RecognitionResult.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Result / RecognitionResult.cs / 1 / RecognitionResult.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using COMTYPES = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Speech.Internal;
using System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop;
using System.Speech.AudioFormat; 
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.XPath; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. 

#pragma warning disable 56507 // check for null or empty strings

namespace System.Speech.Recognition 
    /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult"]/*' /> 
    [DebuggerDisplay ("{DebuggerDisplayString ()}")] 
    public sealed class RecognitionResult : RecognizedPhrase, ISerializable 
        // Constructors 
        #region Constructors
        internal RecognitionResult (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, byte [] sapiResultBlob)
            Initialize (recognizer, null, sapiResultBlob, 0);
        internal RecognitionResult (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, ISpRecoResult recoResult, byte [] sapiResultBlob, int maxAlternates) 
            Initialize (recognizer, recoResult, sapiResultBlob, maxAlternates);

        // empty constructor needed for some MSS unit tests
        internal RecognitionResult () 
        /// TODOC 
        private RecognitionResult (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            // Get the set of serializable members for our class and base classes 
            Type thisType = this.GetType (); 
            MemberInfo [] mis = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers (
               thisType, context); 

            // Do not copy all the field for App Domain transition
            bool appDomainTransition = context.State == StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain;
            // Deserialize the base class's fields from the info object
            foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis) 
                // To ease coding, treat the member as a FieldInfo object
                FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo) mi; 

                // Set the field to the deserialized value
                if (!appDomainTransition || (mi.Name != "_recognizer" && mi.Name != "_grammar" && mi.Name != "_ruleList" && mi.Name != "_audio" && mi.Name != "_audio"))
                    fi.SetValue (this, info.GetValue (fi.Name, fi.FieldType));

        // Public Methods

        #region Public Methods 


        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.GetAudioForWordRange"]/*' /> 
        public RecognizedAudio GetAudioForWordRange (RecognizedWordUnit firstWord, RecognizedWordUnit lastWord)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (firstWord, "firstWord"); 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (lastWord, "lastWord");
            return Audio.GetRange (firstWord._audioPosition, lastWord._audioPosition + lastWord._audioDuration - firstWord._audioPosition);
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (info, "info");
            bool appDomainTransition = context.State == StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain;

            if (!appDomainTransition)
                // build all the properies
                foreach (RecognizedPhrase phrase in Alternates) 
                        // Get the sml Content and toy with this variable to fool the compiler in not doing the calucation at all
                        String sml = phrase.SmlContent;
                        RecognizedAudio audio = Audio; 
                        object audio = null; 
                        if (phrase.Text == null || phrase.Homophones == null || phrase.Semantics == null || (sml == null && sml != null) || (audio == null && audio != null))
                            throw new SerializationException ();
#pragma warning disable 56502 // Remove the empty catch statements warnings 
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
#pragma warning restore 56502

            // Get the set of serializable members for our class and base classes
            Type thisType = this.GetType (); 
            MemberInfo [] mis = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers (thisType, context);
            // Serialize the base class's fields to the info object 
            foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis)
                if (!appDomainTransition || (mi.Name != "_recognizer" && mi.Name != "_grammar" && mi.Name != "_ruleList" && mi.Name != "_audio" && mi.Name != "_audio"))
                    info.AddValue (mi.Name, ((FieldInfo) mi).GetValue (this));
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.SetTextFeedback"]/*' />
        internal bool SetTextFeedback (string text, bool isSuccessfulAction) 
            if (_sapiRecoResult == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
                _sapiRecoResult.SetTextFeedback (text, isSuccessfulAction);
            catch (COMException ex)

                // If we failed to set the text feedback, it is likely an inproc Recognition result. 
                if (ex.ErrorCode == (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_INPROC_RECOGNIZER)
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.SapiErrorNotSupportedForInprocRecognizer)); 
                // Otherwise, this could also fail for various reasons, e.g. we have changed the recognizer under
                // the hood. In any case, we dont want this function to fail.
                return false;

            return true; 

        // Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties

        // Recognized Audio:
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Audio"]/*' /> 
        public RecognizedAudio Audio
                if (_audio == null && _header.ulRetainedOffset > 0) 
                    SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat;
                    int audioLength = _sapiAudioBlob.Length;
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_sapiAudioBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        IntPtr audioBuffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        SPWAVEFORMATEX audioHeader = (SPWAVEFORMATEX) Marshal.PtrToStructure (audioBuffer, typeof (SPWAVEFORMATEX));

                        IntPtr rawDataBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) audioBuffer + audioHeader.cbUsed);
                        byte [] rawAudioData = new byte [audioLength - audioHeader.cbUsed]; 
                        Marshal.Copy (rawDataBuffer, rawAudioData, 0, audioLength - (int) audioHeader.cbUsed);
                        byte [] formatSpecificData = new byte [audioHeader.cbSize]; 
                        if (audioHeader.cbSize > 0)
                            IntPtr codecDataBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) audioBuffer + 38); // 38 is sizeof(SPWAVEFORMATEX) without padding.
                            Marshal.Copy (codecDataBuffer, formatSpecificData, 0, audioHeader.cbSize);
                        audioFormat = new SpeechAudioFormatInfo ((EncodingFormat) audioHeader.wFormatTag, 
                                                        (int) audioHeader.nSamplesPerSec, (short) audioHeader.wBitsPerSample, (short) audioHeader.nChannels, (int) audioHeader.nAvgBytesPerSec,
                                                        (short) audioHeader.nBlockAlign, 
                        DateTime startTime;
                        if (_header.times.dwTickCount == 0) 
                            startTime = _startTime - AudioDuration;
                            startTime = DateTime.FromFileTime ((long) ((ulong) _header.times.ftStreamTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + _header.times.ftStreamTime.dwLowDateTime); 
                        _audio = new RecognizedAudio (rawAudioData, audioFormat, startTime, AudioPosition, AudioDuration);
                        gc.Free ();
                return _audio; // Will be null if there's no audio. 


        // Alternates. This returns a list of Alternate recognitions.
        // We use the same class here for alternates as the main RecognitionResult class. This simplifies the API surface. Calling Alternates on a Result that's already an Alternate will throw a NotSupportedException. 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Alternates"]/*' /> 
        public ReadOnlyCollection Alternates
                return new ReadOnlyCollection (GetAlternates ());

        // Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 
        /// This method convert a given pronunciation from SAPI phonetic alphabet to IPA for a given language 
        /// New pronunciation in IPA alphabet 
        internal string ConvertPronunciation (string pronunciation, int langId)
            if (_alphabetConverter == null) 
                _alphabetConverter = new AlphabetConverter (langId); 
                _alphabetConverter.SetLanguageId (langId); 
            char [] ipa = _alphabetConverter.SapiToIpa (pronunciation.ToCharArray ()); 

            if (ipa != null) 
                pronunciation = new string (ipa);
                Trace.TraceError ("Cannot convert the pronunciation to IPA alphabet."); 
            return pronunciation;


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal IRecognizerInternal Recognizer
                // If this recognition result comes from a deserialize, then throw 
                if (_recognizer == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.CantGetPropertyFromSerializedInfo, "Recognizer"));
                return _recognizer;
        internal TimeSpan AudioPosition 
                if (_audioPosition == null)
                    _audioPosition = new TimeSpan ((long) _header.times.ullStart); 
                return (TimeSpan) _audioPosition; 
        internal TimeSpan AudioDuration
                if (_audioDuration == null)
                    _audioDuration = new TimeSpan ((long) _header.times.ullLength); 
                return (TimeSpan) _audioDuration; 


        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods
        private void Initialize (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, ISpRecoResult recoResult, byte [] sapiResultBlob, int maxAlternates)
            // record parameters 
            _recognizer = recognizer;
            _maxAlternates = maxAlternates; 

