HttpConfigurationSystem.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / QFE / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Configuration / HttpConfigurationSystem.cs / 5 / HttpConfigurationSystem.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Configuration { 
    using System.Configuration.Internal; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Caching; 
    using System.Web.Hosting; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 

    using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; 
    using Debug = System.Web.Util.Debug; 
    using UnicodeEncoding = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding;
    using UrlPath = System.Web.Util.UrlPath; 

    internal class HttpConfigurationSystem : IInternalConfigSystem {
        private const string InternalConfigSettingsFactoryTypeString = "System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigSettingsFactory, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration;
        internal const string ConfigSystemTypeString = "System.Configuration.Internal.ConfigSystem, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration; 

#if !PLATFORM_UNIX // File system paths must be lowercased in UNIX 
        internal const string MachineConfigSubdirectory = "Config"; 
        internal const string MachineConfigSubdirectory = "config"; 
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX
        internal const string MachineConfigFilename = "machine.config";
        internal const string RootWebConfigFilename         = "web.config";
        internal const string WebConfigFileName             = "web.config"; 
        internal const string InetsrvDirectoryName          = "inetsrv";
        internal const string ApplicationHostConfigFileName = "applicationHost.config"; 
        static private object                           s_initLock;
        static private volatile bool                   s_inited; 

        // Supports IInternalConfigSystem and the file change dependency delegate
        static private HttpConfigurationSystem          s_httpConfigSystem;
        static private IConfigSystem                    s_configSystem; 

        static private IConfigMapPath                   s_configMapPath; 
        static private WebConfigurationHost             s_configHost; 
        static private FileChangeEventHandler           s_fileChangeEventHandler;
        static private string                           s_MsCorLibDirectory; 
        static private string                           s_MachineConfigurationDirectory;
        static private string                           s_MachineConfigurationFilePath;
        static private string                           s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
        static private IInternalConfigRoot              s_configRoot;
        static private IInternalConfigSettingsFactory   s_configSettingsFactory; 
        static private bool                             s_initComplete; 

        static HttpConfigurationSystem() { 
            s_initLock = new object();

        HttpConfigurationSystem() {} 

        // Set this configuration system to the default for requests ConfigurationManager.GetSection 
        static internal void EnsureInit(IConfigMapPath configMapPath, bool listenToFileChanges, bool initComplete) { 
            if (!s_inited) {
                lock (s_initLock) {
                    if (!s_inited) {
                        s_initComplete = initComplete; 

                        // Use the IIS map path if one is not explicitly provided 
                        if (configMapPath == null) { 
                            configMapPath = IISMapPath.GetInstance();

                        s_configMapPath = configMapPath;

                        Type typeConfigSystem = Type.GetType(ConfigSystemTypeString, true); 
                        s_configSystem = (IConfigSystem) Activator.CreateInstance(typeConfigSystem, true);
                                typeof(WebConfigurationHost),               // The config host we'll create and use 
                                // The remaining parameters are passed to the config host:
                                true,                                       // Use the supplied configMapPath 
                                s_configMapPath,                            // the configMapPath to use
                                null,                                       // ConfigurationFileMap
                                HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath,  // app path
                                HostingEnvironment.SiteNameNoDemand,        // app site name 
                                HostingEnvironment.SiteID);                 // app site ID
                        s_configRoot = s_configSystem.Root; 
                        s_configHost = (WebConfigurationHost) s_configSystem.Host;
                        // Register for config changed notifications
                        HttpConfigurationSystem configSystem = new HttpConfigurationSystem();

                        if (listenToFileChanges) { 
                            s_configRoot.ConfigChanged += new InternalConfigEventHandler(configSystem.OnConfigurationChanged);
                        // Set the configSystem into the ConfigurationManager class.
                        // Please 

                        Type typeFactory = Type.GetType(InternalConfigSettingsFactoryTypeString, true); 
                        s_configSettingsFactory = (IInternalConfigSettingsFactory) Activator.CreateInstance(typeFactory, true);
                        s_configSettingsFactory.SetConfigurationSystem(configSystem, initComplete); 
                        // The system has been successfully set, so mark that we should use it.
                        s_httpConfigSystem = configSystem; 

                        // Mark as having completed initialization after s_httpConfigSystem has been set.
                        // s_inited is coordinated with s_httpConfigSystem in UseHttpConfigurationSystem.
                        s_inited = true; 

            Debug.Assert(s_httpConfigSystem != null, "s_httpConfigSystem != null - The appdomain is using the client configuration system."); 

        static internal void CompleteInit() {
            Debug.Assert(!s_initComplete, "!s_initComplete"); 
            s_configSettingsFactory = null; 

