/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / CompMod / Microsoft / VisualBasic / VBCodeProvider.cs / 1 / VBCodeProvider.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic { using System.Diagnostics; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.CodeDom; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Versioning; ////// [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")] [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public class VBCodeProvider: CodeDomProvider { private VBCodeGenerator generator; public VBCodeProvider() { generator = new VBCodeGenerator(); } public VBCodeProvider(IDictionary[To be supplied.] ///providerOptions) { if (providerOptions == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("providerOptions"); } generator = new VBCodeGenerator(providerOptions); } /// /// public override string FileExtension { get { return "vb"; } } ///Retrieves the default extension to use when saving files using this code dom provider. ////// public override LanguageOptions LanguageOptions { get { return LanguageOptions.CaseInsensitive; } } [Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeGenerator interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")] public override ICodeGenerator CreateGenerator() { return (ICodeGenerator)generator; } [Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")] public override ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler() { return (ICodeCompiler)generator; } ///Returns flags representing language variations. ////// This method allows a code dom provider implementation to provide a different type converter /// for a given data type. At design time, a designer may pass data types through this /// method to see if the code dom provider wants to provide an additional converter. /// A typical way this would be used is if the language this code dom provider implements /// does not support all of the values of the MemberAttributes enumeration, or if the language /// uses different names (Protected instead of Family, for example). The default /// implementation just calls TypeDescriptor.GetConverter for the given type. /// public override TypeConverter GetConverter(Type type) { if (type == typeof(MemberAttributes)) { return VBMemberAttributeConverter.Default; } else if(type == typeof(TypeAttributes)) { return VBTypeAttributeConverter.Default; } return base.GetConverter(type); } public override void GenerateCodeFromMember(CodeTypeMember member, TextWriter writer, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { generator.GenerateCodeFromMember(member, writer, options); } } ////// internal class VBCodeGenerator : CodeCompiler { private const int MaxLineLength = 80; private const GeneratorSupport LanguageSupport = GeneratorSupport.EntryPointMethod | GeneratorSupport.GotoStatements | GeneratorSupport.ArraysOfArrays | GeneratorSupport.MultidimensionalArrays | GeneratorSupport.StaticConstructors | GeneratorSupport.ReturnTypeAttributes | GeneratorSupport.AssemblyAttributes | GeneratorSupport.TryCatchStatements | GeneratorSupport.DeclareValueTypes | GeneratorSupport.DeclareEnums | GeneratorSupport.DeclareEvents | GeneratorSupport.DeclareDelegates | GeneratorSupport.DeclareInterfaces | GeneratorSupport.ParameterAttributes | GeneratorSupport.ReferenceParameters | GeneratorSupport.ChainedConstructorArguments | GeneratorSupport.NestedTypes | GeneratorSupport.MultipleInterfaceMembers | GeneratorSupport.PublicStaticMembers | GeneratorSupport.ComplexExpressions | GeneratorSupport.Win32Resources | GeneratorSupport.Resources| GeneratorSupport.PartialTypes| GeneratorSupport.GenericTypeReference | GeneratorSupport.GenericTypeDeclaration | GeneratorSupport.DeclareIndexerProperties; private static Regex outputReg; private int statementDepth = 0; private IDictionary/// Visual Basic 7 Code Generator. /// ///provOptions; // This is the keyword list. To minimize search time and startup time, this is stored by length // and then alphabetically for use by FixedStringLookup.Contains. private static readonly string[][] keywords = new string[][] { null, // 1 character new string[] { // 2 characters "as", "do", "if", "in", "is", "me", "of", "on", "or", "to", }, new string[] { // 3 characters "and", "dim", "end", "for", "get", "let", "lib", "mod", "new", "not", "rem", "set", "sub", "try", "xor", }, new string[] { // 4 characters "ansi", "auto", "byte", "call", "case", "cdbl", "cdec", "char", "cint", "clng", "cobj", "csng", "cstr", "date", "each", "else", "enum", "exit", "goto", "like", "long", "loop", "next", "step", "stop", "then", "true", "wend", "when", "with", }, new string[] { // 5 characters "alias", "byref", "byval", "catch", "cbool", "cbyte", "cchar", "cdate", "class", "const", "ctype", "cuint", "culng", "endif", "erase", "error", "event", "false", "gosub", "isnot", "redim", "sbyte", "short", "throw", "ulong", "until", "using", "while", }, new string[] { // 6 characters "csbyte", "cshort", "double", "elseif", "friend", "global", "module", "mybase", "object", "option", "orelse", "public", "resume", "return", "select", "shared", "single", "static", "string", "typeof", "ushort", }, new string[] { // 7 characters "andalso", "boolean", "cushort", "decimal", "declare", "default", "finally", "gettype", "handles", "imports", "integer", "myclass", "nothing", "partial", "private", "shadows", "trycast", "unicode", "variant", }, new string[] { // 8 characters "assembly", "continue", "delegate", "function", "inherits", "operator", "optional", "preserve", "property", "readonly", "synclock", "uinteger", "widening" }, new string [] { // 9 characters "addressof", "interface", "namespace", "narrowing", "overloads", "overrides", "protected", "structure", "writeonly", }, new string [] { // 10 characters "addhandler", "directcast", "implements", "paramarray", "raiseevent", "withevents", }, new string[] { // 11 characters "mustinherit", "overridable", }, new string[] { // 12 characters "mustoverride", }, new string [] { // 13 characters "removehandler", }, // class_finalize and class_initialize are not keywords anymore, // but it will be nice to escape them to avoid warning new string [] { // 14 characters "class_finalize", "notinheritable", "notoverridable", }, null, // 15 characters new string [] { "class_initialize", } }; internal VBCodeGenerator() { } internal VBCodeGenerator(IDictionary providerOptions) { provOptions = providerOptions; } #if DEBUG static VBCodeGenerator() { FixedStringLookup.VerifyLookupTable(keywords, true); // Sanity check: try some values; Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("for")); Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("foR")); Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("cdec")); Debug.Assert(!IsKeyword("cdab")); Debug.Assert(!IsKeyword("cdum")); } #endif /// /// protected override string FileExtension { get { return ".vb"; } } ////// Gets or the file extension to use for source files. /// ////// protected override string CompilerName { get { return "vbc.exe"; } } ////// Gets the name of the compiler exe /// ////// private bool IsCurrentModule { get { return (IsCurrentClass && GetUserData(CurrentClass, "Module", false)); } } ////// Tells whether or not the current class should be generated as a module /// ////// protected override string NullToken { get { return "Nothing"; } } private void EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref bool fInDoubleQuotes, StringBuilder b) { if (fInDoubleQuotes) return; b.Append("&\""); fInDoubleQuotes = true; } private void EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref bool fInDoubleQuotes, StringBuilder b) { if (!fInDoubleQuotes) return; b.Append("\""); fInDoubleQuotes = false; } ////// Gets the token that is used to represent ///. /// /// protected override string QuoteSnippetString(string value) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(value.Length+5); bool fInDoubleQuotes = true; Indentation indentObj = new Indentation((IndentedTextWriter)Output, Indent + 1); b.Append("\""); int i = 0; while(i < value.Length) { char ch = value[i]; switch (ch) { case '\"': // These are the inward sloping quotes used by default in some cultures like CHS. // VBC.EXE does a mapping ANSI that results in it treating these as syntactically equivalent to a // regular double quote. case '\u201C': case '\u201D': case '\uFF02': EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append(ch); b.Append(ch); break; case '\r': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); if (i < value.Length - 1 && value[i+1] == '\n') { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)"); i++; } else { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)"); } break; case '\t': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(9)"); break; case '\0': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(0)"); break; case '\n': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)"); break; case '\u2028': case '\u2029': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); AppendEscapedChar(b,ch); break; default: EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append(value[i]); break; } if (i > 0 && i % MaxLineLength == 0) { // // If current character is a high surrogate and the following // character is a low surrogate, don't break them. // Otherwise when we write the string to a file, we might lose // the characters. // if( Char.IsHighSurrogate(value[i]) && (i < value.Length -1) && Char.IsLowSurrogate(value[i+1])){ b.Append(value[++i]); } if (fInDoubleQuotes) b.Append("\""); fInDoubleQuotes = true; b.Append("& _ \r\n"); b.Append(indentObj.IndentationString); b.Append('\"'); } ++i; } if (fInDoubleQuotes) b.Append("\""); return b.ToString(); } //@ private static void AppendEscapedChar(StringBuilder b, char value) { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW("); b.Append(((int)value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); b.Append(")"); } protected override void ProcessCompilerOutputLine(CompilerResults results, string line) { if (outputReg == null) { outputReg = new Regex(@"^([^(]*)\(?([0-9]*)\)? ?:? ?(error|warning) ([A-Z]+[0-9]+) ?: (.*)"); } Match m = outputReg.Match(line); if (m.Success) { CompilerError ce = new CompilerError(); ce.FileName = m.Groups[1].Value; string rawLine = m.Groups[2].Value; if (rawLine != null && rawLine.Length > 0) { ce.Line = int.Parse(rawLine, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (string.Compare(m.Groups[3].Value, "warning", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { ce.IsWarning = true; } ce.ErrorNumber = m.Groups[4].Value; ce.ErrorText = m.Groups[5].Value; results.Errors.Add(ce); } } protected override string CmdArgsFromParameters(CompilerParameters options) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); if (options.GenerateExecutable) { sb.Append("/t:exe "); if (options.MainClass != null && options.MainClass.Length > 0) { sb.Append("/main:"); sb.Append(options.MainClass); sb.Append(" "); } } else { sb.Append("/t:library "); } // Get UTF8 output from the compiler sb.Append("/utf8output "); foreach (string s in options.ReferencedAssemblies) { // Ignore any Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll, since Visual Basic implies it (bug 72785) string fileName = Path.GetFileName(s); if (string.Compare(fileName, "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; // Same deal for mscorlib (bug ASURT 81568) if (string.Compare(fileName, "mscorlib.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; sb.Append("/R:"); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" "); } sb.Append("/out:"); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(options.OutputAssembly); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" "); if (options.IncludeDebugInformation) { sb.Append("/D:DEBUG=1 "); sb.Append("/debug+ "); } else { sb.Append("/debug- "); } if (options.Win32Resource != null) { sb.Append("/win32resource:\"" + options.Win32Resource + "\" "); } foreach (string s in options.EmbeddedResources) { sb.Append("/res:\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\" "); } foreach (string s in options.LinkedResources) { sb.Append("/linkres:\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\" "); } if (options.TreatWarningsAsErrors) { sb.Append("/warnaserror+ "); } if (options.CompilerOptions != null) { sb.Append(options.CompilerOptions + " "); } return sb.ToString(); } protected override void OutputAttributeArgument(CodeAttributeArgument arg) { if (arg.Name != null && arg.Name.Length > 0) { OutputIdentifier(arg.Name); Output.Write(":="); } ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromExpression(arg.Value, ((IndentedTextWriter)Output).InnerWriter, Options); } private void OutputAttributes(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool inLine) { OutputAttributes(attributes, inLine, null, false); } private void OutputAttributes(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool inLine, string prefix, bool closingLine) { if (attributes.Count == 0) return; IEnumerator en = attributes.GetEnumerator(); bool firstAttr = true; GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(attributes); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (firstAttr) { firstAttr = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); if (!inLine) { ContinueOnNewLine(""); Output.Write(" "); } } if (prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0) { Output.Write(prefix); } CodeAttributeDeclaration current = (CodeAttributeDeclaration)en.Current; if( current.AttributeType != null) { Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(current.AttributeType)); } Output.Write("("); bool firstArg = true; foreach (CodeAttributeArgument arg in current.Arguments) { if (firstArg) { firstArg = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } OutputAttributeArgument(arg); } Output.Write(")"); } GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(attributes); Output.Write(" "); if (!inLine) { if (closingLine) { Output.WriteLine(); } else { ContinueOnNewLine(""); } } } protected override void OutputDirection(FieldDirection dir) { switch (dir) { case FieldDirection.In: Output.Write("ByVal "); break; case FieldDirection.Out: case FieldDirection.Ref: Output.Write("ByRef "); break; } } protected override void GenerateDefaultValueExpression(CodeDefaultValueExpression e) { Output.Write("CType(Nothing, " + GetTypeOutput(e.Type) + ")"); } protected override void GenerateDirectionExpression(CodeDirectionExpression e) { // Visual Basic does not need to adorn the calling point with a direction, so just output the expression. GenerateExpression(e.Expression); } protected override void OutputFieldScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Final: Output.Write(""); break; case MemberAttributes.Static: // ignore Static for fields in a Module since all fields in a module are already // static and it is a syntax error to explicitly mark them as static // if (!IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Shared "); } break; case MemberAttributes.Const: Output.Write("Const "); break; default: Output.Write(""); break; } } ////// Provides conversion to formatting with escape codes. /// ////// protected override void OutputMemberAccessModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Assembly: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.Family: Output.Write("Protected "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly: Output.Write("Protected Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: Output.Write("Private "); break; case MemberAttributes.Public: Output.Write("Public "); break; } } private void OutputVTableModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) { case MemberAttributes.New: Output.Write("Shadows "); break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member /// access modifier representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputMemberScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Abstract: Output.Write("MustOverride "); break; case MemberAttributes.Final: Output.Write(""); break; case MemberAttributes.Static: // ignore Static for members in a Module since all members in a module are already // static and it is a syntax error to explicitly mark them as static // if (!IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Shared "); } break; case MemberAttributes.Override: Output.Write("Overrides "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: Output.Write("Private "); break; default: switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Family: case MemberAttributes.Public: case MemberAttributes.Assembly: Output.Write("Overridable "); break; default: // nothing; break; } break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member scope modifier /// representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputOperator(CodeBinaryOperatorType op) { switch (op) { case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality: Output.Write("<>"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality: Output.Write("Is"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanOr: Output.Write("OrElse"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanAnd: Output.Write("AndAlso"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.ValueEquality: Output.Write("="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Modulus: Output.Write("Mod"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr: Output.Write("Or"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd: Output.Write("And"); break; default: base.OutputOperator(op); break; } } private void GenerateNotIsNullExpression(CodeExpression e) { Output.Write("(Not ("); GenerateExpression(e); Output.Write(") Is "); Output.Write(NullToken); Output.Write(")"); } protected override void GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(CodeBinaryOperatorExpression e) { if (e.Operator != CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality) { base.GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(e); return; } // "o <> nothing" should be "not o is nothing" if (e.Right is CodePrimitiveExpression && ((CodePrimitiveExpression)e.Right).Value == null){ GenerateNotIsNullExpression(e.Left); return; } if (e.Left is CodePrimitiveExpression && ((CodePrimitiveExpression)e.Left).Value == null){ GenerateNotIsNullExpression(e.Right); return; } base.GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(e); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based operator /// representation. /// ////// protected override string GetResponseFileCmdArgs(CompilerParameters options, string cmdArgs) { // Always specify the /noconfig flag (outside of the response file) return "/noconfig " + base.GetResponseFileCmdArgs(options, cmdArgs); } protected override void OutputIdentifier(string ident) { Output.Write(CreateEscapedIdentifier(ident)); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected override void OutputType(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { Output.Write(GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(typeRef)); } private void OutputTypeAttributes(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.New) != 0) { Output.Write("Shadows "); } TypeAttributes attributes = e.TypeAttributes; if (e.IsPartial) { Output.Write("Partial "); } switch(attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic: Output.Write("Public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate: Output.Write("Private "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily: Output.Write("Protected "); break; case TypeAttributes.NotPublic: case TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly: case TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem: Output.Write("Protected Friend "); break; } if (e.IsStruct) { Output.Write("Structure "); } else if (e.IsEnum) { Output.Write("Enum "); } else { switch (attributes & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) { case TypeAttributes.Class: // if this "class" should generate as a module, then don't check // inheritance flags since modules can't inherit if (IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Module "); } else { if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) == TypeAttributes.Sealed) { Output.Write("NotInheritable "); } if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == TypeAttributes.Abstract) { Output.Write("MustInherit "); } Output.Write("Class "); } break; case TypeAttributes.Interface: Output.Write("Interface "); break; } } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based return type /// representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputTypeNamePair(CodeTypeReference typeRef, string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) name = "__exception"; OutputIdentifier(name); OutputArrayPostfix(typeRef); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(typeRef); } private string GetArrayPostfix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string s = ""; if (typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) { // Recurse up s = GetArrayPostfix(typeRef.ArrayElementType); } if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { char [] results = new char [typeRef.ArrayRank + 1]; results[0] = '('; results[typeRef.ArrayRank] = ')'; for (int i = 1; i < typeRef.ArrayRank; i++) { results[i] = ','; } s = new string(results) + s; } return s; } private void OutputArrayPostfix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { Output.Write(GetArrayPostfix(typeRef)); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based type name pair /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateIterationStatement(CodeIterationStatement e) { GenerateStatement(e.InitStatement); Output.Write("Do While "); GenerateExpression(e.TestExpression); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); GenerateStatement(e.IncrementStatement); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("Loop"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based for loop statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GeneratePrimitiveExpression(CodePrimitiveExpression e) { if (e.Value is char) { Output.Write("Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(" + ((IConvertible)e.Value).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"); } else if (e.Value is SByte) { Output.Write("CSByte("); Output.Write(((SByte)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write(")"); } else if (e.Value is UInt16) { Output.Write(((UInt16)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("US"); } else if (e.Value is UInt32) { Output.Write(((UInt32)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("UI"); } else if (e.Value is UInt64) { Output.Write(((UInt64)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("UL"); } else { base.GeneratePrimitiveExpression(e); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based primitive expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateThrowExceptionStatement(CodeThrowExceptionStatement e) { Output.Write("Throw"); if (e.ToThrow != null) { Output.Write(" "); GenerateExpression(e.ToThrow); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based throw exception statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateArrayCreateExpression(CodeArrayCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("New "); CodeExpressionCollection init = e.Initializers; if (init.Count > 0) { String typeName = GetTypeOutput(e.CreateType); Output.Write(typeName); // if( typeName.IndexOf('(') == -1) { Output.Write("()"); } Output.Write(" {"); Indent++; OutputExpressionList(init); Indent--; Output.Write("}"); } else { String typeName = GetTypeOutput(e.CreateType); int index = typeName.IndexOf('('); if( index == -1) { // Output.Write(typeName); Output.Write('('); } else { Output.Write(typeName.Substring(0, index+1)); } // The tricky thing is we need to declare the size - 1 if (e.SizeExpression != null) { Output.Write("("); GenerateExpression(e.SizeExpression); Output.Write(") - 1"); } else { Output.Write(e.Size - 1); } if( index == -1) { Output.Write(')'); } else { Output.Write(typeName.Substring(index+1)); } Output.Write(" {}"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based array creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateBaseReferenceExpression(CodeBaseReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("MyBase"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based base reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateCastExpression(CodeCastExpression e) { Output.Write("CType("); GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.Write(","); OutputType(e.TargetType); OutputArrayPostfix(e.TargetType); Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based cast expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateDelegateCreateExpression(CodeDelegateCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("AddressOf "); GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(e.MethodName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateFieldReferenceExpression(CodeFieldReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); } OutputIdentifier(e.FieldName); } protected override void GenerateSingleFloatValue(Single s) { if( float.IsNaN(s)) { Output.Write("Single.NaN"); } else if( float.IsNegativeInfinity(s)) { Output.Write("Single.NegativeInfinity"); } else if( float.IsPositiveInfinity(s)) { Output.Write("Single.PositiveInfinity"); } else { Output.Write(s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write('!'); } } protected override void GenerateDoubleValue(double d) { if( double.IsNaN(d)) { Output.Write("Double.NaN"); } else if( double.IsNegativeInfinity(d)) { Output.Write("Double.NegativeInfinity"); } else if( double.IsPositiveInfinity(d)) { Output.Write("Double.PositiveInfinity"); } else { Output.Write(d.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } protected override void GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression(CodeArgumentReferenceExpression e) { OutputIdentifier(e.ParameterName); } protected override void GenerateVariableReferenceExpression(CodeVariableReferenceExpression e) { OutputIdentifier(e.VariableName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based field reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateIndexerExpression(CodeIndexerExpression e) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); // If this IndexerExpression is referencing to base, we need to emit // .Item after MyBase. Otherwise the code won't compile. if( e.TargetObject is CodeBaseReferenceExpression) { Output.Write(".Item"); } Output.Write("("); bool first = true; foreach(CodeExpression exp in e.Indices) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } GenerateExpression(exp); } Output.Write(")"); } protected override void GenerateArrayIndexerExpression(CodeArrayIndexerExpression e) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("("); bool first = true; foreach(CodeExpression exp in e.Indices) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } GenerateExpression(exp); } Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based indexer expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateSnippetExpression(CodeSnippetExpression e) { Output.Write(e.Value); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based code snippet expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateMethodInvokeExpression(CodeMethodInvokeExpression e) { GenerateMethodReferenceExpression(e.Method); CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } protected override void GenerateMethodReferenceExpression(CodeMethodReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); Output.Write(e.MethodName); } else { OutputIdentifier(e.MethodName); } if( e.TypeArguments.Count > 0) { Output.Write(GetTypeArgumentsOutput(e.TypeArguments)); } } protected override void GenerateEventReferenceExpression(CodeEventReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { bool localReference = (e.TargetObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression); GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); if (localReference) { Output.Write(e.EventName + "Event"); } else { Output.Write(e.EventName); } } else { OutputIdentifier(e.EventName + "Event"); } } private void GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(CodeEventReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { // Visual Basic Compiler does not like the me reference like this. if (!(e.TargetObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression)) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); } } OutputIdentifier(e.EventName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method invoke /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression(CodeDelegateInvokeExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { if (e.TargetObject is CodeEventReferenceExpression) { Output.Write("RaiseEvent "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression((CodeEventReferenceExpression)e.TargetObject); } else { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); } } CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate invoke /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateObjectCreateExpression(CodeObjectCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("New "); OutputType(e.CreateType); CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based object creation /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression(CodeParameterDeclarationExpression e) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, true); } OutputDirection(e.Direction); OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); } protected override void GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression(CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("value"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// based parameter declaration expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateThisReferenceExpression(CodeThisReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("Me"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based this reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateExpressionStatement(CodeExpressionStatement e) { GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method invoke statement /// representation. /// ////// private bool IsDocComment(CodeCommentStatement comment) { return ((comment != null) && (comment.Comment != null) && comment.Comment.DocComment); } ////// Tells whether or not the given comment is a DocComment /// ////// /// protected override void GenerateCommentStatements(CodeCommentStatementCollection e) { // since the compiler emits a warning if XML DocComment blocks appear before // normal comments, we need to output non-DocComments first, followed by // DocComments. // foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in e) { if (!IsDocComment(comment)) { GenerateCommentStatement(comment); } } foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in e) { if (IsDocComment(comment)) { GenerateCommentStatement(comment); } } } protected override void GenerateComment(CodeComment e) { String commentLineStart = e.DocComment? "'''": "'"; Output.Write(commentLineStart); string value = e.Text; for (int i=0; iOverridden in order to output XML DocComments in the correct order for VB ////// /// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method return statement /// representation. /// /// protected override void GenerateMethodReturnStatement(CodeMethodReturnStatement e) { if (e.Expression != null) { Output.Write("Return "); GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.WriteLine(""); } else { Output.WriteLine("Return"); } } ////// protected override void GenerateConditionStatement(CodeConditionStatement e) { Output.Write("If "); GenerateExpression(e.Condition); Output.WriteLine(" Then"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.TrueStatements); Indent--; CodeStatementCollection falseStatemetns = e.FalseStatements; if (falseStatemetns.Count > 0) { Output.Write("Else"); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.FalseStatements); Indent--; } Output.WriteLine("End If"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based if statement representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement(CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement e) { Output.WriteLine("Try "); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.TryStatements); Indent--; CodeCatchClauseCollection catches = e.CatchClauses; if (catches.Count > 0) { IEnumerator en = catches.