LocalizableResourceBuilder.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Globalization / LocalizableResourceBuilder.cs / 1305600 / LocalizableResourceBuilder.cs

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Markup.Localizer; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Text;
namespace MS.Internal.Globalization
    /// this class is builds the BamlLocalizableResources 
    /// it handles all the localizability attribute reading, and inheritance resolution in the tree.
    internal sealed class LocalizableResourceBuilder 
        internal LocalizableResourceBuilder(InternalBamlLocalizabilityResolver resolver) 
            _resolver = resolver;
        /// build a localizable resource from a baml tree node 
        internal BamlLocalizableResource BuildFromNode(BamlLocalizableResourceKey key, BamlTreeNode node)
            if (node.Formatted)
                // the content of the node has been formatted to be part of
                // parents' content, so no need to create a seperate entry for the 
                // element
                return null; 

            BamlLocalizableResource resource = null; 
            LocalizabilityAttribute localizability = null;
            string                  formattingTag;

            // variable controling what comments gets applied
            BamlStartElementNode    commentNode       = null;  // node containing comment 
            string                  commentTargetName = null;  // the target of the comment, e.g. $Content, FontSize, etc.
            // step 1: Get the localizability attribute from the source files
                case BamlNodeType.StartElement: 
                    // For element
                    commentNode = (BamlStartElementNode) node; 
                    GetLocalizabilityForElementNode(commentNode, out localizability, out formattingTag);
                    commentTargetName = BamlConst.ContentSuffix;
                case BamlNodeType.LiteralContent:
                    // For literal content, get the attribute from parent element 
                    GetLocalizabilityForElementNode((BamlStartElementNode) node.Parent, out localizability, out formattingTag);
                    commentNode       = (BamlStartElementNode) node.Parent;
                    commentTargetName = BamlConst.ContentSuffix;

                case BamlNodeType.Property: 

                    BamlStartComplexPropertyNode propertyNode = (BamlStartComplexPropertyNode) node; 
                    if (  LocComments.IsLocCommentsProperty(propertyNode.OwnerTypeFullName, propertyNode.PropertyName)
                       || LocComments.IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(propertyNode.OwnerTypeFullName, propertyNode.PropertyName)
                        // skip Localization.Comments and Localization.Attributes properties. They aren't localizable
                        return null; 

                    // For property 
                    GetLocalizabilityForPropertyNode(propertyNode, out localizability);

                    commentTargetName = propertyNode.PropertyName;
                    commentNode       = (BamlStartElementNode) node.Parent; 
                    Invariant.Assert(false); // no localizable resource for such node 
            // Step 2: Find out the inheritance value 

            // The node participates in localizability inheritance 
            // let's fill things in
            localizability = CombineAndPropagateInheritanceValues(
                node as ILocalizabilityInheritable,
            // Step 3: We finalized the localizability values. We now apply.
            string content = null;

            if (localizability.Category != LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize
             && localizability.Category != LocalizationCategory.Ignore 
             && TryGetContent(key, node, out content))
                // we only create one if it is localizable 
                resource                = new BamlLocalizableResource();
                resource.Readable       = (localizability.Readability   == Readability.Readable); 
                resource.Modifiable     = (localizability.Modifiability == Modifiability.Modifiable);
                resource.Category       = localizability.Category;
                // continue to fill in content.
                resource.Content        = content; 
                resource.Comments       = _resolver.GetStringComment(commentNode, commentTargetName);
            // return the resource
            return resource; 

        /// This builds the localizable string from the baml tree node 
        /// return true when the node has valid localizable content, false otherwise. 
        internal bool TryGetContent(BamlLocalizableResourceKey key, BamlTreeNode currentNode, out string content) 
            content = string.Empty;

            switch (currentNode.NodeType) 
                case BamlNodeType.Property : 
                    bool isValidContent = true;
                    BamlPropertyNode propertyNode = (BamlPropertyNode) currentNode; 
                    content = BamlResourceContentUtil.EscapeString(propertyNode.Value);

