/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / MIT / System / Web / UI / MobileControls / Design / ObjectListDesigner.cs / 1305376 / ObjectListDesigner.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Design; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Adapters; using DataBinding = System.Web.UI.DataBinding; [ System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) ] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal class ObjectListDesigner : MobileTemplatedControlDesigner, IDataSourceProvider, IMobileDesigner { private DataTable _dummyDataTable; private DataTable _designTimeDataTable; private System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList _objectList; private DesignerVerbCollection _designerVerbs; private const String _dataSourcePropertyName = "DataSource"; private const String _dataMemberPropertyName = "DataMember"; private const int _headerFooterTemplates = 0; private const int _itemTemplates = 1; private const int _separatorTemplate = 2; private const int _numberOfTemplateFrames = 3; private static readonly String[][] _templateFrameNames = new String[][] { new String [] { Constants.HeaderTemplateTag, Constants.FooterTemplateTag }, new String [] { Constants.ItemTemplateTag, Constants.AlternatingItemTemplateTag, Constants.ItemDetailsTemplateTag }, new String [] { Constants.SeparatorTemplateTag }, }; private static readonly Attribute[] _emptyAttrs = new Attribute[0]; ////// /// /// The control element being designed. /// ////// Initializes the designer. /// ////// ////// This is called by the designer host to establish the component being /// designed. /// ///public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { Debug.Assert(component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList, "ObjectListDesigner.Initialize - Invalid ObjectList Control"); _objectList = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList) component; base.Initialize(component); } protected override String[] GetTemplateFrameNames(int index) { Debug.Assert(index >= 0 & index <= _templateFrameNames.Length); return _templateFrameNames[index]; } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetTemplateVerbs() { TemplateEditingVerb[] templateVerbs = new TemplateEditingVerb[_numberOfTemplateFrames]; templateVerbs[_headerFooterTemplates] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_HeaderFooterTemplates), _headerFooterTemplates, this); templateVerbs[_itemTemplates] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_ItemTemplates), _itemTemplates, this); templateVerbs[_separatorTemplate] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_SeparatorTemplate), _separatorTemplate, this); return templateVerbs; } /// /// ////// Gets the HTML to be used for the design time representation /// of the control. /// ////// protected override String GetDesignTimeNormalHtml() { int sampleRows = 5; bool dummyDataSource = false; String oldLabelField, oldTableFields; oldLabelField = _objectList.LabelField; oldTableFields = _objectList.TableFields; DesignerTextWriter htmlWriter = new DesignerTextWriter(true); if (_objectList.DeviceSpecific != null) { _objectList.DeviceSpecific.SetDesignerChoice(CurrentChoice); } IEnumerable designTimeDataSource = GetDesignTimeDataSource(sampleRows, out dummyDataSource); bool oldAutoGenerateFields = _objectList.AutoGenerateFields; if ((oldAutoGenerateFields == false) && (_objectList.Fields.Count == 0)) { // ensure that AutoGenerateFields is true when we don't have // any fields defined, so we see atleast something at design time. _objectList.AutoGenerateFields = true; } // Replace original labelfield with empty string to ensure dummy datasource will be rendered if (dummyDataSource) { _objectList.LabelField = String.Empty; _objectList.TableFields = String.Empty; } try { _objectList.DataSource = designTimeDataSource; _objectList.DataBind(); _objectList.Adapter.Render(htmlWriter); } finally { _objectList.DataSource = null; _objectList.AutoGenerateFields = oldAutoGenerateFields; if (dummyDataSource) { _objectList.LabelField = oldLabelField; _objectList.TableFields = oldTableFields; } // Remove controls created by databinding the DataSource _objectList.Controls.Clear(); _objectList.InvalidateDisplayFieldIndices(); } return htmlWriter.ToString(); } ////// The design time HTML. /// ////// /// /// The source of the event. /// /// /// The/// Represents the method that will handle the component change event. /// ///that provides data about the event. /// public override void OnComponentChanged(Object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Member != null) { String memberName = e.Member.Name; if (memberName.Equals(_dataSourcePropertyName) || memberName.Equals(_dataMemberPropertyName)) { OnDataSourceChanged(); } } base.OnComponentChanged(sender, e); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN OBJECTLIST