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { CodeCatchClause current = (CodeCatchClause)en.Current; Output.Write("Catch "); OutputTypeNamePair(current.CatchExceptionType, current.LocalName); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(current.Statements); Indent--; } } CodeStatementCollection finallyStatements = e.FinallyStatements; if (finallyStatements.Count > 0) { Output.WriteLine("Finally"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(finallyStatements); Indent--; } Output.WriteLine("End Try"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based try catch finally statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAssignStatement(CodeAssignStatement e) { GenerateExpression(e.Left); Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.Right); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateAttachEventStatement(CodeAttachEventStatement e) { Output.Write("AddHandler "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(e.Event); Output.Write(", "); GenerateExpression(e.Listener); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateRemoveEventStatement(CodeRemoveEventStatement e) { Output.Write("RemoveHandler "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(e.Event); Output.Write(", "); GenerateExpression(e.Listener); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateSnippetStatement(CodeSnippetStatement e) { Output.WriteLine(e.Value); } protected override void GenerateGotoStatement(CodeGotoStatement e) { Output.Write("goto "); Output.WriteLine(e.Label); } protected override void GenerateLabeledStatement(CodeLabeledStatement e) { Indent--; Output.Write(e.Label); Output.WriteLine(":"); Indent++; if (e.Statement != null) { GenerateStatement(e.Statement); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based assignment statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement(CodeVariableDeclarationStatement e) { bool doInit = true; Output.Write("Dim "); CodeTypeReference typeRef = e.Type; if (typeRef.ArrayRank == 1 && e.InitExpression != null) { CodeArrayCreateExpression eAsArrayCreate = e.InitExpression as CodeArrayCreateExpression; if (eAsArrayCreate != null && eAsArrayCreate.Initializers.Count == 0) { doInit = false; OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); if (eAsArrayCreate.SizeExpression != null) { Output.Write("("); GenerateExpression(eAsArrayCreate.SizeExpression); Output.Write(") - 1"); } else { Output.Write(eAsArrayCreate.Size - 1); } Output.Write(")"); if (typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) OutputArrayPostfix(typeRef.ArrayElementType); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(typeRef); } else OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); } else OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (doInit && e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom variable declaration statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateLinePragmaStart(CodeLinePragma e) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("#ExternalSource(\""); Output.Write(e.FileName); Output.Write("\","); Output.Write(e.LineNumber); Output.WriteLine(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma start /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateLinePragmaEnd(CodeLinePragma e) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.WriteLine("#End ExternalSource"); } protected override void GenerateEvent(CodeMemberEvent e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (IsCurrentDelegate || IsCurrentEnum) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } string eventName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); Output.Write("Event "); OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(eventName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(eventName); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma end /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateField(CodeMemberField e) { if (IsCurrentDelegate || IsCurrentInterface) return; if (IsCurrentEnum) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputIdentifier(e.Name); if (e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } else { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputFieldScopeModifier(e.Attributes); if (GetUserData(e, "WithEvents", false)) { Output.Write("WithEvents "); } OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } } private bool MethodIsOverloaded(CodeMemberMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if ((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.Overloaded) != 0) { return true; } IEnumerator en = c.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (!(en.Current is CodeMemberMethod)) continue; CodeMemberMethod meth = (CodeMemberMethod) en.Current; if (!(en.Current is CodeTypeConstructor) && !(en.Current is CodeConstructor) && meth != e && meth.Name.Equals(e.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && meth.PrivateImplementationType == null) { return true; } } return false; } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member /// field representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateSnippetMember(CodeSnippetTypeMember e) { Output.Write(e.Text); } protected override void GenerateMethod(CodeMemberMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct || IsCurrentInterface)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } // need to change the implements name before doing overloads resolution // string methodName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } if (!IsCurrentInterface) { if (e.PrivateImplementationType == null) { OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); if (MethodIsOverloaded(e, c)) Output.Write("Overloads "); } OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputMemberScopeModifier(e.Attributes); } else { // interface may still need "Shadows" OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); } bool sub = false; if (e.ReturnType.BaseType.Length == 0 || string.Compare(e.ReturnType.BaseType, typeof(void).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { sub = true; } if (sub) { Output.Write("Sub "); } else { Output.Write("Function "); } OutputIdentifier(e.Name); OutputTypeParameters(e.TypeParameters); Output.Write("("); OutputParameters(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); if (!sub) { Output.Write(" As "); if (e.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes, true); } OutputType(e.ReturnType); OutputArrayPostfix(e.ReturnType); } if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(methodName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(methodName); } Output.WriteLine(""); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; if (sub) { Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } else { Output.WriteLine("End Function"); } } // reset the name that possibly got changed with the implements clause e.Name = methodName; } protected override void GenerateEntryPointMethod(CodeEntryPointMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } Output.WriteLine("Public Shared Sub Main()"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } private bool PropertyIsOverloaded(CodeMemberProperty e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if ((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.Overloaded) != 0) { return true; } IEnumerator en = c.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (!(en.Current is CodeMemberProperty)) continue; CodeMemberProperty prop = (CodeMemberProperty) en.Current; if ( prop != e && prop.Name.Equals(e.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && prop.PrivateImplementationType == null) { return true; } } return false; } ////// Generates code for /// the specified CodeDom based snippet member representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateProperty(CodeMemberProperty e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct || IsCurrentInterface)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } string propName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } if (!IsCurrentInterface) { if (e.PrivateImplementationType == null) { OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); if (PropertyIsOverloaded(e,c)) { Output.Write("Overloads "); } } OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputMemberScopeModifier(e.Attributes); } else { // interface may still need "Shadows" OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); } if (e.Parameters.Count > 0 && String.Compare(e.Name, "Item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { Output.Write("Default "); } if (e.HasGet) { if (!e.HasSet) { Output.Write("ReadOnly "); } } else if (e.HasSet) { Output.Write("WriteOnly "); } Output.Write("Property "); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); if (e.Parameters.Count > 0) { OutputParameters(e.Parameters); } Output.Write(")"); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(e.Type); OutputArrayPostfix(e.Type); if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(propName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(propName); } Output.WriteLine(""); if (!c.IsInterface) { Indent++; if (e.HasGet) { Output.WriteLine("Get"); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.GetStatements); e.Name = propName; Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Get"); } } if (e.HasSet) { Output.WriteLine("Set"); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.SetStatements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Set"); } } Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Property"); } e.Name = propName; } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member property /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression(CodePropertyReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); Output.Write(e.PropertyName); } else { OutputIdentifier(e.PropertyName); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based property reference /// expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateConstructor(CodeConstructor e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); Output.Write("Sub New("); OutputParameters(e.Parameters); Output.WriteLine(")"); Indent++; CodeExpressionCollection baseArgs = e.BaseConstructorArgs; CodeExpressionCollection thisArgs = e.ChainedConstructorArgs; if (thisArgs.Count > 0) { Output.Write("Me.New("); OutputExpressionList(thisArgs); Output.Write(")"); Output.WriteLine(""); } else if (baseArgs.Count > 0) { Output.Write("MyBase.New("); OutputExpressionList(baseArgs); Output.Write(")"); Output.WriteLine(""); } else if(IsCurrentClass) { // struct doesn't have MyBase Output.WriteLine("MyBase.New"); } GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeConstructor(CodeTypeConstructor e) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } Output.WriteLine("Shared Sub New()"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } protected override void GenerateTypeOfExpression(CodeTypeOfExpression e) { Output.Write("GetType("); Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(e.Type)); Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based class constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeStart(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if (IsCurrentDelegate) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } switch (e.TypeAttributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: Output.Write("Public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NotPublic: default: break; } CodeTypeDelegate del = (CodeTypeDelegate)e; if (del.ReturnType.BaseType.Length > 0 && string.Compare(del.ReturnType.BaseType, "System.Void", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) Output.Write("Delegate Function "); else Output.Write("Delegate Sub "); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); OutputParameters(del.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); if (del.ReturnType.BaseType.Length > 0 && string.Compare(del.ReturnType.BaseType, "System.Void", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(del.ReturnType); OutputArrayPostfix(del.ReturnType); } Output.WriteLine(""); } else if (e.IsEnum) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputTypeAttributes(e); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); if (e.BaseTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(e.BaseTypes[0]); } Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; } else { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputTypeAttributes(e); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); OutputTypeParameters(e.TypeParameters); bool writtenInherits = false; bool writtenImplements = false; // For a structure we can't have an inherits clause if (e.IsStruct) { writtenInherits = true; } // For an interface we can't have an implements clause if (e.IsInterface) { writtenImplements = true; } Indent++; foreach (CodeTypeReference typeRef in e.BaseTypes) { if (!writtenInherits && !typeRef.IsInterface) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("Inherits "); writtenInherits = true; } else if (!writtenImplements) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("Implements "); writtenImplements = true; } else { Output.Write(", "); } OutputType(typeRef); } Output.WriteLine(""); } } private void OutputTypeParameters(CodeTypeParameterCollection typeParameters) { if( typeParameters.Count == 0) { return; } Output.Write("(Of "); bool first = true; for(int i = 0; i < typeParameters.Count; i++) { if( first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write(typeParameters[i].Name); OutputTypeParameterConstraints(typeParameters[i]); } Output.Write(')'); } // In VB, constraints are put right after the type paramater name. // In C#, there is a seperate "where" statement private void OutputTypeParameterConstraints(CodeTypeParameter typeParameter) { CodeTypeReferenceCollection constraints = typeParameter.Constraints; int constraintCount = constraints.Count; if( typeParameter.HasConstructorConstraint) { constraintCount++; } if( constraintCount == 0) { return; } // generating something like: "ValType As {IComparable, Customer, New}" Output.Write(" As "); if(constraintCount > 1) { Output.Write(" {"); } bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference typeRef in constraints) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(typeRef)); } if( typeParameter.HasConstructorConstraint) { if (!first) { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write("New"); } if(constraintCount > 1) { Output.Write('}'); } } ////// Generates code for the CodeDom based class start representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeEnd(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if (!IsCurrentDelegate) { Indent--; string ending; if (e.IsEnum) { ending = "End Enum"; } else if (e.IsInterface) { ending = "End Interface"; } else if (e.IsStruct) { ending = "End Structure"; } else { if (IsCurrentModule) { ending = "End Module"; } else { ending = "End Class"; } } Output.WriteLine(ending); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based class end /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespace(CodeNamespace e) { if (GetUserData(e, "GenerateImports", true)) { GenerateNamespaceImports(e); } Output.WriteLine(); GenerateCommentStatements(e.Comments); GenerateNamespaceStart(e); GenerateTypes(e); GenerateNamespaceEnd(e); } protected bool AllowLateBound(CodeCompileUnit e) { object o = e.UserData["AllowLateBound"]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } // We have Option Strict Off by default because it can fail on simple things like dividing // two integers. return true; } protected bool RequireVariableDeclaration(CodeCompileUnit e) { object o = e.UserData["RequireVariableDeclaration"]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } return true; } private bool GetUserData(CodeObject e, string property, bool defaultValue) { object o = e.UserData[property]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } return defaultValue; } protected override void GenerateCompileUnitStart(CodeCompileUnit e) { base.GenerateCompileUnitStart(e); Output.WriteLine("'------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Output.Write("' <"); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line1)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line2)); Output.Write("' "); Output.Write(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line3)); Output.WriteLine(System.Environment.Version.ToString()); Output.WriteLine("'"); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line4)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line5)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line1)); Output.WriteLine("'------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Output.WriteLine(""); if (AllowLateBound(e)) Output.WriteLine("Option Strict Off"); else Output.WriteLine("Option Strict On"); if (!RequireVariableDeclaration(e)) Output.WriteLine("Option Explicit Off"); else Output.WriteLine("Option Explicit On"); Output.WriteLine(); } protected override void GenerateCompileUnit(CodeCompileUnit e) { GenerateCompileUnitStart(e); SortedList importList; // Visual Basic needs all the imports together at the top of the compile unit. // If generating multiple namespaces, gather all the imports together importList = new SortedList(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (CodeNamespace nspace in e.Namespaces) { // mark the namespace to stop it generating its own import list nspace.UserData["GenerateImports"] = false; // Collect the unique list of imports foreach (CodeNamespaceImport import in nspace.Imports) { if (!importList.Contains(import.Namespace)) { importList.Add(import.Namespace, import.Namespace); } } } // now output the imports foreach(string import in importList.Keys) { Output.Write("Imports "); OutputIdentifier(import); Output.WriteLine(""); } if (e.AssemblyCustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.AssemblyCustomAttributes, false, "Assembly: ", true); } GenerateNamespaces(e); GenerateCompileUnitEnd(e); } protected override void GenerateDirectives(CodeDirectiveCollection directives) { for (int i = 0; i < directives.Count; i++) { CodeDirective directive = directives[i]; if (directive is CodeChecksumPragma) { GenerateChecksumPragma((CodeChecksumPragma)directive); } else if (directive is CodeRegionDirective) { GenerateCodeRegionDirective((CodeRegionDirective)directive); } } } private void GenerateChecksumPragma(CodeChecksumPragma checksumPragma) { // the syntax is: #ExternalChecksum("FileName","GuidChecksum","ChecksumValue") Output.Write("#ExternalChecksum(\""); Output.Write(checksumPragma.FileName); Output.Write("\",\""); Output.Write(checksumPragma.ChecksumAlgorithmId.ToString("B", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("\",\""); if (checksumPragma.ChecksumData != null) { foreach(Byte b in checksumPragma.ChecksumData) { Output.Write(b.