SecurityElement.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / untmp / whidbey / QFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / SecurityElement.cs / 4 / SecurityElement.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

namespace System.Security 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Security.Util;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    internal enum SecurityElementType 
        Regular = 0, 
        Format = 1,
        Comment = 2

    internal interface ISecurityElementFactory 
        SecurityElement CreateSecurityElement();
        Object Copy();

        String GetTag();
        String Attribute( String attributeName );
    sealed public class SecurityElement : ISecurityElementFactory
        internal String  m_strTag;
        internal String  m_strText; 
        private ArrayList m_lChildren;
        internal ArrayList m_lAttributes; 
        internal SecurityElementType m_type = SecurityElementType.Regular; 

        private static readonly char[] s_tagIllegalCharacters = new char[] { ' ', '<', '>' }; 
        private static readonly char[] s_textIllegalCharacters = new char[] { '<', '>' };
        private static readonly char[] s_valueIllegalCharacters = new char[] { '<', '>', '\"' };
        private const String s_strIndent = "   ";
        private const int c_AttributesTypical = 4 * 2;  // 4 attributes, times 2 strings per attribute
        private const int c_ChildrenTypical = 1; 
        private static readonly String[] s_escapeStringPairs = new String[]
                // these must be all once character escape sequences or a new escaping algorithm is needed
                "<", "<",
                ">", ">",
                "\"", """, 
                "\'", "'",
                "&", "&" 

        private static readonly char[] s_escapeChars = new char[] { '<', '>', '\"', '\'', '&' }; 

        //-------------------------- Constructors ---------------------------

        internal SecurityElement() 
////// ISecurityElementFactory implementation
        SecurityElement ISecurityElementFactory.CreateSecurityElement()
            return this;

        String ISecurityElementFactory.GetTag() 
            return ((SecurityElement)this).Tag;

        Object ISecurityElementFactory.Copy()
            return ((SecurityElement)this).Copy(); 
        String ISecurityElementFactory.Attribute( String attributeName ) 
            return ((SecurityElement)this).Attribute( attributeName ); 

        public static SecurityElement FromString( String xml )
            if (xml == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "xml" );
            return new Parser( xml ).GetTopElement();

        public SecurityElement( String tag ) 
            if (tag == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "tag" ); 

            if (!IsValidTag( tag )) 
                throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementTag" ), tag ) );

            m_strTag = tag;
            m_strText = null; 
        public SecurityElement( String tag, String text ) 
            if (tag == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "tag" );

            if (!IsValidTag( tag ))
                throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementTag" ), tag ) ); 

            if (text != null && !IsValidText( text )) 
                throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementText" ), text ) ); 

            m_strTag = tag; 
            m_strText = text;

        //-------------------------- Properties ----------------------------- 

        public String Tag 
                return m_strTag;

                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "Tag" ); 

                if (!IsValidTag( value )) 
                    throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementTag" ), value ) );

                m_strTag = value;
        public System.Collections.Hashtable Attributes 
                if (m_lAttributes == null || m_lAttributes.Count == 0)
                    return null; 
                    System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable = new System.Collections.Hashtable( m_lAttributes.Count );
                    int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count;
                    BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" );

                    for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2) 
                        hashtable.Add( m_lAttributes[i], m_lAttributes[i+1]); 

                    return hashtable; 

                if (value == null || value.Count == 0) 
                    m_lAttributes = null;
                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList( value.Count );
                    System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = (System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator)value.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                        String attrName = (String)enumerator.Key; 
                        String attrValue = (String)enumerator.Value;

                        if (!IsValidAttributeName( attrName ))
                            throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementName" ), (String)enumerator.Current ) ); 

