HwndSourceParameters.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / InterOp / HwndSourceParameters.cs / 3 / HwndSourceParameters.cs

//  Microsoft Avalon
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2004
//  File: HwndSourceParameter.cs 
using MS.Win32; 
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace System.Windows.Interop
    ///     Base class for HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
    ///     This allows flexibility and control of parameters to HwndSource's
    ///     Constructor without many different overloaded constructors. 
    public struct HwndSourceParameters
        ///     Simple Ctor w/ just a WindowName
        public HwndSourceParameters(string name): this() 
            // Initialize some fields to useful default values 
            _styleBits  = NativeMethods.WS_VISIBLE; 
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_SYSMENU; 
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN; 

            // The Visual Manager has a hard time creating 
            // a surface with zero pixels. 
            _width  = 1;
            _height = 1; 

            _x = NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT;
            _y = NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT;
            WindowName = name;
        ///     Ctor.  w/ WindowName and Size. 
        ///   Name of the window 
        ///   Width of the window 
        ///   Height of the window  
        public HwndSourceParameters(string name, int width, int height): this(name)
            Width = width; 
            Height = height;

        ///     Returns the hashcode for this struct.
        /// hashcode
        public override int GetHashCode( ) 
            return base.GetHashCode();

        ///  The Window Class Style Property
        public int WindowClassStyle
            get{ return _classStyleBits; } 
            set{ _classStyleBits = value; }

        /// Allow the app to set the Style bits.
        /// The Clip Children bit must always be set on a Standard Window. 
        public int WindowStyle 
                return _styleBits; 

                _styleBits = value | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN; 
        /// The Extended Style bits. 
        public int ExtendedWindowStyle
            get{ return _extendedStyleBits; } 
            set{ _extendedStyleBits = value; }
        ///     Set the X,Y Position of HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
        public void SetPosition(int x, int y)
            _x = x; 
            _y = y;
        ///     The X position of the HwndSource Property. 
        public int PositionX
            get{ return _x; } 
            set{ _x = value; }
        ///     The Y position of the HwndSource Property. 
        public int PositionY
            get{ return _y; } 
            set{ _y = value; }
        ///     Set the Width and Height of HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
        public void SetSize(int width, int height)
            _width = width; 
            _height = height;
            _hasAssignedSize = true; 

        ///     The Width Property of the HwndSource.
        public int Width
            get{ return _width; }
                _width = value; 
                _hasAssignedSize = true;

        ///     The Height Property of the HwndSource. 
        public int Height 
            get{ return _height; }
                _height = value;
                _hasAssignedSize = true;

        ///     Was the Size assigned or did we just default. 
        public bool HasAssignedSize 
            get { return _hasAssignedSize; }
        ///     The Window Name Property. 
        public string WindowName
            get{ return _name; }
            set{ _name = value; }
        ///     The ParentWindow Property. 
        public IntPtr ParentWindow
            get{ return _parent; }
            set{ _parent = value; }
        ///     The HwndSourceHook Property.  This allows a message hook to 
        ///     process window messages to the window.  A Hook provided in the 
        ///     HwndSourceParameters will be installed before the call to
        ///     CreateWindow and this hook will see the window creation msgs. 
        public HwndSourceHook HwndSourceHook
            get{ return _hwndSourceHook; } 
            set{ this._hwndSourceHook = value; }
        ///     The AdjustSizingForNonClientArea Property. 
        public bool AdjustSizingForNonClientArea
            get { return _adjustSizingForNonClientArea; } 
            set { _adjustSizingForNonClientArea = value; }
        // /// 
        // ///     Specifies the color to display as transparent. 
        // /// 
        // /// 
        // ///     Use null to indicate that no color should be transparent.
        // ///  
        // public Nullable ColorKey
        // { 
        //     get {return _colorKey;} 
        //     set {_colorKey = value;}
        // } 

        // /// 
        // ///     Specifies the constant opacity to apply to the window.
        // ///  
        // /// 
        // ///     The valid values range from [0..1].  Values outside of this range are clamped. 
        // ///  
        // public double Opacity
        // { 
        //     get {return _opacitySpecified ? _opacity : 1.0;}
        //     set
        //     {
        //         if(value < 0) value = 0; 
        //         if(value > 1) value = 1;
        //         _opacitySpecified = true; 
        //         _opacity = value; 
        //     }
        // } 

        ///     Specifies whether or not the per-pixel opacity of the window content
        ///     is respected. 
        ///     By enabling per-pixel opacity, the system will no longer draw the non-client area. 
        public bool UsesPerPixelOpacity 
            get {return _usesPerPixelOpacity;}
            set {_usesPerPixelOpacity = value;}

