CustomAttribute.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Reflection / CustomAttribute.cs / 1 / CustomAttribute.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

using System; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Resources;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 

namespace System.Reflection 
    public sealed class CustomAttributeData 
        #region Public Static Members 
        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo target) 
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            IList cad = GetCustomAttributes(target.Module, target.MetadataToken);
            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] a = null; 
            if (target is RuntimeType) 
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeType)target, typeof(object), false, out pcaCount);
            else if (target is RuntimeMethodInfo) 
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeMethodInfo)target, typeof(object), false, out pcaCount);
            else if (target is RuntimeFieldInfo)
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeFieldInfo)target, typeof(object), out pcaCount);
            if (pcaCount == 0)
                return cad; 
            CustomAttributeData[] pca = new CustomAttributeData[cad.Count + pcaCount];
            cad.CopyTo(pca, pcaCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pcaCount; i++)
                if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsSecurityAttribute(a[i].GetType()))

                pca[i] = new CustomAttributeData(a[i]); 

            return Array.AsReadOnly(pca); 

        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Module target)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); 
            if (target.IsResourceInternal())
                return new List(); 

            return GetCustomAttributes(target, target.MetadataToken);
        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Assembly target)
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            return GetCustomAttributes(target.ManifestModule, target.AssemblyHandle.GetToken());

        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo target) 
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); 

            IList cad = GetCustomAttributes(target.Member.Module, target.MetadataToken); 

            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((ParameterInfo)target, typeof(object), out pcaCount);
            if (pcaCount == 0)
                return cad; 
            CustomAttributeData[] pca = new CustomAttributeData[cad.Count + pcaCount];
            cad.CopyTo(pca, pcaCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pcaCount; i++)
                pca[i] = new CustomAttributeData(a[i]);

            return Array.AsReadOnly(pca); 
        #region Private Static Methods
        private static CustomAttributeEncoding TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(Type type) 
            if (type == typeof(int))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32;
            if (type.IsEnum)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum; 
            if (type == typeof(string))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.String; 

            if (type == typeof(Type))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Type;
            if (type == typeof(object))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object; 
            if (type.IsArray)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Array; 

            if (type == typeof(char))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Char;
            if (type == typeof(bool))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean; 
            if (type == typeof(byte))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte; 

            if (type == typeof(sbyte))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte;
            if (type == typeof(short))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16; 
            if (type == typeof(ushort))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16; 

            if (type == typeof(uint))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32;
            if (type == typeof(long))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64; 
            if (type == typeof(ulong))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64; 

            if (type == typeof(float))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Float;
            if (type == typeof(double))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Double; 
            if (type.IsClass)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object; 

            if (type.IsInterface)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object;
            if (type.IsValueType)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined; 
            throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidKindOfTypeForCA"), "type");
        private static CustomAttributeType InitCustomAttributeType(Type parameterType, Module scope)
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType = CustomAttributeData.TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(parameterType);
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedArrayType = CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined; 
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedEnumType = CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined;
            string enumName = null; 
            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Array)
                parameterType = parameterType.GetElementType();
                encodedArrayType = CustomAttributeData.TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(parameterType);
            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum || encodedArrayType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum)
                encodedEnumType = TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(parameterType)); 

                if (parameterType.Module == scope) 
                    enumName = parameterType.FullName;
                    enumName = parameterType.AssemblyQualifiedName;

            return new CustomAttributeType(encodedType, encodedArrayType, encodedEnumType, enumName); 
        private static IList GetCustomAttributes(Module module, int tkTarget)
            CustomAttributeRecord[] records = GetCustomAttributeRecords(module, tkTarget);

            CustomAttributeData[] customAttributes = new CustomAttributeData[records.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++) 
                customAttributes[i] = new CustomAttributeData(module, records[i]);
            return Array.AsReadOnly(customAttributes); 

        #region Internal Static Members
        internal unsafe static CustomAttributeRecord[] GetCustomAttributeRecords(Module module, int targetToken)
            MetadataImport scope = module.MetadataImport;
            int cCustomAttributeTokens = scope.EnumCustomAttributesCount(targetToken); 
            int* tkCustomAttributeTokens = stackalloc int[cCustomAttributeTokens];
            scope.EnumCustomAttributes(targetToken, tkCustomAttributeTokens, cCustomAttributeTokens); 

            CustomAttributeRecord[] records = new CustomAttributeRecord[cCustomAttributeTokens];

            for (int i = 0; i < cCustomAttributeTokens; i++) 
                    tkCustomAttributeTokens[i], out records[i].tkCtor.Value, out records[i].blob); 
            return records;

        internal static CustomAttributeTypedArgument Filter(IList attrs, Type caType, string name) 
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) 
                if (attrs[i].Constructor.DeclaringType == caType)
                    IList namedArguments = attrs[i].NamedArguments;
                    for (int j = 0; j < namedArguments.Count; j++)
                        if (namedArguments[j].MemberInfo.Name.Equals(name)) 
                            return namedArguments[j].TypedValue;
            return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument();

        internal static CustomAttributeTypedArgument Filter(IList attrs, Type caType, int parameter) 
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) 
                if (attrs[i].Constructor.DeclaringType == caType)
                    return attrs[i].ConstructorArguments[parameter];
            return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument();

        #region Private Data Members 
        private ConstructorInfo m_ctor;
        private Module m_scope;
        private MemberInfo[] m_members;
        private CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] m_ctorParams; 
        private CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] m_namedParams;
        private IList m_typedCtorArgs; 
        private IList m_namedArgs; 
        #region Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeData(Module scope, CustomAttributeRecord caRecord)
            m_scope = scope; 
            m_ctor = (ConstructorInfo)RuntimeType.GetMethodBase(scope, caRecord.tkCtor);
            ParameterInfo[] parameters = m_ctor.GetParametersNoCopy(); 
            m_ctorParams = new CustomAttributeCtorParameter[parameters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) 
                m_ctorParams[i] = new CustomAttributeCtorParameter(InitCustomAttributeType(parameters[i].ParameterType, scope));

            FieldInfo[] fields = m_ctor.DeclaringType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            PropertyInfo[] properties = m_ctor.DeclaringType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
            m_namedParams = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter[properties.Length + fields.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) 
                m_namedParams[i] = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter( 
                    fields[i].Name, CustomAttributeEncoding.Field, InitCustomAttributeType(fields[i].FieldType, scope));
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) 
                m_namedParams[i + fields.Length] = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter(
                    properties[i].Name, CustomAttributeEncoding.Property, InitCustomAttributeType(properties[i].PropertyType, scope));

            m_members = new MemberInfo[fields.Length + properties.Length]; 
            fields.CopyTo(m_members, 0);
            properties.CopyTo(m_members, fields.Length); 
            CustomAttributeEncodedArgument.ParseAttributeArguments(caRecord.blob, ref m_ctorParams, ref m_namedParams, m_scope);

        #region Pseudo Custom Attribute Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeData(Attribute attribute) 
            if (attribute is DllImportAttribute) 
            else if (attribute is FieldOffsetAttribute)
            else if (attribute is MarshalAsAttribute)
        private void Init(DllImportAttribute dllImport) 
            Type type = typeof(DllImportAttribute);
            m_ctor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0]; 
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[]
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(dllImport.Value),

            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("EntryPoint"), dllImport.EntryPoint),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("CharSet"), dllImport.CharSet), 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ExactSpelling"), dllImport.ExactSpelling),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SetLastError"), dllImport.SetLastError),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("PreserveSig"), dllImport.PreserveSig),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("CallingConvention"), dllImport.CallingConvention), 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("BestFitMapping"), dllImport.BestFitMapping),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ThrowOnUnmappableChar"), dllImport.ThrowOnUnmappableChar) 
        private void Init(FieldOffsetAttribute fieldOffset)
            m_ctor = typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0];
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] { 
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(fieldOffset.Value)
            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[0]); 
        private void Init(MarshalAsAttribute marshalAs) 
            Type type = typeof(MarshalAsAttribute);
            m_ctor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0];
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] 
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(marshalAs.Value), 

            int i = 3; // ArraySubType, SizeParamIndex, SizeConst 
            if (marshalAs.MarshalType != null) i++;
            if (marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef != null) i++;
            if (marshalAs.MarshalCookie != null) i++;
            i++; // IidParameterIndex
            i++; // SafeArraySubType 
            if (marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null) i++; 
            CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] namedArgs = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[i]; 

            i = 0;
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ArraySubType"), marshalAs.ArraySubType);
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SizeParamIndex"), marshalAs.SizeParamIndex); 
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SizeConst"), marshalAs.SizeConst);
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("IidParameterIndex"), marshalAs.IidParameterIndex); 
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SafeArraySubType"), marshalAs.SafeArraySubType);
            if (marshalAs.MarshalType != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalType"), marshalAs.MarshalType);
            if (marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalTypeRef"), marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef); 
            if (marshalAs.MarshalCookie != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalCookie"), marshalAs.MarshalCookie); 
            if (marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType"), marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType); 

            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(namedArgs);
        private void Init(object pca)
            m_ctor = pca.GetType().GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0]; 
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[0]);
            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[0]); 

        #region Object Override 
        public override string ToString()
            string ctorArgs = ""; 
            for (int i = 0; i < ConstructorArguments.Count; i ++)
                ctorArgs += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", ConstructorArguments[i]); 

            string namedArgs = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < NamedArguments.Count; i ++)
                namedArgs += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 && ctorArgs.Length == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", NamedArguments[i]); 

            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[{0}({1}{2})]", Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName, ctorArgs, namedArgs); 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj == (object)this;

        #region Public Members 
        public ConstructorInfo Constructor { get { return m_ctor; } }

        public IList ConstructorArguments
                if (m_typedCtorArgs == null) 
                    CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] typedCtorArgs = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[m_ctorParams.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < typedCtorArgs.Length; i++) 
                        CustomAttributeEncodedArgument encodedArg = m_ctorParams[i].CustomAttributeEncodedArgument; 
                        typedCtorArgs[i] = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(m_scope, m_ctorParams[i].CustomAttributeEncodedArgument);

                    m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(typedCtorArgs);
                return m_typedCtorArgs;
        public IList NamedArguments
                if (m_namedArgs == null)

                    if (m_namedParams == null) 
                        return null; 

                    int cNamedArgs = 0; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_namedParams.Length; i ++)
                        if (m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined)
                    CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] namedArgs = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[cNamedArgs]; 

                    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < m_namedParams.Length; i++) 
                        if (m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined)
                            namedArgs[j++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(
                                m_members[i], new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(m_scope, m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument)); 
                    m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(namedArgs); 
                return m_namedArgs;
    public struct CustomAttributeNamedArgument 
        #region Public Static Members
        public static bool operator ==(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right) 
            return !left.Equals(right); 

        #region Private Data Members 
        private MemberInfo m_memberInfo;
        private CustomAttributeTypedArgument m_value; 

        #region Constructor 
        internal CustomAttributeNamedArgument(MemberInfo memberInfo, object value)
            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_value = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(value); 
        internal CustomAttributeNamedArgument(MemberInfo memberInfo, CustomAttributeTypedArgument value) 
            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_value = value; 

