PropertyRef.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Query / PlanCompiler / PropertyRef.cs / 1 / PropertyRef.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
using System.Globalization;

using System.Data.Common; 
using md = System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
// The PropertyRef class (and its subclasses) represent references to a property
// of a type. 
// The PropertyRefList class represents a list of expected properties
// where each property from the type is described as a PropertyRef
// These classes are used by the StructuredTypeEliminator module as part of 
// eliminating all structured types. The basic idea of this module is that all
// structured types are flattened out into a single level. To avoid a large amount 
// of potentially unnecessary information, we try to identify what pieces of information 
// are really necessary at each node of the tree. This is where PropertyRef comes in.
// A PropertyRef (and more generally, a PropertyRefList) identifies a list of 
// properties, and can be attached to a node/var to indicate that these were the
// only desired properties.
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler 
    /// A PropertyRef class encapsulates a reference to one or more properties of 
    /// a complex instance - a record type, a complex type or an entity type.
    /// A PropertyRef may be of the following kinds. 
    ///   - a simple property reference (just a reference to a simple property)
    ///   - a typeid reference - applies only to entitytype and complextypes
    ///   - an entitysetid reference - applies only to ref and entity types
    ///   - a nested property reference (a reference to a nested property - a.b) 
    ///   - an "all" property reference (all properties)
    internal abstract class PropertyRef 
        /// trivial constructor
        internal PropertyRef() { }
        /// Create a nested property ref, with "p" as the prefix. 
        /// The best way to think of this function as follows. 
        /// Consider a type T where "this" describes a property X on T. Now
        /// consider a new type S, where "p" is a property of S and is of type T. 
        /// This function creates a PropertyRef that describes the same property X
        /// from S.p instead
        /// the property to prefix with 
        /// the nested property reference
        internal virtual PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef p) 
            return new NestedPropertyRef(p, this);

        /// Create a nested property ref for a simple property. Delegates to the function
        /// above 
        /// the simple property 
        /// a nestedPropertyRef 
        internal PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(md.EdmMember p)
            return CreateNestedPropertyRef(new SimplePropertyRef(p));

        /// Creates a nested property ref for a rel-property. Delegates to the function above
        /// the rel-property 
        /// a nested property ref
        internal PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(InternalTrees.RelProperty p) 
            return CreateNestedPropertyRef(new RelPropertyRef(p));
        /// The tostring method for easy debuggability 
        public override string ToString() 
            return "";

    /// A "simple" property ref - represents a simple property of the type 
    internal class SimplePropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private md.EdmMember m_property;

        /// Simple constructor
        /// the property metadata 
        internal SimplePropertyRef(md.EdmMember property)
            m_property = property;

        /// Gets the property metadata
        internal md.EdmMember Property { get { return m_property; } } 

        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two SimplePropertyRefs are
        /// equal, if they describe the same property
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 
            SimplePropertyRef other = obj as SimplePropertyRef;
            return (other != null && 
                InternalTrees.Command.EqualTypes(m_property.DeclaringType, other.m_property.DeclaringType) &&
        /// Overrides the default hashcode function. 
        /// Simply returns the hashcode for the property instead 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return m_property.Name.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString() 
            return m_property.Name;

    /// A TypeId propertyref represents a reference to the TypeId property 
    /// of a type (complex type, entity type etc.)
    internal class TypeIdPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private TypeIdPropertyRef() : base() { }
        /// Gets the default instance of this type 
        internal static TypeIdPropertyRef Instance = new TypeIdPropertyRef();
        /// Friendly string for debugging.
        public override string ToString() 
            return "TYPEID"; 


    /// An NullSentinel propertyref represents the NullSentinel property for
    /// a row type. 
    /// As with TypeId, this class is a singleton instance
    internal class NullSentinelPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private static NullSentinelPropertyRef s_singleton = new NullSentinelPropertyRef(); 
        private NullSentinelPropertyRef() : base() { }

        /// Gets the singleton instance 
        internal static NullSentinelPropertyRef Instance 
            get { return s_singleton; }
        public override string ToString()
            return "NULLSENTINEL"; 

    /// An EntitySetId propertyref represents the EntitySetId property for 
    /// an entity type or a ref type.
    /// As with TypeId, this class is a singleton instance 
    internal class EntitySetIdPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private EntitySetIdPropertyRef() : base() { }

