Request.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / Request.cs / 1 / Request.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Presharp uses the c# pragma mechanism to supress its warnings. 
// These are not recognised by the base compiler so we need to explictly
// disable the following warnings. See http://winweb/cse/Tools/PREsharp/userguide/default.asp 
// for details. 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691      // unknown message, unknown pragma 

namespace Microsoft.InfoCards 
    using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.IO;
    using Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics; 
    using IDT=Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace; 
    using System.Net;

    // Summary
    // The base class for all incoming 
    // RpcRequests. Stores information common to all requests
    // and enforces control flow (see DoProcessRequest). 
    internal abstract class Request : IDisposable
        class RequestHandleDictionary : HandleDictionary< Request > {}

        // This maps a handle to a request. 
        // This is to enable support for simultaneous requests so that
        // child UI agent requests can find their parent request 
        static RequestHandleDictionary s_existingClientRequests = new RequestHandleDictionary();
        static ExceptionTranslationTable s_exceptionToHResultTable = ExceptionTranslationTable.Instance;

        // Pointer to inargs and outargs to request 
        Stream m_inArgs; 
        Stream m_outArgs; 

        // A unique id for this instance.
        int m_requestHandle = 0;
        // For generating the random number for each requests 
        static object s_syncRoot = new Object();
        // For reading the proxy data for the user making the request
        IWebProxy m_proxy = null; 

        // To synchronize Add & Remove AsyncResult 
        object m_syncRoot; 

        // The RpcHandle thru which this call came thru
        IntPtr m_rpcHandle;
        // A placeholder for any exceptions that are thrown whilst this
        // request is being processed 
        Exception m_processingException;

        // The set of Exceptions that are ok to handle automatically.  Exceptions derived from InfoCard
        // exception are always handled automatically. 
        ExceptionList m_recoverableExceptions;
        WindowsImpersonationContext  m_impersonationContext;

        int m_initHResult;  // Holds the HResult from any exception thrown during initialization.
        string m_extendedErrorMessage;  // Holds the extended error message received from an IP/STS 

        int m_lcid = -1; // LCID for the user language 
        // Summary 
        // Constructor's main task is to call InsertThisRequestIntoDictionary
        // apart from initializing class variables
        protected Request( IntPtr rpcHandle, Stream inArgs, Stream outArgs, ExceptionList recoverableExceptions ) 
            m_inArgs = inArgs; 
            m_outArgs = outArgs; 
            m_rpcHandle = rpcHandle;
            m_recoverableExceptions = recoverableExceptions; 
            m_syncRoot = new Object();
            m_initHResult = 0;

        // Summary 
        // Returns exceptions that are thrown whilst this
        // request is being processed 
        public Exception ProcessingException
                return m_processingException; 
                m_processingException = value;
        // Summary 
        //  Return the WebProxy for the user 
        public IWebProxy UserProxy 
                if( null == m_proxy ) 
                    m_proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); 
                return m_proxy;

        // Summary
        // Set and returns the language associated with the user of this instance of the request 
        public int UserLanguage
                IDT.Assert( m_lcid >= 0, " The user language has not been set in the service" );
                return m_lcid; 
                m_lcid = value;

        // Summary 
        // Specifies the stream where input information pertaining to this request can be read from.
        protected Stream InArgs 
            get { return m_inArgs; } 

        // Summary 
        // Specifies the stream where output information from this request would be
        // returned to. 
        public Stream OutArgs
            get { return m_outArgs; }

        // Summary
        // Used by ClientRequestto synchronize adding and removing results 
        protected object SyncRoot
            get { return m_syncRoot; }

        // Summary
        // Returns the rpcHandle associated with this request 
        protected IntPtr RpcHandle
            get { return m_rpcHandle; }

        // Summary 
        // Returns an unique id for this instance. 
        public int RequestHandle 
            get { return m_requestHandle; }

        public abstract WindowsIdentity RequestorIdentity 

        internal void Initialize()
                // Allow initialization before impersonating the user.

