VirtualizingStackPanel.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Controls / VirtualizingStackPanel.cs / 1 / VirtualizingStackPanel.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

//#define Profiling 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Controls; 
using MS.Utility;

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace System.Windows.Controls
    /// VirtualizingStackPanel is used to arrange children into single line.
    public class VirtualizingStackPanel : VirtualizingPanel, IScrollInfo
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        /// Default constructor.
        public VirtualizingStackPanel()

        static VirtualizingStackPanel() 
            lock (DependencyProperty.Synchronized)
                _desiredSizeStorageIndex = DependencyProperty.GetUniqueGlobalIndex(null, null); 

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods
        //  IScrollInfo Methods
        #region IScrollInfo Methods 

        ///     Scroll content by one line to the top. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means. 
        public virtual void LineUp()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one line to the bottom.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineDown()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));
        ///     Scroll content by one line to the left. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineLeft() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 

        ///     Scroll content by one line to the right.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineRight()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the top.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageUp() 
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ViewportHeight);

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the bottom.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means.
        public virtual void PageDown() 
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ViewportHeight); 

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the left. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageLeft()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ViewportWidth);

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the right.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageRight() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ViewportWidth);
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the top. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelUp()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the bottom. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment. 
        public virtual void MouseWheelDown()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the left.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelLeft()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - 3.0 * ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the right. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelRight() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + 3.0 * ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 

        /// Set the HorizontalOffset to the passed value.
        public void SetHorizontalOffset(double offset)
            double scrollX = ScrollContentPresenter.ValidateInputOffset(offset, "HorizontalOffset"); 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollX, _scrollData._offset.X))
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._offset;

                // Store the new offset
                _scrollData._offset.X = scrollX; 

                // Report the change in offset 
                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, _scrollData._offset); 


        /// Set the VerticalOffset to the passed value.
        public void SetVerticalOffset(double offset) 

            double scrollY = ScrollContentPresenter.ValidateInputOffset(offset, "VerticalOffset");
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollY, _scrollData._offset.Y))
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._offset;
                // Store the new offset 
                _scrollData._offset.Y = scrollY;
                // Report the change in offset
                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, _scrollData._offset);

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel implementation of . 
        // The goal is to change offsets to bring the child into view, and return a rectangle in our space to make visible.
        // The rectangle we return is in the physical dimension the input target rect transformed into our pace.
        // In the logical dimension, it is our immediate child's rect. 
        // Note: This code presently assumes we/children are layout clean.  See work item 22269 for more detail.
        public Rect MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle) 
            Vector newOffset = new Vector();
            Rect newRect = new Rect(); 
            Rect originalRect = rectangle;
            bool isHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);

            // We can only work on visuals that are us or children. 
            // An empty rect has no size or position.  We can't meaningfully use it.
            if (    rectangle.IsEmpty 
                || visual == null 
                || visual == (Visual)this
                ||  !this.IsAncestorOf(visual)) 
                return Rect.Empty;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
#pragma warning disable 56506 
            // Compute the child's rect relative to (0,0) in our coordinate space. 
            // This is a false positive by PreSharp. visual cannot be null because of the 'if' check above
            GeneralTransform childTransform = visual.TransformToAncestor(this); 
#pragma warning restore 56506
#pragma warning restore 1634, 1691
            rectangle = childTransform.TransformBounds(rectangle);
            // We can't do any work unless we're scrolling.
            if (!IsScrolling) 
                return rectangle;

            // Make ourselves visible in the non-stacking direction
            MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect, !isHorizontal);
            if (IsPixelBased)
                MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect, isHorizontal); 
                // Bring our child containing the visual into view.
                // For non-pixel based scrolling the offset is in logical units in the stacking direction
                // and physical units in the other. Hence the logical helper call here. 
                int childIndex = FindChildIndexThatParentsVisual(visual);
                MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(childIndex, rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect); 

            // We have computed the scrolling offsets; validate and scroll to them. 
            newOffset.X = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(newOffset.X, _scrollData._extent.Width, _scrollData._viewport.Width);
            newOffset.Y = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(newOffset.Y, _scrollData._extent.Height, _scrollData._viewport.Height);

            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(newOffset, _scrollData._offset)) 
                Vector oldOffset = _scrollData._offset; 
                _scrollData._offset = newOffset; 

                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldOffset, newOffset); 

                if (ScrollOwner != null) 
                    // When layout gets updated it may happen that visual is obscured by a ScrollBar 
                    // We call MakeVisible again to make sure element is visible in this case 
                    ScrollOwner.MakeVisible(visual, originalRect);

                _bringIntoViewContainer = null;
            // Return the rectangle
            return newRect; 

        /// Generates the item at the specified index and calls BringIntoView on it.
        /// Specify the item index that should become visible
        /// Thrown if index is out of range
        protected internal override void BringIndexIntoView(int index) 
            if (index < 0 || index >= ItemCount) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;
            int childIndex; 
            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            GeneratorPosition position = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(index, out childIndex); 
            using (generator.StartAt(position, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                bool newlyRealized; 
                UIElement child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement;
                if (child != null)
                    visualOrderChanged = AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized);
                    if (visualOrderChanged) 
                        Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "We should only modify the visual order when in recycling mode"); 

                    FrameworkElement element = child as FrameworkElement; 
                    if (element != null)
                        _bringIntoViewContainer = element;

        //  Public Properties

        #region Public Properties 
        /// Specifies dimension of children stacking. 
        public Orientation Orientation
            get { return (Orientation) GetValue(OrientationProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(OrientationProperty, value); }
        /// This property is always true because this panel has vertical or horizontal orientation 
        protected internal override bool HasLogicalOrientation
            get { return true; } 
        ///     Orientation of the panel if its layout is in one dimension.
        /// Otherwise HasLogicalOrientation is false and LogicalOrientation should be ignored 
        protected internal override Orientation LogicalOrientation
            get { return this.Orientation; } 
        /// DependencyProperty for  property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrientationProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("Orientation", typeof(Orientation), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Orientation.Vertical,
                        new PropertyChangedCallback(OnOrientationChanged)),
                new ValidateValueCallback(ScrollBar.IsValidOrientation)); 
        ///     Attached property for use on the ItemsControl that is the host for the items being 
        ///     presented by this panel. Use this property to turn virtualization on/off.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsVirtualizingProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsVirtualizing", typeof(bool), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel), 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
        ///     Retrieves the value for .
        /// The object on which to query the value.
        /// True if virtualizing, false otherwise.
        public static bool GetIsVirtualizing(DependencyObject o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o"); 
            return (bool)o.GetValue(IsVirtualizingProperty);

        ///     Sets the value for .
        /// The element on which to set the value. 
        /// True if virtualizing, false otherwise.
        public static void SetIsVirtualizing(DependencyObject element, bool value) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); 
            element.SetValue(IsVirtualizingProperty, value); 

        ///     Attached property for use on the ItemsControl that is the host for the items being 
        ///     presented by this panel. Use this property to modify the virtualization mode.
        ///     Note that this property can only be set before the panel has been initialized 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty VirtualizationModeProperty = 
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VirtualizationMode", typeof(VirtualizationMode), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(VirtualizationMode.Standard));

        ///     Retrieves the value for .
        /// The object on which to query the value. 
        /// The current virtualization mode.
        public static VirtualizationMode GetVirtualizationMode(DependencyObject element) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); 
            return (VirtualizationMode)element.GetValue(VirtualizationModeProperty); 
        ///     Sets the value for .
        /// The element on which to set the value. 
        /// The desired virtualization mode.
        public static void SetVirtualizationMode(DependencyObject element, VirtualizationMode value) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            element.SetValue(VirtualizationModeProperty, value); 
        //  IScrollInfo Properties 
        #region IScrollInfo Properties

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel reacts to this property by changing its child measurement algorithm.
        /// If scrolling in a dimension, infinite space is allowed the child; otherwise, available size is preserved. 
        public bool CanHorizontallyScroll 
                if (_scrollData == null) { return false; } 
                return _scrollData._allowHorizontal;
                if (_scrollData._allowHorizontal != value)
                    _scrollData._allowHorizontal = value;

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel reacts to this property by changing its child measurement algorithm.
        /// If scrolling in a dimension, infinite space is allowed the child; otherwise, available size is preserved.
        public bool CanVerticallyScroll
                if (_scrollData == null) { return false; } 
                return _scrollData._allowVertical;
                if (_scrollData._allowVertical != value) 
                    _scrollData._allowVertical = value;
        /// ExtentWidth contains the horizontal size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" 
        public double ExtentWidth
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._extent.Width; 
        /// ExtentHeight contains the vertical size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" 
        public double ExtentHeight
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._extent.Height; 

        /// ViewportWidth contains the horizontal size of content's visible range in 1/96"
        public double ViewportWidth
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._viewport.Width;
        /// ViewportHeight contains the vertical size of content's visible range in 1/96" 
        public double ViewportHeight
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._viewport.Height; 
        /// HorizontalOffset is the horizontal offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". 
        public double HorizontalOffset
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._computedOffset.X;

        /// VerticalOffset is the vertical offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". 
        public double VerticalOffset 
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
        /// ScrollOwner is the container that controls any scrollbars, headers, etc... that are dependant
        /// on this IScrollInfo's properties. 
        public ScrollViewer ScrollOwner
                return _scrollData._scrollOwner;
                if (value != _scrollData._scrollOwner) 
                    _scrollData._scrollOwner = value; 

        #endregion IScrollInfo Properties
        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Public Events 

        #region Public Events
        ///     Called on the ItemsControl that owns this panel when an item is being re-virtualized.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel));

        ///     Adds a handler for the CleanUpVirtualizedItem attached event
        /// DependencyObject that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddCleanUpVirtualizedItemHandler(DependencyObject element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler handler) 
            FrameworkElement.AddHandler(element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the CleanUpVirtualizedItem attached event 
        /// DependencyObject that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemoveCleanUpVirtualizedItemHandler(DependencyObject element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler handler)
            FrameworkElement.RemoveHandler(element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent, handler);

        ///     Called when an item is being re-virtualized. 
        protected virtual void OnCleanUpVirtualizedItem(CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs e) 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);

            if (itemsControl != null) 

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods 

        /// General VirtualizingStackPanel layout behavior is to grow unbounded in the "stacking" direction (Size To Content).
        /// Children in this dimension are encouraged to be as large as they like.  In the other dimension, 
        /// VirtualizingStackPanel will assume the maximum size of its children.
        /// When scrolling, VirtualizingStackPanel will not grow in layout size but effectively add the children on a z-plane which
        /// will probably be clipped by some parent (typically a ScrollContentPresenter) to Stack's size. 
        /// Constraint
        /// Desired size
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
#if Profiling 
            if (Panel.IsAboutToGenerateContent(this)) 
                return MeasureOverrideProfileStub(constraint);
                return RealMeasureOverride(constraint);

        // this is a handy place to start/stop profiling 
        private Size MeasureOverrideProfileStub(Size constraint)
            return RealMeasureOverride(constraint); 
        private Size RealMeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            bool etwTracingEnabled = IsScrolling && EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.normal); 
            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :MeasureOverride"); 
            Debug.Assert(MeasureData == null || constraint == MeasureData.AvailableSize, "MeasureData needs to be passed down in [....] with size");

            MeasureData measureData = MeasureData;
            Size stackDesiredSize = new Size(); 
            Size layoutSlotSize = constraint;
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal); 
            int firstViewport;                              // First child index in the viewport. 
            double firstItemOffset;                         // Offset of the top of the first child relative to the top of the viewport.
            double virtualizedItemsSize = 0d;               // Amount that virtualized children contribute to the desired size in the stacking direction 
            int lastViewport = -1;                          // Last child index in the viewport.  -1 indicates we have not yet iterated through the last child.
            double logicalVisibleSpace, childLogicalSize;
            Rect originalViewport = Rect.Empty;             // Only used if this is the scrolling panel.  Saves off the given viewport for scroll computations.
            // Collect information from the ItemsControl, if there is one.
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 
            int itemCount = (itemsControl != null) ? itemsControl.Items.Count : 0; 
            SetVirtualizationState(itemsControl, /* hasMeasureData = */ measureData != null && measureData.HasViewport);
            IList children = RealizedChildren;  // yes, this is weird, but this property ensures the Generator is properly initialized.
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

            // Adjust the viewport 
            if (IsPixelBased)
                if (IsScrolling) 
                    // We're the top level scrolling panel.  Set the viewport and extend it to add a focus trail
                    originalViewport = new Rect(_scrollData._offset.X, _scrollData._offset.Y, constraint.Width, constraint.Height);
                    measureData = new MeasureData(constraint, originalViewport);
                    // The way we have a focus trail when pixel-based is to artificially extend the viewport.  All calculations are done
                    // with this 'artificial' viewport with the exception of the scroll offset, extent, etc. 
                    measureData = AddFocusTrail(measureData, fHorizontal); 
                    Debug.Assert(!object.ReferenceEquals(originalViewport, measureData.Viewport), "original viewport should not have a focus trail");
                    measureData = AdjustViewportOffset(measureData, itemsControl, fHorizontal);
                    Debug.Assert(!object.ReferenceEquals(MeasureData, measureData), "The value set in the MeasureData property should not be modified"); 

            // Initialize child sizing and iterator data
            // Allow children as much size as they want along the stack.
            if (fHorizontal) 
                layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; 
                if (IsScrolling && CanVerticallyScroll) { layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; } 
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Width;
                layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (IsScrolling && CanHorizontallyScroll) { layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; } 
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Height;
            // Compute index of first item in the viewport
            firstViewport = ComputeIndexOfFirstVisibleItem(measureData, itemsControl, fHorizontal, out firstItemOffset); 

            if (IsPixelBased)
                // Acount for the size of items that won't be generated 
                Debug.Assert(stackDesiredSize.Width == 0 && stackDesiredSize.Height == 0, "stack desired size must be 0 for virtualizedItemsSize to work");
                stackDesiredSize = ExtendDesiredSize(itemsControl, stackDesiredSize, firstViewport, /*before = */ true, fHorizontal); 
                virtualizedItemsSize = fHorizontal ? stackDesiredSize.Width : stackDesiredSize.Height;

            // If recycling clean up before generating children.
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                CleanupContainers(firstViewport, itemsControl);

            // Figure out the position of the first visible item 
            GeneratorPosition startPos = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(IsVirtualizing ? firstViewport : 0, out _firstVisibleChildIndex); 
            int childIndex = _firstVisibleChildIndex; 

            // Main loop: generate and measure all children (or all visible children if virtualizing).
            bool ranOutOfItems = true;
            bool visualOrderChanged = false; 
            _visibleCount = 0;
            if (itemCount > 0) 
                _afterTrail = 0;
                using (generator.StartAt(startPos, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                    for (int i = IsVirtualizing ? firstViewport : 0, count = itemCount; i < count; ++i)
                        // Get next child. 
                        bool newlyRealized;
                        UIElement child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement; 
                        if (child == null)
                            Debug.Assert(!newlyRealized, "The generator realized a null value.");

                            // We reached the end of the items (because of a group)
                        visualOrderChanged |= AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized); 


                        if (IsPixelBased)
                            // Pass along MeasureData so it continues down the tree.
                            child.MeasureData = CreateChildMeasureData(measureData, layoutSlotSize, stackDesiredSize, fHorizontal); 

                        Size childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize; 

                        if (childDesiredSize != child.DesiredSize)
                            childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize;
                            // Reset the _maxDesiredSize cache if child DesiredSize changes 
                            if (_scrollData != null)
                                _scrollData._maxDesiredSize = new Size(); 

                        // Accumulate child size. 
                        if (fHorizontal)
                            stackDesiredSize.Width += childDesiredSize.Width; 
                            stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, childDesiredSize.Height);
                            childLogicalSize = childDesiredSize.Width; 
                            stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width); 
                            stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height;
                            childLogicalSize = childDesiredSize.Height; 


                        // Adjust remaining viewport space if we are scrolling and within the viewport region.
                        // While scrolling (not virtualizing), we always measure children before and after the viewport.
                        if (IsScrolling && lastViewport == -1 && i >= firstViewport) 
                            logicalVisibleSpace -= childLogicalSize; 
                            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) 
                                lastViewport = i; 

                        // When under a viewport, virtualizing and at or beyond the first element, stop creating elements when out of space.
                        if (IsVirtualizing && (i >= firstViewport)) 
                            double viewportSize;
                            double totalGenerated; 

                            // Decide if the end of the item is outside the viewport.
                            // StackDesiredSize, with some adjustment, is a measure of exactly how much viewport space we have used.
                            // StackDesiredSize is the sum of all generated children (starting with the first visible item).  The first 
                            // visible item doesn't always start at the top of the viewport, so we have to adjust by the firstItemoffset.
                            // When pixel-based we add the sum of all virtualized children to the stackDesiredSize; this has to be removed as well.
                            Debug.Assert(IsPixelBased || virtualizedItemsSize == 0d);
                            if (fHorizontal)
                                viewportSize = IsPixelBased ? measureData.Viewport.Width : constraint.Width; 
                                totalGenerated = stackDesiredSize.Width - virtualizedItemsSize + firstItemOffset;
                                viewportSize = IsPixelBased ? measureData.Viewport.Height : constraint.Height; 
                                totalGenerated = stackDesiredSize.Height - virtualizedItemsSize + firstItemOffset;

                            if (totalGenerated > viewportSize) 
                                // The end of this child is outside the viewport.  Check if we want to generate some more.

                                if (IsPixelBased) 
                                    // For pixel-based virtualization (specifically TreeView virtualization) we deal with 
                                    // the after trail later, since it has to function hierarchically. 
                                    // We want to keep a focusable item after the end so that keyboard navigation
                                    // can work, but we want to limit that to FocusTrail number of items 
                                    // in case all the items are not focusable.
                                    if (_afterTrail > 0 && ( _afterTrail >= FocusTrail || Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))) 
                                        // Either we passed the limit or the child was focusable
                                        ranOutOfItems = false; 

                                    // Loop around and generate another item

#if DEBUG 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)

            _visibleStart = firstViewport;

            if (IsPixelBased)
                // Acount for the size of items that won't be generated 
                stackDesiredSize = ExtendDesiredSize(itemsControl, stackDesiredSize, firstViewport + _visibleCount, /*before = */ false, fHorizontal);

            // Adjust the scroll offset, extent, etc. 
            if (IsScrolling) 
                if (IsPixelBased)

                    Vector offset = new Vector(originalViewport.Location.X, originalViewport.Location.Y);
                    SetAndVerifyScrollingData(originalViewport.Size, stackDesiredSize, offset);
                    // Compute the extent before we fill remaining space and modify the stack desired size 
                    Size extent = ComputeLogicalExtent(stackDesiredSize, itemCount, fHorizontal);
                    if (ranOutOfItems)
                        // If we or children have resized, it's possible that we can now display more content.
                        // This is true if we started at a nonzero offeset and still have space remaining. 
                        // In this case, we loop back through previous children until we run out of space.
                        FillRemainingSpace(ref firstViewport, ref logicalVisibleSpace, ref stackDesiredSize, layoutSlotSize, fHorizontal); 

                    // Create the Before focus trail 
                    // NOTE: the call here (under IsScrolling) implicitly assumes that only a scrolling panel can virtualize and thus requires
                    // a focus trail.  That's not true for hierarchical (pixel-based) virtualization, but it handles the focus trail differently anyway.
                    // Compute Scrolling data such as extent, viewport, and offset.
                    stackDesiredSize = UpdateLogicalScrollData(stackDesiredSize, constraint, logicalVisibleSpace, 
                                                               extent, firstViewport, lastViewport, itemCount, fHorizontal); 

            // Cleanup items no longer in the viewport
            if (IsVirtualizing && !InRecyclingMode)
                if (IsPixelBased) 
                    // Immediate cleanup 
                    CleanupContainers(firstViewport, itemsControl);
                    // Less aggressive backwards-compat background cleanup operation
                    EnsureCleanupOperation(false /* delay */); 

            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)

                if (visualOrderChanged) 
                    // We moved some containers in the visual tree without firing changed events.  ZOrder is now invalid.