                _sapiRecoResult = recoResult as ISpRecoResult2;
            catch (COMException) 
                _sapiRecoResult = null; 
            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (sapiResultBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 
                int headerSize = Marshal.ReadInt32 (buffer, 4); // Read header size directly from buffer - 4 is the offset of cbHeaderSize.
                if (headerSize == 0) // Force to SAPI 5.3
                if (headerSize == Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51))) // SAPI 5.1 size
                    SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51 legacyHeader = (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51) Marshal.PtrToStructure (buffer, typeof (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51)); 
                    _header = new SPRESULTHEADER (legacyHeader); 
                    _isSapi53Header = false;
                    _header = (SPRESULTHEADER) Marshal.PtrToStructure (buffer, typeof (SPRESULTHEADER));
                    _isSapi53Header = true; 
                // Validate the header fields 
                _header.Validate ();
                // initialize the parent to be this result - this is needed for the homophones
                IntPtr phraseBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) _header.ulPhraseOffset);

                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (phraseBuffer, _header.ulPhraseDataSize, _isSapi53Header); 

                // Get the alphabet of the main phrase, which should be the same as the current alphabet selected by us (applications). 
                bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_APP_UPS) != 0; 

                InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, phraseBuffer, (int) _header.ulPhraseDataSize, _isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation); 

                if (recoResult != null)
                    ExtractDictationAlternates (recoResult, maxAlternates);
                    // Since we took ownership of this unmanaged object we can discard information that dont need. 
                    recoResult.Discard (SapiConstants.SPDF_ALL); 
                gc.Free (); 
            // save the sapi blobs spliting it in the relevant bits 

            // audio 
            _sapiAudioBlob = new byte [(int) _header.ulRetainedDataSize];
            Array.Copy (sapiResultBlob, (int) _header.ulRetainedOffset, _sapiAudioBlob, 0, (int) _header.ulRetainedDataSize);

            // alternates 
            _sapiAlternatesBlob = new byte [(int) _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize];
            Array.Copy (sapiResultBlob, (int) _header.ulPhraseAltOffset, _sapiAlternatesBlob, 0, (int) _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize); 

        private Collection ExtractAlternates (int numberOfAlternates, bool isSapi53Header) 
            Collection alternates = new Collection ();

            if (numberOfAlternates > 0) 
                GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_sapiAlternatesBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                    IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 

                    int sizeOfSpSerializedPhraseAlt = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT));
                    int offset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAlternates; i++) 
                        IntPtr altBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + offset); 
                        SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT alt = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (altBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT)); 

                        offset += sizeOfSpSerializedPhraseAlt; // advance over SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT 
                        if (isSapi53Header)
                            offset += (int) ((alt.cbAltExtra + 7) & ~7); // advance over extra data with alignment padding
                            offset += (int) alt.cbAltExtra; // no alignment padding 
                        // we cannot use a constructor parameter because RecognitionResult also derives from RecognizedPhrase
                        IntPtr phraseBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) offset);
                        SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (phraseBuffer, _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize - (uint) offset, _isSapi53Header);
                        int serializedPhraseSize = (int) serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize; 

                        RecognizedPhrase phrase = new RecognizedPhrase (); 
                        // Get the alphabet of the raw phrase alternate, which should be the same as the engine
                        bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_ENGINE_UPS) != 0; 

                        phrase.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, phraseBuffer, serializedPhraseSize, isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation);

