LocalizationComments.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Globalization / LocalizationComments.cs / 1 / LocalizationComments.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Localization comments related class 
// History: 
//  12/4/2004: Garyyang Created the file
using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Xml; 
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Windows; 
using MS.Utility; 

// Disabling 1634 and 1691: 
// In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
// unknown pragmas when compiling C# source code with the C# compiler,
// you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation)
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 

namespace MS.Internal.Globalization 
    /// Note: the class name and property name must be kept in [....]'ed with 
    /// Framework\System\Windows\Localization.cs file.
    /// Compiler checks for them by literal string comparisons.
    internal static class LocComments 
        /// Helper function to determine whether this is the Localization.Attribute attached proeprty 
        /// type name 
        /// property name
        internal static bool IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(string type, string property)
            return "Attributes" == property 
                && "System.Windows.Localization" == type;

        /// Helper function to determind whether this is the Localization.Comments attached proeprty
        /// type name
        /// property name 
        internal static bool IsLocCommentsProperty(string type, string property)
            return "Comments" == property 
                && "System.Windows.Localization" == type;

        /// Helper function to parse the Localization.Attributes value into multiple pairs
        /// content of Localization.Attributes
        internal static PropertyComment[] ParsePropertyLocalizabilityAttributes(string input) 
            PropertyComment[] pairs = ParsePropertyComments(input);
            if (pairs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Length; i++)
                    pairs[i].Value = LookupAndSetLocalizabilityAttribute((string) pairs[i].Value);

            return pairs; 

        /// Helper function to parse the Localization.Comments value into multiple pairs 
        /// content of Localization.Comments 
        internal static PropertyComment[] ParsePropertyComments(string input) 
            // Localization comments consist of repeating "[PropertyName]([Value])"
            // e.g. $Content (abc) FontSize(def)
            if (input == null) return null; 

            List tokens  = new List(8); 
            StringBuilder tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder(); 
            PropertyComment currentPair   = new PropertyComment();
            bool escaped              = false; 

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                if (currentPair.PropertyName == null) 
                    // parsing "PropertyName" section 
                    if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i]) && !escaped) 
                        if (tokenBuffer.Length > 0) 
                            // terminate the PropertyName by an unesacped whitespace
                            currentPair.PropertyName = tokenBuffer.ToString();
                            tokenBuffer        = new StringBuilder(); 
                        // else ignore whitespace at the beginning of the PropertyName name 
                        if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped)
                            if (i > 0) 
                                // terminate the PropertyName by an unescaped CommentStart char 
                                currentPair.PropertyName = tokenBuffer.ToString(); 
                                tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder();
                                i--; // put back this char and continue 
                                // can't begin with unescaped comment start char.
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentTarget, input)); 
                        else if (input[i] == EscapeChar && !escaped) 
                            escaped = true;
                            escaped = false; 
                    // parsing the "Value" part 
                    if (tokenBuffer.Length == 0)
                        if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped) 
                            // comment must begin with unescaped CommentStart 
                            escaped = false;
                        else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i])) 
                            // else, only white space is allows before an unescaped comment start char 
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentValue, currentPair.PropertyName, input)); 
                        // inside the comment
                        if (input[i] == CommentEnd) 
                            if (!escaped) 
                                // terminated by unescaped Comment
                                currentPair.Value = tokenBuffer.ToString().Substring(1); 
                                tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder();
                                currentPair = new PropertyComment();
                                // continue on escaped end char 
                                escaped = false; 
                        else if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped)
                            // throw if there is unescape start in comment
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentValue, currentPair.PropertyName, input)); 
                            // comment
                            if (input[i] == EscapeChar && !escaped)
                                escaped = true; 
                                escaped = false; 
            if (currentPair.PropertyName != null || tokenBuffer.Length != 0) 
                // unmatched PropertyName and Value pair 
                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.UnmatchedLocComment, input));

            return tokens.ToArray(); 
        // Private methods
        private static LocalizabilityGroup LookupAndSetLocalizabilityAttribute(string input)
            // For Localization.Attributes, values are seperated by spaces, e.g. 
            // $Content (Modifiable Readable)
            // We are breaking the content and convert it to corresponding enum values. 
            LocalizabilityGroup attributeGroup = new LocalizabilityGroup();
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i ++)
                if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i])) 
                    if (builder.Length > 0) 

