/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Sys / System / IO / compression / FastEncoder.cs / 1 / FastEncoder.cs
namespace System.IO.Compression { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; internal class FastEncoder { // have we output "bfinal=1"? //private bool marked_final_block; private bool hasBlockHeader; // did we output the block header private bool hasGzipHeader; // did we output the gzip header private bool usingGzip; // are we generating gzip stream private uint gzipCrc32; // CRC for gzip stream private uint inputStreamSize; // stream size for gzip stream private FastEncoderWindow inputWindow; // input history window private DeflateInput inputBuffer; private Output output; private Match currentMatch; // current match in history window private bool needsEOB; // indicates whether or not we have compressed any data public FastEncoder(bool doGZip) { usingGzip = doGZip; inputWindow = new FastEncoderWindow(); inputBuffer = new DeflateInput(); output = new Output(); currentMatch = new Match(); } // // This function sets the input we need to compress // Note we don't make a copy of the buffer for performance reason, // so the caller need to be make sure the input is not reused if we didn't finish // compressing the input. // public void SetInput(byte[] input, int startIndex, int count) { Debug.Assert(inputBuffer.Count == 0, "We have something left in previous input!"); inputBuffer.Buffer = input; inputBuffer.Count = count; inputBuffer.StartIndex = startIndex; } // Returns true if we finished compressing the bytes in history window and input buffer public bool NeedsInput() { return inputBuffer.Count == 0 && inputWindow.BytesAvailable == 0 ; } // // Copy the compressed byte to outputBuffer // Returns the bytes we have copied. The caller needs to provide the buffer // to avoid extra coping. // public int GetCompressedOutput( byte[] outputBuffer) { Debug.Assert(!NeedsInput(), "call SetInput before trying to compress!"); output.UpdateBuffer(outputBuffer); if (usingGzip && !hasGzipHeader) { // Write the GZIP header only once output.WriteGzipHeader(3); hasGzipHeader = true; } if (!hasBlockHeader) { // Output dynamic block header only once hasBlockHeader = true; output.WritePreamble(); } do { // read more input data into the window if there is space available int bytesToCopy = (inputBuffer.Count < inputWindow.FreeWindowSpace) ? inputBuffer.Count : inputWindow.FreeWindowSpace; if (bytesToCopy > 0) { // copy data into history window inputWindow.CopyBytes(inputBuffer.Buffer, inputBuffer.StartIndex, bytesToCopy); if( usingGzip) { // update CRC for gzip stream gzipCrc32 = DecodeHelper.UpdateCrc32(gzipCrc32, inputBuffer.Buffer, inputBuffer.StartIndex, bytesToCopy); uint n = inputStreamSize + (uint)bytesToCopy; if( n < inputStreamSize) { // overflow, gzip doesn't support compressing more than Int32.Maxvalue bytes. throw new InvalidDataException(SR.GetString(SR.StreamSizeOverflow)); } inputStreamSize = n; } inputBuffer.ConsumeBytes(bytesToCopy); } // compress the bytes in input history window while( inputWindow.BytesAvailable > 0 && output.SafeToWriteTo()) { // Find next match. A match can be a symbol, // a distance/length pair, a symbol followed by a distance/Length pair inputWindow.GetNextSymbolOrMatch(currentMatch); if( currentMatch.State == MatchState.HasSymbol ) { output.WriteChar(currentMatch.Symbol); } else if( currentMatch.State == MatchState.HasMatch) { output.WriteMatch(currentMatch.Length, currentMatch.Position); } else { output.WriteChar(currentMatch.Symbol); output.WriteMatch(currentMatch.Length, currentMatch.Position); } } } while (output.SafeToWriteTo() && !NeedsInput()); // update book keeping needed to write end of block data needsEOB = true; return output.BytesWritten; // number of bytes we have written } // // Finish the compression. To simply this function, it should only be // called when all input are compressed. The left bits and gzip footer will // be copied to the outputBuffer. // public int Finish(byte[] outputBuffer) { Debug.Assert(NeedsInput(), "only call this when we have no more data to compress!"); output.UpdateBuffer(outputBuffer); // write EOB data iff we have written anything so far if (needsEOB) { // The fast encoder outputs one long block, so it just needs to terminate this block const int EndOfBlockCode = 256; uint code_info = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[EndOfBlockCode]; int code_len = (int) (code_info & 31); output.WriteBits(code_len, code_info >> 5); output.FlushBits(); if (usingGzip) { output.WriteGzipFooter(gzipCrc32, inputStreamSize); } } return output.BytesWritten; } internal class Output { private byte[] outputBuf; // output buffer private int outputPos; // output position private uint bitBuf; // store uncomplete bits private int bitCount; // number of bits in bitBuffer //static private byte[] lengthLookup; static private byte[] distLookup; static Output() { //lengthLookup = new byte[512]; distLookup = new byte[512]; GenerateSlotTables(); } // Generate the global slot tables which allow us to convert a distance // (0..32K) to a distance slot (0..29) // // Distance table // Extra Extra Extra // Code Bits Dist Code Bits Dist Code Bits Distance // ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -------- // 0 0 1 10 4 33-48 20 9 1025-1536 // 1 0 2 11 4 49-64 21 9 1537-2048 // 2 0 3 12 5 65-96 22 10 2049-3072 // 3 0 4 13 5 97-128 