                        if (isSapi53Header)
                            offset += ((serializedPhraseSize + 7) & ~7); // advance over phrase with alignment padding 
                            offset += serializedPhraseSize; // advance over phrase
                        alternates.Add (phrase);
                    gc.Free ();
            return alternates;
        private void ExtractDictationAlternates (ISpRecoResult recoResult, int maxAlternates)
            // Get the alternates for dication
            // alternates for dictation are not part of the recognition results and must be pulled out 
            // from the recognition result bits.
            if (recoResult != null) // recoResult is null if we are in the case of our unit test. 
                if (Grammar is DictationGrammar) 
                    _alternates = new Collection ();
                    IntPtr [] sapiAlternates = new IntPtr [maxAlternates];
                        recoResult.GetAlternates (0, -1, maxAlternates, sapiAlternates, out maxAlternates); 
                    catch (COMException)
                        // In some cases such as when the dictation grammar has been unloaded, the engine may not be able
                        // to provide the alternates. We set the alternate list to empty.
                        maxAlternates = 0;

                    //InnerList.Capacity = (int)numSapiAlternates; 
                    for (uint i = 0; i < maxAlternates; i++) 
                        ISpPhraseAlt phraseAlt = (ISpPhraseAlt) Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown (sapiAlternates [i]); 
                            IntPtr coMemSerializedPhrase;
                            phraseAlt.GetSerializedPhrase (out coMemSerializedPhrase); 
                                // Build a recognition phrase result 
                                RecognizedPhrase phrase = new RecognizedPhrase ();
                                // we cannot use a constructor parameter because RecognitionResult also derives from RecognizedPhrase
                                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (coMemSerializedPhrase, uint.MaxValue, _isSapi53Header);

                                // If we are getting the alternates from SAPI, the alphabet should have already been converted
                                // to the alphabet we (applications) want. 
                                bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_APP_UPS) != 0;
                                phrase.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, coMemSerializedPhrase, (int) serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize, _isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation);
                                _alternates.Add (phrase);
                                Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem (coMemSerializedPhrase); 
                            Marshal.Release (sapiAlternates [i]);


        private Collection GetAlternates ()
            if (_alternates == null) 
                // extract alternates even if ulNumPhraseAlts is 0 so that the list gets initialized to empty 
                _alternates = ExtractAlternates ((int) _header.ulNumPhraseAlts, _isSapi53Header); 

                // If no alternated then create one from the top result 
                if (_alternates.Count == 0 && _maxAlternates > 0)
                    RecognizedPhrase alternate = new RecognizedPhrase ();
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                        alternate.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, _serializedPhrase, gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (), _phraseBuffer.Length, _isSapi53Header, _hasIPAPronunciation); 
                        gc.Free ();
                    _alternates.Add (alternate); 
            return _alternates; 
        internal string DebuggerDisplayString ()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("Recognized text: '");
            sb.Append (Text); 
            sb.Append ("'");
            if (Semantics.Value != null) 
                sb.Append (" - Semantic Value  = ");
                sb.Append (Semantics.Value.ToString ()); 

            if (Semantics.Count > 0)
                sb.Append (" - Semantic children count = ");
                sb.Append (Semantics.Count.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

            if (Alternates.Count > 1) 
                sb.Append (" - Alternate word count = ");
                sb.Append (Alternates.Count.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            return sb.ToString (); 


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        [field: NonSerialized]
        private IRecognizerInternal _recognizer;

        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private int _maxAlternates;
        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private AlphabetConverter _alphabetConverter;
        // sapi blobss
        byte [] _sapiAudioBlob;
        byte [] _sapiAlternatesBlob;
        private Collection _alternates;
        private SPRESULTHEADER _header; 

        private RecognizedAudio _audio;
        private DateTime _startTime = DateTime.Now;

        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private ISpRecoResult2 _sapiRecoResult;
        // Keep as members because MSS uses these fields: 
        private TimeSpan? _audioPosition;
        private TimeSpan? _audioDuration; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using COMTYPES = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Speech.Internal;
using System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop;
using System.Speech.AudioFormat; 
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.XPath; 

#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. 