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } Output.WriteLine("\")"); } private void GenerateCodeRegionDirective(CodeRegionDirective regionDirective) { // VB does not support regions within statement blocks if (IsGeneratingStatements()) { return; } if (regionDirective.RegionMode == CodeRegionMode.Start) { Output.Write("#Region \""); Output.Write(regionDirective.RegionText); Output.WriteLine("\""); } else if (regionDirective.RegionMode == CodeRegionMode.End) { Output.WriteLine("#End Region"); } } ////// Generates code for the CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceStart(CodeNamespace e) { if (e.Name != null && e.Name.Length > 0) { Output.Write("Namespace "); string[] names = e.Name.Split('.'); Debug.Assert( names.Length > 0); OutputIdentifier(names[0]); for( int i = 1; i< names.Length; i++) { Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(names[i]); } Output.WriteLine(); Indent++; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceEnd(CodeNamespace e) { if (e.Name != null && e.Name.Length > 0) { Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Namespace"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceImport(CodeNamespaceImport e) { Output.Write("Imports "); OutputIdentifier(e.Namespace); Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace import /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { Output.Write("<"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block start /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { Output.Write(">"); } public static bool IsKeyword(string value) { return FixedStringLookup.Contains(keywords, value, true); } protected override bool Supports(GeneratorSupport support) { return ((support & LanguageSupport) == support); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block end /// representation. /// ////// protected override bool IsValidIdentifier(string value) { // identifiers must be 1 char or longer // if (value == null || value.Length == 0) { return false; } if (value.Length > 1023) return false; // identifiers cannot be a keyword unless surrounded by []'s // if (value[0] != '[' || value[value.Length - 1] != ']') { if (IsKeyword(value)) { return false; } } else { value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2); } // just _ as an identifier is not valid. if (value.Length == 1 && value[0] == '_') return false; return CodeGenerator.IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier(value); } protected override string CreateValidIdentifier(string name) { if (IsKeyword(name)) { return "_" + name; } return name; } protected override string CreateEscapedIdentifier(string name) { if (IsKeyword(name)) { return "[" + name + "]"; } return name; } private string GetBaseTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string baseType = typeRef.BaseType; if (baseType.Length == 0) { return "Void"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Byte", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Byte"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.SByte", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "SByte"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int16", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Short"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int32", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Integer"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Long"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt16", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "UShort"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt32", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "UInteger"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "ULong"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.String", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "String"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.DateTime", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Date"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Decimal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Decimal"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Single", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Single"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Double", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Double"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Boolean", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Boolean"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Char", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Char"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Object", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Object"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(baseType.Length + 10); if(typeRef.Options == CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference) { sb.Append("Global."); } int lastIndex = 0; int currentTypeArgStart = 0; for (int i=0; i/// Gets whether the specified identifier is valid. /// ///= '0' && baseType[i] <='9') { numTypeArgs = numTypeArgs*10 + (baseType[i] - '0'); i++; } GetTypeArgumentsOutput(typeRef.TypeArguments, currentTypeArgStart, numTypeArgs, sb); currentTypeArgStart += numTypeArgs; // Arity can be in the middle of a nested type name, so we might have a . or + after it. // Skip it if so. if (i < baseType.Length && (baseType[i] =='+' || baseType[i] == '.')) { sb.Append('.'); i++; } lastIndex = i; break; } } if (lastIndex < baseType.Length) sb.Append(CreateEscapedIdentifier(baseType.Substring(lastIndex))); return sb.ToString(); } } private string GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while( typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) { typeRef = typeRef.ArrayElementType; } sb.Append(GetBaseTypeOutput(typeRef)); return sb.ToString(); } private String GetTypeArgumentsOutput(CodeTypeReferenceCollection typeArguments) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); GetTypeArgumentsOutput(typeArguments, 0, typeArguments.Count, sb); return sb.ToString(); } private void GetTypeArgumentsOutput(CodeTypeReferenceCollection typeArguments, int start, int length, StringBuilder sb) { sb.Append("(Of "); bool first = true; for( int i = start; i < start+length; i++) { if( first) { first = false; } else { sb.Append(", "); } // it's possible that we call GetTypeArgumentsOutput with an empty typeArguments collection. This is the case // for open types, so we want to just output the brackets and commas. if (i < typeArguments.Count) sb.Append(GetTypeOutput(typeArguments[i])); } sb.Append(')'); } protected override string GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string s = String.Empty; s += GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(typeRef); if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { s += GetArrayPostfix(typeRef); } return s; } protected override void ContinueOnNewLine(string st) { Output.Write(st); Output.WriteLine(" _"); } private bool IsGeneratingStatements() { Debug.Assert(statementDepth >= 0, "statementDepth >= 0"); return (statementDepth > 0); } private void GenerateVBStatements(CodeStatementCollection stms) { statementDepth++; try { GenerateStatements(stms); } finally { statementDepth--; } } protected override CompilerResults FromFileBatch(CompilerParameters options, string[] fileNames) { if( options == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("options"); } if (fileNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileNames"); new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); string outputFile = null; int retValue = 0; CompilerResults results = new CompilerResults(options.TempFiles); SecurityPermission perm1 = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence); perm1.Assert(); try { results.Evidence = options.Evidence; } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } bool createdEmptyAssembly = false; if (options.OutputAssembly == null || options.OutputAssembly.Length == 0) { string extension = (options.GenerateExecutable) ? "exe" : "dll"; options.OutputAssembly = results.TempFiles.AddExtension(extension, !options.GenerateInMemory); // Create an empty assembly. This is so that the file will have permissions that // we can later access with our current credential.< new FileStream(options.OutputAssembly, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite).Close(); createdEmptyAssembly = true; } #if FEATURE_PAL string pdbname = "ildb"; #else string pdbname = "pdb"; #endif // hack so that we don't delete pdbs when debug=false but they have specified pdbonly. if (options.CompilerOptions!= null && options.CompilerOptions.IndexOf("/debug:pdbonly", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) results.TempFiles.AddExtension(pdbname, true); else results.TempFiles.AddExtension(pdbname); string args = CmdArgsFromParameters(options) + " " + JoinStringArray(fileNames, " "); // Use a response file if the compiler supports it string responseFileArgs = GetResponseFileCmdArgs(options, args); string trueArgs = null; if (responseFileArgs != null) { trueArgs = args; args = responseFileArgs; } Compile(options, RedistVersionInfo.GetCompilerPath(provOptions, CompilerName), CompilerName, args, ref outputFile, ref retValue, trueArgs); results.NativeCompilerReturnValue = retValue; // only look for errors/warnings if the compile failed or the caller set the warning level if (retValue != 0 || options.WarningLevel > 0) { FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); try { if (outputStream.Length > 0) { // The output of the compiler is in UTF8 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8); string line; do { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { results.Output.Add(line); ProcessCompilerOutputLine(results, line); } } while (line != null); } } finally { outputStream.Close(); } // Delete the empty assembly if we created one if (retValue != 0 && createdEmptyAssembly) File.Delete(options.OutputAssembly); } if (!results.Errors.HasErrors && options.GenerateInMemory) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(options.OutputAssembly, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); try { int fileLen = (int)fs.Length; byte[] b = new byte[fileLen]; fs.Read(b, 0, fileLen); SecurityPermission perm = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence); perm.Assert(); try { results.CompiledAssembly = Assembly.Load(b,null,options.Evidence); } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } } finally { fs.Close(); } } else { results.PathToAssembly = options.OutputAssembly; } return results; } } internal class VBMemberAttributeConverter : VBModifierAttributeConverter { private static string[] names; private static object[] values; private static VBMemberAttributeConverter defaultConverter; private VBMemberAttributeConverter() { // no need to create an instance; use Default } public static VBMemberAttributeConverter Default { get { if (defaultConverter == null) { defaultConverter = new VBMemberAttributeConverter(); } return defaultConverter; } } /// /// Retrieves an array of names for attributes. /// protected override string[] Names { get { if (names == null) { names = new string[] { "Public", "Protected", "Protected Friend", "Friend", "Private" }; } return names; } } ////// Retrieves an array of values for attributes. /// protected override object[] Values { get { if (values == null) { values = new object[] { (object)MemberAttributes.Public, (object)MemberAttributes.Family, (object)MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly, (object)MemberAttributes.Assembly, (object)MemberAttributes.Private }; } return values; } } protected override object DefaultValue { get { return MemberAttributes.Private; } } } internal class VBTypeAttributeConverter : VBModifierAttributeConverter { private static VBTypeAttributeConverter defaultConverter; private static string[] names; private static object[] values; private VBTypeAttributeConverter() { // no need to create an instance; use Default } public static VBTypeAttributeConverter Default { get { if (defaultConverter == null) { defaultConverter = new VBTypeAttributeConverter(); } return defaultConverter; } } ////// Retrieves an array of names for attributes. /// protected override string[] Names { get { if (names == null) { names = new string[] { "Public", "Friend" }; } return names; } } ////// Retrieves an array of values for attributes. /// protected override object[] Values { get { if (values == null) { values = new object[] { (object)TypeAttributes.Public, (object)TypeAttributes.NotPublic }; } return values; } } protected override object DefaultValue { get { return TypeAttributes.Public; } } } ////// This type converter provides common values for MemberAttributes /// internal abstract class VBModifierAttributeConverter : TypeConverter { protected abstract object[] Values { get; } protected abstract string[] Names { get; } protected abstract object DefaultValue { get; } ////// We override this because we can convert from string types. /// public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == typeof(string)) { return true; } return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType); } ////// Converts the given object to the converter's native type. /// public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value) { if (value is string) { string name = (string)value; string[] names = Names; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { if (names[i].Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return Values[i]; } } } return DefaultValue; } ////// Converts the given object to another type. The most common types to convert /// are to and from a string object. The default implementation will make a call /// to ToString on the object if the object is valid and if the destination /// type is string. If this cannot convert to the desitnation type, this will /// throw a NotSupportedException. /// public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationType"); } if (destinationType == typeof(string)) { object[] modifiers = Values; for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.Length; i++) { if (modifiers[i].Equals(value)) { return Names[i]; } } return SR.GetString(SR.toStringUnknown); } return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType); } ////// Determines if the list of standard values returned from /// GetStandardValues is an exclusive list. If the list /// is exclusive, then no other values are valid, such as /// in an enum data type. If the list is not exclusive, /// then there are other valid values besides the list of /// standard values GetStandardValues provides. /// public override bool GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } ////// Determines if this object supports a standard set of values /// that can be picked from a list. /// public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } ////// Retrieves a collection containing a set of standard values /// for the data type this validator is designed for. This /// will return null if the data type does not support a /// standard set of values. /// public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return new StandardValuesCollection(Values); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic { using System.Diagnostics; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.CodeDom; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Versioning; ////// [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")] [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] public class VBCodeProvider: CodeDomProvider { private VBCodeGenerator generator; public VBCodeProvider() { generator = new VBCodeGenerator(); } public VBCodeProvider(IDictionary[To be supplied.] ///providerOptions) { if (providerOptions == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("providerOptions"); } generator = new VBCodeGenerator(providerOptions); } /// /// public override string FileExtension { get { return "vb"; } } ///Retrieves the default extension to use when saving files using this code dom