DataGridRow.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / DataGridRow.cs / 2 / DataGridRow.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 

    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Collections;
    ///    Encapsulates the painting logic for a new row added to a 
    ///    control. 
    internal abstract class DataGridRow : MarshalByRefObject {
        internal protected int       number;             // row number
        private bool      selected; 
        private int       height;
        // protected DataRow   dataRow; 
        private IntPtr       tooltipID = new IntPtr(-1); 
        private string    tooltip = String.Empty;
        AccessibleObject  accessibleObject; 

        // for accessibility...
        // internal DataGrid  dataGrid; 

        // will need this for the painting information ( row header color ) 
        protected DataGridTableStyle dgTable;
        // we will be mapping only the black color to
        // the HeaderForeColor
        private static ColorMap[] colorMap = new ColorMap[] {new ColorMap()}; 

        // bitmaps 
        private static Bitmap rightArrow = null;
        private static Bitmap leftArrow = null; 
        private static Bitmap errorBmp = null;
        private static Bitmap pencilBmp = null;
        private static Bitmap starBmp = null;
        protected const int xOffset = 3; 
        protected const int yOffset = 2;
        /// Initializes a new instance of a  . 
            SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // This class and its derived classes are internal. 
                                                                                                    // So this is not a security back door.
        public DataGridRow(DataGrid dataGrid, DataGridTableStyle dgTable, int rowNumber) { 
            if (dataGrid == null || dgTable.DataGrid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataGrid"); 
            if (rowNumber < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridRowRowNumber), "rowNumber");
            // this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
            this.number = rowNumber; 

            // map the black color in the pictures to the DataGrid's HeaderForeColor 
            colorMap[0].OldColor = Color.Black;
            colorMap[0].NewColor = dgTable.HeaderForeColor; 

            this.dgTable = dgTable;
            height = MinimumRowHeight(dgTable);

        public AccessibleObject AccessibleObject { 
            get { 
                if (accessibleObject == null) {
                    accessibleObject = CreateAccessibleObject(); 
                return accessibleObject;

        protected virtual AccessibleObject CreateAccessibleObject() { 
            return new DataGridRowAccessibleObject(this); 
        internal protected virtual int MinimumRowHeight(DataGridTableStyle dgTable) {
            return MinimumRowHeight(dgTable.GridColumnStyles);
        internal protected virtual int MinimumRowHeight(GridColumnStylesCollection columns) {
            int h = dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight : dgTable.PreferredRowHeight; 
            try {
                if (this.dgTable.DataGrid.DataSource != null) { 
                    int nCols = columns.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i) {
                        // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                            h = Math.Max(h, columns[i].GetMinimumHeight());
            catch { 
            return h;
        // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
        // =        Properties 
        // =----------------------------------------------------------------- 

        /// Gets the  control the row belongs to.
        public DataGrid DataGrid { 
            get {
                return this.dgTable.DataGrid; 
        internal DataGridTableStyle DataGridTableStyle {
            get {
                return this.dgTable;
            set {
                dgTable = value; 
        public DataGridTable DataGridTable {
            get {
                return dgTable; 

        public DataRow DataRow {
            get {
                return dataRow;
        ///    Gets or sets the height of the row.
        public virtual int Height {
            get { 
                return height;
            set { 
                // the height of the row should be at least 0.
                // this way, if the row has a relationship list and the user resizes the row such that 
                // the new height does not accomodate the height of the relationship list
                // the row will at least show the relationship list ( and not paint on the portion of the row above this one )
                height = Math.Max(0, value);
                // when we resize the row, or when we set the PreferredRowHeigth on the 
                // DataGridTableStyle, we change the height of the Row, which will cause to invalidate,
                // then the grid itself will do another invalidate call. 

        ///    Gets the row's number. 
        public int RowNumber { 
            get { 
                return this.number;

        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row is selected.
        public virtual bool Selected { 
            get {
                return selected; 
            set {
                selected = value;
        // =------------------------------------------------------------------
        // =        Methods 
        // =-----------------------------------------------------------------

        ///    Gets the bitmap associated with the row.
        protected Bitmap GetBitmap(string bitmapName) { 
            Bitmap b = null;
            try { 
                b = new Bitmap(typeof(DataGridCaption), bitmapName);
            catch (Exception e) { 
                Debug.Fail("Failed to load bitmap: " + bitmapName, e.ToString());
                throw e; 
            return b;

        /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the  
        /// where a cell's contents gets painted.
        public virtual Rectangle GetCellBounds(int col) { 
            int firstVisibleCol = this.dgTable.DataGrid.FirstVisibleColumn;
            int cx = 0; 
            Rectangle cellBounds = new Rectangle();
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            if (columns != null) {
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < col; i++) 
                    if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        cx += columns[i].Width; 
                int borderWidth = this.dgTable.GridLineWidth;
                cellBounds = new Rectangle(cx, 
                                     columns[col].Width - borderWidth,
                                     Height - borderWidth);
            return cellBounds;
        /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the  of the non-scrollable area of
        ///    the row.
        public virtual Rectangle GetNonScrollableArea() { 
            return Rectangle.Empty;
        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed in the row header of a new row.
        protected Bitmap GetStarBitmap() {
            if (starBmp == null) 
                starBmp = GetBitmap("");
            return starBmp; 

        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed in the row header that indicates a row can
        ///       be edited.
        protected Bitmap GetPencilBitmap() {
            if (pencilBmp == null) 
                pencilBmp = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.pencil.bmp"); 
            return pencilBmp;

