ValidationSummary.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / WebControls / ValidationSummary.cs / 5 / ValidationSummary.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Web.Util;
    ///    Displays a summary of all validation errors of 
    ///       a page in a list, bulletted list, or single paragraph format. The errors can be displayed inline
    ///       and/or in a popup message box.
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] 
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.PreviewControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign)] 
    public class ValidationSummary : WebControl { 

        private const String breakTag = "b"; 

        private bool renderUplevel;

        /// Initializes a new instance of the  class. 
        public ValidationSummary() : base(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) {
            renderUplevel = false; 
            // Red by default
            ForeColor = Color.Red;

        ///    Gets or sets the display mode of the validation summary. 
        public ValidationSummaryDisplayMode DisplayMode {
            get { 
                object o = ViewState["DisplayMode"]; 
                return((o == null) ? ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList : (ValidationSummaryDisplayMode)o);
            set {
                if (value < ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.List || value > ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.SingleParagraph) {
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
                ViewState["DisplayMode"] = value;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public bool EnableClientScript {
            get {
                object o = ViewState["EnableClientScript"];
                return((o == null) ? true : (bool)o); 
            set { 
                ViewState["EnableClientScript"] = value; 

        ///    Gets or sets the foreground color
        ///       (typically the color of the text) of the control. 
        DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Red") 
        public override Color ForeColor {
            get {
                return base.ForeColor; 
            set { 
                base.ForeColor = value; 

        ///    Gets or sets the header text to be displayed at the top 
        ///       of the summary.
        public string HeaderText { 
            get {
                object o = ViewState["HeaderText"]; 
                return((o == null) ? String.Empty : (string)o); 
            set { 
                ViewState["HeaderText"] = value;

        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the validation 
        ///       summary is to be displayed in a pop-up message box.
        public bool ShowMessageBox { 
            get { 
                object o = ViewState["ShowMessageBox"];
                return((o == null) ? false : (bool)o); 
            set {
                ViewState["ShowMessageBox"] = value;
        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the validation 
        ///       summary is to be displayed inline.
        public bool ShowSummary {
            get { 
                object o = ViewState["ShowSummary"];
                return((o == null) ? true : (bool)o);
            set { 
                ViewState["ShowSummary"] = value;

        public virtual string ValidationGroup { 
            get {
                string s = (string)ViewState["ValidationGroup"]; 
                return((s == null) ? string.Empty : s);
            set {
                ViewState["ValidationGroup"] = value; 

        ///    AddAttributesToRender method.
        protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { 
            if (renderUplevel) {
                // We always want validation cotnrols to have an id on the client 
                string id = ClientID;
                // DevDiv 33149: A backward compat. switch for Everett rendering
                HtmlTextWriter expandoAttributeWriter = (EnableLegacyRendering) ? writer : null;

                if (HeaderText.Length > 0 ) { 
                    BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "headertext", HeaderText, true);
                if (ShowMessageBox) { 
                    BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "showmessagebox", "True", false);
                if (!ShowSummary) {
                    BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "showsummary", "False", false);
                if (DisplayMode != ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList) { 
                    BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "displaymode", PropertyConverter.EnumToString(typeof(ValidationSummaryDisplayMode), DisplayMode), false);
                if (ValidationGroup.Length > 0) { 
                    BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "validationGroup", ValidationGroup, true);


        internal String[] GetErrorMessages(out bool inError) { 
            // Fetch errors from the Page 
            String [] errorDescriptions = null;
            inError = false; 

            // see if we are in error and how many messages there are
            int messages = 0;
            ValidatorCollection validators = Page.GetValidators(ValidationGroup); 
            for (int i = 0; i < validators.Count; i++) {
                IValidator val = validators[i]; 
                if (!val.IsValid) { 
                    inError = true;
                    if (val.ErrorMessage.Length != 0) { 

            if (messages != 0) { 
                // get the messages; 
                errorDescriptions = new string [messages];
                int iMessage = 0; 
                for (int i = 0; i < validators.Count; i++) {
                    IValidator val = validators[i];
                    if (!val.IsValid && val.ErrorMessage != null && val.ErrorMessage.Length != 0) {
                        errorDescriptions[iMessage] = string.Copy(val.ErrorMessage); 
                Debug.Assert(messages == iMessage, "Not all messages were found!");

            return errorDescriptions;