                // Imerpersonate the original requestor. 
                // Allow initialization as the user. 
            #pragma warning suppress 56500  // do not catch all exceptions. System handles this in HandleException method. 
            catch( Exception e )
                m_initHResult = HandleException( e, true ); 

        void ImpersonateRequestor()
            IDT.Assert( null != RequestorIdentity, "RequestorIdentity can not be null, the derived class  should have populated this on initialize" ); 

            // Check to see if the incoming client who made the request is LSA, if so, throw.
            if( RequestorIdentity.IsSystem ) 
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new CommunicationException( 
                                                        SR.GetString( SR.UserIdentityEqualSystemNotSupported ) ) ); 
            m_impersonationContext = RequestorIdentity.Impersonate();

        // Summary: 
        //  Translates non InfoCard exceptions to HResults. 
        // Parameters: 
        //  e  - the exceptions to translate.
        private int GetHResultFromException( Exception e )
            int status = 0;
            Type exceptionType = e.GetType(); 
            // See if the exception is in our standard table. 
            if ( s_exceptionToHResultTable.ContainsKey( exceptionType ) )
                status = s_exceptionToHResultTable[ exceptionType ]; 
            else if( e is Win32Exception ) 
                // There isn't a single translation for Win32Exceptions. 
                status = ( ( Win32Exception )e ).NativeErrorCode;
                // We don't have a translation for this exception.  It must not have really been expected or 
                // recoverable.
                InfoCardService.Crash( e );

            return status; 
        protected int HandleException( Exception e ) 
            return HandleException( e, false ); 

        // Summary 
        // Calls virtual OnHandleException so that base classes are able to
        // implement their own request specific exception handling. 
        // Parameters
        // e                - The exception to handle. 
        // isInitializing   - Indicates whether the exception was thrown during initialization.  If so, then
        //                    we shouldn't call OnHandleExceptions because the request probably isn't fully
        //                    initialized and may not be able to handle the call.
        protected int HandleException( Exception e, bool isInitializing )
            int errorCode = 0; 
            Exception exceptionToTest;
            if( IDT.IsFatal( e ) )
                IDT.TraceAndLogException( e );
                InfoCardService.Crash( e ); 
            // If we have recieved the wrapper exception of InfoCardRequestException, 
            //      pull out the inner exception and deal with that.
            if ( e is InfoCardRequestException )
                exceptionToTest = e.InnerException;
                exceptionToTest = e; 
            IDT.TraceDebug( e.ToString() );
            if ( isInitializing || !OnHandleException( exceptionToTest, out errorCode ) )
                if ( exceptionToTest is InfoCardBaseException ) 
                    // All InfoCardExceptions are recoverable.  Get the HResult and return it. 
                    errorCode = ( (InfoCardBaseException) exceptionToTest ).NativeHResult; 
                    m_extendedErrorMessage = ( ( InfoCardBaseException ) exceptionToTest ).ExtendedMessage;
                else if( m_recoverableExceptions == ExceptionList.AllNonFatal )
                    // This is a non InfoCard exception that is still recoverable. 
                    CommunicationException ce = new CommunicationException( SR.GetString( SR.ClientAPIInfocardError ), exceptionToTest );
                    IDT.TraceAndLogException( ce ); 
                    errorCode = ((InfoCardBaseException)ce).NativeHResult;
                else if ( m_recoverableExceptions.Contains( exceptionToTest.GetType() ) )
                    // This is a non InfoCard exception that is still recoverable. 
                    errorCode = GetHResultFromException( exceptionToTest );
                    IDT.TraceAndLogException( e );
                    InfoCardService.Crash( e ); 
            return errorCode; 

        // Summary:
        //  Preprocess the request. 
        //  Marshal all input args.
        protected virtual void PreProcessRequest() 
            ProcessingException = null; 


            if ( null != ProcessingException ) 
                Exception e = ProcessingException; 
                ProcessingException = null; 
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InfoCardRequestException( e.Message, e ) );

            // Check if all the data has been read
            if( InArgs.Position != InArgs.Length )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new CommunicationException( SR.GetString( SR.ServiceInvalidDataInRequest ) ) ); 