23 10 3073-4096 // 4 1 5,6 14 6 129-192 24 11 4097-6144 // 5 1 7,8 15 6 193-256 25 11 6145-8192 // 6 2 9-12 16 7 257-384 26 12 8193-12288 // 7 2 13-16 17 7 385-512 27 12 12289-16384 // 8 3 17-24 18 8 513-768 28 13 16385-24576 // 9 3 25-32 19 8 769-1024 29 13 24577-32768 static internal void GenerateSlotTables() { // Initialize the mapping length (0..255) -> length code (0..28) //int length = 0; //for (code = 0; code < FastEncoderStatics.NumLengthBaseCodes-1; code++) { // for (int n = 0; n < (1 << FastEncoderStatics.ExtraLengthBits[code]); n++) // lengthLookup[length++] = (byte) code; //} //lengthLookup[length-1] = (byte) code; // Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) int dist = 0; int code; for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) { for (int n = 0; n < (1 << FastEncoderStatics.ExtraDistanceBits[code]); n++) distLookup[dist++] = (byte) code; } dist >>= 7; // from now on, all distances are divided by 128 for ( ; code < FastEncoderStatics.NumDistBaseCodes; code++) { for (int n = 0; n < (1 << (FastEncoderStatics.ExtraDistanceBits[code]-7)); n++) distLookup[256 + dist++] = (byte) code; } } // set the output buffer we will be using internal void UpdateBuffer( byte[] output) { outputBuf = output; outputPos = 0; } internal bool SafeToWriteTo() { // can we safely continue writing to output buffer return outputBuf.Length -outputPos > 16; } internal int BytesWritten { get { return outputPos; } } internal int FreeBytes { get { return outputBuf.Length - outputPos; } } // Output the block type and tree structure for our hard-coded trees. // Contains following data: // "final" block flag 1 bit // BLOCKTYPE_DYNAMIC 2 bits // FastEncoderLiteralTreeLength // FastEncoderDistanceTreeLength // internal void WritePreamble() { Debug.Assert( bitCount == 0, "bitCount must be zero before writing tree bit!"); Debug.Assert( FreeBytes >= FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length, "Not enough space in output buffer!"); Array.Copy(FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData, 0, outputBuf, outputPos, FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length); outputPos += FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length; const uint FastEncoderPostTreeBitBuf = 0x0022; const int FastEncoderPostTreeBitCount = 9; bitCount = FastEncoderPostTreeBitCount; bitBuf= FastEncoderPostTreeBitBuf; } internal void WriteMatch(int matchLen, int matchPos) { Debug.Assert(matchLen >= FastEncoderWindow.MinMatch && matchLen <= FastEncoderWindow.MaxMatch, "Illegal currentMatch length!"); Debug.WriteLineIf(CompressionTracingSwitch.Verbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Match: {0}:{1}", matchLen, matchPos), "Compression"); // Get the code information for a match code uint codeInfo = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[(FastEncoderStatics.NumChars + 1 - FastEncoderWindow.MinMatch) + matchLen]; int codeLen = (int)codeInfo & 31; Debug.Assert(codeLen != 0, "Invalid Match Length!"); if (codeLen <= 16) { WriteBits(codeLen, codeInfo >> 5); } else { WriteBits(16, (codeInfo >> 5) & 65535); WriteBits(codeLen - 16, codeInfo >> (5 + 16)); } // Get the code information for a distance code codeInfo = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderDistanceCodeInfo[GetSlot(matchPos)]; WriteBits((int)(codeInfo & 15), codeInfo >> 8); int extraBits = (int)(codeInfo >> 4) & 15; if (extraBits != 0) { WriteBits(extraBits, (uint)matchPos & FastEncoderStatics.BitMask[extraBits]); } } // write gzip footer internal void WriteGzipFooter(uint gzipCrc32, uint inputStreamSize) { Debug.Assert(FreeBytes >= 8, "No enough space in output buffer!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)(gzipCrc32 & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >> 8) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >> 16) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >>24) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)(inputStreamSize & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >> 8) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >> 16) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >>24) & 255); } // write gzip header internal void WriteGzipHeader( int compression_level) { // only need 11 bytes Debug.Assert(FreeBytes >= 16, "No enough space in output buffer!"); Debug.Assert(outputPos == 0 , "GZIP header must be at the begining of output!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0x1F; // ID1 outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0x8B; // ID2 outputBuf[outputPos++] = 8; // CM = deflate outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // FLG, no text, no crc, no extra, no name, no comment outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // MTIME (Modification Time) - no time available outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // XFL // 2 = compressor used max compression, slowest algorithm // 4 = compressor used fastest algorithm if (compression_level == 10) outputBuf[outputPos++] = 2; else outputBuf[outputPos++] = 4; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // OS: 0 = FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32) } internal void WriteChar(byte b) { Debug.WriteLineIf(CompressionTracingSwitch.Verbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Literal: {0}", b ), "Compression"); uint code = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[b]; WriteBits((int)code & 31, code >> 5); } internal void WriteBits(int n, uint bits) { Debug.Assert( n <= 16, "length must be larger than 16!"); bitBuf |= bits << bitCount; bitCount += n; if (bitCount >= 16) { Debug.Assert(outputBuf.Length - outputPos >= 2, "No enough space in output buffer!