                        if (!IsValidAttributeValue( attrValue )) 
                            throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementValue" ), (String)enumerator.Value ) ); 


                    m_lAttributes = list; 

        public String Text 
                return Unescape( m_strText ); 
                if (value == null) 
                    m_strText = null;
                    if (!IsValidText( value )) 
                        throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementTag" ), value ) ); 

                    m_strText = value; 
        public ArrayList Children
                return m_lChildren;

                if (value != null) 
                    IEnumerator enumerator = value.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        if (enumerator.Current == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentNull_Child" ) ); 
                m_lChildren = value;

        internal void ConvertSecurityElementFactories()
            if (m_lChildren == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i)
                ISecurityElementFactory iseFactory = m_lChildren[i] as ISecurityElementFactory;
                if (iseFactory != null && !(m_lChildren[i] is SecurityElement))
                    m_lChildren[i] = iseFactory.CreateSecurityElement();
        internal ArrayList InternalChildren 
                // Beware!  This array list can contain SecurityElements and other ISecurityElementFactories.
                // If you want to get a consistent SecurityElement view, call get_Children.
                return m_lChildren; 
        //-------------------------- Public Methods -----------------------------
        internal void AddAttributeSafe( String name, String value )
            if (m_lAttributes == null)
                m_lAttributes = new ArrayList( c_AttributesTypical  );
                int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count; 
                BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" );

                for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2)
                    String strAttrName = (String)m_lAttributes[i];
                    if (String.Equals(strAttrName, name)) 
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_AttributeNamesMustBeUnique" ) );

        public void AddAttribute( String name, String value ) 
            if (name == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" );

            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" ); 

            if (!IsValidAttributeName( name )) 
                throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementName" ), name ) ); 

            if (!IsValidAttributeValue( value )) 
                throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidElementValue" ), value ) );

            AddAttributeSafe( name, value );

        public void AddChild( SecurityElement child ) 
            if (child == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "child" ); 

            if (m_lChildren == null)
                m_lChildren = new ArrayList( c_ChildrenTypical  );
            m_lChildren.Add( child );
        internal void AddChild( ISecurityElementFactory child )
            if (child == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "child" );

            if (m_lChildren == null) 
                m_lChildren = new ArrayList( c_ChildrenTypical  );
            m_lChildren.Add( child ); 
        internal void AddChildNoDuplicates( ISecurityElementFactory child )
            if (child == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "child" ); 

            if (m_lChildren == null) 
                m_lChildren = new ArrayList( c_ChildrenTypical  );
                m_lChildren.Add( child ); 
                for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i) 
                    if (m_lChildren[i] == child) 
                m_lChildren.Add( child ); 

        public bool Equal( SecurityElement other ) 
            if (other == null) 
                return false; 

            // Check if the tags are the same 
            if (!String.Equals(m_strTag, other.m_strTag))
                return false;

            // Check if the text is the same 
            if (!String.Equals(m_strText, other.m_strText))
                return false; 
            // Check if the attributes are the same and appear in the same
            // order. 

            // Maybe we can get away by only checking the number of attributes
            if (m_lAttributes == null || other.m_lAttributes == null)
                if (m_lAttributes != other.m_lAttributes)
                    return false; 
                int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count;
                BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" );

                if (iMax != other.m_lAttributes.Count) 
                    return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) 
                 String lhs = (String)m_lAttributes[i]; 
                String rhs = (String)other.m_lAttributes[i];

                if (!String.Equals(lhs, rhs))
                     return false; 
            // Finally we must

            // Maybe we can get away by only checking the number of children
            if (m_lChildren == null || other.m_lChildren == null)
             if (m_lChildren != other.m_lChildren)
                   return false; 
            if (m_lChildren.Count != other.m_lChildren.Count)
                return false;

            // Okay, we'll need to go through each one of them 
             IEnumerator lhs = m_lChildren.GetEnumerator();
             IEnumerator rhs = other.m_lChildren.GetEnumerator(); 

            SecurityElement e1, e2;
             while (lhs.MoveNext())
               e1 = (SecurityElement)lhs.Current; 
                e2 = (SecurityElement)rhs.Current; 
               if (e1 == null || !e1.Equal(e2))
                   return false; 

            return true; 
        public SecurityElement Copy()
            SecurityElement element = new SecurityElement( this.m_strTag, this.m_strText );

            element.m_lChildren = this.m_lChildren == null ? null : new ArrayList( this.m_lChildren );
            element.m_lAttributes = this.m_lAttributes == null ? null : new ArrayList( this.m_lAttributes ); 

            return element; 

        public static bool IsValidTag( String tag ) 
            if (tag == null)
                return false;
            return tag.IndexOfAny( s_tagIllegalCharacters ) == -1;
        public static bool IsValidText( String text )
            if (text == null)
                return false;

            return text.IndexOfAny( s_textIllegalCharacters ) == -1; 
        public static bool IsValidAttributeName( String name ) 
            return IsValidTag( name ); 