        #region Object Override 
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} = {1}", MemberInfo.Name, TypedValue.ToString(ArgumentType != typeof(object))); 
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 
            return obj == (object)this; 
        #region Internal Members
        internal Type ArgumentType
                return m_memberInfo is FieldInfo ? 
                    ((FieldInfo)m_memberInfo).FieldType : 

        #region Public Members 
        public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get { return m_memberInfo; } }
        public CustomAttributeTypedArgument TypedValue { get { return m_value; } } 
    public struct CustomAttributeTypedArgument
        #region Public Static Members
        public static bool operator ==(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right) 
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right)
            return !left.Equals(right);
        #region Private Static Methods 
        private static Type CustomAttributeEncodingToType(CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType)
            switch (encodedType)
                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum):
                    return typeof(Enum); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32): 
                    return typeof(int); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.String): 
                    return typeof(string);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Type):
                    return typeof(Type); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Array): 
                    return typeof(Array); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Char): 
                    return typeof(char);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean):
                    return typeof(bool); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte): 
                    return typeof(sbyte); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte): 
                    return typeof(byte);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16):
                    return typeof(short); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16): 
                    return typeof(ushort); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32): 
                    return typeof(uint);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64):
                    return typeof(long); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64): 
                    return typeof(ulong); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Float): 
                    return typeof(float);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Double):
                    return typeof(double); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Object): 
                    return typeof(object); 

                default : 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)encodedType), "encodedType");
        private static object EncodedValueToRawValue(long val, CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType) 
            switch (encodedType) 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean:
                    return (byte)val != 0; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Char:
                    return (char)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte:
                    return (byte)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte:
                    return (sbyte)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16:
                    return (short)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16:
                    return (ushort)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32:
                    return (int)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32:
                    return (uint)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64:
                    return (long)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64:
                    return (ulong)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Float:
                    unsafe { return *(float*)&val; }
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Double:
                    unsafe { return *(double*)&val; } 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)val), "val"); 
        private static Type ResolveType(Module scope, string typeName)
            Type type = RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByNameUsingCARules(typeName, scope);
            if (type == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_CATypeResolutionFailed"), typeName)); 

            return type;

        #region Private Data Members 
        private object m_value; 
        private Type m_argumentType;

        #region Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeTypedArgument(object value)
            m_argumentType = value.GetType();
            if (m_argumentType.IsEnum) 
                if (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(m_argumentType) == typeof(int))
                    m_value = (int)value; 
                else if (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(m_argumentType) == typeof(short))
                    m_value = (short)value;
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EnumIsNotIntOrShort"), "value"); 
                m_value = value;
        internal CustomAttributeTypedArgument(Module scope, CustomAttributeEncodedArgument encodedArg)
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType = encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType; 

            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined) 
                throw new ArgumentException("encodedArg"); 

            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum) 
                m_argumentType = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EnumName);
                m_value = EncodedValueToRawValue(encodedArg.PrimitiveValue, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedEnumType);
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.String)
                m_argumentType = typeof(string); 
                m_value = encodedArg.StringValue;
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Type)
                m_argumentType = typeof(Type);
                m_value = null;
                if (encodedArg.StringValue != null) 
                    m_value = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.StringValue);
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Array)
                encodedType = encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedArrayType;
                Type elementType; 

                if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum) 
                    elementType = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EnumName);
                    elementType = CustomAttributeEncodingToType(encodedType);

                m_argumentType = elementType.MakeArrayType(); 
                if (encodedArg.ArrayValue == null)
                    m_value = null;
                    CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] arrayValue = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[encodedArg.ArrayValue.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayValue.Length; i++) 
                        arrayValue[i] = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(scope, encodedArg.ArrayValue[i]); 

                    m_value = Array.AsReadOnly(arrayValue); 
                m_argumentType = CustomAttributeEncodingToType(encodedType);
                m_value = EncodedValueToRawValue(encodedArg.PrimitiveValue, encodedType); 

        #region Object Overrides
        public override string ToString() { return ToString(false); }
        internal string ToString(bool typed) 
            if (ArgumentType.IsEnum) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "{0}" : "({1}){0}", Value, ArgumentType.FullName); 

            else if (Value == null) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "null" : "({0})null", ArgumentType.Name);

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(string))
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\"{0}\"", Value); 

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(char)) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "'{0}'", Value); 

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(Type)) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "typeof({0})", ((Type)Value).FullName);

            else if (ArgumentType.IsArray)
                string result = null;
                IList array = Value as IList; 
                Type elementType = ArgumentType.GetElementType();
                result = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, @"new {0}[{1}] {{ ", elementType.IsEnum ? elementType.FullName : elementType.Name, array.Count); 

                for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    result += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", array[i].ToString(elementType != typeof(object)));
                return result += " }";
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "{0}" : "({1}){0}", Value, ArgumentType.Name);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj == (object)this; 

        #region Public Members
        public Type ArgumentType
                return m_argumentType; 
        public object Value
                return m_value;

    internal struct CustomAttributeRecord
        internal ConstArray blob;
        internal MetadataToken tkCtor; 

    internal enum CustomAttributeEncoding : int
        Undefined = 0,
        Boolean = CorElementType.Boolean, 
        Char = CorElementType.Char,
        SByte = CorElementType.I1, 
        Byte = CorElementType.U1, 
        Int16 = CorElementType.I2,
        UInt16 = CorElementType.U2, 
        Int32 = CorElementType.I4,
        UInt32 = CorElementType.U4,
        Int64 = CorElementType.I8,
        UInt64 = CorElementType.U8, 
        Float = CorElementType.R4,
        Double = CorElementType.R8, 
        String = CorElementType.String, 
        Array = CorElementType.SzArray,
        Type = 0x50, 
        Object = 0x51,
        Field = 0x53,
        Property = 0x54,
        Enum = 0x55 
    internal struct CustomAttributeEncodedArgument 
        #region Parser
        private static extern void ParseAttributeArguments( 
            IntPtr pCa,
            int cCa, 
            ref CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] CustomAttributeCtorParameters, 
            ref CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] CustomAttributeTypedArgument,
            IntPtr assembly); 

        internal static void ParseAttributeArguments(ConstArray attributeBlob,
            ref CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] customAttributeCtorParameters,
            ref CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] customAttributeNamedParameters, 
            Module customAttributeModule)
            if (customAttributeModule == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("customAttributeModule");
            if (customAttributeNamedParameters == null)
                customAttributeNamedParameters = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter[0];

            CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] _customAttributeCtorParameters = customAttributeCtorParameters; 
            CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] _customAttributeNamedParameters = customAttributeNamedParameters;
                    ref _customAttributeCtorParameters,
                    ref _customAttributeNamedParameters, 
            customAttributeCtorParameters = _customAttributeCtorParameters;
            customAttributeNamedParameters = _customAttributeNamedParameters; 

        #region Private Data Members 
        private long m_primitiveValue;
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument[] m_arrayValue; 
        private string m_stringValue; 
        private CustomAttributeType m_type;

        #region Public Members
        public CustomAttributeType CustomAttributeType { get { return m_type; } }
        public long PrimitiveValue { get { return m_primitiveValue; } } 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument[] ArrayValue { get { return m_arrayValue; } }
        public string StringValue { get { return m_stringValue; } } 
    internal struct CustomAttributeNamedParameter
        #region Private Data Members
        private string m_argumentName; 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_fieldOrProperty; 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_padding;
        private CustomAttributeType m_type; 
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument m_encodedArgument;

        #region Constructor 
        public CustomAttributeNamedParameter(string argumentName, CustomAttributeEncoding fieldOrProperty, CustomAttributeType type)
            if (argumentName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("argumentName");
            m_argumentName = argumentName;
            m_fieldOrProperty = fieldOrProperty;
            m_padding = fieldOrProperty;
            m_type = type; 
            m_encodedArgument = new CustomAttributeEncodedArgument();

        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument EncodedArgument { get { return m_encodedArgument; } }
    internal struct CustomAttributeCtorParameter 
        #region Private Data Members 
        private CustomAttributeType m_type;
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument m_encodedArgument;
        #region Constructor
        public CustomAttributeCtorParameter(CustomAttributeType type) 
            m_type = type;
            m_encodedArgument = new CustomAttributeEncodedArgument(); 

        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument CustomAttributeEncodedArgument { get { return m_encodedArgument; } }

    // Note: This is a managed representation of a frame type defined in vm\frames.h; please ensure the layout remains 
    // synchronized.
    internal struct SecurityContextFrame
        IntPtr m_GSCookie;      // This is actually at a negative offset in the real frame definition
        IntPtr __VFN_table;     // This is the real start of the SecurityContextFrame 
        IntPtr m_Next; 
        IntPtr m_Assembly;
        public extern void Push(Assembly assembly);

        [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
        public extern void Pop(); 

    internal struct CustomAttributeType
        #region Private Data Members 
        /// The most complicated type is an enum[] in which case...
        private string m_enumName; // ...enum name 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedType; // ...array 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedEnumType; // ...enum
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedArrayType; // ...enum type 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_padding;

        #region Constructor 
        public CustomAttributeType(CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType, CustomAttributeEncoding encodedArrayType,
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedEnumType, string enumName) 
            m_encodedType = encodedType;
            m_encodedArrayType = encodedArrayType; 
            m_encodedEnumType = encodedEnumType;
            m_enumName = enumName;
            m_padding = m_encodedType;
        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedType { get { return m_encodedType; } }
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedEnumType { get { return m_encodedEnumType; } } 
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedArrayType { get { return m_encodedArrayType; } }
        public string EnumName { get { return m_enumName; } }
    internal unsafe static class CustomAttribute 
        #region Internal Static Members 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(type != null);
            if (type.GetElementType() != null)
                return false; 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(type, caType))
                return true; 

            if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, caType))
                return true;
            if (!inherit)
                return false; 
            type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType;
            while (type != null)
                if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, caType, inherit))
                    return true; 

                type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType; 

            return false; 

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(method != null);
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(method, caType)) 
                return true;
            if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, caType))
                return true;

            if (!inherit) 
                return false;
            method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo; 

            while (method != null) 
                if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, caType, inherit))
                    return true;
                method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            return false;

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(ctor != null); 

            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(ctor, caType)) 
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(ctor.Module, ctor.MetadataToken, caType); 

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimePropertyInfo property, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(property != null);
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(property, caType)) 
                return true;
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(property.Module, property.MetadataToken, caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeEventInfo e, RuntimeType caType) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(e != null); 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(e, caType))
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(e.Module, e.MetadataToken, caType);
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeFieldInfo field, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(field != null); 

            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(field, caType)) 
                return true;

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(field.Module, field.MetadataToken, caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo parameter, RuntimeType caType) 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(parameter, caType))
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(parameter.Member.Module, parameter.MetadataToken, caType);
        internal static bool IsDefined(Assembly assembly, RuntimeType caType)
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(assembly, caType)) 
                return true;
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(assembly.ManifestModule, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(Module module, RuntimeType caType) 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(module, caType)) 
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(module, module.MetadataToken, caType); 