            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :MeasureOverride"); 

            return stackDesiredSize;

        /// Content arrangement. 
        /// Arrange size
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            Rect rcChild = new Rect(arrangeSize); 
            IList children;
            double previousChildSize = 0.0; 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = null;
            bool childrenAreContainers = true;

            bool etwTracingEnabled = IsScrolling && EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.normal); 
            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :ArrangeOverride"); 
            // Compute scroll offset and seed it into rcChild.
            if (IsScrolling) 
                if (fHorizontal) 
                    double offsetX = _scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                    rcChild.X = IsPixelBased ? -offsetX : ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : offsetX, true); 
                    rcChild.Y = -1.0 * _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                    double offsetY = _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                    rcChild.X = -1.0 * _scrollData._computedOffset.X; 
                    rcChild.Y = IsPixelBased ? -offsetY : ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : offsetY, false); 

            // Arrange and Position Children.
            // If we're virtualizing and pixel-based we loop through the entire items collection (the policy is to arrange items exactly where they
            // should appear regardless of the virtualization state of siblings).  This is required to properly virtualize hiearchically. 
            // Otherwise we loop through the children collection (when virtualizing in items mode VSP arranges children in a simple stack order). 
            if (IsPixelBased && IsVirtualizing)
                // This is a pixel-based internal panel.  It must behave externally exactly the way a non-virtualizing panel does in Arrange.
                // Specifically, it arranges its children in the 'proper' place, regardless of whether or not their siblings are virtualized. 

                itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 
                children = itemsControl.Items; 
                childrenAreContainers = false;
                debug_AssertRealizedChildrenEqualVisualChildren();  // RealizedChildren only differs from InternalChildren inside of Measure when container recycling is on.
                children = RealizedChildren; 
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
                UIElement container = null;
                Size childSize;

                if (childrenAreContainers) 
                    // we are looping through the actual containers; the visual children of this panel. 
                    container = (UIElement)children[i]; 
                    childSize = container.DesiredSize;
                    // We are looping through items and may or may not have a container for each given item.
                    childSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, children[i], i, out container); 
                if (fHorizontal)
                    rcChild.X += previousChildSize;
                    previousChildSize = childSize.Width;
                    rcChild.Width = previousChildSize;
                    rcChild.Height = Math.Max(arrangeSize.Height, childSize.Height); 
                    rcChild.Y += previousChildSize;
                    previousChildSize = childSize.Height; 
                    rcChild.Height = previousChildSize;
                    rcChild.Width = Math.Max(arrangeSize.Width, childSize.Width);
                if (container != null)

            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :ArrangeOverride");
            return arrangeSize;

        ///     Called when the Items collection associated with the containing ItemsControl changes. 
        /// sender 
        /// Event arguments 
        protected override void OnItemsChanged(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs args)
            base.OnItemsChanged(sender, args);

            bool resetMaximumDesiredSize = false;
            switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true; 
            if (resetMaximumDesiredSize && IsScrolling)
                // The items changed such that the maximum size may no longer be valid.
                // The next layout pass will update this value.
                _scrollData._maxDesiredSize = new Size();

        ///     Called when the UI collection of children is cleared by the base Panel class. 
        protected override void OnClearChildren()
            _realizedChildren = null;
            _visibleStart = _firstVisibleChildIndex = _visibleCount = 0; 

        // Override of OnGotKeyboardFocus.  Called when focus moves to any child or subchild of this VSP 
        // Used by TreeView virtualization to keep track of the focused item.
        protected override void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
        // Override of OnLostKeyboardFocus.  Called when focus moves away from this VSP.
        // Used by TreeView virtualization to keep track of the focused item. 
        protected override void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)

        #endregion Protected Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        // Tells the Generator to clear out all containers for this ItemsControl.  This is called by the ItemValueStorage 
        // service when the ItemsControl this panel is a host for is about to be thrown away.  This allows the VSP to save
        // off any properties it is interested in and results in a call to ClearContainerForItem on the ItemsControl, allowing 
        // the Item Container Storage to do so as well. 

        // Note: A possible perf improvement may be to make 'fast' RemoveAll on the Generator that simply calls ClearContainerForItem 
        // for us without walking through its data structures to actually clean out items.
        internal void ClearAllContainers(ItemsControl itemsControl)
                         "We should only clear containers for ItemsControls that are virtualizing");
            Debug.Assert(itemsControl == ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this), 
                        "We can only clear containers that this panel is a host for");
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

            if (IsPixelBased)
                IList children = RealizedChildren;
                UIElement child; 
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    child = (UIElement)children[i];
                    itemsControl.StoreItemValue(((ItemContainerGenerator)generator).ItemFromContainer(child), child.DesiredSize, _desiredSizeStorageIndex);
            if (generator != null) 


        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        // MeasureOverride Helpers 
        #region MeasureOverride Helpers

        /// Extends the viewport of the given MeasureData to give a focus trail.  Returns by how much it extended the viewport. 
        private MeasureData AddFocusTrail(MeasureData measureData, bool isHorizontal)
            // Create the before / after focus trail for interior panels that use MeasureData's viewport to virtualize.
            // We expand the viewport so that roughly two extra items are generated at the top and the bottom.
            // For the before / after focus trail good values are
            //  padding = header height * 4; 
            // To make page up / down work without rewriting TreeView's algorithm we actually extend the viewport one extra page
            // top and bottm. 
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling, "The scrolling panel is the only one that should extend the viewport");
            Invariant.Assert(IsPixelBased, "If we're sending down a viewport to the children we should be doing pixel-based computations");
            double page = isHorizontal ? ViewportWidth : ViewportHeight;
            Rect viewport = measureData.Viewport; 
            if (isHorizontal)
                viewport.Width += page * 2;
                viewport.X -= page;
                viewport.Height += page * 2; 
                viewport.Y -= page; 
            measureData.Viewport = viewport;
            return measureData;
        #region Scroll Computation Helpers
        /// Returns the extent in logical units in the stacking direction.
        private Size ComputeLogicalExtent(Size stackDesiredSize, int itemCount, bool isHorizontal)
            bool accumulateExtent = false; 
            Size extent = new Size();
            if (ScrollOwner != null)
                accumulateExtent = ScrollOwner.InChildInvalidateMeasure;
                ScrollOwner.InChildInvalidateMeasure = false; 
            if (isHorizontal) 
                extent.Width = itemCount; 
                extent.Height = accumulateExtent ? Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, _scrollData._extent.Height) : stackDesiredSize.Height;
                extent.Width = accumulateExtent ? Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, _scrollData._extent.Width) : stackDesiredSize.Width;
                extent.Height = itemCount; 

            return extent; 

        /// Called when we ran out of children before filling up the viewport. 
        private void FillRemainingSpace(ref int firstViewport, ref double logicalVisibleSpace, ref Size stackDesiredSize, Size layoutSlotSize, bool isHorizontal)
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling, "Only the scrolling panel can fill remaining space");
            Debug.Assert(!IsPixelBased, "This is a logical operation");

            double projectedLogicalVisibleSpace; 
            Size childDesiredSize;
            IList children = RealizedChildren; 
            int childIndex = IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : firstViewport; 

            while (childIndex > 0) 
                if (!PreviousChildIsGenerated(childIndex))
                    GeneratePreviousChild(childIndex, layoutSlotSize); 
                    childIndex++; // We just inserted a child, so increment the index
                else if (childIndex <= _firstVisibleChildIndex) 
                    ((UIElement)children[childIndex - 1]).Measure(layoutSlotSize); 

                projectedLogicalVisibleSpace = logicalVisibleSpace;
                childDesiredSize = ((UIElement)children[childIndex - 1]).DesiredSize;
                if (isHorizontal) 
                    projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= childDesiredSize.Width; 
                    projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= childDesiredSize.Height; 
                // If we have run out of room, break. 
                if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(projectedLogicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) { break; }
                // Account for the child in the panel's desired size
                if (isHorizontal)
                    stackDesiredSize.Width += childDesiredSize.Width; 
                    stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, childDesiredSize.Height);
                    stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width); 
                    stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height;

                // Adjust viewport 
                logicalVisibleSpace = projectedLogicalVisibleSpace; 
            if ((childIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex) || !IsVirtualizing) 
                _firstVisibleChildIndex = childIndex;
            _visibleStart = firstViewport = (IsItemsHost && children.Count != 0) ? GetGeneratedIndex(_firstVisibleChildIndex) : 0;

        /// Updates ScrollData's offset, extent, and viewport in logical units.
        private Size UpdateLogicalScrollData(Size stackDesiredSize, Size constraint, double logicalVisibleSpace, Size extent,
                                             int firstViewport, int lastViewport, int itemCount, bool fHorizontal) 
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling && !IsPixelBased, "this computes logical scroll data"); 
            Size viewport = constraint;
            Vector offset = _scrollData._offset; 

            // If we have not yet set the last child in the viewport, set it to the last child.
            if (lastViewport == -1) { lastViewport = itemCount - 1; }
            int logicalExtent = itemCount;
            int logicalViewport = lastViewport - firstViewport; 
            // Compute the logical viewport size. 

            // We are conservative when estimating a viewport, not including the last element in case it is only partially visible.
            // We want to count it if it is fully visible (>= 0 space remaining) or the only element in the viewport. 
            if (logicalViewport == 0 || DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) { logicalViewport++; }
            if (fHorizontal) 
                viewport.Width = logicalViewport; 
                offset.X = firstViewport;
                offset.Y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.Y, extent.Height - viewport.Height));

                // In case last item is visible because we scroll all the way to the right and scrolling is on 
                // we want desired size not to be smaller than constraint to avoid another relayout
                if (logicalExtent > logicalViewport && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Width)) 
                    stackDesiredSize.Width = constraint.Width;
                viewport.Height = logicalViewport; 
                offset.Y = firstViewport;
                offset.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.X, extent.Width - viewport.Width)); 
                // In case last item is visible because we scroll all the way to the bottom and scrolling is on
                // we want desired size not to be smaller than constraint to avoid another relayout 
                if (logicalExtent > logicalViewport && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Height))
                    stackDesiredSize.Height = constraint.Height;

            // Since we can offset and clip our content, we never need to be larger than the parent suggestion. 
            // If we returned the full size of the content, we would always be so big we didn't need to scroll.  :)
            stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Width, constraint.Width);
            stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height);
            // When scrolling, the maximum horizontal or vertical size of items can cause the desired size of the
            // panel to change, which can cause the owning ScrollViewer re-layout as well when it is not necessary. 
            // We will thus remember the maximum desired size and always return that. The actual arrangement and 
            // clipping still be calculated from actual scroll data values.
            // The maximum desired size is reset when the items change. 
            _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Width);
            _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Height);
            stackDesiredSize = _scrollData._maxDesiredSize;
            // Verify Scroll Info, invalidate ScrollOwner if necessary.
            SetAndVerifyScrollingData(viewport, extent, offset); 
            return stackDesiredSize;


        /// DesiredSize is normally computed by summing up the size of all items we've generated.  Pixel-based virtualization uses a 'full' desired size. 
        /// This extends the given desired size beyond the visible items.  It will extend it by the items before or after the set of generated items. 
        /// The given pivotIndex is the index of either the first or last item generated.
        private Size ExtendDesiredSize(ItemsControl itemsControl, Size stackDesiredSize, int pivotIndex, bool before, bool isHorizontal) 
            Debug.Assert(IsPixelBased, "MeasureOverride should have already computed desiredSize if non-virtualizing or items-based"); 

            // If we're virtualizing the sum of all generated containers is not the true desired size since not all containers were generated.
            // In the old items-based mode it didn't matter because only the scrolling panel could virtualize and scrollviewer doesn't *really* 
            // care about desired size.
            // In pixel-based mode we need to compute the same desired size as if we weren't virtualizing. 
            // Note: there are faster ways to do this than loop through items, but the cost isn't significant and the other possible implementations are nasty. 

            Size containerSize;
            ItemCollection items = itemsControl.Items; 

            for (int i = (before ? 0 : pivotIndex); i < (before ? pivotIndex : items.Count); i++) 
                containerSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, items[i], i);
                if (isHorizontal)
                    stackDesiredSize.Width += containerSize.Width;
                    stackDesiredSize.Height += containerSize.Height; 

            return stackDesiredSize;

        // Returns the index of the first item visible (even partially) in the viewport. 
        private int ComputeIndexOfFirstVisibleItem(MeasureData measureData, ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal, out double firstItemOffset) 
            firstItemOffset = 0d;   // offset of the top of the first visible child from the top of the viewport.  The child always
                                    // starts before the top of the viewport so this is always negative.
            if (itemsControl != null)
                ItemCollection items = itemsControl.Items; 
                int itemsCount = items.Count;
                if (!IsPixelBased)
                    // Classic case that shipped with V1 
                    // If the panel is implementing IScrollInfo then _scrollData keeps track of the 
                    // current offset, extent, etc in logical units 
                    if (IsScrolling) 
                        return CoerceIndexToInteger(isHorizontal ? _scrollData._offset.X : _scrollData._offset.Y, itemsCount);
                    Size containerSize; 
                    double totalSpan = 0.0;      // total height or width in the stacking direction
                    double containerSpan = 0.0; 
                    double viewportOffset = isHorizontal ? measureData.Viewport.X : measureData.Viewport.Y;

                    for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
                        containerSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, items[i], i);
                        containerSpan = isHorizontal ? containerSize.Width : containerSize.Height; 
                        totalSpan += containerSpan; 

                        if (totalSpan > viewportOffset) 
                            // This is the first item that starts before the viewportOffset but ends after it; i is thus the index
                            // to the first item in the viewport.
                            firstItemOffset = totalSpan - containerSpan - viewportOffset; 
                            return i;

            return 0;

        private Size ContainerSizeForItem(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item, int index) 
            UIElement temp;
            return ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, item, index, out temp); 

        /// Returns the size of the container for a given item.  The size can come from the container, a lookup, or a guess depending 
        /// on the virtualization state of the item.
        /// returns the container for the item; null if the container wasn't found
        private Size ContainerSizeForItem(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item, int index, out UIElement container)
            Size containerSize;
            container = index >= 0 ? ((ItemContainerGenerator)Generator).ContainerFromIndex(index) as UIElement : null; 
            if (container != null)
                containerSize = container.DesiredSize;
                // It's virtualized; grab the height off the item if available.
                object value = itemsControl.ReadItemValue(item, _desiredSizeStorageIndex); 
                if (value != null) 
                    containerSize = (Size)value; 
                    // No stored container height; simply guess.
                    containerSize = new Size(); 

                    if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                        containerSize.Width = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl, /*isHorizontal = */ true);
                        containerSize.Height = DesiredSize.Height; 
                        containerSize.Height = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl, /*isHorizontal = */ false);
                        containerSize.Width = DesiredSize.Width; 
            Debug.Assert(!containerSize.IsEmpty, "We can't estimate an empty size");
            return containerSize; 

        private double ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal)
            return ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl as IProvideStackingSize, isHorizontal);

        /// Estimates a container size in the stacking direction for the given ItemsControl 
        private double ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(IProvideStackingSize estimate, bool isHorizontal)
            double stackingSize = 0d;
            if (estimate != null) 
                stackingSize = estimate.EstimatedContainerSize(isHorizontal); 

            if (stackingSize <= 0d || DoubleUtil.IsNaN(stackingSize))
                stackingSize = ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta;
            Debug.Assert(stackingSize > 0, "We should have returned a reasonable estimate for the stacking size");
            return stackingSize;

        private MeasureData CreateChildMeasureData(MeasureData measureData, Size layoutSlotSize, Size stackDesiredSize, bool isHorizontal)
            Invariant.Assert(IsPixelBased && measureData != null, "We can only use MeasureData when pixel-based"); 
            Rect viewport = measureData.Viewport;
            // Adjust viewport offset for the child
            if (isHorizontal) 
                viewport.X -= stackDesiredSize.Width; 
                viewport.Y -= stackDesiredSize.Height;

            return new MeasureData(layoutSlotSize, viewport); 
        /// Inserts a new container in the visual tree
        private void InsertNewContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container)
            InsertContainer(childIndex, container, false);
        /// Inserts a recycled container in the visual tree 
        private bool InsertRecycledContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container)
            return InsertContainer(childIndex, container, true); 

        /// Inserts a container into the Children collection.  The container is either new or recycled.
        private bool InsertContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container, bool isRecycled)
            Debug.Assert(container != null, "Null container was generated");

            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 

            // Find the index in the Children collection where we hope to insert the container. 
            // This is done by looking up the index of the container BEFORE the one we hope to insert.
            // We have to do it this way because there could be recycled containers between the container we're looking for and the one before it.
            // By finding the index before the place we want to insert and adding one, we ensure that we'll insert the new container in the
            // proper location.
            // In recycling mode childIndex is the index in the _realizedChildren list, not the index in the
            // Children collection.  We have to convert the index; we'll call the index in the Children collection 
            // the visualTreeIndex. 
            int visualTreeIndex = 0;

            if (childIndex > 0)
                visualTreeIndex = ChildIndexFromRealizedIndex(childIndex - 1);

            if (isRecycled && visualTreeIndex < children.Count && children[visualTreeIndex] == container)
                // Don't insert if a recycled container is in the proper place already
                if (visualTreeIndex < children.Count) 
                    int insertIndex = visualTreeIndex; 
                    if (isRecycled && container.InternalVisualParent != null)
                        // If the container is recycled we have to remove it from its place in the visual tree and
                        // insert it in the proper location.   For perf we'll use an internal Move API that moves 
                        // the first parameter to right before the second one.
                        Debug.Assert(children[visualTreeIndex] != null, "MoveVisualChild interprets a null destination as 'move to end'"); 
                        children.MoveVisualChild(container, children[visualTreeIndex]); 
                        visualOrderChanged = true;
                        VirtualizingPanel.InsertInternalChild(children, insertIndex, container);
                    if (isRecycled && container.InternalVisualParent != null)
                        // Recycled container is still in the tree; move it to the end
                        children.MoveVisualChild(container, null);
                        visualOrderChanged = true;
                        VirtualizingPanel.AddInternalChild(children, container); 

            // Keep realizedChildren in [....] w/ the visual tree. 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                _realizedChildren.Insert(childIndex, container);


            return visualOrderChanged; 

        private void EnsureCleanupOperation(bool delay)
            if (delay)
                bool noPendingOperations = true;
                if (_cleanupOperation != null) 
                    noPendingOperations = _cleanupOperation.Abort();
                    if (noPendingOperations) 
                        _cleanupOperation = null;
                if (noPendingOperations && (_cleanupDelay == null))
                    _cleanupDelay = new DispatcherTimer(); 
                    _cleanupDelay.Tick += new EventHandler(OnDelayCleanup);
                    _cleanupDelay.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500.0); 
                if ((_cleanupOperation == null) && (_cleanupDelay == null)) 
                    _cleanupOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnCleanUp), null);

        private bool PreviousChildIsGenerated(int childIndex) 
            GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0); 
            position = Generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(position) - 1); 
            return (position.Offset == 0 && position.Index >= 0);

        /// Takes a container returned from Generator.GenerateNext() and places it in the visual tree if necessary. 
        /// Takes into account whether the container is new, recycled, or already realized.
        private bool AddContainerFromGenerator(int childIndex, UIElement child, bool newlyRealized)
            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            if (!newlyRealized)
                // Container is either realized or recycled.  If it's realized do nothing; it already exists in the visual
                // tree in the proper place. 

                if (InRecyclingMode)
                    // Note there's no check for IsVirtualizing here.  If the user has just flipped off virtualization it's possible that
                    // the Generator will still return some recycled containers until its list runs out. 
                    IList children = RealizedChildren;
                    if (childIndex >= children.Count || !(children[childIndex] == child))
                        Debug.Assert(!children.Contains(child), "we incorrectly identified a recycled container");
                        // We have a recycled container (if it was a realized container it would have been returned in the 
                        // proper location).  Note also that recycled containers are NOT in the _realizedChildren list. 
                        visualOrderChanged = InsertRecycledContainer(childIndex, child);
                        // previously realized child.
                    // Not recycling; realized container
                    Debug.Assert(child == InternalChildren[childIndex], "Wrong child was generated");
                InsertNewContainer(childIndex, child); 
            return visualOrderChanged;

        private UIElement GeneratePreviousChild(int childIndex, Size layoutSlotSize) 
            int newIndex = Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0)) - 1; 
            if (newIndex >= 0) 
                UIElement child; 
                bool visualOrderChanged = false;
                IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

                int newGeneratedIndex; 
                GeneratorPosition newStartPos = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(newIndex, out newGeneratedIndex);
                using (generator.StartAt(newStartPos, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                    bool newlyRealized;
                    child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement; 
                    Debug.Assert(child != null, "Null child was generated");

