ByteRangeUnit.Length,
                                                                        index - ByteRangeUnit.Length), 
                                                NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); 

            contentRange = contentRange.Substring(index + 1); 
            // ContentRange: YYY/ZZZ
            index = contentRange.IndexOf('/');

            if (index == -1) 
                return false; 

            // Get the last byte offset of the range (YYY) 
            int lastByteOffset = Int32.Parse(contentRange.Substring(0, index), NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            // Get the instance length
            // ContentRange: ZZZ 
            contentRange = contentRange.Substring(index + 1);
            if (String.CompareOrdinal(contentRange, "*") != 0) 
                // Note: for firstByteOffset and lastByteOffset, we are using Int32.Parse to make sure Int32.Parse to throw
                //  if it is not an integer or the integer is bigger than Int32 since HttpWebRequest.AddRange 
                //  only supports Int32
                //  Once HttpWebRequest.AddRange start supporting Int64 we should change it to Int64 and long
                Int32.Parse(contentRange, NumberStyles.None, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            // The response is considered to be successful if 
            //  the last byte offset is greater than the first offset of the response 
            //  and the response range satisfies some or all of the requested range
            //  However, we don't want to deal with the situation where the first byte of the response is not the beginning 
            //  of the requested range
            bool successful = (firstByteOffset <= lastByteOffset
                                    && beginOffset == firstByteOffset);
            // Check if the response didn't satisfy the end part of the requested range
            if (successful && lastByteOffset < endOffset) 
                endOffset = lastByteOffset;

            return successful;
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties 

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private bool _firstRequestMade;
        private bool _disposed; 
        private Object _syncObject = new Object();
        private bool _erroredOut; 
        private Exception _erroredOutException; 

        private Uri _requestedUri;            // url to be downloaded 
        private RequestCachePolicy _cachePolicy;

        /// Critical 
        ///  1) _proxy is Critical because we use it under Unrestricted assert
        private IWebProxy _proxy;
        private ICredentials _credentials; 
        private CookieContainer _cookieContainer = new CookieContainer(1);

        private SafeWaitHandle _eventHandle;    // event handle which needs to be raised to inform the caller that 
                                         //  the requested bytes are available
        private Mutex _fileMutex;       // object controlling synchronization on the temp file - if this is null, we own the stream 
        private System.IO.Stream _tempFileStream;   // stream to write to 

        private ArrayList _byteRangesAvailable = new ArrayList(2); // byte ranges that are downloaded 
        private ArrayList _requestsOnWait;      // List of byte ranges requested need to be processed
        private int[,] _byteRangesInProgress;

        private HttpWebRequest _webRequest; 

        private byte[] _buffer;             // Buffer used for writing out the downloaded bytes to temp file 
        private const int WriteBufferSize = 4096; // Buffer size for writing out to the temp file
        private const int TimeOut = 5000; 
        private const int Offset_Index = 0;
        private const int Length_Index = 1;

        private const String ByteRangeUnit = "BYTES "; 
        private const String ContentRangeHeader = "Content-Range";
        #endregion Private Fields 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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