BasicExpandProvider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataWeb / Server / System / Data / Services / Providers / BasicExpandProvider.cs / 1625574 / BasicExpandProvider.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      Provides a helper class to implement $expand functionality
//      with filters by rewriting queries and implementing custom 
//      result enumerators. 
// @owner  [....]

namespace System.Data.Services.Providers 
    #region Namespaces. 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.Services.Client;
    using System.Data.Services.Common;
    using System.Data.Services.Internal; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq; 
    using System.Linq.Expressions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Text; 

    #endregion Namespaces.

    /// Provides a helper class to implement $expand functionality
    /// with filters by rewriting queries and implementing custom 
    /// result enumerators. 
    internal class BasicExpandProvider : IProjectionProvider 
        #region Private fields.

        /// Queryable.OrderBy method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo OrderByMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "OrderBy" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.ThenBy method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo ThenByMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "ThenBy" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Queryable.OrderByDescending method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo OrderByDescendingMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable) 
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "OrderByDescending" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Queryable.ThenByDescending method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo ThenByDescendingMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "ThenByDescending" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.Skip method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo SkipMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable) 
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "Skip" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.Take method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo TakeMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "Take" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Whether all values are automatically expanded in the model. 
        private readonly bool expanded;
        /// Whether the provider of the IQueryable requires usage
        /// casts to System.Object when assigning to properties of that type/
        /// For example Linq to Entities requires us not to cast here as it only supports
        /// casting of primitive types. On the other hand Linq to Objects requires casting 
        /// since otherwise it would generate wrong IL.
        private readonly bool castToObject; 
        /// Full provider.
        private readonly DataServiceProviderWrapper provider; 

        #endregion Private fields.

        /// Initializes a new  instance. 
        /// Full provider.
        /// Whether all values are automatically expanded in the model. 
        /// Whether the provider of the IQueryable requires usage 
        /// casts to System.Object when assigning to properties of that type.
        /// For example Linq to Entities requires us not to cast here as it only supports 
        /// casting of primitive types. On the other hand Linq to Objects requires casting
        /// since otherwise it would generate wrong IL.
        internal BasicExpandProvider(DataServiceProviderWrapper provider, bool expanded, bool castToObject)
            Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null");
            this.provider = provider; 
            this.expanded = expanded; 
            this.castToObject = castToObject;

        /// Provider for metadata.
        internal DataServiceProviderWrapper Provider
            get { return this.provider; }
        /// Applies expansions and projections to the specified .
        ///  object to expand and apply projections to. 
        /// The root node of the tree which describes
        /// the projections and expansions to be applied to the .
        /// An  object, with the results including 
        /// the expansions and projections specified in .
        /// The returned  may implement the  interface
        /// to provide enumerable objects for the expansions; otherwise, the expanded 
        /// information is expected to be found directly in the enumerated objects. If paging is
        /// requested by providing a non-empty list in .OrderingInfo then
        /// it is expected that the topmost  would have a $skiptoken property
        /// which will be an  in itself and each of it's sub-properties will 
        /// be named SkipTokenPropertyXX where XX represents numbers in increasing order starting from 0. Each of
        /// SkipTokenPropertyXX properties will be used to generated the $skiptoken to support paging. 
        /// If projections are required, the provider may choose to return  
        /// which returns instances of . In that case property values are determined
        /// by calling the  method instead of 
        /// accessing properties of the returned object directly.
        /// If both expansion and projections are required, the provider may choose to return 
        /// of  which in turn returns  from its
        ///  property. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        public IQueryable ApplyProjections( 
            IQueryable source,
            ProjectionNode projection) 
            Debug.Assert(projection is RootProjectionNode, "We always get the special root node.");
            RootProjectionNode rootNode = (RootProjectionNode)projection;
            ExpandNode root = ExpandNode.BuildExpansionAndProjectionTree(this, rootNode);
            bool queryIsV1Compatible = 
                root.IsV1Compatible && 
                this.provider.IsV1Provider &&
                !rootNode.ProjectionsSpecified && 

            root.AssignTypeForExpected(source.ElementType, false /* singleResult */);
            // The new way is to have OrderBy before any Select
            if (!queryIsV1Compatible) 
                source = ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultBeforeProjections(

            IQueryable query = root.BuildProjectionQuery(source); 
            // The old way is to have OrderBy after Select (this is here for backward compat)
            if (queryIsV1Compatible) 
                query = ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultAfterProjection(
            if (!WebUtil.IsExpandedWrapperType(query.ElementType))
                // If we don't use ExpandedWrapper on the root level we need to wrap the queryable
                // to process special "null" ProjectedWrapper values and turn them into true nulls 
                // so that serialization doesn't have to deal with this.
                return ProjectedWrapper.WrapQueryable(query); 
                // If the top level uses ExpandedWrapper we need to wrap the returned IQueryable to expose the
                // IExpandedResult directly from the IEnumerator instead from each result instance.
                // Note that we don't need to wrap again for special "null" ProjectedWrapper values
                // as the ExpandedWrapper will post process the values it returns for this feature as well. 
                Type resultQueryable = typeof(ExpandedQueryable<>).MakeGenericType(query.ElementType);
                object[] args = new object[] { query }; 
                return (IQueryable)Activator.CreateInstance(resultQueryable, args); 

        /// Applies the ordering, skip and take on top level query result set before projections were applied
        /// Current query expression
        /// Top level ordering information 
        /// Elements to skip 
        /// Count of elements to return
        /// The root  where we store information about the shape 
        /// of projections of the root level.
        ///  appended with OrderBy/ThenBy, Skip and Top expressions
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultAfterProjection( 
            IQueryable query,
            OrderingInfo orderingInfo, 
            int? skipCount, 
            int? takeCount,
            ExpandNode root) 
            Debug.Assert(root != null, "root != null");

            if (orderingInfo != null) 
                Expression expression = query.Expression; 
                Type elementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(elementType, "p"); 
                Expression replaceExpression = parameter;
                if (root.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                        "If the node requires expanded wrapper it should have the ExpandedWrapper element type."); 
                    // If the query is using expanded wrapper we need to replace the parameter in the OrderBy expressions
                    // with the access to the ExpandedElement instead of the wrapper itself. 
                    replaceExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, "ExpandedElement");

                bool first = true; 
                foreach (OrderingExpression o in orderingInfo.OrderingExpressions)
                    LambdaExpression e = (LambdaExpression)o.Expression; 
                    LambdaExpression orderer;
                    orderer = Expression.Lambda(ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(e.Body, e.Parameters[0], replaceExpression), parameter);

                    query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeOrderBy", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                                                    .MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType, orderer.Body.Type) 
                                                                    .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, orderer, first, o.IsAscending });
                    first = false; 
            return ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult(query, skipCount, takeCount);

        /// Applies the ordering, skip and take on top level query result set once projections where applied
        /// Current query expression 
        /// Top level ordering information
        /// Elements to skip 
        /// Count of elements to return
        ///  appended with OrderBy/ThenBy, Skip and Top expressions
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultBeforeProjections( 
            IQueryable query,
            OrderingInfo orderingInfo, 
            int? skipCount, 
            int? takeCount)
            if (orderingInfo != null)
                Expression expression = query.Expression;
                Type elementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(elementType, "p"); 
                bool first = true;
                foreach (OrderingExpression o in orderingInfo.OrderingExpressions) 
                    LambdaExpression e = (LambdaExpression)o.Expression;
                    LambdaExpression orderer;
                    orderer = Expression.Lambda(
                        ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(e.Body, e.Parameters[0], parameter), 

                    query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeOrderBy", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) 
                                                                    .MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType, orderer.Body.Type)
                                                                    .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, orderer, first, o.IsAscending });
                    first = false;
            return ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult(query, skipCount, takeCount); 
        /// Applies the skip and take on top level query result set
        /// Current query expression 
        /// Elements to skip
        /// Count of elements to return 
        ///  appended with Skip and Top expressions 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult( 
            IQueryable query,
            int? skipCount,
            int? takeCount)
            if (skipCount.HasValue)
                query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeSkipOrTake", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) 
                                                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, skipCount.Value, true }); 

            if (takeCount.HasValue)
                query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeSkipOrTake", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, takeCount.Value, false }); 
            return query;

        /// Invokes Queryable.OrderBy/ThenBy in a strongly typed way for a weakly typed 
        /// Source type 
        /// Type of expression to order by
        /// Input query 
        /// Expression representing orderby clause
        /// Is this first ordering expression in a list
        /// Ordering is ascending or descending
        /// Query with orderby/thenby appended to it 
        private static IQueryable InvokeOrderBy(IQueryable query, LambdaExpression orderExpression, bool firstOrder, bool isAscending)
            MethodInfo orderingMethod = firstOrder ? 
                        (isAscending ? BasicExpandProvider.OrderByMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.OrderByDescendingMethodInfo) :
                        (isAscending ? BasicExpandProvider.ThenByMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.ThenByDescendingMethodInfo); 

            return (IQueryable)orderingMethod
                                .MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TSource), typeof(TKey))
                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { (IQueryable)query, (Expression>)orderExpression }); 
        ///  Invokes Queryable.Skip/Take in a strongly typed way for a weakly typed 
        /// Source type
        /// Input query
        /// Value of skip or top parameter
        /// Is it Skip or Top 
        /// Query with appended Skip/Top invocation
        private static IQueryable InvokeSkipOrTake(IQueryable query, int count, bool isSkip) 
            MethodInfo skipOrTakeMethod = (isSkip ? BasicExpandProvider.SkipMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.TakeMethodInfo).MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TSource));
            return (IQueryable)skipOrTakeMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { (IQueryable)query, count }); 

        #region Inner types.
        /// Queryable element for results with expanded properties.
        /// Wrapper type with expanded properties. 
        internal class ExpandedQueryable : IQueryable where TWrapper : IExpandedResult 
            /// Source enumeration with wrapped properties. 
            private IQueryable source;

            /// Initializes a new ExpandedEnumerable instance.
            /// Source for enumeration. 
            public ExpandedQueryable(IQueryable source)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                this.source = source;

            /// The type of a single result.
            public Type ElementType
                get { return this.source.ElementType; }
            /// The query expression.
            public Expression Expression 
                get { return this.source.Expression; }
            /// The query provider - not supported as nobody should call this.
            public IQueryProvider Provider 
                get { throw Error.NotSupported(); }

            /// Gets an enumerator object for results.
            /// An enumerator object for results.
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                return this.GetEnumerator(); 

            /// Gets an enumerator object for results. 
            /// An enumerator object for results.
            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                IEnumerator enumerator = this.source.GetEnumerator(); 
                return new ExpandedEnumerator(enumerator);

        /// Base class for the generic ExpandedEnumerator so that we can easily recognize instances of that class 
        /// without usage of reflection (used during serialization and thus needs to be as fast as possible).
        /// Note that we can't implement the ExpandedEnumerator as non-generic because the V1 version used
        /// the inner enumerator as generic and called the MoveNext/Current and so methods on the generic version.
        /// We also need the generic version for the IExpandedResult unwrapping to work. 
        internal abstract class ExpandedEnumerator
            /// Determines if the specified enumerator is the ExpandedWrapper enumerator wrapper or the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper 
            /// and if so returns the unwrapped inner enumerator.
            /// The enumerator to unwrap 
            /// Unwrapped enumerator if it was wrapped or the original enumerator if now wrapping occured.
            internal static IEnumerator UnwrapEnumerator(IEnumerator enumerator)
                // Note that only one wrapper could have been applied. If the query only used projections and no expansions then we wrap it 
                //   with the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper. If the query had expansions we wrap it wil ExpandedWrapper enumerator wrapper
                //   which also includes the functionality of the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper. 
                ExpandedEnumerator expandedEnumerator = enumerator as ExpandedEnumerator; 
                if (expandedEnumerator != null)
                    return expandedEnumerator.GetInnerEnumerator();
                    return ProjectedWrapper.UnwrapEnumerator(enumerator);