        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed on a row with an error. 
        protected Bitmap GetErrorBitmap() { 
            if (errorBmp == null) 
                errorBmp = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.error.bmp");
            return errorBmp;

        protected Bitmap GetLeftArrowBitmap() { 
            if (leftArrow == null)
                leftArrow = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.left.bmp"); 
            return leftArrow; 
        protected Bitmap GetRightArrowBitmap() {
            if (rightArrow == null)
                rightArrow = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.right.bmp");
            return rightArrow; 
        public virtual void InvalidateRow() { 

        public virtual void InvalidateRowRect(Rectangle r) {
            this.dgTable.DataGrid.InvalidateRowRect(number, r);

        ///    When overridden in a derived class, notifies the grid that an edit will
        ///       occur. 
        public virtual void OnEdit() {
        /// When overridden in a derived class, called by the  control when a key press occurs on a row with focus. 
        public virtual bool OnKeyPress(Keys keyData) { 
            int currentColIndex = this.dgTable.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber;
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            if (columns != null && currentColIndex >= 0 && currentColIndex < columns.Count) {
                DataGridColumnStyle currentColumn = columns[currentColIndex]; 
                if (currentColumn.KeyPress(this.RowNumber, keyData)) {
                    return true; 
            return false; 

        ///  Called by the  when a click occurs in the row's client area
        ///    specifed by the x and y coordinates and the specified  
        ///    . 
        public virtual bool OnMouseDown(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders) 
            return OnMouseDown(x,y,rowHeaders, false);
        /// When overridden in a derived class, is called by the  when a click occurs 
        ///    in the row's
        ///    client area, specified by x and y coordinates. 
        public virtual bool OnMouseDown(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) {
            // if we call base.OnMouseDown, then the row could not use this
            // mouse click at all. in that case LoseChildFocus, so the edit control 
            // will become visible
            LoseChildFocus(rowHeaders, alignToRight); 
            // we did not use this click at all.
            return false; 

        public virtual bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders) { 
            return false; 
        /// When overridden in a derived class, is called by the  when
        ///    the mouse moves within the row's client area. 
        public virtual bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) { 
            return false; 
        public virtual void OnMouseLeft(Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) { 
        public virtual void OnMouseLeft() { 
        ///    When overridden in a derived class, causes the RowEnter event to occur.
        public virtual void OnRowEnter() {}
        public virtual void OnRowLeave() {} 
        // processes the Tab Key
        // returns TRUE if the TAB key is processed 
        internal abstract bool ProcessTabKey(Keys keyData, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight);

        // tells the dataGridRow that it lost the focus
        internal abstract void LoseChildFocus(Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight); 

        ///      Paints the row.
        public abstract int Paint(Graphics g,
                                 Rectangle dataBounds,
                                 Rectangle rowBounds,
                                 int firstVisibleColumn, 
                                 int numVisibleColumns);
        public abstract int Paint(Graphics g, 
                                  Rectangle dataBounds,
                                  Rectangle rowBounds, 
                                  int firstVisibleColumn,
                                  int numVisibleColumns,
                                  bool alignToRight);
        ///      Draws a border on the bottom DataGrid.GridLineWidth pixels 
        ///      of the bounding rectangle passed in.
        protected virtual void PaintBottomBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int dataWidth)
            PaintBottomBorder(g, bounds, dataWidth, this.dgTable.GridLineWidth, false);

        protected virtual void PaintBottomBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int dataWidth, int borderWidth, bool alignToRight) { 
            // paint bottom border 
            Rectangle bottomBorder = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? bounds.Right - dataWidth : bounds.X,
                                                   bounds.Bottom - borderWidth, 

            g.FillRectangle(this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineBrush : this.dgTable.GridLineBrush, bottomBorder); 

            // paint any exposed region to the right 
            if (dataWidth < bounds.Width) { 
                                alignToRight ? bounds.X: bottomBorder.Right, 
                                bounds.Width - bottomBorder.Width,
        ///      Paints the row. 
        public virtual int PaintData(Graphics g,
                                     Rectangle bounds,
                                     int firstVisibleColumn, 
                                     int columnCount)
            return PaintData(g, bounds, firstVisibleColumn, columnCount, false); 
        public virtual int PaintData(Graphics g,
                                     Rectangle bounds,
                                     int firstVisibleColumn,
                                     int columnCount, 
                                     bool alignToRight) {
            Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DGRowPaint.TraceVerbose, "Painting DataGridAddNewRow: bounds = " + bounds.ToString()); 
            Rectangle cellBounds   = bounds;
            int       bWidth       = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineWidth : this.dgTable.GridLineWidth; 
            int       cx           = 0;

            DataGridCell current = this.dgTable.DataGrid.CurrentCell;
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            int nCols = columns.Count; 
            for (int col = firstVisibleColumn; col < nCols; ++col) { 
                if (cx > bounds.Width)

                // if (!columns[col].Visible || columns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null)
                if (columns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null || columns[col].Width <= 0)

                cellBounds.Width = columns[col].Width - bWidth; 
                if (alignToRight)
                    cellBounds.X = bounds.Right - cx - cellBounds.Width; 
                    cellBounds.X = bounds.X + cx;

                // Paint the data with the the DataGridColumn 
                Brush backBr = BackBrushForDataPaint(ref current, columns[col], col);
                Brush foreBrush = ForeBrushForDataPaint(ref current, columns[col], col); 