        /// Whether an HwndSource should be given messages straight off the message loop to preprocess, 
        /// like top-level ones do normally.
        ///  Used for RootBrowserWindow. 
        internal bool TreatAsInputRoot
            get { return _treatAsInputRoot ?? ((uint)_styleBits & NativeMethods.WS_CHILD) == 0; } 
            set { _treatAsInputRoot = value; }
        /// == operator 
        public static bool operator==(HwndSourceParameters a, HwndSourceParameters b)
            return a.Equals(b); 
        /// != operator
        public static bool operator!=(HwndSourceParameters a, HwndSourceParameters b) 
            return !a.Equals(b); 

        /// Compare two HwndSourceParameters blocks. 
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            return Equals( (HwndSourceParameters)obj ); 

        /// Compare two HwndSourceParameters blocks.
        public bool Equals(HwndSourceParameters obj)
            return ((this._classStyleBits    == obj._classStyleBits) 
                 && (this._styleBits         == obj._styleBits)
                 && (this._extendedStyleBits == obj._extendedStyleBits) 
                 && (this._x == obj._x)
                 && (this._y == obj._y)
                 && (this._width  == obj._width)
                 && (this._height == obj._height) 
                 && (this._name   == obj._name)
                 && (this._parent == obj._parent) 
                 && (this._hwndSourceHook  == obj._hwndSourceHook) 
                 && (this._adjustSizingForNonClientArea == obj._adjustSizingForNonClientArea)
                 && (this._hasAssignedSize == obj._hasAssignedSize) 
                 // && (this._colorKey == obj._colorKey)
                 // && (this._opacity == obj._opacity)
                 // && (this._opacitySpecified == obj._opacitySpecified)
                 && (this._usesPerPixelOpacity == obj._usesPerPixelOpacity) 
        private int _classStyleBits;
        private int _styleBits; 
        private int _extendedStyleBits;
        private int _x;
        private int _y;
        private int _width; 
        private int _height;
        private string _name; 
        private IntPtr _parent; 
        private HwndSourceHook _hwndSourceHook;
        private bool _adjustSizingForNonClientArea;
        private bool _hasAssignedSize;
        // private Nullable _colorKey;
        // private double _opacity; 
        // private bool _opacitySpecified; // default value for opacity needs to be 1.0
        private bool _usesPerPixelOpacity; 
        private bool? _treatAsInputRoot; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//  Microsoft Avalon
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2004
//  File: HwndSourceParameter.cs 
using MS.Win32; 
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace System.Windows.Interop
    ///     Base class for HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
    ///     This allows flexibility and control of parameters to HwndSource's
    ///     Constructor without many different overloaded constructors. 
    public struct HwndSourceParameters
        ///     Simple Ctor w/ just a WindowName
        public HwndSourceParameters(string name): this() 
            // Initialize some fields to useful default values 
            _styleBits  = NativeMethods.WS_VISIBLE; 
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_SYSMENU; 
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
            _styleBits |= NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN; 

            // The Visual Manager has a hard time creating 
            // a surface with zero pixels. 
            _width  = 1;
            _height = 1; 

            _x = NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT;
            _y = NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT;
            WindowName = name;
        ///     Ctor.  w/ WindowName and Size. 
        ///   Name of the window 
        ///   Width of the window 
        ///   Height of the window  
        public HwndSourceParameters(string name, int width, int height): this(name)
            Width = width; 
            Height = height;

        ///     Returns the hashcode for this struct.
        /// hashcode
        public override int GetHashCode( ) 
            return base.GetHashCode();

        ///  The Window Class Style Property
        public int WindowClassStyle
            get{ return _classStyleBits; } 
            set{ _classStyleBits = value; }

        /// Allow the app to set the Style bits.
        /// The Clip Children bit must always be set on a Standard Window. 
        public int WindowStyle 
                return _styleBits; 

                _styleBits = value | NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN; 
        /// The Extended Style bits. 
        public int ExtendedWindowStyle
            get{ return _extendedStyleBits; } 
            set{ _extendedStyleBits = value; }
        ///     Set the X,Y Position of HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
        public void SetPosition(int x, int y)
            _x = x; 
            _y = y;
        ///     The X position of the HwndSource Property. 
        public int PositionX
            get{ return _x; } 
            set{ _x = value; }
        ///     The Y position of the HwndSource Property. 
        public int PositionY
            get{ return _y; } 
            set{ _y = value; }
        ///     Set the Width and Height of HwndSource Creation Parameters. 
        public void SetSize(int width, int height)
            _width = width; 
            _height = height;
            _hasAssignedSize = true; 

        ///     The Width Property of the HwndSource.
        public int Width
            get{ return _width; }
                _width = value; 
                _hasAssignedSize = true;