        /// Gets the singleton instance 
        internal static EntitySetIdPropertyRef Instance = new EntitySetIdPropertyRef(); 
        public override string ToString()
            return "ENTITYSETID";
    /// A nested propertyref describes a nested property access - think "a.b.c"
    internal class NestedPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private readonly PropertyRef m_inner; 
        private readonly PropertyRef m_outer; 

        /// Basic constructor.
        /// Represents the access of property "propertyRef" within property "property"
        /// the inner property 
        /// the outer property
        internal NestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef innerProperty, PropertyRef outerProperty) 
            PlanCompiler.Assert(!(innerProperty is NestedPropertyRef), "innerProperty cannot be a NestedPropertyRef");
            m_inner = innerProperty; 
            m_outer = outerProperty;

        /// the nested property
        internal PropertyRef OuterProperty { get { return m_outer; } } 

        /// the parent property
        internal PropertyRef InnerProperty { get { return m_inner; } }
        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two NestedPropertyRefs are 
        /// equal if the have the same property name, and the types are the same 
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            NestedPropertyRef other = obj as NestedPropertyRef; 
            return (other != null &&
                m_inner.Equals(other.m_inner) && 
        /// Overrides the default hashcode function. Simply adds the hashcodes
        /// of the "property" and "propertyRef" fields
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return m_inner.GetHashCode() ^ m_outer.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString()
            return m_inner + "." + m_outer; 

    /// A reference to "all" properties of a type
    internal class AllPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private AllPropertyRef() : base() { } 

        /// Get the singleton instance
        internal static AllPropertyRef Instance = new AllPropertyRef();
        /// Create a nested property ref, with "p" as the prefix 
        /// the property to prefix with
        /// the nested property reference 
        internal override PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef p)
            return p;
        public override string ToString() 
            return "ALL";

    /// A rel-property ref - represents a rel property of the type 
    internal class RelPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
#region private state
        private InternalTrees.RelProperty m_property;

        #region constructor 
        /// Simple constructor
        /// the property metadata
        internal RelPropertyRef(InternalTrees.RelProperty property)
            m_property = property; 
        #region public apis
        /// Gets the property metadata
        internal InternalTrees.RelProperty Property { get { return m_property; } }
        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two RelPropertyRefs are 
        /// equal, if they describe the same property 
        /// the other object to compare to 
        /// true, if the objects are equal
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            RelPropertyRef other = obj as RelPropertyRef; 
            return (other != null &&

        /// Overrides the default hashcode function.
        /// Simply returns the hashcode for the property instead
        /// hashcode for the relpropertyref 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return m_property.GetHashCode(); 
        /// debugging support
        public override string ToString()
            return m_property.ToString(); 

    /// Represents a collection of property references 
    internal class PropertyRefList 
        private Dictionary m_propertyReferences;
        private bool m_allProperties; 

        /// Get something that represents "all" property references
        internal static PropertyRefList All = new PropertyRefList(true);
        /// Trivial constructor
        internal PropertyRefList() : this(false) {}

        private PropertyRefList(bool allProps)
            this.m_propertyReferences = new Dictionary();
            if (allProps) 
        private void MakeAllProperties()
            m_allProperties = true;
            m_propertyReferences.Add(AllPropertyRef.Instance, AllPropertyRef.Instance); 
        /// Add a new property reference to this list
        /// new property reference 
        internal void Add(PropertyRef property)
            if (m_allProperties) 
            else if (property is AllPropertyRef) 
                m_propertyReferences[property] = property;
        /// Append an existing list of property references to myself 
        /// list of property references
        internal void Append(PropertyRefList propertyRefs) 
            if (m_allProperties)
            foreach (PropertyRef p in propertyRefs.m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
        /// Do I contain "all" properties?
        internal bool AllProperties { get { return m_allProperties; } } 

        /// Create a clone of myself 
        /// a clone of myself 
        internal PropertyRefList Clone()
            PropertyRefList newProps = new PropertyRefList(m_allProperties);
            foreach (PropertyRef p in this.m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
            return newProps; 