        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            if (type.GetElementType() != null)
                return (caType.IsValueType) ? new object[0] : (Object[])Array.CreateInstance(caType, 0); 
            if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() as RuntimeType; 

            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            // if we are asked to go up the hierarchy chain we have to do it now and regardless of the
            // attribute usage for the specific attribute because a derived attribute may override the usage... 
            // ... however if the attribute is sealed we can rely on the attribute usage 
            if (!inherit || (caType.IsSealed && !CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(caType).Inherited))
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
                if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
                return attributes;

            List result = new List(); 
            bool mustBeInheritable = false; 
            bool useObjectArray = (caType == null || caType.IsValueType || caType.ContainsGenericParameters);
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : caType; 

            while (pcaCount > 0)
            while (type != typeof(object) && type != null)
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, 0, caType, mustBeInheritable, result); 
                mustBeInheritable = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) 

                type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType;

            object[] typedResult = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, result.Count) as object[]; 
            Array.Copy(result.ToArray(), 0, typedResult, 0, result.Count); 
            return typedResult;

        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            if (method.IsGenericMethod && !method.IsGenericMethodDefinition) 
                method = method.GetGenericMethodDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            // if we are asked to go up the hierarchy chain we have to do it now and regardless of the
            // attribute usage for the specific attribute because a derived attribute may override the usage...
            // ... however if the attribute is sealed we can rely on the attribute usage
            if (!inherit || (caType.IsSealed && !CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(caType).Inherited)) 
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType); 
                if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount); 
                return attributes;

            List result = new List();
            bool mustBeInheritable = false;
            bool useObjectArray = (caType == null || caType.IsValueType || caType.ContainsGenericParameters); 
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : caType;
            while (pcaCount > 0) 
            while (method != null)
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, 0, caType, mustBeInheritable, result);
                mustBeInheritable = true; 
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;

            object[] typedResult = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, result.Count) as object[];
            Array.Copy(result.ToArray(), 0, typedResult, 0, result.Count);
            return typedResult; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(ctor, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(ctor.Module, ctor.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimePropertyInfo property, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(property, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(property.Module, property.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeEventInfo e, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(e, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(e.Module, e.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeFieldInfo field, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(field, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(field.Module, field.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(parameter, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(parameter.Member.Module, parameter.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(assembly.ManifestModule, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(Module module, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(module, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(module, module.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static bool IsCustomAttributeDefined( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType)
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, false);

        internal static bool IsCustomAttributeDefined( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable)
            if (decoratedModule.Assembly.ReflectionOnly) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ReflectionOnlyCA"));
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);
            RuntimeType attributeType;
            RuntimeMethodHandle ctor; 
            bool ctorHasParameters, isVarArg;
            // Optimization for the case where attributes decorate entities in the same assembly in which case 
            // we can cache the successful APTCA check between the decorated and the declared assembly.
            Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly = null; 

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++)
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i]; 

                if (FilterCustomAttributeRecord(caRecord, scope, ref lastAptcaOkAssembly, 
                    decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, mustBeInheritable, null, null, 
                    out attributeType, out ctor, out ctorHasParameters, out isVarArg))
                    return true; 

            return false;

        internal unsafe static object[] GetCustomAttributes( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType) 
            return GetCustomAttributes(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, pcaCount, attributeFilterType, false, null); 

        internal unsafe static object[] GetCustomAttributes(
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, 
            RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes)
            if (decoratedModule.Assembly.ReflectionOnly) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ReflectionOnlyCA"));
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

            bool useObjectArray = (attributeFilterType == null || attributeFilterType.IsValueType || attributeFilterType.ContainsGenericParameters); 
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : attributeFilterType;
            if (attributeFilterType == null && car.Length == 0) 
                return Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0) as object[];
            object[] attributes = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, car.Length) as object[];
            int cAttributes = 0;

            // Custom attribute security checks are done with respect to the assembly *decorated* with the 
            // custom attribute as opposed to the *caller of GetCustomAttributes*.
            // Since this assembly might not be on the stack and the attribute ctor or property setters we're about to invoke may 
            // make security demands, we push a frame on the stack as a proxy for the decorated assembly (this frame will be picked 
            // up an interpreted by the security stackwalker).
            // Once we push the frame it will be automatically popped in the event of an exception, so no need to use CERs or the 
            // like.
            SecurityContextFrame frame = new SecurityContextFrame();
            // Optimization for the case where attributes decorate entities in the same assembly in which case
            // we can cache the successful APTCA check between the decorated and the declared assembly. 
            Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly = null; 

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++) 
                object attribute = null;
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i];
                RuntimeMethodHandle ctor = new RuntimeMethodHandle();
                RuntimeType attributeType = null; 
                bool ctorHasParameters, isVarArg; 
                int cNamedArgs = 0;
                IntPtr blobStart = caRecord.blob.Signature;
                IntPtr blobEnd = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + caRecord.blob.Length);

                if (!FilterCustomAttributeRecord(caRecord, scope, ref lastAptcaOkAssembly, 
                                                 decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, mustBeInheritable,
                                                 attributes, derivedAttributes, 
                                                 out attributeType, out ctor, out ctorHasParameters, out isVarArg)) 
                if (!ctor.IsNullHandle())
                    // Linktime demand checks
                    // decoratedMetadataToken needed as it may be "transparent" in which case we do a full stack walk 
                    ctor.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

                // Leverage RuntimeConstructorInfo standard .ctor verfication
                RuntimeConstructorInfo.CheckCanCreateInstance(attributeType, isVarArg); 
                // Create custom attribute object
                if (ctorHasParameters) 
                    attribute = CreateCaObject(decoratedModule, ctor, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out cNamedArgs);
                    attribute = attributeType.TypeHandle.CreateCaInstance(ctor); 
                    if (Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart) != 1)
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException(); 
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip 0x0001 prefix

                    cNamedArgs = Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart);
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip namedArgs count 
                for (int j = 0; j < cNamedArgs; j++) 
                    #region // Initialize named properties and fields 
                    string name;
                    bool isProperty;
                    Type type;
                    object value; 

                    IntPtr blobItr = caRecord.blob.Signature; 
                    GetPropertyOrFieldData(decoratedModule, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out name, out isProperty, out type, out value);
                        if (isProperty)
                            #region // Initialize property
                            if (type == null && value != null) 
                                type = (value.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeType)) ? typeof(Type) : value.GetType(); 

                            RuntimePropertyInfo property = null; 

                            if (type == null)
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name) as RuntimePropertyInfo;
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name, type, Type.EmptyTypes) as RuntimePropertyInfo;
                            RuntimeMethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true) as RuntimeMethodInfo; 

                            // Public properties may have non-public setter methods 
                            if (!setMethod.IsPublic)

                            setMethod.MethodHandle.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken); 

                            setMethod.Invoke(attribute, BindingFlags.Default, null, new object[] { value }, null, true); 
                            RtFieldInfo field = attributeType.GetField(name) as RtFieldInfo;

                            field.InternalSetValue(attribute, value, BindingFlags.Default, Type.DefaultBinder, null, false); 
                    catch (Exception e) 
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException( 
                            String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString(
                                isProperty ? "RFLCT.InvalidPropFail" : "RFLCT.InvalidFieldFail"), name), e);
                if (!blobStart.Equals(blobEnd)) 
                    throw new CustomAttributeFormatException();
                attributes[cAttributes++] = attribute;

            // The frame will be popped automatically if we take an exception any time after we pushed it. So no need of a catch or 
            // finally or CERs here.
            if (cAttributes == car.Length && pcaCount == 0)
                return attributes; 

            if (cAttributes == 0)
                Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0);
            object[] result = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, cAttributes + pcaCount) as object[];
            Array.Copy(attributes, 0, result, 0, cAttributes); 
            return result; 
        internal unsafe static bool FilterCustomAttributeRecord(
            CustomAttributeRecord caRecord, MetadataImport scope, ref Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly,
            Module decoratedModule, MetadataToken decoratedToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable,
            object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes, 
            out RuntimeType attributeType, out RuntimeMethodHandle ctor, out bool ctorHasParameters, out bool isVarArg)
            ctor = new RuntimeMethodHandle(); 
            attributeType = null;
            ctorHasParameters = false; 
            isVarArg = false;

            IntPtr blobStart = caRecord.blob.Signature;
            IntPtr blobEnd = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + caRecord.blob.Length); 

            // Resolve attribute type from ctor parent token found in decorated decoratedModule scope 
            attributeType = decoratedModule.ResolveType(scope.GetParentToken(caRecord.tkCtor), null, null) as RuntimeType; 

            // Test attribute type against user provided attribute type filter 
            if (!(attributeFilterType.IsAssignableFrom(attributeType)))
                return false;

            // Ensure if attribute type must be inheritable that it is inhertiable 
            // Ensure that to consider a duplicate attribute type AllowMultiple is true
            if (!AttributeUsageCheck(attributeType, mustBeInheritable, attributes, derivedAttributes)) 
                return false; 

            // APTCA checks 
            if (attributeType.Assembly != lastAptcaOkAssembly &&
                return false;
            // Cache last successful APTCA check (optimization)
            lastAptcaOkAssembly = decoratedModule.Assembly; 
            // Resolve the attribute ctor
            ConstArray ctorSig = scope.GetMethodSignature(caRecord.tkCtor); 
            isVarArg = (ctorSig[0] & 0x05) != 0;
            ctorHasParameters = ctorSig[1] != 0;

            if (ctorHasParameters) 
                // Resolve method ctor token found in decorated decoratedModule scope 
                ctor = decoratedModule.ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandle(caRecord.tkCtor); 
                // Resolve method ctor token from decorated decoratedModule scope
                ctor = attributeType.GetTypeHandleInternal().GetDefaultConstructor();
                if (ctor.IsNullHandle() && !attributeType.IsValueType)
                    throw new MissingMethodException(".ctor"); 

            // Visibility checks 
            if (ctor.IsNullHandle())
                if (!attributeType.IsVisible && !attributeType.TypeHandle.IsVisibleFromModule(decoratedModule.ModuleHandle))
                    return false; 

                return true; 

            if (ctor.IsVisibleFromModule(decoratedModule)) 
                return true;

            MetadataToken tkParent = new MetadataToken();
            if (decoratedToken.IsParamDef)
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(decoratedToken)); 
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(tkParent));
            else if (decoratedToken.IsMethodDef || decoratedToken.IsProperty || decoratedToken.IsEvent || decoratedToken.IsFieldDef)
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(decoratedToken));
            else if (decoratedToken.IsTypeDef)
                tkParent = decoratedToken; 
            if (tkParent.IsTypeDef)
                return ctor.IsVisibleFromType(decoratedModule.ModuleHandle.ResolveTypeHandle(tkParent));

            return false; 
        #region Private Static Methods
        private static bool AttributeUsageCheck( 
            RuntimeType attributeType, bool mustBeInheritable, object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes)
            AttributeUsageAttribute attributeUsageAttribute = null;
            if (mustBeInheritable)
                attributeUsageAttribute = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(attributeType); 

                if (!attributeUsageAttribute.Inherited) 
                    return false;