                    AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized);
                    if (childIndex <= _firstVisibleChildIndex)

                if (visualOrderChanged) 
                    Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "We should only modify the visual order when in recycling mode"); 
                return child;

            return null; 
        private void OnItemsRemove(ItemsChangedEventArgs args)
            RemoveChildRange(args.Position, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount);

        private void OnItemsReplace(ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            RemoveChildRange(args.Position, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount); 

        private void OnItemsMove(ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            RemoveChildRange(args.OldPosition, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount);
        private void RemoveChildRange(GeneratorPosition position, int itemCount, int itemUICount)
            if (IsItemsHost) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                int pos = position.Index;
                if (position.Offset > 0)
                    // An item is being removed after the one at the index 
                if (pos < children.Count)
                    int uiCount = itemUICount;
                    Debug.Assert((itemCount == itemUICount) || (itemUICount == 0), "Both ItemUICount and ItemCount should be equal or ItemUICount should be 0.");
                    if (uiCount > 0)
                        VirtualizingPanel.RemoveInternalChildRange(children, pos, uiCount);
                        if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                            _realizedChildren.RemoveRange(pos, uiCount); 
        private void AdjustCacheWindow(int firstViewport, int itemCount)
            // Adjust the container cache window such that the viewport is always contained inside.
            // firstViewport is the index of the first container in the viewport, not counting the before trail.
            // _visibleCount is the total number of items we generated. It already contains the _afterTrail. 
            // First and last containers that we must keep in view; index is into the data item collection
            int firstContainer = firstViewport > 0 ? firstViewport - _beforeTrail : firstViewport; 
            int lastContainer = firstViewport + _visibleCount - 1;   // beforeTrail is not included in _visibleCount

            // clamp last container
            if (lastContainer >= itemCount) 
                lastContainer = itemCount - 1; 

            int cacheEnd = CacheEnd; 

            if (firstContainer < _cacheStart)
                // shift the cache start up 
                _cacheStart = firstContainer;
            else if (lastContainer > cacheEnd) 
                // shift the cache start down 
                _cacheStart += (lastContainer - cacheEnd);

            // In some cases cacheEnd can be past the end of the list of items.  This is perfectly fine.
            Debug.Assert(_cacheStart <= firstContainer && (CacheEnd >= firstContainer + _visibleCount - 1 || CacheEnd >= itemCount - 1), "The container cache window is out of place"); 

        private bool IsOutsideCacheWindow(int itemIndex) 

            return (itemIndex < _cacheStart || itemIndex > CacheEnd);

        /// Immediately cleans up any containers that have gone offscreen.  Called by MeasureOverride.
        /// When recycling this runs before generating and measuring children; otherwise it runs after. 
        private void CleanupContainers(int firstViewport, ItemsControl itemsControl)
            Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing, "Can't clean up containers if not virtualizing"); 
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode || IsPixelBased,
                "For backwards compat the standard virtualizing mode has its own cleanup algorithm"); 
            Debug.Assert(itemsControl != null, "We can't cleanup if we aren't the itemshost"); 

            // It removes items outside of the container cache window (a logical 'window' at
            // least as large as the viewport).
            // firstViewport is the index of first data item that will be in the viewport 
            // at the end of Measure.  This is effectively the scroll offset.
            // _visibleStart is index of the first data item that was previously at the top of the viewport 
            // At the end of a Measure pass _visibleStart == firstViewport.
            // _visibleCount is the number of data items that were previously visible in the viewport.

            int cleanupRangeStart = -1;
            int cleanupCount = 0; 
            int itemIndex = -1;              // data item index used to compare with the cache window position.
            int lastItemIndex; 
            IList children = RealizedChildren; 
            int focusedChild = -1, previousFocusable = -1, nextFocusable = -1;  // child indices for the focused item and before and after focus trail items
            bool performCleanup = false;
            UIElement child;

            if (children.Count == 0) 
                return; // nothing to do 

            AdjustCacheWindow(firstViewport, itemsControl.Items.Count); 

            if (IsKeyboardFocusWithin && !IsPixelBased)
                // If we're not in a hieararchy we can find the focus trail locally; for hierarchies it has already been 
                // precalculated.
                FindFocusedChild(out focusedChild, out previousFocusable, out nextFocusable); 

            // Iterate over all realized children and recycle the ones that are eligible.  Items NOT eligible for recycling
            // have one or more of the following properties
            //  - inside the cache window 
            //  - the item is its own container
            //  - has keyboard focus 
            //  - is the first focusable item before or after the focused item 
            //  - the CleanupVirtualizedItem event was canceled

            for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < children.Count; childIndex++)
                child = (UIElement)children[childIndex]; 
                lastItemIndex = itemIndex;
                itemIndex = GetGeneratedIndex(childIndex); 
                if (itemIndex - lastItemIndex != 1)
                    // There's a generated gap between the current item and the last.  Clean up the last range of items.
                    performCleanup = true;
                if (performCleanup)
                    if (cleanupRangeStart >= 0 && cleanupCount > 0) 
                        // We've hit a non-virtualizable container or a non-contiguous section.

                        CleanupRange(children, Generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 

                        // CleanupRange just modified the _realizedChildren list.  Adjust the childIndex. 
                        childIndex -= cleanupCount; 
                        focusedChild -= cleanupCount;
                        previousFocusable -= cleanupCount; 
                        nextFocusable -= cleanupCount;

                        cleanupCount = 0;
                        cleanupRangeStart = -1; 
                    performCleanup = false; 

                if (IsOutsideCacheWindow(itemIndex) &&
                    !((IGeneratorHost)itemsControl).IsItemItsOwnContainer(itemsControl.Items[itemIndex]) &&
                    childIndex != focusedChild && 
                    childIndex != previousFocusable &&
                    childIndex != nextFocusable && 
                    !IsInFocusTrail(child) &&                   // logically the same computation as the three above; used when in a treeview. 
                    child != _bringIntoViewContainer &&         // the container we're going to bring into view must not be recycled
                    NotifyCleanupItem(child, itemsControl)) 
                    // The container is eligible to be virtualized
                    if (cleanupRangeStart == -1)
                        cleanupRangeStart = childIndex; 

                    // Save off the child's desired size if we're doing pixel-based virtualization. 
                    // We need to save off the size when doing hierarchical (i.e. TreeView) virtualization, since containers will vary
                    // greatly in size. This is required both to compute the index of the first visible item in the viewport and to Arrange 
                    // children in their proper locations. 
                    if (IsPixelBased) 
                        itemsControl.StoreItemValue(itemsControl.Items[itemIndex], child.DesiredSize, _desiredSizeStorageIndex);
                    // Non-recyclable container; 
                    performCleanup = true;

            if (cleanupRangeStart >= 0 && cleanupCount > 0)
                CleanupRange(children, Generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount);

        private void EnsureRealizedChildren()
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode, "This method only applies to recycling mode");
            if (_realizedChildren == null) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                _realizedChildren = new List(children.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)

        private void debug_VerifyRealizedChildren()
            // Debug method that ensures the _realizedChildren list matches the realized containers in the Generator.
            Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "Realized children only exist when recycling"); 
            Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren != null, "Realized children must exist to verify it");
            System.Windows.Controls.ItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator as System.Windows.Controls.ItemContainerGenerator; 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 

            if (generator != null && itemsControl != null && itemsControl.IsGrouping == false) 

                foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                    int dataIndex = generator.IndexFromContainer(child);
                    if (dataIndex == -1) 
                        // Child is not in the generator's realized container list (i.e. it's a recycled container): ensure it's NOT in _realizedChildren. 
                        Debug.Assert(!_realizedChildren.Contains(child), "_realizedChildren should not contain recycled containers");
                        // Child is a realized container; ensure it's in _realizedChildren at the proper place.
                        GeneratorPosition position = Generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(dataIndex); 
                        Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren[position.Index] == child, "_realizedChildren is corrupt!"); 

        private void debug_AssertRealizedChildrenEqualVisualChildren()
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren.Count == children.Count, "Realized and visual children must match");

                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren[i] == children[i], "Realized and visual children must match");
        /// Takes an index from the realized list and returns the corresponding index in the Children collection
        private int ChildIndexFromRealizedIndex(int realizedChildIndex) 
            // If we're not recycling containers then we're not using a realizedChild index and no translation is necessary 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)
                if (realizedChildIndex < _realizedChildren.Count)
                    UIElement child = _realizedChildren[realizedChildIndex];
                    UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 

                    for (int i = realizedChildIndex; i < children.Count; i++)
                        if (children[i] == child) 
                            return i; 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "We should have found a child");
            return realizedChildIndex;
        /// Recycled containers still in the Children collection at the end of Measure should be disconnected 
        /// from the visual tree.  Otherwise they're still visible to things like Arrange, keyboard navigation, etc.
        private void DisconnectRecycledContainers()
            int realizedIndex = 0;
            UIElement visualChild; 
            UIElement realizedChild = _realizedChildren.Count > 0 ? _realizedChildren[0] : null; 
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                visualChild = children[i];
                if (visualChild == realizedChild)

                    if (realizedIndex < _realizedChildren.Count) 

                        realizedChild = _realizedChildren[realizedIndex];
                        realizedChild = null; 
                    // The visual child is a recycled container


        private GeneratorPosition IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(int index, out int childIndex) 
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator; 
            GeneratorPosition position = (generator != null) ? generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(index) : new GeneratorPosition(-1, index + 1); 

            // determine the position in the children collection for the first 
            // generated container.  This assumes that generator.StartAt will be called
            // with direction=Forward and  allowStartAtRealizedItem=true.
            childIndex = (position.Offset == 0) ? position.Index : position.Index + 1;
            return position;

        #region Delayed Cleanup Methods 

        // Delayed Cleanup is used when the VirtualizationMode is standard (not recycling) and the panel is scrolling and item-based
        // It chooses to defer virtualizing items until there are enough available.  It then cleans them using a background priority dispatcher 
        // work item
        private void OnDelayCleanup(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert(_cleanupDelay != null);

            bool needsMoreCleanup = false;
                needsMoreCleanup = CleanUp(); 
                // Cleanup the timer if more cleanup is unnecessary
                if (!needsMoreCleanup)
                    _cleanupDelay = null; 

        private object OnCleanUp(object args)
            Debug.Assert(_cleanupOperation != null); 

            bool needsMoreCleanup = false; 
                needsMoreCleanup = CleanUp();
                // Keeping this non-null until here in case cleaning up causes re-entrancy
                _cleanupOperation = null; 

            if (needsMoreCleanup) 
                EnsureCleanupOperation(true /* delay */);
            return null;
        private bool CleanUp()
            Debug.Assert(!InRecyclingMode, "This method only applies to standard virtualization");
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);

            if (!IsVirtualizing || !IsItemsHost) 
                // Virtualization is turned off or we aren't hosting children; no need to cleanup. 
                return false; 
            int startMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount;
            bool needsMoreCleanup = false;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            int minDesiredGenerated = MinDesiredGenerated; 
            int maxDesiredGenerated = MaxDesiredGenerated;
            int pageSize = maxDesiredGenerated - minDesiredGenerated; 
            int extraChildren = children.Count - pageSize; 

            if (extraChildren > (pageSize * 2)) 
                if ((Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) &&
                    (extraChildren < 1000))
                    // An optimization for when we are dragging the mouse.
                    needsMoreCleanup = true; 
                    bool trailingFocus = IsKeyboardFocusWithin;
                    bool keepForwardTrail = false;
                    int focusIndex = -1;
                    IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator; 

                    int cleanupRangeStart = 0; 
                    int cleanupCount = 0; 
                    int lastGeneratedIndex = -1;
                    int counterAdjust; 

                    for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                        // It is possible for TickCount to wrap around about every 30 days. 
                        // If that were to occur, then this particular cleanup may not be interrupted.
                        // That is OK since the worst that can happen is that there is more of a stutter than normal. 
                        int totalMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount - startMilliseconds; 
                        if ((totalMilliseconds > 50) && (cleanupCount > 0))
                            // Cleanup has been working for 50ms already and the user might start
                            // noticing a lag. Stop cleaning up and release the thread for other work.
                            // Cleanup will continue later.
                            // Don't break out until after at least one item has been found to cleanup. 
                            // Otherwise, we might end up in an infinite loop.
                            needsMoreCleanup = true; 
                        int childIndex = i;
                        if (trailingFocus)
                            // Focus lies somewhere within the panel, but it has not been found yet. 
                            UIElement child = children[i];
                            if (child.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                                // Focus has been found, we can now re-virtualize items before the focus.
                                trailingFocus = false; 
                                keepForwardTrail = true;
                                focusIndex = i;
                                if (i > 0)
                                    // Go through the trailing items and find a focusable item to keep.
                                    int trailIndex = i - 1; 
                                    int end = Math.Max(0, i - FocusTrail); 
                                    for (; trailIndex >= end; trailIndex--)
                                        child = children[trailIndex];
                                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))

                                    // The rest of the trailing items can be re-virtualized. 
                                    for (childIndex = end; childIndex <= trailIndex; childIndex++)
                                            ref childIndex,
                                            ref cleanupRangeStart,
                                            ref cleanupCount,
                                            ref lastGeneratedIndex, 
                                            out counterAdjust);
                                        if (counterAdjust > 0) 
                                            i -= counterAdjust;
                                            trailIndex -= counterAdjust; 

                                    if (cleanupCount > 0) 
                                        // Cleanup the last batch for the focused item 
                                        CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 
                                        i -= cleanupCount;
                                        cleanupCount = 0; 
                                    cleanupRangeStart = i + 1;

                                    // At this point, we are caught up and should go to the next item 
                            else if (i >= FocusTrail)
                                childIndex = i - FocusTrail;

                        if (keepForwardTrail) 
                            // Find a focusable item after the focused item to keep
                            if (childIndex <= (focusIndex + FocusTrail))
                                UIElement child = children[childIndex];
                                if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child)) 
                                    // A focusable item was found, all items after this one can be re-virtualized
                                    keepForwardTrail = false; 
                                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex + 1;
                                    cleanupCount = 0;
                                keepForwardTrail = false;

                            ref i,
                            ref cleanupRangeStart,
                            ref cleanupCount,
                            ref lastGeneratedIndex, 
                            out counterAdjust);
                    if (cleanupCount > 0)
                        // Cleanup the final batch
                        CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount);
            return needsMoreCleanup; 
        private void ManageCleanup(
            UIElementCollection children,
            ItemsControl itemsControl,
            IItemContainerGenerator generator, 
            int childIndex,
            int minDesiredGenerated, 
            int maxDesiredGenerated, 
            ref int counter,
            ref int cleanupRangeStart, 
            ref int cleanupCount,
            ref int lastGeneratedIndex,
            out int counterAdjust)
            counterAdjust = 0;
            bool performCleanup = false; 
            bool countThisChild = false; 
            int generatedIndex = GetGeneratedIndex(childIndex);
            if (OutsideMinMax(generatedIndex, minDesiredGenerated, maxDesiredGenerated) &&
                NotifyCleanupItem(childIndex, children, itemsControl))
                // The item can be re-virtualized. 
                if ((generatedIndex - lastGeneratedIndex) == 1)
                    // Add another to the current batch. 
                    // There was a gap in generated items. Cleanup any from the previous batch.
                    performCleanup = countThisChild = true; 
                // The item cannot be re-virtualized. Cleanup any from the previous batch. 
                performCleanup = true;

            if (performCleanup) 
                // Cleanup a batch of items 
                if (cleanupCount > 0) 
                    CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 
                    counterAdjust = cleanupCount;
                    counter -= counterAdjust;
                    childIndex -= counterAdjust;
                    cleanupCount = 0; 
                if (countThisChild) 
                    // The current child was not included in the batch and should be saved for later 
                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex;
                    cleanupCount = 1;
                    // The next child will start the next batch. 
                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex + 1; 
            lastGeneratedIndex = generatedIndex;

        private bool NotifyCleanupItem(int childIndex, UIElementCollection children, ItemsControl itemsControl) 
            return NotifyCleanupItem(children[childIndex], itemsControl); 

        private bool NotifyCleanupItem(UIElement child, ItemsControl itemsControl) 
            CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs e = new CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs(itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(child), child);
            e.Source = this;

            return !e.Cancel; 

        private void CleanupRange(IList children, IItemContainerGenerator generator, int startIndex, int count) 
            if (InRecyclingMode)
                Debug.Assert(startIndex >= 0 && count > 0); 
                Debug.Assert(children == _realizedChildren, "the given child list must be the _realizedChildren list when recycling");
                ((IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator)generator).Recycle(new GeneratorPosition(startIndex, 0), count); 
                // The call to Recycle has caused the ItemContainerGenerator to remove some items
                // from its list of realized items; we adjust _realizedChildren to match. 
                _realizedChildren.RemoveRange(startIndex, count);
                // Remove the desired range of children
                VirtualizingPanel.RemoveInternalChildRange((UIElementCollection)children, startIndex, count); 
                generator.Remove(new GeneratorPosition(startIndex, 0), count); 
            AdjustFirstVisibleChildIndex(startIndex, count);


        /// Called after 'count' items were removed or recycled from the Generator.  _firstVisibleChildIndex is the 
        /// index of the first visible container.  This index isn't exactly the child position in the UIElement collection;
        /// it's actually the index of the realized container inside the generator.  Since we've just removed some realized 
        /// containers from the generator (by calling Remove or Recycle), we have to adjust the first visible child index.
        /// index of the first removed item
        /// number of items removed 
        private void AdjustFirstVisibleChildIndex(int startIndex, int count)
            // Update the index of the first visible generated child
            if (startIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex) 
                int endIndex = startIndex + count - 1;
                if (endIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex)
                    // The first visible index is after the items that were removed
                    _firstVisibleChildIndex -= count; 
                    // The first visible index was within the items that were removed
                    _firstVisibleChildIndex = startIndex;
        private static bool OutsideMinMax(int i, int min, int max) 
            return ((i < min) || (i > max)); 

        private void EnsureTopCapGenerated(Size layoutSlotSize)
            // Ensure that a focusable item is generated above the first visible item
            // so that keyboard navigation works. 
            IList children;
            _beforeTrail = 0;
            if (_visibleStart > 0)
                children = RealizedChildren; 
                int childIndex = _firstVisibleChildIndex;
                UIElement child; 

                // At most, we will search FocusTrail number of items for a focusable item 
                for (; _beforeTrail < FocusTrail; _beforeTrail++)
                    if (PreviousChildIsGenerated(childIndex))
                        // The previous child is already generated, check its focusability
                        child = (UIElement)children[childIndex]; 
                        // Generate the previous child
                        child = GeneratePreviousChild(childIndex, layoutSlotSize);

                    if ((child == null) || Keyboard.IsFocusable(child)) 
                        // Either a focusable item was found, or no child was generated
        /// Returns the MeasureData we'll be using for computations in MeasureOverride.  This updates the viewport offset 
        /// based on the one set in the MeasureData property prior to the call to MeasureOverride.
        private MeasureData AdjustViewportOffset(MeasureData givenMeasureData, ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal) 
            // Note that a panel should not modify its own MeasureData -- it needs to be treated exactly as if it was a variable 
            // passed into MeasureOverride.  That's why we make a copy of MeasureData in this method and return that.