                        builder = new StringBuilder(); 

            if (builder.Length > 0) 

            return attributeGroup;

        private static void ParseLocalizabilityString( 
            string               value, 
            LocalizabilityGroup  attributeGroup
            int enumValue;
            if (ReadabilityIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue))
                attributeGroup.Readability = (Readability) enumValue;

            if (ModifiabilityIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue)) 
                attributeGroup.Modifiability = (Modifiability) enumValue;

            if (LocalizationCategoryIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue)) 
                attributeGroup.Category = (LocalizationCategory) enumValue;

            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocalizabilityValue, value));

        private const char CommentStart = '('; 
        private const char CommentEnd   = ')';
        private const char EscapeChar   = '\\'; 

        // loc comments file recognized element
        internal const string LocDocumentRoot            = "LocalizableAssembly";
        internal const string LocResourcesElement        = "LocalizableFile"; 
        internal const string LocCommentsElement         = "LocalizationDirectives";
        internal const string LocFileNameAttribute       = "Name"; 
        internal const string LocCommentIDAttribute      = "Uid"; 
        internal const string LocCommentsAttribute       = "Comments";
        internal const string LocLocalizabilityAttribute = "Attributes"; 

        // Tables that map the enum string names into their enum indices.
        // Each index table contains the list of enum names in the exact 
        // order of their enum indices. They must be consistent with the enum
        // declarations in core. 
        private static EnumNameIndexTable ReadabilityIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        private static EnumNameIndexTable ModifiabilityIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        private static EnumNameIndexTable LocalizationCategoryIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        /// A simple table that maps a enum name into its enum index. The string can be 
        /// the enum value's name by itself or preceeded by the enum's prefix to reduce 
        /// ambiguity.
        private class EnumNameIndexTable
            private string _enumPrefix;
            private string[] _enumNames; 

            internal EnumNameIndexTable( 
                string enumPrefix, 
                string[] enumNames
                Debug.Assert(enumPrefix != null && enumNames != null);
                _enumPrefix = enumPrefix;
                _enumNames = enumNames; 
            internal bool TryGet(string enumName, out int enumIndex) 
                enumIndex = 0; 
                if (enumName.StartsWith(_enumPrefix , StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // get the real enum name after the prefix.
                    enumName = enumName.Substring(_enumPrefix.Length); 
                for (int i = 0; i < _enumNames.Length; i++) 
                    if (string.Compare(enumName, _enumNames[i], StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                        enumIndex = i;
                        return true;
                return false; 

    internal class PropertyComment
        string _target;
        object _value; 
        internal PropertyComment() {}
        internal string PropertyName
            get { return _target; }
            set { _target = value; } 
        internal object Value 
            get { return _value;} 
            set { _value = value;}
    internal class LocalizabilityGroup
        private const int InvalidValue = -1; 

        internal Modifiability         Modifiability; 
        internal Readability           Readability;
        internal LocalizationCategory  Category;

        internal LocalizabilityGroup() 
            Modifiability = (Modifiability) InvalidValue; 
            Readability   = (Readability) InvalidValue; 
            Category      = (LocalizationCategory) InvalidValue;

        // Helper to override a localizability attribute. Not needed for compiler
        internal LocalizabilityAttribute Override(LocalizabilityAttribute attribute) 
            Modifiability modifiability   = attribute.Modifiability; 
            Readability   readability     = attribute.Readability; 
            LocalizationCategory category = attribute.Category;
            bool overridden = false;
            if (((int) Modifiability)!= InvalidValue)
                modifiability = Modifiability; 
                overridden = true;
            if (((int) Readability) != InvalidValue)
                readability = Readability;
                overridden = true;
            if (((int) Category) != InvalidValue)
                category = Category; 
                overridden = true;

            if (overridden)
                attribute = new LocalizabilityAttribute(category); 
                attribute.Modifiability = modifiability;
                attribute.Readability   = readability; 

            return attribute; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Localization comments related class 
// History: 
//  12/4/2004: Garyyang Created the file
using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO; 
using System.Xml; 
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Windows; 
using MS.Utility; 

