AppDomainCompilerProxy.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsCompiler / AppDomainCompilerProxy.cs / 1 / AppDomainCompilerProxy.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      AppDomainProxy for the SrgsCompiler 
// History:
//      10/1/2004   jeanfp      Created 

#region Using directives
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser; 
using System.Speech.Recognition;
using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar;
using System.Text;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. 
#pragma warning disable 56500 // Remove all the catch all statements warnings used by the interop layer
// This class is used to validate the content of a strongly typed grammar. It is loaded in an app domain.

namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    /// TODOC 
    internal class AppDomainCompilerProxy : MarshalByRefObject

        // This method is used. It is referenced through reflection
        internal Exception CheckAssembly (byte [] il, int iCfg, string language, string nameSpace, string [] ruleNames, string [] methodNames, int [] methodScripts)
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load (il); 

                // Allocate the array of string for all the constructors 
                _constructors = new string [ruleNames.Length];

                // Validate the rule scripts definition
                for (int i = 0, count = ruleNames.Length; i < count; i++) 
                    string sRule = ruleNames [i]; 
                    string sMethod = methodNames [i]; 
                    _constructors [i] = string.Empty;
                    // Get the class defition
                    string classname = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nameSpace) ? nameSpace + "." : string.Empty) + sRule;
                    Type typeClass = assembly.GetType (classname);
                    if (typeClass == null)
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.CannotFindClass, sRule, nameSpace); 
                    // Make sure that it derives from Grammar
                    if (!(typeClass.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar))))
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.StrongTypedGrammarNotAGrammar, classname, nameSpace); 
                    // Get all the method names to check the parameters 
                    MethodInfo [] methods = typeClass.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    ScriptRefStruct ruleScript = new ScriptRefStruct (sRule, (RuleMethodScript) methodScripts [i]);
                    bool found = false;

                    for (int iMethod = 0; iMethod < methods.Length; iMethod++) 
                        MethodInfo method = methods [iMethod]; 
                        if (method.Name == sMethod) 
                            // Check for the parameters 
                            ParameterInfo [] args = method.GetParameters ();
                            Type returnType = null;
                            switch (ruleScript._method)
                                case RuleMethodScript.onInit:
                                    // Add the parameters for the new overload 
                                    _constructors [i] += GenerateConstructor (iCfg, args, language, sRule); 
                                    // build the returned type
                                    returnType = typeof (SrgsRule []); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onParse:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 2 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (SemanticValue) || args [1].ParameterType != typeof (RecognizedWordUnit []))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (object); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onRecognition:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 1 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (RecognitionResult))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (object); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onError:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 1 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (Exception))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (void); 

                            // Check for the return type 
                            if (method.ReturnType != returnType)
                                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidReturnType, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) 
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptNotFound, sMethod, ruleScript._rule, ruleScript._method.ToString ()); 

                    // The class needs to be public 
                    if (!typeClass.IsPublic)
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.ClassNotPublic, sRule);
            catch (Exception e) 
                return e; 
            return null;
        internal string [] Constructors ()
            return _constructors; 
        internal string GenerateConstructor (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string language, string classname) 
            string script = string.Empty;
            // Select an instance of a compiler and wrap the script code with the
            // class definition 
            switch (language)
                case "C#": 
                    script = WrapConstructorCSharp (iCfg, parameters, classname);

                case "VB.Net":
                    script = WrapConstructorVB (iCfg, parameters, classname);

                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedLanguage, language); 

            return script;
        static private void ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (bool found, string method)
            if (found) 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OverloadNotAllowed, method); 

        static private string WrapConstructorCSharp (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string classname) 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (200); 
            sb.Append (" public "); 
            sb.Append (classname);
            sb.Append (" ("); 
            if (parameters != null)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (ParameterInfo arg in parameters) 
                    if (i++ > 0) 
                        sb.Append (", ");

                    if (i == parameters.Length && arg.ParameterType.IsArray)
                        object [] customAttributes = arg.GetCustomAttributes (false); 
                        foreach (object attribute in customAttributes)
                            if (attribute is ParamArrayAttribute) 
                                sb.Append ("params "); 
                    sb.Append (arg.ParameterType.FullName);
                    sb.Append (" "); 
                    sb.Append (arg.Name); 
            sb.Append (" )\n  {\n object [] onInitParams = new object [");
            sb.Append (parameters == null ? 0 : parameters.Length);
            sb.Append ("];\n");
            for (int iArg = 0; parameters != null && iArg < parameters.Length; iArg++)
                sb.Append ("onInitParams ["); 
                sb.Append (iArg);
                sb.Append ("] = "); 
                sb.Append (parameters [iArg].Name);
                sb.Append (";\n");
            sb.Append ("ResourceName = \""); 
            sb.Append (iCfg.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            sb.Append (".CFG\";\nStgInit (onInitParams);"); 
            sb.Append ("\n  } \n"); 
            return sb.ToString ();

