/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / CompMod / System / ComponentModel / EventHandlerList.cs / 1 / EventHandlerList.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ComponentModel { using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Permissions; ////// [HostProtection(SharedState = true)] public sealed class EventHandlerList : IDisposable { ListEntry head; Component parent; ///Provides a simple list of delegates. This class cannot be inherited. ////// Creates a new event handler list. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public EventHandlerList() { } ////// Creates a new event handler list. The parent component is used to check the component's /// CanRaiseEvents property. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] internal EventHandlerList(Component parent) { this.parent = parent; } ////// public Delegate this[object key] { [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] get { ListEntry e = null; if (parent == null || parent.CanRaiseEventsInternal) { e = Find(key); } if (e != null) { return e.handler; } else { return null; } } set { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = value; } else { head = new ListEntry(key, value, head); } } } ///Gets or sets the delegate for the specified key. ////// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public void AddHandler(object key, Delegate value) { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = Delegate.Combine(e.handler, value); } else { head = new ListEntry(key, value, head); } } ///[To be supplied.] ///allows you to add a list of events to this list public void AddHandlers(EventHandlerList listToAddFrom) { ListEntry currentListEntry = listToAddFrom.head; while (currentListEntry != null) { AddHandler(currentListEntry.key, currentListEntry.handler); currentListEntry =; } } ////// public void Dispose() { head = null; } private ListEntry Find(object key) { ListEntry found = head; while (found != null) { if (found.key == key) { break; } found =; } return found; } ///[To be supplied.] ////// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public void RemoveHandler(object key, Delegate value) { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = Delegate.Remove(e.handler, value); } // else... no error for removal of non-existant delegate // } private sealed class ListEntry { internal ListEntry next; internal object key; internal Delegate handler; public ListEntry(object key, Delegate handler, ListEntry next) { = next; this.key = key; this.handler = handler; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //[To be supplied.] ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ComponentModel { using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Permissions; ////// [HostProtection(SharedState = true)] public sealed class EventHandlerList : IDisposable { ListEntry head; Component parent; ///Provides a simple list of delegates. This class cannot be inherited. ////// Creates a new event handler list. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public EventHandlerList() { } ////// Creates a new event handler list. The parent component is used to check the component's /// CanRaiseEvents property. /// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] internal EventHandlerList(Component parent) { this.parent = parent; } ////// public Delegate this[object key] { [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] get { ListEntry e = null; if (parent == null || parent.CanRaiseEventsInternal) { e = Find(key); } if (e != null) { return e.handler; } else { return null; } } set { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = value; } else { head = new ListEntry(key, value, head); } } } ///Gets or sets the delegate for the specified key. ////// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public void AddHandler(object key, Delegate value) { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = Delegate.Combine(e.handler, value); } else { head = new ListEntry(key, value, head); } } ///[To be supplied.] ///allows you to add a list of events to this list public void AddHandlers(EventHandlerList listToAddFrom) { ListEntry currentListEntry = listToAddFrom.head; while (currentListEntry != null) { AddHandler(currentListEntry.key, currentListEntry.handler); currentListEntry =; } } ////// public void Dispose() { head = null; } private ListEntry Find(object key) { ListEntry found = head; while (found != null) { if (found.key == key) { break; } found =; } return found; } ///[To be supplied.] ////// [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands")] public void RemoveHandler(object key, Delegate value) { ListEntry e = Find(key); if (e != null) { e.handler = Delegate.Remove(e.handler, value); } // else... no error for removal of non-existant delegate // } private sealed class ListEntry { internal ListEntry next; internal object key; internal Delegate handler; public ListEntry(object key, Delegate handler, ListEntry next) { = next; this.key = key; this.handler = handler; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.[To be supplied.] ///
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