        ///    PreRender method.
        protected internal override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {

            // Act like invisible if disabled 
            if (!Enabled) {

            // work out uplevelness now 
            Page page = Page;
            if (page != null && page.RequestInternal != null) {
                renderUplevel = (EnableClientScript
                                 && page.Request.Browser.W3CDomVersion.Major >= 1 
                                 && page.Request.Browser.EcmaScriptVersion.CompareTo(new Version(1, 2)) >= 0);
            if (renderUplevel) { 
                const string arrayName = "Page_ValidationSummaries";
                string element = "document.getElementById(\"" + ClientID + "\")"; 

                // Cannot use the overloads of Register* that take a Control, since these methods only work with AJAX 3.5,
                // and we need to support Validators in AJAX 1.0 (Windows OS Bugs 2015831).
                if (!Page.IsPartialRenderingSupported) { 
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration(arrayName, element);
                else { 
                    ValidatorCompatibilityHelper.RegisterArrayDeclaration(this, arrayName, element);
                    // Register a dispose script to make sure we clean up the page if we get destroyed
                    // during an async postback.
                    // We should technically use the ScriptManager.RegisterDispose() method here, but the original implementation
                    // of Validators in AJAX 1.0 manually attached a dispose expando.  We added this code back in the product 
                    // late in the Orcas cycle, and we didn't want to take the risk of using RegisterDispose() instead.
                    // (Windows OS Bugs 2015831) 
                    ValidatorCompatibilityHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ValidationSummary), ClientID + "_DisposeScript", 
document.getElementById('{0}').dispose = function() {{
    Array.remove({1}, document.getElementById('{0}'));
                            ClientID, arrayName), true); 

        ///    Render method.
        protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { 
            string [] errorDescriptions;
            bool displayContents; 

            if (DesignMode) {
                // Dummy Error state
                errorDescriptions = new string [] { 
                displayContents = true;
                renderUplevel = false; 
            else {
                // Act like invisible if disabled
                if (!Enabled) { 
                bool inError;
                errorDescriptions = GetErrorMessages(out inError); 
                displayContents = (ShowSummary && inError);

                // Make sure tags are hidden if there are no contents
                if (!displayContents && renderUplevel) { 
                    Style["display"] = "none";

            // Make sure we are in a form tag with runat=server. 
            if (Page != null) {
            bool displayTags = renderUplevel ? true : displayContents;
            if (displayTags) { 