            Rect viewport;
            MeasureData newMeasureData = null; 
            IProvideStackingSize stackingSize;
            double offset = 0d; 
            Debug.Assert(MeasureData == null || IsPixelBased, "If a panel has measure data then it must be pixel based"); 
            Debug.Assert(!IsScrolling && IsPixelBased, "This only applies to internal panels");
            // This panel isn't a scroll owner but some panel above it is.  It will be able to use the viewport data
            // to virtualize.

            if (givenMeasureData != null) 
                viewport = givenMeasureData.Viewport;
                stackingSize = itemsControl as IProvideStackingSize; 

                Debug.Assert(givenMeasureData.HasViewport, "MeasureData is only set on objects when we want to pass down viewport information.");

                // We need to offset the viewport to take into account the delta between the top of the items control
                // and this panel (i.e. the header).  Ask for the header, and, if not available, use the estimated container size. 
                if (stackingSize != null)
                    offset = stackingSize.HeaderSize(isHorizontal);

                    if (offset <= 0d || DoubleUtil.IsNaN(offset))
                        offset = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(stackingSize, isHorizontal);

                if (isHorizontal) 
                    viewport.X -= offset;
                    // adjust viewport for the header of the TreeViewItem containing this as an ItemsPanel. 
                    viewport.Y -= offset; 
                newMeasureData = new MeasureData(givenMeasureData.AvailableSize, viewport);

            return newMeasureData;
        /// Sets up IsVirtualizing, VirtualizationMode, and IsPixelBased 
        /// IsVirtualizing is true if turned on via the items control and if the panel has a viewport.
        /// VSP has a viewport if it's either the scrolling panel or it was given MeasureData.
        /// IsPixelBased is true if the panel is virtualizing and (for backwards compat) is the ItemsHost for a TreeView or TreeViewItem.
        /// VSP can only make use of, create, and propagate down MeasureData if it is pixel-based, since the viewport is in pixels. 
        private void SetVirtualizationState(ItemsControl itemsControl, bool hasMeasureData) 
            VirtualizationMode mode = (itemsControl != null) ? GetVirtualizationMode(itemsControl) : VirtualizationMode.Standard;

            if (itemsControl != null) 
                // Set IsVirtualizing.  This panel can only virtualize if IsVirtualizing is set on its ItemsControl and it has viewport data. 
                // It has viewport data if it's either the scroll host or was given viewport information by measureData. 

                if (GetIsVirtualizing(itemsControl) && (IsScrolling || hasMeasureData)) 
                    IsVirtualizing = true;
                IsVirtualizing = false; 

            // Set up info on first measure
            if (HasMeasured)
                VirtualizationMode oldMode = VirtualizationMode; 

                if (oldMode != mode) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSwitchVirtualizationModePostMeasure));
                HasMeasured = true; 

                if (IsVirtualizing && (itemsControl is TreeView || itemsControl is TreeViewItem)) 
                    IsPixelBased = true;
                VirtualizationMode = mode;

        private int MinDesiredGenerated 
                return Math.Max(0, _visibleStart - _beforeTrail); 
        private int MaxDesiredGenerated
                return Math.Min(ItemCount, _visibleStart + _visibleCount + _afterTrail);
        private int ItemCount 
                ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);
                return (itemsControl != null) ? itemsControl.Items.Count : 0;

        private void EnsureScrollData()
            if (_scrollData == null) { _scrollData = new ScrollData(); }

        private static void ResetScrolling(VirtualizingStackPanel element) 
            // Clear scrolling data.  Because of thrash (being disconnected & reconnected, &c...), we may
            if (element.IsScrolling)
        // OnScrollChange is an override called whenever the IScrollInfo exposed scrolling state changes on this element.
        // At the time this method is called, scrolling state is in its new, valid state. 
        private void OnScrollChange()
            if (ScrollOwner != null) { ScrollOwner.InvalidateScrollInfo(); }

        private void SetAndVerifyScrollingData(Size viewport, Size extent, Vector offset) 
            if (IsPixelBased)
                // _scrollData is in pixels and thus operations like LineDown can push the offset too far.
                // The behavior here is effectively the same as ScrollContentPresenter.VerifyScrollData 
                offset.X = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(offset.X, extent.Width, viewport.Width);
                offset.Y = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(offset.Y, extent.Height, viewport.Height); 

            // Detect changes to the viewport, extent, and offset 
            bool viewportChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(viewport, _scrollData._viewport);
            bool extentChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(extent, _scrollData._extent);
            bool offsetChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData._computedOffset);
            // Update data and fire scroll change notifications
            _scrollData._offset = offset; 
            if (viewportChanged || extentChanged || offsetChanged) 
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset; 
                Size oldViewportSize = _scrollData._viewport;

                _scrollData._viewport = viewport;
                _scrollData._extent = extent; 
                _scrollData._computedOffset = offset;
                // Report changes to the viewport 
                if (viewportChanged)
                    OnViewportSizeChanged(oldViewportSize, viewport);

                // Report changes to the offset 
                if (offsetChanged)
                    OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, offset); 
        ///     Allows subclasses to be notified of changes to the viewport size data. 
        /// The old value of the size.
        /// The new value of the size. 
        protected virtual void OnViewportSizeChanged(Size oldViewportSize, Size newViewportSize)
        ///     Allows subclasses to be notified of changes to the viewport offset data. 
        /// The old value of the offset.
        /// The new value of the offset. 
        protected virtual void OnViewportOffsetChanged(Vector oldViewportOffset, Vector newViewportOffset)
        // Translates a logical (child index) offset to a physical (1/96") when scrolling.
        // If virtualizing, it makes the assumption that the logicalOffset is always the first in the visual collection 
        //   and thus returns 0. 
        // If not virtualizing, it assumes that children are Measure clean; should only be called after running Measure.
        private double ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(double logicalOffset, bool fHorizontal) 
            double physicalOffset = 0.0;

            IList children = RealizedChildren; 

            Debug.Assert(logicalOffset == 0 || (logicalOffset > 0 && logicalOffset < children.Count)); 
            for (int i = 0; i < logicalOffset; i++)
                UIElement child = (UIElement)children[i];
                physicalOffset -= (fHorizontal)
                    ? child.DesiredSize.Width
                    : child.DesiredSize.Height; 
            return physicalOffset; 
        private int FindChildIndexThatParentsVisual(Visual v)
            DependencyObject child = v;
            DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child); 
            while (parent != this)
                child = parent; 
                parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

            IList children = RealizedChildren;

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) 
                if (children[i] == child) 
                    return GetGeneratedIndex(i);

            return -1;

        // This is very similar to the work that ScrollContentPresenter does for MakeVisible.  Simply adjust by a 
        // pixel offset. 
        private void MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(Rect r, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect, bool isHorizontal)
            double viewportOffset;
            double viewportSize;
            double targetRectOffset;
            double targetRectSize; 
            double minPhysicalOffset;
            if (isHorizontal) 
                viewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset.X; 
                viewportSize = ViewportWidth;
                targetRectOffset = r.X;
                targetRectSize = r.Width;
                viewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset.Y; 
                viewportSize = ViewportHeight;
                targetRectOffset = r.Y; 
                targetRectSize = r.Height;

            targetRectOffset += viewportOffset; 
            minPhysicalOffset = ScrollContentPresenter.ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(
                viewportOffset, viewportOffset + viewportSize, targetRectOffset, targetRectOffset + targetRectSize); 
            // Compute the visible rectangle of the child relative to the viewport.
            double left = Math.Max(targetRectOffset, minPhysicalOffset); 
            targetRectSize = Math.Max(Math.Min(targetRectSize + targetRectOffset, minPhysicalOffset + viewportSize) - left, 0);
            targetRectOffset = left;
            targetRectOffset -= viewportOffset;
            if (isHorizontal)
                newOffset.X = minPhysicalOffset; 
                newRect.X = targetRectOffset;
                newRect.Width = targetRectSize; 
                newOffset.Y = minPhysicalOffset; 
                newRect.Y = targetRectOffset;
                newRect.Height = targetRectSize; 
        private void MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(int childIndex, Rect r, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect)
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            int firstChildInView; 
            int newFirstChild;
            int viewportSize; 
            double childOffsetWithinViewport = r.Y; 

            if (fHorizontal) 
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                viewportSize = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Width;
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.Y; 
                viewportSize = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Height;

            newFirstChild = firstChildInView;

            // If the target child is before the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the top. 
            if (childIndex < firstChildInView)
                childOffsetWithinViewport = 0; 
                newFirstChild = childIndex;
            // If the target child is after the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the bottom.
            else if (childIndex > firstChildInView + viewportSize - 1)
                newFirstChild = childIndex - viewportSize + 1; 
                double pixelSize = fHorizontal ? ActualWidth : ActualHeight;
                childOffsetWithinViewport = pixelSize * (1.0 - (1.0 / viewportSize)); 

            if (fHorizontal) 
                newOffset.X = newFirstChild;
                newRect.X = childOffsetWithinViewport;
                newRect.Width = r.Width; 
                newOffset.Y = newFirstChild;
                newRect.Y = childOffsetWithinViewport; 
                newRect.Height = r.Height;
        // Converts an index into the item collection as a double into an int
        static private int CoerceIndexToInteger(double index, int numberOfItems) 
            int newIndex;
            if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity(index))
                newIndex = 0;
            else if (Double.IsPositiveInfinity(index))
                newIndex = numberOfItems - 1; 
                newIndex = (int)index;
                newIndex = Math.Max(Math.Min(numberOfItems - 1, newIndex), 0);

            return newIndex; 

        private int GetGeneratedIndex(int childIndex) 
            return Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0));

        // Focus Helpers 
        #region Focus Helpers

        // Methods to keep track of focus. 
        // Dealing with Focus while virtualizing a list is easy: don't throw away the focused item and the next and previous 
        // focusable items.  When in a TreeView it's much harder; Measure (and thus the cleanup code) for any VSP in the hierarchy 
        // can run at any time. The only performant way for a panel to know that one of its children may be the next or previous focusable
        // item is for it to be marked.  We do this every time focus changes within the hierarchy. 

        private WeakReference[] EnsureFocusTrail()
            WeakReference[] focusTrail = FocusTrailField.GetValue(this);
            if (focusTrail == null) 
                focusTrail = new WeakReference[2]; 
                FocusTrailField.SetValue(this, focusTrail);

            return focusTrail; 
        /// Finds the focused child along with the previous and next focusable children.  Used only when recycling containers; 
        /// the standard mode has a different cleanup algorithm
        private void FindFocusedChild(out int focusedChild, out int previousFocusable, out int nextFocusable) 
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode, "This method is only valid for the recycling mode");
            Debug.Assert(IsKeyboardFocusWithin, "we should only search for a focusable child if we have focus"); 
            focusedChild = previousFocusable = nextFocusable = -1;
            UIElement child;
            bool foundFocusedChild = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _realizedChildren.Count; i++)
                child = _realizedChildren[i]; 

                if (!foundFocusedChild && child.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                    focusedChild = i;
                    foundFocusedChild = true;
                    // Go through the trailing items.
                    // Go through the trailing items and find a focusable item to keep. 
                    int trailIndex = i - 1; 
                    int end = Math.Max(0, i - FocusTrail);
                    for (; trailIndex >= end; trailIndex--) 
                        child = _realizedChildren[trailIndex];
                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))
                            previousFocusable = trailIndex;
                else if (foundFocusedChild)
                    if (i <= focusedChild + FocusTrail)
                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))
                            nextFocusable = i; 

        /// Called when the focused item has changed.  Used to set a special DP on the next and previous focusable items.
        /// Only used when virtualizing in a hieararchy (i.e. TreeView virtualization). 
        private void FocusChanged(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (IsVirtualizing && IsScrolling && IsPixelBased)
                // IsScrolling ensures that only the top-level panel tracks focus.
                // The IsPixelBased condition here needs explanation.  It's used here to mean 'Is this panel in a hierarchy?' 
                // The assert below is just a reminder to modify this code if the meaning changes.
                Debug.Assert(ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeView); 
                // This code is TreeViewItem-specific, since it has its own focus logic and we can't override UIElement.PredictFocus
                TreeViewItem focusedElement = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TreeViewItem; 
                WeakReference[] focusTrail = EnsureFocusTrail();

                // Clear the old focus trail items
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DependencyObject trailItem = (DependencyObject)(focusTrail[i] != null ? focusTrail[i].Target : null);

                    if (trailItem != null)

                // Set the new focus trail items
                if (IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                    DependencyObject previous = null; 
                    DependencyObject next = null; 

                    if (focusedElement != null) 
                        if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                            previous = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Left); 
                            next = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Right);
                            previous = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Up); 
                            next = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Down);
                    if (previous != null)
                        FocusTrailItemField.SetValue(previous, true); 
                        focusTrail[0] = new WeakReference(previous);

                    if (next != null)
                        FocusTrailItemField.SetValue(next, true); 
                        focusTrail[1] = new WeakReference(next);
                    // Focus has left the tree
                    FocusTrailField.SetValue(this, null);
        /// Checks the precomputed focus trail.  Valid only if we're in a hierararchy. 
        private bool IsInFocusTrail(UIElement container) 
            if (IsPixelBased) 
                return FocusTrailItemField.GetValue(container) || container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin;
                return false;


        // Avalon Property Callbacks/Overrides
        #region Avalon Property Callbacks/Overrides
        private static void OnOrientationChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // Since Orientation is so essential to logical scrolling/virtualization, we synchronously check if
            // the new value is different and clear all scrolling data if so. 
            ResetScrolling(d as VirtualizingStackPanel);
        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Properties

        #region Private Properties 

        /// Index of the last item in the cache window
        private int CacheEnd
                // Note we don't have the _afterTrail here:  _afterTrail is already contained inside of _visibleCount. 
                int cacheCount = _beforeTrail + _visibleCount + ContainerCacheSize;

                if (cacheCount > 0)
                    return _cacheStart + cacheCount - 1;
                    return 0; 
        /// True after the first MeasureOverride call. We can't use UIElement.NeverMeasured because it's set to true by the first call to MeasureOverride. 
        /// Stored in a bool field on Panel. 
        private bool HasMeasured 
                return VSP_HasMeasured; 
                VSP_HasMeasured = value;

        private bool InRecyclingMode
                return _virtualizationMode == VirtualizationMode.Recycling; 

        internal bool IsScrolling
            get { return (_scrollData != null) && (_scrollData._scrollOwner != null); }

        /// Specifies if this panel uses item-based or pixel-based computations in Measure and Arrange.
        /// Differences between the two:
        /// When pixel-based mode VSP behaves the same to the layout system virtualized as not; its desired size is the sum
        /// of all its children and it arranges children such that the ones in view appear in the right place. 
        /// In this mode VSP is also able to make use of the viewport passed down in MeasureData to virtualize chidren.  When 
        /// it's the scrolling panel it computes the offset and extent in pixels rather than logical units.
        /// When in item mode VSP's desired size grows and shrinks depending on which containers are virtualized and it arranges
        /// all children one on top the the other.
        /// In this mode VSP cannot use the viewport from MeasureData to virtualize; it can only virtualize if it is the scrolling panel
        /// (IsScrolling == true).  Thus its looseness with desired size isn't much of an issue since it owns the extent. 
        /// This should be private, except that one Debug.Assert in TreeView requires it. 
        internal bool IsPixelBased 
                // For backwards compat we don't use pixel mode unless we're virtualzing a TreeView or TreeViewItem.  This should 
                // be changed if we decide to later publicly expose the pixel-based viewport.
                Debug.Assert(VSP_IsPixelBased == false || IsVirtualizing && (ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeView || ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeViewItem)); 
                return VSP_IsPixelBased;
                VSP_IsPixelBased = value;
        private bool IsVirtualizing
                return VSP_IsVirtualizing;
                // We must be the ItemsHost to turn on Virtualization. 
                bool isVirtualizing = IsItemsHost && value;
                if (isVirtualizing == false)
                    _realizedChildren = null;

                VSP_IsVirtualizing = value; 

        /// Returns the list of childen that have been realized by the Generator.
        /// We must use this method whenever we interact with the Generator's index. 
        /// In recycling mode the Children collection also contains recycled containers and thus does
        /// not map to the Generator's list. 
        private IList RealizedChildren
                if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)
                    return _realizedChildren; 
                    return InternalChildren;

        private VirtualizationMode VirtualizationMode 
                return _virtualizationMode;
                _virtualizationMode = value; 

        #endregion Private Properties

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        // Scrolling and virtualization data.  Only used when this is the scrolling panel (IsScrolling is true).
        // When VSP is in pixel mode _scrollData is in units of pixels.  Otherwise the units are logical. 
        private ScrollData _scrollData;
        // Virtualization state 
        private VirtualizationMode _virtualizationMode;
        private int _visibleStart;                  // index of of the first visible data item 
        private int _visibleCount;                  // count of the number of data items visible in the viewport
        private int _cacheStart;                    // index of the first data item in the container cache.  This is always <= _visibleStart

        // UIElement collection index of the first visible child container.  This is NOT the data item index. If the first visible container 
        // is the 3rd child in the visual tree and contains data item 312, _firstVisibleChildIndex will be 2, while _visibleStart is 312.
        // This is useful because could be several live containers in the collection offscreen (maybe we cleaned up lazily, they couldn't be virtualized, etc). 
        // This actually maps directly to realized containers inside the Generator.  It's the index of the first visible realized container. 
        // Note that when RecyclingMode is active this is the index into the _realizedChildren collection, not the Children collection.
        private int _firstVisibleChildIndex; 

        // Used by the Recycling mode to maintain the list of actual realized children (a realized child is one that the ItemContainerGenerator has
        // generated).  We need a mapping between children in the UIElementCollection and realized containers in the generator.  In standard virtualization
        // mode these lists are identical; in recycling mode they are not. When a container is recycled the Generator removes it from its realized list, but 
        // for perf reasons the panel keeps these containers in its UIElement collection.  This list is the actual realized children -- i.e. the InternalChildren
        // list minus all recycled containers. 
        private List _realizedChildren; 

        // Cleanup 
        private DispatcherOperation _cleanupOperation;
        private DispatcherTimer _cleanupDelay;
        private int _beforeTrail = 0;
        private int _afterTrail = 0; 
        private const int FocusTrail = 5; // The maximum number of items off the edge we will generate to get a focused item (so that keyboard navigation can work)
        private DependencyObject _bringIntoViewContainer;  // pointer to the container we're about to bring into view; it can't be recycled even if it's offscreen. 
        // ContainerCacheSize specifies how many items we cache past the viewport boundaries.  Until we expose an API to allow users to tweak this
        // the safest thing is to leave it at 0. 
        private const int ContainerCacheSize = 0;

        // Global index used by ItemValueStorage to store the DesiredSize of a UIElement when it is a virtualized container.
        // Used by TreeView and TreeViewItem to remember the size of TreeViewItems when they get virtualized away. 
        private static int _desiredSizeStorageIndex;
        // Holds the 'focus trail': the previous or next focusable item, neither of which can be virtualized. 
        // Used only when virtualizing in a hierarchy (i.e. TreeView virtualization).
        private static UncommonField FocusTrailField = new UncommonField(null); 
        private static UncommonField FocusTrailItemField = new UncommonField(false);

        #endregion Private Fields

        //  Private Structures / Classes

        #region Private Structures Classes
        // ScrollData class 
        #region ScrollData
        // Helper class to hold scrolling data.
        // This class exists to reduce working set when VirtualizingStackPanel is used outside a scrolling situation.
        // Standard "extra pointer always for less data sometimes" cache savings model:
        //      !Scroll [1xReference] 
        //      Scroll  [1xReference] + [6xDouble + 1xReference]
        private class ScrollData 
            // Clears layout generated data.
            // Does not clear scrollOwner, because unless resetting due to a scrollOwner change, we won't get reattached. 
            internal void ClearLayout()
                _offset = new Vector();
                _viewport = _extent = _maxDesiredSize = new Size(); 
            // For Stack/Flow, the two dimensions of properties are in different units: 
            // 1. The "logically scrolling" dimension uses items as units.
            // 2. The other dimension physically scrolls.  Units are in Avalon pixels (1/96"). 
            internal bool _allowHorizontal;
            internal bool _allowVertical;

            // Scroll offset of content.  Positive corresponds to a visually upward offset.  Set by methods like LineUp, PageDown, etc. 
            internal Vector _offset;
            // Computed offset based on _offset set by the IScrollInfo methods.  Set at the end of a successful Measure pass. 
            // This is the offset used by Arrange and exposed externally.  Thus an offset set by PageDown via IScrollInfo isn't
            // reflected publicly (e.g. via the VerticalOffset property) until a Measure pass. 
            internal Vector _computedOffset = new Vector(0,0);
            internal Size _viewport;            // ViewportSize is in {pixels x items} (or vice-versa).
            internal Size _extent;              // Extent is the total number of children (logical dimension) or physical size
            internal ScrollViewer _scrollOwner; // ScrollViewer to which we're attached. 

            internal Size _maxDesiredSize;      // Hold onto the maximum desired size to avoid re-laying out the parent ScrollViewer. 