            // Legacy: AllowMultiple ignored for none inheritable attributes 

            if (derivedAttributes == null) 
                return true; 

            for (int i = 0; i < derivedAttributes.Count; i++) 
                if (derivedAttributes[i].GetType() == attributeType)
                    if (attributeUsageAttribute == null) 
                        attributeUsageAttribute = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
                    return attributeUsageAttribute.AllowMultiple; 

            return true;
        internal static AttributeUsageAttribute GetAttributeUsage(RuntimeType decoratedAttribute)
            Module decoratedModule = decoratedAttribute.Module; 
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedAttribute.MetadataToken); 

            AttributeUsageAttribute attributeUsageAttribute = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++) 
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i]; 
                RuntimeType attributeType = decoratedModule.ResolveType(scope.GetParentToken(caRecord.tkCtor), null, null) as RuntimeType; 

                if (attributeType != typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute)) 

                if (attributeUsageAttribute != null)
                    throw new FormatException(String.Format( 
                        CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Format_AttributeUsage"), attributeType));
                AttributeTargets targets; 
                bool inherited, allowMultiple;
                ParseAttributeUsageAttribute(caRecord.blob, out targets, out inherited, out allowMultiple); 
                attributeUsageAttribute = new AttributeUsageAttribute(targets, allowMultiple, inherited);

            if (attributeUsageAttribute == null) 
                return AttributeUsageAttribute.Default;
            return attributeUsageAttribute; 

        #region Private Static FCalls
        private static extern void _ParseAttributeUsageAttribute( 
            IntPtr pCa, int cCa, out int targets, out bool inherited, out bool allowMultiple);
        private static void ParseAttributeUsageAttribute( 
            ConstArray ca, out AttributeTargets targets, out bool inherited, out bool allowMultiple) 
            int _targets; 
            _ParseAttributeUsageAttribute(ca.Signature, ca.Length, out _targets, out inherited, out allowMultiple);
            targets = (AttributeTargets)_targets;
        private static unsafe extern Object _CreateCaObject(void* pModule, void* pCtor, byte** ppBlob, byte* pEndBlob, int* pcNamedArgs); 
        private static unsafe Object CreateCaObject(Module module, RuntimeMethodHandle ctor, ref IntPtr blob, IntPtr blobEnd, out int namedArgs) 
            byte* pBlob = (byte*)blob; 
            byte* pBlobEnd = (byte*)blobEnd;
            int cNamedArgs;
            object ca = _CreateCaObject((void*)module.ModuleHandle.Value, (void*)ctor.Value, &pBlob, pBlobEnd, &cNamedArgs);
            blob = (IntPtr)pBlob; 
            namedArgs = cNamedArgs;
            return ca; 

        private unsafe extern static void _GetPropertyOrFieldData(
            IntPtr pModule, byte** ppBlobStart, byte* pBlobEnd, out string name, out bool bIsProperty, out Type type, out object value);
        private unsafe static void GetPropertyOrFieldData(
            Module module, ref IntPtr blobStart, IntPtr blobEnd, out string name, out bool isProperty, out Type type, out object value) 
            byte* pBlobStart = (byte*)blobStart; 
                (IntPtr)module.ModuleHandle.Value, &pBlobStart, (byte*)blobEnd, out name, out isProperty, out type, out value);
            blobStart = (IntPtr)pBlobStart; 
    internal static class PseudoCustomAttribute
        #region Private Static Data Members 
        private static Hashtable s_pca;
        private static int s_pcasCount; 

        #region FCalls
        unsafe private static extern void _GetSecurityAttributes(void* module, int token, out object[] securityAttributes);
        unsafe internal static void GetSecurityAttributes(ModuleHandle module, int token, out object[] securityAttributes) 
            _GetSecurityAttributes(module.Value, token, out securityAttributes);

        #region Static Constructor
        static PseudoCustomAttribute() 
            Type[] pcas = new Type[] 
                // See //depot/DevDiv/private/Main/ndp/clr/src/MD/Compiler/CustAttr.cpp
                typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute), // field 
                typeof(SerializableAttribute), // class, struct, enum, delegate
                typeof(MarshalAsAttribute), // parameter, field, return-value
                typeof(ComImportAttribute), // class, interface
                typeof(NonSerializedAttribute), // field, inherited 
                typeof(InAttribute), // parameter
                typeof(OutAttribute), // parameter 
                typeof(OptionalAttribute), // parameter 
                typeof(DllImportAttribute), // method
                typeof(PreserveSigAttribute), // method 

            s_pcasCount = pcas.Length;
            s_pca = new Hashtable(s_pcasCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < s_pcasCount; i ++)
                s_pca[pcas[i]] = pcas[i];

        private static void VerifyPseudoCustomAttribute(Type pca) 
            // If any of these are invariants are no longer true will have to 
            // re-architect the PCA product logic and test cases -- you've been warned! 
            BCLDebug.Assert(pca.BaseType == typeof(Attribute), "Pseudo CA Error");
            AttributeUsageAttribute usage = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(pca as RuntimeType); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(usage.Inherited == false, "Pseudo CA Error");
            BCLDebug.Assert(usage.AllowMultiple == false, "Pseudo CA Error");

        #region Internal Static 
        internal static bool IsSecurityAttribute(Type type) 
            return type == typeof(SecurityAttribute) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SecurityAttribute)); 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(type != null);
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null); 
            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType]  == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                return new Attribute[0];
            List pcas = new List();
            Attribute pca = null; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(SerializableAttribute))
                pca = SerializableAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(type);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca);
            if (all || caType == typeof(ComImportAttribute)) 
                pca = ComImportAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(type); 
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca); 
            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                if (!type.IsGenericParameter)
                    if (type.IsGenericType) 
                        type = (RuntimeType)type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    object[] securityAttributes; 
                    GetSecurityAttributes(type.Module.ModuleHandle, type.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                    if (securityAttributes != null) 
                        foreach(object a in securityAttributes)
                            if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))
            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray();
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, Type caType)
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return false;
            if (all || caType == typeof(SerializableAttribute)) 
                if (SerializableAttribute.IsDefined(type)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(ComImportAttribute))
                if (ComImportAttribute.IsDefined(type)) return true; 
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                int count;
                if (GetCustomAttributes(type, caType, true, out count).Length != 0) 
                    return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeMethodInfo method, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(method != null); 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null);

            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return new Attribute[0]; 

            List pcas = new List(); 
            Attribute pca = null;

            if (all || caType == typeof(DllImportAttribute))
                pca = DllImportAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(method);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca); 
            if (all || caType == typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))
                pca = PreserveSigAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(method);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca);
            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                object[] securityAttributes; 
                GetSecurityAttributes(method.Module.ModuleHandle, method.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                if (securityAttributes != null) 
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes)
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))

            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray(); 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeMethodInfo method, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false; 

            if (all || caType == typeof(DllImportAttribute)) 
                if (DllImportAttribute.IsDefined(method)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))
                if (PreserveSigAttribute.IsDefined(method)) return true;
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                int count; 

                if (GetCustomAttributes(method, caType, true, out count).Length != 0) 
                    return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, Type caType, out int count) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(parameter != null); 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null);

            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null) 
                return null; 

            Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount]; 
            Attribute pca = null;

            if (all || caType == typeof(InAttribute))
                pca = InAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(OutAttribute))
                pca = OutAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            if (all || caType == typeof(OptionalAttribute)) 
                pca = OptionalAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter); 
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute)) 
                pca = MarshalAsAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            return pcas;
        internal static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo parameter, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false;

            if (all || caType == typeof(InAttribute))
                if (InAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(OutAttribute)) 
                if (OutAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(OptionalAttribute)) 
                if (OptionalAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))
                if (MarshalAsAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly, Type caType, out int count) 
            count = 0; 

            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);

            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return new Attribute[0];
            List pcas = new List(); 

            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                object[] securityAttributes;

                GetSecurityAttributes(assembly.ManifestModule.ModuleHandle, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), out securityAttributes); 
                if (securityAttributes != null)
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes) 
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType)) 

            count = pcas.Count;
            return pcas.ToArray();
        internal static bool IsDefined(Assembly assembly, Type caType)
            int count; 
            return GetCustomAttributes(assembly, caType, out count).Length > 0;

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module module, Type caType, out int count)
            count = 0; 
            return null;
        internal static bool IsDefined(Module module, Type caType) 
            return false; 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeFieldInfo field, Type caType, out int count)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(field != null);
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null); 
            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return null;
            Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount];
            Attribute pca = null; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))
                pca = MarshalAsAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            if (all || caType == typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute)) 
                pca = FieldOffsetAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field); 
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(NonSerializedAttribute)) 
                pca = NonSerializedAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            return pcas;
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeFieldInfo field, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false;

            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute)) 
                if (MarshalAsAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute))
                if (FieldOffsetAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(NonSerializedAttribute))
                if (NonSerializedAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true;
            return false;

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count)
            count = 0; 

            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                return new Attribute[0]; 

            List pcas = new List();

            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                object[] securityAttributes; 
                GetSecurityAttributes(ctor.Module.ModuleHandle, ctor.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                if (securityAttributes != null) 
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes)
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))

            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray(); 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);

            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null) 
                return false;
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                int count; 

                if (GetCustomAttributes(ctor, caType, true, out count).Length != 0)
                    return true;

            return false; 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimePropertyInfo property, Type caType, out int count) 
            count = 0;
            return null;
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimePropertyInfo property, Type caType)
            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeEventInfo e, Type caType, out int count)
            count = 0;
            return null; 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeEventInfo e, Type caType) 
            return false;









// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

using System; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Resources;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 

namespace System.Reflection 
    public sealed class CustomAttributeData 
        #region Public Static Members 
        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo target) 
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            IList cad = GetCustomAttributes(target.Module, target.MetadataToken);
            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] a = null; 
            if (target is RuntimeType) 
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeType)target, typeof(object), false, out pcaCount);
            else if (target is RuntimeMethodInfo) 
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeMethodInfo)target, typeof(object), false, out pcaCount);
            else if (target is RuntimeFieldInfo)
                a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((RuntimeFieldInfo)target, typeof(object), out pcaCount);
            if (pcaCount == 0)
                return cad; 
            CustomAttributeData[] pca = new CustomAttributeData[cad.Count + pcaCount];
            cad.CopyTo(pca, pcaCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pcaCount; i++)
                if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsSecurityAttribute(a[i].GetType()))

                pca[i] = new CustomAttributeData(a[i]); 

            return Array.AsReadOnly(pca); 

        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Module target)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); 
            if (target.IsResourceInternal())
                return new List(); 

            return GetCustomAttributes(target, target.MetadataToken);
        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(Assembly target)
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
            return GetCustomAttributes(target.ManifestModule, target.AssemblyHandle.GetToken());

        public static IList GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo target) 
            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); 

            IList cad = GetCustomAttributes(target.Member.Module, target.MetadataToken); 