            /// Virtual method to unwrap the inner enumerator as it's stored in the generic version of this class. 
            /// The inner enumerator.
            protected abstract IEnumerator GetInnerEnumerator();
        /// Use this class to enumerate elements that can be expanded.
        /// Wrapper type with expanded properties. 
        internal class ExpandedEnumerator : ExpandedEnumerator, IEnumerator, IDisposable, IExpandedResult where TWrapper : IExpandedResult 
            /// Enumerator for wrapper instances. 
            private IEnumerator e;

            /// Initializes a new ExpandedEnumerator instance.
            /// Source for enumeration. 
            internal ExpandedEnumerator(IEnumerator enumerator)
                WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(enumerator, "enumerator"); 
                this.e = enumerator;

            /// Element with expanded properties.
            public object ExpandedElement
                get { return this.Current; }
            /// Element with expanded properties.
            public object Current 
                get { return this.e.Current.ExpandedElement; }
            /// Gets an expanded property for the specified .
            /// Name of property to return. 
            /// The expanded property value with the specified . 
            public object GetExpandedPropertyValue(string name)
                return this.e.Current.GetExpandedPropertyValue(name);

            /// Moves to the next element. 
            /// true if an element is available after the move; false otherwise.
            public bool MoveNext() 
                return this.e.MoveNext();

            /// Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the sequence.
            public void Reset()
                throw Error.NotImplemented();
            /// Releases resources.
            public void Dispose() 

            /// Virtual method to unwrap the inner enumerator as it's stored in the generic version of this class. 
            /// The inner enumerator. 
            protected override IEnumerator GetInnerEnumerator()
                return this.e;
        /// Class which represents one projected property. Used as a pair of name and resource property.
        [DebuggerDisplay("ProjectedProperty {Name}")] 
        internal class ProjectedProperty 
            /// Name of the property to project 
            private readonly string name;

            /// The resource property to project.
            /// If this field is null, it means we are to project open-type property. 
            private readonly ResourceProperty property;
            /// Creates a new instance of the projected property for a given property. 
            /// The name of the property to project.
            /// The  to project. For open properties this is null. 
            public ProjectedProperty(string name, ResourceProperty property)
                Debug.Assert(name != null, "name != null");
                Debug.Assert(property == null || String.Equals(property.Name, name, StringComparison.Ordinal), "The name of the property must match the specified name."); 
       = name;
       = property; 

            /// Name of the property to project 
            public string Name
                get { return; }

            /// The resource property to project. 
            /// If this field is null, it means we are to project open-type property. 
            public ResourceProperty Property
                get { return; }

            ///  for  which treats 
            /// two instance equal if they have the same name and the same resource property.
            public class ProjectedPropertyEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer 
                #region IEqualityComparer Members
                /// Compares two  instances for equality.
                /// First instance.
                /// Second instance.
                /// true if the instances are equal, that means if they have the same name 
                /// and the same resource property.
                public bool Equals(ProjectedProperty x, ProjectedProperty y) 
                    return String.Equals(,, StringComparison.Ordinal) && ==;

                /// Computes a simple hash code.
                /// The instance to compute the hash code for.
                /// The hash code. 
                public int GetHashCode(ProjectedProperty obj)
                    return + ( == null ? 0 :; 
        /// Use this class to build a tree structure over a list of paths.
        [DebuggerDisplay("ExpandNode {Node}")] 
        internal class ExpandNode 
            #region Private fields. 

            /// Enumerable.Select method info
            private static readonly MethodInfo SelectMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable)
                                                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) 
            /// Enumerable.Where method info 
            private static readonly MethodInfo WhereMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable)
                                                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) 

            /// Enumerable.Take method info
            private static readonly MethodInfo TakeMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable) 
                                                            .GetMethod("Take", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
            /// Expanded projection node for this node. 
            private readonly ExpandedProjectionNode Node;
            /// Provider with metadata for operations.
            private readonly BasicExpandProvider expandProvider;

            /// All child expand nodes for this segment. 
            private List children;
            /// The element type that will be projected from this segment. 
            private Type elementType;
            /// The model (never wrapped) type to be used in an strongly-typed IEnumerable for this segment.
            private Type enumeratedType;

            /// Whether there are any filters within this node. MaxResults are considered filters for processing. 
            private bool hasFilterWithin;
            /// Whether this segment represents a single element rather than a collection. 
            private bool singleResult;
            /// Ordering info for this node
            private OrderingInfo orderingInfo;

            /// Is skip token needed for current segment 
            private bool needSkipToken;
            /// Set to true if this node is the root node. 
            private bool isRoot;
            /// Set to true if this expand node and all its children represent a query which could be generated
            /// by the V1 version.
            /// This is used to generate queires compatible with V1 when the query is V1 compatible.
            private bool isV1Compatible; 

            /// Whether this segment should be projected into an expanded wrapper. 
            /// Segments require a wrapper because the model doesn't auto-wire 
            /// up (as in the EDM case), or because they have children with
            /// filters (and thus they need to project filtered children), 
            /// or because they have wrapped children (and thus they need
            /// to project the custom projected type).
            private bool requiresExpandedWrapper;
            /// List of all s possibly returned by this segment (before projections).
            /// The list is ordered such that if you imagine the tree of inheritance the root is always the first 
            /// item in the list. The rule is that for each two types A and B, 
            /// if A is ancestor in the inheritance hierarchy to B, then A goes before B. Types which don't have inheritance
            /// relationship (one is not the ancestor of the other) are in undefined order (we don't care). 
            /// The list represents the entire inheritance hierarchy of types which can appear in the given resource set
            /// for this segment.
            private List resourceTypes;
            /// List of properties to be projected on this segment.
            /// The list may hold several  instances with the same name. 
            /// In that case it means that there are different properties declared on different types in the inheritance 
            /// tree which have the same name. Only one of them can be an open property (without the ).
            /// We need multiple instances for the same property name in cases where the properties have differnt types.
            /// In that case we can't project them onto the same property on the 
            /// since some providers (for example Linq to Entities) would reject such query (the properties might have different
            /// CLR types and the provider might complain that we are projecting differnt types for the same property, although 
            /// in reality we always project into "object", the provides sometimes don't see that).
            /// If a property is to be projected, there's going to be an some instance of  
            /// which applies to every type the property can be projected on. If there's is no matching instance for a given
            /// type in the inheritance hierarchy it means that type can't project that property at all (and we project 
            /// null of the correct CLR type instead).
            /// The order in this list is important. It defines the order in which the properties are projected onto the
            /// ProjectedWrapper types. If a given property has index #i in this list it's going to be projected 
            /// as #ith ProjectedProperty on the ProjectedWrapper.
            /// If this field is null it means no projections are defined for this segment and thus the entire resource 
            /// should be returned from the query. If the field is non-null only the properties listed in it should be projected
            /// from the query. 
            /// We must store a full list of all properties possibly projected on all types in this segment. The reason is
            /// so that we can assign them unique indeces (the order of this list). Since after the projection we won't be able
            /// to refer to them by names anymore. After the projection we won't know which exact type the resource was 
            /// so we need a way to refer to the projected property without the knowledge of the exact type.
            private List projectedProperties; 
            /// Candidate set of properties to project.
            /// We fill this set as we go through all the different ways to determine 
            /// properties which need to be projected.
            /// Once we're done we will move the content of this set to the  list
            /// and this fix the order of the projected properties.
            /// We use a set since we want to speed up the process of finding duplicates as it can happen 
            /// quite often that we try to add the same property several times.
            /// During the phase where we build this set we use this field to mark nodes which require projection. 
            /// Nodes which have this field null don't require projections and will project the entire resource always. 
            private HashSet projectedPropertyCandidates;
            /// Set of names of open-properties we are to project.
            /// This is a companion set to the  set.
            /// We need this list to search for these properties on derived types, since if the property
            /// is actually declared on the derived type we need to add it as a declared property as well. 
            private HashSet projectedOpenPropertyNames;
            #endregion Private fields. 

            /// Initalizes a new . 
            /// Node being described.
            /// Provider for expansion flags and metadata.
            internal ExpandNode(ExpandedProjectionNode node, BasicExpandProvider provider)
                Debug.Assert(node != null, "node != null");
                Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null"); 
                this.Node = node; 
                this.expandProvider = provider;
                this.orderingInfo = this.Node.OrderingInfo; 
                this.needSkipToken = NeedSkipTokenVisitor.IsSkipTokenRequired(this.orderingInfo);
                this.children = new List();
                this.isV1Compatible = true;
                if (!node.ProjectAllProperties)
                    this.projectedPropertyCandidates = 
                        new HashSet(new ProjectedProperty.ProjectedPropertyEqualityComparer());
                    this.projectedOpenPropertyNames = new HashSet(StringComparer.Ordinal); 

            /// Provider with metadata for operations. 
            internal BasicExpandProvider ExpandProvider
                    return this.expandProvider; 

            /// Type to be projected for this node in the model (possibly wrapped). 
            internal Type ProjectedType
                    if (this.singleResult) 
                        return this.elementType;
                        return typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(this.elementType); 

            /// Ordering information needed for root node
            internal OrderingInfo OrderingInfo
                    return this.orderingInfo; 

            /// Description to initialize the wrapper with.
            internal string WrapperDescription
                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); 
                    foreach (var child in this.children)
                        if (result.Length > 0)


                    return result.ToString(); 

            /// The base resource type for this segmenr. 
            /// All resources reported by this segment will be of this or some of its derived types.
            internal ResourceType BaseResourceType 
                get { return this.Node.ResourceType; }

            /// Set to true if this expand node and all its children represent a query which could be generated
            /// by the V1 version.
            /// This is used to generate queires compatible with V1 when the query is V1 compatible. 
            internal bool IsV1Compatible
                get { return this.isV1Compatible; } 
            /// Returns true if this node requires a ExpandedWrapper to be used to represent the result.
            /// If both exapnede and projected wrappers are required we return ExpandedWrapper which stores
            /// the result element as a ProjectedWrapper.
            internal bool RequiresExpandedWrapper 
                get { return this.requiresExpandedWrapper; } 

            /// Returns true if this node requires a ProjectedWrapper to be used to represent the result. 
            /// If the node also requires an ExpandedWrapper then the actuall type fo the result will be
            /// the ExpandedWrapper with its ExpandedElement property of type ProjectedWrapper.
            private bool RequiresProjectedWrapper
                get { return this.projectedProperties != null; }
            /// Returns true if this node requires some kind of wrapper for its result.
            private bool RequiresWrapper 
                get { return this.RequiresExpandedWrapper || this.RequiresProjectedWrapper; }
            /// Returns true if this expansion will need standard paging applied.
            private bool NeedsStandardPaging 
                    return !this.singleResult &&
                           !this.isRoot &&
                           this.Node.OrderingInfo != null &&
            /// Builds a tree of  items and the list of projected properties on them.
            /// Expand provider for nodes. 
            /// The root projection node to start with.
            /// The newly create root expand node.
            internal static ExpandNode BuildExpansionAndProjectionTree(
                BasicExpandProvider provider, 
                ExpandedProjectionNode rootProjectionNode)
                Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(rootProjectionNode != null, "projection != null");
                // Create new root expand node
                ExpandNode expandNode = new ExpandNode(rootProjectionNode, provider);
                expandNode.isRoot = true;