        public static bool IsValidAttributeValue( String value )
            if (value == null)
                return false; 
            return value.IndexOfAny( s_valueIllegalCharacters ) == -1;

        private static String GetEscapeSequence( char c )
            int iMax = s_escapeStringPairs.Length; 
            BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" );
            for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2) 
                String strEscSeq = s_escapeStringPairs[i]; 
                String strEscValue = s_escapeStringPairs[i+1];

                if (strEscSeq[0] == c)
                    return strEscValue; 
            BCLDebug.Assert( false, "Unable to find escape sequence for this character" ); 
            return c.ToString();

        public static String Escape( String str )
            if (str == null) 
                return null;
            StringBuilder sb = null; 

            int strLen = str.Length; 
            int index; // Pointer into the string that indicates the location of the current '&' character
            int newIndex = 0; // Pointer into the string that indicates the start index of the "remaining" string (that still needs to be processed).

                index = str.IndexOfAny( s_escapeChars, newIndex ); 

                if (index == -1) 
                    if (sb == null)
                        return str;
                        sb.Append( str, newIndex, strLen - newIndex ); 
                        return sb.ToString(); 
                    if (sb == null)
                        sb = new StringBuilder(); 

                    sb.Append( str, newIndex, index - newIndex ); 
                    sb.Append( GetEscapeSequence( str[index] ) ); 

                    newIndex = ( index + 1 ); 
            while (true);
            // no normal exit is possible
        private static String GetUnescapeSequence( String str, int index, out int newIndex )
            int maxCompareLength = str.Length - index;

            int iMax = s_escapeStringPairs.Length;
            BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" ); 

            for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2) 
                String strEscSeq = s_escapeStringPairs[i];
                String strEscValue = s_escapeStringPairs[i+1]; 

                int length = strEscValue.Length;

                if (length <= maxCompareLength && String.Compare( strEscValue, 0, str, index, length, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                    newIndex = index + strEscValue.Length; 
                    return strEscSeq; 

            newIndex = index + 1;
            return str[index].ToString();

        private static String Unescape( String str ) 
            if (str == null) 
                return null;

            StringBuilder sb = null;
            int strLen = str.Length;
            int index; // Pointer into the string that indicates the location of the current '&' character 
            int newIndex = 0; // Pointer into the string that indicates the start index of the "remainging" string (that still needs to be processed). 

                index = str.IndexOf( '&', newIndex );

                if (index == -1) 
                    if (sb == null) 
                        return str; 
                        sb.Append( str, newIndex, strLen - newIndex );
                        return sb.ToString();
                    if (sb == null) 
                        sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append(str,  newIndex, index - newIndex);
                    sb.Append( GetUnescapeSequence( str, index, out newIndex ) ); // updates the newIndex too

            while (true); 
            // C# reports a warning if I leave this in, but I still kinda want to just in case.
            // BCLDebug.Assert( false, "If you got here, the execution engine or compiler is really confused" ); 
            // return str;

        private delegate void ToStringHelperFunc( Object obj, String str ); 

        private static void ToStringHelperStringBuilder( Object obj, String str ) 
            ((StringBuilder)obj).Append( str );

        private static void ToStringHelperStreamWriter( Object obj, String str )
            ((StreamWriter)obj).Write( str ); 
        public override String ToString () 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            ToString( "", sb, new ToStringHelperFunc( ToStringHelperStringBuilder ) );

            return sb.ToString(); 
        internal void ToWriter( StreamWriter writer ) 
            ToString( "", writer, new ToStringHelperFunc( ToStringHelperStreamWriter ) ); 

        private void ToString( String indent, Object obj, ToStringHelperFunc func )
            // First add the indent
            // func( obj, indent ); 

            // Add in the opening bracket and the tag. 

            func( obj, "<" );

            switch (m_type) 
                case SecurityElementType.Format: 
                    func( obj, "?" ); 
                case SecurityElementType.Comment:
                    func( obj, "!" );

            func( obj, m_strTag ); 

            // If there are any attributes, plop those in.