        #endregion ScrollData 

        /// Allows pixel-based virtualization to ask an ItemsControl for the size of its header (if available) 
        /// and a size estimate for its containers.  This is used for TreeView virtualization.
        internal interface IProvideStackingSize
            double HeaderSize(bool isHorizontal);
            double EstimatedContainerSize(bool isHorizontal);
        #endregion Private Structures Classes


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

//#define Profiling 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Controls; 
using MS.Utility;

using System;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace System.Windows.Controls
    /// VirtualizingStackPanel is used to arrange children into single line.
    public class VirtualizingStackPanel : VirtualizingPanel, IScrollInfo
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors 

        /// Default constructor.
        public VirtualizingStackPanel()

        static VirtualizingStackPanel() 
            lock (DependencyProperty.Synchronized)
                _desiredSizeStorageIndex = DependencyProperty.GetUniqueGlobalIndex(null, null); 

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods
        //  IScrollInfo Methods
        #region IScrollInfo Methods 

        ///     Scroll content by one line to the top. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means. 
        public virtual void LineUp()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one line to the bottom.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineDown()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));
        ///     Scroll content by one line to the left. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineLeft() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 

        ///     Scroll content by one line to the right.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "line" means.
        public virtual void LineRight()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the top.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageUp() 
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ViewportHeight);

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the bottom.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means.
        public virtual void PageDown() 
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ViewportHeight); 

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the left. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageLeft()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ViewportWidth);

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the right.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of what "page" means. 
        public virtual void PageRight() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ViewportWidth);
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the top. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelUp()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));

        ///     Scroll content by one page to the bottom. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetVerticalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment. 
        public virtual void MouseWheelDown()
            SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * ((Orientation == Orientation.Vertical && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the left.
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change 
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelLeft()
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - 3.0 * ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta));
        ///     Scroll content by one page to the right. 
        ///     Subclases can override this method and call SetHorizontalOffset to change
        ///     the behavior of the mouse wheel increment.
        public virtual void MouseWheelRight() 
            SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + 3.0 * ((Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && !IsPixelBased) ? 1.0 : ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta)); 

        /// Set the HorizontalOffset to the passed value.
        public void SetHorizontalOffset(double offset)
            double scrollX = ScrollContentPresenter.ValidateInputOffset(offset, "HorizontalOffset"); 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollX, _scrollData._offset.X))
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._offset;

                // Store the new offset
                _scrollData._offset.X = scrollX; 

                // Report the change in offset 
                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, _scrollData._offset); 


        /// Set the VerticalOffset to the passed value.
        public void SetVerticalOffset(double offset) 

            double scrollY = ScrollContentPresenter.ValidateInputOffset(offset, "VerticalOffset");
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollY, _scrollData._offset.Y))
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._offset;
                // Store the new offset 
                _scrollData._offset.Y = scrollY;
                // Report the change in offset
                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, _scrollData._offset);

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel implementation of . 
        // The goal is to change offsets to bring the child into view, and return a rectangle in our space to make visible.
        // The rectangle we return is in the physical dimension the input target rect transformed into our pace.
        // In the logical dimension, it is our immediate child's rect. 
        // Note: This code presently assumes we/children are layout clean.  See work item 22269 for more detail.
        public Rect MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle) 
            Vector newOffset = new Vector();
            Rect newRect = new Rect(); 
            Rect originalRect = rectangle;
            bool isHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);

            // We can only work on visuals that are us or children. 
            // An empty rect has no size or position.  We can't meaningfully use it.
            if (    rectangle.IsEmpty 
                || visual == null 
                || visual == (Visual)this
                ||  !this.IsAncestorOf(visual)) 
                return Rect.Empty;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
#pragma warning disable 56506 
            // Compute the child's rect relative to (0,0) in our coordinate space. 
            // This is a false positive by PreSharp. visual cannot be null because of the 'if' check above
            GeneralTransform childTransform = visual.TransformToAncestor(this); 
#pragma warning restore 56506
#pragma warning restore 1634, 1691
            rectangle = childTransform.TransformBounds(rectangle);
            // We can't do any work unless we're scrolling.
            if (!IsScrolling) 
                return rectangle;

            // Make ourselves visible in the non-stacking direction
            MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect, !isHorizontal);
            if (IsPixelBased)
                MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect, isHorizontal); 
                // Bring our child containing the visual into view.
                // For non-pixel based scrolling the offset is in logical units in the stacking direction
                // and physical units in the other. Hence the logical helper call here. 
                int childIndex = FindChildIndexThatParentsVisual(visual);
                MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(childIndex, rectangle, ref newOffset, ref newRect); 

            // We have computed the scrolling offsets; validate and scroll to them. 
            newOffset.X = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(newOffset.X, _scrollData._extent.Width, _scrollData._viewport.Width);
            newOffset.Y = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(newOffset.Y, _scrollData._extent.Height, _scrollData._viewport.Height);

            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(newOffset, _scrollData._offset)) 
                Vector oldOffset = _scrollData._offset; 
                _scrollData._offset = newOffset; 

                OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldOffset, newOffset); 

                if (ScrollOwner != null) 
                    // When layout gets updated it may happen that visual is obscured by a ScrollBar 
                    // We call MakeVisible again to make sure element is visible in this case 
                    ScrollOwner.MakeVisible(visual, originalRect);

                _bringIntoViewContainer = null;
            // Return the rectangle
            return newRect; 

        /// Generates the item at the specified index and calls BringIntoView on it.
        /// Specify the item index that should become visible
        /// Thrown if index is out of range
        protected internal override void BringIndexIntoView(int index) 
            if (index < 0 || index >= ItemCount) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;
            int childIndex; 
            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            GeneratorPosition position = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(index, out childIndex); 
            using (generator.StartAt(position, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                bool newlyRealized; 
                UIElement child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement;
                if (child != null)
                    visualOrderChanged = AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized);
                    if (visualOrderChanged) 
                        Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "We should only modify the visual order when in recycling mode"); 

                    FrameworkElement element = child as FrameworkElement; 
                    if (element != null)
                        _bringIntoViewContainer = element;

        //  Public Properties

        #region Public Properties 
        /// Specifies dimension of children stacking. 
        public Orientation Orientation
            get { return (Orientation) GetValue(OrientationProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(OrientationProperty, value); }
        /// This property is always true because this panel has vertical or horizontal orientation 
        protected internal override bool HasLogicalOrientation
            get { return true; } 
        ///     Orientation of the panel if its layout is in one dimension.
        /// Otherwise HasLogicalOrientation is false and LogicalOrientation should be ignored 
        protected internal override Orientation LogicalOrientation
            get { return this.Orientation; } 
        /// DependencyProperty for  property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrientationProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("Orientation", typeof(Orientation), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Orientation.Vertical,
                        new PropertyChangedCallback(OnOrientationChanged)),
                new ValidateValueCallback(ScrollBar.IsValidOrientation)); 
        ///     Attached property for use on the ItemsControl that is the host for the items being 
        ///     presented by this panel. Use this property to turn virtualization on/off.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsVirtualizingProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsVirtualizing", typeof(bool), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel), 
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
        ///     Retrieves the value for .
        /// The object on which to query the value.
        /// True if virtualizing, false otherwise.
        public static bool GetIsVirtualizing(DependencyObject o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o"); 
            return (bool)o.GetValue(IsVirtualizingProperty);

        ///     Sets the value for .
        /// The element on which to set the value. 
        /// True if virtualizing, false otherwise.
        public static void SetIsVirtualizing(DependencyObject element, bool value) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); 
            element.SetValue(IsVirtualizingProperty, value); 

        ///     Attached property for use on the ItemsControl that is the host for the items being 
        ///     presented by this panel. Use this property to modify the virtualization mode.
        ///     Note that this property can only be set before the panel has been initialized 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty VirtualizationModeProperty = 
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VirtualizationMode", typeof(VirtualizationMode), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel),
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(VirtualizationMode.Standard));

        ///     Retrieves the value for .
        /// The object on which to query the value. 
        /// The current virtualization mode.
        public static VirtualizationMode GetVirtualizationMode(DependencyObject element) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); 
            return (VirtualizationMode)element.GetValue(VirtualizationModeProperty); 
        ///     Sets the value for .
        /// The element on which to set the value. 
        /// The desired virtualization mode.
        public static void SetVirtualizationMode(DependencyObject element, VirtualizationMode value) 
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

            element.SetValue(VirtualizationModeProperty, value); 
        //  IScrollInfo Properties 
        #region IScrollInfo Properties

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel reacts to this property by changing its child measurement algorithm.
        /// If scrolling in a dimension, infinite space is allowed the child; otherwise, available size is preserved. 
        public bool CanHorizontallyScroll 
                if (_scrollData == null) { return false; } 
                return _scrollData._allowHorizontal;
                if (_scrollData._allowHorizontal != value)
                    _scrollData._allowHorizontal = value;

        /// VirtualizingStackPanel reacts to this property by changing its child measurement algorithm.
        /// If scrolling in a dimension, infinite space is allowed the child; otherwise, available size is preserved.
        public bool CanVerticallyScroll
                if (_scrollData == null) { return false; } 
                return _scrollData._allowVertical;
                if (_scrollData._allowVertical != value) 
                    _scrollData._allowVertical = value;
        /// ExtentWidth contains the horizontal size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" 
        public double ExtentWidth
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._extent.Width; 
        /// ExtentHeight contains the vertical size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" 
        public double ExtentHeight
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._extent.Height; 

        /// ViewportWidth contains the horizontal size of content's visible range in 1/96"
        public double ViewportWidth
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._viewport.Width;
        /// ViewportHeight contains the vertical size of content's visible range in 1/96" 
        public double ViewportHeight
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._viewport.Height; 
        /// HorizontalOffset is the horizontal offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". 
        public double HorizontalOffset
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } 
                return _scrollData._computedOffset.X;

        /// VerticalOffset is the vertical offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". 
        public double VerticalOffset 
                if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; }
                return _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
        /// ScrollOwner is the container that controls any scrollbars, headers, etc... that are dependant
        /// on this IScrollInfo's properties. 
        public ScrollViewer ScrollOwner
                return _scrollData._scrollOwner;
                if (value != _scrollData._scrollOwner) 
                    _scrollData._scrollOwner = value; 

        #endregion IScrollInfo Properties
        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Public Events 

        #region Public Events
        ///     Called on the ItemsControl that owns this panel when an item is being re-virtualized.
        public static readonly RoutedEvent CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent", RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler), typeof(VirtualizingStackPanel));

        ///     Adds a handler for the CleanUpVirtualizedItem attached event
        /// DependencyObject that listens to this event 
        /// Event Handler to be added
        public static void AddCleanUpVirtualizedItemHandler(DependencyObject element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler handler) 
            FrameworkElement.AddHandler(element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent, handler);
        ///     Removes a handler for the CleanUpVirtualizedItem attached event 
        /// DependencyObject that listens to this event
        /// Event Handler to be removed 
        public static void RemoveCleanUpVirtualizedItemHandler(DependencyObject element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler handler)
            FrameworkElement.RemoveHandler(element, CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent, handler);

        ///     Called when an item is being re-virtualized. 
        protected virtual void OnCleanUpVirtualizedItem(CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs e) 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);

            if (itemsControl != null) 

        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods 

        /// General VirtualizingStackPanel layout behavior is to grow unbounded in the "stacking" direction (Size To Content).
        /// Children in this dimension are encouraged to be as large as they like.  In the other dimension, 
        /// VirtualizingStackPanel will assume the maximum size of its children.
        /// When scrolling, VirtualizingStackPanel will not grow in layout size but effectively add the children on a z-plane which
        /// will probably be clipped by some parent (typically a ScrollContentPresenter) to Stack's size. 
        /// Constraint
        /// Desired size
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
#if Profiling 
            if (Panel.IsAboutToGenerateContent(this)) 
                return MeasureOverrideProfileStub(constraint);
                return RealMeasureOverride(constraint);

        // this is a handy place to start/stop profiling 
        private Size MeasureOverrideProfileStub(Size constraint)
            return RealMeasureOverride(constraint); 
        private Size RealMeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            bool etwTracingEnabled = IsScrolling && EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.normal); 
            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :MeasureOverride"); 
            Debug.Assert(MeasureData == null || constraint == MeasureData.AvailableSize, "MeasureData needs to be passed down in [....] with size");

            MeasureData measureData = MeasureData;
            Size stackDesiredSize = new Size(); 
            Size layoutSlotSize = constraint;
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal); 
            int firstViewport;                              // First child index in the viewport. 
            double firstItemOffset;                         // Offset of the top of the first child relative to the top of the viewport.
            double virtualizedItemsSize = 0d;               // Amount that virtualized children contribute to the desired size in the stacking direction 
            int lastViewport = -1;                          // Last child index in the viewport.  -1 indicates we have not yet iterated through the last child.
            double logicalVisibleSpace, childLogicalSize;
            Rect originalViewport = Rect.Empty;             // Only used if this is the scrolling panel.  Saves off the given viewport for scroll computations.
            // Collect information from the ItemsControl, if there is one.
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 
            int itemCount = (itemsControl != null) ? itemsControl.Items.Count : 0; 
            SetVirtualizationState(itemsControl, /* hasMeasureData = */ measureData != null && measureData.HasViewport);
            IList children = RealizedChildren;  // yes, this is weird, but this property ensures the Generator is properly initialized.
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

            // Adjust the viewport 
            if (IsPixelBased)
                if (IsScrolling) 
                    // We're the top level scrolling panel.  Set the viewport and extend it to add a focus trail
                    originalViewport = new Rect(_scrollData._offset.X, _scrollData._offset.Y, constraint.Width, constraint.Height);
                    measureData = new MeasureData(constraint, originalViewport);
                    // The way we have a focus trail when pixel-based is to artificially extend the viewport.  All calculations are done
                    // with this 'artificial' viewport with the exception of the scroll offset, extent, etc. 
                    measureData = AddFocusTrail(measureData, fHorizontal); 
                    Debug.Assert(!object.ReferenceEquals(originalViewport, measureData.Viewport), "original viewport should not have a focus trail");
                    measureData = AdjustViewportOffset(measureData, itemsControl, fHorizontal);
                    Debug.Assert(!object.ReferenceEquals(MeasureData, measureData), "The value set in the MeasureData property should not be modified"); 

            // Initialize child sizing and iterator data
            // Allow children as much size as they want along the stack.
            if (fHorizontal) 
                layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; 
                if (IsScrolling && CanVerticallyScroll) { layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; } 
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Width;
                layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                if (IsScrolling && CanHorizontallyScroll) { layoutSlotSize.Width = Double.PositiveInfinity; } 
                logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Height;
            // Compute index of first item in the viewport
            firstViewport = ComputeIndexOfFirstVisibleItem(measureData, itemsControl, fHorizontal, out firstItemOffset); 

            if (IsPixelBased)
                // Acount for the size of items that won't be generated 
                Debug.Assert(stackDesiredSize.Width == 0 && stackDesiredSize.Height == 0, "stack desired size must be 0 for virtualizedItemsSize to work");
                stackDesiredSize = ExtendDesiredSize(itemsControl, stackDesiredSize, firstViewport, /*before = */ true, fHorizontal); 
                virtualizedItemsSize = fHorizontal ? stackDesiredSize.Width : stackDesiredSize.Height;

            // If recycling clean up before generating children.
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                CleanupContainers(firstViewport, itemsControl);

            // Figure out the position of the first visible item 
            GeneratorPosition startPos = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(IsVirtualizing ? firstViewport : 0, out _firstVisibleChildIndex); 
            int childIndex = _firstVisibleChildIndex; 

            // Main loop: generate and measure all children (or all visible children if virtualizing).
            bool ranOutOfItems = true;
            bool visualOrderChanged = false; 
            _visibleCount = 0;
            if (itemCount > 0) 
                _afterTrail = 0;
                using (generator.StartAt(startPos, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                    for (int i = IsVirtualizing ? firstViewport : 0, count = itemCount; i < count; ++i)
                        // Get next child. 
                        bool newlyRealized;
                        UIElement child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement; 
                        if (child == null)
                            Debug.Assert(!newlyRealized, "The generator realized a null value.");

                            // We reached the end of the items (because of a group)
                        visualOrderChanged |= AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized); 


                        if (IsPixelBased)
                            // Pass along MeasureData so it continues down the tree.
                            child.MeasureData = CreateChildMeasureData(measureData, layoutSlotSize, stackDesiredSize, fHorizontal); 

                        Size childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize; 

                        if (childDesiredSize != child.DesiredSize)
                            childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize;
                            // Reset the _maxDesiredSize cache if child DesiredSize changes 
                            if (_scrollData != null)
                                _scrollData._maxDesiredSize = new Size(); 

                        // Accumulate child size. 
                        if (fHorizontal)
                            stackDesiredSize.Width += childDesiredSize.Width; 
                            stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, childDesiredSize.Height);
                            childLogicalSize = childDesiredSize.Width; 
                            stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width); 
                            stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height;
                            childLogicalSize = childDesiredSize.Height; 


                        // Adjust remaining viewport space if we are scrolling and within the viewport region.
                        // While scrolling (not virtualizing), we always measure children before and after the viewport.
                        if (IsScrolling && lastViewport == -1 && i >= firstViewport) 
                            logicalVisibleSpace -= childLogicalSize; 
                            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) 
                                lastViewport = i; 

                        // When under a viewport, virtualizing and at or beyond the first element, stop creating elements when out of space.
                        if (IsVirtualizing && (i >= firstViewport)) 
                            double viewportSize;
                            double totalGenerated; 

                            // Decide if the end of the item is outside the viewport.
                            // StackDesiredSize, with some adjustment, is a measure of exactly how much viewport space we have used.
                            // StackDesiredSize is the sum of all generated children (starting with the first visible item).  The first 
                            // visible item doesn't always start at the top of the viewport, so we have to adjust by the firstItemoffset.
                            // When pixel-based we add the sum of all virtualized children to the stackDesiredSize; this has to be removed as well.
                            Debug.Assert(IsPixelBased || virtualizedItemsSize == 0d);
                            if (fHorizontal)
                                viewportSize = IsPixelBased ? measureData.Viewport.Width : constraint.Width; 
                                totalGenerated = stackDesiredSize.Width - virtualizedItemsSize + firstItemOffset;
                                viewportSize = IsPixelBased ? measureData.Viewport.Height : constraint.Height; 
                                totalGenerated = stackDesiredSize.Height - virtualizedItemsSize + firstItemOffset;

                            if (totalGenerated > viewportSize) 
                                // The end of this child is outside the viewport.  Check if we want to generate some more.

                                if (IsPixelBased) 
                                    // For pixel-based virtualization (specifically TreeView virtualization) we deal with 
                                    // the after trail later, since it has to function hierarchically. 
                                    // We want to keep a focusable item after the end so that keyboard navigation
                                    // can work, but we want to limit that to FocusTrail number of items 
                                    // in case all the items are not focusable.
                                    if (_afterTrail > 0 && ( _afterTrail >= FocusTrail || Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))) 
                                        // Either we passed the limit or the child was focusable
                                        ranOutOfItems = false; 

                                    // Loop around and generate another item

#if DEBUG 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)

            _visibleStart = firstViewport;

            if (IsPixelBased)
                // Acount for the size of items that won't be generated 
                stackDesiredSize = ExtendDesiredSize(itemsControl, stackDesiredSize, firstViewport + _visibleCount, /*before = */ false, fHorizontal);

            // Adjust the scroll offset, extent, etc. 
            if (IsScrolling) 
                if (IsPixelBased)

                    Vector offset = new Vector(originalViewport.Location.X, originalViewport.Location.Y);
                    SetAndVerifyScrollingData(originalViewport.Size, stackDesiredSize, offset);
                    // Compute the extent before we fill remaining space and modify the stack desired size 
                    Size extent = ComputeLogicalExtent(stackDesiredSize, itemCount, fHorizontal);
                    if (ranOutOfItems)
                        // If we or children have resized, it's possible that we can now display more content.
                        // This is true if we started at a nonzero offeset and still have space remaining. 
                        // In this case, we loop back through previous children until we run out of space.
                        FillRemainingSpace(ref firstViewport, ref logicalVisibleSpace, ref stackDesiredSize, layoutSlotSize, fHorizontal); 

                    // Create the Before focus trail 
                    // NOTE: the call here (under IsScrolling) implicitly assumes that only a scrolling panel can virtualize and thus requires
                    // a focus trail.  That's not true for hierarchical (pixel-based) virtualization, but it handles the focus trail differently anyway.
                    // Compute Scrolling data such as extent, viewport, and offset.
                    stackDesiredSize = UpdateLogicalScrollData(stackDesiredSize, constraint, logicalVisibleSpace, 
                                                               extent, firstViewport, lastViewport, itemCount, fHorizontal); 

            // Cleanup items no longer in the viewport
            if (IsVirtualizing && !InRecyclingMode)
                if (IsPixelBased) 
                    // Immediate cleanup 
                    CleanupContainers(firstViewport, itemsControl);
                    // Less aggressive backwards-compat background cleanup operation
                    EnsureCleanupOperation(false /* delay */); 

            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)

                if (visualOrderChanged) 
                    // We moved some containers in the visual tree without firing changed events.  ZOrder is now invalid.

