/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Configuration / System / Configuration / ConfigurationErrorsException.cs / 1 / ConfigurationErrorsException.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Configuration { using System.Configuration.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Xml; using System.Runtime.Versioning; [Serializable] public class ConfigurationErrorsException : ConfigurationException { // Constants private const string HTTP_PREFIX = "http:"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME = "firstFilename"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE = "firstLine"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT = "count"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA = "_errors"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE = "_errors_type"; private string _firstFilename; private int _firstLine; private ConfigurationException[] _errors; void Init(string filename, int line) { HResult = HResults.Configuration; // BaseConfigurationRecord.cs uses -1 as uninitialized line number. if (line == -1) { line = 0; } _firstFilename = filename; _firstLine = line; } public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, string filename, int line) : base(message, inner) { Init(filename, line); } public ConfigurationErrorsException() : this(null, null, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message) : this(message, null, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner) : this(message, inner, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, string filename, int line) : this(message, null, filename, line) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, XmlNode node) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeFilename(node), GetLineNumber(node)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, XmlNode node) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeFilename(node), GetLineNumber(node)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, XmlReader reader) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeFilename(reader), GetLineNumber(reader)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, XmlReader reader) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeFilename(reader), GetLineNumber(reader)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(errorInfo), GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(errorInfo)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(errorInfo), GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(errorInfo)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ConfigurationException e) : this(GetBareMessage(e), GetInnerException(e), GetUnsafeFilename(e), GetLineNumber(e)) {} [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ICollectioncoll) : this(GetFirstException(coll)) { if (coll.Count > 1) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[coll.Count]; coll.CopyTo(_errors, 0); } } internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ArrayList coll) : this((ConfigurationException) (coll.Count > 0 ? coll[0] : null)) { if (coll.Count > 1) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[coll.Count]; coll.CopyTo(_errors, 0); foreach (object error in _errors) { // force an illegal typecast exception if the object is not // of the right type ConfigurationException exception = (ConfigurationException) error; } } } static private ConfigurationException GetFirstException(ICollection coll) { foreach (ConfigurationException e in coll) { return e; } return null; } static private string GetBareMessage(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.BareMessage; } return null; } static private Exception GetInnerException(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.InnerException; } return null; } // // We assert PathDiscovery so that we get the full filename when calling ConfigurationException.Filename // [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)] static private string GetUnsafeFilename(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.Filename; } return null; } static private int GetLineNumber(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.Line; } return 0; } // Serialization methods protected ConfigurationErrorsException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { string firstFilename; int firstLine; int count; string numPrefix; string currentType; Type currentExceptionType; // Retrieve out members firstFilename = info.GetString(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME); firstLine = info.GetInt32(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE); Init(firstFilename, firstLine); // Retrieve errors for _errors object count = info.GetInt32(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT); if (count != 0) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { numPrefix = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); currentType = info.GetString(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE); currentExceptionType = Type.GetType(currentType, true); // Only allow our exception types if ( ( currentExceptionType != typeof( ConfigurationException ) ) && ( currentExceptionType != typeof( ConfigurationErrorsException ) ) ) { throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError( "ConfigurationErrorsException" ); } _errors[i] = (ConfigurationException) info.GetValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA, currentExceptionType); } } } [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand,SerializationFormatter=true)] public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { int subErrors = 0; string numPrefix; // call base implementation base.GetObjectData(info, context); // Serialize our members info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME, Filename); info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE, Line); // Serialize rest of errors, along with count // (since first error duplicates this error, only worry if // there is more than one) if ((_errors != null) && (_errors.Length > 1 )){ subErrors = _errors.Length; for (int i = 0; i < _errors.Length; i++) { numPrefix = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); info.AddValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA, _errors[i]); info.AddValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE, _errors[i].GetType()); } } info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT, subErrors); } // The message includes the file/line number information. // To get the message without the extra information, use BareMessage. public override string Message { get { string file = Filename; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { if (Line != 0) { return BareMessage + " (" + file + " line " + Line.