/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / XsltOld / Stylesheet.cs / 1 / Stylesheet.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Collections; internal class Stylesheet { private ArrayList imports = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable modeManagers; private Hashtable templateNameTable = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable attributeSetTable; private int templateCount; //private ArrayList preserveSpace; private Hashtable queryKeyTable; private ArrayList whitespaceList; private bool whitespace; private Hashtable scriptObjectTypes = new Hashtable(); private TemplateManager templates; private class WhitespaceElement { private int key; private double priority; private bool preserveSpace; internal double Priority { get { return this.priority; } } internal int Key { get { return this.key; } } internal bool PreserveSpace { get { return this.preserveSpace; } } internal WhitespaceElement(int Key, double priority, bool PreserveSpace) { this.key = Key; this.priority = priority; this.preserveSpace = PreserveSpace; } internal void ReplaceValue(bool PreserveSpace) { this.preserveSpace = PreserveSpace; } } internal bool Whitespace { get { return this.whitespace ; } } internal ArrayList Imports { get { return this.imports ; } } internal Hashtable AttributeSetTable { get { return this.attributeSetTable; } } internal void AddSpace(Compiler compiler, String query, double Priority, bool PreserveSpace) { WhitespaceElement elem; if (this.queryKeyTable != null) { if (this.queryKeyTable.Contains(query)) { elem = (WhitespaceElement) this.queryKeyTable[query]; elem.ReplaceValue(PreserveSpace); return; } } else{ this.queryKeyTable = new Hashtable(); this.whitespaceList = new ArrayList(); } int key = compiler.AddQuery(query); elem = new WhitespaceElement(key, Priority, PreserveSpace); this.queryKeyTable[query] = elem; this.whitespaceList.Add(elem); } internal void SortWhiteSpace(){ if (this.queryKeyTable != null){ for (int i= 0; i < this.whitespaceList.Count ; i++ ) { for(int j = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; j > i; j--) { WhitespaceElement elem1, elem2; elem1 = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[j - 1]; elem2 = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[j]; if (elem2.Priority < elem1.Priority) { this.whitespaceList[j - 1] = elem2; this.whitespaceList[j] = elem1; } } } this.whitespace = true; } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; if (stylesheet.Whitespace) { stylesheet.SortWhiteSpace(); this.whitespace = true; } } } } internal bool PreserveWhiteSpace(Processor proc, XPathNavigator node){ // last one should win. I.E. We starting from the end. I.E. Lowest priority should go first if (this.whitespaceList != null) { for (int i = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i --) { WhitespaceElement elem = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[i]; if (proc.Matches(node, elem.Key)) { return elem.PreserveSpace; } } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; if (! stylesheet.PreserveWhiteSpace(proc, node)) return false; } } return true; } internal void AddAttributeSet(AttributeSetAction attributeSet) { Debug.Assert(attributeSet.Name != null); if (this.attributeSetTable == null) { this.attributeSetTable = new Hashtable(); } Debug.Assert(this.attributeSetTable != null); if (this.attributeSetTable.ContainsKey(attributeSet.Name) == false) { this.attributeSetTable[attributeSet.Name] = attributeSet; } else { // merge the attribute-sets ((AttributeSetAction)this.attributeSetTable[attributeSet.Name]).Merge(attributeSet); } } internal void AddTemplate(TemplateAction template) { XmlQualifiedName mode = template.Mode; // // Ensure template has a unique name // Debug.Assert(this.templateNameTable != null); if (template.Name != null) { if (this.templateNameTable.ContainsKey(template.Name) == false) { this.templateNameTable[template.Name] = template; } else { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_DupTemplateName, template.Name.ToString()); } } if (template.MatchKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { if (this.modeManagers == null) { this.modeManagers = new Hashtable(); } Debug.Assert(this.modeManagers != null); if (mode == null) { mode = XmlQualifiedName.Empty; } TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) this.modeManagers[mode]; if (manager == null) { manager = new TemplateManager(this, mode); this.modeManagers[mode] = manager; if (mode.IsEmpty) { Debug.Assert(this.templates == null); this.templates = manager; } } Debug.Assert(manager != null); template.TemplateId = ++ this.templateCount; manager.AddTemplate(template); } } internal void ProcessTemplates() { if (this.modeManagers != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.modeManagers.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Debug.Assert(enumerator.Value is TemplateManager); TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) enumerator.Value; manager.ProcessTemplates(); } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Process templates in imported stylesheet // stylesheet.ProcessTemplates(); } } } internal void ReplaceNamespaceAlias(Compiler compiler){ if (this.modeManagers != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.modeManagers.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) enumerator.Value; if (manager.templates != null) { for(int i=0 ; i< manager.templates.Count; i++) { TemplateAction template = (TemplateAction) manager.templates[i]; template.