            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :MeasureOverride"); 

            return stackDesiredSize;

        /// Content arrangement. 
        /// Arrange size
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            Rect rcChild = new Rect(arrangeSize); 
            IList children;
            double previousChildSize = 0.0; 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = null;
            bool childrenAreContainers = true;

            bool etwTracingEnabled = IsScrolling && EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.normal); 
            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :ArrangeOverride"); 
            // Compute scroll offset and seed it into rcChild.
            if (IsScrolling) 
                if (fHorizontal) 
                    double offsetX = _scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                    rcChild.X = IsPixelBased ? -offsetX : ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : offsetX, true); 
                    rcChild.Y = -1.0 * _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                    double offsetY = _scrollData._computedOffset.Y;
                    rcChild.X = -1.0 * _scrollData._computedOffset.X; 
                    rcChild.Y = IsPixelBased ? -offsetY : ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : offsetY, false); 

            // Arrange and Position Children.
            // If we're virtualizing and pixel-based we loop through the entire items collection (the policy is to arrange items exactly where they
            // should appear regardless of the virtualization state of siblings).  This is required to properly virtualize hiearchically. 
            // Otherwise we loop through the children collection (when virtualizing in items mode VSP arranges children in a simple stack order). 
            if (IsPixelBased && IsVirtualizing)
                // This is a pixel-based internal panel.  It must behave externally exactly the way a non-virtualizing panel does in Arrange.
                // Specifically, it arranges its children in the 'proper' place, regardless of whether or not their siblings are virtualized. 

                itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 
                children = itemsControl.Items; 
                childrenAreContainers = false;
                debug_AssertRealizedChildrenEqualVisualChildren();  // RealizedChildren only differs from InternalChildren inside of Measure when container recycling is on.
                children = RealizedChildren; 
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i)
                UIElement container = null;
                Size childSize;

                if (childrenAreContainers) 
                    // we are looping through the actual containers; the visual children of this panel. 
                    container = (UIElement)children[i]; 
                    childSize = container.DesiredSize;
                    // We are looping through items and may or may not have a container for each given item.
                    childSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, children[i], i, out container); 
                if (fHorizontal)
                    rcChild.X += previousChildSize;
                    previousChildSize = childSize.Width;
                    rcChild.Width = previousChildSize;
                    rcChild.Height = Math.Max(arrangeSize.Height, childSize.Height); 
                    rcChild.Y += previousChildSize;
                    previousChildSize = childSize.Height; 
                    rcChild.Height = previousChildSize;
                    rcChild.Width = Math.Max(arrangeSize.Width, childSize.Width);
                if (container != null)

            if (etwTracingEnabled)
                EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.GENERICSTRINGGUID), MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "VirtualizingStackPanel :ArrangeOverride");
            return arrangeSize;

        ///     Called when the Items collection associated with the containing ItemsControl changes. 
        /// sender 
        /// Event arguments 
        protected override void OnItemsChanged(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs args)
            base.OnItemsChanged(sender, args);

            bool resetMaximumDesiredSize = false;
            switch (args.Action)
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: 
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true; 

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true;
                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:

                case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
                    resetMaximumDesiredSize = true; 
            if (resetMaximumDesiredSize && IsScrolling)
                // The items changed such that the maximum size may no longer be valid.
                // The next layout pass will update this value.
                _scrollData._maxDesiredSize = new Size();

        ///     Called when the UI collection of children is cleared by the base Panel class. 
        protected override void OnClearChildren()
            _realizedChildren = null;
            _visibleStart = _firstVisibleChildIndex = _visibleCount = 0; 

        // Override of OnGotKeyboardFocus.  Called when focus moves to any child or subchild of this VSP 
        // Used by TreeView virtualization to keep track of the focused item.
        protected override void OnGotKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
        // Override of OnLostKeyboardFocus.  Called when focus moves away from this VSP.
        // Used by TreeView virtualization to keep track of the focused item. 
        protected override void OnLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)

        #endregion Protected Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        // Tells the Generator to clear out all containers for this ItemsControl.  This is called by the ItemValueStorage 
        // service when the ItemsControl this panel is a host for is about to be thrown away.  This allows the VSP to save
        // off any properties it is interested in and results in a call to ClearContainerForItem on the ItemsControl, allowing 
        // the Item Container Storage to do so as well. 

        // Note: A possible perf improvement may be to make 'fast' RemoveAll on the Generator that simply calls ClearContainerForItem 
        // for us without walking through its data structures to actually clean out items.
        internal void ClearAllContainers(ItemsControl itemsControl)
                         "We should only clear containers for ItemsControls that are virtualizing");
            Debug.Assert(itemsControl == ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this), 
                        "We can only clear containers that this panel is a host for");
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

            if (IsPixelBased)
                IList children = RealizedChildren;
                UIElement child; 
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    child = (UIElement)children[i];
                    itemsControl.StoreItemValue(((ItemContainerGenerator)generator).ItemFromContainer(child), child.DesiredSize, _desiredSizeStorageIndex);
            if (generator != null) 


        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods

        // MeasureOverride Helpers 
        #region MeasureOverride Helpers

        /// Extends the viewport of the given MeasureData to give a focus trail.  Returns by how much it extended the viewport. 
        private MeasureData AddFocusTrail(MeasureData measureData, bool isHorizontal)
            // Create the before / after focus trail for interior panels that use MeasureData's viewport to virtualize.
            // We expand the viewport so that roughly two extra items are generated at the top and the bottom.
            // For the before / after focus trail good values are
            //  padding = header height * 4; 
            // To make page up / down work without rewriting TreeView's algorithm we actually extend the viewport one extra page
            // top and bottm. 
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling, "The scrolling panel is the only one that should extend the viewport");
            Invariant.Assert(IsPixelBased, "If we're sending down a viewport to the children we should be doing pixel-based computations");
            double page = isHorizontal ? ViewportWidth : ViewportHeight;
            Rect viewport = measureData.Viewport; 
            if (isHorizontal)
                viewport.Width += page * 2;
                viewport.X -= page;
                viewport.Height += page * 2; 
                viewport.Y -= page; 
            measureData.Viewport = viewport;
            return measureData;
        #region Scroll Computation Helpers
        /// Returns the extent in logical units in the stacking direction.
        private Size ComputeLogicalExtent(Size stackDesiredSize, int itemCount, bool isHorizontal)
            bool accumulateExtent = false; 
            Size extent = new Size();
            if (ScrollOwner != null)
                accumulateExtent = ScrollOwner.InChildInvalidateMeasure;
                ScrollOwner.InChildInvalidateMeasure = false; 
            if (isHorizontal) 
                extent.Width = itemCount; 
                extent.Height = accumulateExtent ? Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, _scrollData._extent.Height) : stackDesiredSize.Height;
                extent.Width = accumulateExtent ? Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, _scrollData._extent.Width) : stackDesiredSize.Width;
                extent.Height = itemCount; 

            return extent; 

        /// Called when we ran out of children before filling up the viewport. 
        private void FillRemainingSpace(ref int firstViewport, ref double logicalVisibleSpace, ref Size stackDesiredSize, Size layoutSlotSize, bool isHorizontal)
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling, "Only the scrolling panel can fill remaining space");
            Debug.Assert(!IsPixelBased, "This is a logical operation");

            double projectedLogicalVisibleSpace; 
            Size childDesiredSize;
            IList children = RealizedChildren; 
            int childIndex = IsVirtualizing ? _firstVisibleChildIndex : firstViewport; 

            while (childIndex > 0) 
                if (!PreviousChildIsGenerated(childIndex))
                    GeneratePreviousChild(childIndex, layoutSlotSize); 
                    childIndex++; // We just inserted a child, so increment the index
                else if (childIndex <= _firstVisibleChildIndex) 
                    ((UIElement)children[childIndex - 1]).Measure(layoutSlotSize); 

                projectedLogicalVisibleSpace = logicalVisibleSpace;
                childDesiredSize = ((UIElement)children[childIndex - 1]).DesiredSize;
                if (isHorizontal) 
                    projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= childDesiredSize.Width; 
                    projectedLogicalVisibleSpace -= childDesiredSize.Height; 
                // If we have run out of room, break. 
                if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(projectedLogicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) { break; }
                // Account for the child in the panel's desired size
                if (isHorizontal)
                    stackDesiredSize.Width += childDesiredSize.Width; 
                    stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, childDesiredSize.Height);
                    stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width); 
                    stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height;

                // Adjust viewport 
                logicalVisibleSpace = projectedLogicalVisibleSpace; 
            if ((childIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex) || !IsVirtualizing) 
                _firstVisibleChildIndex = childIndex;
            _visibleStart = firstViewport = (IsItemsHost && children.Count != 0) ? GetGeneratedIndex(_firstVisibleChildIndex) : 0;

        /// Updates ScrollData's offset, extent, and viewport in logical units.
        private Size UpdateLogicalScrollData(Size stackDesiredSize, Size constraint, double logicalVisibleSpace, Size extent,
                                             int firstViewport, int lastViewport, int itemCount, bool fHorizontal) 
            Debug.Assert(IsScrolling && !IsPixelBased, "this computes logical scroll data"); 
            Size viewport = constraint;
            Vector offset = _scrollData._offset; 

            // If we have not yet set the last child in the viewport, set it to the last child.
            if (lastViewport == -1) { lastViewport = itemCount - 1; }
            int logicalExtent = itemCount;
            int logicalViewport = lastViewport - firstViewport; 
            // Compute the logical viewport size. 

            // We are conservative when estimating a viewport, not including the last element in case it is only partially visible.
            // We want to count it if it is fully visible (>= 0 space remaining) or the only element in the viewport. 
            if (logicalViewport == 0 || DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0)) { logicalViewport++; }
            if (fHorizontal) 
                viewport.Width = logicalViewport; 
                offset.X = firstViewport;
                offset.Y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.Y, extent.Height - viewport.Height));

                // In case last item is visible because we scroll all the way to the right and scrolling is on 
                // we want desired size not to be smaller than constraint to avoid another relayout
                if (logicalExtent > logicalViewport && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Width)) 
                    stackDesiredSize.Width = constraint.Width;
                viewport.Height = logicalViewport; 
                offset.Y = firstViewport;
                offset.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.X, extent.Width - viewport.Width)); 
                // In case last item is visible because we scroll all the way to the bottom and scrolling is on
                // we want desired size not to be smaller than constraint to avoid another relayout 
                if (logicalExtent > logicalViewport && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Height))
                    stackDesiredSize.Height = constraint.Height;

            // Since we can offset and clip our content, we never need to be larger than the parent suggestion. 
            // If we returned the full size of the content, we would always be so big we didn't need to scroll.  :)
            stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Width, constraint.Width);
            stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height);
            // When scrolling, the maximum horizontal or vertical size of items can cause the desired size of the
            // panel to change, which can cause the owning ScrollViewer re-layout as well when it is not necessary. 
            // We will thus remember the maximum desired size and always return that. The actual arrangement and 
            // clipping still be calculated from actual scroll data values.
            // The maximum desired size is reset when the items change. 
            _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Width);
            _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Height = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Height, _scrollData._maxDesiredSize.Height);
            stackDesiredSize = _scrollData._maxDesiredSize;
            // Verify Scroll Info, invalidate ScrollOwner if necessary.
            SetAndVerifyScrollingData(viewport, extent, offset); 
            return stackDesiredSize;


        /// DesiredSize is normally computed by summing up the size of all items we've generated.  Pixel-based virtualization uses a 'full' desired size. 
        /// This extends the given desired size beyond the visible items.  It will extend it by the items before or after the set of generated items. 
        /// The given pivotIndex is the index of either the first or last item generated.
        private Size ExtendDesiredSize(ItemsControl itemsControl, Size stackDesiredSize, int pivotIndex, bool before, bool isHorizontal) 
            Debug.Assert(IsPixelBased, "MeasureOverride should have already computed desiredSize if non-virtualizing or items-based"); 

            // If we're virtualizing the sum of all generated containers is not the true desired size since not all containers were generated.
            // In the old items-based mode it didn't matter because only the scrolling panel could virtualize and scrollviewer doesn't *really* 
            // care about desired size.
            // In pixel-based mode we need to compute the same desired size as if we weren't virtualizing. 
            // Note: there are faster ways to do this than loop through items, but the cost isn't significant and the other possible implementations are nasty. 

            Size containerSize;
            ItemCollection items = itemsControl.Items; 

            for (int i = (before ? 0 : pivotIndex); i < (before ? pivotIndex : items.Count); i++) 
                containerSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, items[i], i);
                if (isHorizontal)
                    stackDesiredSize.Width += containerSize.Width;
                    stackDesiredSize.Height += containerSize.Height; 

            return stackDesiredSize;

        // Returns the index of the first item visible (even partially) in the viewport. 
        private int ComputeIndexOfFirstVisibleItem(MeasureData measureData, ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal, out double firstItemOffset) 
            firstItemOffset = 0d;   // offset of the top of the first visible child from the top of the viewport.  The child always
                                    // starts before the top of the viewport so this is always negative.
            if (itemsControl != null)
                ItemCollection items = itemsControl.Items; 
                int itemsCount = items.Count;
                if (!IsPixelBased)
                    // Classic case that shipped with V1 
                    // If the panel is implementing IScrollInfo then _scrollData keeps track of the 
                    // current offset, extent, etc in logical units 
                    if (IsScrolling) 
                        return CoerceIndexToInteger(isHorizontal ? _scrollData._offset.X : _scrollData._offset.Y, itemsCount);
                    Size containerSize; 
                    double totalSpan = 0.0;      // total height or width in the stacking direction
                    double containerSpan = 0.0; 
                    double viewportOffset = isHorizontal ? measureData.Viewport.X : measureData.Viewport.Y;

                    for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
                        containerSize = ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, items[i], i);
                        containerSpan = isHorizontal ? containerSize.Width : containerSize.Height; 
                        totalSpan += containerSpan; 

                        if (totalSpan > viewportOffset) 
                            // This is the first item that starts before the viewportOffset but ends after it; i is thus the index
                            // to the first item in the viewport.
                            firstItemOffset = totalSpan - containerSpan - viewportOffset; 
                            return i;

            return 0;

        private Size ContainerSizeForItem(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item, int index) 
            UIElement temp;
            return ContainerSizeForItem(itemsControl, item, index, out temp); 

        /// Returns the size of the container for a given item.  The size can come from the container, a lookup, or a guess depending 
        /// on the virtualization state of the item.
        /// returns the container for the item; null if the container wasn't found
        private Size ContainerSizeForItem(ItemsControl itemsControl, object item, int index, out UIElement container)
            Size containerSize;
            container = index >= 0 ? ((ItemContainerGenerator)Generator).ContainerFromIndex(index) as UIElement : null; 
            if (container != null)
                containerSize = container.DesiredSize;
                // It's virtualized; grab the height off the item if available.
                object value = itemsControl.ReadItemValue(item, _desiredSizeStorageIndex); 
                if (value != null) 
                    containerSize = (Size)value; 
                    // No stored container height; simply guess.
                    containerSize = new Size(); 

                    if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                        containerSize.Width = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl, /*isHorizontal = */ true);
                        containerSize.Height = DesiredSize.Height; 
                        containerSize.Height = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl, /*isHorizontal = */ false);
                        containerSize.Width = DesiredSize.Width; 
            Debug.Assert(!containerSize.IsEmpty, "We can't estimate an empty size");
            return containerSize; 

        private double ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal)
            return ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(itemsControl as IProvideStackingSize, isHorizontal);

        /// Estimates a container size in the stacking direction for the given ItemsControl 
        private double ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(IProvideStackingSize estimate, bool isHorizontal)
            double stackingSize = 0d;
            if (estimate != null) 
                stackingSize = estimate.EstimatedContainerSize(isHorizontal); 

            if (stackingSize <= 0d || DoubleUtil.IsNaN(stackingSize))
                stackingSize = ScrollViewer._scrollLineDelta;
            Debug.Assert(stackingSize > 0, "We should have returned a reasonable estimate for the stacking size");
            return stackingSize;

        private MeasureData CreateChildMeasureData(MeasureData measureData, Size layoutSlotSize, Size stackDesiredSize, bool isHorizontal)
            Invariant.Assert(IsPixelBased && measureData != null, "We can only use MeasureData when pixel-based"); 
            Rect viewport = measureData.Viewport;
            // Adjust viewport offset for the child
            if (isHorizontal) 
                viewport.X -= stackDesiredSize.Width; 
                viewport.Y -= stackDesiredSize.Height;

            return new MeasureData(layoutSlotSize, viewport); 
        /// Inserts a new container in the visual tree
        private void InsertNewContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container)
            InsertContainer(childIndex, container, false);
        /// Inserts a recycled container in the visual tree 
        private bool InsertRecycledContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container)
            return InsertContainer(childIndex, container, true); 

        /// Inserts a container into the Children collection.  The container is either new or recycled.
        private bool InsertContainer(int childIndex, UIElement container, bool isRecycled)
            Debug.Assert(container != null, "Null container was generated");

            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 

            // Find the index in the Children collection where we hope to insert the container. 
            // This is done by looking up the index of the container BEFORE the one we hope to insert.
            // We have to do it this way because there could be recycled containers between the container we're looking for and the one before it.
            // By finding the index before the place we want to insert and adding one, we ensure that we'll insert the new container in the
            // proper location.
            // In recycling mode childIndex is the index in the _realizedChildren list, not the index in the
            // Children collection.  We have to convert the index; we'll call the index in the Children collection 
            // the visualTreeIndex. 
            int visualTreeIndex = 0;

            if (childIndex > 0)
                visualTreeIndex = ChildIndexFromRealizedIndex(childIndex - 1);

            if (isRecycled && visualTreeIndex < children.Count && children[visualTreeIndex] == container)
                // Don't insert if a recycled container is in the proper place already
                if (visualTreeIndex < children.Count) 
                    int insertIndex = visualTreeIndex; 
                    if (isRecycled && container.InternalVisualParent != null)
                        // If the container is recycled we have to remove it from its place in the visual tree and
                        // insert it in the proper location.   For perf we'll use an internal Move API that moves 
                        // the first parameter to right before the second one.
                        Debug.Assert(children[visualTreeIndex] != null, "MoveVisualChild interprets a null destination as 'move to end'"); 
                        children.MoveVisualChild(container, children[visualTreeIndex]); 
                        visualOrderChanged = true;
                        VirtualizingPanel.InsertInternalChild(children, insertIndex, container);
                    if (isRecycled && container.InternalVisualParent != null)
                        // Recycled container is still in the tree; move it to the end
                        children.MoveVisualChild(container, null);
                        visualOrderChanged = true;
                        VirtualizingPanel.AddInternalChild(children, container); 

            // Keep realizedChildren in [....] w/ the visual tree. 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                _realizedChildren.Insert(childIndex, container);


            return visualOrderChanged; 

        private void EnsureCleanupOperation(bool delay)
            if (delay)
                bool noPendingOperations = true;
                if (_cleanupOperation != null) 
                    noPendingOperations = _cleanupOperation.Abort();
                    if (noPendingOperations) 
                        _cleanupOperation = null;
                if (noPendingOperations && (_cleanupDelay == null))
                    _cleanupDelay = new DispatcherTimer(); 
                    _cleanupDelay.Tick += new EventHandler(OnDelayCleanup);
                    _cleanupDelay.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500.0); 
                if ((_cleanupOperation == null) && (_cleanupDelay == null)) 
                    _cleanupOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(OnCleanUp), null);

        private bool PreviousChildIsGenerated(int childIndex) 
            GeneratorPosition position = new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0); 
            position = Generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(position) - 1); 
            return (position.Offset == 0 && position.Index >= 0);

        /// Takes a container returned from Generator.GenerateNext() and places it in the visual tree if necessary. 
        /// Takes into account whether the container is new, recycled, or already realized.
        private bool AddContainerFromGenerator(int childIndex, UIElement child, bool newlyRealized)
            bool visualOrderChanged = false;
            if (!newlyRealized)
                // Container is either realized or recycled.  If it's realized do nothing; it already exists in the visual
                // tree in the proper place. 

                if (InRecyclingMode)
                    // Note there's no check for IsVirtualizing here.  If the user has just flipped off virtualization it's possible that
                    // the Generator will still return some recycled containers until its list runs out. 
                    IList children = RealizedChildren;
                    if (childIndex >= children.Count || !(children[childIndex] == child))
                        Debug.Assert(!children.Contains(child), "we incorrectly identified a recycled container");
                        // We have a recycled container (if it was a realized container it would have been returned in the 
                        // proper location).  Note also that recycled containers are NOT in the _realizedChildren list. 
                        visualOrderChanged = InsertRecycledContainer(childIndex, child);
                        // previously realized child.
                    // Not recycling; realized container
                    Debug.Assert(child == InternalChildren[childIndex], "Wrong child was generated");
                InsertNewContainer(childIndex, child); 
            return visualOrderChanged;

        private UIElement GeneratePreviousChild(int childIndex, Size layoutSlotSize) 
            int newIndex = Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0)) - 1; 
            if (newIndex >= 0) 
                UIElement child; 
                bool visualOrderChanged = false;
                IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator;

                int newGeneratedIndex; 
                GeneratorPosition newStartPos = IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(newIndex, out newGeneratedIndex);
                using (generator.StartAt(newStartPos, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true)) 
                    bool newlyRealized;
                    child = generator.GenerateNext(out newlyRealized) as UIElement; 
                    Debug.Assert(child != null, "Null child was generated");