#pragma warning disable 56507 // check for null or empty strings

namespace System.Speech.Recognition 
    /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult"]/*' /> 
    [DebuggerDisplay ("{DebuggerDisplayString ()}")] 
    public sealed class RecognitionResult : RecognizedPhrase, ISerializable 
        // Constructors 
        #region Constructors
        internal RecognitionResult (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, byte [] sapiResultBlob)
            Initialize (recognizer, null, sapiResultBlob, 0);
        internal RecognitionResult (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, ISpRecoResult recoResult, byte [] sapiResultBlob, int maxAlternates) 
            Initialize (recognizer, recoResult, sapiResultBlob, maxAlternates);

        // empty constructor needed for some MSS unit tests
        internal RecognitionResult () 
        /// TODOC 
        private RecognitionResult (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            // Get the set of serializable members for our class and base classes 
            Type thisType = this.GetType (); 
            MemberInfo [] mis = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers (
               thisType, context); 

            // Do not copy all the field for App Domain transition
            bool appDomainTransition = context.State == StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain;
            // Deserialize the base class's fields from the info object
            foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis) 
                // To ease coding, treat the member as a FieldInfo object
                FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo) mi; 

                // Set the field to the deserialized value
                if (!appDomainTransition || (mi.Name != "_recognizer" && mi.Name != "_grammar" && mi.Name != "_ruleList" && mi.Name != "_audio" && mi.Name != "_audio"))
                    fi.SetValue (this, info.GetValue (fi.Name, fi.FieldType));

        // Public Methods

        #region Public Methods 


        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.GetAudioForWordRange"]/*' /> 
        public RecognizedAudio GetAudioForWordRange (RecognizedWordUnit firstWord, RecognizedWordUnit lastWord)
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (firstWord, "firstWord"); 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (lastWord, "lastWord");
            return Audio.GetRange (firstWord._audioPosition, lastWord._audioPosition + lastWord._audioDuration - firstWord._audioPosition);
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            Helpers.ThrowIfNull (info, "info");
            bool appDomainTransition = context.State == StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain;

            if (!appDomainTransition)
                // build all the properies
                foreach (RecognizedPhrase phrase in Alternates) 
                        // Get the sml Content and toy with this variable to fool the compiler in not doing the calucation at all
                        String sml = phrase.SmlContent;
                        RecognizedAudio audio = Audio; 
                        object audio = null; 
                        if (phrase.Text == null || phrase.Homophones == null || phrase.Semantics == null || (sml == null && sml != null) || (audio == null && audio != null))
                            throw new SerializationException ();
#pragma warning disable 56502 // Remove the empty catch statements warnings 
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
#pragma warning restore 56502

            // Get the set of serializable members for our class and base classes
            Type thisType = this.GetType (); 
            MemberInfo [] mis = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers (thisType, context);
            // Serialize the base class's fields to the info object 
            foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis)
                if (!appDomainTransition || (mi.Name != "_recognizer" && mi.Name != "_grammar" && mi.Name != "_ruleList" && mi.Name != "_audio" && mi.Name != "_audio"))
                    info.AddValue (mi.Name, ((FieldInfo) mi).GetValue (this));
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.SetTextFeedback"]/*' />
        internal bool SetTextFeedback (string text, bool isSuccessfulAction) 
            if (_sapiRecoResult == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI)); 
                _sapiRecoResult.SetTextFeedback (text, isSuccessfulAction);
            catch (COMException ex)

                // If we failed to set the text feedback, it is likely an inproc Recognition result. 
                if (ex.ErrorCode == (int) SAPIErrorCodes.SPERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_INPROC_RECOGNIZER)
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.SapiErrorNotSupportedForInprocRecognizer)); 
                // Otherwise, this could also fail for various reasons, e.g. we have changed the recognizer under
                // the hood. In any case, we dont want this function to fail.
                return false;

            return true; 

        // Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties

        // Recognized Audio:
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Audio"]/*' /> 
        public RecognizedAudio Audio
                if (_audio == null && _header.ulRetainedOffset > 0) 
                    SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat;
                    int audioLength = _sapiAudioBlob.Length;
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_sapiAudioBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        IntPtr audioBuffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject ();
                        SPWAVEFORMATEX audioHeader = (SPWAVEFORMATEX) Marshal.PtrToStructure (audioBuffer, typeof (SPWAVEFORMATEX));