        // Summary: 
        //  Postprocess the request. 
        //  Marshal all output args.
        protected virtual void PostProcessRequest() 
            ProcessingException = null;
            if ( null != ProcessingException ) 
                Exception e = ProcessingException; 
                ProcessingException = null;
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InfoCardRequestException( e.Message, e ) );
        // Summary: 
        //  Process the request.
        protected virtual void ProcessRequest()
            ProcessingException = null;

            if ( null != ProcessingException ) 
                Exception e = ProcessingException;
                ProcessingException = null;
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InfoCardRequestException( e.Message, e ) ); 
        // Summary 
        // Enforces the control flow of processing for all requests:
        // OnMarshalInArgs, OnProcess, & OnMarshalOutArgs
        public int DoProcessRequest( out string extendedMessage ) 
            int errorCode = m_initHResult; 
            // If initialization wasn't successful then simply return the initialization error code. 
            if ( 0 == errorCode )

                #pragma warning suppress 56500  // do not catch all exceptions. System handles this in HandleException method. 
                catch ( Exception e )
                    errorCode = HandleException( e ); 
            extendedMessage = m_extendedErrorMessage;
            return errorCode;
        // Summary 
        // Called from RquestFactory to associate UIAgentRequests with a 
        // client request [a.k.a the Parent request for the Ui Agent Request]
        public static Request FindRequestByHandle( int requestHandle )
            lock ( s_syncRoot )
                return s_existingClientRequests[ requestHandle ];

        // Summary
        // Invoke virutal onDispose so that the derived requests
        // can do their cleanup.
        // Remarks
        // Calls virtual OnDispose so that derived classes are able to do their cleanup 
        public void Dispose()

            if( null != m_impersonationContext )
                m_impersonationContext = null; 


            // The request can only be removed from the dictionary after disposal as System as the UI agent is released
            // in the client UI request OnDisposeAsSystem method and the agent may send a SendAgentStatusRequest during 
            // release.

            GC.SuppressFinalize( this ); 

        protected virtual void OnInitializeAsSystem()
        protected virtual void OnInitializeAsUser() 
        protected virtual void OnDisposeAsUser()


        // Summary 
        // Derived classes implement this function to read input information
        // from the input stream (InArgs) 
        protected abstract void OnMarshalInArgs();

        // Summary
        // Derived classes implement this function to process their request 
        protected abstract void OnProcess();
        // Summary
        // Derived classes implement this function to write output information
        // from managed constructs into the outpur stream (OutArgs) 
        protected abstract void OnMarshalOutArgs(); 
        // Summary 
        // Derived classes call Base.OnDisposeAsSystem() after doing their own
        // cleanup. For now, we have nothing to dispose
        protected virtual void OnDisposeAsSystem() 

        // Summary
        // Returns true if exception e is handled. Sets the out parameter to
        // appropriate error value.  This method can be overridden if subclasses
        // have any special exception handling code that they need to run.  If the method 
        // returns true then the base class will use the errorCode out parameter as the
        // error code to return to the caller. 
        protected virtual bool OnHandleException( Exception e, out int errorCode )
            errorCode = 0;
            return false;

        // Summary 
        // Add this request to s_existingClientRequests
        private void InsertThisRequestIntoDictionary()

            int requestHandle = 0; 
            lock ( s_syncRoot )
                    requestHandle = s_existingClientRequests.GetNewHandle(); 
                catch( IndexOutOfRangeException e )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new ServiceBusyException( SR.GetString( SR.TooManyClientRequests ), e ) ); 
                m_requestHandle = requestHandle; 
                s_existingClientRequests[ m_requestHandle ] = this; 

        // Summary
        // Remove this request from s_existingClientRequests 
        private void RemoveThisRequestFromDictionary() 
            // A reference to this object exists in the static list 
            // therefore we need to do the following to allow the GC to
            // clear up
            lock ( s_syncRoot ) 
                s_existingClientRequests.Remove( m_requestHandle ); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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