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) (bitBuf >> 8)); bitCount -= 16; bitBuf >>= 16; } } // Return the position slot (0...29) of a match offset (0...32767) internal int GetSlot(int pos) { return distLookup[((pos) < 256) ? (pos) : (256 + ((pos) >> 7))]; } // write the bits left in the output as bytes internal void FlushBits() { // flush bits from bit buffer to output buffer while (bitCount >= 8) { outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); bitCount -= 8; bitBuf >>= 8; } if( bitCount > 0 ) { outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); bitCount = 0; } } } } internal class DeflateInput { private byte[] buffer; private int count; private int startIndex; internal byte[] Buffer { get { return buffer; } set { buffer = value; } } internal int Count { get { return count; } set { count = value; } } internal int StartIndex { get { return startIndex; } set { startIndex = value; } } internal void ConsumeBytes(int n) { Debug.Assert( n <= count, "Should use more bytes than what we have in the buffer"); startIndex += n; count -= n; Debug.Assert(startIndex + count <= buffer.Length, "Input buffer is in invalid state!"); } } internal enum MatchState { HasSymbol = 1, HasMatch = 2, HasSymbolAndMatch = 3 } // This class represents a match in the history window internal class Match { MatchState state; int pos; int len; byte symbol; internal MatchState State { get { return state;} set { state = value; } } internal int Position { get { return pos;} set { pos = value; } } internal int Length { get { return len;} set { len = value; } } internal byte Symbol { get { return symbol;} set { symbol = value; } } } internal static class FastEncoderStatics { // static information for encoding, DO NOT MODIFY internal static readonly byte[] FastEncoderTreeStructureData = { 0xed,0xbd,0x07,0x60,0x1c,0x49,0x96,0x25,0x26,0x2f,0x6d,0xca, 0x7b,0x7f,0x4a,0xf5,0x4a,0xd7,0xe0,0x74,0xa1,0x08,0x80,0x60, 0x13,0x24,0xd8,0x90,0x40,0x10,0xec,0xc1,0x88,0xcd,0xe6,0x92, 0xec,0x1d,0x69,0x47,0x23,0x29,0xab,0x2a,0x81,0xca,0x65,0x56, 0x65,0x5d,0x66,0x16,0x40,0xcc,0xed,0x9d,0xbc,0xf7,0xde,0x7b, 0xef,0xbd,0xf7,0xde,0x7b,0xef,0xbd,0xf7,0xba,0x3b,0x9d,0x4e, 0x27,0xf7,0xdf,0xff,0x3f,0x5c,0x66,0x64,0x01,0x6c,0xf6,0xce, 0x4a,0xda,0xc9,0x9e,0x21,0x80,0xaa,0xc8,0x1f,0x3f,0x7e,0x7c, 0x1f,0x3f, }; // Output a currentMatch with length matchLen (>= MIN_MATCH) and displacement matchPos // // Optimisation: unlike the other encoders, here we have an array of codes for each currentMatch // length (not just each currentMatch length slot), complete with all the extra bits filled in, in // a single array element. // // There are many advantages to doing this: // // 1. A single array lookup on g_FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo, instead of separate array lookups // on g_LengthLookup (to get the length slot), g_FastEncoderLiteralTreeLength, // g_FastEncoderLiteralTreeCode, g_ExtraLengthBits, and g_BitMask // // 2. The array is an array of ULONGs, so no access penalty, unlike for accessing those USHORT // code arrays in the other encoders (although they could be made into ULONGs with some // modifications to the source). // // Note, if we could guarantee that codeLen <= 16 always, then we could skip an if statement here. // // A completely different optimisation is used for the distance codes since, obviously, a table for // all 8192 distances combining their extra bits is not feasible. The distance codeinfo table is // made up of code[], len[] and # extraBits for this code. // // The advantages are similar to the above; a ULONG array instead of a USHORT and BYTE array, better // cache locality, fewer memory operations. // // Encoding information for literal and Length. // The least 5 significant bits are the length // and the rest is the code bits. internal static readonly uint [] FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo = { 0x0000d7ee,0x0004d7ee,0x0002d7ee,0x0006d7ee,0x0001d7ee,0x0005d7ee,0x0003d7ee, 0x0007d7ee,0x000037ee,0x0000c7ec,0x00000126,0x000437ee,0x000237ee,0x000637ee, 0x000137ee,0x000537ee,0x000337ee,0x000737ee,0x0000b7ee,0x0004b7ee,0x0002b7ee, 0x0006b7ee,0x0001b7ee,0x0005b7ee,0x0003b7ee,0x0007b7ee,0x000077ee,0x000477ee, 0x000277ee,0x000677ee,0x000017ed,0x000177ee,0x00000526,0x000577ee,0x000023ea, 0x0001c7ec,0x000377ee,0x000777ee,0x000217ed,0x000063ea,0x00000b68,0x00000ee9, 0x00005beb,0x000013ea,0x00000467,0x00001b68,0x00000c67,0x00002ee9,0x00000768, 0x00001768,0x00000f68,0x00001ee9,0x00001f68,0x00003ee9,0x000053ea,0x000001e9, 0x000000e8,0x000021e9,0x000011e9,0x000010e8,0x000031e9,0x000033ea,0x000008e8, 0x0000f7ee,0x0004f7ee,0x000018e8,0x000009e9,0x000004e8,0x000029e9,0x000014e8, 0x000019e9,0x000073ea,0x0000dbeb,0x00000ce8,0x00003beb,0x0002f7ee,0x000039e9, 0x00000bea,0x000005e9,0x00004bea,0x000025e9,0x000027ec,0x000015e9,0x000035e9, 0x00000de9,0x00002bea,0x000127ec,0x0000bbeb,0x0006f7ee,0x0001f7ee,0x0000a7ec, 0x00007beb,0x0005f7ee,0x0000fbeb,0x0003f7ee,0x0007f7ee,0x00000fee,0x00000326, 0x00000267,0x00000a67,0x00000667,0x00000726,0x00001ce8,0x000002e8,0x00000e67, 0x000000a6,0x0001a7ec,0x00002de9,0x000004a6,0x00000167,0x00000967,0x000002a6, 