            if (m_lAttributes != null && m_lAttributes.Count > 0) 
                func( obj, " " ); 
                int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count;
                BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" ); 

                for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2)
                    String strAttrName = (String)m_lAttributes[i]; 
                    String strAttrValue = (String)m_lAttributes[i+1];
                    func( obj, strAttrName ); 
                    func( obj, "=\"" );
                    func( obj, strAttrValue ); 
                    func( obj, "\"" );

                    if (i != m_lAttributes.Count - 2)
                        if (m_type == SecurityElementType.Regular)
                            func( obj, Environment.NewLine ); 
                            func( obj, " " );
            if (m_strText == null && (m_lChildren == null || m_lChildren.Count == 0))
                // If we are a single tag with no children, just add the end of tag text.

                switch (m_type)
                    case SecurityElementType.Comment:
                        func( obj, ">" ); 

                    case SecurityElementType.Format: 
                        func( obj, " ?>" );

                        func( obj, "/>" );
                func( obj, Environment.NewLine );
                // Close the current tag.
                func( obj, ">" );
                // Output the text 

                func( obj, m_strText ); 

                // Output any children.

                if (m_lChildren != null) 
                    func( obj, Environment.NewLine );
                    // String childIndent = indent + s_strIndent;

                    for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i)
                        ((SecurityElement)m_lChildren[i]).ToString( "", obj, func );
                    // In the case where we have children, the close tag will not be on the same line as the
                    // opening tag, so we need to indent. 

                    // func( obj, indent );
                // Output the closing tag
                func( obj, "" ); 
                func( obj, Environment.NewLine );

        public String Attribute( String name ) 
            if (name == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" );

            // Note: we don't

            if (m_lAttributes == null) 
                return null; 

            // Go through all the attribute and see if we know about 
            // the one we are asked for

            int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count;
            BCLDebug.Assert( iMax % 2 == 0, "Odd number of strings means the attr/value pairs were not added correctly" ); 

            for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i += 2) 
                String strAttrName = (String)m_lAttributes[i];
                if (String.Equals(strAttrName, name))
                    String strAttrValue = (String)m_lAttributes[i+1];
                    return Unescape(strAttrValue);

            // In the case where we didn't find it, we are expected to 
            // return null
            return null;
        public SecurityElement SearchForChildByTag( String tag )
            // Go through all the children and see if we can 
            // find the one are are asked for (matching tags)
            if (tag == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "tag" );

            // Note: we don't 

            if (m_lChildren == null) 
                return null;
            IEnumerator enumerator = m_lChildren.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                SecurityElement current = (SecurityElement)enumerator.Current;
                if (current != null && String.Equals(current.Tag, tag)) 
                    return current;

            return null;
        internal IPermission ToPermission(bool ignoreTypeLoadFailures)
            IPermission ip = XMLUtil.CreatePermission( this, PermissionState.None, ignoreTypeLoadFailures ); 
            if (ip == null)
                return null; 

            // Get the permission token here to ensure that the token
            // type is updated appropriately now that we've loaded the type. 
            PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken( ip );
            BCLDebug.Assert((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "Token type not properly assigned"); 
            return ip;

        internal Object ToSecurityObject()
            switch (m_strTag) 
                case "PermissionSet": 
                    PermissionSet pset = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None); 
                    return pset; 

                    return ToPermission(false);
        internal String SearchForTextOfLocalName(String strLocalName) 
            // Search on each child in order and each 
            // child's child, depth-first

            if (strLocalName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "strLocalName" ); 

            // Note: we don't 

            // First we 
         if (m_strTag == null) return null;
            if (m_strTag.Equals( strLocalName ) || m_strTag.EndsWith( ":" + strLocalName, StringComparison.Ordinal ))
                return Unescape( m_strText ); 

            if (m_lChildren == null) 
                return null; 

            IEnumerator enumerator = m_lChildren.GetEnumerator(); 

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                String current = ((SecurityElement)enumerator.Current).SearchForTextOfLocalName( strLocalName ); 

                if (current != null) 
                    return current; 
            return null;

        public String SearchForTextOfTag( String tag ) 
            // Search on each child in order and each 
            // child's child, depth-first 

            if (tag == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "tag" );

            // Note: we don't

            // First we 
            if (String.Equals(m_strTag, tag))
                return Unescape( m_strText ); 

            if (m_lChildren == null)
                return null;
            IEnumerator enumerator = m_lChildren.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                String current = ((SecurityElement)enumerator.Current).SearchForTextOfTag( tag );

                if (current != null) 
                    return current;
            return null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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