provider. ////// public override LanguageOptions LanguageOptions { get { return LanguageOptions.CaseInsensitive; } } [Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeGenerator interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")] public override ICodeGenerator CreateGenerator() { return (ICodeGenerator)generator; } [Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")] public override ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler() { return (ICodeCompiler)generator; } ///Returns flags representing language variations. ////// This method allows a code dom provider implementation to provide a different type converter /// for a given data type. At design time, a designer may pass data types through this /// method to see if the code dom provider wants to provide an additional converter. /// A typical way this would be used is if the language this code dom provider implements /// does not support all of the values of the MemberAttributes enumeration, or if the language /// uses different names (Protected instead of Family, for example). The default /// implementation just calls TypeDescriptor.GetConverter for the given type. /// public override TypeConverter GetConverter(Type type) { if (type == typeof(MemberAttributes)) { return VBMemberAttributeConverter.Default; } else if(type == typeof(TypeAttributes)) { return VBTypeAttributeConverter.Default; } return base.GetConverter(type); } public override void GenerateCodeFromMember(CodeTypeMember member, TextWriter writer, CodeGeneratorOptions options) { generator.GenerateCodeFromMember(member, writer, options); } } ////// internal class VBCodeGenerator : CodeCompiler { private const int MaxLineLength = 80; private const GeneratorSupport LanguageSupport = GeneratorSupport.EntryPointMethod | GeneratorSupport.GotoStatements | GeneratorSupport.ArraysOfArrays | GeneratorSupport.MultidimensionalArrays | GeneratorSupport.StaticConstructors | GeneratorSupport.ReturnTypeAttributes | GeneratorSupport.AssemblyAttributes | GeneratorSupport.TryCatchStatements | GeneratorSupport.DeclareValueTypes | GeneratorSupport.DeclareEnums | GeneratorSupport.DeclareEvents | GeneratorSupport.DeclareDelegates | GeneratorSupport.DeclareInterfaces | GeneratorSupport.ParameterAttributes | GeneratorSupport.ReferenceParameters | GeneratorSupport.ChainedConstructorArguments | GeneratorSupport.NestedTypes | GeneratorSupport.MultipleInterfaceMembers | GeneratorSupport.PublicStaticMembers | GeneratorSupport.ComplexExpressions | GeneratorSupport.Win32Resources | GeneratorSupport.Resources| GeneratorSupport.PartialTypes| GeneratorSupport.GenericTypeReference | GeneratorSupport.GenericTypeDeclaration | GeneratorSupport.DeclareIndexerProperties; private static Regex outputReg; private int statementDepth = 0; private IDictionary/// Visual Basic 7 Code Generator. /// ///provOptions; // This is the keyword list. To minimize search time and startup time, this is stored by length // and then alphabetically for use by FixedStringLookup.Contains. private static readonly string[][] keywords = new string[][] { null, // 1 character new string[] { // 2 characters "as", "do", "if", "in", "is", "me", "of", "on", "or", "to", }, new string[] { // 3 characters "and", "dim", "end", "for", "get", "let", "lib", "mod", "new", "not", "rem", "set", "sub", "try", "xor", }, new string[] { // 4 characters "ansi", "auto", "byte", "call", "case", "cdbl", "cdec", "char", "cint", "clng", "cobj", "csng", "cstr", "date", "each", "else", "enum", "exit", "goto", "like", "long", "loop", "next", "step", "stop", "then", "true", "wend", "when", "with", }, new string[] { // 5 characters "alias", "byref", "byval", "catch", "cbool", "cbyte", "cchar", "cdate", "class", "const", "ctype", "cuint", "culng", "endif", "erase", "error", "event", "false", "gosub", "isnot", "redim", "sbyte", "short", "throw", "ulong", "until", "using", "while", }, new string[] { // 6 characters "csbyte", "cshort", "double", "elseif", "friend", "global", "module", "mybase", "object", "option", "orelse", "public", "resume", "return", "select", "shared", "single", "static", "string", "typeof", "ushort", }, new string[] { // 7 characters "andalso", "boolean", "cushort", "decimal", "declare", "default", "finally", "gettype", "handles", "imports", "integer", "myclass", "nothing", "partial", "private", "shadows", "trycast", "unicode", "variant", }, new string[] { // 8 characters "assembly", "continue", "delegate", "function", "inherits", "operator", "optional", "preserve", "property", "readonly", "synclock", "uinteger", "widening" }, new string [] { // 9 characters "addressof", "interface", "namespace", "narrowing", "overloads", "overrides", "protected", "structure", "writeonly", }, new string [] { // 10 characters "addhandler", "directcast", "implements", "paramarray", "raiseevent", "withevents", }, new string[] { // 11 characters "mustinherit", "overridable", }, new string[] { // 12 characters "mustoverride", }, new string [] { // 13 characters "removehandler", }, // class_finalize and class_initialize are not keywords anymore, // but it will be nice to escape them to avoid warning new string [] { // 14 characters "class_finalize", "notinheritable", "notoverridable", }, null, // 15 characters new string [] { "class_initialize", } }; internal VBCodeGenerator() { } internal VBCodeGenerator(IDictionary providerOptions) { provOptions = providerOptions; } #if DEBUG static VBCodeGenerator() { FixedStringLookup.VerifyLookupTable(keywords, true); // Sanity check: try some values; Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("for")); Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("foR")); Debug.Assert(IsKeyword("cdec")); Debug.Assert(!IsKeyword("cdab")); Debug.Assert(!IsKeyword("cdum")); } #endif /// /// protected override string FileExtension { get { return ".vb"; } } ////// Gets or the file extension to use for source files. /// ////// protected override string CompilerName { get { return "vbc.exe"; } } ////// Gets the name of the compiler exe /// ////// private bool IsCurrentModule { get { return (IsCurrentClass && GetUserData(CurrentClass, "Module", false)); } } ////// Tells whether or not the current class should be generated as a module /// ////// protected override string NullToken { get { return "Nothing"; } } private void EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref bool fInDoubleQuotes, StringBuilder b) { if (fInDoubleQuotes) return; b.Append("&\""); fInDoubleQuotes = true; } private void EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref bool fInDoubleQuotes, StringBuilder b) { if (!fInDoubleQuotes) return; b.Append("\""); fInDoubleQuotes = false; } ////// Gets the token that is used to represent ///. /// /// protected override string QuoteSnippetString(string value) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(value.Length+5); bool fInDoubleQuotes = true; Indentation indentObj = new Indentation((IndentedTextWriter)Output, Indent + 1); b.Append("\""); int i = 0; while(i < value.Length) { char ch = value[i]; switch (ch) { case '\"': // These are the inward sloping quotes used by default in some cultures like CHS. // VBC.EXE does a mapping ANSI that results in it treating these as syntactically equivalent to a // regular double quote. case '\u201C': case '\u201D': case '\uFF02': EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append(ch); b.Append(ch); break; case '\r': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); if (i < value.Length - 1 && value[i+1] == '\n') { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)"); i++; } else { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)"); } break; case '\t': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(9)"); break; case '\0': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(0)"); break; case '\n': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)"); break; case '\u2028': case '\u2029': EnsureNotInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); AppendEscapedChar(b,ch); break; default: EnsureInDoubleQuotes(ref fInDoubleQuotes, b); b.Append(value[i]); break; } if (i > 0 && i % MaxLineLength == 0) { // // If current character is a high surrogate and the following // character is a low surrogate, don't break them. // Otherwise when we write the string to a file, we might lose // the characters. // if( Char.IsHighSurrogate(value[i]) && (i < value.Length -1) && Char.IsLowSurrogate(value[i+1])){ b.Append(value[++i]); } if (fInDoubleQuotes) b.Append("\""); fInDoubleQuotes = true; b.Append("& _ \r\n"); b.Append(indentObj.IndentationString); b.Append('\"'); } ++i; } if (fInDoubleQuotes) b.Append("\""); return b.ToString(); } //@ private static void AppendEscapedChar(StringBuilder b, char value) { b.Append("&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW("); b.Append(((int)value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); b.Append(")"); } protected override void ProcessCompilerOutputLine(CompilerResults results, string line) { if (outputReg == null) { outputReg = new Regex(@"^([^(]*)\(?([0-9]*)\)? ?:? ?(error|warning) ([A-Z]+[0-9]+) ?: (.*)"); } Match m = outputReg.Match(line); if (m.Success) { CompilerError ce = new CompilerError(); ce.FileName = m.Groups[1].Value; string rawLine = m.Groups[2].Value; if (rawLine != null && rawLine.Length > 0) { ce.Line = int.Parse(rawLine, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (string.Compare(m.Groups[3].Value, "warning", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { ce.IsWarning = true; } ce.ErrorNumber = m.Groups[4].Value; ce.ErrorText = m.Groups[5].Value; results.Errors.Add(ce); } } protected override string CmdArgsFromParameters(CompilerParameters options) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); if (options.GenerateExecutable) { sb.Append("/t:exe "); if (options.MainClass != null && options.MainClass.Length > 0) { sb.Append("/main:"); sb.Append(options.MainClass); sb.Append(" "); } } else { sb.Append("/t:library "); } // Get UTF8 output from the compiler sb.Append("/utf8output "); foreach (string s in options.ReferencedAssemblies) { // Ignore any Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll, since Visual Basic implies it (bug 72785) string fileName = Path.GetFileName(s); if (string.Compare(fileName, "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; // Same deal for mscorlib (bug ASURT 81568) if (string.Compare(fileName, "mscorlib.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; sb.Append("/R:"); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" "); } sb.Append("/out:"); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(options.OutputAssembly); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" "); if (options.IncludeDebugInformation) { sb.Append("/D:DEBUG=1 "); sb.Append("/debug+ "); } else { sb.Append("/debug- "); } if (options.Win32Resource != null) { sb.Append("/win32resource:\"" + options.Win32Resource + "\" "); } foreach (string s in options.EmbeddedResources) { sb.Append("/res:\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\" "); } foreach (string s in options.LinkedResources) { sb.Append("/linkres:\""); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("\" "); } if (options.TreatWarningsAsErrors) { sb.Append("/warnaserror+ "); } if (options.CompilerOptions != null) { sb.Append(options.CompilerOptions + " "); } return sb.ToString(); } protected override void OutputAttributeArgument(CodeAttributeArgument arg) { if (arg.Name != null && arg.Name.Length > 0) { OutputIdentifier(arg.Name); Output.Write(":="); } ((ICodeGenerator)this).GenerateCodeFromExpression(arg.Value, ((IndentedTextWriter)Output).InnerWriter, Options); } private void OutputAttributes(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool inLine) { OutputAttributes(attributes, inLine, null, false); } private void OutputAttributes(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes, bool inLine, string prefix, bool closingLine) { if (attributes.Count == 0) return; IEnumerator en = attributes.GetEnumerator(); bool firstAttr = true; GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(attributes); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (firstAttr) { firstAttr = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); if (!inLine) { ContinueOnNewLine(""); Output.Write(" "); } } if (prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0) { Output.Write(prefix); } CodeAttributeDeclaration current = (CodeAttributeDeclaration)en.Current; if( current.AttributeType != null) { Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(current.AttributeType)); } Output.Write("("); bool firstArg = true; foreach (CodeAttributeArgument arg in current.Arguments) { if (firstArg) { firstArg = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } OutputAttributeArgument(arg); } Output.Write(")"); } GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(attributes); Output.Write(" "); if (!inLine) { if (closingLine) { Output.WriteLine(); } else { ContinueOnNewLine(""); } } } protected override void OutputDirection(FieldDirection dir) { switch (dir) { case FieldDirection.In: Output.Write("ByVal "); break; case FieldDirection.Out: case FieldDirection.Ref: Output.Write("ByRef "); break; } } protected override void GenerateDefaultValueExpression(CodeDefaultValueExpression e) { Output.Write("CType(Nothing, " + GetTypeOutput(e.Type) + ")"); } protected override void GenerateDirectionExpression(CodeDirectionExpression e) { // Visual Basic does not need to adorn the calling point with a direction, so just output the expression. GenerateExpression(e.Expression); } protected override void OutputFieldScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Final: Output.Write(""); break; case MemberAttributes.Static: // ignore Static for fields in a Module since all fields in a module are already // static and it is a syntax error to explicitly mark them as static // if (!IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Shared "); } break; case MemberAttributes.Const: Output.Write("Const "); break; default: Output.Write(""); break; } } ////// Provides conversion to formatting with escape codes. /// ////// protected override void OutputMemberAccessModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Assembly: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyAndAssembly: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.Family: Output.Write("Protected "); break; case MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly: Output.Write("Protected Friend "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: Output.Write("Private "); break; case MemberAttributes.Public: Output.Write("Public "); break; } } private void OutputVTableModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.VTableMask) { case MemberAttributes.New: Output.Write("Shadows "); break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member /// access modifier representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputMemberScopeModifier(MemberAttributes attributes) { switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) { case MemberAttributes.Abstract: Output.Write("MustOverride "); break; case MemberAttributes.Final: Output.Write(""); break; case MemberAttributes.Static: // ignore Static for members in a Module since all members in a module are already // static and it is a syntax error to explicitly mark them as static // if (!IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Shared "); } break; case MemberAttributes.Override: Output.Write("Overrides "); break; case MemberAttributes.Private: Output.Write("Private "); break; default: switch (attributes & MemberAttributes.AccessMask) { case MemberAttributes.Family: case MemberAttributes.Public: case MemberAttributes.Assembly: Output.Write("Overridable "); break; default: // nothing; break; } break; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member scope modifier /// representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputOperator(CodeBinaryOperatorType op) { switch (op) { case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality: Output.Write("<>"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality: Output.Write("Is"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanOr: Output.Write("OrElse"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BooleanAnd: Output.Write("AndAlso"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.ValueEquality: Output.Write("="); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.Modulus: Output.Write("Mod"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr: Output.Write("Or"); break; case CodeBinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd: Output.Write("And"); break; default: base.OutputOperator(op); break; } } private void GenerateNotIsNullExpression(CodeExpression e) { Output.Write("(Not ("); GenerateExpression(e); Output.Write(") Is "); Output.Write(NullToken); Output.Write(")"); } protected override void GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(CodeBinaryOperatorExpression e) { if (e.Operator != CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityInequality) { base.GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(e); return; } // "o <> nothing" should be "not o is nothing" if (e.Right is CodePrimitiveExpression && ((CodePrimitiveExpression)e.Right).Value == null){ GenerateNotIsNullExpression(e.Left); return; } if (e.Left is CodePrimitiveExpression && ((CodePrimitiveExpression)e.Left).Value == null){ GenerateNotIsNullExpression(e.Right); return; } base.GenerateBinaryOperatorExpression(e); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based operator /// representation. /// ////// protected override string GetResponseFileCmdArgs(CompilerParameters options, string cmdArgs) { // Always specify the /noconfig flag (outside of the response file) return "/noconfig " + base.GetResponseFileCmdArgs(options, cmdArgs); } protected override void OutputIdentifier(string ident) { Output.Write(CreateEscapedIdentifier(ident)); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// protected override void OutputType(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { Output.Write(GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(typeRef)); } private void OutputTypeAttributes(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.New) != 0) { Output.Write("Shadows "); } TypeAttributes attributes = e.TypeAttributes; if (e.IsPartial) { Output.Write("Partial "); } switch(attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic: Output.Write("Public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate: Output.Write("Private "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily: Output.Write("Protected "); break; case TypeAttributes.NotPublic: case TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly: case TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem: Output.Write("Friend "); break; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem: Output.Write("Protected Friend "); break; } if (e.IsStruct) { Output.Write("Structure "); } else if (e.IsEnum) { Output.Write("Enum "); } else { switch (attributes & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) { case TypeAttributes.Class: // if this "class" should generate as a module, then don't check // inheritance flags since modules can't inherit if (IsCurrentModule) { Output.Write("Module "); } else { if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) == TypeAttributes.Sealed) { Output.Write("NotInheritable "); } if ((attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == TypeAttributes.Abstract) { Output.Write("MustInherit "); } Output.Write("Class "); } break; case TypeAttributes.Interface: Output.Write("Interface "); break; } } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based return type /// representation. /// ////// protected override void OutputTypeNamePair(CodeTypeReference typeRef, string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) name = "__exception"; OutputIdentifier(name); OutputArrayPostfix(typeRef); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(typeRef); } private string GetArrayPostfix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string s = ""; if (typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) { // Recurse up s = GetArrayPostfix(typeRef.ArrayElementType); } if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { char [] results = new char [typeRef.ArrayRank + 1]; results[0] = '('; results[typeRef.ArrayRank] = ')'; for (int i = 1; i < typeRef.ArrayRank; i++) { results[i] = ','; } s = new string(results) + s; } return s; } private void OutputArrayPostfix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { Output.Write(GetArrayPostfix(typeRef)); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based type name pair /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateIterationStatement(CodeIterationStatement e) { GenerateStatement(e.InitStatement); Output.Write("Do While "); GenerateExpression(e.TestExpression); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); GenerateStatement(e.IncrementStatement); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("Loop"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based for loop statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GeneratePrimitiveExpression(CodePrimitiveExpression e) { if (e.Value is char) { Output.Write("Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(" + ((IConvertible)e.Value).ToInt32(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"); } else if (e.Value is SByte) { Output.Write("CSByte("); Output.Write(((SByte)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write(")"); } else if (e.Value is UInt16) { Output.Write(((UInt16)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("US"); } else if (e.Value is UInt32) { Output.Write(((UInt32)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("UI"); } else if (e.Value is UInt64) { Output.Write(((UInt64)e.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("UL"); } else { base.GeneratePrimitiveExpression(e); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based primitive expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateThrowExceptionStatement(CodeThrowExceptionStatement e) { Output.Write("Throw"); if (e.ToThrow != null) { Output.Write(" "); GenerateExpression(e.ToThrow); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based throw exception statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateArrayCreateExpression(CodeArrayCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("New "); CodeExpressionCollection init = e.Initializers; if (init.Count > 0) { String typeName = GetTypeOutput(e.CreateType); Output.Write(typeName); // if( typeName.IndexOf('(') == -1) { Output.Write("()"); } Output.Write(" {"); Indent++; OutputExpressionList(init); Indent--; Output.Write("}"); } else { String typeName = GetTypeOutput(e.CreateType); int index = typeName.IndexOf('('); if( index == -1) { // Output.Write(typeName); Output.Write('('); } else { Output.Write(typeName.Substring(0, index+1)); } // The tricky thing is we need to declare the size - 1 if (e.SizeExpression != null) { Output.Write("("); GenerateExpression(e.SizeExpression); Output.Write(") - 1"); } else { Output.Write(e.Size - 1); } if( index == -1) { Output.Write(')'); } else { Output.Write(typeName.Substring(index+1)); } Output.Write(" {}"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based array creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateBaseReferenceExpression(CodeBaseReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("MyBase"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based base reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateCastExpression(CodeCastExpression e) { Output.Write("CType("); GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.Write(","); OutputType(e.TargetType); OutputArrayPostfix(e.TargetType); Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based cast expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateDelegateCreateExpression(CodeDelegateCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("AddressOf "); GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(e.MethodName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate creation expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateFieldReferenceExpression(CodeFieldReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); } OutputIdentifier(e.FieldName); } protected override void GenerateSingleFloatValue(Single s) { if( float.IsNaN(s)) { Output.Write("Single.NaN"); } else if( float.IsNegativeInfinity(s)) { Output.Write("Single.NegativeInfinity"); } else if( float.IsPositiveInfinity(s)) { Output.Write("Single.PositiveInfinity"); } else { Output.Write(s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write('!'); } } protected override void GenerateDoubleValue(double d) { if( double.IsNaN(d)) { Output.Write("Double.NaN"); } else if( double.IsNegativeInfinity(d)) { Output.Write("Double.NegativeInfinity"); } else if( double.IsPositiveInfinity(d)) { Output.Write("Double.PositiveInfinity"); } else { Output.Write(d.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } protected override void GenerateArgumentReferenceExpression(CodeArgumentReferenceExpression e) { OutputIdentifier(e.ParameterName); } protected override void GenerateVariableReferenceExpression(CodeVariableReferenceExpression e) { OutputIdentifier(e.VariableName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based field reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateIndexerExpression(CodeIndexerExpression e) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); // If this IndexerExpression is referencing to base, we need to emit // .Item after MyBase. Otherwise the code won't compile. if( e.TargetObject is CodeBaseReferenceExpression) { Output.Write(".Item"); } Output.Write("("); bool first = true; foreach(CodeExpression exp in e.Indices) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } GenerateExpression(exp); } Output.Write(")"); } protected override void GenerateArrayIndexerExpression(CodeArrayIndexerExpression e) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("("); bool first = true; foreach(CodeExpression exp in e.Indices) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } GenerateExpression(exp); } Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based indexer expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateSnippetExpression(CodeSnippetExpression e) { Output.Write(e.Value); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based code snippet expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateMethodInvokeExpression(CodeMethodInvokeExpression e) { GenerateMethodReferenceExpression(e.Method); CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } protected override void GenerateMethodReferenceExpression(CodeMethodReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); Output.Write(e.MethodName); } else { OutputIdentifier(e.MethodName); } if( e.TypeArguments.Count > 0) { Output.Write(GetTypeArgumentsOutput(e.TypeArguments)); } } protected override void GenerateEventReferenceExpression(CodeEventReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { bool localReference = (e.TargetObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression); GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); if (localReference) { Output.Write(e.EventName + "Event"); } else { Output.Write(e.EventName); } } else { OutputIdentifier(e.EventName + "Event"); } } private void GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(CodeEventReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { // Visual Basic Compiler does not like the me reference like this. if (!(e.TargetObject is CodeThisReferenceExpression)) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); } } OutputIdentifier(e.EventName); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method invoke /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateDelegateInvokeExpression(CodeDelegateInvokeExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { if (e.TargetObject is CodeEventReferenceExpression) { Output.Write("RaiseEvent "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression((CodeEventReferenceExpression)e.TargetObject); } else { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); } } CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based delegate invoke /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateObjectCreateExpression(CodeObjectCreateExpression e) { Output.Write("New "); OutputType(e.CreateType); CodeExpressionCollection parameters = e.Parameters; if (parameters.Count > 0) { Output.Write("("); OutputExpressionList(parameters); Output.Write(")"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based object creation /// expression. /// ////// protected override void GenerateParameterDeclarationExpression(CodeParameterDeclarationExpression e) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, true); } OutputDirection(e.Direction); OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); } protected override void GeneratePropertySetValueReferenceExpression(CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("value"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom /// based parameter declaration expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateThisReferenceExpression(CodeThisReferenceExpression e) { Output.Write("Me"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based this reference expression /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateExpressionStatement(CodeExpressionStatement e) { GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method invoke statement /// representation. /// ////// private bool IsDocComment(CodeCommentStatement comment) { return ((comment != null) && (comment.Comment != null) && comment.Comment.DocComment); } ////// Tells whether or not the given comment is a DocComment /// ////// /// protected override void GenerateCommentStatements(CodeCommentStatementCollection e) { // since the compiler emits a warning if XML DocComment blocks appear before // normal comments, we need to output non-DocComments first, followed by // DocComments. // foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in e) { if (!IsDocComment(comment)) { GenerateCommentStatement(comment); } } foreach (CodeCommentStatement comment in e) { if (IsDocComment(comment)) { GenerateCommentStatement(comment); } } } protected override void GenerateComment(CodeComment e) { String commentLineStart = e.DocComment? "'''": "'"; Output.Write(commentLineStart); string value = e.Text; for (int i=0; iOverridden in order to output XML DocComments in the correct order for VB ////// /// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based method return statement /// representation. /// /// protected override void GenerateMethodReturnStatement(CodeMethodReturnStatement e) { if (e.Expression != null) { Output.Write("Return "); GenerateExpression(e.Expression); Output.WriteLine(""); } else { Output.WriteLine("Return"); } } ////// protected override void GenerateConditionStatement(CodeConditionStatement e) { Output.Write("If "); GenerateExpression(e.Condition); Output.WriteLine(" Then"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.TrueStatements); Indent--; CodeStatementCollection falseStatemetns = e.FalseStatements; if (falseStatemetns.Count > 0) { Output.Write("Else"); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.FalseStatements); Indent--; } Output.WriteLine("End If"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based if statement representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTryCatchFinallyStatement(CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement e) { Output.WriteLine("Try "); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.TryStatements); Indent--; CodeCatchClauseCollection catches = e.CatchClauses; if (catches.Count > 0) { IEnumerator en = catches.