                // And apply projections to it 

                return expandNode; 

            /// Creates children expand nodes for this node.
            internal void CreateChildren() 
                // On inner nodes - if the node uses projections or ordering (as that implies paging) it is not V1 compatible 
                if (!this.isRoot && (!this.Node.ProjectAllProperties || this.OrderingInfo != null)) 
                    this.isV1Compatible = false; 

                // Walk child expanded nodes and create our representation for them
                foreach (ProjectionNode node in this.Node.Nodes) 
                    ExpandedProjectionNode expandedProjectionNode = node as ExpandedProjectionNode; 
                    if (expandedProjectionNode != null) 
                        // Create new expand node 
                        ExpandNode expandNode = new ExpandNode(expandedProjectionNode, this.ExpandProvider);
                        this.isV1Compatible &= expandNode.isV1Compatible; 

            /// Adds the specified property to the list of projected properties on this node. 
            /// The  to project.
            internal void AddProjectedProperty(ResourceProperty property)
                this.AddProjectedProperty(property.Name, property); 
            /// Adds the specified property to the list of projected properties on this node. 
            /// The name of the property to project.
            /// The  to project, can be null for open-type properties. 
            internal void AddProjectedProperty(string propertyName, ResourceProperty property)
                this.projectedPropertyCandidates.Add(new ProjectedProperty(propertyName, property));
                if (property == null) 
            /// Finds a child  with the specified name.
            /// The name of the node (navigation property) for which to look.
            /// The child  or null if none was found.
            internal ExpandNode FindChild(string name) 
                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children) 
                    if (String.Equals(child.Node.PropertyName, name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        return child;
                return null;
            /// Applies projection segments onto the node creating list of projected properties
            /// and types for this node. It calls itself recursively to apply projections to the 
            /// entire subtree.
            internal void ApplyProjections()
                // If we are to project all properties for this segment, just leave it at the default 
                //   which is to not use projection wrapper for this segment.
                if (!this.Node.ProjectAllProperties) 
                    // Populate the list of resource types for this segment (in no particular order yet)
                    this.resourceTypes = new List(); 
                    if (this.ExpandProvider.Provider.HasDerivedTypes(this.BaseResourceType))
                    // Sort the list so that less inherited types are before more inherited ones 
                        new Comparison((x, y) => (x == y) ? 0 : (x.IsAssignableFrom(y) ? -1 : 1))); 

                    // First apply all projection segments (these are mandatory since they are required by the query)
                    foreach (ProjectionNode node in this.Node.Nodes)
                        if (node.Property == null || node.Property.TypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                            // Only project primitive, complex or open properites (as open properties are never nav. properties) 
                                !(node is ExpandedProjectionNode), 
                                "Projected simple, complex or open property must not be represented by expansion node.");
                            this.AddProjectedProperty(node.PropertyName, node.Property);
                            // It's a navigation property - try to find its expand segment 
                            ExpandedProjectionNode expandedProjectionNode = node as ExpandedProjectionNode; 
                            if (expandedProjectionNode != null)
                                // If we have an expand node for it, follow it
                                // But also add it to the list as we don't know if we will need to wrap it
                                // in the expand wrapper or not yet.
                                // If we are going to wrap this node (not the child) 
                                //   for expansions, we don't need to project the nav. property, as the expanded wrapper
                                //   will do that for us. So in that case we will remove the projection property from the list. 
                                // But if we're not going to wrap this node for expansion, we need the nav. property 
                                //   projected so that we can navigate over it (since we are expanding it).
                                // If we don't have an expand segment we "should" project the nav. property, 
                                //   but since there's no expand we don't actually need any value
                                //   to produce the result (which is just a link) 
                                //   so there's no need to actually project anything (we don't need to value to create the link). 
                                // So leave it out - serialization will not ask for it

                    // Add all Key properties since we will need them to generate the resource identity during serialization. 
                    // Note that we only need to walk them on the base type, derived types can't modify the list of key properties.
                    foreach (ResourceProperty keyProperty in this.BaseResourceType.KeyProperties) 

                    // Add all properties as required by the ordering info if paging is on and we will not explicitely project
                    //   this $skiptoken property. In this case we need the properties accessed by the OrderBy expression
                    //   to be projected so that the skiptoken can be generated from them during serialization. 
                    // Note that applying ordering info to projections migh affect projections on child nodes
                    //   but never the other way round. So first we apply ordering to the parent and then to children. 
                    //   This way we can fix the order of projected properties once we apply ordering on a given level. 
                    if (this.OrderingInfo != null && this.OrderingInfo.IsPaged && !this.needSkipToken)
                        foreach (OrderingExpression orderingExpression in this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions)
                            LambdaExpression lambda = (LambdaExpression)orderingExpression.Expression;
                            Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations = 
                                ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor.AnnotateExpression(lambda.Body, lambda.Parameters[0], this);
                                AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedProperties(lambda.Body, expandNodeAnnotations); 

                    // The IDataServiceStreamProvider API expects the full MLE instance.  If there exists an MLE type in the
                    // hierarchy, we need to query for the full of entities from the hierarchy. During serialization we will
                    // only serialize out the projected fields. 
                    bool foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy = false;
                    // Walk the list of types and infer projected properties as required by ETags and Epm. 
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes)
                        // Add all the ETag properties for this type since we will need them to generate ETag during serialization.
                        foreach (ResourceProperty etagProperty in this.ExpandProvider.Provider.GetETagProperties(this.Node.ResourceSetWrapper.Name, resourceType))
                        // Add all the Epm properties for this type since we will need them to be able to fill all the mappings 
                        //   during serialization.
                        if (resourceType.HasEntityPropertyMappings) 
                            foreach (EpmSourcePathSegment epmSegment in resourceType.EpmSourceTree.Root.SubProperties)
                                // Note that we intentionally add entire complex type properties and not the subproperties for those 
                                //   as we can't project just partial complex types. So even if the Epm needs just one property from
                                //   a complex type, the entire complex type will be projected. 
                                // Once we actually support projecting into the complex types (from the query) we might modify 
                                //   this here to project only the properties requried by Epm.
                                ResourceProperty property = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(epmSegment.PropertyName); 
                                this.AddProjectedProperty(epmSegment.PropertyName, property);
                        if (resourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                            foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy = true; 

                    // Walk the types again and resolve open-type properties
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes)
                        // Walk all the open properties we are to project and check if some of them is not declared on this type
                        foreach (string projectedOpenPropertyName in this.projectedOpenPropertyNames) 
                            ResourceProperty property = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(projectedOpenPropertyName);
                            // If the property is declared on this type, add the declared version as well.
                            if (property != null)
                                this.AddProjectedProperty(projectedOpenPropertyName, property); 

                    if (!foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy) 
                        // Now fix some arbitrary order of the properties (the order itself doesn't matter,
                        //   but it needs to be fixed as it determines the indeces for projected wrappers).
                        // This allows us to find the right ProjectedProperty on the projected wrapper 
                        //   for a given property.
                        this.projectedProperties = new List(this.projectedPropertyCandidates.Count); 
                        // We found an MLE type in the hierarchy.  We are intentionally throwing away the work done above in this method.
                        // The reason for doing this is methods on the IDataServiceStreamProvider API expects the full MLE instances.
                        // If this.projectedProperties is not null, the query we construct will come back with partial entities in 
                        // the form of ProjectedWrapper objects. And passing the ProjectedWrapper instances to the stream provider
                        // breaks the API contract. 
                        // By leaving this.projectedProperties null, the query we construct will retrieve the full MLE entity which we 
                        // can successfully pass to the stream provider.  During serialization we will only serialize out the projected
                        // properties. 
                        Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties == null, "By default the entire resource should be projected.");
                    Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties == null, "By default the entire resource should be projected."); 

                // Now walk child expanded nodes and apply projections to them as well 
                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
            /// ----ings type information given the specified type. 
            /// Type expected for enumeration.
            /// true if a single result is expected of this node; false otherwise. 
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "enumeratedType", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "singleResult", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
            internal void AssignTypeForExpected(Type enumeratedType, bool singleResult)
                this.enumeratedType = enumeratedType;
                this.singleResult = singleResult; 
                bool foundChildWithWrapper = false;
                bool foundChildWithFilter = false; 

                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
                    Debug.Assert(child.Node != null, "child.Segment != null -- only the root has a null segment"); 
                    ResourceProperty property = child.Node.Property;
                    if (property == null) 
                        throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BasicExpandProvider_ExpandNotSupportedForOpenProperties);

                    Type segmentType = property.ResourceType.InstanceType;
                    child.AssignTypeForExpected(segmentType, property.Kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference);
                    if (child.RequiresWrapper) 
                        foundChildWithWrapper = true; 

                    if (child.hasFilterWithin) 
                        foundChildWithFilter = true;

                // The segment node needs filter if either a filter is present or 
                // page size or max results is set when the result count is non-single 
                bool needFilterForSelf = !this.isRoot &&
                                        (this.Node.Filter != null || (this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue && !this.singleResult)); 

                this.hasFilterWithin = needFilterForSelf || foundChildWithFilter;

                this.requiresExpandedWrapper = 
                    this.needSkipToken ||                   // We wrap to project $skiptoken expressions
                    foundChildWithWrapper ||                // We wrap to project custom types. 
                    foundChildWithFilter ||                 // We wrap to project filtered results. 
                    (!this.ExpandProvider.expanded && this.children.Count > 0); // We wrap to implement expansion.
                if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                    foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
                        // If the child was projected explicitely (has projection segment)
                        // remove it from the list of projected properties as we're going to use expanded wrapper to project it 
                        if (this.projectedProperties != null) 
                            int projectedPropertyIndex = this.GetProjectedPropertyIndex(child.Node.Property); 
                            if (projectedPropertyIndex != -1)
                                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "The parent segment must use projected wrapper, if some of its children where projected explicitely.");
                                // Note that this changes the order of projected properties
                                //   but we shouldn't have used that yet anyway. 

                if (this.RequiresWrapper) 
                    this.elementType = this.enumeratedType;
            /// Builds the projection to apply expansion for the specified .
            /// Query to build for. 
            /// A new query with the expansions performed inside. 
            internal IQueryable BuildProjectionQuery(IQueryable query)
                Debug.Assert(query != null, "query != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.isRoot, "BuildProjectionQuery is being called on a non-root node.");
                MethodCallExpression call = this.BuildProjectionExpression(query.Expression) as MethodCallExpression;
                // Sometimes in reflection scenarios, the projection simply results in the original expression being returned
                // back because the whole graph is already present in memory, for such cases we simply return the original query 
                if (call != null && !this.singleResult && this.RequiresWrapper) 
                        call.Method.Name == "Select",
                        call.Method.Name + " == 'Select' -- otherwise last expression must be a .Select projection.");
                    LambdaExpression selector = call.Arguments[1].NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote ?
                                                (LambdaExpression)((UnaryExpression)call.Arguments[1]).Operand : 
                    return RequestUriProcessor.InvokeSelectForTypes(query, this.elementType, selector); 
                    return query;
            /// Returns the index of the projected property.
            /// The property to look for. 
            /// The index of the projected property. This is the index under which the property 
            /// was projected into the ProjectedWrapper.
            internal int GetProjectedPropertyIndex(ResourceProperty property) 
                Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties != null, "Trying to find a projected property when no projections were applied.");
                return this.projectedProperties.FindIndex(
                    projectedProperty => projectedProperty.Property == property); 

