/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / _CookieModule.cs / 1 / _CookieModule.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { internal static class CookieModule { // fields // constructors // properties // methods internal static void OnSendingHeaders(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest) { GlobalLog.Print("CookieModule::OnSendingHeaders()"); try { if (httpWebRequest.CookieContainer == null) { return; } // // remove all current cookies. This could be a redirect // httpWebRequest.Headers.RemoveInternal(HttpKnownHeaderNames.Cookie); // // add in the new headers from the cookie container for this request // string optCookie2; string cookieString = httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader( httpWebRequest.Address, out optCookie2); if (cookieString.Length > 0) { GlobalLog.Print("CookieModule::OnSendingHeaders() setting Cookie header to:[" + cookieString + "]"); httpWebRequest.Headers[HttpKnownHeaderNames.Cookie] = cookieString; //< } } catch { } } internal static void OnReceivedHeaders(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest) { GlobalLog.Print("CookieModule.OnReceivedHeaders()"); // // if the app doesn't want us to handle cookies then there's nothing // to do. Note that we're leaving open the possibility that these // settings could be changed between the request being made and the // response received // try { if (httpWebRequest.CookieContainer == null) { return; } // // add any received cookies for this response to the container // HttpWebResponse response = httpWebRequest._HttpResponse as HttpWebResponse; if (response == null) { return; } CookieCollection cookies = null; try { string cookieString = response.Headers.SetCookie; GlobalLog.Print("CookieModule::OnSendingHeaders() received Set-Cookie:[" + cookieString + "]"); if ((cookieString != null) && (cookieString.Length > 0)) { cookies = httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.CookieCutter( response.ResponseUri, HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie, cookieString, false); } } catch { } try { string cookieString = response.Headers.SetCookie2; GlobalLog.Print("CookieModule::OnSendingHeaders() received Set-Cookie2:[" + cookieString + "]"); if ((cookieString != null) && (cookieString.Length > 0)) { CookieCollection cookies2 = httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.CookieCutter( response.ResponseUri, HttpKnownHeaderNames.SetCookie2, cookieString, false); if (cookies != null && cookies.Count != 0) { cookies.Add(cookies2); } else { cookies = cookies2; } } } catch { } if (cookies != null) { response.Cookies = cookies; } } catch { } } } }
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