DESIGNER DATASOURCE HANDLING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// /// The set of properties to filter. /// ////// Filter the properties to replace the runtime DataSource property /// descriptor with the designer's. /// ///protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); Type designerType = this.GetType(); DesignerAdapterUtil.AddAttributesToPropertiesOfDifferentType( designerType, typeof(String), properties, _dataSourcePropertyName, new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(DataSourceConverter))); DesignerAdapterUtil.AddAttributesToProperty( designerType, properties, _dataMemberPropertyName, _emptyAttrs); } public String DataMember { get { return _objectList.DataMember; } set { _objectList.DataMember = value; OnDataSourceChanged(); } } /// /// ////// Gets or sets the data source property. /// ////// ////// A string indicating the data source for the designer's control. /// ////// public String DataSource { get { DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { return binding.Expression; } return String.Empty; } set { if ((value == null) || (value.Length == 0)) { DataBindings.Remove(_dataSourcePropertyName); } else { DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding == null) { binding = new DataBinding( _dataSourcePropertyName, typeof(IEnumerable), value); } else { binding.Expression = value; } DataBindings.Add(binding); } OnDataSourceChanged(); OnBindingsCollectionChanged(_dataSourcePropertyName); } } ////// Designer implementation of a DataSource property that operates on the /// DataSource property in the control's binding collection. /// ////// /// /// The minimum rows of sample data the data source data should contain. /// /// /// Whether the data source being returned is a dummy data source. /// ////// Gets sample data matching the schema of the selected data source. /// ////// /// private IEnumerable GetDesignTimeDataSource(int minimumRows, out bool dummyDataSource) { IEnumerable selectedDataSource = GetResolvedSelectedDataSource(); return GetDesignTimeDataSource(selectedDataSource, minimumRows, out dummyDataSource); } ////// An IEnumerable containing a live data source for use at /// design time. /// ////// /// /// The selected data source to be used as a reference for the shape of the data. /// /// /// The minimum rows of sample data the data source data should contain. /// /// /// Whether the data source being returned is a dummy data source. /// ////// Gets sample data matching the schema of the selected data source. /// ////// /// private IEnumerable GetDesignTimeDataSource(IEnumerable selectedDataSource, int minimumRows, out bool dummyDataSource) { DataTable dataTable = _designTimeDataTable; dummyDataSource = false; // use the datatable corresponding to the selected datasource if possible if (dataTable == null) { if (selectedDataSource != null) { _designTimeDataTable = DesignTimeData.CreateSampleDataTable(selectedDataSource); dataTable = _designTimeDataTable; } if (dataTable == null) { // fallback on a dummy datasource if we can't create a sample datatable if (_dummyDataTable == null) { _dummyDataTable = DesignTimeData.CreateDummyDataTable(); } dataTable = _dummyDataTable; dummyDataSource = true; } } IEnumerable liveDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetDesignTimeDataSource(dataTable, minimumRows); return liveDataSource; } public IEnumerable GetResolvedSelectedDataSource() { IEnumerable selectedDataSource = null; DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { selectedDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetSelectedDataSource(_objectList, binding.Expression, DataMember); } return selectedDataSource; } ////// An IEnumerable containing /// a live data source for use at design time. /// ////// ////// Gets the selected data source component from the component's container. /// ////// ////// An IEnumerable with the /// selected data source, or ///if a data source is not found, or if a data /// source with the same name does not exist. /// public Object GetSelectedDataSource() { Object selectedDataSource = null; DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { selectedDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetSelectedDataSource(_objectList, binding.Expression); } return selectedDataSource; } /// /// /// /// The name of the template to retrieve the data source for. /// ////// Gets the template's container's data source. /// ////// public override IEnumerable GetTemplateContainerDataSource(String templateName) { return GetResolvedSelectedDataSource(); } public override String GetTemplateContainerDataItemProperty(string templateName) { return "DataItem"; } public override Type GetTemplatePropertyParentType(String templateName) { return typeof(MobileTemplatedControlDesigner.TemplateContainer); } ////// An IEnumerable containing the data source or data sources