            /// Creates a LambdaExpression and can be used when the delegate type is not known at compile time.
            /// A Type that represents a delegate type.
            /// An Expression to set the Body property equal to. 
            /// An IEnumerable<T> that contains ParameterExpression objects to use to populate the Parameters collection.
            /// An object that represents a lambda expression which has the NodeType property equal to Lambda and the 
            /// Body and Parameters properties set to the specified values.
            private static LambdaExpression BuildLambdaExpression(Type delegateType, Expression body, IEnumerable parameters)
                Debug.Assert(delegateType != null, "delegateType != null");
                Debug.Assert(body != null, "body != null"); 
                return Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters);
            /// Checks whether the specified method is the IEnumerable.Select() with Func`T,T2.
            /// Method to check. 
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise.
            private static bool IsMethodEnumerableSelect(MethodInfo m)
                return IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(m, "Select"); 
            /// Checks whether the specified method is the IEnumerable.Where() with Func`T,bool. 
            /// Method to check.
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise. 
            private static bool IsMethodEnumerableWhere(MethodInfo m)
                return IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(m, "Where");

            /// Checks whether the specified method takes a Func`T,bool as its second argument. 
            /// Method to check. 
            /// Expected name of method.
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise. 
            private static bool IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(MethodInfo m, string name)
                Debug.Assert(m != null, "m != null");
                Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)"); 
                if (m.Name == name)
                    ParameterInfo[] p = m.GetParameters(); 
                    if (p != null &&
                        p.Length == 2 && 
                        p[0].ParameterType.IsGenericType &&
                        Type functionParameter = p[1].ParameterType; 
                        return functionParameter.IsGenericType && functionParameter.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2;

                return false; 

            /// Create the accessor expression for a property (both CLR and late-bound) 
            /// Expression representing the instance on which to access a property 
            /// The  of the  on which to access the property. 
            /// The  to access.
            /// If set to true, nulls should be propagated through the property accesses, 
            /// this means that if the source is null, the result will evaluate to null without accessing the property.
            /// If set to false the property is accessed directly.
            /// An expression to access a property (singleton or set). The returned expression will always
            /// have the CLR type of the property being accessed. 
            private static Expression AccessProperty(Expression source, ResourceType resourceType, ResourceProperty property, bool nullPropagationRequired)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(resourceType != null, "resourceType != null");
                Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(resourceType.InstanceType.IsAssignableFrom(source.Type), "Trying to access a property on expression of a wrong type.");

                Expression expression;
                if (property.CanReflectOnInstanceTypeProperty) 
                    expression = Expression.Property(source, resourceType.GetPropertyInfo(property)); 
                    if (property.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference)
                        MethodInfo getter = DataServiceProviderMethods.GetSequenceValueMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(property.ResourceType.InstanceType);
                        expression = Expression.Call(null /* instance */, getter, source, Expression.Constant(property)); 
                        expression = Expression.Call(
                            null /*instance*/, 
                        expression = Expression.Convert(expression, property.Type); 
                if (nullPropagationRequired)
                    // If the expression is of a primitive type (for example int)
                    //   we need to change its type to Nullable so that if the source is null
                    //   we can return null.
                    if (!WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(expression.Type)) 
                        expression = Expression.Convert(expression, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(expression.Type)); 

                    expression = Expression.Condition( 
                        Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)),
                        Expression.Constant(null, expression.Type),

                Debug.Assert(property.Type.IsAssignableFrom(expression.Type), "The returned expression is not of the type of the property being accessed."); 
                return expression; 
            /// Create the accessor expression for an open property
            /// Expression representing the instance on which to access a property 
            /// The name of the property to access.
            /// An expression to access a property. This always returns an expression of type System.Object. 
            private static Expression AccessOpenProperty(Expression source, string propertyName) 
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(propertyName != null, "propertyName != null");

                Expression expression = Expression.Call(
                    null /*instance*/, 
                Debug.Assert(expression.Type == typeof(object), "Open properties should always return 'object' type.");
                return expression;

            /// Creates a  expression that binds an expression to the named property.
            /// The type to look for the property on. 
            /// Name of property on the element type.
            /// Source expression for property. 
            /// A  expression that binds an expression to the named property.
            private static MemberAssignment BindByName(Type type, string propertyName, Expression source) 
                Debug.Assert(propertyName != null, "propertyName != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                MemberInfo member = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
                return Expression.Bind(member, source); 

            /// Applies the segment filter to the specified expression.
            /// Expression to apply filter on. 
            /// The expression with the filter applied.
            private Expression ApplySegmentFilter(Expression expression) 
                // Collections filter with .Where, and singletons conditionally evaluate to null.
                Type expressionElementType = 
                    this.singleResult ?
                    expression.Type :
                if (!this.isRoot)
                    if (this.singleResult && this.Node.Filter != null) 
                        LambdaExpression filterLambda = (LambdaExpression)this.Node.Filter; 
                        expression = RequestQueryProcessor.ComposePropertyNavigation(
                            expression, filterLambda, this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired);
                    else if (!this.singleResult) 
                        // The filter should be applied before the .Take operation. 
                        if (this.Node.Filter != null) 
                            MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.WhereMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType); 
                            Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { expression, this.Node.Filter };
                            expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);
                        // If top level MaxResults configuration setting is on, we only request 1 more than max results limit
                        if (this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue && this.Node.ResourceSetWrapper.PageSize == 0) 
                            MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.TakeMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType);
                            ConstantExpression count = Expression.Constant((int)this.Node.MaxResultsExpected + 1, typeof(int)); 
                            Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { expression, count };
                            expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);
                return expression; 
            /// Builds the projection for this segment.
            /// Expected expression for this segment if it had no filtering or wrapping.
            /// The expression for this segment, possibly a filter and/or wrapped version of
            /// . 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpression(Expression expression)
                Debug.Assert(expression != null, "expression != null"); 
                expression = this.ApplySegmentFilter(expression);
                expression = this.ApplyOrderTakeOnInnerSegment(expression); 

                // If this segment requires a wrapper, project its child properties by passing
                // the expression for the property as the parameter.
                if (this.RequiresWrapper) 
                    Type expressionElementType = 
                        this.singleResult ? 
                        expression.Type :

                    Expression parameter = this.singleResult ? expression : Expression.Parameter(expressionElementType, "p");
                    Expression body;
                    if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper) 
                        body = this.BuildProjectionExpressionForExpandedWrapper(parameter); 
                        Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "this.RequiresProjectedWrapper");
                        body = this.BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper(parameter);
                    if (this.singleResult)
                        expression = body; 
                        Expression source = expression;
                        Type[] typeArguments = new Type[] { parameter.Type, body.Type };
                        Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeArguments); 
                        LambdaExpression selector = BuildLambdaExpression(delegateType, body, new ParameterExpression[] { (ParameterExpression)parameter });
                        Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { source, selector }; 
                        MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.SelectMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType, this.elementType); 
                        expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);

                return expression;

            /// Builds projection expression which projects the result as ExpandedWrapper to enable 
            /// on-demand expansion of navigation properties. 
            /// Expression which evaluates to the element from which to project.
            /// Projection expression which projects the result as ExpandedWrapper. 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpressionForExpandedWrapper(Expression source)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresExpandedWrapper, "this.RequiresExpandedWrapper"); 

                MemberBinding[] bindings = new MemberBinding[this.children.Count + 2 + (this.needSkipToken ? 1 : 0)]; 
                bindings[0] = BindByName( 
                bindings[1] = BindByName(this.elementType, "Description", Expression.Constant(this.WrapperDescription));
                for (int i = 0; i < this.children.Count; i++)
                    ExpandNode node = this.children[i];
                    // If we need to perform null checks (null propagation is required) we need to do the null check 
                    //   on the outer level around any possible Select/OrderBy/ThenBy/Take calls possibly generated
                    //   by the BuildProjectionExpression. 
                    Expression propertyAccess = node.BuildProjectionExpression(
                    // We need to check for null in cases where the source can be null.
                    // That is if the source represents a single result (in which case it represents a nav. property 
                    //   which may be null). It can also happen if the source is the root, in which case URI path
                    //   may have specified single result wrapper in an enumerable, but that result can be null.
                    //   (for example /Customers(0)/BestFriend?$expand...)
                    // Note that it is possible to get null on !singleResult but only on the root level (this.isRoot). 
                    //   We don't perform the null check in that case since that is our behavior in V1
                    //   and we want to remain 100% backward compatible. 
                    if (this.singleResult && this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired) 
                        // Need to make sure the result type is nullable. 
                        // But expanded properties are always of entity type or projected/expanded wrappers which all
                        //   are reference types and thus nullables.
                            "Expanded property should be projected into a nullable type.");
                        // We are to project a null. Some providers don't support projecting null of arbitrary type 
                        //   (for example Linq to Entities) so we will assume that providers which require null propagation
                        //   are able to project arbitrary typed nulls and providers which don't want null propagation 
                        //   don't support projecting arbitrary typed nulls.
                        //   In this case the provider already requested null propagation, so it better support projecting
                        //   arbitrary typed null.
                        // We may end up projecting null as a value of ResourceSetReference property. This can in theory break 
                        //   the serializers as they expect a non-null (possibly empty) IEnumerable instead. But note that
                        //   if we project null here, we also project null into the ExpandedElement property 
                        //   (see the same conditional expression in BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper) 
                        //   and thus the serializers will recognize this value as null and won't try to expand its properties.
                        //   (Note that there's an assert in the serializers which verifies, that for ResourceSetReference 
                        //   properties they do get non-null IEnumerable if they need to).
                        propertyAccess = Expression.Condition(
                            Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)),
                            Expression.Constant(null, propertyAccess.Type), 
                    bindings[i + 2] = BindByName(
                        "ProjectedProperty" + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                if (this.needSkipToken)
                    Debug.Assert(!this.singleResult, "We don't need sorting for single results"); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.orderingInfo != null, "Must have ordering info to require skip token");
                    Type projectedSkipTokenType = this.elementType.GetGenericArguments().Skip(this.children.Count + 1).First();

                    MemberBinding[] skipTokenPropertyBindings = new MemberBinding[this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count + 2];
                    skipTokenPropertyBindings[0] = BindByName(projectedSkipTokenType, "ExpandedElement", Expression.Constant((string)null, typeof(string))); 
                    StringBuilder skipTokenDescription = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count; i++) 
                        skipTokenDescription.Append(XmlConstants.SkipTokenPropertyPrefix + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Append(",");
                        LambdaExpression orderLamba = (LambdaExpression)this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions[i].Expression;
                        Expression orderExpression = ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(orderLamba.Body, orderLamba.Parameters[0], source);
                        MemberInfo member = projectedSkipTokenType.GetProperty("ProjectedProperty" + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        skipTokenPropertyBindings[i + 2] = Expression.Bind(member, orderExpression); 
                    skipTokenPropertyBindings[1] = BindByName(projectedSkipTokenType, "Description", Expression.Constant(skipTokenDescription.Remove(skipTokenDescription.Length - 1, 1).ToString())); 

                    Expression skipTokenBody = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(projectedSkipTokenType), skipTokenPropertyBindings); 

                    bindings[1] = BindByName(
                        Expression.Constant((this.WrapperDescription.Length == 0 ? "" : (this.WrapperDescription + ",")) + XmlConstants.HttpQueryStringSkipToken));
                    bindings[this.children.Count + 2] = BindByName(this.elementType, "ProjectedProperty" + this.children.Count.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), skipTokenBody); 

                return Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(this.elementType), bindings); 