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } } } if (this.templateNameTable != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.templateNameTable.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TemplateAction template = (TemplateAction) enumerator.Value; template.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; stylesheet.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator, XmlQualifiedName mode) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && navigator != null); Debug.Assert(mode != null); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.modeManagers != null) { TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) this.modeManagers[mode]; if (manager != null) { Debug.Assert(manager.Mode.Equals(mode)); action = manager.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); } } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null) { action = FindTemplateImports(processor, navigator, mode); } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplateImports(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator, XmlQualifiedName mode) { TemplateAction action = null; // // Do we have imported stylesheets? // if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, navigator, mode); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && navigator != null); Debug.Assert(this.templates == null && this.modeManagers == null || this.templates == this.modeManagers[XmlQualifiedName.Empty]); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.templates != null) { action = this.templates.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null) { action = FindTemplateImports(processor, navigator); } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(XmlQualifiedName name) { //Debug.Assert(this.templateNameTable == null); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.templateNameTable != null) { action = (TemplateAction)this.templateNameTable[name]; } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null && this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(name); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplateImports(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator) { TemplateAction action = null; // // Do we have imported stylesheets? // if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal Hashtable ScriptObjectTypes { get { return this.scriptObjectTypes; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Collections; internal class Stylesheet { private ArrayList imports = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable modeManagers; private Hashtable templateNameTable = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable attributeSetTable; private int templateCount; //private ArrayList preserveSpace; private Hashtable queryKeyTable; private ArrayList whitespaceList; private bool whitespace; private Hashtable scriptObjectTypes = new Hashtable(); private TemplateManager templates; private class WhitespaceElement { private int key; private double priority; private bool preserveSpace; internal double Priority { get { return this.priority; } } internal int Key { get { return this.key; } } internal bool PreserveSpace { get { return this.preserveSpace; } } internal WhitespaceElement(int Key, double priority, bool PreserveSpace) { this.key = Key; this.priority = priority; this.preserveSpace = PreserveSpace; } internal void ReplaceValue(bool PreserveSpace) { this.preserveSpace = PreserveSpace; } } internal bool Whitespace { get { return this.whitespace ; } } internal ArrayList Imports { get { return this.imports ; } } internal Hashtable AttributeSetTable { get { return this.attributeSetTable; } } internal void AddSpace(Compiler compiler, String query, double Priority, bool PreserveSpace) { WhitespaceElement elem; if (this.queryKeyTable != null) { if (this.queryKeyTable.Contains(query)) { elem = (WhitespaceElement) this.queryKeyTable[query]; elem.ReplaceValue(PreserveSpace); return; } } else{ this.queryKeyTable = new Hashtable(); this.whitespaceList = new ArrayList(); } int key = compiler.AddQuery(query); elem = new WhitespaceElement(key, Priority, PreserveSpace); this.queryKeyTable[query] = elem; this.whitespaceList.Add(elem); } internal void SortWhiteSpace(){ if (this.queryKeyTable != null){ for (int i= 0; i < this.whitespaceList.Count ; i++ ) { for(int j = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; j > i; j--) { WhitespaceElement elem1, elem2; elem1 = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[j - 1]; elem2 = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[j]; if (elem2.Priority < elem1.Priority) { this.whitespaceList[j - 1] = elem2; this.whitespaceList[j] = elem1; } } } this.whitespace = true; } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; if (stylesheet.Whitespace) { stylesheet.SortWhiteSpace(); this.whitespace = true; } } } } internal bool PreserveWhiteSpace(Processor proc, XPathNavigator node){ // last one should win. I.E. We starting from the end. I.E. Lowest priority should go first if (this.whitespaceList != null) { for (int i = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i --) { WhitespaceElement elem = (WhitespaceElement) this.whitespaceList[i]; if (proc.Matches(node, elem.Key)) { return elem.PreserveSpace; } } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; if (! stylesheet.PreserveWhiteSpace(proc, node)) return false; } } return true; } internal void AddAttributeSet(AttributeSetAction attributeSet) { Debug.Assert(attributeSet.Name != null); if (this.attributeSetTable == null) { this.attributeSetTable = new Hashtable(); } Debug.Assert(this.attributeSetTable != null); if (this.attributeSetTable.ContainsKey(attributeSet.Name) == false) { this.attributeSetTable[attributeSet.Name] = attributeSet; } else { // merge the attribute-sets ((AttributeSetAction)this.attributeSetTable[attributeSet.Name]).Merge(attributeSet); } } internal void AddTemplate(TemplateAction template) { XmlQualifiedName mode = template.Mode; // // Ensure template has a unique name // Debug.Assert(this.templateNameTable != null); if (template.Name != null) { if (this.templateNameTable.ContainsKey(template.Name) == false) { this.templateNameTable[template.Name] = template; } else { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_DupTemplateName, template.Name.ToString()); } } if (template.MatchKey != Compiler.InvalidQueryKey) { if (this.modeManagers == null) { this.modeManagers = new Hashtable(); } Debug.Assert(this.modeManagers != null); if (mode == null) { mode = XmlQualifiedName.Empty; } TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) this.modeManagers[mode]; if (manager == null) { manager = new TemplateManager(this, mode); this.modeManagers[mode] = manager; if (mode.IsEmpty) { Debug.Assert(this.templates == null); this.templates = manager; } } Debug.Assert(manager != null); template.TemplateId = ++ this.templateCount; manager.AddTemplate(template); } } internal void ProcessTemplates() { if (this.modeManagers != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.modeManagers.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Debug.Assert(enumerator.Value is TemplateManager); TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) enumerator.Value; manager.ProcessTemplates(); } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Process templates in imported stylesheet // stylesheet.ProcessTemplates(); } } } internal void ReplaceNamespaceAlias(Compiler compiler){ if (this.modeManagers != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.modeManagers.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) enumerator.Value; if (manager.templates != null) { for(int i=0 ; i< manager.templates.Count; i++) { TemplateAction template = (TemplateAction) manager.templates[i]; template.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } } } if (this.templateNameTable != null) { IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.templateNameTable.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TemplateAction template = (TemplateAction) enumerator.Value; template.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; stylesheet.ReplaceNamespaceAlias(compiler); } } } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator, XmlQualifiedName mode) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && navigator != null); Debug.Assert(mode != null); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.modeManagers != null) { TemplateManager manager = (TemplateManager) this.modeManagers[mode]; if (manager != null) { Debug.Assert(manager.Mode.Equals(mode)); action = manager.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); } } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null) { action = FindTemplateImports(processor, navigator, mode); } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplateImports(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator, XmlQualifiedName mode) { TemplateAction action = null; // // Do we have imported stylesheets? // if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, navigator, mode); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator) { Debug.Assert(processor != null && navigator != null); Debug.Assert(this.templates == null && this.modeManagers == null || this.templates == this.modeManagers[XmlQualifiedName.Empty]); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.templates != null) { action = this.templates.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null) { action = FindTemplateImports(processor, navigator); } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplate(XmlQualifiedName name) { //Debug.Assert(this.templateNameTable == null); TemplateAction action = null; // // Try to find template within this stylesheet first // if (this.templateNameTable != null) { action = (TemplateAction)this.templateNameTable[name]; } // // If unsuccessful, search in imported documents from backwards // if (action == null && this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(name); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal TemplateAction FindTemplateImports(Processor processor, XPathNavigator navigator) { TemplateAction action = null; // // Do we have imported stylesheets? // if (this.imports != null) { for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { Debug.Assert(this.imports[importIndex] is Stylesheet); Stylesheet stylesheet = (Stylesheet) this.imports[importIndex]; Debug.Assert(stylesheet != null); // // Search in imported stylesheet // action = stylesheet.FindTemplate(processor, navigator); if (action != null) { return action; } } } return action; } internal Hashtable ScriptObjectTypes { get { return this.scriptObjectTypes; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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