                    // Markup extensions are not localizable values, e.g. {x:Type SolidColorBrush}. 
                    // So if the string can be parsed as Markup extensions, we will exclude it unless
                    // the user sets localization comments explicitly to localize this value. 
                    string typeName, args;
                    string tempContent = content; 
                    if (MarkupExtensionParser.GetMarkupExtensionTypeAndArgs(ref tempContent, out typeName, out args))
                        // See if this value has been marked as localizable explicitly in comments
                        LocalizabilityGroup localizability = _resolver.GetLocalizabilityComment( 
                            propertyNode.Parent as BamlStartElementNode,

                        isValidContent = (localizability != null && localizability.Readability == Readability.Readable); 
                    return isValidContent;
                case BamlNodeType.LiteralContent : 
                    content = BamlResourceContentUtil.EscapeString( 
                    return true; // succeed 
                case BamlNodeType.StartElement :
                    BamlStartElementNode elementNode = (BamlStartElementNode) currentNode; 
                    if (elementNode.Content == null)
                        StringBuilder contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
                        foreach(BamlTreeNode child in elementNode.Children)
                            // we only format element and text inline
                            // other nodes like property node we don't put them into the content of the element
                            switch (child.NodeType)
                               case BamlNodeType.StartElement :
                                   string childContent; 
                                   if (TryFormatElementContent(key,(BamlStartElementNode)child, out childContent))
                                       return false; // failed to get content for children element
                               case BamlNodeType.Text :

                        elementNode.Content = contentBuilder.ToString();
                    content = elementNode.Content;
                    return true; 
                default :
                    return true; 

        private bool TryFormatElementContent( 
            BamlLocalizableResourceKey  key,
            BamlStartElementNode        node, 
            out string                  content 
            content = string.Empty;

            string formattingTag;
            LocalizabilityAttribute attribute; 
            GetLocalizabilityForElementNode(node, out attribute, out formattingTag);
            attribute = CombineAndPropagateInheritanceValues(node, attribute); 
            if ( formattingTag      != null
              && attribute.Category != LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize 
              && attribute.Category != LocalizationCategory.Ignore
              && attribute.Modifiability == Modifiability.Modifiable
              && attribute.Readability == Readability.Readable
                // this node should be formatted inline 
                StringBuilder contentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 

                // write opening tag 
                if (node.Uid != null)
                        "<{0} {1}=\"{2}\">",
                    contentBuilder.AppendFormat(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, "<{0}>",  formattingTag); 
                // recurisively call down to format the content 
                string childContent;
                bool succeed = TryGetContent(key, node, out childContent); 

                if (succeed)

                    // write closing tag 
                    contentBuilder.AppendFormat(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, "", formattingTag); 

                    // remeber that we format this element so that we don't format the value again. 
                    // e.g.   ...  
                    // if  is already inlined in Text element's contennt, we don't need to
                    // have a seperate entry for  anymore
                    node.Formatted = true; 
                    content = contentBuilder.ToString();
                return succeed;
                // this node should be represented by place holder.
                bool succeed = true; 

                if (node.Uid != null) 
                    content = string.Format(
                    // we want to enforce the rule that all children element 
                    // must have UID defined.
                        new BamlLocalizerErrorNotifyEventArgs(
                    succeed = false; // failed

                return succeed;

        private void GetLocalizabilityForElementNode( 
            BamlStartElementNode        node,
            out LocalizabilityAttribute localizability, 
            out string                  formattingTag
            localizability = null; 
            formattingTag  = null;
            // get the names we need 
            string assemblyName = node.AssemblyName;
            string className    = node.TypeFullName; 

