/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / XmlException.cs / 1 / XmlException.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml { using System; using System.IO; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; ////// [Serializable] public class XmlException : SystemException { string res; string[] args; // this field is not used, it's here just V1.1 serialization compatibility int lineNumber; int linePosition; [OptionalField] string sourceUri; // message != null for V1 exceptions deserialized in Whidbey // message == null for V2 or higher exceptions; the exception message is stored on the base class (Exception._message) string message; protected XmlException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { res = (string) info.GetValue("res" , typeof(string)); args = (string[])info.GetValue("args", typeof(string[])); lineNumber = (int) info.GetValue("lineNumber", typeof(int)); linePosition = (int) info.GetValue("linePosition", typeof(int)); // deserialize optional members sourceUri = string.Empty; string version = null; foreach ( SerializationEntry e in info ) { switch ( e.Name ) { case "sourceUri": sourceUri = (string)e.Value; break; case "version": version = (string)e.Value; break; } } if ( version == null ) { // deserializing V1 exception message = CreateMessage( res, args, lineNumber, linePosition ); } else { // deserializing V2 or higher exception -> exception message is serialized by the base class (Exception._message) message = null; } } [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand,SerializationFormatter=true)] public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { base.GetObjectData(info, context); info.AddValue("res", res); info.AddValue("args", args); info.AddValue("lineNumber", lineNumber); info.AddValue("linePosition", linePosition); info.AddValue("sourceUri", sourceUri); info.AddValue("version", "2.0"); } //provided to meet the ECMA standards public XmlException() : this(null) { } //provided to meet the ECMA standards public XmlException(String message) : this (message, ((Exception)null), 0, 0) { #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(message == null || !message.StartsWith("Xml_", StringComparison.Ordinal), "Do not pass a resource here!"); #endif } //provided to meet ECMA standards public XmlException(String message, Exception innerException) : this (message, innerException, 0, 0) { } //provided to meet ECMA standards public XmlException(String message, Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition) : this( message, innerException, lineNumber, linePosition, null ) { } internal XmlException(String message, Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition, string sourceUri) : this((message == null ? Res.Xml_DefaultException : Res.Xml_UserException), new string[] { message }, innerException, lineNumber, linePosition, sourceUri ) { } internal XmlException(string res, string[] args) : this(res, args, null, 0, 0, null) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, string sourceUri) : this(res, args, null, 0, 0, sourceUri) {} internal XmlException(string res, string arg) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, null, 0, 0, null) {} internal XmlException(string res, string arg, string sourceUri) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, null, 0, 0, sourceUri) {} internal XmlException(string res, String arg, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, lineInfo, null) {} internal XmlException(string res, String arg, Exception innerException, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, innerException, (lineInfo == null ? 0 : lineInfo.LineNumber), (lineInfo == null ? 0 : lineInfo.LinePosition), null) {} internal XmlException(string res, String arg, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo, string sourceUri) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, lineInfo, sourceUri) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo) : this(res, args, lineInfo, null) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, IXmlLineInfo lineInfo, string sourceUri) : this (res, args, null, (lineInfo == null ? 0 : lineInfo.LineNumber), (lineInfo == null ? 0 : lineInfo.LinePosition), sourceUri) { } internal XmlException(string res, int lineNumber, int linePosition) : this(res, (string[])null, null, lineNumber, linePosition) {} internal XmlException(string res, string arg, int lineNumber, int linePosition) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, null, lineNumber, linePosition, null) {} internal XmlException(string res, string arg, int lineNumber, int linePosition, string sourceUri) : this(res, new string[] { arg }, null, lineNumber, linePosition, sourceUri) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, int lineNumber, int linePosition) : this( res, args, null, lineNumber, linePosition, null ) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, int lineNumber, int linePosition, string sourceUri) : this( res, args, null, lineNumber, linePosition, sourceUri ) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition) : this( res, args, innerException, lineNumber, linePosition, null ) {} internal XmlException(string res, string[] args, Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition, string sourceUri) : base( CreateMessage(res, args, lineNumber, linePosition), innerException ) { HResult = HResults.Xml; this.res = res; this.args = args; this.sourceUri = sourceUri; this.lineNumber = lineNumber; this.linePosition = linePosition; } private static string CreateMessage(string res, string[] args, int lineNumber, int linePosition) { try { string message = Res.GetString(res, args); if (lineNumber != 0) { string[] msg = new string[2]; msg[0] = lineNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); msg[1] = linePosition.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); message += " " + Res.GetString(Res.Xml_ErrorPosition, msg); } return message; } catch ( MissingManifestResourceException ) { return "UNKNOWN("+res+")"; } } internal static string[] BuildCharExceptionStr(char ch) { string[] aStringList= new string[2]; if ( (int)ch == 0 ) { aStringList[0] = "."; } else { aStringList[0] = ch.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } aStringList[1] = "0x"+ ((int)ch).ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return aStringList; } public int LineNumber { get { return this.lineNumber; } } public int LinePosition { get { return this.linePosition; } } public string SourceUri { get { return this.sourceUri; } } public override string Message { get { return ( message == null ) ? base.Message : message; } } internal string ResString { get { return res; } } internal static bool IsCatchableException(Exception e) { Debug.Assert(e != null, "Unexpected null exception"); return !( e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException || e is ThreadAbortException || e is ThreadInterruptedException || e is NullReferenceException || e is AccessViolationException ); } }; } // namespace System.Xml // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Returns detailed information about the last parse error, including the error /// number, line number, character position, and a text description. ///
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