                    AddContainerFromGenerator(childIndex, child, newlyRealized);
                    if (childIndex <= _firstVisibleChildIndex)

                if (visualOrderChanged) 
                    Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "We should only modify the visual order when in recycling mode"); 
                return child;

            return null; 
        private void OnItemsRemove(ItemsChangedEventArgs args)
            RemoveChildRange(args.Position, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount);

        private void OnItemsReplace(ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            RemoveChildRange(args.Position, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount); 

        private void OnItemsMove(ItemsChangedEventArgs args) 
            RemoveChildRange(args.OldPosition, args.ItemCount, args.ItemUICount);
        private void RemoveChildRange(GeneratorPosition position, int itemCount, int itemUICount)
            if (IsItemsHost) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                int pos = position.Index;
                if (position.Offset > 0)
                    // An item is being removed after the one at the index 
                if (pos < children.Count)
                    int uiCount = itemUICount;
                    Debug.Assert((itemCount == itemUICount) || (itemUICount == 0), "Both ItemUICount and ItemCount should be equal or ItemUICount should be 0.");
                    if (uiCount > 0)
                        VirtualizingPanel.RemoveInternalChildRange(children, pos, uiCount);
                        if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                            _realizedChildren.RemoveRange(pos, uiCount); 
        private void AdjustCacheWindow(int firstViewport, int itemCount)
            // Adjust the container cache window such that the viewport is always contained inside.
            // firstViewport is the index of the first container in the viewport, not counting the before trail.
            // _visibleCount is the total number of items we generated. It already contains the _afterTrail. 
            // First and last containers that we must keep in view; index is into the data item collection
            int firstContainer = firstViewport > 0 ? firstViewport - _beforeTrail : firstViewport; 
            int lastContainer = firstViewport + _visibleCount - 1;   // beforeTrail is not included in _visibleCount

            // clamp last container
            if (lastContainer >= itemCount) 
                lastContainer = itemCount - 1; 

            int cacheEnd = CacheEnd; 

            if (firstContainer < _cacheStart)
                // shift the cache start up 
                _cacheStart = firstContainer;
            else if (lastContainer > cacheEnd) 
                // shift the cache start down 
                _cacheStart += (lastContainer - cacheEnd);

            // In some cases cacheEnd can be past the end of the list of items.  This is perfectly fine.
            Debug.Assert(_cacheStart <= firstContainer && (CacheEnd >= firstContainer + _visibleCount - 1 || CacheEnd >= itemCount - 1), "The container cache window is out of place"); 

        private bool IsOutsideCacheWindow(int itemIndex) 

            return (itemIndex < _cacheStart || itemIndex > CacheEnd);

        /// Immediately cleans up any containers that have gone offscreen.  Called by MeasureOverride.
        /// When recycling this runs before generating and measuring children; otherwise it runs after. 
        private void CleanupContainers(int firstViewport, ItemsControl itemsControl)
            Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing, "Can't clean up containers if not virtualizing"); 
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode || IsPixelBased,
                "For backwards compat the standard virtualizing mode has its own cleanup algorithm"); 
            Debug.Assert(itemsControl != null, "We can't cleanup if we aren't the itemshost"); 

            // It removes items outside of the container cache window (a logical 'window' at
            // least as large as the viewport).
            // firstViewport is the index of first data item that will be in the viewport 
            // at the end of Measure.  This is effectively the scroll offset.
            // _visibleStart is index of the first data item that was previously at the top of the viewport 
            // At the end of a Measure pass _visibleStart == firstViewport.
            // _visibleCount is the number of data items that were previously visible in the viewport.

            int cleanupRangeStart = -1;
            int cleanupCount = 0; 
            int itemIndex = -1;              // data item index used to compare with the cache window position.
            int lastItemIndex; 
            IList children = RealizedChildren; 
            int focusedChild = -1, previousFocusable = -1, nextFocusable = -1;  // child indices for the focused item and before and after focus trail items
            bool performCleanup = false;
            UIElement child;

            if (children.Count == 0) 
                return; // nothing to do 

            AdjustCacheWindow(firstViewport, itemsControl.Items.Count); 

            if (IsKeyboardFocusWithin && !IsPixelBased)
                // If we're not in a hieararchy we can find the focus trail locally; for hierarchies it has already been 
                // precalculated.
                FindFocusedChild(out focusedChild, out previousFocusable, out nextFocusable); 

            // Iterate over all realized children and recycle the ones that are eligible.  Items NOT eligible for recycling
            // have one or more of the following properties
            //  - inside the cache window 
            //  - the item is its own container
            //  - has keyboard focus 
            //  - is the first focusable item before or after the focused item 
            //  - the CleanupVirtualizedItem event was canceled

            for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < children.Count; childIndex++)
                child = (UIElement)children[childIndex]; 
                lastItemIndex = itemIndex;
                itemIndex = GetGeneratedIndex(childIndex); 
                if (itemIndex - lastItemIndex != 1)
                    // There's a generated gap between the current item and the last.  Clean up the last range of items.
                    performCleanup = true;
                if (performCleanup)
                    if (cleanupRangeStart >= 0 && cleanupCount > 0) 
                        // We've hit a non-virtualizable container or a non-contiguous section.

                        CleanupRange(children, Generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 

                        // CleanupRange just modified the _realizedChildren list.  Adjust the childIndex. 
                        childIndex -= cleanupCount; 
                        focusedChild -= cleanupCount;
                        previousFocusable -= cleanupCount; 
                        nextFocusable -= cleanupCount;

                        cleanupCount = 0;
                        cleanupRangeStart = -1; 
                    performCleanup = false; 

                if (IsOutsideCacheWindow(itemIndex) &&
                    !((IGeneratorHost)itemsControl).IsItemItsOwnContainer(itemsControl.Items[itemIndex]) &&
                    childIndex != focusedChild && 
                    childIndex != previousFocusable &&
                    childIndex != nextFocusable && 
                    !IsInFocusTrail(child) &&                   // logically the same computation as the three above; used when in a treeview. 
                    child != _bringIntoViewContainer &&         // the container we're going to bring into view must not be recycled
                    NotifyCleanupItem(child, itemsControl)) 
                    // The container is eligible to be virtualized
                    if (cleanupRangeStart == -1)
                        cleanupRangeStart = childIndex; 

                    // Save off the child's desired size if we're doing pixel-based virtualization. 
                    // We need to save off the size when doing hierarchical (i.e. TreeView) virtualization, since containers will vary
                    // greatly in size. This is required both to compute the index of the first visible item in the viewport and to Arrange 
                    // children in their proper locations. 
                    if (IsPixelBased) 
                        itemsControl.StoreItemValue(itemsControl.Items[itemIndex], child.DesiredSize, _desiredSizeStorageIndex);
                    // Non-recyclable container; 
                    performCleanup = true;

            if (cleanupRangeStart >= 0 && cleanupCount > 0)
                CleanupRange(children, Generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount);

        private void EnsureRealizedChildren()
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode, "This method only applies to recycling mode");
            if (_realizedChildren == null) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                _realizedChildren = new List(children.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)

        private void debug_VerifyRealizedChildren()
            // Debug method that ensures the _realizedChildren list matches the realized containers in the Generator.
            Debug.Assert(IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode, "Realized children only exist when recycling"); 
            Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren != null, "Realized children must exist to verify it");
            System.Windows.Controls.ItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator as System.Windows.Controls.ItemContainerGenerator; 
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); 

            if (generator != null && itemsControl != null && itemsControl.IsGrouping == false) 

                foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                    int dataIndex = generator.IndexFromContainer(child);
                    if (dataIndex == -1) 
                        // Child is not in the generator's realized container list (i.e. it's a recycled container): ensure it's NOT in _realizedChildren. 
                        Debug.Assert(!_realizedChildren.Contains(child), "_realizedChildren should not contain recycled containers");
                        // Child is a realized container; ensure it's in _realizedChildren at the proper place.
                        GeneratorPosition position = Generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(dataIndex); 
                        Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren[position.Index] == child, "_realizedChildren is corrupt!"); 

        private void debug_AssertRealizedChildrenEqualVisualChildren()
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode) 
                UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
                Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren.Count == children.Count, "Realized and visual children must match");

                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(_realizedChildren[i] == children[i], "Realized and visual children must match");
        /// Takes an index from the realized list and returns the corresponding index in the Children collection
        private int ChildIndexFromRealizedIndex(int realizedChildIndex) 
            // If we're not recycling containers then we're not using a realizedChild index and no translation is necessary 
            if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)
                if (realizedChildIndex < _realizedChildren.Count)
                    UIElement child = _realizedChildren[realizedChildIndex];
                    UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 

                    for (int i = realizedChildIndex; i < children.Count; i++)
                        if (children[i] == child) 
                            return i; 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "We should have found a child");
            return realizedChildIndex;
        /// Recycled containers still in the Children collection at the end of Measure should be disconnected 
        /// from the visual tree.  Otherwise they're still visible to things like Arrange, keyboard navigation, etc.
        private void DisconnectRecycledContainers()
            int realizedIndex = 0;
            UIElement visualChild; 
            UIElement realizedChild = _realizedChildren.Count > 0 ? _realizedChildren[0] : null; 
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                visualChild = children[i];
                if (visualChild == realizedChild)

                    if (realizedIndex < _realizedChildren.Count) 

                        realizedChild = _realizedChildren[realizedIndex];
                        realizedChild = null; 
                    // The visual child is a recycled container


        private GeneratorPosition IndexToGeneratorPositionForStart(int index, out int childIndex) 
            IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator; 
            GeneratorPosition position = (generator != null) ? generator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(index) : new GeneratorPosition(-1, index + 1); 

            // determine the position in the children collection for the first 
            // generated container.  This assumes that generator.StartAt will be called
            // with direction=Forward and  allowStartAtRealizedItem=true.
            childIndex = (position.Offset == 0) ? position.Index : position.Index + 1;
            return position;

        #region Delayed Cleanup Methods 

        // Delayed Cleanup is used when the VirtualizationMode is standard (not recycling) and the panel is scrolling and item-based
        // It chooses to defer virtualizing items until there are enough available.  It then cleans them using a background priority dispatcher 
        // work item
        private void OnDelayCleanup(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert(_cleanupDelay != null);

            bool needsMoreCleanup = false;
                needsMoreCleanup = CleanUp(); 
                // Cleanup the timer if more cleanup is unnecessary
                if (!needsMoreCleanup)
                    _cleanupDelay = null; 

        private object OnCleanUp(object args)
            Debug.Assert(_cleanupOperation != null); 

            bool needsMoreCleanup = false; 
                needsMoreCleanup = CleanUp();
                // Keeping this non-null until here in case cleaning up causes re-entrancy
                _cleanupOperation = null; 

            if (needsMoreCleanup) 
                EnsureCleanupOperation(true /* delay */);
            return null;
        private bool CleanUp()
            Debug.Assert(!InRecyclingMode, "This method only applies to standard virtualization");
            ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);

            if (!IsVirtualizing || !IsItemsHost) 
                // Virtualization is turned off or we aren't hosting children; no need to cleanup. 
                return false; 
            int startMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount;
            bool needsMoreCleanup = false;
            UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
            int minDesiredGenerated = MinDesiredGenerated; 
            int maxDesiredGenerated = MaxDesiredGenerated;
            int pageSize = maxDesiredGenerated - minDesiredGenerated; 
            int extraChildren = children.Count - pageSize; 

            if (extraChildren > (pageSize * 2)) 
                if ((Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) &&
                    (extraChildren < 1000))
                    // An optimization for when we are dragging the mouse.
                    needsMoreCleanup = true; 
                    bool trailingFocus = IsKeyboardFocusWithin;
                    bool keepForwardTrail = false;
                    int focusIndex = -1;
                    IItemContainerGenerator generator = Generator; 

                    int cleanupRangeStart = 0; 
                    int cleanupCount = 0; 
                    int lastGeneratedIndex = -1;
                    int counterAdjust; 

                    for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                        // It is possible for TickCount to wrap around about every 30 days. 
                        // If that were to occur, then this particular cleanup may not be interrupted.
                        // That is OK since the worst that can happen is that there is more of a stutter than normal. 
                        int totalMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount - startMilliseconds; 
                        if ((totalMilliseconds > 50) && (cleanupCount > 0))
                            // Cleanup has been working for 50ms already and the user might start
                            // noticing a lag. Stop cleaning up and release the thread for other work.
                            // Cleanup will continue later.
                            // Don't break out until after at least one item has been found to cleanup. 
                            // Otherwise, we might end up in an infinite loop.
                            needsMoreCleanup = true; 
                        int childIndex = i;
                        if (trailingFocus)
                            // Focus lies somewhere within the panel, but it has not been found yet. 
                            UIElement child = children[i];
                            if (child.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                                // Focus has been found, we can now re-virtualize items before the focus.
                                trailingFocus = false; 
                                keepForwardTrail = true;
                                focusIndex = i;
                                if (i > 0)
                                    // Go through the trailing items and find a focusable item to keep.
                                    int trailIndex = i - 1; 
                                    int end = Math.Max(0, i - FocusTrail); 
                                    for (; trailIndex >= end; trailIndex--)
                                        child = children[trailIndex];
                                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))

                                    // The rest of the trailing items can be re-virtualized. 
                                    for (childIndex = end; childIndex <= trailIndex; childIndex++)
                                            ref childIndex,
                                            ref cleanupRangeStart,
                                            ref cleanupCount,
                                            ref lastGeneratedIndex, 
                                            out counterAdjust);
                                        if (counterAdjust > 0) 
                                            i -= counterAdjust;
                                            trailIndex -= counterAdjust; 

                                    if (cleanupCount > 0) 
                                        // Cleanup the last batch for the focused item 
                                        CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 
                                        i -= cleanupCount;
                                        cleanupCount = 0; 
                                    cleanupRangeStart = i + 1;

                                    // At this point, we are caught up and should go to the next item 
                            else if (i >= FocusTrail)
                                childIndex = i - FocusTrail;

                        if (keepForwardTrail) 
                            // Find a focusable item after the focused item to keep
                            if (childIndex <= (focusIndex + FocusTrail))
                                UIElement child = children[childIndex];
                                if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child)) 
                                    // A focusable item was found, all items after this one can be re-virtualized
                                    keepForwardTrail = false; 
                                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex + 1;
                                    cleanupCount = 0;
                                keepForwardTrail = false;

                            ref i,
                            ref cleanupRangeStart,
                            ref cleanupCount,
                            ref lastGeneratedIndex, 
                            out counterAdjust);
                    if (cleanupCount > 0)
                        // Cleanup the final batch
                        CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount);
            return needsMoreCleanup; 
        private void ManageCleanup(
            UIElementCollection children,
            ItemsControl itemsControl,
            IItemContainerGenerator generator, 
            int childIndex,
            int minDesiredGenerated, 
            int maxDesiredGenerated, 
            ref int counter,
            ref int cleanupRangeStart, 
            ref int cleanupCount,
            ref int lastGeneratedIndex,
            out int counterAdjust)
            counterAdjust = 0;
            bool performCleanup = false; 
            bool countThisChild = false; 
            int generatedIndex = GetGeneratedIndex(childIndex);
            if (OutsideMinMax(generatedIndex, minDesiredGenerated, maxDesiredGenerated) &&
                NotifyCleanupItem(childIndex, children, itemsControl))
                // The item can be re-virtualized. 
                if ((generatedIndex - lastGeneratedIndex) == 1)
                    // Add another to the current batch. 
                    // There was a gap in generated items. Cleanup any from the previous batch.
                    performCleanup = countThisChild = true; 
                // The item cannot be re-virtualized. Cleanup any from the previous batch. 
                performCleanup = true;

            if (performCleanup) 
                // Cleanup a batch of items 
                if (cleanupCount > 0) 
                    CleanupRange(children, generator, cleanupRangeStart, cleanupCount); 
                    counterAdjust = cleanupCount;
                    counter -= counterAdjust;
                    childIndex -= counterAdjust;
                    cleanupCount = 0; 
                if (countThisChild) 
                    // The current child was not included in the batch and should be saved for later 
                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex;
                    cleanupCount = 1;
                    // The next child will start the next batch. 
                    cleanupRangeStart = childIndex + 1; 
            lastGeneratedIndex = generatedIndex;

        private bool NotifyCleanupItem(int childIndex, UIElementCollection children, ItemsControl itemsControl) 
            return NotifyCleanupItem(children[childIndex], itemsControl); 

        private bool NotifyCleanupItem(UIElement child, ItemsControl itemsControl) 
            CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs e = new CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs(itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(child), child);
            e.Source = this;

            return !e.Cancel; 

        private void CleanupRange(IList children, IItemContainerGenerator generator, int startIndex, int count) 
            if (InRecyclingMode)
                Debug.Assert(startIndex >= 0 && count > 0); 
                Debug.Assert(children == _realizedChildren, "the given child list must be the _realizedChildren list when recycling");
                ((IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator)generator).Recycle(new GeneratorPosition(startIndex, 0), count); 
                // The call to Recycle has caused the ItemContainerGenerator to remove some items
                // from its list of realized items; we adjust _realizedChildren to match. 
                _realizedChildren.RemoveRange(startIndex, count);
                // Remove the desired range of children
                VirtualizingPanel.RemoveInternalChildRange((UIElementCollection)children, startIndex, count); 
                generator.Remove(new GeneratorPosition(startIndex, 0), count); 
            AdjustFirstVisibleChildIndex(startIndex, count);


        /// Called after 'count' items were removed or recycled from the Generator.  _firstVisibleChildIndex is the 
        /// index of the first visible container.  This index isn't exactly the child position in the UIElement collection;
        /// it's actually the index of the realized container inside the generator.  Since we've just removed some realized 
        /// containers from the generator (by calling Remove or Recycle), we have to adjust the first visible child index.
        /// index of the first removed item
        /// number of items removed 
        private void AdjustFirstVisibleChildIndex(int startIndex, int count)
            // Update the index of the first visible generated child
            if (startIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex) 
                int endIndex = startIndex + count - 1;
                if (endIndex < _firstVisibleChildIndex)
                    // The first visible index is after the items that were removed
                    _firstVisibleChildIndex -= count; 
                    // The first visible index was within the items that were removed
                    _firstVisibleChildIndex = startIndex;
        private static bool OutsideMinMax(int i, int min, int max) 
            return ((i < min) || (i > max)); 

        private void EnsureTopCapGenerated(Size layoutSlotSize)
            // Ensure that a focusable item is generated above the first visible item
            // so that keyboard navigation works. 
            IList children;
            _beforeTrail = 0;
            if (_visibleStart > 0)
                children = RealizedChildren; 
                int childIndex = _firstVisibleChildIndex;
                UIElement child; 

                // At most, we will search FocusTrail number of items for a focusable item 
                for (; _beforeTrail < FocusTrail; _beforeTrail++)
                    if (PreviousChildIsGenerated(childIndex))
                        // The previous child is already generated, check its focusability
                        child = (UIElement)children[childIndex]; 
                        // Generate the previous child
                        child = GeneratePreviousChild(childIndex, layoutSlotSize);

                    if ((child == null) || Keyboard.IsFocusable(child)) 
                        // Either a focusable item was found, or no child was generated
        /// Returns the MeasureData we'll be using for computations in MeasureOverride.  This updates the viewport offset 
        /// based on the one set in the MeasureData property prior to the call to MeasureOverride.
        private MeasureData AdjustViewportOffset(MeasureData givenMeasureData, ItemsControl itemsControl, bool isHorizontal) 
            // Note that a panel should not modify its own MeasureData -- it needs to be treated exactly as if it was a variable 
            // passed into MeasureOverride.  That's why we make a copy of MeasureData in this method and return that.