            // query the resolver
            ElementLocalizability result = _resolver.GetElementLocalizability(
            LocalizabilityGroup comment = null;
            comment = _resolver.GetLocalizabilityComment(node, BamlConst.ContentSuffix); 

            if (comment != null)
                localizability = comment.Override(result.Attribute); 
                localizability = result.Attribute;

            formattingTag  = result.FormattingTag;

        private void GetLocalizabilityForPropertyNode( 
            BamlStartComplexPropertyNode node, 
            out LocalizabilityAttribute  localizability
            localizability = null;

            string assemblyName      = node.AssemblyName; 
            string className         = node.OwnerTypeFullName;
            string propertyLocalName = node.PropertyName; 
            if (className == null || className.Length == 0)
                // class name can be empty or null. For example, 
                // We will use the parent node's value.
                string formattingTag;
                GetLocalizabilityForElementNode((BamlStartElementNode)node.Parent, out localizability, out formattingTag); 
            LocalizabilityGroup comment = _resolver.GetLocalizabilityComment(
                    (BamlStartElementNode) node.Parent, 

            localizability = _resolver.GetPropertyLocalizability( 
            if (comment != null)
                localizability = comment.Override(localizability);
        /// Combine inheritable attributes, and propegate it down the tree.
        /// current node
        /// localizability defined in source code
        /// The LocalizabilityAttribute to used for this node. It is not the same as the 
        /// inheritable attributes of the node when the node is set to Ignore.
        /// We always walk the baml tree in depth-first order 
        private LocalizabilityAttribute CombineAndPropagateInheritanceValues(
            ILocalizabilityInheritable  node, 
            LocalizabilityAttribute     localizabilityFromSource
            if (node == null ) 
                return localizabilityFromSource; 

            // If this node's inheritable localizability has been constructed, we can skip it 
            // This can happen when recursively format the content
            if (node.InheritableAttribute != null)
                return (!node.IsIgnored) ? node.InheritableAttribute : LocalizabilityIgnore; 
            // To test wether the current node needs to inherit values from parents. 
            // It inherits values if:
            // o This node is set to Ignore, in which case it propagates parent values. 
            // o Some of its attributes set to Inherit.
            if ( localizabilityFromSource.Category      != LocalizationCategory.Ignore
              && localizabilityFromSource.Category      != LocalizationCategory.Inherit
              && localizabilityFromSource.Readability   != Readability.Inherit 
              && localizabilityFromSource.Modifiability != Modifiability.Inherit)
                // just return the same one because no value is inherited 
                node.InheritableAttribute = localizabilityFromSource;
                return node.InheritableAttribute; 

            // find the ancestor to inherit values now.
            ILocalizabilityInheritable ancestor = node.LocalizabilityAncestor; 

            // find out the attribute that is inheritable from above 
            LocalizabilityAttribute inheritableAttribute = ancestor.InheritableAttribute; 

            if (inheritableAttribute == null) 
                // if ancestor's inheritable value isn't resolved yet, we recursively
                // resolve it here.
                BamlStartElementNode elementNode = ancestor as BamlStartElementNode; 
                if (elementNode != null)
                    string formattingTag; 
                    GetLocalizabilityForElementNode(elementNode, out inheritableAttribute, out formattingTag);
                    BamlStartComplexPropertyNode propertyNode = ancestor as BamlStartComplexPropertyNode;
                    GetLocalizabilityForPropertyNode(propertyNode, out inheritableAttribute); 
                CombineAndPropagateInheritanceValues(ancestor, inheritableAttribute); 

                inheritableAttribute = ancestor.InheritableAttribute; 
                Debug.Assert(inheritableAttribute != null);