                        IntPtr rawDataBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) audioBuffer + audioHeader.cbUsed);
                        byte [] rawAudioData = new byte [audioLength - audioHeader.cbUsed]; 
                        Marshal.Copy (rawDataBuffer, rawAudioData, 0, audioLength - (int) audioHeader.cbUsed);
                        byte [] formatSpecificData = new byte [audioHeader.cbSize]; 
                        if (audioHeader.cbSize > 0)
                            IntPtr codecDataBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) audioBuffer + 38); // 38 is sizeof(SPWAVEFORMATEX) without padding.
                            Marshal.Copy (codecDataBuffer, formatSpecificData, 0, audioHeader.cbSize);
                        audioFormat = new SpeechAudioFormatInfo ((EncodingFormat) audioHeader.wFormatTag, 
                                                        (int) audioHeader.nSamplesPerSec, (short) audioHeader.wBitsPerSample, (short) audioHeader.nChannels, (int) audioHeader.nAvgBytesPerSec,
                                                        (short) audioHeader.nBlockAlign, 
                        DateTime startTime;
                        if (_header.times.dwTickCount == 0) 
                            startTime = _startTime - AudioDuration;
                            startTime = DateTime.FromFileTime ((long) ((ulong) _header.times.ftStreamTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + _header.times.ftStreamTime.dwLowDateTime); 
                        _audio = new RecognizedAudio (rawAudioData, audioFormat, startTime, AudioPosition, AudioDuration);
                        gc.Free ();
                return _audio; // Will be null if there's no audio. 


        // Alternates. This returns a list of Alternate recognitions.
        // We use the same class here for alternates as the main RecognitionResult class. This simplifies the API surface. Calling Alternates on a Result that's already an Alternate will throw a NotSupportedException. 
        /// TODOC <_include file='doc\RecognitionResult.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="RecognitionResult.Alternates"]/*' /> 
        public ReadOnlyCollection Alternates
                return new ReadOnlyCollection (GetAlternates ());

        // Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 
        /// This method convert a given pronunciation from SAPI phonetic alphabet to IPA for a given language 
        /// New pronunciation in IPA alphabet 
        internal string ConvertPronunciation (string pronunciation, int langId)
            if (_alphabetConverter == null) 
                _alphabetConverter = new AlphabetConverter (langId); 
                _alphabetConverter.SetLanguageId (langId); 
            char [] ipa = _alphabetConverter.SapiToIpa (pronunciation.ToCharArray ()); 

            if (ipa != null) 
                pronunciation = new string (ipa);
                Trace.TraceError ("Cannot convert the pronunciation to IPA alphabet."); 
            return pronunciation;


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties

        internal IRecognizerInternal Recognizer
                // If this recognition result comes from a deserialize, then throw 
                if (_recognizer == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.CantGetPropertyFromSerializedInfo, "Recognizer"));
                return _recognizer;
        internal TimeSpan AudioPosition 
                if (_audioPosition == null)
                    _audioPosition = new TimeSpan ((long) _header.times.ullStart); 
                return (TimeSpan) _audioPosition; 
        internal TimeSpan AudioDuration
                if (_audioDuration == null)
                    _audioDuration = new TimeSpan ((long) _header.times.ullLength); 
                return (TimeSpan) _audioDuration; 


        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods
        private void Initialize (IRecognizerInternal recognizer, ISpRecoResult recoResult, byte [] sapiResultBlob, int maxAlternates)
            // record parameters 
            _recognizer = recognizer;
            _maxAlternates = maxAlternates; 