// Disabling 1634 and 1691: 
// In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and
// unknown pragmas when compiling C# source code with the C# compiler,
// you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation)
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 

namespace MS.Internal.Globalization 
    /// Note: the class name and property name must be kept in [....]'ed with 
    /// Framework\System\Windows\Localization.cs file.
    /// Compiler checks for them by literal string comparisons.
    internal static class LocComments 
        /// Helper function to determine whether this is the Localization.Attribute attached proeprty 
        /// type name 
        /// property name
        internal static bool IsLocLocalizabilityProperty(string type, string property)
            return "Attributes" == property 
                && "System.Windows.Localization" == type;

        /// Helper function to determind whether this is the Localization.Comments attached proeprty
        /// type name
        /// property name 
        internal static bool IsLocCommentsProperty(string type, string property)
            return "Comments" == property 
                && "System.Windows.Localization" == type;

        /// Helper function to parse the Localization.Attributes value into multiple pairs
        /// content of Localization.Attributes
        internal static PropertyComment[] ParsePropertyLocalizabilityAttributes(string input) 
            PropertyComment[] pairs = ParsePropertyComments(input);
            if (pairs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Length; i++)
                    pairs[i].Value = LookupAndSetLocalizabilityAttribute((string) pairs[i].Value);

            return pairs; 

        /// Helper function to parse the Localization.Comments value into multiple pairs 
        /// content of Localization.Comments 
        internal static PropertyComment[] ParsePropertyComments(string input) 
            // Localization comments consist of repeating "[PropertyName]([Value])"
            // e.g. $Content (abc) FontSize(def)
            if (input == null) return null; 

            List tokens  = new List(8); 
            StringBuilder tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder(); 
            PropertyComment currentPair   = new PropertyComment();
            bool escaped              = false; 

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                if (currentPair.PropertyName == null) 
                    // parsing "PropertyName" section 
                    if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i]) && !escaped) 
                        if (tokenBuffer.Length > 0) 
                            // terminate the PropertyName by an unesacped whitespace
                            currentPair.PropertyName = tokenBuffer.ToString();
                            tokenBuffer        = new StringBuilder(); 
                        // else ignore whitespace at the beginning of the PropertyName name 
                        if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped)
                            if (i > 0) 
                                // terminate the PropertyName by an unescaped CommentStart char 
                                currentPair.PropertyName = tokenBuffer.ToString(); 
                                tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder();
                                i--; // put back this char and continue 
                                // can't begin with unescaped comment start char.
                                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentTarget, input)); 
                        else if (input[i] == EscapeChar && !escaped) 
                            escaped = true;
                            escaped = false; 
                    // parsing the "Value" part 
                    if (tokenBuffer.Length == 0)
                        if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped) 
                            // comment must begin with unescaped CommentStart 
                            escaped = false;
                        else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i])) 
                            // else, only white space is allows before an unescaped comment start char 
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentValue, currentPair.PropertyName, input)); 
                        // inside the comment
                        if (input[i] == CommentEnd) 
                            if (!escaped) 
                                // terminated by unescaped Comment
                                currentPair.Value = tokenBuffer.ToString().Substring(1); 
                                tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder();
                                currentPair = new PropertyComment();
                                // continue on escaped end char 
                                escaped = false; 
                        else if (input[i] == CommentStart && !escaped)
                            // throw if there is unescape start in comment
                            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocCommentValue, currentPair.PropertyName, input)); 
                            // comment
                            if (input[i] == EscapeChar && !escaped)
                                escaped = true; 
                                escaped = false; 
            if (currentPair.PropertyName != null || tokenBuffer.Length != 0) 
                // unmatched PropertyName and Value pair 
                throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.UnmatchedLocComment, input));

            return tokens.ToArray(); 
        // Private methods
        private static LocalizabilityGroup LookupAndSetLocalizabilityAttribute(string input)
            // For Localization.Attributes, values are seperated by spaces, e.g. 
            // $Content (Modifiable Readable)
            // We are breaking the content and convert it to corresponding enum values. 
            LocalizabilityGroup attributeGroup = new LocalizabilityGroup();
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i ++)
                if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i])) 
                    if (builder.Length > 0) 