        /// Do I contain the specifed property?
        /// The property
        /// true, if I do 
        internal bool Contains(PropertyRef p)
            return m_allProperties || m_propertyReferences.ContainsKey(p); 
        /// Get the list of all properties
        internal IEnumerable Properties 
            get { return m_propertyReferences.Keys; } 

        public override string ToString() 
            string x = "{"; 
            foreach (PropertyRef p in m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
                x += p.ToString() + ",";
            x += "}"; 
            return x;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
//using System.Diagnostics; // Please use PlanCompiler.Assert instead of Debug.Assert in this class...
using System.Globalization;

using System.Data.Common; 
using md = System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
// The PropertyRef class (and its subclasses) represent references to a property
// of a type. 
// The PropertyRefList class represents a list of expected properties
// where each property from the type is described as a PropertyRef
// These classes are used by the StructuredTypeEliminator module as part of 
// eliminating all structured types. The basic idea of this module is that all
// structured types are flattened out into a single level. To avoid a large amount 
// of potentially unnecessary information, we try to identify what pieces of information 
// are really necessary at each node of the tree. This is where PropertyRef comes in.
// A PropertyRef (and more generally, a PropertyRefList) identifies a list of 
// properties, and can be attached to a node/var to indicate that these were the
// only desired properties.
namespace System.Data.Query.PlanCompiler 
    /// A PropertyRef class encapsulates a reference to one or more properties of 
    /// a complex instance - a record type, a complex type or an entity type.
    /// A PropertyRef may be of the following kinds. 
    ///   - a simple property reference (just a reference to a simple property)
    ///   - a typeid reference - applies only to entitytype and complextypes
    ///   - an entitysetid reference - applies only to ref and entity types
    ///   - a nested property reference (a reference to a nested property - a.b) 
    ///   - an "all" property reference (all properties)
    internal abstract class PropertyRef 
        /// trivial constructor
        internal PropertyRef() { }
        /// Create a nested property ref, with "p" as the prefix. 
        /// The best way to think of this function as follows. 
        /// Consider a type T where "this" describes a property X on T. Now
        /// consider a new type S, where "p" is a property of S and is of type T. 
        /// This function creates a PropertyRef that describes the same property X
        /// from S.p instead
        /// the property to prefix with 
        /// the nested property reference
        internal virtual PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef p) 
            return new NestedPropertyRef(p, this);

        /// Create a nested property ref for a simple property. Delegates to the function
        /// above 
        /// the simple property 
        /// a nestedPropertyRef 
        internal PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(md.EdmMember p)
            return CreateNestedPropertyRef(new SimplePropertyRef(p));

        /// Creates a nested property ref for a rel-property. Delegates to the function above
        /// the rel-property 
        /// a nested property ref
        internal PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(InternalTrees.RelProperty p) 
            return CreateNestedPropertyRef(new RelPropertyRef(p));
        /// The tostring method for easy debuggability 
        public override string ToString() 
            return "";

    /// A "simple" property ref - represents a simple property of the type 
    internal class SimplePropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private md.EdmMember m_property;

        /// Simple constructor
        /// the property metadata 
        internal SimplePropertyRef(md.EdmMember property)
            m_property = property;

        /// Gets the property metadata
        internal md.EdmMember Property { get { return m_property; } } 

        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two SimplePropertyRefs are
        /// equal, if they describe the same property
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 
            SimplePropertyRef other = obj as SimplePropertyRef;
            return (other != null && 
                InternalTrees.Command.EqualTypes(m_property.DeclaringType, other.m_property.DeclaringType) &&
        /// Overrides the default hashcode function. 
        /// Simply returns the hashcode for the property instead 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return m_property.Name.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString() 
            return m_property.Name;

    /// A TypeId propertyref represents a reference to the TypeId property 
    /// of a type (complex type, entity type etc.)
    internal class TypeIdPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private TypeIdPropertyRef() : base() { }
        /// Gets the default instance of this type 
        internal static TypeIdPropertyRef Instance = new TypeIdPropertyRef();
        /// Friendly string for debugging.
        public override string ToString() 
            return "TYPEID"; 


    /// An NullSentinel propertyref represents the NullSentinel property for
    /// a row type. 
    /// As with TypeId, this class is a singleton instance
    internal class NullSentinelPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private static NullSentinelPropertyRef s_singleton = new NullSentinelPropertyRef(); 
        private NullSentinelPropertyRef() : base() { }

        /// Gets the singleton instance 
        internal static NullSentinelPropertyRef Instance 
            get { return s_singleton; }
        public override string ToString()
            return "NULLSENTINEL"; 

    /// An EntitySetId propertyref represents the EntitySetId property for 
    /// an entity type or a ref type.
    /// As with TypeId, this class is a singleton instance 
    internal class EntitySetIdPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private EntitySetIdPropertyRef() : base() { }

        /// Gets the singleton instance 
        internal static EntitySetIdPropertyRef Instance = new EntitySetIdPropertyRef(); 
        public override string ToString()
            return "ENTITYSETID";
    /// A nested propertyref describes a nested property access - think "a.b.c"
    internal class NestedPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
        private readonly PropertyRef m_inner; 
        private readonly PropertyRef m_outer; 