        ///     The Height Property of the HwndSource. 
        public int Height 
            get{ return _height; }
                _height = value;
                _hasAssignedSize = true;

        ///     Was the Size assigned or did we just default. 
        public bool HasAssignedSize 
            get { return _hasAssignedSize; }
        ///     The Window Name Property. 
        public string WindowName
            get{ return _name; }
            set{ _name = value; }
        ///     The ParentWindow Property. 
        public IntPtr ParentWindow
            get{ return _parent; }
            set{ _parent = value; }
        ///     The HwndSourceHook Property.  This allows a message hook to 
        ///     process window messages to the window.  A Hook provided in the 
        ///     HwndSourceParameters will be installed before the call to
        ///     CreateWindow and this hook will see the window creation msgs. 
        public HwndSourceHook HwndSourceHook
            get{ return _hwndSourceHook; } 
            set{ this._hwndSourceHook = value; }
        ///     The AdjustSizingForNonClientArea Property. 
        public bool AdjustSizingForNonClientArea
            get { return _adjustSizingForNonClientArea; } 
            set { _adjustSizingForNonClientArea = value; }
        // /// 
        // ///     Specifies the color to display as transparent. 
        // /// 
        // /// 
        // ///     Use null to indicate that no color should be transparent.
        // ///  
        // public Nullable ColorKey
        // { 
        //     get {return _colorKey;} 
        //     set {_colorKey = value;}
        // } 

        // /// 
        // ///     Specifies the constant opacity to apply to the window.
        // ///  
        // /// 
        // ///     The valid values range from [0..1].  Values outside of this range are clamped. 
        // ///  
        // public double Opacity
        // { 
        //     get {return _opacitySpecified ? _opacity : 1.0;}
        //     set
        //     {
        //         if(value < 0) value = 0; 
        //         if(value > 1) value = 1;
        //         _opacitySpecified = true; 
        //         _opacity = value; 
        //     }
        // } 

        ///     Specifies whether or not the per-pixel opacity of the window content
        ///     is respected. 
        ///     By enabling per-pixel opacity, the system will no longer draw the non-client area. 
        public bool UsesPerPixelOpacity 
            get {return _usesPerPixelOpacity;}
            set {_usesPerPixelOpacity = value;}

        /// Whether an HwndSource should be given messages straight off the message loop to preprocess, 
        /// like top-level ones do normally.
        ///  Used for RootBrowserWindow. 
        internal bool TreatAsInputRoot
            get { return _treatAsInputRoot ?? ((uint)_styleBits & NativeMethods.WS_CHILD) == 0; } 
            set { _treatAsInputRoot = value; }
        /// == operator 
        public static bool operator==(HwndSourceParameters a, HwndSourceParameters b)
            return a.Equals(b); 
        /// != operator
        public static bool operator!=(HwndSourceParameters a, HwndSourceParameters b) 
            return !a.Equals(b); 

        /// Compare two HwndSourceParameters blocks. 
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            return Equals( (HwndSourceParameters)obj ); 

        /// Compare two HwndSourceParameters blocks.
        public bool Equals(HwndSourceParameters obj)
            return ((this._classStyleBits    == obj._classStyleBits) 
                 && (this._styleBits         == obj._styleBits)
                 && (this._extendedStyleBits == obj._extendedStyleBits) 
                 && (this._x == obj._x)
                 && (this._y == obj._y)
                 && (this._width  == obj._width)
                 && (this._height == obj._height) 
                 && (this._name   == obj._name)
                 && (this._parent == obj._parent) 
                 && (this._hwndSourceHook  == obj._hwndSourceHook) 
                 && (this._adjustSizingForNonClientArea == obj._adjustSizingForNonClientArea)
                 && (this._hasAssignedSize == obj._hasAssignedSize) 
                 // && (this._colorKey == obj._colorKey)
                 // && (this._opacity == obj._opacity)
                 // && (this._opacitySpecified == obj._opacitySpecified)
                 && (this._usesPerPixelOpacity == obj._usesPerPixelOpacity) 
        private int _classStyleBits;
        private int _styleBits; 
        private int _extendedStyleBits;
        private int _x;
        private int _y;
        private int _width; 
        private int _height;
        private string _name; 
        private IntPtr _parent; 
        private HwndSourceHook _hwndSourceHook;
        private bool _adjustSizingForNonClientArea;
        private bool _hasAssignedSize;
        // private Nullable _colorKey;
        // private double _opacity; 
        // private bool _opacitySpecified; // default value for opacity needs to be 1.0
        private bool _usesPerPixelOpacity; 
        private bool? _treatAsInputRoot; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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