        // Return true if the HttpConfigurationSystem is being used 
        // by ConfigurationManager.
        static internal bool UseHttpConfigurationSystem {
            get {
                if (!s_inited) { 
                    lock (s_initLock) {
                        if (!s_inited) { 
                            // If we ask whether the HttpConfigurationSystem is in use, and it has not
                            // been initialized, then this caller is going to end up using the client 
                            // configuration system. So prevent initialization of the HttpConfigurationSystem
                            // by setting s_inited = true.
                            s_inited = true; 
                            Debug.Assert(s_httpConfigSystem == null, "s_httpConfigSystem == null");
                return s_httpConfigSystem != null;
        // Return true if the HttpConfigurationSystem is already loaded
        // by ConfigurationManager. 
        static internal bool IsSet { 
            get {
                return s_httpConfigSystem != null; 

        // Return the config object for the current context. 
        // If the HttpContext is not available, get the config object 
        // for the web application path.
        object IInternalConfigSystem.GetSection(string configKey) {
            return HttpConfigurationSystem.GetSection(configKey);
        // Does not support refresh - the appdomain will restart if
        // a file changes. 
        void IInternalConfigSystem.RefreshConfig(string sectionName) {} 

        // Supports user config 
        bool IInternalConfigSystem.SupportsUserConfig {
            get {
                return false;
        // GetSection 
        // Get the Config for the current context 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName) {
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            if (context != null) { 
                return context.GetSection(sectionName);
            else { 
                // If there is no context, then lets get the config for
                // the application we are hosted in. 
                return GetApplicationSection(sectionName);
        // GetSection
        // Get the Config for a specific path 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName, VirtualPath path) { 
            Debug.Assert(UseHttpConfigurationSystem, "UseHttpConfigurationSystem");

            CachedPathData pathData;
            pathData = CachedPathData.GetVirtualPathData(path, true);
            return pathData.ConfigRecord.GetSection(sectionName); 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName, string path) {
            return GetSection(sectionName, VirtualPath.CreateNonRelativeAllowNull(path));
        // GetAppSection
        // Get the Config for a specific path 
        static internal object GetApplicationSection(string sectionName) { 
            Debug.Assert(UseHttpConfigurationSystem, "UseHttpConfigurationSystem");

            CachedPathData pathData;
            pathData = CachedPathData.GetApplicationPathData();
            return pathData.ConfigRecord.GetSection(sectionName); 

        // Return the unique configuration record for a config path.
        // Used by CachedPathData to retreive config records. 
        static internal IInternalConfigRecord GetUniqueConfigRecord(string configPath) { 
            if (!UseHttpConfigurationSystem) 
                return null;
            IInternalConfigRecord configRecord = s_configRoot.GetUniqueConfigRecord(configPath);
            return configRecord;
        static internal void AddFileDependency(String file) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) 
#if !FEATURE_PAL // No file change notification in Coriolis
            if (UseHttpConfigurationSystem) { 
                if (s_fileChangeEventHandler == null) {
                    s_fileChangeEventHandler = new FileChangeEventHandler(s_httpConfigSystem.OnConfigFileChanged);
                HttpRuntime.FileChangesMonitor.StartMonitoringFile(file, s_fileChangeEventHandler);
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 
        internal void OnConfigurationChanged(Object sender, InternalConfigEventArgs e) {
        internal void OnConfigFileChanged(Object sender, FileChangeEvent e) {

        static internal String MsCorLibDirectory { 
            [FileIOPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)]
            get {
                if (s_MsCorLibDirectory == null) {
                    s_MsCorLibDirectory = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(); 
                return s_MsCorLibDirectory; 

        static internal string MachineConfigurationDirectory {
            get {
                if (s_MachineConfigurationDirectory == null) { 
                    s_MachineConfigurationDirectory = Path.Combine(MsCorLibDirectory, MachineConfigSubdirectory); 
#else // !FEATURE_PAL 
                    System.UInt32 length = 0;
                    // Get the required size
                    if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMachineConfigurationDirectory(null, ref length)) {
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();

                    // Now, create the string and call again 
                    System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)length); 

                    if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMachineConfigurationDirectory(sb, ref length)) { 
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();

                    s_MachineConfigurationDirectory = sb.ToString(); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
                return s_MachineConfigurationDirectory;

        static internal string MachineConfigurationFilePath {
            get { 
                if (s_MachineConfigurationFilePath == null) {
                    s_MachineConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, MachineConfigFilename); 

                return s_MachineConfigurationFilePath; 

        static internal string RootWebConfigurationFilePath { 
            get {
                if (s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath == null) { 
                    s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, RootWebConfigFilename); 
                return s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
            // for IIS 7, support setting this file path to support the hostable
            // web core and admin scenarios 
            set {
                s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = value; 
                if (null == s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath) { 
                    s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, RootWebConfigFilename);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Configuration { 
    using System.Configuration.Internal; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Caching; 
    using System.Web.Hosting; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 

    using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; 
    using Debug = System.Web.Util.Debug; 
    using UnicodeEncoding = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding;
    using UrlPath = System.Web.Util.UrlPath; 

    internal class HttpConfigurationSystem : IInternalConfigSystem {
        private const string InternalConfigSettingsFactoryTypeString = "System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigSettingsFactory, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration;
        internal const string ConfigSystemTypeString = "System.Configuration.Internal.ConfigSystem, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration; 