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + ")"; } else { return BareMessage + " (" + file + ")"; } } else if (Line != 0) { return BareMessage + " (line " + Line.ToString("G", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + ")"; } else { return BareMessage; } } } public override string BareMessage { get { return base.BareMessage; } } public override string Filename { get { return SafeFilename(_firstFilename); } } public override int Line { get { return _firstLine; } } public ICollection Errors { get { if (_errors != null) { return _errors; } else { ConfigurationErrorsException e = new ConfigurationErrorsException(BareMessage, base.InnerException, _firstFilename, _firstLine); ConfigurationException[] a = new ConfigurationException[] {e}; return a; } } } internal ICollection ErrorsGeneric { get { return (ICollection ) this.Errors; } } // // Get file and linenumber from an XML Node in a DOM // public static int GetLineNumber(XmlNode node) { return GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(node as IConfigErrorInfo); } public static string GetFilename(XmlNode node) { return SafeFilename(GetUnsafeFilename(node)); } private static string GetUnsafeFilename(XmlNode node) { return GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(node as IConfigErrorInfo); } // // Get file and linenumber from an XML Reader // public static int GetLineNumber(XmlReader reader) { return GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(reader as IConfigErrorInfo); } public static string GetFilename(XmlReader reader) { return SafeFilename(GetUnsafeFilename(reader)); } private static string GetUnsafeFilename(XmlReader reader) { return GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(reader as IConfigErrorInfo); } // // Get file and linenumber from an IConfigErrorInfo // private static int GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { if (errorInfo != null) { return errorInfo.LineNumber; } else { return 0; } } private static string GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { if (errorInfo != null) { return errorInfo.Filename; } else { return null; } } [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)] private static string FullPathWithAssert(string filename) { string fullPath = null; try { fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(filename); } catch { } return fullPath; } // // Internal Helper to strip a full path to just filename.ext when caller // does not have path discovery to the path (used for sane error handling). // internal static string SafeFilename(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return filename; } // configuration file can be an http URL in IE if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(filename, HTTP_PREFIX)) { return filename; } // // If it is a relative path, return it as is. // This could happen if the exception was constructed from the serialization constructor, // and the caller did not have PathDiscoveryPermission for the file. // try { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { return filename; } } catch { return null; } try { // Confirm that it is a full path. // GetFullPath will also Demand PathDiscovery for the resulting path string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(filename); } catch (SecurityException) { // Get just the name of the file without the directory part. try { string fullPath = FullPathWithAssert(filename); filename = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); } catch { filename = null; } } catch { filename = null; } return filename; } // // Internal Helper to always strip a full path to just filename.ext. // internal static string AlwaysSafeFilename(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return filename; } // configuration file can be an http URL in IE if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(filename, HTTP_PREFIX)) { return filename; } // // If it is a relative path, return it as is. // This could happen if the exception was constructed from the serialization constructor, // and the caller did not have PathDiscoveryPermission for the file. // try { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { return filename; } } catch { return null; } // Get just the name of the file without the directory part. try { string fullPath = FullPathWithAssert(filename); filename = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); } catch { filename = null; } return filename; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Configuration { using System.Configuration.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Xml; using System.Runtime.Versioning; [Serializable] public class ConfigurationErrorsException : ConfigurationException { // Constants private const string HTTP_PREFIX = "http:"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME = "firstFilename"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE = "firstLine"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT = "count"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA = "_errors"; private const string SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE = "_errors_type"; private string _firstFilename; private int _firstLine; private ConfigurationException[] _errors; void Init(string filename, int line) { HResult = HResults.Configuration; // BaseConfigurationRecord.cs uses -1 as uninitialized line number. if (line == -1) { line = 0; } _firstFilename = filename; _firstLine = line; } public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, string filename, int line) : base(message, inner) { Init(filename, line); } public ConfigurationErrorsException() : this(null, null, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message) : this(message, null, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner) : this(message, inner, null, 0) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, string filename, int line) : this(message, null, filename, line) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, XmlNode node) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeFilename(node), GetLineNumber(node)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, XmlNode node) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeFilename(node), GetLineNumber(node)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, XmlReader reader) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeFilename(reader), GetLineNumber(reader)) {} public ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, XmlReader reader) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeFilename(reader), GetLineNumber(reader)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) : this(message, null, GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(errorInfo), GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(errorInfo)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(string message, Exception inner, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) : this(message, inner, GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(errorInfo), GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(errorInfo)) {} internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ConfigurationException e) : this(GetBareMessage(e), GetInnerException(e), GetUnsafeFilename(e), GetLineNumber(e)) {} [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ICollectioncoll) : this(GetFirstException(coll)) { if (coll.Count > 1) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[coll.Count]; coll.CopyTo(_errors, 0); } } internal ConfigurationErrorsException(ArrayList coll) : this((ConfigurationException) (coll.Count > 0 ? coll[0] : null)) { if (coll.Count > 1) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[coll.Count]; coll.CopyTo(_errors, 0); foreach (object error in _errors) { // force an illegal typecast exception if the object is not // of the right type ConfigurationException exception = (ConfigurationException) error; } } } static private ConfigurationException GetFirstException(ICollection coll) { foreach (ConfigurationException e in coll) { return e; } return null; } static private string GetBareMessage(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.BareMessage; } return null; } static private Exception GetInnerException(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.InnerException; } return null; } // // We assert PathDiscovery so that we get the full filename when calling ConfigurationException.Filename // [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)] static private string GetUnsafeFilename(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.Filename; } return null; } static private int GetLineNumber(ConfigurationException e) { if (e != null) { return e.Line; } return 0; } // Serialization methods protected ConfigurationErrorsException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { string firstFilename; int firstLine; int count; string numPrefix; string currentType; Type currentExceptionType; // Retrieve out members firstFilename = info.GetString(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME); firstLine = info.GetInt32(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE); Init(firstFilename, firstLine); // Retrieve errors for _errors object count = info.GetInt32(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT); if (count != 0) { _errors = new ConfigurationException[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { numPrefix = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); currentType = info.GetString(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE); currentExceptionType = Type.GetType(currentType, true); // Only allow our exception types if ( ( currentExceptionType != typeof( ConfigurationException ) ) && ( currentExceptionType != typeof( ConfigurationErrorsException ) ) ) { throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError( "ConfigurationErrorsException" ); } _errors[i] = (ConfigurationException) info.GetValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA, currentExceptionType); } } } [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand,SerializationFormatter=true)] public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { int subErrors = 0; string numPrefix; // call base implementation base.GetObjectData(info, context); // Serialize our members info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_FILENAME, Filename); info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_LINE, Line); // Serialize rest of errors, along with count // (since first error duplicates this error, only worry if // there is more than one) if ((_errors != null) && (_errors.Length > 1 )){ subErrors = _errors.Length; for (int i = 0; i < _errors.Length; i++) { numPrefix = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); info.AddValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_DATA, _errors[i]); info.AddValue(numPrefix + SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_TYPE, _errors[i].GetType()); } } info.AddValue(SERIALIZATION_PARAM_ERROR_COUNT, subErrors); } // The message includes the file/line number information. // To get the message without the extra information, use BareMessage. public override string Message { get { string file = Filename; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { if (Line != 0) { return BareMessage + " (" + file + " line " + Line.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + ")"; } else { return BareMessage + " (" + file + ")"; } } else if (Line != 0) { return BareMessage + " (line " + Line.ToString("G", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + ")"; } else { return BareMessage; } } } public override string BareMessage { get { return base.BareMessage; } } public override string Filename { get { return SafeFilename(_firstFilename); } } public override int Line { get { return _firstLine; } } public ICollection Errors { get { if (_errors != null) { return _errors; } else { ConfigurationErrorsException e = new ConfigurationErrorsException(BareMessage, base.InnerException, _firstFilename, _firstLine); ConfigurationException[] a = new ConfigurationException[] {e}; return a; } } } internal ICollection ErrorsGeneric { get { return (ICollection ) this.Errors; } } // // Get file and linenumber from an XML Node in a DOM // public static int GetLineNumber(XmlNode node) { return GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(node as IConfigErrorInfo); } public static string GetFilename(XmlNode node) { return SafeFilename(GetUnsafeFilename(node)); } private static string GetUnsafeFilename(XmlNode node) { return GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(node as IConfigErrorInfo); } // // Get file and linenumber from an XML Reader // public static int GetLineNumber(XmlReader reader) { return GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(reader as IConfigErrorInfo); } public static string GetFilename(XmlReader reader) { return SafeFilename(GetUnsafeFilename(reader)); } private static string GetUnsafeFilename(XmlReader reader) { return GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(reader as IConfigErrorInfo); } // // Get file and linenumber from an IConfigErrorInfo // private static int GetConfigErrorInfoLineNumber(IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { if (errorInfo != null) { return errorInfo.LineNumber; } else { return 0; } } private static string GetUnsafeConfigErrorInfoFilename(IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) { if (errorInfo != null) { return errorInfo.Filename; } else { return null; } } [FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, AllFiles=FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery)] private static string FullPathWithAssert(string filename) { string fullPath = null; try { fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(filename); } catch { } return fullPath; } // // Internal Helper to strip a full path to just filename.ext when caller // does not have path discovery to the path (used for sane error handling). // internal static string SafeFilename(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return filename; } // configuration file can be an http URL in IE if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(filename, HTTP_PREFIX)) { return filename; } // // If it is a relative path, return it as is. // This could happen if the exception was constructed from the serialization constructor, // and the caller did not have PathDiscoveryPermission for the file. // try { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { return filename; } } catch { return null; } try { // Confirm that it is a full path. // GetFullPath will also Demand PathDiscovery for the resulting path string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(filename); } catch (SecurityException) { // Get just the name of the file without the directory part. try { string fullPath = FullPathWithAssert(filename); filename = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); } catch { filename = null; } } catch { filename = null; } return filename; } // // Internal Helper to always strip a full path to just filename.ext. // internal static string AlwaysSafeFilename(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { return filename; } // configuration file can be an http URL in IE if (StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(filename, HTTP_PREFIX)) { return filename; } // // If it is a relative path, return it as is. // This could happen if the exception was constructed from the serialization constructor, // and the caller did not have PathDiscoveryPermission for the file. // try { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filename)) { return filename; } } catch { return null; } // Get just the name of the file without the directory part. try { string fullPath = FullPathWithAssert(filename); filename = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); } catch { filename = null; } return filename; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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