                // Paint the border to the right of each cell 
                if (bWidth > 0) { 
                    g.FillRectangle(this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineBrush : this.dgTable.GridLineBrush,
                                    alignToRight ? cellBounds.X - bWidth : cellBounds.Right, 
                cx += cellBounds.Width + bWidth;
            // Paint any exposed area to the right ( or left ) of the data cell area
            if (cx < bounds.Width) { 
                                alignToRight ? bounds.X : bounds.X + cx,
                                bounds.Width - cx, 
            return cx; 
        protected virtual void PaintCellContents(Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridColumnStyle column,
                                                 Brush backBr, Brush foreBrush)
            PaintCellContents(g, cellBounds, column, backBr, foreBrush, false); 
        protected virtual void PaintCellContents(Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridColumnStyle column, 
                                                 Brush backBr, Brush foreBrush, bool alignToRight) {
            g.FillRectangle(backBr, cellBounds); 

        // This function will do the following: if paintIcon is set to true, then 
        // will draw the image on the RowHeader. if paintIcon is set to false,
        // then this function will fill the rectangle on which otherwise will 
        // have been drawn the image 
        // will return the rectangle that includes the Icon 
        protected Rectangle PaintIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool paintIcon, bool alignToRight, Bitmap bmp) {
            return PaintIcon(g, visualBounds, paintIcon, alignToRight, bmp,
                             this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.HeaderBackBrush : this.dgTable.HeaderBackBrush); 
        protected Rectangle PaintIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool paintIcon, bool alignToRight, Bitmap bmp, Brush backBrush) { 
            Size bmpSize = bmp.Size; 
            Rectangle bmpRect = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? visualBounds.Right - xOffset - bmpSize.Width : visualBounds.X + xOffset,
                                              visualBounds.Y + yOffset, 
            g.FillRectangle(backBrush, visualBounds);
            if (paintIcon) 
                colorMap[0].NewColor = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.HeaderForeColor : this.dgTable.HeaderForeColor; 
                colorMap[0].OldColor = Color.Black; 
                ImageAttributes attr = new ImageAttributes();
                attr.SetRemapTable(colorMap, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap); 
                g.DrawImage(bmp, bmpRect, 0, 0, bmpRect.Width, bmpRect.Height,GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr);
                // g.DrawImage(bmp, bmpRect);

            return bmpRect; 

        // assume that the row is not aligned to right, and that the row is not dirty 
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds) {
            PaintHeader(g, visualBounds, false);
        // assume that the row is not dirty
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool alignToRight) { 
            PaintHeader(g,visualBounds, alignToRight, false); 
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool alignToRight, bool rowIsDirty) {
            Rectangle bounds = visualBounds;

            // paint the first part of the row header: the Arror or Pencil/Star 
            Bitmap bmp;
            if (this is DataGridAddNewRow) 
                bmp = GetStarBitmap();
                lock (bmp) { 
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, true, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset;
            else if (rowIsDirty)
                bmp = GetPencilBitmap(); 
                lock (bmp) {
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, RowNumber == this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset; 
                bmp = alignToRight ? GetLeftArrowBitmap() : GetRightArrowBitmap();
                lock (bmp) { 
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, RowNumber == this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset; 

            // Paint the error icon
            object errorInfo = DataGrid.ListManager[this.number]; 
            if (!(errorInfo is IDataErrorInfo))
            string errString = ((IDataErrorInfo) errorInfo).Error;
            if (errString == null) 
                errString = String.Empty;

            if (tooltip != errString) {
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip)) { 
                    tooltip = String.Empty; 
                    tooltipID = new IntPtr(-1); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errString))
            // we now have an error string: paint the errorIcon and add the tooltip
            Rectangle errRect; 
            bmp = GetErrorBitmap(); 
            lock (bmp) {
                errRect = PaintIcon(g, bounds, true, alignToRight, bmp); 
            bounds.X += errRect.Width + xOffset;

            tooltip = errString; 
            tooltipID = (IntPtr)((int)DataGrid.ToolTipId++);
            DataGrid.ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(tooltip, tooltipID, errRect); 

        protected Brush GetBackBrush() { 
            Brush br = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? DataGrid.BackBrush : this.dgTable.BackBrush;
            if (DataGrid.LedgerStyle && (RowNumber % 2 == 1)) {
                br = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.AlternatingBackBrush : this.dgTable.AlternatingBackBrush;
            return br;
        ///      Returns the BackColor and TextColor  that the Graphics object should use
        ///      for the appropriate values for a given row and column when painting the data.
        protected Brush BackBrushForDataPaint(ref DataGridCell current, DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int column) {
            Brush backBr = this.GetBackBrush(); 
            if (Selected) {
                backBr = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.SelectionBackBrush : this.dgTable.SelectionBackBrush; 
            if (RowNumber == current.RowNumber && column == current.ColumnNumber) {
                backBr = grid.CurrentCellBackBrush; 
            return backBr; 
        protected Brush ForeBrushForDataPaint(ref DataGridCell current, DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int column) {
            // Brush foreBrush = gridColumn.ForeBrush;
            Brush foreBrush = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.ForeBrush : this.dgTable.ForeBrush;
            if (Selected) {
                foreBrush = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.SelectionForeBrush : this.dgTable.SelectionForeBrush; 
            if (RowNumber == current.RowNumber && column == current.ColumnNumber) { 
                foreColor = grid.CurrentCellForeColor;
            return foreBrush; 
        protected class DataGridRowAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
            ArrayList cells; 

