/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / Tools / WSATConfig / CommandLine / ConsoleEntryPoint.cs / 1 / ConsoleEntryPoint.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.Tools.ServiceModel.WsatConfig { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Globalization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; class ConsoleEntryPoint { enum Operations { None = 0, Help, Change } // the configuration received from the user WsatConfiguration newConfig; // the current configuration loaded from the registry WsatConfiguration previousConfig; // possible operations Operations operation; // restart required bool restartRequired = false; bool showRequired = false; // DTC cluster server name string virtualServer; // console entry point [STAThread] public static int Main(String[] args) { try { ValidateUICulture(); PrintBanner(); ConsoleEntryPoint tool = new ConsoleEntryPoint(args); tool.Run(); return 0; } catch (WsatAdminException wsatEx) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(wsatEx.Message); return (int)wsatEx.ErrorCode; } #pragma warning suppress 56500 catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.UnexpectedError, e.Message)); return (int)WsatAdminErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } } static void PrintBanner() { // Using CommonResStrings.WcfTrademarkForCmdLine for the trademark: the proper resource for command line tools. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ConsoleBannerLine01)); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ConsoleBannerLine02, CommonResStrings.WcfTrademarkForCmdLine, ThisAssembly.InformationalVersion)); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ConsoleBannerLine03, CommonResStrings.CopyrightForCmdLine)); } static void PrintUsage() { OptionUsage.Print(); } ConsoleEntryPoint(string[] argv) { Listarguments = PrescanArgs(argv); if (this.operation != Operations.Help) { previousConfig = new WsatConfiguration(null, this.virtualServer, null, true); previousConfig.LoadFromRegistry(); newConfig = new WsatConfiguration(null, this.virtualServer, previousConfig, true); ParseArgs(arguments); } } // Execute the user's command void Run() { switch (operation) { case Operations.Change: newConfig.ValidateThrow(); if (restartRequired) { Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.InfoRestartingMSDTC)); } newConfig.Save(restartRequired); if (restartRequired) { Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.InfoRestartedMSDTC)); } if (newConfig.IsClustered) { Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ClusterConfigUpdatedSuccessfully)); } else { Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ConfigUpdatedSuccessfully)); } break; case Operations.None: // does nothing break; case Operations.Help: // fall through default: PrintUsage(); break; } if (operation != Operations.Change && restartRequired) { try { MsdtcWrapper msdtc = newConfig.GetMsdtcWrapper(); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.InfoRestartingMSDTC)); msdtc.RestartDtcService(); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.InfoRestartedMSDTC)); } catch (WsatAdminException) { throw; } #pragma warning suppress 56500 catch (Exception e) { if (Utilities.IsCriticalException(e)) { throw; } throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.DTC_RESTART_ERROR, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorRestartMSDTC), e); } } if (this.showRequired) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(SR.GetString(SR.ConsoleShowInformation)); Console.WriteLine(operation == Operations.Change ? this.newConfig.ToString() : this.previousConfig.ToString()); } } List PrescanArgs(string[] argv) { List arguments = new List (); if (argv.Length < 1) { this.operation = Operations.Help; } else { this.operation = Operations.None; foreach (string rawArg in argv) { // -?, -h, -help string arg = ProcessArg(rawArg); if (Utilities.SafeCompare(arg, CommandLineOption.Help) || Utilities.SafeCompare(arg, CommandLineOption.Help_short1) || Utilities.SafeCompare(arg, CommandLineOption.Help_short2)) { this.operation = Operations.Help; break; } // -show if (Utilities.SafeCompare(arg, CommandLineOption.Show)) { this.showRequired = true; continue; } // -restart if (Utilities.SafeCompare(arg, CommandLineOption.Restart)) { this.restartRequired = true; continue; } // -virtualServer string value; if (Utilities.SafeCompare(ArgumentsParser.ExtractOption(arg, out value), CommandLineOption.ClusterVirtualServer)) { this.virtualServer = value; continue; } arguments.Add(arg); } } return arguments; } void ParseArgs(List arguments) { ArgumentsParser parser = new ArgumentsParser(newConfig); foreach (string arg in arguments) { if (parser.ParseOptionAndArgument(arg)) { this.operation = Operations.Change; } else { // otherwise, we have encountered something we dont recognize throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorArgument)); } } parser.ValidateArgumentsThrow(); } // strip off the switch prefix and get the real argument static string ProcessArg(string rawArg) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawArg)) { throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorArgument)); } if (rawArg[0] != '/' && rawArg[0] != '-') { throw new WsatAdminException(WsatAdminErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, SR.GetString(SR.ErrorArgument)); } return rawArg.Substring(1); } // Since we are outputing to the console, force the current UI culture to be the // console fallback UI culture since the console cannot support all code pages for // certain cultures (i.e. it will print garbage characters). Unfortunately, there // are some console fallback cultures that still use code pages incompatible with // the console. Catch those cases and fall back to English because ASCII is widely // accepted in OEM code pages. static void ValidateUICulture() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.GetConsoleFallbackUICulture(); if ((System.Console.OutputEncoding.CodePage != Encoding.UTF8.CodePage) && (System.Console.OutputEncoding.CodePage != Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en"); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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