                        builder = new StringBuilder(); 

            if (builder.Length > 0) 

            return attributeGroup;

        private static void ParseLocalizabilityString( 
            string               value, 
            LocalizabilityGroup  attributeGroup
            int enumValue;
            if (ReadabilityIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue))
                attributeGroup.Readability = (Readability) enumValue;

            if (ModifiabilityIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue)) 
                attributeGroup.Modifiability = (Modifiability) enumValue;

            if (LocalizationCategoryIndexTable.TryGet(value, out enumValue)) 
                attributeGroup.Category = (LocalizationCategory) enumValue;

            throw new FormatException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocalizabilityValue, value));

        private const char CommentStart = '('; 
        private const char CommentEnd   = ')';
        private const char EscapeChar   = '\\'; 

        // loc comments file recognized element
        internal const string LocDocumentRoot            = "LocalizableAssembly";
        internal const string LocResourcesElement        = "LocalizableFile"; 
        internal const string LocCommentsElement         = "LocalizationDirectives";
        internal const string LocFileNameAttribute       = "Name"; 
        internal const string LocCommentIDAttribute      = "Uid"; 
        internal const string LocCommentsAttribute       = "Comments";
        internal const string LocLocalizabilityAttribute = "Attributes"; 

        // Tables that map the enum string names into their enum indices.
        // Each index table contains the list of enum names in the exact 
        // order of their enum indices. They must be consistent with the enum
        // declarations in core. 
        private static EnumNameIndexTable ReadabilityIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        private static EnumNameIndexTable ModifiabilityIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        private static EnumNameIndexTable LocalizationCategoryIndexTable = new EnumNameIndexTable(
            new string[] {
        /// A simple table that maps a enum name into its enum index. The string can be 
        /// the enum value's name by itself or preceeded by the enum's prefix to reduce 
        /// ambiguity.
        private class EnumNameIndexTable
            private string _enumPrefix;
            private string[] _enumNames; 

            internal EnumNameIndexTable( 
                string enumPrefix, 
                string[] enumNames
                Debug.Assert(enumPrefix != null && enumNames != null);
                _enumPrefix = enumPrefix;
                _enumNames = enumNames; 
            internal bool TryGet(string enumName, out int enumIndex) 
                enumIndex = 0; 
                if (enumName.StartsWith(_enumPrefix , StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    // get the real enum name after the prefix.
                    enumName = enumName.Substring(_enumPrefix.Length); 
                for (int i = 0; i < _enumNames.Length; i++) 
                    if (string.Compare(enumName, _enumNames[i], StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                        enumIndex = i;
                        return true;
                return false; 

    internal class PropertyComment
        string _target;
        object _value; 
        internal PropertyComment() {}
        internal string PropertyName
            get { return _target; }
            set { _target = value; } 
        internal object Value 
            get { return _value;} 
            set { _value = value;}
    internal class LocalizabilityGroup
        private const int InvalidValue = -1; 

        internal Modifiability         Modifiability; 
        internal Readability           Readability;
        internal LocalizationCategory  Category;

        internal LocalizabilityGroup() 
            Modifiability = (Modifiability) InvalidValue; 
            Readability   = (Readability) InvalidValue; 
            Category      = (LocalizationCategory) InvalidValue;

        // Helper to override a localizability attribute. Not needed for compiler
        internal LocalizabilityAttribute Override(LocalizabilityAttribute attribute) 
            Modifiability modifiability   = attribute.Modifiability; 
            Readability   readability     = attribute.Readability; 
            LocalizationCategory category = attribute.Category;
            bool overridden = false;
            if (((int) Modifiability)!= InvalidValue)
                modifiability = Modifiability; 
                overridden = true;
            if (((int) Readability) != InvalidValue)
                readability = Readability;
                overridden = true;
            if (((int) Category) != InvalidValue)
                category = Category; 
                overridden = true;

            if (overridden)
                attribute = new LocalizabilityAttribute(category); 
                attribute.Modifiability = modifiability;
                attribute.Readability   = readability; 

            return attribute; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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