#if !PLATFORM_UNIX // File system paths must be lowercased in UNIX 
        internal const string MachineConfigSubdirectory = "Config"; 
        internal const string MachineConfigSubdirectory = "config"; 
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX
        internal const string MachineConfigFilename = "machine.config";
        internal const string RootWebConfigFilename         = "web.config";
        internal const string WebConfigFileName             = "web.config"; 
        internal const string InetsrvDirectoryName          = "inetsrv";
        internal const string ApplicationHostConfigFileName = "applicationHost.config"; 
        static private object                           s_initLock;
        static private volatile bool                   s_inited; 

        // Supports IInternalConfigSystem and the file change dependency delegate
        static private HttpConfigurationSystem          s_httpConfigSystem;
        static private IConfigSystem                    s_configSystem; 

        static private IConfigMapPath                   s_configMapPath; 
        static private WebConfigurationHost             s_configHost; 
        static private FileChangeEventHandler           s_fileChangeEventHandler;
        static private string                           s_MsCorLibDirectory; 
        static private string                           s_MachineConfigurationDirectory;
        static private string                           s_MachineConfigurationFilePath;
        static private string                           s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
        static private IInternalConfigRoot              s_configRoot;
        static private IInternalConfigSettingsFactory   s_configSettingsFactory; 
        static private bool                             s_initComplete; 

        static HttpConfigurationSystem() { 
            s_initLock = new object();

        HttpConfigurationSystem() {} 

        // Set this configuration system to the default for requests ConfigurationManager.GetSection 
        static internal void EnsureInit(IConfigMapPath configMapPath, bool listenToFileChanges, bool initComplete) { 
            if (!s_inited) {
                lock (s_initLock) {
                    if (!s_inited) {
                        s_initComplete = initComplete; 

                        // Use the IIS map path if one is not explicitly provided 
                        if (configMapPath == null) { 
                            configMapPath = IISMapPath.GetInstance();

                        s_configMapPath = configMapPath;

                        Type typeConfigSystem = Type.GetType(ConfigSystemTypeString, true); 
                        s_configSystem = (IConfigSystem) Activator.CreateInstance(typeConfigSystem, true);
                                typeof(WebConfigurationHost),               // The config host we'll create and use 
                                // The remaining parameters are passed to the config host:
                                true,                                       // Use the supplied configMapPath 
                                s_configMapPath,                            // the configMapPath to use
                                null,                                       // ConfigurationFileMap
                                HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath,  // app path
                                HostingEnvironment.SiteNameNoDemand,        // app site name 
                                HostingEnvironment.SiteID);                 // app site ID
                        s_configRoot = s_configSystem.Root; 
                        s_configHost = (WebConfigurationHost) s_configSystem.Host;
                        // Register for config changed notifications
                        HttpConfigurationSystem configSystem = new HttpConfigurationSystem();

                        if (listenToFileChanges) { 
                            s_configRoot.ConfigChanged += new InternalConfigEventHandler(configSystem.OnConfigurationChanged);
                        // Set the configSystem into the ConfigurationManager class.
                        // Please 

                        Type typeFactory = Type.GetType(InternalConfigSettingsFactoryTypeString, true); 
                        s_configSettingsFactory = (IInternalConfigSettingsFactory) Activator.CreateInstance(typeFactory, true);
                        s_configSettingsFactory.SetConfigurationSystem(configSystem, initComplete); 
                        // The system has been successfully set, so mark that we should use it.
                        s_httpConfigSystem = configSystem; 

                        // Mark as having completed initialization after s_httpConfigSystem has been set.
                        // s_inited is coordinated with s_httpConfigSystem in UseHttpConfigurationSystem.
                        s_inited = true; 

            Debug.Assert(s_httpConfigSystem != null, "s_httpConfigSystem != null - The appdomain is using the client configuration system."); 

        static internal void CompleteInit() {
            Debug.Assert(!s_initComplete, "!s_initComplete"); 
            s_configSettingsFactory = null; 