0x00000567,0x000117ed,0x000006a6,0x000001a6,0x000005a6,0x00000d67,0x000012e8, 0x00000ae8,0x00001de9,0x00001ae8,0x000007eb,0x000317ed,0x000067ec,0x000097ed, 0x000297ed,0x00040fee,0x00020fee,0x00060fee,0x00010fee,0x00050fee,0x00030fee, 0x00070fee,0x00008fee,0x00048fee,0x00028fee,0x00068fee,0x00018fee,0x00058fee, 0x00038fee,0x00078fee,0x00004fee,0x00044fee,0x00024fee,0x00064fee,0x00014fee, 0x00054fee,0x00034fee,0x00074fee,0x0000cfee,0x0004cfee,0x0002cfee,0x0006cfee, 0x0001cfee,0x0005cfee,0x0003cfee,0x0007cfee,0x00002fee,0x00042fee,0x00022fee, 0x00062fee,0x00012fee,0x00052fee,0x00032fee,0x00072fee,0x0000afee,0x0004afee, 0x0002afee,0x0006afee,0x0001afee,0x0005afee,0x0003afee,0x0007afee,0x00006fee, 0x00046fee,0x00026fee,0x00066fee,0x00016fee,0x00056fee,0x00036fee,0x00076fee, 0x0000efee,0x0004efee,0x0002efee,0x0006efee,0x0001efee,0x0005efee,0x0003efee, 0x0007efee,0x00001fee,0x00041fee,0x00021fee,0x00061fee,0x00011fee,0x00051fee, 0x00031fee,0x00071fee,0x00009fee,0x00049fee,0x00029fee,0x00069fee,0x00019fee, 0x00059fee,0x00039fee,0x00079fee,0x00005fee,0x00045fee,0x00025fee,0x00065fee, 0x00015fee,0x00055fee,0x00035fee,0x00075fee,0x0000dfee,0x0004dfee,0x0002dfee, 0x0006dfee,0x0001dfee,0x0005dfee,0x0003dfee,0x0007dfee,0x00003fee,0x00043fee, 0x00023fee,0x00063fee,0x00013fee,0x00053fee,0x00033fee,0x00073fee,0x0000bfee, 0x0004bfee,0x0002bfee,0x0006bfee,0x0001bfee,0x0005bfee,0x0003bfee,0x0007bfee, 0x00007fee,0x00047fee,0x00027fee,0x00067fee,0x00017fee,0x000197ed,0x000397ed, 0x000057ed,0x00057fee,0x000257ed,0x00037fee,0x000157ed,0x00077fee,0x000357ed, 0x0000ffee,0x0004ffee,0x0002ffee,0x0006ffee,0x0001ffee,0x00000084,0x00000003, 0x00000184,0x00000044,0x00000144,0x000000c5,0x000002c5,0x000001c5,0x000003c6, 0x000007c6,0x00000026,0x00000426,0x000003a7,0x00000ba7,0x000007a7,0x00000fa7, 0x00000227,0x00000627,0x00000a27,0x00000e27,0x00000068,0x00000868,0x00001068, 0x00001868,0x00000369,0x00001369,0x00002369,0x00003369,0x000006ea,0x000026ea, 0x000046ea,0x000066ea,0x000016eb,0x000036eb,0x000056eb,0x000076eb,0x000096eb, 0x0000b6eb,0x0000d6eb,0x0000f6eb,0x00003dec,0x00007dec,0x0000bdec,0x0000fdec, 0x00013dec,0x00017dec,0x0001bdec,0x0001fdec,0x00006bed,0x0000ebed,0x00016bed, 0x0001ebed,0x00026bed,0x0002ebed,0x00036bed,0x0003ebed,0x000003ec,0x000043ec, 0x000083ec,0x0000c3ec,0x000103ec,0x000143ec,0x000183ec,0x0001c3ec,0x00001bee, 0x00009bee,0x00011bee,0x00019bee,0x00021bee,0x00029bee,0x00031bee,0x00039bee, 0x00041bee,0x00049bee,0x00051bee,0x00059bee,0x00061bee,0x00069bee,0x00071bee, 0x00079bee,0x000167f0,0x000367f0,0x000567f0,0x000767f0,0x000967f0,0x000b67f0, 0x000d67f0,0x000f67f0,0x001167f0,0x001367f0,0x001567f0,0x001767f0,0x001967f0, 0x001b67f0,0x001d67f0,0x001f67f0,0x000087ef,0x000187ef,0x000287ef,0x000387ef, 0x000487ef,0x000587ef,0x000687ef,0x000787ef,0x000887ef,0x000987ef,0x000a87ef, 0x000b87ef,0x000c87ef,0x000d87ef,0x000e87ef,0x000f87ef,0x0000e7f0,0x0002e7f0, 0x0004e7f0,0x0006e7f0,0x0008e7f0,0x000ae7f0,0x000ce7f0,0x000ee7f0,0x0010e7f0, 0x0012e7f0,0x0014e7f0,0x0016e7f0,0x0018e7f0,0x001ae7f0,0x001ce7f0,0x001ee7f0, 0x0005fff3,0x000dfff3,0x0015fff3,0x001dfff3,0x0025fff3,0x002dfff3,0x0035fff3, 0x003dfff3,0x0045fff3,0x004dfff3,0x0055fff3,0x005dfff3,0x0065fff3,0x006dfff3, 0x0075fff3,0x007dfff3,0x0085fff3,0x008dfff3,0x0095fff3,0x009dfff3,0x00a5fff3, 0x00adfff3,0x00b5fff3,0x00bdfff3,0x00c5fff3,0x00cdfff3,0x00d5fff3,0x00ddfff3, 0x00e5fff3,0x00edfff3,0x00f5fff3,0x00fdfff3,0x0003fff3,0x000bfff3,0x0013fff3, 0x001bfff3,0x0023fff3,0x002bfff3,0x0033fff3,0x003bfff3,0x0043fff3,0x004bfff3, 0x0053fff3,0x005bfff3,0x0063fff3,0x006bfff3,0x0073fff3,0x007bfff3,0x0083fff3, 0x008bfff3,0x0093fff3,0x009bfff3,0x00a3fff3,0x00abfff3,0x00b3fff3,0x00bbfff3, 0x00c3fff3,0x00cbfff3,0x00d3fff3,0x00dbfff3,0x00e3fff3,0x00ebfff3,0x00f3fff3, 0x00fbfff3,0x0007fff3,0x000ffff3,0x0017fff3,0x001ffff3,0x0027fff3,0x002ffff3, 0x0037fff3,0x003ffff3,0x0047fff3,0x004ffff3,0x0057fff3,0x005ffff3,0x0067fff3, 0x006ffff3,0x0077fff3,0x007ffff3,0x0087fff3,0x008ffff3,0x0097fff3,0x009ffff3, 0x00a7fff3,0x00affff3,0x00b7fff3,0x00bffff3,0x00c7fff3,0x00cffff3,0x00d7fff3, 0x00dffff3,0x00e7fff3,0x00effff3,0x00f7fff3,0x00fffff3,0x0001e7f1,0x0003e7f1, 0x0005e7f1,0x0007e7f1,0x0009e7f1,0x000be7f1,0x000de7f1,0x000fe7f1,0x0011e7f1, 0x0013e7f1,0x0015e7f1,0x0017e7f1,0x0019e7f1,0x001be7f1,0x001de7f1,0x001fe7f1, 0x0021e7f1,0x0023e7f1,0x0025e7f1,0x0027e7f1,0x0029e7f1,0x002be7f1,0x002de7f1, 0x002fe7f1,0x0031e7f1,0x0033e7f1,0x0035e7f1,0x0037e7f1,0x0039e7f1,0x003be7f1, 0x003de7f1,0x000047eb, }; internal static readonly uint[] FastEncoderDistanceCodeInfo = { 0x00000f06,0x0001ff0a,0x0003ff0b,0x0007ff0b,0x0000ff19,0x00003f18,0x0000bf28, 0x00007f28,0x00001f37,0x00005f37,0x00000d45,0x00002f46,0x00000054,0x00001d55, 0x00000864,0x00000365,0x00000474,0x00001375,0x00000c84,0x00000284,0x00000a94, 0x00000694,0x00000ea4,0x000001a4,0x000009b4,0x00000bb5,0x000005c4,0x00001bc5, 0x000007d5,0x000017d5,0x00000000,0x00000100, }; internal static readonly uint[] BitMask = {0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023,2047,4095,8191,16383,32767}; internal static readonly byte[] ExtraLengthBits = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0}; internal static readonly byte[] ExtraDistanceBits = {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,0,0}; internal const int NumChars = 256; internal const int NumLengthBaseCodes = 29; internal const int NumDistBaseCodes = 30; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. namespace System.IO.Compression { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; internal class FastEncoder { // have we output "bfinal=1"? //private bool marked_final_block; private bool hasBlockHeader; // did we output the block header private bool hasGzipHeader; // did we output the gzip header private bool usingGzip; // are we generating gzip stream private uint gzipCrc32; // CRC for gzip stream private uint inputStreamSize; // stream size for gzip stream private FastEncoderWindow inputWindow; // input history window private DeflateInput inputBuffer; private Output output; private Match currentMatch; // current match in history window private bool needsEOB; // indicates whether or not we have compressed any data public FastEncoder(bool doGZip) { usingGzip = doGZip; inputWindow = new FastEncoderWindow(); inputBuffer = new DeflateInput(); output = new Output(); currentMatch = new Match(); } // // This function sets the input we need to compress // Note we don't make a copy of the buffer for performance reason, // so the caller need to be make sure the input is not reused if we didn't finish // compressing the input. // public void SetInput(byte[] input, int startIndex, int count) { Debug.Assert(inputBuffer.Count == 0, "We have something left in previous input!"); inputBuffer.Buffer = input; inputBuffer.Count = count; inputBuffer.StartIndex = startIndex; } // Returns true if we finished compressing the bytes in history window and input buffer public bool NeedsInput() { return inputBuffer.Count == 0 && inputWindow.BytesAvailable == 0 ; } // // Copy the compressed byte to outputBuffer // Returns the bytes we have copied. The caller needs to provide the buffer // to avoid extra coping. // public int GetCompressedOutput( byte[] outputBuffer) { Debug.Assert(!NeedsInput(), "call SetInput before trying to compress!"); output.UpdateBuffer(outputBuffer); if (usingGzip && !hasGzipHeader) { // Write the GZIP header only once output.WriteGzipHeader(3); hasGzipHeader = true; } if (!hasBlockHeader) { // Output dynamic block header only once hasBlockHeader = true; output.WritePreamble(); } do { // read more input data into the window if there is space available int bytesToCopy = (inputBuffer.Count < inputWindow.FreeWindowSpace) ? inputBuffer.Count : inputWindow.FreeWindowSpace; if (bytesToCopy > 0) { // copy data into history window inputWindow.CopyBytes(inputBuffer.Buffer, inputBuffer.StartIndex, bytesToCopy); if( usingGzip) { // update CRC for gzip stream gzipCrc32 = DecodeHelper.UpdateCrc32(gzipCrc32, inputBuffer.Buffer, inputBuffer.StartIndex, bytesToCopy); uint n = inputStreamSize + (uint)bytesToCopy; if( n < inputStreamSize) { // overflow, gzip doesn't support compressing more than Int32.Maxvalue bytes. throw new InvalidDataException(SR.GetString(SR.StreamSizeOverflow)); } inputStreamSize = n; } inputBuffer.ConsumeBytes(bytesToCopy); } // compress the bytes in input history window while( inputWindow.BytesAvailable > 0 && output.SafeToWriteTo()) { // Find next match. A match can be a symbol, // a distance/length pair, a symbol followed by a distance/Length pair inputWindow.GetNextSymbolOrMatch(currentMatch); if( currentMatch.State == MatchState.HasSymbol ) { output.WriteChar(currentMatch.Symbol); } else if( currentMatch.State == MatchState.HasMatch) { output.WriteMatch(currentMatch.Length, currentMatch.Position); } else { output.WriteChar(currentMatch.Symbol); output.WriteMatch(currentMatch.Length, currentMatch.Position); } } } while (output.SafeToWriteTo() && !NeedsInput()); // update book keeping needed to write end of block data needsEOB = true; return output.BytesWritten; // number of bytes we have written } // // Finish the compression. To simply this function, it should only be // called when all input are compressed. The left bits and gzip footer will // be copied to the outputBuffer. // public int Finish(byte[] outputBuffer) { Debug.Assert(NeedsInput(), "only call this when we have no more data to compress!"); output.UpdateBuffer(outputBuffer); // write EOB data iff we have written anything so far if (needsEOB) { // The fast encoder outputs one long block, so it just needs to terminate this block const int EndOfBlockCode = 256; uint code_info = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[EndOfBlockCode]; int code_len = (int) (code_info & 31); output.WriteBits(code_len, code_info >> 5); output.FlushBits(); if (usingGzip) { output.WriteGzipFooter(gzipCrc32, inputStreamSize); } } return output.BytesWritten; } internal class Output { private byte[] outputBuf; // output buffer private int outputPos; // output position private uint bitBuf; // store uncomplete bits private int bitCount; // number of bits in bitBuffer //static private byte[] lengthLookup; static private byte[] distLookup; static Output() { //lengthLookup = new byte[512]; distLookup = new byte[512]; GenerateSlotTables(); } // Generate the global slot tables which allow us to convert a distance // (0..32K) to a distance slot (0..29) // // Distance table // Extra Extra Extra // Code Bits Dist Code Bits Dist Code Bits Distance // ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -------- // 0 0 1 10 4 33-48 20 9 1025-1536 // 1 0 2 11 4 49-64 21 9 1537-2048 // 2 0 3 12 5 65-96 22 10 2049-3072 // 3 0 4 13 5 97-128 23 10 3073-4096 // 4 1 5,6 14 6 129-192 24 11 4097-6144 // 5 1 7,8 15 6 193-256 25 11 