        static private string WrapConstructorVB (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string classname)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (200); 
            sb.Append ("Public Sub New");
            sb.Append (" ("); 
            if (parameters != null) 
                int i = 0; 
                foreach (ParameterInfo arg in parameters)
                    if (i++ > 0)
                        sb.Append (", ");
                    if (!arg.ParameterType.IsByRef)
                        sb.Append ("ByVal ");
                    if (i == parameters.Length && arg.ParameterType.IsArray)
                        object [] customAttributes = arg.GetCustomAttributes (false);
                        foreach (object attribute in customAttributes) 
                            if (attribute is ParamArrayAttribute)
                                sb.Append ("ParamArray ");
                    sb.Append (arg.Name); 
                    if (arg.ParameterType.IsArray) 
                        sb.Append ("()"); 
                    sb.Append (" as ");
                    sb.Append (arg.ParameterType.Name);
            sb.Append (" )\n  Dim onInitParams () as Object = {"); 
            for (int iArg = 0; parameters != null && iArg < parameters.Length; iArg++)
                if (iArg > 0)
                    sb.Append (", ");
                sb.Append (parameters [iArg].Name);
            sb.Append ("}\n"); 

            sb.Append ("ResourceName = \""); 
            sb.Append (iCfg.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            sb.Append (".CFG\"\nStgInit (onInitParams)\n");
            sb.Append ("\nEnd Sub \n");
            return sb.ToString (); 
        internal string [] _constructors; 

        // Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        /// Summary description for ScriptRef. 
        // list of rules with scripts
        private class ScriptRefStruct
            // Constructors 

            #region Constructors

            internal ScriptRefStruct (string rule, RuleMethodScript method) 
                _rule = rule; 
                _method = method; 

            // Internal Fields

            #region Internal Fields 

            internal string _rule;

            internal RuleMethodScript _method; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description:
//      AppDomainProxy for the SrgsCompiler 
// History:
//      10/1/2004   jeanfp      Created 

#region Using directives
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser; 
using System.Speech.Recognition;
using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar;
using System.Text;
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. 
#pragma warning disable 56500 // Remove all the catch all statements warnings used by the interop layer
// This class is used to validate the content of a strongly typed grammar. It is loaded in an app domain.

namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler
    /// TODOC 
    internal class AppDomainCompilerProxy : MarshalByRefObject

        // This method is used. It is referenced through reflection
        internal Exception CheckAssembly (byte [] il, int iCfg, string language, string nameSpace, string [] ruleNames, string [] methodNames, int [] methodScripts)
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load (il); 

                // Allocate the array of string for all the constructors 
                _constructors = new string [ruleNames.Length];

                // Validate the rule scripts definition
                for (int i = 0, count = ruleNames.Length; i < count; i++) 
                    string sRule = ruleNames [i]; 
                    string sMethod = methodNames [i]; 
                    _constructors [i] = string.Empty;
                    // Get the class defition
                    string classname = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nameSpace) ? nameSpace + "." : string.Empty) + sRule;
                    Type typeClass = assembly.GetType (classname);
                    if (typeClass == null)
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.CannotFindClass, sRule, nameSpace); 
                    // Make sure that it derives from Grammar
                    if (!(typeClass.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Speech.Recognition.Grammar))))
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.StrongTypedGrammarNotAGrammar, classname, nameSpace); 
                    // Get all the method names to check the parameters 
                    MethodInfo [] methods = typeClass.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    ScriptRefStruct ruleScript = new ScriptRefStruct (sRule, (RuleMethodScript) methodScripts [i]);
                    bool found = false;

                    for (int iMethod = 0; iMethod < methods.Length; iMethod++) 
                        MethodInfo method = methods [iMethod]; 
                        if (method.Name == sMethod) 
                            // Check for the parameters 
                            ParameterInfo [] args = method.GetParameters ();
                            Type returnType = null;
                            switch (ruleScript._method)
                                case RuleMethodScript.onInit:
                                    // Add the parameters for the new overload 
                                    _constructors [i] += GenerateConstructor (iCfg, args, language, sRule); 
                                    // build the returned type
                                    returnType = typeof (SrgsRule []); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onParse:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 2 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (SemanticValue) || args [1].ParameterType != typeof (RecognizedWordUnit []))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (object); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onRecognition:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 1 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (RecognitionResult))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (object); 

