ResourceExpression.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Client / System / Data / Services / Client / ALinq / ResourceExpression.cs / 1305376 / ResourceExpression.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      Base class for expressions representing resources
// @owner  [....]

namespace System.Data.Services.Client
    #region Namespaces. 

    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Linq.Expressions;
    #endregion Namespaces.

    /// The counting option for the resource expression 
    internal enum CountOption 
        /// No counting

        /// Translates to the $count segment.
        /// Translates to the $inlinecount=allpages query option

    /// Abstract base class for expressions that support Query Options
    internal abstract class ResourceExpression : Expression
        #region Fields.
        /// Source expression. 
        protected readonly Expression source;
        /// Singleton InputReferenceExpression that should be used to indicate a reference to this element of the resource path
        protected InputReferenceExpression inputRef;

        /// expand paths 
        private List expandPaths;
        /// The count query option for the resource set 
        private CountOption countOption;
        /// custom query options
        private Dictionary customQueryOptions;

        private ProjectionQueryOptionExpression projection; 

        #endregion Fields. 
        /// Creates a Resource expression 
        /// the return type of the expression
        /// The custom query options
        /// the expand paths 
        /// the node type
        /// the count option 
#pragma warning disable 618 
        internal ResourceExpression(Expression source, ExpressionType nodeType, Type type, List expandPaths, CountOption countOption, Dictionary customQueryOptions, ProjectionQueryOptionExpression projection)
            : base(nodeType, type) 
            this.expandPaths = expandPaths ?? new List();
            this.countOption = countOption;
            this.customQueryOptions = customQueryOptions ?? new Dictionary(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); 
            this.projection = projection;
            this.source = source; 
#pragma warning restore 618
        abstract internal ResourceExpression CreateCloneWithNewType(Type type);

        abstract internal bool HasQueryOptions { get; }
        /// Resource type for this expression (for sets, this is the element type). 
        /// Never null. 
        internal abstract Type ResourceType { get; } 

        /// Does this expression produce at most 1 resource?
        abstract internal bool IsSingleton { get; }
        /// Expand query option for ResourceSet
        internal virtual List ExpandPaths
            get { return this.expandPaths; }
            set { this.expandPaths = value; } 
        /// Count query option for ResourceSet
        internal virtual CountOption CountOption
            get { return this.countOption; }
            set { this.countOption = value; } 
        /// custom query options for ResourceSet
        internal virtual Dictionary CustomQueryOptions
            get { return this.customQueryOptions; }
            set { this.customQueryOptions = value; } 
        /// Description of the projection on a resource. 
        /// This property is set by the ProjectionAnalyzer component (so it 
        /// mutates this instance), or by the ResourceBinder when it clones
        /// a ResourceExpression.
        internal ProjectionQueryOptionExpression Projection 
            get { return this.projection; } 
            set { this.projection = value; } 
        /// Gets the source expression.
        internal Expression Source 
                return this.source;

        /// Creates an  that refers to this component of the resource path. 
        /// The returned expression is guaranteed to be reference-equal (object.ReferenceEquals)
        /// to any other InputReferenceExpression that also refers to this resource path component. 
        /// The InputReferenceExpression that refers to this resource path component
        internal InputReferenceExpression CreateReference() 
            if (this.inputRef == null)
                this.inputRef = new InputReferenceExpression(this); 
            return this.inputRef; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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