        /// Basic constructor.
        /// Represents the access of property "propertyRef" within property "property"
        /// the inner property 
        /// the outer property
        internal NestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef innerProperty, PropertyRef outerProperty) 
            PlanCompiler.Assert(!(innerProperty is NestedPropertyRef), "innerProperty cannot be a NestedPropertyRef");
            m_inner = innerProperty; 
            m_outer = outerProperty;

        /// the nested property
        internal PropertyRef OuterProperty { get { return m_outer; } } 

        /// the parent property
        internal PropertyRef InnerProperty { get { return m_inner; } }
        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two NestedPropertyRefs are 
        /// equal if the have the same property name, and the types are the same 
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            NestedPropertyRef other = obj as NestedPropertyRef; 
            return (other != null &&
                m_inner.Equals(other.m_inner) && 
        /// Overrides the default hashcode function. Simply adds the hashcodes
        /// of the "property" and "propertyRef" fields
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return m_inner.GetHashCode() ^ m_outer.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString()
            return m_inner + "." + m_outer; 

    /// A reference to "all" properties of a type
    internal class AllPropertyRef : PropertyRef
        private AllPropertyRef() : base() { } 

        /// Get the singleton instance
        internal static AllPropertyRef Instance = new AllPropertyRef();
        /// Create a nested property ref, with "p" as the prefix 
        /// the property to prefix with
        /// the nested property reference 
        internal override PropertyRef CreateNestedPropertyRef(PropertyRef p)
            return p;
        public override string ToString() 
            return "ALL";

    /// A rel-property ref - represents a rel property of the type 
    internal class RelPropertyRef : PropertyRef 
#region private state
        private InternalTrees.RelProperty m_property;

        #region constructor 
        /// Simple constructor
        /// the property metadata
        internal RelPropertyRef(InternalTrees.RelProperty property)
            m_property = property; 
        #region public apis
        /// Gets the property metadata
        internal InternalTrees.RelProperty Property { get { return m_property; } }
        /// Overrides the default equality function. Two RelPropertyRefs are 
        /// equal, if they describe the same property 
        /// the other object to compare to 
        /// true, if the objects are equal
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            RelPropertyRef other = obj as RelPropertyRef; 
            return (other != null &&

        /// Overrides the default hashcode function.
        /// Simply returns the hashcode for the property instead
        /// hashcode for the relpropertyref 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return m_property.GetHashCode(); 
        /// debugging support
        public override string ToString()
            return m_property.ToString(); 

    /// Represents a collection of property references 
    internal class PropertyRefList 
        private Dictionary m_propertyReferences;
        private bool m_allProperties; 

        /// Get something that represents "all" property references
        internal static PropertyRefList All = new PropertyRefList(true);
        /// Trivial constructor
        internal PropertyRefList() : this(false) {}

        private PropertyRefList(bool allProps)
            this.m_propertyReferences = new Dictionary();
            if (allProps) 
        private void MakeAllProperties()
            m_allProperties = true;
            m_propertyReferences.Add(AllPropertyRef.Instance, AllPropertyRef.Instance); 
        /// Add a new property reference to this list
        /// new property reference 
        internal void Add(PropertyRef property)
            if (m_allProperties) 
            else if (property is AllPropertyRef) 
                m_propertyReferences[property] = property;
        /// Append an existing list of property references to myself 
        /// list of property references
        internal void Append(PropertyRefList propertyRefs) 
            if (m_allProperties)
            foreach (PropertyRef p in propertyRefs.m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
        /// Do I contain "all" properties?
        internal bool AllProperties { get { return m_allProperties; } } 

        /// Create a clone of myself 
        /// a clone of myself 
        internal PropertyRefList Clone()
            PropertyRefList newProps = new PropertyRefList(m_allProperties);
            foreach (PropertyRef p in this.m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
            return newProps; 

        /// Do I contain the specifed property?
        /// The property
        /// true, if I do 
        internal bool Contains(PropertyRef p)
            return m_allProperties || m_propertyReferences.ContainsKey(p); 
        /// Get the list of all properties
        internal IEnumerable Properties 
            get { return m_propertyReferences.Keys; } 

        public override string ToString() 
            string x = "{"; 
            foreach (PropertyRef p in m_propertyReferences.Keys) 
                x += p.ToString() + ",";
            x += "}"; 
            return x;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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