6145-8192 // 6 2 9-12 16 7 257-384 26 12 8193-12288 // 7 2 13-16 17 7 385-512 27 12 12289-16384 // 8 3 17-24 18 8 513-768 28 13 16385-24576 // 9 3 25-32 19 8 769-1024 29 13 24577-32768 static internal void GenerateSlotTables() { // Initialize the mapping length (0..255) -> length code (0..28) //int length = 0; //for (code = 0; code < FastEncoderStatics.NumLengthBaseCodes-1; code++) { // for (int n = 0; n < (1 << FastEncoderStatics.ExtraLengthBits[code]); n++) // lengthLookup[length++] = (byte) code; //} //lengthLookup[length-1] = (byte) code; // Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) int dist = 0; int code; for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) { for (int n = 0; n < (1 << FastEncoderStatics.ExtraDistanceBits[code]); n++) distLookup[dist++] = (byte) code; } dist >>= 7; // from now on, all distances are divided by 128 for ( ; code < FastEncoderStatics.NumDistBaseCodes; code++) { for (int n = 0; n < (1 << (FastEncoderStatics.ExtraDistanceBits[code]-7)); n++) distLookup[256 + dist++] = (byte) code; } } // set the output buffer we will be using internal void UpdateBuffer( byte[] output) { outputBuf = output; outputPos = 0; } internal bool SafeToWriteTo() { // can we safely continue writing to output buffer return outputBuf.Length -outputPos > 16; } internal int BytesWritten { get { return outputPos; } } internal int FreeBytes { get { return outputBuf.Length - outputPos; } } // Output the block type and tree structure for our hard-coded trees. // Contains following data: // "final" block flag 1 bit // BLOCKTYPE_DYNAMIC 2 bits // FastEncoderLiteralTreeLength // FastEncoderDistanceTreeLength // internal void WritePreamble() { Debug.Assert( bitCount == 0, "bitCount must be zero before writing tree bit!"); Debug.Assert( FreeBytes >= FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length, "Not enough space in output buffer!"); Array.Copy(FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData, 0, outputBuf, outputPos, FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length); outputPos += FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderTreeStructureData.Length; const uint FastEncoderPostTreeBitBuf = 0x0022; const int FastEncoderPostTreeBitCount = 9; bitCount = FastEncoderPostTreeBitCount; bitBuf= FastEncoderPostTreeBitBuf; } internal void WriteMatch(int matchLen, int matchPos) { Debug.Assert(matchLen >= FastEncoderWindow.MinMatch && matchLen <= FastEncoderWindow.MaxMatch, "Illegal currentMatch length!"); Debug.WriteLineIf(CompressionTracingSwitch.Verbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Match: {0}:{1}", matchLen, matchPos), "Compression"); // Get the code information for a match code uint codeInfo = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[(FastEncoderStatics.NumChars + 1 - FastEncoderWindow.MinMatch) + matchLen]; int codeLen = (int)codeInfo & 31; Debug.Assert(codeLen != 0, "Invalid Match Length!"); if (codeLen <= 16) { WriteBits(codeLen, codeInfo >> 5); } else { WriteBits(16, (codeInfo >> 5) & 65535); WriteBits(codeLen - 16, codeInfo >> (5 + 16)); } // Get the code information for a distance code codeInfo = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderDistanceCodeInfo[GetSlot(matchPos)]; WriteBits((int)(codeInfo & 15), codeInfo >> 8); int extraBits = (int)(codeInfo >> 4) & 15; if (extraBits != 0) { WriteBits(extraBits, (uint)matchPos & FastEncoderStatics.BitMask[extraBits]); } } // write gzip footer internal void WriteGzipFooter(uint gzipCrc32, uint inputStreamSize) { Debug.Assert(FreeBytes >= 8, "No enough space in output buffer!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)(gzipCrc32 & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >> 8) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >> 16) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((gzipCrc32 >>24) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)(inputStreamSize & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >> 8) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >> 16) & 255); outputBuf[outputPos++] = (byte)((inputStreamSize >>24) & 255); } // write gzip header internal void WriteGzipHeader( int compression_level) { // only need 11 bytes Debug.Assert(FreeBytes >= 16, "No enough space in output buffer!"); Debug.Assert(outputPos == 0 , "GZIP header must be at the begining of output!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0x1F; // ID1 outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0x8B; // ID2 outputBuf[outputPos++] = 8; // CM = deflate outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // FLG, no text, no crc, no extra, no name, no comment outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // MTIME (Modification Time) - no time available outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // XFL // 2 = compressor used max compression, slowest algorithm // 4 = compressor used fastest algorithm if (compression_level == 10) outputBuf[outputPos++] = 2; else outputBuf[outputPos++] = 4; outputBuf[outputPos++] = 0; // OS: 0 = FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32) } internal void WriteChar(byte b) { Debug.WriteLineIf(CompressionTracingSwitch.Verbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Literal: {0}", b ), "Compression"); uint code = FastEncoderStatics.FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo[b]; WriteBits((int)code & 31, code >> 5); } internal void WriteBits(int