            // if this item is set to ignore 
            if ( localizabilityFromSource.Category == LocalizationCategory.Ignore)
                // It propagates ancestor's inheritable localizability, but it will use 
                // its own value declared in source.
                // We also mark this node as being "Ignored" in the inheritance tree to signal that 
                // this node is not using the inheritance value.
                node.InheritableAttribute = inheritableAttribute;
                node.IsIgnored = true;
                return LocalizabilityIgnore; 
            // the item is not set to ignore, so we process the inheritable values 
            BamlTreeNode treeNode = (BamlTreeNode) node;
            switch (treeNode.NodeType) 
                case BamlNodeType.StartElement :
                case BamlNodeType.LiteralContent :
                    // if everything set to inherit, we just return the inheritable localizability
                    if (localizabilityFromSource.Category == LocalizationCategory.Inherit 
                      && localizabilityFromSource.Readability == Readability.Inherit 
                      && localizabilityFromSource.Modifiability == Modifiability.Inherit)
                        // just propagate the ancestor's localizability.
                        node.InheritableAttribute = inheritableAttribute;
                        // set new inherited values 
                        node.InheritableAttribute = CreateInheritedLocalizability( 
                case BamlNodeType.Property :
                case BamlNodeType.StartComplexProperty : 
                    ILocalizabilityInheritable parent = (ILocalizabilityInheritable) treeNode.Parent;
                    // Find the mininum localizability of the containing class and
                    // parent property. Parent property means the proeprty from parent node that
                    // has the same name.
                    LocalizabilityAttribute inheritedAttribute = CombineMinimumLocalizability( 

                    node.InheritableAttribute = CreateInheritedLocalizability( 
                    if (parent.IsIgnored && localizabilityFromSource.Category == LocalizationCategory.Inherit)
                        // If the parent node is Ignore and this property is set to inherit, then 
                        // this property node is to be ignore as well. We set the the "Ignore" flag so that
                        // the node will always be ignored without looking at the source localizability again. 
                        node.IsIgnored = true;
                        return LocalizabilityIgnore;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Can't process localizability attribute on nodes other than Element, Property and LiteralContent.");

            return node.InheritableAttribute; 
        /// Create the inherited localizability attribute
        /// localizability attribute defined in source
        /// localizability attribute inheritable from above
        /// LocalizabilityAttribute
        private LocalizabilityAttribute CreateInheritedLocalizability( 
            LocalizabilityAttribute source,
            LocalizabilityAttribute inheritable 
            LocalizationCategory category = 
                (source.Category == LocalizationCategory.Inherit) ?
                inheritable.Category :
            Readability readability =
                (source.Readability == Readability.Inherit) ? 
                inheritable.Readability : 
            Modifiability modifiability =
                (source.Modifiability == Modifiability.Inherit) ?
                inheritable.Modifiability :

            LocalizabilityAttribute attribute = new LocalizabilityAttribute(category); 
            attribute.Readability   = readability; 
            attribute.Modifiability = modifiability;
            return attribute; 

        /// It combines the min values of two localizability attributes.
        /// first  
        /// second
        /// LocalizabilityAttribute 
        private LocalizabilityAttribute CombineMinimumLocalizability(
            LocalizabilityAttribute first,
            LocalizabilityAttribute second
            if (first == null || second == null) 
                return (first == null) ? second : first;

            // min of two readability enum. The less the more restrictive.
            Readability readability = (Readability) Math.Min(
                (int) first.Readability, 
                (int) second.Readability
            // min of two Modifiability enum. The less the more restrictive.
            Modifiability modifiability = (Modifiability) Math.Min( 
                (int) first.Modifiability,
                (int) second.Modifiability
            // for category, NeverLocalize < Ignore < { all others } < None
            // If both categories belong to { all others }, first.Category wins 
            LocalizationCategory category = LocalizationCategory.None; 

            if ( first.Category  == LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize 
              || second.Category == LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize)
                category = LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize;
            else if ( first.Category  == LocalizationCategory.Ignore
                   || second.Category == LocalizationCategory.Ignore) 
                category = LocalizationCategory.Ignore;
                category = ( first.Category != LocalizationCategory.None) ?
                    first.Category : 
            LocalizabilityAttribute result = new LocalizabilityAttribute(category);
            result.Readability   = readability; 
            result.Modifiability = modifiability;

            return result;

        // private members 
        private InternalBamlLocalizabilityResolver _resolver; 
        private readonly LocalizabilityAttribute  LocalizabilityIgnore = new LocalizabilityAttribute(LocalizationCategory.Ignore);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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