            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] a = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes((ParameterInfo)target, typeof(object), out pcaCount);
            if (pcaCount == 0)
                return cad; 
            CustomAttributeData[] pca = new CustomAttributeData[cad.Count + pcaCount];
            cad.CopyTo(pca, pcaCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < pcaCount; i++)
                pca[i] = new CustomAttributeData(a[i]);

            return Array.AsReadOnly(pca); 
        #region Private Static Methods
        private static CustomAttributeEncoding TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(Type type) 
            if (type == typeof(int))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32;
            if (type.IsEnum)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum; 
            if (type == typeof(string))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.String; 

            if (type == typeof(Type))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Type;
            if (type == typeof(object))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object; 
            if (type.IsArray)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Array; 

            if (type == typeof(char))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Char;
            if (type == typeof(bool))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean; 
            if (type == typeof(byte))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte; 

            if (type == typeof(sbyte))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte;
            if (type == typeof(short))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16; 
            if (type == typeof(ushort))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16; 

            if (type == typeof(uint))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32;
            if (type == typeof(long))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64; 
            if (type == typeof(ulong))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64; 

            if (type == typeof(float))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Float;
            if (type == typeof(double))
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Double; 
            if (type.IsClass)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object; 

            if (type.IsInterface)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Object;
            if (type.IsValueType)
                return CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined; 
            throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidKindOfTypeForCA"), "type");
        private static CustomAttributeType InitCustomAttributeType(Type parameterType, Module scope)
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType = CustomAttributeData.TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(parameterType);
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedArrayType = CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined; 
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedEnumType = CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined;
            string enumName = null; 
            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Array)
                parameterType = parameterType.GetElementType();
                encodedArrayType = CustomAttributeData.TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(parameterType);
            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum || encodedArrayType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum)
                encodedEnumType = TypeToCustomAttributeEncoding(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(parameterType)); 

                if (parameterType.Module == scope) 
                    enumName = parameterType.FullName;
                    enumName = parameterType.AssemblyQualifiedName;

            return new CustomAttributeType(encodedType, encodedArrayType, encodedEnumType, enumName); 
        private static IList GetCustomAttributes(Module module, int tkTarget)
            CustomAttributeRecord[] records = GetCustomAttributeRecords(module, tkTarget);

            CustomAttributeData[] customAttributes = new CustomAttributeData[records.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++) 
                customAttributes[i] = new CustomAttributeData(module, records[i]);
            return Array.AsReadOnly(customAttributes); 

        #region Internal Static Members
        internal unsafe static CustomAttributeRecord[] GetCustomAttributeRecords(Module module, int targetToken)
            MetadataImport scope = module.MetadataImport;
            int cCustomAttributeTokens = scope.EnumCustomAttributesCount(targetToken); 
            int* tkCustomAttributeTokens = stackalloc int[cCustomAttributeTokens];
            scope.EnumCustomAttributes(targetToken, tkCustomAttributeTokens, cCustomAttributeTokens); 

            CustomAttributeRecord[] records = new CustomAttributeRecord[cCustomAttributeTokens];

            for (int i = 0; i < cCustomAttributeTokens; i++) 
                    tkCustomAttributeTokens[i], out records[i].tkCtor.Value, out records[i].blob); 
            return records;

        internal static CustomAttributeTypedArgument Filter(IList attrs, Type caType, string name) 
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) 
                if (attrs[i].Constructor.DeclaringType == caType)
                    IList namedArguments = attrs[i].NamedArguments;
                    for (int j = 0; j < namedArguments.Count; j++)
                        if (namedArguments[j].MemberInfo.Name.Equals(name)) 
                            return namedArguments[j].TypedValue;
            return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument();

        internal static CustomAttributeTypedArgument Filter(IList attrs, Type caType, int parameter) 
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) 
                if (attrs[i].Constructor.DeclaringType == caType)
                    return attrs[i].ConstructorArguments[parameter];
            return new CustomAttributeTypedArgument();

        #region Private Data Members 
        private ConstructorInfo m_ctor;
        private Module m_scope;
        private MemberInfo[] m_members;
        private CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] m_ctorParams; 
        private CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] m_namedParams;
        private IList m_typedCtorArgs; 
        private IList m_namedArgs; 
        #region Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeData(Module scope, CustomAttributeRecord caRecord)
            m_scope = scope; 
            m_ctor = (ConstructorInfo)RuntimeType.GetMethodBase(scope, caRecord.tkCtor);
            ParameterInfo[] parameters = m_ctor.GetParametersNoCopy(); 
            m_ctorParams = new CustomAttributeCtorParameter[parameters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) 
                m_ctorParams[i] = new CustomAttributeCtorParameter(InitCustomAttributeType(parameters[i].ParameterType, scope));

            FieldInfo[] fields = m_ctor.DeclaringType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            PropertyInfo[] properties = m_ctor.DeclaringType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); 
            m_namedParams = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter[properties.Length + fields.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) 
                m_namedParams[i] = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter( 
                    fields[i].Name, CustomAttributeEncoding.Field, InitCustomAttributeType(fields[i].FieldType, scope));
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) 
                m_namedParams[i + fields.Length] = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter(
                    properties[i].Name, CustomAttributeEncoding.Property, InitCustomAttributeType(properties[i].PropertyType, scope));

            m_members = new MemberInfo[fields.Length + properties.Length]; 
            fields.CopyTo(m_members, 0);
            properties.CopyTo(m_members, fields.Length); 
            CustomAttributeEncodedArgument.ParseAttributeArguments(caRecord.blob, ref m_ctorParams, ref m_namedParams, m_scope);

        #region Pseudo Custom Attribute Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeData(Attribute attribute) 
            if (attribute is DllImportAttribute) 
            else if (attribute is FieldOffsetAttribute)
            else if (attribute is MarshalAsAttribute)
        private void Init(DllImportAttribute dllImport) 
            Type type = typeof(DllImportAttribute);
            m_ctor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0]; 
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[]
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(dllImport.Value),

            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("EntryPoint"), dllImport.EntryPoint),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("CharSet"), dllImport.CharSet), 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ExactSpelling"), dllImport.ExactSpelling),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SetLastError"), dllImport.SetLastError),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("PreserveSig"), dllImport.PreserveSig),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("CallingConvention"), dllImport.CallingConvention), 
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("BestFitMapping"), dllImport.BestFitMapping),
                new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ThrowOnUnmappableChar"), dllImport.ThrowOnUnmappableChar) 
        private void Init(FieldOffsetAttribute fieldOffset)
            m_ctor = typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0];
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] { 
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(fieldOffset.Value)
            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[0]); 
        private void Init(MarshalAsAttribute marshalAs) 
            Type type = typeof(MarshalAsAttribute);
            m_ctor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0];
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] 
                new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(marshalAs.Value), 

            int i = 3; // ArraySubType, SizeParamIndex, SizeConst 
            if (marshalAs.MarshalType != null) i++;
            if (marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef != null) i++;
            if (marshalAs.MarshalCookie != null) i++;
            i++; // IidParameterIndex
            i++; // SafeArraySubType 
            if (marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null) i++; 
            CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] namedArgs = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[i]; 

            i = 0;
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("ArraySubType"), marshalAs.ArraySubType);
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SizeParamIndex"), marshalAs.SizeParamIndex); 
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SizeConst"), marshalAs.SizeConst);
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("IidParameterIndex"), marshalAs.IidParameterIndex); 
            namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SafeArraySubType"), marshalAs.SafeArraySubType);
            if (marshalAs.MarshalType != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalType"), marshalAs.MarshalType);
            if (marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalTypeRef"), marshalAs.MarshalTypeRef); 
            if (marshalAs.MarshalCookie != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("MarshalCookie"), marshalAs.MarshalCookie); 
            if (marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType != null)
                namedArgs[i++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(type.GetField("SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType"), marshalAs.SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType); 

            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(namedArgs);
        private void Init(object pca)
            m_ctor = pca.GetType().GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)[0]; 
            m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[0]);
            m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[0]); 

        #region Object Override 
        public override string ToString()
            string ctorArgs = ""; 
            for (int i = 0; i < ConstructorArguments.Count; i ++)
                ctorArgs += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", ConstructorArguments[i]); 

            string namedArgs = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < NamedArguments.Count; i ++)
                namedArgs += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 && ctorArgs.Length == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", NamedArguments[i]); 

            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[{0}({1}{2})]", Constructor.DeclaringType.FullName, ctorArgs, namedArgs); 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj == (object)this;

        #region Public Members 
        public ConstructorInfo Constructor { get { return m_ctor; } }

        public IList ConstructorArguments
                if (m_typedCtorArgs == null) 
                    CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] typedCtorArgs = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[m_ctorParams.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < typedCtorArgs.Length; i++) 
                        CustomAttributeEncodedArgument encodedArg = m_ctorParams[i].CustomAttributeEncodedArgument; 
                        typedCtorArgs[i] = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(m_scope, m_ctorParams[i].CustomAttributeEncodedArgument);

                    m_typedCtorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(typedCtorArgs);
                return m_typedCtorArgs;
        public IList NamedArguments
                if (m_namedArgs == null)

                    if (m_namedParams == null) 
                        return null; 

                    int cNamedArgs = 0; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_namedParams.Length; i ++)
                        if (m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined)
                    CustomAttributeNamedArgument[] namedArgs = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument[cNamedArgs]; 

                    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < m_namedParams.Length; i++) 
                        if (m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType != CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined)
                            namedArgs[j++] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(
                                m_members[i], new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(m_scope, m_namedParams[i].EncodedArgument)); 
                    m_namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly(namedArgs); 
                return m_namedArgs;
    public struct CustomAttributeNamedArgument 
        #region Public Static Members
        public static bool operator ==(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right)
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(CustomAttributeNamedArgument left, CustomAttributeNamedArgument right) 
            return !left.Equals(right); 

        #region Private Data Members 
        private MemberInfo m_memberInfo;
        private CustomAttributeTypedArgument m_value; 

        #region Constructor 
        internal CustomAttributeNamedArgument(MemberInfo memberInfo, object value)
            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_value = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(value); 
        internal CustomAttributeNamedArgument(MemberInfo memberInfo, CustomAttributeTypedArgument value) 
            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_value = value; 

        #region Object Override 
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} = {1}", MemberInfo.Name, TypedValue.ToString(ArgumentType != typeof(object))); 
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 
            return obj == (object)this; 
        #region Internal Members
        internal Type ArgumentType
                return m_memberInfo is FieldInfo ? 
                    ((FieldInfo)m_memberInfo).FieldType : 

        #region Public Members 
        public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get { return m_memberInfo; } }
        public CustomAttributeTypedArgument TypedValue { get { return m_value; } } 
    public struct CustomAttributeTypedArgument
        #region Public Static Members
        public static bool operator ==(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right) 
            return left.Equals(right);
        public static bool operator !=(CustomAttributeTypedArgument left, CustomAttributeTypedArgument right)
            return !left.Equals(right);
        #region Private Static Methods 
        private static Type CustomAttributeEncodingToType(CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType)
            switch (encodedType)
                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum):
                    return typeof(Enum); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32): 
                    return typeof(int); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.String): 
                    return typeof(string);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Type):
                    return typeof(Type); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Array): 
                    return typeof(Array); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Char): 
                    return typeof(char);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean):
                    return typeof(bool); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte): 
                    return typeof(sbyte); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte): 
                    return typeof(byte);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16):
                    return typeof(short); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16): 
                    return typeof(ushort); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32): 
                    return typeof(uint);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64):
                    return typeof(long); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64): 
                    return typeof(ulong); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Float): 
                    return typeof(float);