            /// Builds projection expression which projects all properties which we need
            /// based on active projections for this node. It uses ProjectedWrapper if necessary. 
            /// Expression which evaluates to the element from which to project the properties.
            /// Projection expression which projects all required properties from the . 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper(Expression source) 
                Debug.Assert(!this.RequiresProjectedWrapper || this.projectedProperties != null, "Must have a list of projected properties if projection wrapper is required."); 
                if (!this.RequiresProjectedWrapper)
                    // Project everything - so do not use any wrapper
                    return source; 
                    Type projectedWrapperType = ProjectedWrapper.GetProjectedWrapperType(this.projectedProperties.Count);
                    // This holds the expression built so far (for all the types walked so far)
                    Expression expression = null;

                    Debug.Assert(this.resourceTypes != null, "We should have filled a list of resource types already."); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.resourceTypes.Count > 0, "We should have at least the base type filled.");
                    // Walk the list of resource types (starting with the base and in the inheritance order) 
                    //   and generate the "(resource is Type) ? new ProjectedWrapper() { ... } : nextTypeExpr" expression
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes) 
                        // Prepare the bindings for the particular type
                        StringBuilder propertyNameList = new StringBuilder();
                        Expression[] bindingExpressions = new Expression[this.projectedProperties.Count + 2]; 
                        for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < this.projectedProperties.Count; propertyIndex++)
                            ProjectedProperty projectedProperty = this.projectedProperties[propertyIndex]; 
                            ResourceProperty resourceProperty = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(projectedProperty.Name);
                            Expression sourceExpression = Expression.TypeAs(source, resourceType.InstanceType);

                            // Now we need to decide if we are going to project the property or not (for this type).
                            // The rules are: 
                            // - If the projectedProperty is for a declared property (Property != null)
                            //   - If we found "a" declared property of the same name on the current type 
                            //     - If the declared properties are the same -> project the property (non-open) 
                            //     - Else the properties are different and thus potentially of different types -> don't project
                            //   - Else the type doesn't have such property, so don't project it 
                            // - Else the projectedProperty is for an open property (Property == null)
                            //   - If we found "a" declared property of the same name on the current type -> don't project
                            //     we will project that property as a declared property instead (it should be in the list already).
                            //   - Else no such property declared on the type -> project it as an open property. 
                            Expression propertyAccess = null;
                            if (projectedProperty.Property != null) 
                                if (resourceProperty != null)
                                    if (resourceProperty == projectedProperty.Property)
                                        // Project as declared property (non-open)
                                        propertyAccess = AccessProperty(sourceExpression, resourceType, resourceProperty, false); 

                                        // We must cast to nullable as we don't always project the specified property 
                                        //   and thus we must be able to project a null for it instead. 
                                        if (!WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(propertyAccess.Type))
                                            propertyAccess = Expression.Convert(propertyAccess, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(resourceProperty.Type));
                                if (resourceProperty == null && resourceType.IsOpenType)
                                    // Project as open property - if the type is open that is
                                    propertyAccess = AccessOpenProperty(sourceExpression, projectedProperty.Name);

                            if (propertyIndex > 0) 

                            // If we haven't projected anything yet, project null instead
                            if (propertyAccess == null)
                                if (projectedProperty.Property != null)
                                    // Strongly typed null if we have a declared property 
                                    propertyAccess = Expression.Constant(null, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(projectedProperty.Property.Type));
                                    // Open type null for open properties
                                    propertyAccess = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(object)); 
                                // We haven't projected the property, so don't include it in the property name list (basically mark this 
                                //   ProjectedProperty as "not in use").
                                // We have projected the property, so include its name in the projected wrapper's property name list
                            // For some providers we need to cast to object now since we are projecting into a property of type object. 
                            if (this.ExpandProvider.castToObject && propertyAccess.Type != typeof(object))
                                propertyAccess = Expression.Convert(propertyAccess, typeof(object));

                            bindingExpressions[propertyIndex + 2] = propertyAccess; 
#if DEBUG 
                            // Verification of projections 
                            // We should have projected each name exactly once (other occurences of the same name should be not-used slots)
                            string[] propertyNames = propertyNameList.ToString().Split(',');
                            foreach (string projectedPropertyName in projectedProperties.Select(p => p.Name).Distinct(StringComparer.Ordinal))
                                // It is possible for properties on derived types not to be projected at all
                                // on the base type (for example). That's why it can happen that some names won't be in the list at all. 
                                Debug.Assert(propertyNames.Where(name => name == projectedPropertyName).Count() <= 1, 
                                    "Each property name to be projected must be listed in the property name list at most once.");

                        // The ResourceTypeName property 
                        // If the provider doesn't require null propagation
                        //   it also means (at least we assume) that it can't project arbitrary typed null 
                        //   So instead of projecting (ProjectedWrapper)null, we use a small trick where we project 
                        //   and empty string as the type name of the ProjectedWrapper. Later during serialization
                        //   we then recognize this and treat such ProjectedWrapper instance as null. 
                        if (!this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired)
                            bindingExpressions[0] = Expression.Condition(
                                    Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)), 
                                Expression.Constant(string.Empty, typeof(string)), 
                                Expression.Constant(resourceType.FullName, typeof(string)));
                            bindingExpressions[0] = Expression.Constant(resourceType.FullName, typeof(string));

                        // The PropertyNameList property 
                        bindingExpressions[1] = Expression.Constant(propertyNameList.ToString()); 

                        Expression initExpression = Expression.MemberInit( 
                            ProjectedWrapper.Bind(bindingExpressions, projectedWrapperType));

                        if (expression == null) 
                            expression = initExpression; 
                            // Generate the (source is resourceType) ? new ProjectedWrapper() { resourceType... } : expression
                            Expression typeIsExpression = this.ExpandProvider.Provider.IsV1Provider ?
                                (Expression)Expression.TypeIs(source, resourceType.InstanceType) :
                            Debug.Assert(typeIsExpression.Type == typeof(bool), "The type test expression should be of type bool."); 
                            expression = Expression.Condition(typeIsExpression, initExpression, expression);

                        Debug.Assert(expression.Type == projectedWrapperType, "The projection expression is of a wrong type."); 
                    Debug.Assert(expression != null, "We should have generated some projection expression."); 

                    // If this node represents a single result we need to make sure that we project "null" 
                    //   if the source of the projection was null
                    if (this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired)
                        Debug.Assert(WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(expression.Type), "We should only project types which are nullable."); 
                        expression = Expression.Condition(
                            Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)), 
                            Expression.Constant(null, expression.Type), 

                    return expression;

            /// Applies OrderBy/ThenBy and Take on inner segments 
            /// Input expression 
            /// Output expression with OrderBy/Take possibly added to it
            private Expression ApplyOrderTakeOnInnerSegment(Expression expression)
                if (this.NeedsStandardPaging) 
                    // Since not a single result, infer element type from enumerable 
                    Type expressionElementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                    ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(expressionElementType, "p"); 

                    bool first = true;

                    // Order the segment based on OrderingInfo provided in ExpandSegment. 
                    Debug.Assert(this.OrderingInfo.IsPaged, "Paging should be enabled for current segment.");
                    foreach (OrderingExpression oi in this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions) 
                        string chosenFunction = first == true ? (oi.IsAscending ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending") : (oi.IsAscending ? "ThenBy" : "TheyByDescending");
                        LambdaExpression orderLambda = (LambdaExpression)oi.Expression; 

                        Expression updatedOrderingBody = ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(
                        expression = Expression.Call( 
                                        new Type[] { expressionElementType, updatedOrderingBody.Type },
                                        Expression.Lambda(updatedOrderingBody, parameter));
                        first = false; 
                    // Ask for PageSize number of elements. 
                    Debug.Assert(this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue, "Paging is on for this node, so it should have the MaxResultsExpected set as well.");
                    return Expression.Call( 
                                    new Type[] { expressionElementType },
                                    Expression.Constant(this.Node.MaxResultsExpected, typeof(int)));
                return expression;

            /// Sets the expanded wrapper element type on this node.
            private void SetWrapperElementType()
                // Build a wrapper of the required cardinality.
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresWrapper, "this.RequiresWrapper -- otherwise no need to call SetWrapperElementType"); 
                if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                    // 1 ExpandedElement type + * each expanded child's type + 1? $skiptoken type
                    Type[] typeArguments = new Type[1 + this.children.Count + (this.needSkipToken ? 1 : 0)];
                    int typeArgumentIndex = 0;
                    typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = this.RequiresProjectedWrapper ? this.GetProjectedWrapperType() : this.enumeratedType;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.children.Count; i++) 
                        typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = this.children[i].ProjectedType; 

                    if (this.needSkipToken)
                        Debug.Assert(this.OrderingInfo != null, "Must have ordering info to require a skip token");
                        Type[] skipTokenTypes = new Type[this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count + 1]; 

                        // We don't use the ExpandedElement on the $skiptoken value, 
                        // so we'll project a null string always (roundtrips better then null object)
                        skipTokenTypes[0] = typeof(string);
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count; i++)
                            skipTokenTypes[i + 1] = ((LambdaExpression)this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions[i].Expression).Body.Type;
                        typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = WebUtil.GetWrapperType(skipTokenTypes, Strings.BasicExpandProvider_SDP_UnsupportedOrderingExpressionBreadth);

                    this.elementType = WebUtil.GetWrapperType(typeArguments, Strings.BasicExpandProvider_UnsupportedExpandBreadth);
                    this.elementType = this.GetProjectedWrapperType(); 
            /// Returns the projected wrapper element type on this node.
            /// The type of the projected wrapper used for this node.
            private Type GetProjectedWrapperType()
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "The node must have some projections for it to use projected wrapper.");
                return ProjectedWrapper.GetProjectedWrapperType(this.projectedProperties.Count); 
        #region ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor
        /// Expression tree visitor which annotates the tree with s.
        /// Given expression is annotated with  if it evaluates
        /// to an instance of the resource which belongs to the resource set represented by the . 
        /// For example in query /Customers?$expand=BestFriend all expressions which evaluate to
        /// customer.BestFriend will be annotated with the  representing the expanded 
        /// BestFriend nav. property. 
        /// This visitor doesn't modify the expression tree at all.
        internal class ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor : PropertyAccessVisitor 
            /// The parameter expression which is the parameter for the expression tree and evaluates to
            /// the resource instances.
            private ParameterExpression parameter; 

            ///  into which belongs the resource which the  
            /// evaluates to. 
            private ExpandNode parameterExpandNode;
            /// The created annotations.
            /// Annotations are stored as a dictionary where the expression is the key and the value is the
            /// .
            /// Note that since this annotation is entirely computed out of the subtree and not from the parents 
            /// of the expression subtree it is safe to annotate like this.
            /// Even if a given expression is referenced multiple times from the same tree its annotation 
            /// will be the same in all cases. 
            private Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations;
            /// Constructor
            /// The parameter expression which evaluates to the resource.
            /// The  into which the resource from
            ///  belongs to. 
            private ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor(ParameterExpression parameter, ExpandNode parameterExpandNode)
                this.parameter = parameter; 
                this.parameterExpandNode = parameterExpandNode;
                this.expandNodeAnnotations = new Dictionary(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); 