            Rect viewport;
            MeasureData newMeasureData = null; 
            IProvideStackingSize stackingSize;
            double offset = 0d; 
            Debug.Assert(MeasureData == null || IsPixelBased, "If a panel has measure data then it must be pixel based"); 
            Debug.Assert(!IsScrolling && IsPixelBased, "This only applies to internal panels");
            // This panel isn't a scroll owner but some panel above it is.  It will be able to use the viewport data
            // to virtualize.

            if (givenMeasureData != null) 
                viewport = givenMeasureData.Viewport;
                stackingSize = itemsControl as IProvideStackingSize; 

                Debug.Assert(givenMeasureData.HasViewport, "MeasureData is only set on objects when we want to pass down viewport information.");

                // We need to offset the viewport to take into account the delta between the top of the items control
                // and this panel (i.e. the header).  Ask for the header, and, if not available, use the estimated container size. 
                if (stackingSize != null)
                    offset = stackingSize.HeaderSize(isHorizontal);

                    if (offset <= 0d || DoubleUtil.IsNaN(offset))
                        offset = ContainerStackingSizeEstimate(stackingSize, isHorizontal);

                if (isHorizontal) 
                    viewport.X -= offset;
                    // adjust viewport for the header of the TreeViewItem containing this as an ItemsPanel. 
                    viewport.Y -= offset; 
                newMeasureData = new MeasureData(givenMeasureData.AvailableSize, viewport);

            return newMeasureData;
        /// Sets up IsVirtualizing, VirtualizationMode, and IsPixelBased 
        /// IsVirtualizing is true if turned on via the items control and if the panel has a viewport.
        /// VSP has a viewport if it's either the scrolling panel or it was given MeasureData.
        /// IsPixelBased is true if the panel is virtualizing and (for backwards compat) is the ItemsHost for a TreeView or TreeViewItem.
        /// VSP can only make use of, create, and propagate down MeasureData if it is pixel-based, since the viewport is in pixels. 
        private void SetVirtualizationState(ItemsControl itemsControl, bool hasMeasureData) 
            VirtualizationMode mode = (itemsControl != null) ? GetVirtualizationMode(itemsControl) : VirtualizationMode.Standard;

            if (itemsControl != null) 
                // Set IsVirtualizing.  This panel can only virtualize if IsVirtualizing is set on its ItemsControl and it has viewport data. 
                // It has viewport data if it's either the scroll host or was given viewport information by measureData. 

                if (GetIsVirtualizing(itemsControl) && (IsScrolling || hasMeasureData)) 
                    IsVirtualizing = true;
                IsVirtualizing = false; 

            // Set up info on first measure
            if (HasMeasured)
                VirtualizationMode oldMode = VirtualizationMode; 

                if (oldMode != mode) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSwitchVirtualizationModePostMeasure));
                HasMeasured = true; 

                if (IsVirtualizing && (itemsControl is TreeView || itemsControl is TreeViewItem)) 
                    IsPixelBased = true;
                VirtualizationMode = mode;

        private int MinDesiredGenerated 
                return Math.Max(0, _visibleStart - _beforeTrail); 
        private int MaxDesiredGenerated
                return Math.Min(ItemCount, _visibleStart + _visibleCount + _afterTrail);
        private int ItemCount 
                ItemsControl itemsControl = ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this);
                return (itemsControl != null) ? itemsControl.Items.Count : 0;

        private void EnsureScrollData()
            if (_scrollData == null) { _scrollData = new ScrollData(); }

        private static void ResetScrolling(VirtualizingStackPanel element) 
            // Clear scrolling data.  Because of thrash (being disconnected & reconnected, &c...), we may
            if (element.IsScrolling)
        // OnScrollChange is an override called whenever the IScrollInfo exposed scrolling state changes on this element.
        // At the time this method is called, scrolling state is in its new, valid state. 
        private void OnScrollChange()
            if (ScrollOwner != null) { ScrollOwner.InvalidateScrollInfo(); }

        private void SetAndVerifyScrollingData(Size viewport, Size extent, Vector offset) 
            if (IsPixelBased)
                // _scrollData is in pixels and thus operations like LineDown can push the offset too far.
                // The behavior here is effectively the same as ScrollContentPresenter.VerifyScrollData 
                offset.X = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(offset.X, extent.Width, viewport.Width);
                offset.Y = ScrollContentPresenter.CoerceOffset(offset.Y, extent.Height, viewport.Height); 

            // Detect changes to the viewport, extent, and offset 
            bool viewportChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(viewport, _scrollData._viewport);
            bool extentChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(extent, _scrollData._extent);
            bool offsetChanged = !DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData._computedOffset);
            // Update data and fire scroll change notifications
            _scrollData._offset = offset; 
            if (viewportChanged || extentChanged || offsetChanged) 
                Vector oldViewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset; 
                Size oldViewportSize = _scrollData._viewport;

                _scrollData._viewport = viewport;
                _scrollData._extent = extent; 
                _scrollData._computedOffset = offset;
                // Report changes to the viewport 
                if (viewportChanged)
                    OnViewportSizeChanged(oldViewportSize, viewport);

                // Report changes to the offset 
                if (offsetChanged)
                    OnViewportOffsetChanged(oldViewportOffset, offset); 
        ///     Allows subclasses to be notified of changes to the viewport size data. 
        /// The old value of the size.
        /// The new value of the size. 
        protected virtual void OnViewportSizeChanged(Size oldViewportSize, Size newViewportSize)
        ///     Allows subclasses to be notified of changes to the viewport offset data. 
        /// The old value of the offset.
        /// The new value of the offset. 
        protected virtual void OnViewportOffsetChanged(Vector oldViewportOffset, Vector newViewportOffset)
        // Translates a logical (child index) offset to a physical (1/96") when scrolling.
        // If virtualizing, it makes the assumption that the logicalOffset is always the first in the visual collection 
        //   and thus returns 0. 
        // If not virtualizing, it assumes that children are Measure clean; should only be called after running Measure.
        private double ComputePhysicalFromLogicalOffset(double logicalOffset, bool fHorizontal) 
            double physicalOffset = 0.0;

            IList children = RealizedChildren; 

            Debug.Assert(logicalOffset == 0 || (logicalOffset > 0 && logicalOffset < children.Count)); 
            for (int i = 0; i < logicalOffset; i++)
                UIElement child = (UIElement)children[i];
                physicalOffset -= (fHorizontal)
                    ? child.DesiredSize.Width
                    : child.DesiredSize.Height; 
            return physicalOffset; 
        private int FindChildIndexThatParentsVisual(Visual v)
            DependencyObject child = v;
            DependencyObject parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child); 
            while (parent != this)
                child = parent; 
                parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

            IList children = RealizedChildren;

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) 
                if (children[i] == child) 
                    return GetGeneratedIndex(i);

            return -1;

        // This is very similar to the work that ScrollContentPresenter does for MakeVisible.  Simply adjust by a 
        // pixel offset. 
        private void MakeVisiblePhysicalHelper(Rect r, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect, bool isHorizontal)
            double viewportOffset;
            double viewportSize;
            double targetRectOffset;
            double targetRectSize; 
            double minPhysicalOffset;
            if (isHorizontal) 
                viewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset.X; 
                viewportSize = ViewportWidth;
                targetRectOffset = r.X;
                targetRectSize = r.Width;
                viewportOffset = _scrollData._computedOffset.Y; 
                viewportSize = ViewportHeight;
                targetRectOffset = r.Y; 
                targetRectSize = r.Height;

            targetRectOffset += viewportOffset; 
            minPhysicalOffset = ScrollContentPresenter.ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(
                viewportOffset, viewportOffset + viewportSize, targetRectOffset, targetRectOffset + targetRectSize); 
            // Compute the visible rectangle of the child relative to the viewport.
            double left = Math.Max(targetRectOffset, minPhysicalOffset); 
            targetRectSize = Math.Max(Math.Min(targetRectSize + targetRectOffset, minPhysicalOffset + viewportSize) - left, 0);
            targetRectOffset = left;
            targetRectOffset -= viewportOffset;
            if (isHorizontal)
                newOffset.X = minPhysicalOffset; 
                newRect.X = targetRectOffset;
                newRect.Width = targetRectSize; 
                newOffset.Y = minPhysicalOffset; 
                newRect.Y = targetRectOffset;
                newRect.Height = targetRectSize; 
        private void MakeVisibleLogicalHelper(int childIndex, Rect r, ref Vector newOffset, ref Rect newRect)
            bool fHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
            int firstChildInView; 
            int newFirstChild;
            int viewportSize; 
            double childOffsetWithinViewport = r.Y; 

            if (fHorizontal) 
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.X;
                viewportSize = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Width;
                firstChildInView = (int)_scrollData._computedOffset.Y; 
                viewportSize = (int)_scrollData._viewport.Height;

            newFirstChild = firstChildInView;

            // If the target child is before the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the top. 
            if (childIndex < firstChildInView)
                childOffsetWithinViewport = 0; 
                newFirstChild = childIndex;
            // If the target child is after the current viewport, move the viewport to put the child at the bottom.
            else if (childIndex > firstChildInView + viewportSize - 1)
                newFirstChild = childIndex - viewportSize + 1; 
                double pixelSize = fHorizontal ? ActualWidth : ActualHeight;
                childOffsetWithinViewport = pixelSize * (1.0 - (1.0 / viewportSize)); 

            if (fHorizontal) 
                newOffset.X = newFirstChild;
                newRect.X = childOffsetWithinViewport;
                newRect.Width = r.Width; 
                newOffset.Y = newFirstChild;
                newRect.Y = childOffsetWithinViewport; 
                newRect.Height = r.Height;
        // Converts an index into the item collection as a double into an int
        static private int CoerceIndexToInteger(double index, int numberOfItems) 
            int newIndex;
            if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity(index))
                newIndex = 0;
            else if (Double.IsPositiveInfinity(index))
                newIndex = numberOfItems - 1; 
                newIndex = (int)index;
                newIndex = Math.Max(Math.Min(numberOfItems - 1, newIndex), 0);

            return newIndex; 

        private int GetGeneratedIndex(int childIndex) 
            return Generator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(new GeneratorPosition(childIndex, 0));

        // Focus Helpers 
        #region Focus Helpers

        // Methods to keep track of focus. 
        // Dealing with Focus while virtualizing a list is easy: don't throw away the focused item and the next and previous 
        // focusable items.  When in a TreeView it's much harder; Measure (and thus the cleanup code) for any VSP in the hierarchy 
        // can run at any time. The only performant way for a panel to know that one of its children may be the next or previous focusable
        // item is for it to be marked.  We do this every time focus changes within the hierarchy. 

        private WeakReference[] EnsureFocusTrail()
            WeakReference[] focusTrail = FocusTrailField.GetValue(this);
            if (focusTrail == null) 
                focusTrail = new WeakReference[2]; 
                FocusTrailField.SetValue(this, focusTrail);

            return focusTrail; 
        /// Finds the focused child along with the previous and next focusable children.  Used only when recycling containers; 
        /// the standard mode has a different cleanup algorithm
        private void FindFocusedChild(out int focusedChild, out int previousFocusable, out int nextFocusable) 
            Debug.Assert(InRecyclingMode, "This method is only valid for the recycling mode");
            Debug.Assert(IsKeyboardFocusWithin, "we should only search for a focusable child if we have focus"); 
            focusedChild = previousFocusable = nextFocusable = -1;
            UIElement child;
            bool foundFocusedChild = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _realizedChildren.Count; i++)
                child = _realizedChildren[i]; 

                if (!foundFocusedChild && child.IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                    focusedChild = i;
                    foundFocusedChild = true;
                    // Go through the trailing items.
                    // Go through the trailing items and find a focusable item to keep. 
                    int trailIndex = i - 1; 
                    int end = Math.Max(0, i - FocusTrail);
                    for (; trailIndex >= end; trailIndex--) 
                        child = _realizedChildren[trailIndex];
                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))
                            previousFocusable = trailIndex;
                else if (foundFocusedChild)
                    if (i <= focusedChild + FocusTrail)
                        if (Keyboard.IsFocusable(child))
                            nextFocusable = i; 

        /// Called when the focused item has changed.  Used to set a special DP on the next and previous focusable items.
        /// Only used when virtualizing in a hieararchy (i.e. TreeView virtualization). 
        private void FocusChanged(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e) 
            if (IsVirtualizing && IsScrolling && IsPixelBased)
                // IsScrolling ensures that only the top-level panel tracks focus.
                // The IsPixelBased condition here needs explanation.  It's used here to mean 'Is this panel in a hierarchy?' 
                // The assert below is just a reminder to modify this code if the meaning changes.
                Debug.Assert(ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeView); 
                // This code is TreeViewItem-specific, since it has its own focus logic and we can't override UIElement.PredictFocus
                TreeViewItem focusedElement = Keyboard.FocusedElement as TreeViewItem; 
                WeakReference[] focusTrail = EnsureFocusTrail();

                // Clear the old focus trail items
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DependencyObject trailItem = (DependencyObject)(focusTrail[i] != null ? focusTrail[i].Target : null);

                    if (trailItem != null)

                // Set the new focus trail items
                if (IsKeyboardFocusWithin) 
                    DependencyObject previous = null; 
                    DependencyObject next = null; 

                    if (focusedElement != null) 
                        if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                            previous = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Left); 
                            next = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Right);
                            previous = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Up); 
                            next = focusedElement.InternalPredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Down);
                    if (previous != null)
                        FocusTrailItemField.SetValue(previous, true); 
                        focusTrail[0] = new WeakReference(previous);

                    if (next != null)
                        FocusTrailItemField.SetValue(next, true); 
                        focusTrail[1] = new WeakReference(next);
                    // Focus has left the tree
                    FocusTrailField.SetValue(this, null);
        /// Checks the precomputed focus trail.  Valid only if we're in a hierararchy. 
        private bool IsInFocusTrail(UIElement container) 
            if (IsPixelBased) 
                return FocusTrailItemField.GetValue(container) || container.IsKeyboardFocusWithin;
                return false;


        // Avalon Property Callbacks/Overrides
        #region Avalon Property Callbacks/Overrides
        private static void OnOrientationChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // Since Orientation is so essential to logical scrolling/virtualization, we synchronously check if
            // the new value is different and clear all scrolling data if so. 
            ResetScrolling(d as VirtualizingStackPanel);
        #endregion Private Methods

        //  Private Properties

        #region Private Properties 

        /// Index of the last item in the cache window
        private int CacheEnd
                // Note we don't have the _afterTrail here:  _afterTrail is already contained inside of _visibleCount. 
                int cacheCount = _beforeTrail + _visibleCount + ContainerCacheSize;

                if (cacheCount > 0)
                    return _cacheStart + cacheCount - 1;
                    return 0; 
        /// True after the first MeasureOverride call. We can't use UIElement.NeverMeasured because it's set to true by the first call to MeasureOverride. 
        /// Stored in a bool field on Panel. 
        private bool HasMeasured 
                return VSP_HasMeasured; 
                VSP_HasMeasured = value;

        private bool InRecyclingMode
                return _virtualizationMode == VirtualizationMode.Recycling; 

        internal bool IsScrolling
            get { return (_scrollData != null) && (_scrollData._scrollOwner != null); }

        /// Specifies if this panel uses item-based or pixel-based computations in Measure and Arrange.
        /// Differences between the two:
        /// When pixel-based mode VSP behaves the same to the layout system virtualized as not; its desired size is the sum
        /// of all its children and it arranges children such that the ones in view appear in the right place. 
        /// In this mode VSP is also able to make use of the viewport passed down in MeasureData to virtualize chidren.  When 
        /// it's the scrolling panel it computes the offset and extent in pixels rather than logical units.
        /// When in item mode VSP's desired size grows and shrinks depending on which containers are virtualized and it arranges
        /// all children one on top the the other.
        /// In this mode VSP cannot use the viewport from MeasureData to virtualize; it can only virtualize if it is the scrolling panel
        /// (IsScrolling == true).  Thus its looseness with desired size isn't much of an issue since it owns the extent. 
        /// This should be private, except that one Debug.Assert in TreeView requires it. 
        internal bool IsPixelBased 
                // For backwards compat we don't use pixel mode unless we're virtualzing a TreeView or TreeViewItem.  This should 
                // be changed if we decide to later publicly expose the pixel-based viewport.
                Debug.Assert(VSP_IsPixelBased == false || IsVirtualizing && (ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeView || ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this) is TreeViewItem)); 
                return VSP_IsPixelBased;
                VSP_IsPixelBased = value;
        private bool IsVirtualizing
                return VSP_IsVirtualizing;
                // We must be the ItemsHost to turn on Virtualization. 
                bool isVirtualizing = IsItemsHost && value;
                if (isVirtualizing == false)
                    _realizedChildren = null;

                VSP_IsVirtualizing = value; 

        /// Returns the list of childen that have been realized by the Generator.
        /// We must use this method whenever we interact with the Generator's index. 
        /// In recycling mode the Children collection also contains recycled containers and thus does
        /// not map to the Generator's list. 
        private IList RealizedChildren
                if (IsVirtualizing && InRecyclingMode)
                    return _realizedChildren; 
                    return InternalChildren;

        private VirtualizationMode VirtualizationMode 
                return _virtualizationMode;
                _virtualizationMode = value; 

        #endregion Private Properties

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        // Scrolling and virtualization data.  Only used when this is the scrolling panel (IsScrolling is true).
        // When VSP is in pixel mode _scrollData is in units of pixels.  Otherwise the units are logical. 
        private ScrollData _scrollData;
        // Virtualization state 
        private VirtualizationMode _virtualizationMode;
        private int _visibleStart;                  // index of of the first visible data item 
        private int _visibleCount;                  // count of the number of data items visible in the viewport
        private int _cacheStart;                    // index of the first data item in the container cache.  This is always <= _visibleStart

        // UIElement collection index of the first visible child container.  This is NOT the data item index. If the first visible container 
        // is the 3rd child in the visual tree and contains data item 312, _firstVisibleChildIndex will be 2, while _visibleStart is 312.
        // This is useful because could be several live containers in the collection offscreen (maybe we cleaned up lazily, they couldn't be virtualized, etc). 
        // This actually maps directly to realized containers inside the Generator.  It's the index of the first visible realized container. 
        // Note that when RecyclingMode is active this is the index into the _realizedChildren collection, not the Children collection.
        private int _firstVisibleChildIndex; 

        // Used by the Recycling mode to maintain the list of actual realized children (a realized child is one that the ItemContainerGenerator has
        // generated).  We need a mapping between children in the UIElementCollection and realized containers in the generator.  In standard virtualization
        // mode these lists are identical; in recycling mode they are not. When a container is recycled the Generator removes it from its realized list, but 
        // for perf reasons the panel keeps these containers in its UIElement collection.  This list is the actual realized children -- i.e. the InternalChildren
        // list minus all recycled containers. 
        private List _realizedChildren; 

        // Cleanup 
        private DispatcherOperation _cleanupOperation;
        private DispatcherTimer _cleanupDelay;
        private int _beforeTrail = 0;
        private int _afterTrail = 0; 
        private const int FocusTrail = 5; // The maximum number of items off the edge we will generate to get a focused item (so that keyboard navigation can work)
        private DependencyObject _bringIntoViewContainer;  // pointer to the container we're about to bring into view; it can't be recycled even if it's offscreen. 
        // ContainerCacheSize specifies how many items we cache past the viewport boundaries.  Until we expose an API to allow users to tweak this
        // the safest thing is to leave it at 0. 
        private const int ContainerCacheSize = 0;

        // Global index used by ItemValueStorage to store the DesiredSize of a UIElement when it is a virtualized container.
        // Used by TreeView and TreeViewItem to remember the size of TreeViewItems when they get virtualized away. 
        private static int _desiredSizeStorageIndex;
        // Holds the 'focus trail': the previous or next focusable item, neither of which can be virtualized. 
        // Used only when virtualizing in a hierarchy (i.e. TreeView virtualization).
        private static UncommonField FocusTrailField = new UncommonField(null); 
        private static UncommonField FocusTrailItemField = new UncommonField(false);

        #endregion Private Fields

        //  Private Structures / Classes

        #region Private Structures Classes
        // ScrollData class 
        #region ScrollData
        // Helper class to hold scrolling data.
        // This class exists to reduce working set when VirtualizingStackPanel is used outside a scrolling situation.
        // Standard "extra pointer always for less data sometimes" cache savings model:
        //      !Scroll [1xReference] 
        //      Scroll  [1xReference] + [6xDouble + 1xReference]
        private class ScrollData 
            // Clears layout generated data.
            // Does not clear scrollOwner, because unless resetting due to a scrollOwner change, we won't get reattached. 
            internal void ClearLayout()
                _offset = new Vector();
                _viewport = _extent = _maxDesiredSize = new Size(); 
            // For Stack/Flow, the two dimensions of properties are in different units: 
            // 1. The "logically scrolling" dimension uses items as units.
            // 2. The other dimension physically scrolls.  Units are in Avalon pixels (1/96"). 
            internal bool _allowHorizontal;
            internal bool _allowVertical;

            // Scroll offset of content.  Positive corresponds to a visually upward offset.  Set by methods like LineUp, PageDown, etc. 
            internal Vector _offset;
            // Computed offset based on _offset set by the IScrollInfo methods.  Set at the end of a successful Measure pass. 
            // This is the offset used by Arrange and exposed externally.  Thus an offset set by PageDown via IScrollInfo isn't
            // reflected publicly (e.g. via the VerticalOffset property) until a Measure pass. 
            internal Vector _computedOffset = new Vector(0,0);
            internal Size _viewport;            // ViewportSize is in {pixels x items} (or vice-versa).
            internal Size _extent;              // Extent is the total number of children (logical dimension) or physical size
            internal ScrollViewer _scrollOwner; // ScrollViewer to which we're attached. 

            internal Size _maxDesiredSize;      // Hold onto the maximum desired size to avoid re-laying out the parent ScrollViewer. 

        #endregion ScrollData 

        /// Allows pixel-based virtualization to ask an ItemsControl for the size of its header (if available) 
        /// and a size estimate for its containers.  This is used for TreeView virtualization.
        internal interface IProvideStackingSize
            double HeaderSize(bool isHorizontal);
            double EstimatedContainerSize(bool isHorizontal);
        #endregion Private Structures Classes


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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