n, uint bits) { Debug.Assert( n <= 16, "length must be larger than 16!"); bitBuf |= bits << bitCount; bitCount += n; if (bitCount >= 16) { Debug.Assert(outputBuf.Length - outputPos >= 2, "No enough space in output buffer!"); outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) (bitBuf >> 8)); bitCount -= 16; bitBuf >>= 16; } } // Return the position slot (0...29) of a match offset (0...32767) internal int GetSlot(int pos) { return distLookup[((pos) < 256) ? (pos) : (256 + ((pos) >> 7))]; } // write the bits left in the output as bytes internal void FlushBits() { // flush bits from bit buffer to output buffer while (bitCount >= 8) { outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); bitCount -= 8; bitBuf >>= 8; } if( bitCount > 0 ) { outputBuf[outputPos++] = unchecked((byte) bitBuf); bitCount = 0; } } } } internal class DeflateInput { private byte[] buffer; private int count; private int startIndex; internal byte[] Buffer { get { return buffer; } set { buffer = value; } } internal int Count { get { return count; } set { count = value; } } internal int StartIndex { get { return startIndex; } set { startIndex = value; } } internal void ConsumeBytes(int n) { Debug.Assert( n <= count, "Should use more bytes than what we have in the buffer"); startIndex += n; count -= n; Debug.Assert(startIndex + count <= buffer.Length, "Input buffer is in invalid state!"); } } internal enum MatchState { HasSymbol = 1, HasMatch = 2, HasSymbolAndMatch = 3 } // This class represents a match in the history window internal class Match { MatchState state; int pos; int len; byte symbol; internal MatchState State { get { return state;} set { state = value; } } internal int Position { get { return pos;} set { pos = value; } } internal int Length { get { return len;} set { len = value; } } internal byte Symbol { get { return symbol;} set { symbol = value; } } } internal static class FastEncoderStatics { // static information for encoding, DO NOT MODIFY internal static readonly byte[] FastEncoderTreeStructureData = { 0xed,0xbd,0x07,0x60,0x1c,0x49,0x96,0x25,0x26,0x2f,0x6d,0xca, 0x7b,0x7f,0x4a,0xf5,0x4a,0xd7,0xe0,0x74,0xa1,0x08,0x80,0x60, 0x13,0x24,0xd8,0x90,0x40,0x10,0xec,0xc1,0x88,0xcd,0xe6,0x92, 0xec,0x1d,0x69,0x47,0x23,0x29,0xab,0x2a,0x81,0xca,0x65,0x56, 0x65,0x5d,0x66,0x16,0x40,0xcc,0xed,0x9d,0xbc,0xf7,0xde,0x7b, 0xef,0xbd,0xf7,0xde,0x7b,0xef,0xbd,0xf7,0xba,0x3b,0x9d,0x4e, 0x27,0xf7,0xdf,0xff,0x3f,0x5c,0x66,0x64,0x01,0x6c,0xf6,0xce, 0x4a,0xda,0xc9,0x9e,0x21,0x80,0xaa,0xc8,0x1f,0x3f,0x7e,0x7c, 0x1f,0x3f, }; // Output a currentMatch with length matchLen (>= MIN_MATCH) and displacement matchPos // // Optimisation: unlike the other encoders, here we have an array of codes for each currentMatch // length (not just each currentMatch length slot), complete with all the extra bits filled in, in // a single array element. // // There are many advantages to doing this: // // 1. A single array lookup on g_FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo, instead of separate array lookups // on g_LengthLookup (to get the length slot), g_FastEncoderLiteralTreeLength, // g_FastEncoderLiteralTreeCode, g_ExtraLengthBits, and g_BitMask // // 2. The array is an array of ULONGs, so no access penalty, unlike for accessing those USHORT // code arrays in the other encoders (although they could be made into ULONGs with some // modifications to the source). // // Note, if we could guarantee that codeLen <= 16 always, then we could skip an if statement here. // // A completely different optimisation is used for the distance codes since, obviously, a table for // all 8192 distances combining their extra bits is not feasible. The distance codeinfo table is // made up of code[], len[] and # extraBits for this code. // // The advantages are similar to the above; a ULONG array instead of a USHORT and BYTE array, better // cache locality, fewer memory operations. // // Encoding information for literal and Length. // The least 5 significant bits are the length // and the rest is the code bits. internal static readonly uint [] FastEncoderLiteralCodeInfo = { 0x0000d7ee,0x0004d7ee,0x0002d7ee,0x0006d7ee,0x0001d7ee,0x0005d7ee,0x0003d7ee, 0x0007d7ee,0x000037ee,0x0000c7ec,0x00000126,0x000437ee,0x000237ee,0x000637ee, 0x000137ee,0x000537ee,0x000337ee,0x000737ee,0x0000b7ee,0x0004b7ee,0x0002b7ee, 0x0006b7ee,0x0001b7ee,0x0005b7ee,0x0003b7ee,0x0007b7ee,0x000077ee,0x000477ee, 0x000277ee,0x000677ee,0x000017ed,0x000177ee,0x00000526,0x000577ee,0x000023ea, 0x0001c7ec,0x000377ee,0x000777ee,0x000217ed,0x000063ea,0x00000b68,0x00000ee9, 0x00005beb,0x000013ea,0x00000467,0x00001b68,0x00000c67,0x00002ee9,0x00000768, 0x00001768,0x00000f68,0x00001ee9,0x00001f68,0x00003ee9,0x000053ea,0x000001e9, 0x000000e8,0x000021e9,0x000011e9,0x000010e8,0x000031e9,0x000033ea,0x000008e8, 0x0000f7ee,0x0004f7ee,0x000018e8,0x000009e9,0x000004e8,0x000029e9,0x000014e8, 0x000019e9,0x000073ea,0x0000dbeb,0x00000ce8,0x00003beb,0x0002f7ee,0x000039e9, 0x00000bea,0x000005e9,0x00004bea,0x000025e9,0x000027ec,0x000015e9,0x000035e9, 0x00000de9,0x00002bea,0x000127ec,0x0000bbeb,0x0006f7ee,0x0001f7ee,0x0000a7ec, 0x00007beb,0x0005f7ee,0x0000fbeb,0x0003f7ee,0x0007f7ee,0x00000fee,0x00000326, 0x00000267,0x00000a67,0x00000667,0x00000726,0x00001ce8,0x000002e8,0x00000e67, 0x000000a6,0x0001a7ec,0x00002de9,0x000004a6,0x00000167,0x00000967,0x000002a6, 0x00000567,0x000117ed,0x000006a6,0x000001a6,0x000005a6,0x00000d67,0x000012e8, 