            /// Annotates specified expression with the respective s.
            /// The expression to annotate. 
            /// The parameter expression which evaluates to the base resource instance.
            /// The  which represents the base resource set. 
            /// Annotations stored as a dictionary. 
            /// The expression is not modified at all.
            internal static Dictionary AnnotateExpression( 
                Expression expression,
                ParameterExpression parameter,
                ExpandNode parameterExpandNode)
                ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor visitor = new ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor(parameter, parameterExpandNode);
                return visitor.expandNodeAnnotations; 
            /// Visits a conditional node in the expression tree.
            /// The conditional expression to process.
            /// Possibly new conditional expression with which to replace the  in the tree with.
            /// This class needs to override this method since it needs to "merge" the  annotations 
            /// from the true and false branches of the conditional expression.
            /// It assumes that only one branch will actually have some annotation. 
            internal override Expression VisitConditional(ConditionalExpression c) 
                ExpandNode trueAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(c.IfTrue);
                ExpandNode falseAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(c.IfFalse);

                if (trueAnnotation == null || falseAnnotation == null) 
                    if (trueAnnotation != null || falseAnnotation != null) 
                        this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(c, trueAnnotation != null ? trueAnnotation : falseAnnotation);
                    Debug.Assert(trueAnnotation == falseAnnotation, "True and False branches of a conditional expression have different asigned expand nodes."); 
                return c; 
            /// UnaryExpression visit method
            /// The UnaryExpression expression to visit
            /// The visited UnaryExpression expression 
            /// This method simply propagates the annotation from the operand of the unary expression 
            /// to the unary expression itself.
            internal override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression u) 
                switch (u.NodeType)
                    case ExpressionType.Convert:
                    case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked: 
                    case ExpressionType.Quote:
                    case ExpressionType.TypeAs: 
                        ExpandNode operandAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(u.Operand); 
                        if (operandAnnotation != null)
                            this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(u, operandAnnotation);


                return u; 

            /// ParameterExpression visit method
            /// The ParameterExpression expression to visit 
            /// The visited ParameterExpression expression 
            internal override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression p) 
                if (p == this.parameter)
                    this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(p, this.parameterExpandNode);

                return p; 
            /// Dervied class will override them method to process any property accesses found in the tree. 
            /// The name of the property being accessed.
            /// The expression on which the property is being accessed. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true, the  is null and the method
            /// changed this parameter, the caller will replace the operand in the original property
            /// access with the new expression provided in this parameter. The way the property is accessed 
            /// and its name remains the same.
            /// The entire expression of the property access. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter. 
            /// If the method returns true and this parameter is not null the caller will replace the entire
            /// property access expression with the new one passed in this parameter. 
            /// If the method returns false it means that it is not interested in this property access,
            /// and the processing of the tree will continue by examining the children of the property access expression.
            /// If the method returns true the caller looks at the returned value of .
            /// If it is not-null it will replace the entire property access expression with it. 
            /// If it's null it will just replace the operand of the property access with the .
            /// If the implementation wants to skip this property access without modification it should return true 
            /// and not modify the ref parameters. 
            /// If the method returns true the caller will not continue walking the children of the property
            /// access expression. It's the responsibility of the implementation to do so if it requires such 
            /// functionality.
            protected override bool ProcessPropertyAccess(string propertyName, ref Expression operandExpression, ref Expression accessExpression)

                ExpandNode operandExpandNode = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(operandExpression); 
                if (operandExpandNode != null) 
                    ExpandNode childExpandNode = operandExpandNode.FindChild(propertyName); 
                    if (childExpandNode != null)
                        this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(accessExpression, childExpandNode);
                return true; 
            /// Helper method to determine annotation for a given expression.
            /// Expression to determine annotation for.
            /// Annotation for the  or null if no annotation was found.
            private ExpandNode GetExpandNodeAnnotation(Expression expression) 
                ExpandNode annotation; 
                if (this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(expression, out annotation)) 
                    return annotation; 
                    return null; 
            /// Helper method to set an annotation for a given expression.
            /// Expression to set an annotation on. 
            /// The annotation to set.
            private void SetExpandNodeAnnotation(Expression expression, ExpandNode annotation)
#if DEBUG 
                ExpandNode existingAnnotation;
                this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(expression, out existingAnnotation); 
                Debug.Assert(existingAnnotation == null || existingAnnotation == annotation, "Same expression can't have two different assigned expand nodes."); 
                this.expandNodeAnnotations[expression] = annotation; 
        #region AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor
        /// Expression tree visitor which finds all property accesses and marks the affected properties 
        /// for projection. 
        /// The visitor doesn't change the expression tree at all.
        /// Visitor recognizes all ways a WCF Data Services uses to access properties. 
        internal class AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor : PropertyAccessVisitor
            /// Annotations for the specified expression tree.
            private Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations; 

            /// Constructor 
            /// Annotation to use. 
            private AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor(
                Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations) 
                this.expandNodeAnnotations = expandNodeAnnotations;
            /// Inspects the specified  using the 
            /// and adds all accessed properties to the list of candidates for projection on their respective 
            /// s. 
            /// The expression to inspect.
            /// Annotation for the  computed 
            /// as a result of .
            internal static void AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedProperties(
                Expression expression,
                Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations) 
                AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor visitor = 
                    new AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor(expandNodeAnnotations); 

            /// Dervied class will override them method to process any property accesses found in the tree.
            /// The name of the property being accessed.
            /// The expression on which the property is being accessed. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true, the  is null and the method 
            /// changed this parameter, the caller will replace the operand in the original property 
            /// access with the new expression provided in this parameter. The way the property is accessed
            /// and its name remains the same. 
            /// The entire expression of the property access.
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true and this parameter is not null the caller will replace the entire
            /// property access expression with the new one passed in this parameter. 
            /// If the method returns false it means that it is not interested in this property access,
            /// and the processing of the tree will continue by examining the children of the property access expression. 
            /// If the method returns true the caller looks at the returned value of . 
            /// If it is not-null it will replace the entire property access expression with it.
            /// If it's null it will just replace the operand of the property access with the . 
            /// If the implementation wants to skip this property access without modification it should return true
            /// and not modify the ref parameters.
            /// If the method returns true the caller will not continue walking the children of the property
            /// access expression. It's the responsibility of the implementation to do so if it requires such 
            /// functionality.
            protected override bool ProcessPropertyAccess(string propertyName, ref Expression operandExpression, ref Expression accessExpression) 
                ExpandNode operandExpandNode;
                if (this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(operandExpression, out operandExpandNode))
                    ResourceProperty property = operandExpandNode.BaseResourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(propertyName); 
                    operandExpandNode.AddProjectedProperty(propertyName, property);
                return true;

        #endregion Inner types. 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//      Provides a helper class to implement $expand functionality
//      with filters by rewriting queries and implementing custom 
//      result enumerators. 
// @owner  [....]

namespace System.Data.Services.Providers 
    #region Namespaces. 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Data.Services.Client;
    using System.Data.Services.Common;
    using System.Data.Services.Internal; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Linq; 
    using System.Linq.Expressions; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Text; 

    #endregion Namespaces.

    /// Provides a helper class to implement $expand functionality
    /// with filters by rewriting queries and implementing custom 
    /// result enumerators. 
    internal class BasicExpandProvider : IProjectionProvider 
        #region Private fields.

        /// Queryable.OrderBy method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo OrderByMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "OrderBy" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.ThenBy method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo ThenByMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "ThenBy" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Queryable.OrderByDescending method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo OrderByDescendingMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable) 
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "OrderByDescending" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Queryable.ThenByDescending method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo ThenByDescendingMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "ThenByDescending" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.Skip method info 
        private static readonly MethodInfo SkipMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable) 
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "Skip" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2); 

        /// Queryable.Take method info
        private static readonly MethodInfo TakeMethodInfo = typeof(Queryable)
                                          .First(m => m.Name == "Take" && m.IsGenericMethod == true && m.GetParameters().Count() == 2);
        /// Whether all values are automatically expanded in the model. 
        private readonly bool expanded;
        /// Whether the provider of the IQueryable requires usage
        /// casts to System.Object when assigning to properties of that type/
        /// For example Linq to Entities requires us not to cast here as it only supports
        /// casting of primitive types. On the other hand Linq to Objects requires casting 
        /// since otherwise it would generate wrong IL.
        private readonly bool castToObject; 
        /// Full provider.
        private readonly DataServiceProviderWrapper provider; 

        #endregion Private fields.

        /// Initializes a new  instance. 
        /// Full provider.
        /// Whether all values are automatically expanded in the model. 
        /// Whether the provider of the IQueryable requires usage 
        /// casts to System.Object when assigning to properties of that type.
        /// For example Linq to Entities requires us not to cast here as it only supports 
        /// casting of primitive types. On the other hand Linq to Objects requires casting
        /// since otherwise it would generate wrong IL.
        internal BasicExpandProvider(DataServiceProviderWrapper provider, bool expanded, bool castToObject)
            Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null");
            this.provider = provider; 
            this.expanded = expanded; 
            this.castToObject = castToObject;

        /// Provider for metadata.
        internal DataServiceProviderWrapper Provider
            get { return this.provider; }
        /// Applies expansions and projections to the specified .
        ///  object to expand and apply projections to. 
        /// The root node of the tree which describes
        /// the projections and expansions to be applied to the .
        /// An  object, with the results including 
        /// the expansions and projections specified in .
        /// The returned  may implement the  interface
        /// to provide enumerable objects for the expansions; otherwise, the expanded 
        /// information is expected to be found directly in the enumerated objects. If paging is
        /// requested by providing a non-empty list in .OrderingInfo then
        /// it is expected that the topmost  would have a $skiptoken property
        /// which will be an  in itself and each of it's sub-properties will 
        /// be named SkipTokenPropertyXX where XX represents numbers in increasing order starting from 0. Each of
        /// SkipTokenPropertyXX properties will be used to generated the $skiptoken to support paging. 
        /// If projections are required, the provider may choose to return  
        /// which returns instances of . In that case property values are determined
        /// by calling the  method instead of 
        /// accessing properties of the returned object directly.
        /// If both expansion and projections are required, the provider may choose to return 
        /// of  which in turn returns  from its
        ///  property. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)] 
        public IQueryable ApplyProjections( 
            IQueryable source,
            ProjectionNode projection) 
            Debug.Assert(projection is RootProjectionNode, "We always get the special root node.");
            RootProjectionNode rootNode = (RootProjectionNode)projection;
            ExpandNode root = ExpandNode.BuildExpansionAndProjectionTree(this, rootNode);
            bool queryIsV1Compatible = 
                root.IsV1Compatible && 
                this.provider.IsV1Provider &&
                !rootNode.ProjectionsSpecified && 

            root.AssignTypeForExpected(source.ElementType, false /* singleResult */);
            // The new way is to have OrderBy before any Select
            if (!queryIsV1Compatible) 
                source = ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultBeforeProjections(

            IQueryable query = root.BuildProjectionQuery(source); 
            // The old way is to have OrderBy after Select (this is here for backward compat)
            if (queryIsV1Compatible) 
                query = ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultAfterProjection(
            if (!WebUtil.IsExpandedWrapperType(query.ElementType))
                // If we don't use ExpandedWrapper on the root level we need to wrap the queryable
                // to process special "null" ProjectedWrapper values and turn them into true nulls 
                // so that serialization doesn't have to deal with this.
                return ProjectedWrapper.WrapQueryable(query); 
                // If the top level uses ExpandedWrapper we need to wrap the returned IQueryable to expose the
                // IExpandedResult directly from the IEnumerator instead from each result instance.
                // Note that we don't need to wrap again for special "null" ProjectedWrapper values
                // as the ExpandedWrapper will post process the values it returns for this feature as well. 
                Type resultQueryable = typeof(ExpandedQueryable<>).MakeGenericType(query.ElementType);
                object[] args = new object[] { query }; 
                return (IQueryable)Activator.CreateInstance(resultQueryable, args); 