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Double):
                    return typeof(double); 

                case (CustomAttributeEncoding.Object): 
                    return typeof(object); 

                default : 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)encodedType), "encodedType");
        private static object EncodedValueToRawValue(long val, CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType) 
            switch (encodedType) 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Boolean:
                    return (byte)val != 0; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Char:
                    return (char)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Byte:
                    return (byte)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.SByte:
                    return (sbyte)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int16:
                    return (short)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt16:
                    return (ushort)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int32:
                    return (int)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt32:
                    return (uint)val;
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Int64:
                    return (long)val; 
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.UInt64:
                    return (ulong)val; 

                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Float:
                    unsafe { return *(float*)&val; }
                case CustomAttributeEncoding.Double:
                    unsafe { return *(double*)&val; } 
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_EnumIllegalVal", (int)val), "val"); 
        private static Type ResolveType(Module scope, string typeName)
            Type type = RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByNameUsingCARules(typeName, scope);
            if (type == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_CATypeResolutionFailed"), typeName)); 

            return type;

        #region Private Data Members 
        private object m_value; 
        private Type m_argumentType;

        #region Constructor
        internal CustomAttributeTypedArgument(object value)
            m_argumentType = value.GetType();
            if (m_argumentType.IsEnum) 
                if (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(m_argumentType) == typeof(int))
                    m_value = (int)value; 
                else if (Enum.GetUnderlyingType(m_argumentType) == typeof(short))
                    m_value = (short)value;
                    throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EnumIsNotIntOrShort"), "value"); 
                m_value = value;
        internal CustomAttributeTypedArgument(Module scope, CustomAttributeEncodedArgument encodedArg)
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType = encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedType; 

            if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Undefined) 
                throw new ArgumentException("encodedArg"); 

            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum) 
                m_argumentType = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EnumName);
                m_value = EncodedValueToRawValue(encodedArg.PrimitiveValue, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedEnumType);
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.String)
                m_argumentType = typeof(string); 
                m_value = encodedArg.StringValue;
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Type)
                m_argumentType = typeof(Type);
                m_value = null;
                if (encodedArg.StringValue != null) 
                    m_value = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.StringValue);
            else if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Array)
                encodedType = encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EncodedArrayType;
                Type elementType; 

                if (encodedType == CustomAttributeEncoding.Enum) 
                    elementType = ResolveType(scope, encodedArg.CustomAttributeType.EnumName);
                    elementType = CustomAttributeEncodingToType(encodedType);

                m_argumentType = elementType.MakeArrayType(); 
                if (encodedArg.ArrayValue == null)
                    m_value = null;
                    CustomAttributeTypedArgument[] arrayValue = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument[encodedArg.ArrayValue.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < arrayValue.Length; i++) 
                        arrayValue[i] = new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(scope, encodedArg.ArrayValue[i]); 

                    m_value = Array.AsReadOnly(arrayValue); 
                m_argumentType = CustomAttributeEncodingToType(encodedType);
                m_value = EncodedValueToRawValue(encodedArg.PrimitiveValue, encodedType); 

        #region Object Overrides
        public override string ToString() { return ToString(false); }
        internal string ToString(bool typed) 
            if (ArgumentType.IsEnum) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "{0}" : "({1}){0}", Value, ArgumentType.FullName); 

            else if (Value == null) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "null" : "({0})null", ArgumentType.Name);

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(string))
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\"{0}\"", Value); 

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(char)) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "'{0}'", Value); 

            else if (ArgumentType == typeof(Type)) 
                return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "typeof({0})", ((Type)Value).FullName);

            else if (ArgumentType.IsArray)
                string result = null;
                IList array = Value as IList; 
                Type elementType = ArgumentType.GetElementType();
                result = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, @"new {0}[{1}] {{ ", elementType.IsEnum ? elementType.FullName : elementType.Name, array.Count); 

                for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    result += String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, i == 0 ? "{0}" : ", {0}", array[i].ToString(elementType != typeof(object)));
                return result += " }";
            return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, typed ? "{0}" : "({1}){0}", Value, ArgumentType.Name);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return base.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj == (object)this; 

        #region Public Members
        public Type ArgumentType
                return m_argumentType; 
        public object Value
                return m_value;

    internal struct CustomAttributeRecord
        internal ConstArray blob;
        internal MetadataToken tkCtor; 

    internal enum CustomAttributeEncoding : int
        Undefined = 0,
        Boolean = CorElementType.Boolean, 
        Char = CorElementType.Char,
        SByte = CorElementType.I1, 
        Byte = CorElementType.U1, 
        Int16 = CorElementType.I2,
        UInt16 = CorElementType.U2, 
        Int32 = CorElementType.I4,
        UInt32 = CorElementType.U4,
        Int64 = CorElementType.I8,
        UInt64 = CorElementType.U8, 
        Float = CorElementType.R4,
        Double = CorElementType.R8, 
        String = CorElementType.String, 
        Array = CorElementType.SzArray,
        Type = 0x50, 
        Object = 0x51,
        Field = 0x53,
        Property = 0x54,
        Enum = 0x55 
    internal struct CustomAttributeEncodedArgument 
        #region Parser
        private static extern void ParseAttributeArguments( 
            IntPtr pCa,
            int cCa, 
            ref CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] CustomAttributeCtorParameters, 
            ref CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] CustomAttributeTypedArgument,
            IntPtr assembly); 

        internal static void ParseAttributeArguments(ConstArray attributeBlob,
            ref CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] customAttributeCtorParameters,
            ref CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] customAttributeNamedParameters, 
            Module customAttributeModule)
            if (customAttributeModule == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("customAttributeModule");
            if (customAttributeNamedParameters == null)
                customAttributeNamedParameters = new CustomAttributeNamedParameter[0];

            CustomAttributeCtorParameter[] _customAttributeCtorParameters = customAttributeCtorParameters; 
            CustomAttributeNamedParameter[] _customAttributeNamedParameters = customAttributeNamedParameters;
                    ref _customAttributeCtorParameters,
                    ref _customAttributeNamedParameters, 
            customAttributeCtorParameters = _customAttributeCtorParameters;
            customAttributeNamedParameters = _customAttributeNamedParameters; 

        #region Private Data Members 
        private long m_primitiveValue;
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument[] m_arrayValue; 
        private string m_stringValue; 
        private CustomAttributeType m_type;

        #region Public Members
        public CustomAttributeType CustomAttributeType { get { return m_type; } }
        public long PrimitiveValue { get { return m_primitiveValue; } } 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument[] ArrayValue { get { return m_arrayValue; } }
        public string StringValue { get { return m_stringValue; } } 
    internal struct CustomAttributeNamedParameter
        #region Private Data Members
        private string m_argumentName; 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_fieldOrProperty; 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_padding;
        private CustomAttributeType m_type; 
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument m_encodedArgument;

        #region Constructor 
        public CustomAttributeNamedParameter(string argumentName, CustomAttributeEncoding fieldOrProperty, CustomAttributeType type)
            if (argumentName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("argumentName");
            m_argumentName = argumentName;
            m_fieldOrProperty = fieldOrProperty;
            m_padding = fieldOrProperty;
            m_type = type; 
            m_encodedArgument = new CustomAttributeEncodedArgument();

        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument EncodedArgument { get { return m_encodedArgument; } }
    internal struct CustomAttributeCtorParameter 
        #region Private Data Members 
        private CustomAttributeType m_type;
        private CustomAttributeEncodedArgument m_encodedArgument;
        #region Constructor
        public CustomAttributeCtorParameter(CustomAttributeType type) 
            m_type = type;
            m_encodedArgument = new CustomAttributeEncodedArgument(); 

        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncodedArgument CustomAttributeEncodedArgument { get { return m_encodedArgument; } }

    // Note: This is a managed representation of a frame type defined in vm\frames.h; please ensure the layout remains 
    // synchronized.
    internal struct SecurityContextFrame
        IntPtr m_GSCookie;      // This is actually at a negative offset in the real frame definition
        IntPtr __VFN_table;     // This is the real start of the SecurityContextFrame 
        IntPtr m_Next; 
        IntPtr m_Assembly;
        public extern void Push(Assembly assembly);

        [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
        public extern void Pop(); 

    internal struct CustomAttributeType
        #region Private Data Members 
        /// The most complicated type is an enum[] in which case...
        private string m_enumName; // ...enum name 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedType; // ...array 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedEnumType; // ...enum
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_encodedArrayType; // ...enum type 
        private CustomAttributeEncoding m_padding;

        #region Constructor 
        public CustomAttributeType(CustomAttributeEncoding encodedType, CustomAttributeEncoding encodedArrayType,
            CustomAttributeEncoding encodedEnumType, string enumName) 
            m_encodedType = encodedType;
            m_encodedArrayType = encodedArrayType; 
            m_encodedEnumType = encodedEnumType;
            m_enumName = enumName;
            m_padding = m_encodedType;
        #region Public Members 
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedType { get { return m_encodedType; } }
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedEnumType { get { return m_encodedEnumType; } } 
        public CustomAttributeEncoding EncodedArrayType { get { return m_encodedArrayType; } }
        public string EnumName { get { return m_enumName; } }
    internal unsafe static class CustomAttribute 
        #region Internal Static Members 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(type != null);
            if (type.GetElementType() != null)
                return false; 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(type, caType))
                return true; 

            if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, caType))
                return true;
            if (!inherit)
                return false; 
            type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType;
            while (type != null)
                if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, caType, inherit))
                    return true; 

                type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType; 

            return false; 

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(method != null);
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(method, caType)) 
                return true;
            if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, caType))
                return true;

            if (!inherit) 
                return false;
            method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo; 

            while (method != null) 
                if (IsCustomAttributeDefined(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, caType, inherit))
                    return true;
                method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            return false;

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(ctor != null); 

            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(ctor, caType)) 
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(ctor.Module, ctor.MetadataToken, caType); 

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimePropertyInfo property, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(property != null);
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(property, caType)) 
                return true;
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(property.Module, property.MetadataToken, caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeEventInfo e, RuntimeType caType) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(e != null); 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(e, caType))
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(e.Module, e.MetadataToken, caType);
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeFieldInfo field, RuntimeType caType)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(field != null); 

            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(field, caType)) 
                return true;

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(field.Module, field.MetadataToken, caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo parameter, RuntimeType caType) 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(parameter, caType))
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(parameter.Member.Module, parameter.MetadataToken, caType);
        internal static bool IsDefined(Assembly assembly, RuntimeType caType)
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(assembly, caType)) 
                return true;
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(assembly.ManifestModule, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), caType);

        internal static bool IsDefined(Module module, RuntimeType caType) 
            if (PseudoCustomAttribute.IsDefined(module, caType)) 
                return true; 

            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(module, module.MetadataToken, caType); 

        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            if (type.GetElementType() != null)
                return (caType.IsValueType) ? new object[0] : (Object[])Array.CreateInstance(caType, 0); 
            if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() as RuntimeType; 

            int pcaCount = 0;
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(type, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            // if we are asked to go up the hierarchy chain we have to do it now and regardless of the
            // attribute usage for the specific attribute because a derived attribute may override the usage... 
            // ... however if the attribute is sealed we can rely on the attribute usage 
            if (!inherit || (caType.IsSealed && !CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(caType).Inherited))
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
                if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
                return attributes;