                                case RuleMethodScript.onError:
                                    ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (found, sMethod); 
                                    if (args.Length != 1 || args [0].ParameterType != typeof (Exception))
                                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidParameters, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                                    returnType = typeof (void); 

                            // Check for the return type 
                            if (method.ReturnType != returnType)
                                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptInvalidReturnType, sMethod, ruleScript._rule); 
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) 
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.RuleScriptNotFound, sMethod, ruleScript._rule, ruleScript._method.ToString ()); 

                    // The class needs to be public 
                    if (!typeClass.IsPublic)
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.ClassNotPublic, sRule);
            catch (Exception e) 
                return e; 
            return null;
        internal string [] Constructors ()
            return _constructors; 
        internal string GenerateConstructor (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string language, string classname) 
            string script = string.Empty;
            // Select an instance of a compiler and wrap the script code with the
            // class definition 
            switch (language)
                case "C#": 
                    script = WrapConstructorCSharp (iCfg, parameters, classname);

                case "VB.Net":
                    script = WrapConstructorVB (iCfg, parameters, classname);

                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedLanguage, language); 

            return script;
        static private void ThrowIfMultipleOverloads (bool found, string method)
            if (found) 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.OverloadNotAllowed, method); 

        static private string WrapConstructorCSharp (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string classname) 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (200); 
            sb.Append (" public "); 
            sb.Append (classname);
            sb.Append (" ("); 
            if (parameters != null)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (ParameterInfo arg in parameters) 
                    if (i++ > 0) 
                        sb.Append (", ");

                    if (i == parameters.Length && arg.ParameterType.IsArray)
                        object [] customAttributes = arg.GetCustomAttributes (false); 
                        foreach (object attribute in customAttributes)
                            if (attribute is ParamArrayAttribute) 
                                sb.Append ("params "); 
                    sb.Append (arg.ParameterType.FullName);
                    sb.Append (" "); 
                    sb.Append (arg.Name); 
            sb.Append (" )\n  {\n object [] onInitParams = new object [");
            sb.Append (parameters == null ? 0 : parameters.Length);
            sb.Append ("];\n");
            for (int iArg = 0; parameters != null && iArg < parameters.Length; iArg++)
                sb.Append ("onInitParams ["); 
                sb.Append (iArg);
                sb.Append ("] = "); 
                sb.Append (parameters [iArg].Name);
                sb.Append (";\n");
            sb.Append ("ResourceName = \""); 
            sb.Append (iCfg.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            sb.Append (".CFG\";\nStgInit (onInitParams);"); 
            sb.Append ("\n  } \n"); 
            return sb.ToString ();

        static private string WrapConstructorVB (int iCfg, ParameterInfo [] parameters, string classname)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (200); 
            sb.Append ("Public Sub New");
            sb.Append (" ("); 
            if (parameters != null) 
                int i = 0; 
                foreach (ParameterInfo arg in parameters)
                    if (i++ > 0)
                        sb.Append (", ");
                    if (!arg.ParameterType.IsByRef)
                        sb.Append ("ByVal ");
                    if (i == parameters.Length && arg.ParameterType.IsArray)
                        object [] customAttributes = arg.GetCustomAttributes (false);
                        foreach (object attribute in customAttributes) 
                            if (attribute is ParamArrayAttribute)
                                sb.Append ("ParamArray ");
                    sb.Append (arg.Name); 
                    if (arg.ParameterType.IsArray) 
                        sb.Append ("()"); 
                    sb.Append (" as ");
                    sb.Append (arg.ParameterType.Name);
            sb.Append (" )\n  Dim onInitParams () as Object = {"); 
            for (int iArg = 0; parameters != null && iArg < parameters.Length; iArg++)
                if (iArg > 0)
                    sb.Append (", ");
                sb.Append (parameters [iArg].Name);
            sb.Append ("}\n"); 

            sb.Append ("ResourceName = \""); 
            sb.Append (iCfg.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            sb.Append (".CFG\"\nStgInit (onInitParams)\n");
            sb.Append ("\nEnd Sub \n");
            return sb.ToString (); 
        internal string [] _constructors; 

        // Private Types

        #region Private Types 
        /// Summary description for ScriptRef. 
        // list of rules with scripts
        private class ScriptRefStruct
            // Constructors 

            #region Constructors

            internal ScriptRefStruct (string rule, RuleMethodScript method) 
                _rule = rule; 
                _method = method; 

            // Internal Fields

            #region Internal Fields 

            internal string _rule;

            internal RuleMethodScript _method; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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