            DataGridRow owner = null;

            internal static string CellToDisplayString(DataGrid grid, int row, int column) { 
                if (column < grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) {
                    return grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].PropertyDescriptor.Converter.ConvertToString(grid[row, column]); 
                else {
                    return ""; 

            internal static object DisplayStringToCell(DataGrid grid, int row, int column, string value) { 
                if (column < grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) {
                    return grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].PropertyDescriptor.Converter.ConvertFromString(value); 
                // ignore...
                return null;

                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // This class and its derived classes are internal.
                                                                                                        // So this is not a security back door. 
            public DataGridRowAccessibleObject(DataGridRow owner) : base() {
                Debug.Assert(owner != null, "DataGridRowAccessibleObject must have a valid owner DataGridRow"); 
                this.owner = owner;
                DataGrid grid = DataGrid;
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create row accessible object");
            private void EnsureChildren() {
                if (cells == null) { 
                    // default size... little extra for relationships...
                    cells = new ArrayList(DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + 2);
            protected virtual void AddChildAccessibleObjects(IList children) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create row's accessible children"); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int len = cols.Count;
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, len + " columns present"); 
                for (int i=0; i 
            ///      Returns the currently focused child, if any.
            ///      Returns this if the object itself is focused. 
            public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                if (DataGrid.Focused) {
                    DataGridCell cell = DataGrid.CurrentCell; 
                    if (cell.RowNumber == owner.RowNumber) {
                        return (AccessibleObject)cells[cell.ColumnNumber]; 
                return null;

            ///      Navigate to the next or previous grid entry.entry. 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) {
                switch (navdir) {
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Down:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Right: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1); 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Up:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Left: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1);

                    case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild: 
                        if (GetChildCount() > 0) {
                            return GetChild(0); 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild: 
                        if (GetChildCount() > 0) {
                            return GetChild(GetChildCount() - 1);
                return null; 


            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
            public override void Select(AccessibleSelection flags) {
                // Focus the PropertyGridView window 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) == AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) { 
                // Select the grid entry
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) == AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) {
                    DataGrid.CurrentRowIndex = owner.RowNumber; 
        protected class DataGridCellAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
            DataGridRow owner = null;
            int column; 

            public DataGridCellAccessibleObject(DataGridRow owner, int column) : base() { 
                Debug.Assert(owner != null, "DataGridColumnAccessibleObject must have a valid owner DataGridRow"); 
                this.owner = owner;
                this.column = column; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create cell accessible object");

            public override Rectangle Bounds { 
                get {
                    return DataGrid.RectangleToScreen(DataGrid.GetCellBounds(new DataGridCell(owner.RowNumber, column))); 
            public override string Name {
                get {
                    return DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].HeaderText;
            public override AccessibleObject Parent { 
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
                get { 
                    return owner.AccessibleObject;
            protected DataGrid DataGrid {
                get { 
                    return owner.DataGrid; 

            public override string DefaultAction {
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.AccDGEdit); 
            public override AccessibleRole Role {
                get { 
                    return AccessibleRole.Cell;
            public override AccessibleStates State {
                get { 
                    AccessibleStates state = AccessibleStates.Selectable | AccessibleStates.Focusable; 

                    // Determine focus 
                    if (DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber == owner.RowNumber
                        && DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == column) {
                        if (DataGrid.Focused) { 
                            state |= AccessibleStates.Focused;
                        state |= AccessibleStates.Selected; 
                    return state;
            public override string Value {
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                get { 
                    if (owner is DataGridAddNewRow) {
                        return null; 
                    else {
                        return DataGridRowAccessibleObject.CellToDisplayString(DataGrid, owner.RowNumber, column);
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                set {
                    if (!(owner is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 
                        object realValue =  DataGridRowAccessibleObject.DisplayStringToCell(DataGrid, owner.RowNumber, column, value);
                        DataGrid[owner.RowNumber, column] = realValue;
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override void DoDefaultAction() {
                Select(AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus | AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection); 

            ///      Returns the currently focused child, if any.
            ///      Returns this if the object itself is focused. 
            public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                // Datagrid always returns the cell as the focused thing... so do we! 
                return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetFocused();

            ///      Navigate to the next or previous grid entry.
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
            public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) {
                switch (navdir) {
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Right: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
                        if (column < owner.AccessibleObject.GetChildCount() - 1) { 
                            return owner.AccessibleObject.GetChild(column + 1); 
                        else { 
                            AccessibleObject o = DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1);
                            if (o != null) {
                                return o.Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Down: 
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1).Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Up: 
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1).Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Left:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
                        if (column > 0) { 
                            return owner.AccessibleObject.GetChild(column - 1);
                        else { 
                            AccessibleObject o = DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1);
                            if (o != null) { 
                                return o.Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.LastChild);

                    case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild: 


                return null;
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override void Select(AccessibleSelection flags) {
                // Focus the PropertyGridView window 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) == AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) {

                // Select the grid entry 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) == AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) {
                    DataGrid.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(owner.RowNumber, column); 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 

    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Collections;
    ///    Encapsulates the painting logic for a new row added to a 
    ///    control. 
    internal abstract class DataGridRow : MarshalByRefObject {
        internal protected int       number;             // row number
        private bool      selected; 
        private int       height;
        // protected DataRow   dataRow; 
        private IntPtr       tooltipID = new IntPtr(-1); 
        private string    tooltip = String.Empty;
        AccessibleObject  accessibleObject; 

        // for accessibility...
        // internal DataGrid  dataGrid; 

        // will need this for the painting information ( row header color ) 
        protected DataGridTableStyle dgTable;
        // we will be mapping only the black color to
        // the HeaderForeColor
        private static ColorMap[] colorMap = new ColorMap[] {new ColorMap()}; 