        // Return true if the HttpConfigurationSystem is being used 
        // by ConfigurationManager.
        static internal bool UseHttpConfigurationSystem {
            get {
                if (!s_inited) { 
                    lock (s_initLock) {
                        if (!s_inited) { 
                            // If we ask whether the HttpConfigurationSystem is in use, and it has not
                            // been initialized, then this caller is going to end up using the client 
                            // configuration system. So prevent initialization of the HttpConfigurationSystem
                            // by setting s_inited = true.
                            s_inited = true; 
                            Debug.Assert(s_httpConfigSystem == null, "s_httpConfigSystem == null");
                return s_httpConfigSystem != null;
        // Return true if the HttpConfigurationSystem is already loaded
        // by ConfigurationManager. 
        static internal bool IsSet { 
            get {
                return s_httpConfigSystem != null; 

        // Return the config object for the current context. 
        // If the HttpContext is not available, get the config object 
        // for the web application path.
        object IInternalConfigSystem.GetSection(string configKey) {
            return HttpConfigurationSystem.GetSection(configKey);
        // Does not support refresh - the appdomain will restart if
        // a file changes. 
        void IInternalConfigSystem.RefreshConfig(string sectionName) {} 

        // Supports user config 
        bool IInternalConfigSystem.SupportsUserConfig {
            get {
                return false;
        // GetSection 
        // Get the Config for the current context 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName) {
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            if (context != null) { 
                return context.GetSection(sectionName);
            else { 
                // If there is no context, then lets get the config for
                // the application we are hosted in. 
                return GetApplicationSection(sectionName);
        // GetSection
        // Get the Config for a specific path 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName, VirtualPath path) { 
            Debug.Assert(UseHttpConfigurationSystem, "UseHttpConfigurationSystem");

            CachedPathData pathData;
            pathData = CachedPathData.GetVirtualPathData(path, true);
            return pathData.ConfigRecord.GetSection(sectionName); 
        static internal object GetSection(string sectionName, string path) {
            return GetSection(sectionName, VirtualPath.CreateNonRelativeAllowNull(path));
        // GetAppSection
        // Get the Config for a specific path 
        static internal object GetApplicationSection(string sectionName) { 
            Debug.Assert(UseHttpConfigurationSystem, "UseHttpConfigurationSystem");

            CachedPathData pathData;
            pathData = CachedPathData.GetApplicationPathData();
            return pathData.ConfigRecord.GetSection(sectionName); 

        // Return the unique configuration record for a config path.
        // Used by CachedPathData to retreive config records. 
        static internal IInternalConfigRecord GetUniqueConfigRecord(string configPath) { 
            if (!UseHttpConfigurationSystem) 
                return null;
            IInternalConfigRecord configRecord = s_configRoot.GetUniqueConfigRecord(configPath);
            return configRecord;
        static internal void AddFileDependency(String file) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) 
#if !FEATURE_PAL // No file change notification in Coriolis
            if (UseHttpConfigurationSystem) { 
                if (s_fileChangeEventHandler == null) {
                    s_fileChangeEventHandler = new FileChangeEventHandler(s_httpConfigSystem.OnConfigFileChanged);
                HttpRuntime.FileChangesMonitor.StartMonitoringFile(file, s_fileChangeEventHandler);
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 
        internal void OnConfigurationChanged(Object sender, InternalConfigEventArgs e) {
        internal void OnConfigFileChanged(Object sender, FileChangeEvent e) {

        static internal String MsCorLibDirectory { 
            [FileIOPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)]
            get {
                if (s_MsCorLibDirectory == null) {
                    s_MsCorLibDirectory = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(); 
                return s_MsCorLibDirectory; 

        static internal string MachineConfigurationDirectory {
            get {
                if (s_MachineConfigurationDirectory == null) { 
                    s_MachineConfigurationDirectory = Path.Combine(MsCorLibDirectory, MachineConfigSubdirectory); 
#else // !FEATURE_PAL 
                    System.UInt32 length = 0;
                    // Get the required size
                    if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMachineConfigurationDirectory(null, ref length)) {
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();

                    // Now, create the string and call again 
                    System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)length); 

                    if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMachineConfigurationDirectory(sb, ref length)) { 
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();

                    s_MachineConfigurationDirectory = sb.ToString(); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
                return s_MachineConfigurationDirectory;

        static internal string MachineConfigurationFilePath {
            get { 
                if (s_MachineConfigurationFilePath == null) {
                    s_MachineConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, MachineConfigFilename); 

                return s_MachineConfigurationFilePath; 

        static internal string RootWebConfigurationFilePath { 
            get {
                if (s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath == null) { 
                    s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, RootWebConfigFilename); 
                return s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
            // for IIS 7, support setting this file path to support the hostable
            // web core and admin scenarios 
            set {
                s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = value; 
                if (null == s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath) { 
                    s_RootWebConfigurationFilePath = Path.Combine(MachineConfigurationDirectory, RootWebConfigFilename);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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