StylusPointDescription.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / System / Windows / Input / Stylus / StylusPointDescription.cs / 1 / StylusPointDescription.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SR = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691  // suppressing PreSharp warnings 

namespace System.Windows.Input 
    /// StylusPointDescription describes the properties that a StylusPoint supports.
    public class StylusPointDescription
        /// Internal statics for our magic numbers
        internal static readonly int RequiredCountOfProperties = 3;
        internal static readonly int RequiredXIndex = 0;
        internal static readonly int RequiredYIndex = 1;
        internal static readonly int RequiredPressureIndex = 2; 
        internal static readonly int MaximumButtonCount = 31;
        private int                         _buttonCount = 0; 
        private int                         _originalPressureIndex = RequiredPressureIndex;
        private StylusPointPropertyInfo[]   _stylusPointPropertyInfos; 

        /// StylusPointDescription
        public StylusPointDescription()
            //implement the default packet description 
            _stylusPointPropertyInfos =
                new StylusPointPropertyInfo[] 
        /// StylusPointDescription 
        public StylusPointDescription(IEnumerable stylusPointPropertyInfos)
            if (null == stylusPointPropertyInfos) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointPropertyInfos"); 
            List infos =
                new List(stylusPointPropertyInfos); 

            if (infos.Count < RequiredCountOfProperties ||
                infos[RequiredXIndex].Id != StylusPointPropertyIds.X ||
                infos[RequiredYIndex].Id != StylusPointPropertyIds.Y || 
                infos[RequiredPressureIndex].Id != StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidStylusPointDescription), "stylusPointPropertyInfos"); 
            // look for duplicates, validate that buttons are last
            List seenIds = new List(); 

            int buttonCount = 0; 
            for (int x = RequiredCountOfProperties; x < infos.Count; x++)
                if (seenIds.Contains(infos[x].Id))
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidStylusPointDescriptionDuplicatesFound), "stylusPointPropertyInfos");
                if (infos[x].IsButton) 
                    //this is not a button, make sure we haven't seen one before 
                    if (buttonCount > 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidStylusPointDescriptionButtonsMustBeLast), "stylusPointPropertyInfos"); 
            if (buttonCount > MaximumButtonCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidStylusPointDescriptionTooManyButtons), "stylusPointPropertyInfos");
            _buttonCount = buttonCount;
            _stylusPointPropertyInfos = infos.ToArray(); 

        /// StylusPointDescription 
        /// stylusPointPropertyInfos 
        /// originalPressureIndex - does the digitizer really support pressure?  If so, the index this was at 
        internal StylusPointDescription(IEnumerable stylusPointPropertyInfos, int originalPressureIndex)
            : this (stylusPointPropertyInfos) 
            _originalPressureIndex = originalPressureIndex;
        /// HasProperty 
        /// stylusPointProperty
        public bool HasProperty(StylusPointProperty stylusPointProperty) 
            if (null == stylusPointProperty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointProperty"); 
            int index = IndexOf(stylusPointProperty.Id); 
            if (-1 == index)
                return false;
            return true;

        /// The count of properties this StylusPointDescription contains 
        public int PropertyCount 
            get { return _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; }
        /// GetProperty 
        /// stylusPointProperty
        public StylusPointPropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(StylusPointProperty stylusPointProperty) 
            if (null == stylusPointProperty)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointProperty"); 
            return GetPropertyInfo(stylusPointProperty.Id); 

        /// GetPropertyInfo
        /// guid
        internal StylusPointPropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(Guid guid) 
            int index = IndexOf(guid); 
            if (-1 == index) 
                //we didn't find it 
                throw new ArgumentException("stylusPointProperty");
            return _stylusPointPropertyInfos[index];

        /// Returns the index of the given StylusPointProperty by ID, or -1 if none is found 
        internal int GetPropertyIndex(Guid guid) 
            return IndexOf(guid);
        /// GetStylusPointProperties 
        public ReadOnlyCollection GetStylusPointProperties()
            return new ReadOnlyCollection(_stylusPointPropertyInfos);

        /// GetStylusPointPropertyIdss
        internal Guid[] GetStylusPointPropertyIds() 
            Guid[] ret = new Guid[_stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length]; 
            for (int x = 0; x < ret.Length; x++)
                ret[x] = _stylusPointPropertyInfos[x].Id;
            return ret;
        /// Internal helper for determining how many ints in a raw int array 
        /// correspond to one point we get from the input system
        internal int GetInputArrayLengthPerPoint()
            int buttonLength = _buttonCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            int propertyLength = (_stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length - _buttonCount) + buttonLength; 
            if (!this.ContainsTruePressure) 
            return propertyLength;
        /// Internal helper for determining how many members a StylusPoint's 
        /// internal int[] should be for additional data 
        internal int GetExpectedAdditionalDataCount() 
            int buttonLength = _buttonCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
            int expectedLength = ((_stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length - _buttonCount) + buttonLength) - 3 /*x, y, p*/;
            return expectedLength; 
        /// Internal helper for determining how many ints in a raw int array
        /// correspond to one point when saving to himetric 
        internal int GetOutputArrayLengthPerPoint()
            int length = GetInputArrayLengthPerPoint();
            if (!this.ContainsTruePressure) 
            return length;