        /// Applies the ordering, skip and take on top level query result set before projections were applied
        /// Current query expression
        /// Top level ordering information 
        /// Elements to skip 
        /// Count of elements to return
        /// The root  where we store information about the shape 
        /// of projections of the root level.
        ///  appended with OrderBy/ThenBy, Skip and Top expressions
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultAfterProjection( 
            IQueryable query,
            OrderingInfo orderingInfo, 
            int? skipCount, 
            int? takeCount,
            ExpandNode root) 
            Debug.Assert(root != null, "root != null");

            if (orderingInfo != null) 
                Expression expression = query.Expression; 
                Type elementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(elementType, "p"); 
                Expression replaceExpression = parameter;
                if (root.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                        "If the node requires expanded wrapper it should have the ExpandedWrapper element type."); 
                    // If the query is using expanded wrapper we need to replace the parameter in the OrderBy expressions
                    // with the access to the ExpandedElement instead of the wrapper itself. 
                    replaceExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, "ExpandedElement");

                bool first = true; 
                foreach (OrderingExpression o in orderingInfo.OrderingExpressions)
                    LambdaExpression e = (LambdaExpression)o.Expression; 
                    LambdaExpression orderer;
                    orderer = Expression.Lambda(ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(e.Body, e.Parameters[0], replaceExpression), parameter);

                    query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeOrderBy", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                                                    .MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType, orderer.Body.Type) 
                                                                    .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, orderer, first, o.IsAscending });
                    first = false; 
            return ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult(query, skipCount, takeCount);

        /// Applies the ordering, skip and take on top level query result set once projections where applied
        /// Current query expression 
        /// Top level ordering information
        /// Elements to skip 
        /// Count of elements to return
        ///  appended with OrderBy/ThenBy, Skip and Top expressions
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplyOrderSkipTakeOnTopLevelResultBeforeProjections( 
            IQueryable query,
            OrderingInfo orderingInfo, 
            int? skipCount, 
            int? takeCount)
            if (orderingInfo != null)
                Expression expression = query.Expression;
                Type elementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(elementType, "p"); 
                bool first = true;
                foreach (OrderingExpression o in orderingInfo.OrderingExpressions) 
                    LambdaExpression e = (LambdaExpression)o.Expression;
                    LambdaExpression orderer;
                    orderer = Expression.Lambda(
                        ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(e.Body, e.Parameters[0], parameter), 

                    query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeOrderBy", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) 
                                                                    .MakeGenericMethod(query.ElementType, orderer.Body.Type)
                                                                    .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, orderer, first, o.IsAscending });
                    first = false;
            return ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult(query, skipCount, takeCount); 
        /// Applies the skip and take on top level query result set
        /// Current query expression 
        /// Elements to skip
        /// Count of elements to return 
        ///  appended with Skip and Top expressions 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
        internal static IQueryable ApplySkipTakeOnTopLevelResult( 
            IQueryable query,
            int? skipCount,
            int? takeCount)
            if (skipCount.HasValue)
                query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeSkipOrTake", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic) 
                                                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, skipCount.Value, true }); 

            if (takeCount.HasValue)
                query = (IQueryable) typeof(BasicExpandProvider).GetMethod("InvokeSkipOrTake", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, takeCount.Value, false }); 
            return query;

        /// Invokes Queryable.OrderBy/ThenBy in a strongly typed way for a weakly typed 
        /// Source type 
        /// Type of expression to order by
        /// Input query 
        /// Expression representing orderby clause
        /// Is this first ordering expression in a list
        /// Ordering is ascending or descending
        /// Query with orderby/thenby appended to it 
        private static IQueryable InvokeOrderBy(IQueryable query, LambdaExpression orderExpression, bool firstOrder, bool isAscending)
            MethodInfo orderingMethod = firstOrder ? 
                        (isAscending ? BasicExpandProvider.OrderByMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.OrderByDescendingMethodInfo) :
                        (isAscending ? BasicExpandProvider.ThenByMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.ThenByDescendingMethodInfo); 

            return (IQueryable)orderingMethod
                                .MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TSource), typeof(TKey))
                                .Invoke(null, new object[] { (IQueryable)query, (Expression>)orderExpression }); 
        ///  Invokes Queryable.Skip/Take in a strongly typed way for a weakly typed 
        /// Source type
        /// Input query
        /// Value of skip or top parameter
        /// Is it Skip or Top 
        /// Query with appended Skip/Top invocation
        private static IQueryable InvokeSkipOrTake(IQueryable query, int count, bool isSkip) 
            MethodInfo skipOrTakeMethod = (isSkip ? BasicExpandProvider.SkipMethodInfo : BasicExpandProvider.TakeMethodInfo).MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TSource));
            return (IQueryable)skipOrTakeMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { (IQueryable)query, count }); 

        #region Inner types.
        /// Queryable element for results with expanded properties.
        /// Wrapper type with expanded properties. 
        internal class ExpandedQueryable : IQueryable where TWrapper : IExpandedResult 
            /// Source enumeration with wrapped properties. 
            private IQueryable source;

            /// Initializes a new ExpandedEnumerable instance.
            /// Source for enumeration. 
            public ExpandedQueryable(IQueryable source)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                this.source = source;

            /// The type of a single result.
            public Type ElementType
                get { return this.source.ElementType; }
            /// The query expression.
            public Expression Expression 
                get { return this.source.Expression; }
            /// The query provider - not supported as nobody should call this.
            public IQueryProvider Provider 
                get { throw Error.NotSupported(); }

            /// Gets an enumerator object for results.
            /// An enumerator object for results.
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                return this.GetEnumerator(); 

            /// Gets an enumerator object for results. 
            /// An enumerator object for results.
            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                IEnumerator enumerator = this.source.GetEnumerator(); 
                return new ExpandedEnumerator(enumerator);

        /// Base class for the generic ExpandedEnumerator so that we can easily recognize instances of that class 
        /// without usage of reflection (used during serialization and thus needs to be as fast as possible).
        /// Note that we can't implement the ExpandedEnumerator as non-generic because the V1 version used
        /// the inner enumerator as generic and called the MoveNext/Current and so methods on the generic version.
        /// We also need the generic version for the IExpandedResult unwrapping to work. 
        internal abstract class ExpandedEnumerator
            /// Determines if the specified enumerator is the ExpandedWrapper enumerator wrapper or the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper 
            /// and if so returns the unwrapped inner enumerator.
            /// The enumerator to unwrap 
            /// Unwrapped enumerator if it was wrapped or the original enumerator if now wrapping occured.
            internal static IEnumerator UnwrapEnumerator(IEnumerator enumerator)
                // Note that only one wrapper could have been applied. If the query only used projections and no expansions then we wrap it 
                //   with the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper. If the query had expansions we wrap it wil ExpandedWrapper enumerator wrapper
                //   which also includes the functionality of the ProjectedWrapper enumerator wrapper. 
                ExpandedEnumerator expandedEnumerator = enumerator as ExpandedEnumerator; 
                if (expandedEnumerator != null)
                    return expandedEnumerator.GetInnerEnumerator();
                    return ProjectedWrapper.UnwrapEnumerator(enumerator);

            /// Virtual method to unwrap the inner enumerator as it's stored in the generic version of this class. 
            /// The inner enumerator.
            protected abstract IEnumerator GetInnerEnumerator();
        /// Use this class to enumerate elements that can be expanded.
        /// Wrapper type with expanded properties. 
        internal class ExpandedEnumerator : ExpandedEnumerator, IEnumerator, IDisposable, IExpandedResult where TWrapper : IExpandedResult 
            /// Enumerator for wrapper instances. 
            private IEnumerator e;

            /// Initializes a new ExpandedEnumerator instance.
            /// Source for enumeration. 
            internal ExpandedEnumerator(IEnumerator enumerator)
                WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(enumerator, "enumerator"); 
                this.e = enumerator;

            /// Element with expanded properties.
            public object ExpandedElement
                get { return this.Current; }
            /// Element with expanded properties.
            public object Current 
                get { return this.e.Current.ExpandedElement; }
            /// Gets an expanded property for the specified .
            /// Name of property to return. 
            /// The expanded property value with the specified . 
            public object GetExpandedPropertyValue(string name)
                return this.e.Current.GetExpandedPropertyValue(name);

            /// Moves to the next element. 
            /// true if an element is available after the move; false otherwise.
            public bool MoveNext() 
                return this.e.MoveNext();

            /// Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the sequence.
            public void Reset()
                throw Error.NotImplemented();
            /// Releases resources.
            public void Dispose() 

            /// Virtual method to unwrap the inner enumerator as it's stored in the generic version of this class. 
            /// The inner enumerator. 
            protected override IEnumerator GetInnerEnumerator()
                return this.e;
        /// Class which represents one projected property. Used as a pair of name and resource property.
        [DebuggerDisplay("ProjectedProperty {Name}")] 
        internal class ProjectedProperty 
            /// Name of the property to project 
            private readonly string name;

            /// The resource property to project.
            /// If this field is null, it means we are to project open-type property. 
            private readonly ResourceProperty property;
            /// Creates a new instance of the projected property for a given property. 
            /// The name of the property to project.
            /// The  to project. For open properties this is null. 
            public ProjectedProperty(string name, ResourceProperty property)
                Debug.Assert(name != null, "name != null");
                Debug.Assert(property == null || String.Equals(property.Name, name, StringComparison.Ordinal), "The name of the property must match the specified name."); 
       = name;
       = property; 

            /// Name of the property to project 
            public string Name
                get { return; }

            /// The resource property to project. 
            /// If this field is null, it means we are to project open-type property. 
            public ResourceProperty Property
                get { return; }

            ///  for  which treats 
            /// two instance equal if they have the same name and the same resource property.
            public class ProjectedPropertyEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer 
                #region IEqualityComparer Members
                /// Compares two  instances for equality.
                /// First instance.
                /// Second instance.
                /// true if the instances are equal, that means if they have the same name 
                /// and the same resource property.
                public bool Equals(ProjectedProperty x, ProjectedProperty y) 
                    return String.Equals(,, StringComparison.Ordinal) && ==;

                /// Computes a simple hash code.
                /// The instance to compute the hash code for.
                /// The hash code. 
                public int GetHashCode(ProjectedProperty obj)
                    return + ( == null ? 0 :; 
        /// Use this class to build a tree structure over a list of paths.
        [DebuggerDisplay("ExpandNode {Node}")] 
        internal class ExpandNode 
            #region Private fields. 