        // bitmaps 
        private static Bitmap rightArrow = null;
        private static Bitmap leftArrow = null; 
        private static Bitmap errorBmp = null;
        private static Bitmap pencilBmp = null;
        private static Bitmap starBmp = null;
        protected const int xOffset = 3; 
        protected const int yOffset = 2;
        /// Initializes a new instance of a  . 
            SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // This class and its derived classes are internal. 
                                                                                                    // So this is not a security back door.
        public DataGridRow(DataGrid dataGrid, DataGridTableStyle dgTable, int rowNumber) { 
            if (dataGrid == null || dgTable.DataGrid == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataGrid"); 
            if (rowNumber < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.DataGridRowRowNumber), "rowNumber");
            // this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
            this.number = rowNumber; 

            // map the black color in the pictures to the DataGrid's HeaderForeColor 
            colorMap[0].OldColor = Color.Black;
            colorMap[0].NewColor = dgTable.HeaderForeColor; 

            this.dgTable = dgTable;
            height = MinimumRowHeight(dgTable);

        public AccessibleObject AccessibleObject { 
            get { 
                if (accessibleObject == null) {
                    accessibleObject = CreateAccessibleObject(); 
                return accessibleObject;

        protected virtual AccessibleObject CreateAccessibleObject() { 
            return new DataGridRowAccessibleObject(this); 
        internal protected virtual int MinimumRowHeight(DataGridTableStyle dgTable) {
            return MinimumRowHeight(dgTable.GridColumnStyles);
        internal protected virtual int MinimumRowHeight(GridColumnStylesCollection columns) {
            int h = dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight : dgTable.PreferredRowHeight; 
            try {
                if (this.dgTable.DataGrid.DataSource != null) { 
                    int nCols = columns.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i) {
                        // if (columns[i].Visible && columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null) 
                            h = Math.Max(h, columns[i].GetMinimumHeight());
            catch { 
            return h;
        // =-----------------------------------------------------------------
        // =        Properties 
        // =----------------------------------------------------------------- 

        /// Gets the  control the row belongs to.
        public DataGrid DataGrid { 
            get {
                return this.dgTable.DataGrid; 
        internal DataGridTableStyle DataGridTableStyle {
            get {
                return this.dgTable;
            set {
                dgTable = value; 
        public DataGridTable DataGridTable {
            get {
                return dgTable; 

        public DataRow DataRow {
            get {
                return dataRow;
        ///    Gets or sets the height of the row.
        public virtual int Height {
            get { 
                return height;
            set { 
                // the height of the row should be at least 0.
                // this way, if the row has a relationship list and the user resizes the row such that 
                // the new height does not accomodate the height of the relationship list
                // the row will at least show the relationship list ( and not paint on the portion of the row above this one )
                height = Math.Max(0, value);
                // when we resize the row, or when we set the PreferredRowHeigth on the 
                // DataGridTableStyle, we change the height of the Row, which will cause to invalidate,
                // then the grid itself will do another invalidate call. 

        ///    Gets the row's number. 
        public int RowNumber { 
            get { 
                return this.number;

        ///    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row is selected.
        public virtual bool Selected { 
            get {
                return selected; 
            set {
                selected = value;
        // =------------------------------------------------------------------
        // =        Methods 
        // =-----------------------------------------------------------------

        ///    Gets the bitmap associated with the row.
        protected Bitmap GetBitmap(string bitmapName) { 
            Bitmap b = null;
            try { 
                b = new Bitmap(typeof(DataGridCaption), bitmapName);
            catch (Exception e) { 
                Debug.Fail("Failed to load bitmap: " + bitmapName, e.ToString());
                throw e; 
            return b;

        /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the  
        /// where a cell's contents gets painted.
        public virtual Rectangle GetCellBounds(int col) { 
            int firstVisibleCol = this.dgTable.DataGrid.FirstVisibleColumn;
            int cx = 0; 
            Rectangle cellBounds = new Rectangle();
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            if (columns != null) {
                for (int i = firstVisibleCol; i < col; i++) 
                    if (columns[i].PropertyDescriptor != null)
                        cx += columns[i].Width; 
                int borderWidth = this.dgTable.GridLineWidth;
                cellBounds = new Rectangle(cx, 
                                     columns[col].Width - borderWidth,
                                     Height - borderWidth);
            return cellBounds;
        /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the  of the non-scrollable area of
        ///    the row.
        public virtual Rectangle GetNonScrollableArea() { 
            return Rectangle.Empty;
        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed in the row header of a new row.
        protected Bitmap GetStarBitmap() {
            if (starBmp == null) 
                starBmp = GetBitmap("");
            return starBmp; 

        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed in the row header that indicates a row can
        ///       be edited.
        protected Bitmap GetPencilBitmap() {
            if (pencilBmp == null) 
                pencilBmp = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.pencil.bmp"); 
            return pencilBmp;

        ///    Gets or sets the bitmap displayed on a row with an error. 
        protected Bitmap GetErrorBitmap() { 
            if (errorBmp == null) 
                errorBmp = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.error.bmp");
            return errorBmp;

        protected Bitmap GetLeftArrowBitmap() { 
            if (leftArrow == null)
                leftArrow = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.left.bmp"); 
            return leftArrow; 
        protected Bitmap GetRightArrowBitmap() {
            if (rightArrow == null)
                rightArrow = GetBitmap("DataGridRow.right.bmp");
            return rightArrow; 
        public virtual void InvalidateRow() { 

        public virtual void InvalidateRowRect(Rectangle r) {
            this.dgTable.DataGrid.InvalidateRowRect(number, r);