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { CodeCatchClause current = (CodeCatchClause)en.Current; Output.Write("Catch "); OutputTypeNamePair(current.CatchExceptionType, current.LocalName); Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(current.Statements); Indent--; } } CodeStatementCollection finallyStatements = e.FinallyStatements; if (finallyStatements.Count > 0) { Output.WriteLine("Finally"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(finallyStatements); Indent--; } Output.WriteLine("End Try"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based try catch finally statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAssignStatement(CodeAssignStatement e) { GenerateExpression(e.Left); Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.Right); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateAttachEventStatement(CodeAttachEventStatement e) { Output.Write("AddHandler "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(e.Event); Output.Write(", "); GenerateExpression(e.Listener); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateRemoveEventStatement(CodeRemoveEventStatement e) { Output.Write("RemoveHandler "); GenerateFormalEventReferenceExpression(e.Event); Output.Write(", "); GenerateExpression(e.Listener); Output.WriteLine(""); } protected override void GenerateSnippetStatement(CodeSnippetStatement e) { Output.WriteLine(e.Value); } protected override void GenerateGotoStatement(CodeGotoStatement e) { Output.Write("goto "); Output.WriteLine(e.Label); } protected override void GenerateLabeledStatement(CodeLabeledStatement e) { Indent--; Output.Write(e.Label); Output.WriteLine(":"); Indent++; if (e.Statement != null) { GenerateStatement(e.Statement); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based assignment statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateVariableDeclarationStatement(CodeVariableDeclarationStatement e) { bool doInit = true; Output.Write("Dim "); CodeTypeReference typeRef = e.Type; if (typeRef.ArrayRank == 1 && e.InitExpression != null) { CodeArrayCreateExpression eAsArrayCreate = e.InitExpression as CodeArrayCreateExpression; if (eAsArrayCreate != null && eAsArrayCreate.Initializers.Count == 0) { doInit = false; OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); if (eAsArrayCreate.SizeExpression != null) { Output.Write("("); GenerateExpression(eAsArrayCreate.SizeExpression); Output.Write(") - 1"); } else { Output.Write(eAsArrayCreate.Size - 1); } Output.Write(")"); if (typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) OutputArrayPostfix(typeRef.ArrayElementType); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(typeRef); } else OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); } else OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (doInit && e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom variable declaration statement /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateLinePragmaStart(CodeLinePragma e) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("#ExternalSource(\""); Output.Write(e.FileName); Output.Write("\","); Output.Write(e.LineNumber); Output.WriteLine(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma start /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateLinePragmaEnd(CodeLinePragma e) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.WriteLine("#End ExternalSource"); } protected override void GenerateEvent(CodeMemberEvent e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (IsCurrentDelegate || IsCurrentEnum) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } string eventName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); Output.Write("Event "); OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(eventName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(eventName); } Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based line pragma end /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateField(CodeMemberField e) { if (IsCurrentDelegate || IsCurrentInterface) return; if (IsCurrentEnum) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputIdentifier(e.Name); if (e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } else { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputFieldScopeModifier(e.Attributes); if (GetUserData(e, "WithEvents", false)) { Output.Write("WithEvents "); } OutputTypeNamePair(e.Type, e.Name); if (e.InitExpression != null) { Output.Write(" = "); GenerateExpression(e.InitExpression); } Output.WriteLine(""); } } private bool MethodIsOverloaded(CodeMemberMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if ((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.Overloaded) != 0) { return true; } IEnumerator en = c.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (!(en.Current is CodeMemberMethod)) continue; CodeMemberMethod meth = (CodeMemberMethod) en.Current; if (!(en.Current is CodeTypeConstructor) && !(en.Current is CodeConstructor) && meth != e && meth.Name.Equals(e.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && meth.PrivateImplementationType == null) { return true; } } return false; } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member /// field representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateSnippetMember(CodeSnippetTypeMember e) { Output.Write(e.Text); } protected override void GenerateMethod(CodeMemberMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct || IsCurrentInterface)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } // need to change the implements name before doing overloads resolution // string methodName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } if (!IsCurrentInterface) { if (e.PrivateImplementationType == null) { OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); if (MethodIsOverloaded(e, c)) Output.Write("Overloads "); } OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputMemberScopeModifier(e.Attributes); } else { // interface may still need "Shadows" OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); } bool sub = false; if (e.ReturnType.BaseType.Length == 0 || string.Compare(e.ReturnType.BaseType, typeof(void).FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { sub = true; } if (sub) { Output.Write("Sub "); } else { Output.Write("Function "); } OutputIdentifier(e.Name); OutputTypeParameters(e.TypeParameters); Output.Write("("); OutputParameters(e.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); if (!sub) { Output.Write(" As "); if (e.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes, true); } OutputType(e.ReturnType); OutputArrayPostfix(e.ReturnType); } if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(methodName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(methodName); } Output.WriteLine(""); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; if (sub) { Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } else { Output.WriteLine("End Function"); } } // reset the name that possibly got changed with the implements clause e.Name = methodName; } protected override void GenerateEntryPointMethod(CodeEntryPointMethod e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } Output.WriteLine("Public Shared Sub Main()"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } private bool PropertyIsOverloaded(CodeMemberProperty e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if ((e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.Overloaded) != 0) { return true; } IEnumerator en = c.Members.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { if (!(en.Current is CodeMemberProperty)) continue; CodeMemberProperty prop = (CodeMemberProperty) en.Current; if ( prop != e && prop.Name.Equals(e.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && prop.PrivateImplementationType == null) { return true; } } return false; } ////// Generates code for /// the specified CodeDom based snippet member representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateProperty(CodeMemberProperty e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct || IsCurrentInterface)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } string propName = e.Name; if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { string impl = e.PrivateImplementationType.BaseType; impl = impl.Replace('.', '_'); e.Name = impl + "_" + e.Name; } if (!IsCurrentInterface) { if (e.PrivateImplementationType == null) { OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); if (PropertyIsOverloaded(e,c)) { Output.Write("Overloads "); } } OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); OutputMemberScopeModifier(e.Attributes); } else { // interface may still need "Shadows" OutputVTableModifier(e.Attributes); } if (e.Parameters.Count > 0 && String.Compare(e.Name, "Item", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { Output.Write("Default "); } if (e.HasGet) { if (!e.HasSet) { Output.Write("ReadOnly "); } } else if (e.HasSet) { Output.Write("WriteOnly "); } Output.Write("Property "); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); if (e.Parameters.Count > 0) { OutputParameters(e.Parameters); } Output.Write(")"); Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(e.Type); OutputArrayPostfix(e.Type); if (e.ImplementationTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" Implements "); bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference type in e.ImplementationTypes) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(" , "); } OutputType(type); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(propName); } } else if (e.PrivateImplementationType != null) { Output.Write(" Implements "); OutputType(e.PrivateImplementationType); Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(propName); } Output.WriteLine(""); if (!c.IsInterface) { Indent++; if (e.HasGet) { Output.WriteLine("Get"); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.GetStatements); e.Name = propName; Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Get"); } } if (e.HasSet) { Output.WriteLine("Set"); if (!IsCurrentInterface && (e.Attributes & MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) != MemberAttributes.Abstract) { Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.SetStatements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Set"); } } Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Property"); } e.Name = propName; } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based member property /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GeneratePropertyReferenceExpression(CodePropertyReferenceExpression e) { if (e.TargetObject != null) { GenerateExpression(e.TargetObject); Output.Write("."); Output.Write(e.PropertyName); } else { OutputIdentifier(e.PropertyName); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based property reference /// expression representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateConstructor(CodeConstructor e, CodeTypeDeclaration c) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputMemberAccessModifier(e.Attributes); Output.Write("Sub New("); OutputParameters(e.Parameters); Output.WriteLine(")"); Indent++; CodeExpressionCollection baseArgs = e.BaseConstructorArgs; CodeExpressionCollection thisArgs = e.ChainedConstructorArgs; if (thisArgs.Count > 0) { Output.Write("Me.New("); OutputExpressionList(thisArgs); Output.Write(")"); Output.WriteLine(""); } else if (baseArgs.Count > 0) { Output.Write("MyBase.New("); OutputExpressionList(baseArgs); Output.Write(")"); Output.WriteLine(""); } else if(IsCurrentClass) { // struct doesn't have MyBase Output.WriteLine("MyBase.New"); } GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeConstructor(CodeTypeConstructor e) { if (!(IsCurrentClass || IsCurrentStruct)) return; if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } Output.WriteLine("Shared Sub New()"); Indent++; GenerateVBStatements(e.Statements); Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Sub"); } protected override void GenerateTypeOfExpression(CodeTypeOfExpression e) { Output.Write("GetType("); Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(e.Type)); Output.Write(")"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based class constructor /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeStart(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if (IsCurrentDelegate) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } switch (e.TypeAttributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: Output.Write("Public "); break; case TypeAttributes.NotPublic: default: break; } CodeTypeDelegate del = (CodeTypeDelegate)e; if (del.ReturnType.BaseType.Length > 0 && string.Compare(del.ReturnType.BaseType, "System.Void", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) Output.Write("Delegate Function "); else Output.Write("Delegate Sub "); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); Output.Write("("); OutputParameters(del.Parameters); Output.Write(")"); if (del.ReturnType.BaseType.Length > 0 && string.Compare(del.ReturnType.BaseType, "System.Void", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(del.ReturnType); OutputArrayPostfix(del.ReturnType); } Output.WriteLine(""); } else if (e.IsEnum) { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputTypeAttributes(e); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); if (e.BaseTypes.Count > 0) { Output.Write(" As "); OutputType(e.BaseTypes[0]); } Output.WriteLine(""); Indent++; } else { if (e.CustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.CustomAttributes, false); } OutputTypeAttributes(e); OutputIdentifier(e.Name); OutputTypeParameters(e.TypeParameters); bool writtenInherits = false; bool writtenImplements = false; // For a structure we can't have an inherits clause if (e.IsStruct) { writtenInherits = true; } // For an interface we can't have an implements clause if (e.IsInterface) { writtenImplements = true; } Indent++; foreach (CodeTypeReference typeRef in e.BaseTypes) { if (!writtenInherits && !typeRef.IsInterface) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("Inherits "); writtenInherits = true; } else if (!writtenImplements) { Output.WriteLine(""); Output.Write("Implements "); writtenImplements = true; } else { Output.Write(", "); } OutputType(typeRef); } Output.WriteLine(""); } } private void OutputTypeParameters(CodeTypeParameterCollection typeParameters) { if( typeParameters.Count == 0) { return; } Output.Write("(Of "); bool first = true; for(int i = 0; i < typeParameters.Count; i++) { if( first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write(typeParameters[i].Name); OutputTypeParameterConstraints(typeParameters[i]); } Output.Write(')'); } // In VB, constraints are put right after the type paramater name. // In C#, there is a seperate "where" statement private void OutputTypeParameterConstraints(CodeTypeParameter typeParameter) { CodeTypeReferenceCollection constraints = typeParameter.Constraints; int constraintCount = constraints.Count; if( typeParameter.HasConstructorConstraint) { constraintCount++; } if( constraintCount == 0) { return; } // generating something like: "ValType As {IComparable, Customer, New}" Output.Write(" As "); if(constraintCount > 1) { Output.Write(" {"); } bool first = true; foreach (CodeTypeReference typeRef in constraints) { if (first) { first = false; } else { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write(GetTypeOutput(typeRef)); } if( typeParameter.HasConstructorConstraint) { if (!first) { Output.Write(", "); } Output.Write("New"); } if(constraintCount > 1) { Output.Write('}'); } } ////// Generates code for the CodeDom based class start representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateTypeEnd(CodeTypeDeclaration e) { if (!IsCurrentDelegate) { Indent--; string ending; if (e.IsEnum) { ending = "End Enum"; } else if (e.IsInterface) { ending = "End Interface"; } else if (e.IsStruct) { ending = "End Structure"; } else { if (IsCurrentModule) { ending = "End Module"; } else { ending = "End Class"; } } Output.WriteLine(ending); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based class end /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespace(CodeNamespace e) { if (GetUserData(e, "GenerateImports", true)) { GenerateNamespaceImports(e); } Output.WriteLine(); GenerateCommentStatements(e.Comments); GenerateNamespaceStart(e); GenerateTypes(e); GenerateNamespaceEnd(e); } protected bool AllowLateBound(CodeCompileUnit e) { object o = e.UserData["AllowLateBound"]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } // We have Option Strict Off by default because it can fail on simple things like dividing // two integers. return true; } protected bool RequireVariableDeclaration(CodeCompileUnit e) { object o = e.UserData["RequireVariableDeclaration"]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } return true; } private bool GetUserData(CodeObject e, string property, bool defaultValue) { object o = e.UserData[property]; if (o != null && o is bool) { return (bool)o; } return defaultValue; } protected override void GenerateCompileUnitStart(CodeCompileUnit e) { base.GenerateCompileUnitStart(e); Output.WriteLine("'------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Output.Write("' <"); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line1)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line2)); Output.Write("' "); Output.Write(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line3)); Output.WriteLine(System.Environment.Version.ToString()); Output.WriteLine("'"); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line4)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line5)); Output.Write("' "); Output.