            if (displayContents) {

                string headerSep; 
                string first;
                string pre; 
                string post; 
                string final;
                switch (DisplayMode) {
                    case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.List:
                        headerSep = breakTag;
                        first = String.Empty; 
                        pre = String.Empty;
                        post = breakTag; 
                        final = String.Empty; 
                    case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList:
                        headerSep = String.Empty;
                        first = "
    "; pre = "
  • "; post = "
  • "; final = "
"; break; case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.SingleParagraph: headerSep = " "; first = String.Empty; pre = String.Empty; post = " "; final = breakTag; break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid DisplayMode!"); goto case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList; } if (HeaderText.Length > 0) { writer.Write(HeaderText); WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, headerSep); } if (errorDescriptions != null) { writer.Write(first); for (int i = 0; i < errorDescriptions.Length; i++) { Debug.Assert(errorDescriptions[i] != null && errorDescriptions[i].Length > 0, "Bad Error Messages"); writer.Write(pre); writer.Write(errorDescriptions[i]); WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, post); } WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, final); } } if (displayTags) { RenderEndTag(writer); } } private void WriteBreakIfPresent(HtmlTextWriter writer, String text) { if (text == breakTag) { if (EnableLegacyRendering) { writer.WriteObsoleteBreak(); } else { writer.WriteBreak(); } } else { writer.Write(text); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Util; /// /// Displays a summary of all validation errors of /// a page in a list, bulletted list, or single paragraph format. The errors can be displayed inline /// and/or in a popup message box. /// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.PreviewControlDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign)] public class ValidationSummary : WebControl { private const String breakTag = "b"; private bool renderUplevel; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public ValidationSummary() : base(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) { renderUplevel = false; // Red by default ForeColor = Color.Red; } /// /// Gets or sets the display mode of the validation summary. /// [ WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_DisplayMode) ] public ValidationSummaryDisplayMode DisplayMode { get { object o = ViewState["DisplayMode"]; return((o == null) ? ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList : (ValidationSummaryDisplayMode)o); } set { if (value < ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.List || value > ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.SingleParagraph) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } ViewState["DisplayMode"] = value; } } /// /// [To be supplied.] /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), Themeable(false), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_EnableClientScript) ] public bool EnableClientScript { get { object o = ViewState["EnableClientScript"]; return((o == null) ? true : (bool)o); } set { ViewState["EnableClientScript"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the foreground color /// (typically the color of the text) of the control. /// [ DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Red") ] public override Color ForeColor { get { return base.ForeColor; } set { base.ForeColor = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the header text to be displayed at the top /// of the summary. /// [ Localizable(true), WebCategory("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_HeaderText) ] public string HeaderText { get { object o = ViewState["HeaderText"]; return((o == null) ? String.Empty : (string)o); } set { ViewState["HeaderText"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the validation /// summary is to be displayed in a pop-up message box. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_ShowMessageBox) ] public bool ShowMessageBox { get { object o = ViewState["ShowMessageBox"]; return((o == null) ? false : (bool)o); } set { ViewState["ShowMessageBox"] = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the validation /// summary is to be displayed inline. /// [ WebCategory("Behavior"), DefaultValue(true), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_ShowSummary) ] public bool ShowSummary { get { object o = ViewState["ShowSummary"]; return((o == null) ? true : (bool)o); } set { ViewState["ShowSummary"] = value; } } [ WebCategory("Behavior"), Themeable(false), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.ValidationSummary_ValidationGroup) ] public virtual string ValidationGroup { get { string s = (string)ViewState["ValidationGroup"]; return((s == null) ? string.Empty : s); } set { ViewState["ValidationGroup"] = value; } } /// /// /// AddAttributesToRender method. /// protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (renderUplevel) { // We always want validation cotnrols to have an id on the client EnsureID(); string id = ClientID; // DevDiv 33149: A backward compat. switch for Everett rendering HtmlTextWriter expandoAttributeWriter = (EnableLegacyRendering) ? writer : null; if (HeaderText.Length > 0 ) { BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "headertext", HeaderText, true); } if (ShowMessageBox) { BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "showmessagebox", "True", false); } if (!ShowSummary) { BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "showsummary", "False", false); } if (DisplayMode != ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList) { BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "displaymode", PropertyConverter.EnumToString(typeof(ValidationSummaryDisplayMode), DisplayMode), false); } if (ValidationGroup.Length > 0) { BaseValidator.AddExpandoAttribute(this, expandoAttributeWriter, id, "validationGroup", ValidationGroup, true); } } base.AddAttributesToRender(writer); } internal String[] GetErrorMessages(out bool inError) { // Fetch errors from the Page String [] errorDescriptions = null; inError = false; // see if we are in error and how many messages there are int messages = 0; ValidatorCollection validators = Page.GetValidators(ValidationGroup); for (int i = 0; i < validators.Count; i++) { IValidator val = validators[i]; if (!val.IsValid) { inError = true; if (val.ErrorMessage.Length != 0) { messages++; } } } if (messages != 0) { // get the messages; errorDescriptions = new string [messages]; int iMessage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < validators.Count; i++) { IValidator val = validators[i]; if (!val.IsValid && val.ErrorMessage != null && val.ErrorMessage.Length != 0) { errorDescriptions[iMessage] = string.Copy(val.ErrorMessage); iMessage++; } } Debug.Assert(messages == iMessage, "Not all messages were found!"); } return errorDescriptions; } /// /// /// PreRender method. /// protected internal override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); // Act like invisible if disabled if (!Enabled) { return; } // work out uplevelness now Page page = Page; if (page != null && page.RequestInternal != null) { renderUplevel = (EnableClientScript && page.Request.Browser.W3CDomVersion.Major >= 1 && page.Request.Browser.EcmaScriptVersion.CompareTo(new Version(1, 2)) >= 0); } if (renderUplevel) { const string arrayName = "Page_ValidationSummaries"; string element = "document.getElementById(\"" + ClientID + "\")"; // Cannot use the overloads of Register* that take a Control, since these methods only work with AJAX 3.5, // and we need to support Validators in AJAX 1.0 (Windows OS Bugs 2015831). if (!Page.IsPartialRenderingSupported) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration(arrayName, element); } else { ValidatorCompatibilityHelper.RegisterArrayDeclaration(this, arrayName, element); // Register a dispose script to make sure we clean up the page if we get destroyed // during an async postback. // We should technically use the ScriptManager.RegisterDispose() method here, but the original implementation // of Validators in AJAX 1.0 manually attached a dispose expando. We added this code back in the product // late in the Orcas cycle, and we didn't want to take the risk of using RegisterDispose() instead. // (Windows OS Bugs 2015831) ValidatorCompatibilityHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ValidationSummary), ClientID + "_DisposeScript", String.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @" document.getElementById('{0}').dispose = function() {{ Array.remove({1}, document.getElementById('{0}')); }} ", ClientID, arrayName), true); } } } /// /// /// Render method. /// protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string [] errorDescriptions; bool displayContents; if (DesignMode) { // Dummy Error state errorDescriptions = new string [] { SR.GetString(SR.ValSummary_error_message_1), SR.GetString(SR.ValSummary_error_message_2), }; displayContents = true; renderUplevel = false; } else { // Act like invisible if disabled if (!Enabled) { return; } bool inError; errorDescriptions = GetErrorMessages(out inError); displayContents = (ShowSummary && inError); // Make sure tags are hidden if there are no contents if (!displayContents && renderUplevel) { Style["display"] = "none"; } } // Make sure we are in a form tag with runat=server. if (Page != null) { Page.VerifyRenderingInServerForm(this); } bool displayTags = renderUplevel ? true : displayContents; if (displayTags) { RenderBeginTag(writer); } if (displayContents) { string headerSep; string first; string pre; string post; string final; switch (DisplayMode) { case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.List: headerSep = breakTag; first = String.Empty; pre = String.Empty; post = breakTag; final = String.Empty; break; case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList: headerSep = String.Empty; first = "
    "; pre = "
  • "; post = "
  • "; final = "
"; break; case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.SingleParagraph: headerSep = " "; first = String.Empty; pre = String.Empty; post = " "; final = breakTag; break; default: Debug.Fail("Invalid DisplayMode!"); goto case ValidationSummaryDisplayMode.BulletList; } if (HeaderText.Length > 0) { writer.Write(HeaderText); WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, headerSep); } if (errorDescriptions != null) { writer.Write(first); for (int i = 0; i < errorDescriptions.Length; i++) { Debug.Assert(errorDescriptions[i] != null && errorDescriptions[i].Length > 0, "Bad Error Messages"); writer.Write(pre); writer.Write(errorDescriptions[i]); WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, post); } WriteBreakIfPresent(writer, final); } } if (displayTags) { RenderEndTag(writer); } } private void WriteBreakIfPresent(HtmlTextWriter writer, String text) { if (text == breakTag) { if (EnableLegacyRendering) { writer.WriteObsoleteBreak(); } else { writer.WriteBreak(); } } else { writer.Write(text); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.

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