        /// Internal helper for determining how many buttons are present
        internal int ButtonCount 
                return _buttonCount;

        /// Internal helper for determining what bit position the button is at 
        internal int GetButtonBitPosition(StylusPointProperty buttonProperty) 
            if (!buttonProperty.IsButton)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 
            int buttonIndex = 0; 
            for (int x = _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length - _buttonCount; //start of the buttons 
                 x < _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; x++)
                if (_stylusPointPropertyInfos[x].Id == buttonProperty.Id)
                    return buttonIndex;
                if (_stylusPointPropertyInfos[x].IsButton)
                    // we're in the buttons, but this isn't the right one, 
                    // bump the button index and keep looking
            return -1;

        /// ContainsTruePressure - true if this StylusPointDescription was instanced 
        /// by a TabletDevice or by ISF serialization that contains NormalPressure
        internal bool ContainsTruePressure
            get { return (_originalPressureIndex != -1); }

        /// Internal helper to determine the original pressure index 
        internal int OriginalPressureIndex 
            get { return _originalPressureIndex; }
        /// Returns true if the two StylusPointDescriptions have the same StylusPointProperties.  Metrics are ignored. 
        /// stylusPointDescription1
        /// stylusPointDescription2 
        public static bool AreCompatible(StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescription1, StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescription2)
            if (stylusPointDescription1 == null || stylusPointDescription2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointDescription");
            #pragma warning disable 6506 // if a StylusPointDescription is not null, then _stylusPointPropertyInfos is not null.
            // ignore X, Y, Pressure - they are guaranteed to be the first3 members
            Debug.Assert(   stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length >= RequiredCountOfProperties &&
                            stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos[0].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X && 
                            stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos[1].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y &&
                            stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos[2].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure); 
            Debug.Assert(   stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length >= RequiredCountOfProperties &&
                            stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos[0].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X && 
                            stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos[1].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y &&
                            stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos[2].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure);

            if (stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length != stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length) 
                return false; 
            for (int x = RequiredCountOfProperties; x < stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; x++)
                if (!StylusPointPropertyInfo.AreCompatible(stylusPointDescription1._stylusPointPropertyInfos[x], stylusPointDescription2._stylusPointPropertyInfos[x]))
                    return false;
            #pragma warning restore 6506 
            return true;

        /// Returns a new StylusPointDescription with the common StylusPointProperties from both
        /// stylusPointDescription
        /// stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo 
        /// The StylusPointProperties from stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo will be returned in the new StylusPointDescription 
        public static StylusPointDescription GetCommonDescription(StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescription, StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo)
            if (stylusPointDescription == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointDescription");
            if (stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo"); 

            #pragma warning disable 6506 // if a StylusPointDescription is not null, then _stylusPointPropertyInfos is not null.
            // ignore X, Y, Pressure - they are guaranteed to be the first3 members 
            Debug.Assert(stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length >= 3 && 
                            stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos[0].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X && 
                            stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos[1].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y &&
                            stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos[2].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure); 

            Debug.Assert(stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length >= 3 &&
                            stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo._stylusPointPropertyInfos[0].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.X &&
                            stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo._stylusPointPropertyInfos[1].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.Y && 
                            stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo._stylusPointPropertyInfos[2].Id == StylusPointPropertyIds.NormalPressure);
            //add x, y, p
            List commonProperties = new List(); 
            //add common properties
            for (int x = RequiredCountOfProperties; x < stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; x++) 
                for (int y = RequiredCountOfProperties; y < stylusPointDescriptionPreserveInfo._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; y++)
                    if (StylusPointPropertyInfo.AreCompatible(  stylusPointDescription._stylusPointPropertyInfos[x],
            #pragma warning restore 6506
            return new StylusPointDescription(commonProperties);

        /// Returns true if this StylusPointDescription is a subset
        /// of the StylusPointDescription passed in 
        /// stylusPointDescriptionSuperset
        public bool IsSubsetOf(StylusPointDescription stylusPointDescriptionSuperset)
            if (null == stylusPointDescriptionSuperset)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stylusPointDescriptionSuperset");
            if (stylusPointDescriptionSuperset._stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length < _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length) 
                return false; 
            // iterate through our local properties and make sure that the
            // superset contains them 
            for (int x = 0; x < _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; x++) 
                Guid id = _stylusPointPropertyInfos[x].Id;
                if (-1 == stylusPointDescriptionSuperset.IndexOf(id)) 
                    return false;
            return true;
        /// Returns the index of the given StylusPointProperty, or -1 if none is found 
        /// propertyId
        private int IndexOf(Guid propertyId)
            for (int x = 0; x < _stylusPointPropertyInfos.Length; x++)
                if (_stylusPointPropertyInfos[x].Id == propertyId) 
                    return x; 
            return -1;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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