available to /// the template's container. /// ////// /// protected internal virtual void OnDataSourceChanged() { _designTimeDataTable = null; } public new void UpdateRendering() { _objectList.LabelStyle.Refresh(); _objectList.CommandStyle.Refresh(); base.UpdateRendering(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OBJECTLIST DESIGNER DATASOURCE HANDLING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN DESIGNER VERBS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Raises the DataSourceChanged event. /// ////// ////// The designer's collection of verbs. /// ////// public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs { get { if (null == _designerVerbs) { _designerVerbs = base.Verbs; _designerVerbs.Add(new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyBuilderVerb), new EventHandler(this.OnPropertyBuilder))); } Debug.Assert(_designerVerbs.Count == 2); _designerVerbs[0].Enabled = !this.InTemplateMode; _designerVerbs[1].Enabled = !this.InTemplateMode; return _designerVerbs; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN OBJECTLIST DESIGNER EVENTHANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// An array of type ///containing the verbs available to the /// designer. /// /// /// /// The source of the event. /// /// /// An EventArgs object that provides data about the event. /// protected void OnPropertyBuilder(Object sender, EventArgs e) { InvokePropertyBuilder(0); } ////// Represents the method that will handle the property builder event. /// ////// /// /// The page to begin with. /// protected internal void InvokePropertyBuilder(int initialPage) { IComponentChangeService changeService = null; bool result = false; changeService = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); if (changeService != null) { try { changeService.OnComponentChanging(_objectList, null); } catch (CheckoutException ex) { if (ex == CheckoutException.Canceled) { return; } throw; } } try { ObjectListComponentEditor compEditor = new ObjectListComponentEditor(initialPage); result = compEditor.EditComponent(_objectList); } finally { if (changeService != null) { changeService.OnComponentChanged(_objectList, null, null, null); if (IMobileWebFormServices != null) { IMobileWebFormServices.ClearUndoStack(); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END STYLE DESIGNER EVENTHANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///// Invokes the property builder beginning with the specified page. /// ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Design; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Adapters; using DataBinding = System.Web.UI.DataBinding; [ System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) ] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")] internal class ObjectListDesigner : MobileTemplatedControlDesigner, IDataSourceProvider, IMobileDesigner { private DataTable _dummyDataTable; private DataTable _designTimeDataTable; private System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList _objectList; private DesignerVerbCollection _designerVerbs; private const String _dataSourcePropertyName = "DataSource"; private const String _dataMemberPropertyName = "DataMember"; private const int _headerFooterTemplates = 0; private const int _itemTemplates = 1; private const int _separatorTemplate = 2; private const int _numberOfTemplateFrames = 3; private static readonly String[][] _templateFrameNames = new String[][] { new String [] { Constants.HeaderTemplateTag, Constants.FooterTemplateTag }, new String [] { Constants.ItemTemplateTag, Constants.AlternatingItemTemplateTag, Constants.ItemDetailsTemplateTag }, new String [] { Constants.SeparatorTemplateTag }, }; private static readonly Attribute[] _emptyAttrs = new Attribute[0]; ////// /// /// The control element being designed. /// ////// Initializes the designer. /// ////// ////// This is called by the designer host to establish the component being /// designed. /// ///public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { Debug.Assert(component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList, "ObjectListDesigner.Initialize - Invalid ObjectList Control"); _objectList = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList) component; base.Initialize(component); } protected override String[] GetTemplateFrameNames(int index) { Debug.Assert(index >= 0 & index <= _templateFrameNames.Length); return _templateFrameNames[index]; } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetTemplateVerbs() { TemplateEditingVerb[] templateVerbs = new TemplateEditingVerb[_numberOfTemplateFrames]; templateVerbs[_headerFooterTemplates] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_HeaderFooterTemplates), _headerFooterTemplates, this); templateVerbs[_itemTemplates] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_ItemTemplates), _itemTemplates, this); templateVerbs[_separatorTemplate] = new TemplateEditingVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_SeparatorTemplate), _separatorTemplate, this); return templateVerbs; } /// /// ////// Gets the HTML to be used for the design time representation /// of the control. /// ////// protected override String GetDesignTimeNormalHtml() { int sampleRows = 5; bool dummyDataSource = false; String oldLabelField, oldTableFields; oldLabelField = _objectList.LabelField; oldTableFields = _objectList.TableFields; DesignerTextWriter htmlWriter = new DesignerTextWriter(true); if (_objectList.DeviceSpecific != null) { _objectList.DeviceSpecific.SetDesignerChoice(CurrentChoice); } IEnumerable designTimeDataSource = GetDesignTimeDataSource(sampleRows, out dummyDataSource); bool oldAutoGenerateFields = _objectList.AutoGenerateFields; if ((oldAutoGenerateFields == false) && (_objectList.Fields.Count == 0)) { // ensure that AutoGenerateFields is true when we don't have // any fields defined, so we see atleast something at design time. _objectList.AutoGenerateFields = true; } // Replace original labelfield with empty string to ensure dummy datasource will be rendered if (dummyDataSource) { _objectList.LabelField = String.Empty; _objectList.TableFields = String.Empty; } try { _objectList.DataSource = designTimeDataSource; _objectList.DataBind(); _objectList.Adapter.Render(htmlWriter); } finally { _objectList.DataSource = null; _objectList.AutoGenerateFields = oldAutoGenerateFields; if (dummyDataSource) { _objectList.LabelField = oldLabelField; _objectList.TableFields = oldTableFields; } // Remove controls created by databinding the DataSource _objectList.Controls.Clear(); _objectList.InvalidateDisplayFieldIndices(); } return htmlWriter.ToString(); } ////// The design time HTML. /// ////// /// /// The source of the event. /// /// /// The/// Represents the method that will handle the component change event. /// ///that provides data about the event. /// public override void OnComponentChanged(Object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Member != null) { String memberName = e.Member.Name; if (memberName.Equals(_dataSourcePropertyName) || memberName.Equals(_dataMemberPropertyName)) { OnDataSourceChanged(); } } base.OnComponentChanged(sender, e); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN OBJECTLIST DESIGNER DATASOURCE HANDLING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// /// The set of properties to filter. /// ////// Filter the properties to replace the runtime DataSource property /// descriptor with the designer's. /// ///protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); Type designerType = this.GetType(); DesignerAdapterUtil.AddAttributesToPropertiesOfDifferentType( designerType, typeof(String), properties, _dataSourcePropertyName, new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(DataSourceConverter))); DesignerAdapterUtil.AddAttributesToProperty( designerType, properties, _dataMemberPropertyName, _emptyAttrs); } public String DataMember { get { return _objectList.DataMember; } set { _objectList.DataMember = value; OnDataSourceChanged(); } } /// /// ////// Gets or sets the data source property. /// ////// ////// A string indicating the data source for the designer's control. /// ////// public String DataSource { get { DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { return binding.Expression; } return String.Empty; } set { if ((value == null) || (value.Length == 0)) { DataBindings.Remove(_dataSourcePropertyName); } else { DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding == null) { binding = new DataBinding( _dataSourcePropertyName, typeof(IEnumerable), value); } else { binding.Expression = value; } DataBindings.Add(binding); } OnDataSourceChanged(); OnBindingsCollectionChanged(_dataSourcePropertyName); } } ////// Designer implementation of a DataSource property that operates on the /// DataSource property in the control's binding collection. /// ////// /// /// The minimum rows of sample data the data source data should contain. /// /// /// Whether the data source being returned is a dummy data source. /// ////// Gets sample data matching the schema of the selected data source. /// ////// /// private IEnumerable GetDesignTimeDataSource(int minimumRows, out bool dummyDataSource) { IEnumerable selectedDataSource = GetResolvedSelectedDataSource(); return GetDesignTimeDataSource(selectedDataSource, minimumRows, out dummyDataSource); } ////// An IEnumerable containing a live data source for use at /// design time. /// ////// /// /// The selected data source to be used as a reference for the shape of the data. /// /// /// The minimum rows of sample data the data source data should contain. /// /// /// Whether the data source being returned is a dummy data source. /// ////// Gets sample data matching the schema of the selected data