0x00000ae8,0x00001de9,0x00001ae8,0x000007eb,0x000317ed,0x000067ec,0x000097ed, 0x000297ed,0x00040fee,0x00020fee,0x00060fee,0x00010fee,0x00050fee,0x00030fee, 0x00070fee,0x00008fee,0x00048fee,0x00028fee,0x00068fee,0x00018fee,0x00058fee, 0x00038fee,0x00078fee,0x00004fee,0x00044fee,0x00024fee,0x00064fee,0x00014fee, 0x00054fee,0x00034fee,0x00074fee,0x0000cfee,0x0004cfee,0x0002cfee,0x0006cfee, 0x0001cfee,0x0005cfee,0x0003cfee,0x0007cfee,0x00002fee,0x00042fee,0x00022fee, 0x00062fee,0x00012fee,0x00052fee,0x00032fee,0x00072fee,0x0000afee,0x0004afee, 0x0002afee,0x0006afee,0x0001afee,0x0005afee,0x0003afee,0x0007afee,0x00006fee, 0x00046fee,0x00026fee,0x00066fee,0x00016fee,0x00056fee,0x00036fee,0x00076fee, 0x0000efee,0x0004efee,0x0002efee,0x0006efee,0x0001efee,0x0005efee,0x0003efee, 0x0007efee,0x00001fee,0x00041fee,0x00021fee,0x00061fee,0x00011fee,0x00051fee, 0x00031fee,0x00071fee,0x00009fee,0x00049fee,0x00029fee,0x00069fee,0x00019fee, 0x00059fee,0x00039fee,0x00079fee,0x00005fee,0x00045fee,0x00025fee,0x00065fee, 0x00015fee,0x00055fee,0x00035fee,0x00075fee,0x0000dfee,0x0004dfee,0x0002dfee, 0x0006dfee,0x0001dfee,0x0005dfee,0x0003dfee,0x0007dfee,0x00003fee,0x00043fee, 0x00023fee,0x00063fee,0x00013fee,0x00053fee,0x00033fee,0x00073fee,0x0000bfee, 0x0004bfee,0x0002bfee,0x0006bfee,0x0001bfee,0x0005bfee,0x0003bfee,0x0007bfee, 0x00007fee,0x00047fee,0x00027fee,0x00067fee,0x00017fee,0x000197ed,0x000397ed, 0x000057ed,0x00057fee,0x000257ed,0x00037fee,0x000157ed,0x00077fee,0x000357ed, 0x0000ffee,0x0004ffee,0x0002ffee,0x0006ffee,0x0001ffee,0x00000084,0x00000003, 0x00000184,0x00000044,0x00000144,0x000000c5,0x000002c5,0x000001c5,0x000003c6, 0x000007c6,0x00000026,0x00000426,0x000003a7,0x00000ba7,0x000007a7,0x00000fa7, 0x00000227,0x00000627,0x00000a27,0x00000e27,0x00000068,0x00000868,0x00001068, 0x00001868,0x00000369,0x00001369,0x00002369,0x00003369,0x000006ea,0x000026ea, 0x000046ea,0x000066ea,0x000016eb,0x000036eb,0x000056eb,0x000076eb,0x000096eb, 0x0000b6eb,0x0000d6eb,0x0000f6eb,0x00003dec,0x00007dec,0x0000bdec,0x0000fdec, 0x00013dec,0x00017dec,0x0001bdec,0x0001fdec,0x00006bed,0x0000ebed,0x00016bed, 0x0001ebed,0x00026bed,0x0002ebed,0x00036bed,0x0003ebed,0x000003ec,0x000043ec, 0x000083ec,0x0000c3ec,0x000103ec,0x000143ec,0x000183ec,0x0001c3ec,0x00001bee, 0x00009bee,0x00011bee,0x00019bee,0x00021bee,0x00029bee,0x00031bee,0x00039bee, 0x00041bee,0x00049bee,0x00051bee,0x00059bee,0x00061bee,0x00069bee,0x00071bee, 0x00079bee,0x000167f0,0x000367f0,0x000567f0,0x000767f0,0x000967f0,0x000b67f0, 0x000d67f0,0x000f67f0,0x001167f0,0x001367f0,0x001567f0,0x001767f0,0x001967f0, 0x001b67f0,0x001d67f0,0x001f67f0,0x000087ef,0x000187ef,0x000287ef,0x000387ef, 0x000487ef,0x000587ef,0x000687ef,0x000787ef,0x000887ef,0x000987ef,0x000a87ef, 0x000b87ef,0x000c87ef,0x000d87ef,0x000e87ef,0x000f87ef,0x0000e7f0,0x0002e7f0, 0x0004e7f0,0x0006e7f0,0x0008e7f0,0x000ae7f0,0x000ce7f0,0x000ee7f0,0x0010e7f0, 0x0012e7f0,0x0014e7f0,0x0016e7f0,0x0018e7f0,0x001ae7f0,0x001ce7f0,0x001ee7f0, 0x0005fff3,0x000dfff3,0x0015fff3,0x001dfff3,0x0025fff3,0x002dfff3,0x0035fff3, 0x003dfff3,0x0045fff3,0x004dfff3,0x0055fff3,0x005dfff3,0x0065fff3,0x006dfff3, 0x0075fff3,0x007dfff3,0x0085fff3,0x008dfff3,0x0095fff3,0x009dfff3,0x00a5fff3, 0x00adfff3,0x00b5fff3,0x00bdfff3,0x00c5fff3,0x00cdfff3,0x00d5fff3,0x00ddfff3, 0x00e5fff3,0x00edfff3,0x00f5fff3,0x00fdfff3,0x0003fff3,0x000bfff3,0x0013fff3, 0x001bfff3,0x0023fff3,0x002bfff3,0x0033fff3,0x003bfff3,0x0043fff3,0x004bfff3, 0x0053fff3,0x005bfff3,0x0063fff3,0x006bfff3,0x0073fff3,0x007bfff3,0x0083fff3, 0x008bfff3,0x0093fff3,0x009bfff3,0x00a3fff3,0x00abfff3,0x00b3fff3,0x00bbfff3, 0x00c3fff3,0x00cbfff3,0x00d3fff3,0x00dbfff3,0x00e3fff3,0x00ebfff3,0x00f3fff3, 0x00fbfff3,0x0007fff3,0x000ffff3,0x0017fff3,0x001ffff3,0x0027fff3,0x002ffff3, 0x0037fff3,0x003ffff3,0x0047fff3,0x004ffff3,0x0057fff3,0x005ffff3,0x0067fff3, 0x006ffff3,0x0077fff3,0x007ffff3,0x0087fff3,0x008ffff3,0x0097fff3,0x009ffff3, 0x00a7fff3,0x00affff3,0x00b7fff3,0x00bffff3,0x00c7fff3,0x00cffff3,0x00d7fff3, 0x00dffff3,0x00e7fff3,0x00effff3,0x00f7fff3,0x00fffff3,0x0001e7f1,0x0003e7f1, 0x0005e7f1,0x0007e7f1,0x0009e7f1,0x000be7f1,0x000de7f1,0x000fe7f1,0x0011e7f1, 0x0013e7f1,0x0015e7f1,0x0017e7f1,0x0019e7f1,0x001be7f1,0x001de7f1,0x001fe7f1, 0x0021e7f1,0x0023e7f1,0x0025e7f1,0x0027e7f1,0x0029e7f1,0x002be7f1,0x002de7f1, 0x002fe7f1,0x0031e7f1,0x0033e7f1,0x0035e7f1,0x0037e7f1,0x0039e7f1,0x003be7f1, 0x003de7f1,0x000047eb, }; internal static readonly uint[] FastEncoderDistanceCodeInfo = { 0x00000f06,0x0001ff0a,0x0003ff0b,0x0007ff0b,0x0000ff19,0x00003f18,0x0000bf28, 0x00007f28,0x00001f37,0x00005f37,0x00000d45,0x00002f46,0x00000054,0x00001d55, 0x00000864,0x00000365,0x00000474,0x00001375,0x00000c84,0x00000284,0x00000a94, 0x00000694,0x00000ea4,0x000001a4,0x000009b4,0x00000bb5,0x000005c4,0x00001bc5, 0x000007d5,0x000017d5,0x00000000,0x00000100, }; internal static readonly uint[] BitMask = {0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023,2047,4095,8191,16383,32767}; internal static readonly byte[] ExtraLengthBits = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0}; internal static readonly byte[] ExtraDistanceBits = {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,0,0}; internal const int NumChars = 256; internal const int NumLengthBaseCodes = 29; internal const int NumDistBaseCodes = 30; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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