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.AutoGen_Comment_Line1)); Output.WriteLine("'------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Output.WriteLine(""); if (AllowLateBound(e)) Output.WriteLine("Option Strict Off"); else Output.WriteLine("Option Strict On"); if (!RequireVariableDeclaration(e)) Output.WriteLine("Option Explicit Off"); else Output.WriteLine("Option Explicit On"); Output.WriteLine(); } protected override void GenerateCompileUnit(CodeCompileUnit e) { GenerateCompileUnitStart(e); SortedList importList; // Visual Basic needs all the imports together at the top of the compile unit. // If generating multiple namespaces, gather all the imports together importList = new SortedList(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (CodeNamespace nspace in e.Namespaces) { // mark the namespace to stop it generating its own import list nspace.UserData["GenerateImports"] = false; // Collect the unique list of imports foreach (CodeNamespaceImport import in nspace.Imports) { if (!importList.Contains(import.Namespace)) { importList.Add(import.Namespace, import.Namespace); } } } // now output the imports foreach(string import in importList.Keys) { Output.Write("Imports "); OutputIdentifier(import); Output.WriteLine(""); } if (e.AssemblyCustomAttributes.Count > 0) { OutputAttributes(e.AssemblyCustomAttributes, false, "Assembly: ", true); } GenerateNamespaces(e); GenerateCompileUnitEnd(e); } protected override void GenerateDirectives(CodeDirectiveCollection directives) { for (int i = 0; i < directives.Count; i++) { CodeDirective directive = directives[i]; if (directive is CodeChecksumPragma) { GenerateChecksumPragma((CodeChecksumPragma)directive); } else if (directive is CodeRegionDirective) { GenerateCodeRegionDirective((CodeRegionDirective)directive); } } } private void GenerateChecksumPragma(CodeChecksumPragma checksumPragma) { // the syntax is: #ExternalChecksum("FileName","GuidChecksum","ChecksumValue") Output.Write("#ExternalChecksum(\""); Output.Write(checksumPragma.FileName); Output.Write("\",\""); Output.Write(checksumPragma.ChecksumAlgorithmId.ToString("B", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Output.Write("\",\""); if (checksumPragma.ChecksumData != null) { foreach(Byte b in checksumPragma.ChecksumData) { Output.Write(b.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } Output.WriteLine("\")"); } private void GenerateCodeRegionDirective(CodeRegionDirective regionDirective) { // VB does not support regions within statement blocks if (IsGeneratingStatements()) { return; } if (regionDirective.RegionMode == CodeRegionMode.Start) { Output.Write("#Region \""); Output.Write(regionDirective.RegionText); Output.WriteLine("\""); } else if (regionDirective.RegionMode == CodeRegionMode.End) { Output.WriteLine("#End Region"); } } ////// Generates code for the CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceStart(CodeNamespace e) { if (e.Name != null && e.Name.Length > 0) { Output.Write("Namespace "); string[] names = e.Name.Split('.'); Debug.Assert( names.Length > 0); OutputIdentifier(names[0]); for( int i = 1; i< names.Length; i++) { Output.Write("."); OutputIdentifier(names[i]); } Output.WriteLine(); Indent++; } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceEnd(CodeNamespace e) { if (e.Name != null && e.Name.Length > 0) { Indent--; Output.WriteLine("End Namespace"); } } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateNamespaceImport(CodeNamespaceImport e) { Output.Write("Imports "); OutputIdentifier(e.Namespace); Output.WriteLine(""); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based namespace import /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsStart(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { Output.Write("<"); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block start /// representation. /// ////// protected override void GenerateAttributeDeclarationsEnd(CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection attributes) { Output.Write(">"); } public static bool IsKeyword(string value) { return FixedStringLookup.Contains(keywords, value, true); } protected override bool Supports(GeneratorSupport support) { return ((support & LanguageSupport) == support); } ////// Generates code for the specified CodeDom based attribute block end /// representation. /// ////// protected override bool IsValidIdentifier(string value) { // identifiers must be 1 char or longer // if (value == null || value.Length == 0) { return false; } if (value.Length > 1023) return false; // identifiers cannot be a keyword unless surrounded by []'s // if (value[0] != '[' || value[value.Length - 1] != ']') { if (IsKeyword(value)) { return false; } } else { value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2); } // just _ as an identifier is not valid. if (value.Length == 1 && value[0] == '_') return false; return CodeGenerator.IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier(value); } protected override string CreateValidIdentifier(string name) { if (IsKeyword(name)) { return "_" + name; } return name; } protected override string CreateEscapedIdentifier(string name) { if (IsKeyword(name)) { return "[" + name + "]"; } return name; } private string GetBaseTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string baseType = typeRef.BaseType; if (baseType.Length == 0) { return "Void"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Byte", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Byte"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.SByte", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "SByte"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int16", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Short"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int32", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Integer"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Int64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Long"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt16", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "UShort"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt32", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "UInteger"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.UInt64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "ULong"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.String", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "String"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.DateTime", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Date"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Decimal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Decimal"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Single", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Single"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Double", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Double"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Boolean", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Boolean"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Char", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Char"; } else if (string.Compare(baseType, "System.Object", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return "Object"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(baseType.Length + 10); if(typeRef.Options == CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference) { sb.Append("Global."); } int lastIndex = 0; int currentTypeArgStart = 0; for (int i=0; i/// Gets whether the specified identifier is valid. /// ///= '0' && baseType[i] <='9') { numTypeArgs = numTypeArgs*10 + (baseType[i] - '0'); i++; } GetTypeArgumentsOutput(typeRef.TypeArguments, currentTypeArgStart, numTypeArgs, sb); currentTypeArgStart += numTypeArgs; // Arity can be in the middle of a nested type name, so we might have a . or + after it. // Skip it if so. if (i < baseType.Length && (baseType[i] =='+' || baseType[i] == '.')) { sb.Append('.'); i++; } lastIndex = i; break; } } if (lastIndex < baseType.Length) sb.Append(CreateEscapedIdentifier(baseType.Substring(lastIndex))); return sb.ToString(); } } private string GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while( typeRef.ArrayElementType != null) { typeRef = typeRef.ArrayElementType; } sb.Append(GetBaseTypeOutput(typeRef)); return sb.ToString(); } private String GetTypeArgumentsOutput(CodeTypeReferenceCollection typeArguments) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); GetTypeArgumentsOutput(typeArguments, 0, typeArguments.Count, sb); return sb.ToString(); } private void GetTypeArgumentsOutput(CodeTypeReferenceCollection typeArguments, int start, int length, StringBuilder sb) { sb.Append("(Of "); bool first = true; for( int i = start; i < start+length; i++) { if( first) { first = false; } else { sb.Append(", "); } // it's possible that we call GetTypeArgumentsOutput with an empty typeArguments collection. This is the case // for open types, so we want to just output the brackets and commas. if (i < typeArguments.Count) sb.Append(GetTypeOutput(typeArguments[i])); } sb.Append(')'); } protected override string GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference typeRef) { string s = String.Empty; s += GetTypeOutputWithoutArrayPostFix(typeRef); if (typeRef.ArrayRank > 0) { s += GetArrayPostfix(typeRef); } return s; } protected override void ContinueOnNewLine(string st) { Output.Write(st); Output.WriteLine(" _"); } private bool IsGeneratingStatements() { Debug.Assert(statementDepth >= 0, "statementDepth >= 0"); return (statementDepth > 0); } private void GenerateVBStatements(CodeStatementCollection stms) { statementDepth++; try { GenerateStatements(stms); } finally { statementDepth--; } } protected override CompilerResults FromFileBatch(CompilerParameters options, string[] fileNames) { if( options == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("options"); } if (fileNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileNames"); new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); string outputFile = null; int retValue = 0; CompilerResults results = new CompilerResults(options.TempFiles); SecurityPermission perm1 = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence); perm1.Assert(); try { results.Evidence = options.Evidence; } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } bool createdEmptyAssembly = false; if (options.OutputAssembly == null || options.OutputAssembly.Length == 0) { string extension = (options.GenerateExecutable) ? "exe" : "dll"; options.OutputAssembly = results.TempFiles.AddExtension(extension, !options.GenerateInMemory); // Create an empty assembly. This is so that the file will have permissions that // we can later access with our current credential.< new FileStream(options.OutputAssembly, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite).Close(); createdEmptyAssembly = true; } #if FEATURE_PAL string pdbname = "ildb"; #else string pdbname = "pdb"; #endif // hack so that we don't delete pdbs when debug=false but they have specified pdbonly. if (options.CompilerOptions!= null && options.CompilerOptions.IndexOf("/debug:pdbonly", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) results.TempFiles.AddExtension(pdbname, true); else results.TempFiles.AddExtension(pdbname); string args = CmdArgsFromParameters(options) + " " + JoinStringArray(fileNames, " "); // Use a response file if the compiler supports it string responseFileArgs = GetResponseFileCmdArgs(options, args); string trueArgs = null; if (responseFileArgs != null) { trueArgs = args; args = responseFileArgs; } Compile(options, RedistVersionInfo.GetCompilerPath(provOptions, CompilerName), CompilerName, args, ref outputFile, ref retValue, trueArgs); results.NativeCompilerReturnValue = retValue; // only look for errors/warnings if the compile failed or the caller set the warning level if (retValue != 0 || options.WarningLevel > 0) { FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); try { if (outputStream.Length > 0) { // The output of the compiler is in UTF8 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8); string line; do { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { results.Output.Add(line); ProcessCompilerOutputLine(results, line); } } while (line != null); } } finally { outputStream.Close(); } // Delete the empty assembly if we created one if (retValue != 0 && createdEmptyAssembly) File.Delete(options.OutputAssembly); } if (!results.Errors.HasErrors && options.GenerateInMemory) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(options.OutputAssembly, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); try { int fileLen = (int)fs.Length; byte[] b = new byte[fileLen]; fs.Read(b, 0, fileLen); SecurityPermission perm = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence); perm.Assert(); try { results.CompiledAssembly = Assembly.Load(b,null,options.Evidence); } finally { SecurityPermission.RevertAssert(); } } finally { fs.Close(); } } else { results.PathToAssembly = options.OutputAssembly; } return results; } } internal class VBMemberAttributeConverter : VBModifierAttributeConverter { private static string[] names; private static object[] values; private static VBMemberAttributeConverter defaultConverter; private VBMemberAttributeConverter() { // no need to create an instance; use Default } public static VBMemberAttributeConverter Default { get { if (defaultConverter == null) { defaultConverter = new VBMemberAttributeConverter(); } return defaultConverter; } } /// /// Retrieves an array of names for attributes. /// protected override string[] Names { get { if (names == null) { names = new string[] { "Public", "Protected", "Protected Friend", "Friend", "Private" }; } return names; } } ////// Retrieves an array of values for attributes. /// protected override object[] Values { get { if (values == null) { values = new object[] { (object)MemberAttributes.Public, (object)MemberAttributes.Family, (object)MemberAttributes.FamilyOrAssembly, (object)MemberAttributes.Assembly, (object)MemberAttributes.Private }; } return values; } } protected override object DefaultValue { get { return MemberAttributes.Private; } } } internal class VBTypeAttributeConverter : VBModifierAttributeConverter { private static VBTypeAttributeConverter defaultConverter; private static string[] names; private static object[] values; private VBTypeAttributeConverter() { // no need to create an instance; use Default } public static VBTypeAttributeConverter Default { get { if (defaultConverter == null) { defaultConverter = new VBTypeAttributeConverter(); } return defaultConverter; } } ////// Retrieves an array of names for attributes. /// protected override string[] Names { get { if (names == null) { names = new string[] { "Public", "Friend" }; } return names; } } ////// Retrieves an array of values for attributes. /// protected override object[] Values { get { if (values == null) { values = new object[] { (object)TypeAttributes.Public, (object)TypeAttributes.NotPublic }; } return values; } } protected override object DefaultValue { get { return TypeAttributes.Public; } } } ////// This type converter provides common values for MemberAttributes /// internal abstract class VBModifierAttributeConverter : TypeConverter { protected abstract object[] Values { get; } protected abstract string[] Names { get; } protected abstract object DefaultValue { get; } ////// We override this because we can convert from string types. /// public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == typeof(string)) { return true; } return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType); } ////// Converts the given object to the converter's native type. /// public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value) { if (value is string) { string name = (string)value; string[] names = Names; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { if (names[i].Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return Values[i]; } } } return DefaultValue; } ////// Converts the given object to another type. The most common types to convert /// are to and from a string object. The default implementation will make a call /// to ToString on the object if the object is valid and if the destination /// type is string. If this cannot convert to the desitnation type, this will /// throw a NotSupportedException. /// public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationType"); } if (destinationType == typeof(string)) { object[] modifiers = Values; for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.Length; i++) { if (modifiers[i].Equals(value)) { return Names[i]; } } return SR.GetString(SR.toStringUnknown); } return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType); } ////// Determines if the list of standard values returned from /// GetStandardValues is an exclusive list. If the list /// is exclusive, then no other values are valid, such as /// in an enum data type. If the list is not exclusive, /// then there are other valid values besides the list of /// standard values GetStandardValues provides. /// public override bool GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } ////// Determines if this object supports a standard set of values /// that can be picked from a list. /// public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } ////// Retrieves a collection containing a set of standard values /// for the data type this validator is designed for. This /// will return null if the data type does not support a /// standard set of values. /// public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return new StandardValuesCollection(Values); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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