            List result = new List(); 
            bool mustBeInheritable = false; 
            bool useObjectArray = (caType == null || caType.IsValueType || caType.ContainsGenericParameters);
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : caType; 

            while (pcaCount > 0)
            while (type != typeof(object) && type != null)
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(type.Module, type.MetadataToken, 0, caType, mustBeInheritable, result); 
                mustBeInheritable = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) 

                type = type.BaseType as RuntimeType;

            object[] typedResult = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, result.Count) as object[]; 
            Array.Copy(result.ToArray(), 0, typedResult, 0, result.Count); 
            return typedResult;

        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit)
            if (method.IsGenericMethod && !method.IsGenericMethodDefinition) 
                method = method.GetGenericMethodDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            // if we are asked to go up the hierarchy chain we have to do it now and regardless of the
            // attribute usage for the specific attribute because a derived attribute may override the usage...
            // ... however if the attribute is sealed we can rely on the attribute usage
            if (!inherit || (caType.IsSealed && !CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(caType).Inherited)) 
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType); 
                if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount); 
                return attributes;

            List result = new List();
            bool mustBeInheritable = false;
            bool useObjectArray = (caType == null || caType.IsValueType || caType.ContainsGenericParameters); 
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : caType;
            while (pcaCount > 0) 
            while (method != null)
                object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(method.Module, method.MetadataToken, 0, caType, mustBeInheritable, result);
                mustBeInheritable = true; 
                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                method = method.GetParentDefinition() as RuntimeMethodInfo;

            object[] typedResult = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, result.Count) as object[];
            Array.Copy(result.ToArray(), 0, typedResult, 0, result.Count);
            return typedResult; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(ctor, caType, true, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(ctor.Module, ctor.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimePropertyInfo property, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(property, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(property.Module, property.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeEventInfo e, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(e, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(e.Module, e.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeFieldInfo field, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(field, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(field.Module, field.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(parameter, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(parameter.Member.Module, parameter.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(assembly, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(assembly.ManifestModule, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static Object[] GetCustomAttributes(Module module, RuntimeType caType) 
            int pcaCount = 0; 
            Attribute[] pca = PseudoCustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(module, caType, out pcaCount);
            object[] attributes = GetCustomAttributes(module, module.MetadataToken, pcaCount, caType);
            if (pcaCount > 0) Array.Copy(pca, 0, attributes, attributes.Length - pcaCount, pcaCount);
            return attributes; 
        internal static bool IsCustomAttributeDefined( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType)
            return IsCustomAttributeDefined(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, false);

        internal static bool IsCustomAttributeDefined( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable)
            if (decoratedModule.Assembly.ReflectionOnly) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ReflectionOnlyCA"));
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);
            RuntimeType attributeType;
            RuntimeMethodHandle ctor; 
            bool ctorHasParameters, isVarArg;
            // Optimization for the case where attributes decorate entities in the same assembly in which case 
            // we can cache the successful APTCA check between the decorated and the declared assembly.
            Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly = null; 

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++)
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i]; 

                if (FilterCustomAttributeRecord(caRecord, scope, ref lastAptcaOkAssembly, 
                    decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, mustBeInheritable, null, null, 
                    out attributeType, out ctor, out ctorHasParameters, out isVarArg))
                    return true; 

            return false;

        internal unsafe static object[] GetCustomAttributes( 
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType) 
            return GetCustomAttributes(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, pcaCount, attributeFilterType, false, null); 

        internal unsafe static object[] GetCustomAttributes(
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, 
            RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes)
            if (decoratedModule.Assembly.ReflectionOnly) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ReflectionOnlyCA"));
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

            bool useObjectArray = (attributeFilterType == null || attributeFilterType.IsValueType || attributeFilterType.ContainsGenericParameters); 
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : attributeFilterType;
            if (attributeFilterType == null && car.Length == 0) 
                return Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0) as object[];
            object[] attributes = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, car.Length) as object[];
            int cAttributes = 0;

            // Custom attribute security checks are done with respect to the assembly *decorated* with the 
            // custom attribute as opposed to the *caller of GetCustomAttributes*.
            // Since this assembly might not be on the stack and the attribute ctor or property setters we're about to invoke may 
            // make security demands, we push a frame on the stack as a proxy for the decorated assembly (this frame will be picked 
            // up an interpreted by the security stackwalker).
            // Once we push the frame it will be automatically popped in the event of an exception, so no need to use CERs or the 
            // like.
            SecurityContextFrame frame = new SecurityContextFrame();
            // Optimization for the case where attributes decorate entities in the same assembly in which case
            // we can cache the successful APTCA check between the decorated and the declared assembly. 
            Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly = null; 

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++) 
                object attribute = null;
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i];
                RuntimeMethodHandle ctor = new RuntimeMethodHandle();
                RuntimeType attributeType = null; 
                bool ctorHasParameters, isVarArg; 
                int cNamedArgs = 0;
                IntPtr blobStart = caRecord.blob.Signature;
                IntPtr blobEnd = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + caRecord.blob.Length);

                if (!FilterCustomAttributeRecord(caRecord, scope, ref lastAptcaOkAssembly, 
                                                 decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, mustBeInheritable,
                                                 attributes, derivedAttributes, 
                                                 out attributeType, out ctor, out ctorHasParameters, out isVarArg)) 
                if (!ctor.IsNullHandle())
                    // Linktime demand checks
                    // decoratedMetadataToken needed as it may be "transparent" in which case we do a full stack walk 
                    ctor.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

                // Leverage RuntimeConstructorInfo standard .ctor verfication
                RuntimeConstructorInfo.CheckCanCreateInstance(attributeType, isVarArg); 
                // Create custom attribute object
                if (ctorHasParameters) 
                    attribute = CreateCaObject(decoratedModule, ctor, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out cNamedArgs);
                    attribute = attributeType.TypeHandle.CreateCaInstance(ctor); 
                    if (Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart) != 1)
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException(); 
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip 0x0001 prefix

                    cNamedArgs = Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart);
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip namedArgs count 
                for (int j = 0; j < cNamedArgs; j++) 
                    #region // Initialize named properties and fields 
                    string name;
                    bool isProperty;
                    Type type;
                    object value; 

                    IntPtr blobItr = caRecord.blob.Signature; 
                    GetPropertyOrFieldData(decoratedModule, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out name, out isProperty, out type, out value);
                        if (isProperty)
                            #region // Initialize property
                            if (type == null && value != null) 
                                type = (value.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeType)) ? typeof(Type) : value.GetType(); 

                            RuntimePropertyInfo property = null; 

                            if (type == null)
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name) as RuntimePropertyInfo;
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name, type, Type.EmptyTypes) as RuntimePropertyInfo;
                            RuntimeMethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true) as RuntimeMethodInfo; 

                            // Public properties may have non-public setter methods 
                            if (!setMethod.IsPublic)

                            setMethod.MethodHandle.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken); 

                            setMethod.Invoke(attribute, BindingFlags.Default, null, new object[] { value }, null, true); 
                            RtFieldInfo field = attributeType.GetField(name) as RtFieldInfo;

                            field.InternalSetValue(attribute, value, BindingFlags.Default, Type.DefaultBinder, null, false); 
                    catch (Exception e) 
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException( 
                            String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString(
                                isProperty ? "RFLCT.InvalidPropFail" : "RFLCT.InvalidFieldFail"), name), e);
                if (!blobStart.Equals(blobEnd)) 
                    throw new CustomAttributeFormatException();
                attributes[cAttributes++] = attribute;

            // The frame will be popped automatically if we take an exception any time after we pushed it. So no need of a catch or 
            // finally or CERs here.
            if (cAttributes == car.Length && pcaCount == 0)
                return attributes; 

            if (cAttributes == 0)
                Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0);
            object[] result = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, cAttributes + pcaCount) as object[];
            Array.Copy(attributes, 0, result, 0, cAttributes); 
            return result; 
        internal unsafe static bool FilterCustomAttributeRecord(
            CustomAttributeRecord caRecord, MetadataImport scope, ref Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly,
            Module decoratedModule, MetadataToken decoratedToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable,
            object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes, 
            out RuntimeType attributeType, out RuntimeMethodHandle ctor, out bool ctorHasParameters, out bool isVarArg)
            ctor = new RuntimeMethodHandle(); 
            attributeType = null;
            ctorHasParameters = false; 
            isVarArg = false;

            IntPtr blobStart = caRecord.blob.Signature;
            IntPtr blobEnd = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + caRecord.blob.Length); 

            // Resolve attribute type from ctor parent token found in decorated decoratedModule scope 
            attributeType = decoratedModule.ResolveType(scope.GetParentToken(caRecord.tkCtor), null, null) as RuntimeType; 

            // Test attribute type against user provided attribute type filter 
            if (!(attributeFilterType.IsAssignableFrom(attributeType)))
                return false;

            // Ensure if attribute type must be inheritable that it is inhertiable 
            // Ensure that to consider a duplicate attribute type AllowMultiple is true
            if (!AttributeUsageCheck(attributeType, mustBeInheritable, attributes, derivedAttributes)) 
                return false; 

            // APTCA checks 
            if (attributeType.Assembly != lastAptcaOkAssembly &&
                return false;
            // Cache last successful APTCA check (optimization)
            lastAptcaOkAssembly = decoratedModule.Assembly; 
            // Resolve the attribute ctor
            ConstArray ctorSig = scope.GetMethodSignature(caRecord.tkCtor); 
            isVarArg = (ctorSig[0] & 0x05) != 0;
            ctorHasParameters = ctorSig[1] != 0;

            if (ctorHasParameters) 
                // Resolve method ctor token found in decorated decoratedModule scope 
                ctor = decoratedModule.ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandle(caRecord.tkCtor); 
                // Resolve method ctor token from decorated decoratedModule scope
                ctor = attributeType.GetTypeHandleInternal().GetDefaultConstructor();
                if (ctor.IsNullHandle() && !attributeType.IsValueType)
                    throw new MissingMethodException(".ctor"); 

            // Visibility checks 
            if (ctor.IsNullHandle())
                if (!attributeType.IsVisible && !attributeType.TypeHandle.IsVisibleFromModule(decoratedModule.ModuleHandle))
                    return false; 

                return true; 

            if (ctor.IsVisibleFromModule(decoratedModule)) 
                return true;

            MetadataToken tkParent = new MetadataToken();
            if (decoratedToken.IsParamDef)
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(decoratedToken)); 
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(tkParent));
            else if (decoratedToken.IsMethodDef || decoratedToken.IsProperty || decoratedToken.IsEvent || decoratedToken.IsFieldDef)
                tkParent = new MetadataToken(scope.GetParentToken(decoratedToken));
            else if (decoratedToken.IsTypeDef)
                tkParent = decoratedToken; 
            if (tkParent.IsTypeDef)
                return ctor.IsVisibleFromType(decoratedModule.ModuleHandle.ResolveTypeHandle(tkParent));

            return false; 
        #region Private Static Methods
        private static bool AttributeUsageCheck( 
            RuntimeType attributeType, bool mustBeInheritable, object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes)
            AttributeUsageAttribute attributeUsageAttribute = null;
            if (mustBeInheritable)
                attributeUsageAttribute = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(attributeType); 

                if (!attributeUsageAttribute.Inherited) 
                    return false;