source. /// ////// /// private IEnumerable GetDesignTimeDataSource(IEnumerable selectedDataSource, int minimumRows, out bool dummyDataSource) { DataTable dataTable = _designTimeDataTable; dummyDataSource = false; // use the datatable corresponding to the selected datasource if possible if (dataTable == null) { if (selectedDataSource != null) { _designTimeDataTable = DesignTimeData.CreateSampleDataTable(selectedDataSource); dataTable = _designTimeDataTable; } if (dataTable == null) { // fallback on a dummy datasource if we can't create a sample datatable if (_dummyDataTable == null) { _dummyDataTable = DesignTimeData.CreateDummyDataTable(); } dataTable = _dummyDataTable; dummyDataSource = true; } } IEnumerable liveDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetDesignTimeDataSource(dataTable, minimumRows); return liveDataSource; } public IEnumerable GetResolvedSelectedDataSource() { IEnumerable selectedDataSource = null; DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { selectedDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetSelectedDataSource(_objectList, binding.Expression, DataMember); } return selectedDataSource; } ////// An IEnumerable containing /// a live data source for use at design time. /// ////// ////// Gets the selected data source component from the component's container. /// ////// ////// An IEnumerable with the /// selected data source, or ///if a data source is not found, or if a data /// source with the same name does not exist. /// public Object GetSelectedDataSource() { Object selectedDataSource = null; DataBinding binding = DataBindings[_dataSourcePropertyName]; if (binding != null) { selectedDataSource = DesignTimeData.GetSelectedDataSource(_objectList, binding.Expression); } return selectedDataSource; } /// /// /// /// The name of the template to retrieve the data source for. /// ////// Gets the template's container's data source. /// ////// public override IEnumerable GetTemplateContainerDataSource(String templateName) { return GetResolvedSelectedDataSource(); } public override String GetTemplateContainerDataItemProperty(string templateName) { return "DataItem"; } public override Type GetTemplatePropertyParentType(String templateName) { return typeof(MobileTemplatedControlDesigner.TemplateContainer); } ////// An IEnumerable containing the data source or data sources available to /// the template's container. /// ////// /// protected internal virtual void OnDataSourceChanged() { _designTimeDataTable = null; } public new void UpdateRendering() { _objectList.LabelStyle.Refresh(); _objectList.CommandStyle.Refresh(); base.UpdateRendering(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OBJECTLIST DESIGNER DATASOURCE HANDLING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN DESIGNER VERBS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Raises the DataSourceChanged event. /// ////// ////// The designer's collection of verbs. /// ////// public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs { get { if (null == _designerVerbs) { _designerVerbs = base.Verbs; _designerVerbs.Add(new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.PropertyBuilderVerb), new EventHandler(this.OnPropertyBuilder))); } Debug.Assert(_designerVerbs.Count == 2); _designerVerbs[0].Enabled = !this.InTemplateMode; _designerVerbs[1].Enabled = !this.InTemplateMode; return _designerVerbs; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN OBJECTLIST DESIGNER EVENTHANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// An array of type ///containing the verbs available to the /// designer. /// /// /// /// The source of the event. /// /// /// An EventArgs object that provides data about the event. /// protected void OnPropertyBuilder(Object sender, EventArgs e) { InvokePropertyBuilder(0); } ////// Represents the method that will handle the property builder event. /// ////// /// /// The page to begin with. /// protected internal void InvokePropertyBuilder(int initialPage) { IComponentChangeService changeService = null; bool result = false; changeService = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); if (changeService != null) { try { changeService.OnComponentChanging(_objectList, null); } catch (CheckoutException ex) { if (ex == CheckoutException.Canceled) { return; } throw; } } try { ObjectListComponentEditor compEditor = new ObjectListComponentEditor(initialPage); result = compEditor.EditComponent(_objectList); } finally { if (changeService != null) { changeService.OnComponentChanged(_objectList, null, null, null); if (IMobileWebFormServices != null) { IMobileWebFormServices.ClearUndoStack(); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END STYLE DESIGNER EVENTHANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007./// Invokes the property builder beginning with the specified page. /// ///
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