        ///    When overridden in a derived class, notifies the grid that an edit will
        ///       occur. 
        public virtual void OnEdit() {
        /// When overridden in a derived class, called by the  control when a key press occurs on a row with focus. 
        public virtual bool OnKeyPress(Keys keyData) { 
            int currentColIndex = this.dgTable.DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber;
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = this.dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            if (columns != null && currentColIndex >= 0 && currentColIndex < columns.Count) {
                DataGridColumnStyle currentColumn = columns[currentColIndex]; 
                if (currentColumn.KeyPress(this.RowNumber, keyData)) {
                    return true; 
            return false; 

        ///  Called by the  when a click occurs in the row's client area
        ///    specifed by the x and y coordinates and the specified  
        ///    . 
        public virtual bool OnMouseDown(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders) 
            return OnMouseDown(x,y,rowHeaders, false);
        /// When overridden in a derived class, is called by the  when a click occurs 
        ///    in the row's
        ///    client area, specified by x and y coordinates. 
        public virtual bool OnMouseDown(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) {
            // if we call base.OnMouseDown, then the row could not use this
            // mouse click at all. in that case LoseChildFocus, so the edit control 
            // will become visible
            LoseChildFocus(rowHeaders, alignToRight); 
            // we did not use this click at all.
            return false; 

        public virtual bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders) { 
            return false; 
        /// When overridden in a derived class, is called by the  when
        ///    the mouse moves within the row's client area. 
        public virtual bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) { 
            return false; 
        public virtual void OnMouseLeft(Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight) { 
        public virtual void OnMouseLeft() { 
        ///    When overridden in a derived class, causes the RowEnter event to occur.
        public virtual void OnRowEnter() {}
        public virtual void OnRowLeave() {} 
        // processes the Tab Key
        // returns TRUE if the TAB key is processed 
        internal abstract bool ProcessTabKey(Keys keyData, Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight);

        // tells the dataGridRow that it lost the focus
        internal abstract void LoseChildFocus(Rectangle rowHeaders, bool alignToRight); 

        ///      Paints the row.
        public abstract int Paint(Graphics g,
                                 Rectangle dataBounds,
                                 Rectangle rowBounds,
                                 int firstVisibleColumn, 
                                 int numVisibleColumns);
        public abstract int Paint(Graphics g, 
                                  Rectangle dataBounds,
                                  Rectangle rowBounds, 
                                  int firstVisibleColumn,
                                  int numVisibleColumns,
                                  bool alignToRight);
        ///      Draws a border on the bottom DataGrid.GridLineWidth pixels 
        ///      of the bounding rectangle passed in.
        protected virtual void PaintBottomBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int dataWidth)
            PaintBottomBorder(g, bounds, dataWidth, this.dgTable.GridLineWidth, false);

        protected virtual void PaintBottomBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int dataWidth, int borderWidth, bool alignToRight) { 
            // paint bottom border 
            Rectangle bottomBorder = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? bounds.Right - dataWidth : bounds.X,
                                                   bounds.Bottom - borderWidth, 

            g.FillRectangle(this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineBrush : this.dgTable.GridLineBrush, bottomBorder); 

            // paint any exposed region to the right 
            if (dataWidth < bounds.Width) { 
                                alignToRight ? bounds.X: bottomBorder.Right, 
                                bounds.Width - bottomBorder.Width,
        ///      Paints the row. 
        public virtual int PaintData(Graphics g,
                                     Rectangle bounds,
                                     int firstVisibleColumn, 
                                     int columnCount)
            return PaintData(g, bounds, firstVisibleColumn, columnCount, false); 
        public virtual int PaintData(Graphics g,
                                     Rectangle bounds,
                                     int firstVisibleColumn,
                                     int columnCount, 
                                     bool alignToRight) {
            Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DGRowPaint.TraceVerbose, "Painting DataGridAddNewRow: bounds = " + bounds.ToString()); 
            Rectangle cellBounds   = bounds;
            int       bWidth       = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineWidth : this.dgTable.GridLineWidth; 
            int       cx           = 0;

            DataGridCell current = this.dgTable.DataGrid.CurrentCell;
            GridColumnStylesCollection columns = dgTable.GridColumnStyles;
            int nCols = columns.Count; 
            for (int col = firstVisibleColumn; col < nCols; ++col) { 
                if (cx > bounds.Width)

                // if (!columns[col].Visible || columns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null)
                if (columns[col].PropertyDescriptor == null || columns[col].Width <= 0)

                cellBounds.Width = columns[col].Width - bWidth; 
                if (alignToRight)
                    cellBounds.X = bounds.Right - cx - cellBounds.Width; 
                    cellBounds.X = bounds.X + cx;

                // Paint the data with the the DataGridColumn 
                Brush backBr = BackBrushForDataPaint(ref current, columns[col], col);
                Brush foreBrush = ForeBrushForDataPaint(ref current, columns[col], col); 

                // Paint the border to the right of each cell 
                if (bWidth > 0) { 
                    g.FillRectangle(this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.GridLineBrush : this.dgTable.GridLineBrush,
                                    alignToRight ? cellBounds.X - bWidth : cellBounds.Right, 
                cx += cellBounds.Width + bWidth;
            // Paint any exposed area to the right ( or left ) of the data cell area
            if (cx < bounds.Width) { 
                                alignToRight ? bounds.X : bounds.X + cx,
                                bounds.Width - cx, 
            return cx; 
        protected virtual void PaintCellContents(Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridColumnStyle column,
                                                 Brush backBr, Brush foreBrush)
            PaintCellContents(g, cellBounds, column, backBr, foreBrush, false); 
        protected virtual void PaintCellContents(Graphics g, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridColumnStyle column, 
                                                 Brush backBr, Brush foreBrush, bool alignToRight) {
            g.FillRectangle(backBr, cellBounds); 

