/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WF / Activities / Designers / ActivityDesignerResources.cs / 1305376 / ActivityDesignerResources.cs
#region Using Directives using System; using System.Resources; using System.Drawing; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design; #endregion namespace System.Workflow.Activities { #region Class ActivityDesignerResources (DR) internal static class DR { internal static Color TransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255); internal const string ResourceSet = "System.Workflow.Activities.ActivityDesignerResources"; private static ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(ResourceSet, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); internal const string DropActivityHere = "DropActivityHere"; internal const string MoveLeftDesc = "MoveLeftDesc"; internal const string MoveRightDesc = "MoveRightDesc"; internal const string DropEventsHere = "DropEventsHere"; internal const string InvokeWebServiceDisplayName = "InvokeWebServiceDisplayName"; internal const string ScopeDesc = "ScopeDesc"; internal const string EventsDesc = "EventsDesc"; internal const string SequentialWorkflowHelpText = "SequentialWorkflowHelpText"; internal const string StartSequentialWorkflow = "StartSequentialWorkflow"; internal const string WorkflowExceptions = "WorkflowExceptions"; internal const string WorkflowEvents = "WorkflowEvents"; internal const string WorkflowCompensation = "WorkflowCompensation"; internal const string WorkflowCancellation = "WorkflowCancellation"; internal const string EventBasedWorkFlow = "EventBasedWorkFlow"; internal const string AddNewEvent = "AddNewEvent"; internal const string DeleteEvent = "DeleteEvent"; internal const string ViewPreviousEvent = "ViewPreviousEvent"; internal const string ViewNextEvent = "ViewNextEvent"; internal const string NavigateToEvent = "NavigateToEvent"; internal const string View = "View"; internal const string AddNewEventDesc = "AddNewEventDesc"; internal const string DeleteEventDesc = "DeleteEventDesc"; internal const string NavigateToEventDesc = "NavigateToEventDesc"; internal const string ViewPreviousEventDesc = "ViewPreviousEventDesc"; internal const string ViewNextEventDesc = "ViewNextEventDesc"; internal const string WebServiceReceiveDisplayName = "WebServiceReceiveDisplayName"; internal const string WebServiceResponseDisplayName = "WebServiceResponseDisplayName"; internal const string WebServiceFaultDisplayName = "WebServiceFaultDisplayName"; internal const string AddState = "AddState"; internal const string AddEventDriven = "AddEventDriven"; internal const string AddStateInitialization = "AddStateInitialization"; internal const string AddStateFinalization = "AddStateFinalization"; internal const string AddingChild = "AddingChild"; internal const string StateHelpText = "StateHelpText"; internal const string StateMachineWorkflowHelpText = "StateMachineWorkflowHelpText"; internal const string StateMachineView = "StateMachineView"; internal const string SetAsInitialState = "SetAsInitialState"; internal const string SetAsCompletedState = "SetAsCompletedState"; internal const string SendToBack = "SendToBack"; internal const string BringToFront = "BringToFront"; internal const string ImageFileFilter = "ImageFileFilter"; //Bitmaps internal const string Compensation = "Compensation"; internal const string SequenceArrow = "SequenceArrow"; internal const string Event = "Event"; internal const string Exception = "Exception"; internal const string NewEvent = "NewEvent"; internal const string Delete = "Delete"; internal const string NextEvent = "NextEvent"; internal const string PreviousEvent = "PreviousEvent"; internal const string NavigateEvent = "NavigateEvent"; internal const string WorkflowView = "WorkflowView"; internal const string ExceptionsView = "ExceptionsView"; internal const string EventsView = "EventsView"; internal const string CompensationView = "CompensationView"; internal const string InitialState = "InitialState"; internal const string CompletedState = "CompletedState"; internal const string ThemePropertyReadOnly = "ThemePropertyReadOnly"; internal const string Error_InvalidImageResource = "Error_InvalidImageResource"; internal static string GetString(string resID) { return DR.resourceManager.GetString(resID); } internal static Image GetImage(string resID) { Image image = DR.resourceManager.GetObject(resID) as Image; //Please note that the default version of make transparent uses the color of pixel at left bottom of the image //as the transparent color to make the bitmap transparent. Hence we do not use it Bitmap bitmap = image as Bitmap; if (bitmap != null) bitmap.MakeTransparent(DR.TransparentColor); return image; } } #endregion } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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