                _sapiRecoResult = recoResult as ISpRecoResult2;
            catch (COMException) 
                _sapiRecoResult = null; 
            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (sapiResultBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 
                int headerSize = Marshal.ReadInt32 (buffer, 4); // Read header size directly from buffer - 4 is the offset of cbHeaderSize.
                if (headerSize == 0) // Force to SAPI 5.3
                if (headerSize == Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51))) // SAPI 5.1 size
                    SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51 legacyHeader = (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51) Marshal.PtrToStructure (buffer, typeof (SPRESULTHEADER_Sapi51)); 
                    _header = new SPRESULTHEADER (legacyHeader); 
                    _isSapi53Header = false;
                    _header = (SPRESULTHEADER) Marshal.PtrToStructure (buffer, typeof (SPRESULTHEADER));
                    _isSapi53Header = true; 
                // Validate the header fields 
                _header.Validate ();
                // initialize the parent to be this result - this is needed for the homophones
                IntPtr phraseBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) _header.ulPhraseOffset);

                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (phraseBuffer, _header.ulPhraseDataSize, _isSapi53Header); 

                // Get the alphabet of the main phrase, which should be the same as the current alphabet selected by us (applications). 
                bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_APP_UPS) != 0; 

                InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, phraseBuffer, (int) _header.ulPhraseDataSize, _isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation); 

                if (recoResult != null)
                    ExtractDictationAlternates (recoResult, maxAlternates);
                    // Since we took ownership of this unmanaged object we can discard information that dont need. 
                    recoResult.Discard (SapiConstants.SPDF_ALL); 
                gc.Free (); 
            // save the sapi blobs spliting it in the relevant bits 

            // audio 
            _sapiAudioBlob = new byte [(int) _header.ulRetainedDataSize];
            Array.Copy (sapiResultBlob, (int) _header.ulRetainedOffset, _sapiAudioBlob, 0, (int) _header.ulRetainedDataSize);

            // alternates 
            _sapiAlternatesBlob = new byte [(int) _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize];
            Array.Copy (sapiResultBlob, (int) _header.ulPhraseAltOffset, _sapiAlternatesBlob, 0, (int) _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize); 

        private Collection ExtractAlternates (int numberOfAlternates, bool isSapi53Header) 
            Collection alternates = new Collection ();

            if (numberOfAlternates > 0) 
                GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_sapiAlternatesBlob, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                    IntPtr buffer = gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (); 

                    int sizeOfSpSerializedPhraseAlt = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT));
                    int offset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAlternates; i++) 
                        IntPtr altBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + offset); 
                        SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT alt = (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT) Marshal.PtrToStructure (altBuffer, typeof (SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT)); 

                        offset += sizeOfSpSerializedPhraseAlt; // advance over SPSERIALIZEDPHRASEALT 
                        if (isSapi53Header)
                            offset += (int) ((alt.cbAltExtra + 7) & ~7); // advance over extra data with alignment padding
                            offset += (int) alt.cbAltExtra; // no alignment padding 
                        // we cannot use a constructor parameter because RecognitionResult also derives from RecognizedPhrase
                        IntPtr phraseBuffer = new IntPtr ((long) buffer + (int) offset);
                        SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (phraseBuffer, _header.ulPhraseAltDataSize - (uint) offset, _isSapi53Header);
                        int serializedPhraseSize = (int) serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize; 

                        RecognizedPhrase phrase = new RecognizedPhrase (); 
                        // Get the alphabet of the raw phrase alternate, which should be the same as the engine
                        bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_ENGINE_UPS) != 0; 

                        phrase.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, phraseBuffer, serializedPhraseSize, isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation);