        // This function will do the following: if paintIcon is set to true, then 
        // will draw the image on the RowHeader. if paintIcon is set to false,
        // then this function will fill the rectangle on which otherwise will 
        // have been drawn the image 
        // will return the rectangle that includes the Icon 
        protected Rectangle PaintIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool paintIcon, bool alignToRight, Bitmap bmp) {
            return PaintIcon(g, visualBounds, paintIcon, alignToRight, bmp,
                             this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.HeaderBackBrush : this.dgTable.HeaderBackBrush); 
        protected Rectangle PaintIcon(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool paintIcon, bool alignToRight, Bitmap bmp, Brush backBrush) { 
            Size bmpSize = bmp.Size; 
            Rectangle bmpRect = new Rectangle(alignToRight ? visualBounds.Right - xOffset - bmpSize.Width : visualBounds.X + xOffset,
                                              visualBounds.Y + yOffset, 
            g.FillRectangle(backBrush, visualBounds);
            if (paintIcon) 
                colorMap[0].NewColor = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.HeaderForeColor : this.dgTable.HeaderForeColor; 
                colorMap[0].OldColor = Color.Black; 
                ImageAttributes attr = new ImageAttributes();
                attr.SetRemapTable(colorMap, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap); 
                g.DrawImage(bmp, bmpRect, 0, 0, bmpRect.Width, bmpRect.Height,GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr);
                // g.DrawImage(bmp, bmpRect);

            return bmpRect; 

        // assume that the row is not aligned to right, and that the row is not dirty 
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds) {
            PaintHeader(g, visualBounds, false);
        // assume that the row is not dirty
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool alignToRight) { 
            PaintHeader(g,visualBounds, alignToRight, false); 
        public virtual void PaintHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle visualBounds, bool alignToRight, bool rowIsDirty) {
            Rectangle bounds = visualBounds;

            // paint the first part of the row header: the Arror or Pencil/Star 
            Bitmap bmp;
            if (this is DataGridAddNewRow) 
                bmp = GetStarBitmap();
                lock (bmp) { 
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, true, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset;
            else if (rowIsDirty)
                bmp = GetPencilBitmap(); 
                lock (bmp) {
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, RowNumber == this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset; 
                bmp = alignToRight ? GetLeftArrowBitmap() : GetRightArrowBitmap();
                lock (bmp) { 
                    bounds.X += PaintIcon(g, bounds, RowNumber == this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber, alignToRight, bmp).Width + xOffset; 

            // Paint the error icon
            object errorInfo = DataGrid.ListManager[this.number]; 
            if (!(errorInfo is IDataErrorInfo))
            string errString = ((IDataErrorInfo) errorInfo).Error;
            if (errString == null) 
                errString = String.Empty;

            if (tooltip != errString) {
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip)) { 
                    tooltip = String.Empty; 
                    tooltipID = new IntPtr(-1); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errString))
            // we now have an error string: paint the errorIcon and add the tooltip
            Rectangle errRect; 
            bmp = GetErrorBitmap(); 
            lock (bmp) {
                errRect = PaintIcon(g, bounds, true, alignToRight, bmp); 
            bounds.X += errRect.Width + xOffset;

            tooltip = errString; 
            tooltipID = (IntPtr)((int)DataGrid.ToolTipId++);
            DataGrid.ToolTipProvider.AddToolTip(tooltip, tooltipID, errRect); 

        protected Brush GetBackBrush() { 
            Brush br = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? DataGrid.BackBrush : this.dgTable.BackBrush;
            if (DataGrid.LedgerStyle && (RowNumber % 2 == 1)) {
                br = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.AlternatingBackBrush : this.dgTable.AlternatingBackBrush;
            return br;
        ///      Returns the BackColor and TextColor  that the Graphics object should use
        ///      for the appropriate values for a given row and column when painting the data.
        protected Brush BackBrushForDataPaint(ref DataGridCell current, DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int column) {
            Brush backBr = this.GetBackBrush(); 
            if (Selected) {
                backBr = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.SelectionBackBrush : this.dgTable.SelectionBackBrush; 
            if (RowNumber == current.RowNumber && column == current.ColumnNumber) {
                backBr = grid.CurrentCellBackBrush; 
            return backBr; 
        protected Brush ForeBrushForDataPaint(ref DataGridCell current, DataGridColumnStyle gridColumn, int column) {
            // Brush foreBrush = gridColumn.ForeBrush;
            Brush foreBrush = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.ForeBrush : this.dgTable.ForeBrush;
            if (Selected) {
                foreBrush = this.dgTable.IsDefault ? this.DataGrid.SelectionForeBrush : this.dgTable.SelectionForeBrush; 
            if (RowNumber == current.RowNumber && column == current.ColumnNumber) { 
                foreColor = grid.CurrentCellForeColor;
            return foreBrush; 
        protected class DataGridRowAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
            ArrayList cells; 

            DataGridRow owner = null;

            internal static string CellToDisplayString(DataGrid grid, int row, int column) { 
                if (column < grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) {
                    return grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].PropertyDescriptor.Converter.ConvertToString(grid[row, column]); 
                else {
                    return ""; 

            internal static object DisplayStringToCell(DataGrid grid, int row, int column, string value) { 
                if (column < grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count) {
                    return grid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].PropertyDescriptor.Converter.ConvertFromString(value); 
                // ignore...
                return null;

                SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // This class and its derived classes are internal.
                                                                                                        // So this is not a security back door. 
            public DataGridRowAccessibleObject(DataGridRow owner) : base() {
                Debug.Assert(owner != null, "DataGridRowAccessibleObject must have a valid owner DataGridRow"); 
                this.owner = owner;
                DataGrid grid = DataGrid;
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create row accessible object");
            private void EnsureChildren() {
                if (cells == null) { 
                    // default size... little extra for relationships...
                    cells = new ArrayList(DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + 2);
            protected virtual void AddChildAccessibleObjects(IList children) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create row's accessible children"); 
                GridColumnStylesCollection cols = DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles;
                int len = cols.Count;
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, len + " columns present"); 
                for (int i=0; i 
            ///      Returns the currently focused child, if any.
            ///      Returns this if the object itself is focused. 
            public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                if (DataGrid.Focused) {
                    DataGridCell cell = DataGrid.CurrentCell; 
                    if (cell.RowNumber == owner.RowNumber) {
                        return (AccessibleObject)cells[cell.ColumnNumber]; 
                return null;

            ///      Navigate to the next or previous grid entry.entry. 
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) {
                switch (navdir) {
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Down:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Right: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1); 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Up:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Left: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1);

                    case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild: 
                        if (GetChildCount() > 0) {
                            return GetChild(0); 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild: 
                        if (GetChildCount() > 0) {
                            return GetChild(GetChildCount() - 1);
                return null; 


            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
            public override void Select(AccessibleSelection flags) {
                // Focus the PropertyGridView window 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) == AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) { 
                // Select the grid entry
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) == AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) {
                    DataGrid.CurrentRowIndex = owner.RowNumber; 
        protected class DataGridCellAccessibleObject : AccessibleObject {
            DataGridRow owner = null;
            int column; 

            public DataGridCellAccessibleObject(DataGridRow owner, int column) : base() { 
                Debug.Assert(owner != null, "DataGridColumnAccessibleObject must have a valid owner DataGridRow"); 
                this.owner = owner;
                this.column = column; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(DataGrid.DataGridAcc.TraceVerbose, "Create cell accessible object");

            public override Rectangle Bounds { 
                get {
                    return DataGrid.RectangleToScreen(DataGrid.GetCellBounds(new DataGridCell(owner.RowNumber, column))); 
            public override string Name {
                get {
                    return DataGrid.myGridTable.GridColumnStyles[column].HeaderText;
            public override AccessibleObject Parent { 
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
                get { 
                    return owner.AccessibleObject;
            protected DataGrid DataGrid {
                get { 
                    return owner.DataGrid; 

            public override string DefaultAction {
                get {
                    return SR.GetString(SR.AccDGEdit); 
            public override AccessibleRole Role {
                get { 
                    return AccessibleRole.Cell;
            public override AccessibleStates State {
                get { 
                    AccessibleStates state = AccessibleStates.Selectable | AccessibleStates.Focusable; 

                    // Determine focus 
                    if (DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber == owner.RowNumber
                        && DataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == column) {
                        if (DataGrid.Focused) { 
                            state |= AccessibleStates.Focused;
                        state |= AccessibleStates.Selected; 
                    return state;
            public override string Value {
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                get { 
                    if (owner is DataGridAddNewRow) {
                        return null; 
                    else {
                        return DataGridRowAccessibleObject.CellToDisplayString(DataGrid, owner.RowNumber, column);
                [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
                set {
                    if (!(owner is DataGridAddNewRow)) { 
                        object realValue =  DataGridRowAccessibleObject.DisplayStringToCell(DataGrid, owner.RowNumber, column, value);
                        DataGrid[owner.RowNumber, column] = realValue;
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override void DoDefaultAction() {
                Select(AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus | AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection); 

            ///      Returns the currently focused child, if any.
            ///      Returns this if the object itself is focused. 
            public override AccessibleObject GetFocused() {
                // Datagrid always returns the cell as the focused thing... so do we! 
                return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetFocused();

            ///      Navigate to the next or previous grid entry.
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
            public override AccessibleObject Navigate(AccessibleNavigation navdir) {
                switch (navdir) {
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Right: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Next:
                        if (column < owner.AccessibleObject.GetChildCount() - 1) { 
                            return owner.AccessibleObject.GetChild(column + 1); 
                        else { 
                            AccessibleObject o = DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1);
                            if (o != null) {
                                return o.Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Down: 
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber + 1).Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Up: 
                        return DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1).Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild);
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Left:
                    case AccessibleNavigation.Previous:
                        if (column > 0) { 
                            return owner.AccessibleObject.GetChild(column - 1);
                        else { 
                            AccessibleObject o = DataGrid.AccessibilityObject.GetChild(1 + owner.dgTable.GridColumnStyles.Count + owner.RowNumber - 1);
                            if (o != null) { 
                                return o.Navigate(AccessibleNavigation.LastChild);

                    case AccessibleNavigation.FirstChild: 
                    case AccessibleNavigation.LastChild: 


                return null;
            [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
            public override void Select(AccessibleSelection flags) {
                // Focus the PropertyGridView window 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) == AccessibleSelection.TakeFocus) {

                // Select the grid entry 
                if ( (flags & AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) == AccessibleSelection.TakeSelection) {
                    DataGrid.CurrentCell = new DataGridCell(owner.RowNumber, column); 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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