            // Legacy: AllowMultiple ignored for none inheritable attributes 

            if (derivedAttributes == null) 
                return true; 

            for (int i = 0; i < derivedAttributes.Count; i++) 
                if (derivedAttributes[i].GetType() == attributeType)
                    if (attributeUsageAttribute == null) 
                        attributeUsageAttribute = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(attributeType);
                    return attributeUsageAttribute.AllowMultiple; 

            return true;
        internal static AttributeUsageAttribute GetAttributeUsage(RuntimeType decoratedAttribute)
            Module decoratedModule = decoratedAttribute.Module; 
            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedAttribute.MetadataToken); 

            AttributeUsageAttribute attributeUsageAttribute = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++) 
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i]; 
                RuntimeType attributeType = decoratedModule.ResolveType(scope.GetParentToken(caRecord.tkCtor), null, null) as RuntimeType; 

                if (attributeType != typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute)) 

                if (attributeUsageAttribute != null)
                    throw new FormatException(String.Format( 
                        CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Format_AttributeUsage"), attributeType));
                AttributeTargets targets; 
                bool inherited, allowMultiple;
                ParseAttributeUsageAttribute(caRecord.blob, out targets, out inherited, out allowMultiple); 
                attributeUsageAttribute = new AttributeUsageAttribute(targets, allowMultiple, inherited);

            if (attributeUsageAttribute == null) 
                return AttributeUsageAttribute.Default;
            return attributeUsageAttribute; 

        #region Private Static FCalls
        private static extern void _ParseAttributeUsageAttribute( 
            IntPtr pCa, int cCa, out int targets, out bool inherited, out bool allowMultiple);
        private static void ParseAttributeUsageAttribute( 
            ConstArray ca, out AttributeTargets targets, out bool inherited, out bool allowMultiple) 
            int _targets; 
            _ParseAttributeUsageAttribute(ca.Signature, ca.Length, out _targets, out inherited, out allowMultiple);
            targets = (AttributeTargets)_targets;
        private static unsafe extern Object _CreateCaObject(void* pModule, void* pCtor, byte** ppBlob, byte* pEndBlob, int* pcNamedArgs); 
        private static unsafe Object CreateCaObject(Module module, RuntimeMethodHandle ctor, ref IntPtr blob, IntPtr blobEnd, out int namedArgs) 
            byte* pBlob = (byte*)blob; 
            byte* pBlobEnd = (byte*)blobEnd;
            int cNamedArgs;
            object ca = _CreateCaObject((void*)module.ModuleHandle.Value, (void*)ctor.Value, &pBlob, pBlobEnd, &cNamedArgs);
            blob = (IntPtr)pBlob; 
            namedArgs = cNamedArgs;
            return ca; 

        private unsafe extern static void _GetPropertyOrFieldData(
            IntPtr pModule, byte** ppBlobStart, byte* pBlobEnd, out string name, out bool bIsProperty, out Type type, out object value);
        private unsafe static void GetPropertyOrFieldData(
            Module module, ref IntPtr blobStart, IntPtr blobEnd, out string name, out bool isProperty, out Type type, out object value) 
            byte* pBlobStart = (byte*)blobStart; 
                (IntPtr)module.ModuleHandle.Value, &pBlobStart, (byte*)blobEnd, out name, out isProperty, out type, out value);
            blobStart = (IntPtr)pBlobStart; 
    internal static class PseudoCustomAttribute
        #region Private Static Data Members 
        private static Hashtable s_pca;
        private static int s_pcasCount; 

        #region FCalls
        unsafe private static extern void _GetSecurityAttributes(void* module, int token, out object[] securityAttributes);
        unsafe internal static void GetSecurityAttributes(ModuleHandle module, int token, out object[] securityAttributes) 
            _GetSecurityAttributes(module.Value, token, out securityAttributes);

        #region Static Constructor
        static PseudoCustomAttribute() 
            Type[] pcas = new Type[] 
                // See //depot/DevDiv/private/Main/ndp/clr/src/MD/Compiler/CustAttr.cpp
                typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute), // field 
                typeof(SerializableAttribute), // class, struct, enum, delegate
                typeof(MarshalAsAttribute), // parameter, field, return-value
                typeof(ComImportAttribute), // class, interface
                typeof(NonSerializedAttribute), // field, inherited 
                typeof(InAttribute), // parameter
                typeof(OutAttribute), // parameter 
                typeof(OptionalAttribute), // parameter 
                typeof(DllImportAttribute), // method
                typeof(PreserveSigAttribute), // method 

            s_pcasCount = pcas.Length;
            s_pca = new Hashtable(s_pcasCount); 
            for (int i = 0; i < s_pcasCount; i ++)
                s_pca[pcas[i]] = pcas[i];

        private static void VerifyPseudoCustomAttribute(Type pca) 
            // If any of these are invariants are no longer true will have to 
            // re-architect the PCA product logic and test cases -- you've been warned! 
            BCLDebug.Assert(pca.BaseType == typeof(Attribute), "Pseudo CA Error");
            AttributeUsageAttribute usage = CustomAttribute.GetAttributeUsage(pca as RuntimeType); 
            BCLDebug.Assert(usage.Inherited == false, "Pseudo CA Error");
            BCLDebug.Assert(usage.AllowMultiple == false, "Pseudo CA Error");

        #region Internal Static 
        internal static bool IsSecurityAttribute(Type type) 
            return type == typeof(SecurityAttribute) || type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SecurityAttribute)); 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(type != null);
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null); 
            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType]  == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                return new Attribute[0];
            List pcas = new List();
            Attribute pca = null; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(SerializableAttribute))
                pca = SerializableAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(type);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca);
            if (all || caType == typeof(ComImportAttribute)) 
                pca = ComImportAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(type); 
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca); 
            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                if (!type.IsGenericParameter)
                    if (type.IsGenericType) 
                        type = (RuntimeType)type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    object[] securityAttributes; 
                    GetSecurityAttributes(type.Module.ModuleHandle, type.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                    if (securityAttributes != null) 
                        foreach(object a in securityAttributes)
                            if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))
            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray();
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeType type, Type caType)
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return false;
            if (all || caType == typeof(SerializableAttribute)) 
                if (SerializableAttribute.IsDefined(type)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(ComImportAttribute))
                if (ComImportAttribute.IsDefined(type)) return true; 
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                int count;
                if (GetCustomAttributes(type, caType, true, out count).Length != 0) 
                    return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeMethodInfo method, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(method != null); 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null);

            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return new Attribute[0]; 

            List pcas = new List(); 
            Attribute pca = null;

            if (all || caType == typeof(DllImportAttribute))
                pca = DllImportAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(method);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca); 
            if (all || caType == typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))
                pca = PreserveSigAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(method);
                if (pca != null) pcas.Add(pca);
            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                object[] securityAttributes; 
                GetSecurityAttributes(method.Module.ModuleHandle, method.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                if (securityAttributes != null) 
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes)
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))

            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray(); 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeMethodInfo method, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false; 

            if (all || caType == typeof(DllImportAttribute)) 
                if (DllImportAttribute.IsDefined(method)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))
                if (PreserveSigAttribute.IsDefined(method)) return true;
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                int count; 

                if (GetCustomAttributes(method, caType, true, out count).Length != 0) 
                    return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo parameter, Type caType, out int count) 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(parameter != null); 
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null);

            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null) 
                return null; 

            Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount]; 
            Attribute pca = null;

            if (all || caType == typeof(InAttribute))
                pca = InAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(OutAttribute))
                pca = OutAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            if (all || caType == typeof(OptionalAttribute)) 
                pca = OptionalAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter); 
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute)) 
                pca = MarshalAsAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(parameter);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            return pcas;
        internal static bool IsDefined(ParameterInfo parameter, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false;

            if (all || caType == typeof(InAttribute))
                if (InAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(OutAttribute)) 
                if (OutAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(OptionalAttribute)) 
                if (OptionalAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))
                if (MarshalAsAttribute.IsDefined(parameter)) return true;

            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Assembly assembly, Type caType, out int count) 
            count = 0; 

            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);

            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                return new Attribute[0];
            List pcas = new List(); 

            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                object[] securityAttributes;

                GetSecurityAttributes(assembly.ManifestModule.ModuleHandle, assembly.AssemblyHandle.GetToken(), out securityAttributes); 
                if (securityAttributes != null)
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes) 
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType)) 

            count = pcas.Count;
            return pcas.ToArray();
        internal static bool IsDefined(Assembly assembly, Type caType)
            int count; 
            return GetCustomAttributes(assembly, caType, out count).Length > 0;

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(Module module, Type caType, out int count)
            count = 0; 
            return null;
        internal static bool IsDefined(Module module, Type caType) 
            return false; 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeFieldInfo field, Type caType, out int count)
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(field != null);
            ASSERT.PRECONDITION(caType != null); 
            count = 0;
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return null;
            Attribute[] pcas = new Attribute[s_pcasCount];
            Attribute pca = null; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))
                pca = MarshalAsAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            if (all || caType == typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute)) 
                pca = FieldOffsetAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field); 
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(NonSerializedAttribute)) 
                pca = NonSerializedAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(field);
                if (pca != null) pcas[count++] = pca;
            return pcas;
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeFieldInfo field, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null)
                return false;

            if (all || caType == typeof(MarshalAsAttribute)) 
                if (MarshalAsAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true; 
            if (all || caType == typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute))
                if (FieldOffsetAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true;
            if (all || caType == typeof(NonSerializedAttribute))
                if (NonSerializedAttribute.IsDefined(field)) return true;
            return false;

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, Type caType, bool includeSecCa, out int count)
            count = 0; 

            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute); 
            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null && !IsSecurityAttribute(caType))
                return new Attribute[0]; 

            List pcas = new List();

            if (includeSecCa && (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType))) 
                object[] securityAttributes; 
                GetSecurityAttributes(ctor.Module.ModuleHandle, ctor.MetadataToken, out securityAttributes);
                if (securityAttributes != null) 
                    foreach (object a in securityAttributes)
                        if (caType == a.GetType() || a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(caType))

            count = pcas.Count; 
            return pcas.ToArray(); 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, Type caType) 
            bool all = caType == typeof(object) || caType == typeof(Attribute);

            if (!all && s_pca[caType] == null) 
                return false;
            if (all || IsSecurityAttribute(caType)) 
                int count; 

                if (GetCustomAttributes(ctor, caType, true, out count).Length != 0)
                    return true;

            return false; 

        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimePropertyInfo property, Type caType, out int count) 
            count = 0;
            return null;
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimePropertyInfo property, Type caType)
            return false; 
        internal static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeEventInfo e, Type caType, out int count)
            count = 0;
            return null; 
        internal static bool IsDefined(RuntimeEventInfo e, Type caType) 
            return false;









// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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