                        if (isSapi53Header)
                            offset += ((serializedPhraseSize + 7) & ~7); // advance over phrase with alignment padding 
                            offset += serializedPhraseSize; // advance over phrase
                        alternates.Add (phrase);
                    gc.Free ();
            return alternates;
        private void ExtractDictationAlternates (ISpRecoResult recoResult, int maxAlternates)
            // Get the alternates for dication
            // alternates for dictation are not part of the recognition results and must be pulled out 
            // from the recognition result bits.
            if (recoResult != null) // recoResult is null if we are in the case of our unit test. 
                if (Grammar is DictationGrammar) 
                    _alternates = new Collection ();
                    IntPtr [] sapiAlternates = new IntPtr [maxAlternates];
                        recoResult.GetAlternates (0, -1, maxAlternates, sapiAlternates, out maxAlternates); 
                    catch (COMException)
                        // In some cases such as when the dictation grammar has been unloaded, the engine may not be able
                        // to provide the alternates. We set the alternate list to empty.
                        maxAlternates = 0;

                    //InnerList.Capacity = (int)numSapiAlternates; 
                    for (uint i = 0; i < maxAlternates; i++) 
                        ISpPhraseAlt phraseAlt = (ISpPhraseAlt) Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown (sapiAlternates [i]); 
                            IntPtr coMemSerializedPhrase;
                            phraseAlt.GetSerializedPhrase (out coMemSerializedPhrase); 
                                // Build a recognition phrase result 
                                RecognizedPhrase phrase = new RecognizedPhrase ();
                                // we cannot use a constructor parameter because RecognitionResult also derives from RecognizedPhrase
                                SPSERIALIZEDPHRASE serializedPhrase = RecognizedPhrase.GetPhraseHeader (coMemSerializedPhrase, uint.MaxValue, _isSapi53Header);

                                // If we are getting the alternates from SAPI, the alphabet should have already been converted
                                // to the alphabet we (applications) want. 
                                bool hasIPAPronunciation = (_header.fAlphabet & (uint) SPRESULTALPHABET.SPRA_APP_UPS) != 0;
                                phrase.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, serializedPhrase, coMemSerializedPhrase, (int) serializedPhrase.ulSerializedSize, _isSapi53Header, hasIPAPronunciation);
                                _alternates.Add (phrase);
                                Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem (coMemSerializedPhrase); 
                            Marshal.Release (sapiAlternates [i]);


        private Collection GetAlternates ()
            if (_alternates == null) 
                // extract alternates even if ulNumPhraseAlts is 0 so that the list gets initialized to empty 
                _alternates = ExtractAlternates ((int) _header.ulNumPhraseAlts, _isSapi53Header); 

                // If no alternated then create one from the top result 
                if (_alternates.Count == 0 && _maxAlternates > 0)
                    RecognizedPhrase alternate = new RecognizedPhrase ();
                    GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc (_phraseBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); 
                        alternate.InitializeFromSerializedBuffer (this, _serializedPhrase, gc.AddrOfPinnedObject (), _phraseBuffer.Length, _isSapi53Header, _hasIPAPronunciation); 
                        gc.Free ();
                    _alternates.Add (alternate); 
            return _alternates; 
        internal string DebuggerDisplayString ()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("Recognized text: '");
            sb.Append (Text); 
            sb.Append ("'");
            if (Semantics.Value != null) 
                sb.Append (" - Semantic Value  = ");
                sb.Append (Semantics.Value.ToString ()); 

            if (Semantics.Count > 0)
                sb.Append (" - Semantic children count = ");
                sb.Append (Semantics.Count.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

            if (Alternates.Count > 1) 
                sb.Append (" - Alternate word count = ");
                sb.Append (Alternates.Count.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            return sb.ToString (); 


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        [field: NonSerialized]
        private IRecognizerInternal _recognizer;

        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private int _maxAlternates;
        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private AlphabetConverter _alphabetConverter;
        // sapi blobss
        byte [] _sapiAudioBlob;
        byte [] _sapiAlternatesBlob;
        private Collection _alternates;
        private SPRESULTHEADER _header; 

        private RecognizedAudio _audio;
        private DateTime _startTime = DateTime.Now;

        [field: NonSerialized] 
        private ISpRecoResult2 _sapiRecoResult;
        // Keep as members because MSS uses these fields: 
        private TimeSpan? _audioPosition;
        private TimeSpan? _audioDuration; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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