            /// Enumerable.Select method info
            private static readonly MethodInfo SelectMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable)
                                                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) 
            /// Enumerable.Where method info 
            private static readonly MethodInfo WhereMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable)
                                                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) 

            /// Enumerable.Take method info
            private static readonly MethodInfo TakeMethodInfoEnumerable = typeof(Enumerable) 
                                                            .GetMethod("Take", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
            /// Expanded projection node for this node. 
            private readonly ExpandedProjectionNode Node;
            /// Provider with metadata for operations.
            private readonly BasicExpandProvider expandProvider;

            /// All child expand nodes for this segment. 
            private List children;
            /// The element type that will be projected from this segment. 
            private Type elementType;
            /// The model (never wrapped) type to be used in an strongly-typed IEnumerable for this segment.
            private Type enumeratedType;

            /// Whether there are any filters within this node. MaxResults are considered filters for processing. 
            private bool hasFilterWithin;
            /// Whether this segment represents a single element rather than a collection. 
            private bool singleResult;
            /// Ordering info for this node
            private OrderingInfo orderingInfo;

            /// Is skip token needed for current segment 
            private bool needSkipToken;
            /// Set to true if this node is the root node. 
            private bool isRoot;
            /// Set to true if this expand node and all its children represent a query which could be generated
            /// by the V1 version.
            /// This is used to generate queires compatible with V1 when the query is V1 compatible.
            private bool isV1Compatible; 

            /// Whether this segment should be projected into an expanded wrapper. 
            /// Segments require a wrapper because the model doesn't auto-wire 
            /// up (as in the EDM case), or because they have children with
            /// filters (and thus they need to project filtered children), 
            /// or because they have wrapped children (and thus they need
            /// to project the custom projected type).
            private bool requiresExpandedWrapper;
            /// List of all s possibly returned by this segment (before projections).
            /// The list is ordered such that if you imagine the tree of inheritance the root is always the first 
            /// item in the list. The rule is that for each two types A and B, 
            /// if A is ancestor in the inheritance hierarchy to B, then A goes before B. Types which don't have inheritance
            /// relationship (one is not the ancestor of the other) are in undefined order (we don't care). 
            /// The list represents the entire inheritance hierarchy of types which can appear in the given resource set
            /// for this segment.
            private List resourceTypes;
            /// List of properties to be projected on this segment.
            /// The list may hold several  instances with the same name. 
            /// In that case it means that there are different properties declared on different types in the inheritance 
            /// tree which have the same name. Only one of them can be an open property (without the ).
            /// We need multiple instances for the same property name in cases where the properties have differnt types.
            /// In that case we can't project them onto the same property on the 
            /// since some providers (for example Linq to Entities) would reject such query (the properties might have different
            /// CLR types and the provider might complain that we are projecting differnt types for the same property, although 
            /// in reality we always project into "object", the provides sometimes don't see that).
            /// If a property is to be projected, there's going to be an some instance of  
            /// which applies to every type the property can be projected on. If there's is no matching instance for a given
            /// type in the inheritance hierarchy it means that type can't project that property at all (and we project 
            /// null of the correct CLR type instead).
            /// The order in this list is important. It defines the order in which the properties are projected onto the
            /// ProjectedWrapper types. If a given property has index #i in this list it's going to be projected 
            /// as #ith ProjectedProperty on the ProjectedWrapper.
            /// If this field is null it means no projections are defined for this segment and thus the entire resource 
            /// should be returned from the query. If the field is non-null only the properties listed in it should be projected
            /// from the query. 
            /// We must store a full list of all properties possibly projected on all types in this segment. The reason is
            /// so that we can assign them unique indeces (the order of this list). Since after the projection we won't be able
            /// to refer to them by names anymore. After the projection we won't know which exact type the resource was 
            /// so we need a way to refer to the projected property without the knowledge of the exact type.
            private List projectedProperties; 
            /// Candidate set of properties to project.
            /// We fill this set as we go through all the different ways to determine 
            /// properties which need to be projected.
            /// Once we're done we will move the content of this set to the  list
            /// and this fix the order of the projected properties.
            /// We use a set since we want to speed up the process of finding duplicates as it can happen 
            /// quite often that we try to add the same property several times.
            /// During the phase where we build this set we use this field to mark nodes which require projection. 
            /// Nodes which have this field null don't require projections and will project the entire resource always. 
            private HashSet projectedPropertyCandidates;
            /// Set of names of open-properties we are to project.
            /// This is a companion set to the  set.
            /// We need this list to search for these properties on derived types, since if the property
            /// is actually declared on the derived type we need to add it as a declared property as well. 
            private HashSet projectedOpenPropertyNames;
            #endregion Private fields. 

            /// Initalizes a new . 
            /// Node being described.
            /// Provider for expansion flags and metadata.
            internal ExpandNode(ExpandedProjectionNode node, BasicExpandProvider provider)
                Debug.Assert(node != null, "node != null");
                Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null"); 
                this.Node = node; 
                this.expandProvider = provider;
                this.orderingInfo = this.Node.OrderingInfo; 
                this.needSkipToken = NeedSkipTokenVisitor.IsSkipTokenRequired(this.orderingInfo);
                this.children = new List();
                this.isV1Compatible = true;
                if (!node.ProjectAllProperties)
                    this.projectedPropertyCandidates = 
                        new HashSet(new ProjectedProperty.ProjectedPropertyEqualityComparer());
                    this.projectedOpenPropertyNames = new HashSet(StringComparer.Ordinal); 

            /// Provider with metadata for operations. 
            internal BasicExpandProvider ExpandProvider
                    return this.expandProvider; 

            /// Type to be projected for this node in the model (possibly wrapped). 
            internal Type ProjectedType
                    if (this.singleResult) 
                        return this.elementType;
                        return typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(this.elementType); 

            /// Ordering information needed for root node
            internal OrderingInfo OrderingInfo
                    return this.orderingInfo; 

            /// Description to initialize the wrapper with.
            internal string WrapperDescription
                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); 
                    foreach (var child in this.children)
                        if (result.Length > 0)


                    return result.ToString(); 

            /// The base resource type for this segmenr. 
            /// All resources reported by this segment will be of this or some of its derived types.
            internal ResourceType BaseResourceType 
                get { return this.Node.ResourceType; }

            /// Set to true if this expand node and all its children represent a query which could be generated
            /// by the V1 version.
            /// This is used to generate queires compatible with V1 when the query is V1 compatible. 
            internal bool IsV1Compatible
                get { return this.isV1Compatible; } 
            /// Returns true if this node requires a ExpandedWrapper to be used to represent the result.
            /// If both exapnede and projected wrappers are required we return ExpandedWrapper which stores
            /// the result element as a ProjectedWrapper.
            internal bool RequiresExpandedWrapper 
                get { return this.requiresExpandedWrapper; } 

            /// Returns true if this node requires a ProjectedWrapper to be used to represent the result. 
            /// If the node also requires an ExpandedWrapper then the actuall type fo the result will be
            /// the ExpandedWrapper with its ExpandedElement property of type ProjectedWrapper.
            private bool RequiresProjectedWrapper
                get { return this.projectedProperties != null; }
            /// Returns true if this node requires some kind of wrapper for its result.
            private bool RequiresWrapper 
                get { return this.RequiresExpandedWrapper || this.RequiresProjectedWrapper; }
            /// Returns true if this expansion will need standard paging applied.
            private bool NeedsStandardPaging 
                    return !this.singleResult &&
                           !this.isRoot &&
                           this.Node.OrderingInfo != null &&
            /// Builds a tree of  items and the list of projected properties on them.
            /// Expand provider for nodes. 
            /// The root projection node to start with.
            /// The newly create root expand node.
            internal static ExpandNode BuildExpansionAndProjectionTree(
                BasicExpandProvider provider, 
                ExpandedProjectionNode rootProjectionNode)
                Debug.Assert(provider != null, "provider != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(rootProjectionNode != null, "projection != null");
                // Create new root expand node
                ExpandNode expandNode = new ExpandNode(rootProjectionNode, provider);
                expandNode.isRoot = true;

                // And apply projections to it 

                return expandNode; 

            /// Creates children expand nodes for this node.
            internal void CreateChildren() 
                // On inner nodes - if the node uses projections or ordering (as that implies paging) it is not V1 compatible 
                if (!this.isRoot && (!this.Node.ProjectAllProperties || this.OrderingInfo != null)) 
                    this.isV1Compatible = false; 

                // Walk child expanded nodes and create our representation for them
                foreach (ProjectionNode node in this.Node.Nodes) 
                    ExpandedProjectionNode expandedProjectionNode = node as ExpandedProjectionNode; 
                    if (expandedProjectionNode != null) 
                        // Create new expand node 
                        ExpandNode expandNode = new ExpandNode(expandedProjectionNode, this.ExpandProvider);
                        this.isV1Compatible &= expandNode.isV1Compatible; 

            /// Adds the specified property to the list of projected properties on this node. 
            /// The  to project.
            internal void AddProjectedProperty(ResourceProperty property)
                this.AddProjectedProperty(property.Name, property); 
            /// Adds the specified property to the list of projected properties on this node. 
            /// The name of the property to project.
            /// The  to project, can be null for open-type properties. 
            internal void AddProjectedProperty(string propertyName, ResourceProperty property)
                this.projectedPropertyCandidates.Add(new ProjectedProperty(propertyName, property));
                if (property == null) 
            /// Finds a child  with the specified name.
            /// The name of the node (navigation property) for which to look.
            /// The child  or null if none was found.
            internal ExpandNode FindChild(string name) 
                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children) 
                    if (String.Equals(child.Node.PropertyName, name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        return child;
                return null;
            /// Applies projection segments onto the node creating list of projected properties
            /// and types for this node. It calls itself recursively to apply projections to the 
            /// entire subtree.
            internal void ApplyProjections()
                // If we are to project all properties for this segment, just leave it at the default 
                //   which is to not use projection wrapper for this segment.
                if (!this.Node.ProjectAllProperties) 
                    // Populate the list of resource types for this segment (in no particular order yet)
                    this.resourceTypes = new List(); 
                    if (this.ExpandProvider.Provider.HasDerivedTypes(this.BaseResourceType))
                    // Sort the list so that less inherited types are before more inherited ones 
                        new Comparison((x, y) => (x == y) ? 0 : (x.IsAssignableFrom(y) ? -1 : 1))); 

                    // First apply all projection segments (these are mandatory since they are required by the query)
                    foreach (ProjectionNode node in this.Node.Nodes)
                        if (node.Property == null || node.Property.TypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
                            // Only project primitive, complex or open properites (as open properties are never nav. properties) 
                                !(node is ExpandedProjectionNode), 
                                "Projected simple, complex or open property must not be represented by expansion node.");
                            this.AddProjectedProperty(node.PropertyName, node.Property);
                            // It's a navigation property - try to find its expand segment 
                            ExpandedProjectionNode expandedProjectionNode = node as ExpandedProjectionNode; 
                            if (expandedProjectionNode != null)
                                // If we have an expand node for it, follow it
                                // But also add it to the list as we don't know if we will need to wrap it
                                // in the expand wrapper or not yet.
                                // If we are going to wrap this node (not the child) 
                                //   for expansions, we don't need to project the nav. property, as the expanded wrapper
                                //   will do that for us. So in that case we will remove the projection property from the list. 
                                // But if we're not going to wrap this node for expansion, we need the nav. property 
                                //   projected so that we can navigate over it (since we are expanding it).
                                // If we don't have an expand segment we "should" project the nav. property, 
                                //   but since there's no expand we don't actually need any value
                                //   to produce the result (which is just a link) 
                                //   so there's no need to actually project anything (we don't need to value to create the link). 
                                // So leave it out - serialization will not ask for it

                    // Add all Key properties since we will need them to generate the resource identity during serialization. 
                    // Note that we only need to walk them on the base type, derived types can't modify the list of key properties.
                    foreach (ResourceProperty keyProperty in this.BaseResourceType.KeyProperties) 

                    // Add all properties as required by the ordering info if paging is on and we will not explicitely project
                    //   this $skiptoken property. In this case we need the properties accessed by the OrderBy expression
                    //   to be projected so that the skiptoken can be generated from them during serialization. 
                    // Note that applying ordering info to projections migh affect projections on child nodes
                    //   but never the other way round. So first we apply ordering to the parent and then to children. 
                    //   This way we can fix the order of projected properties once we apply ordering on a given level. 
                    if (this.OrderingInfo != null && this.OrderingInfo.IsPaged && !this.needSkipToken)
                        foreach (OrderingExpression orderingExpression in this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions)
                            LambdaExpression lambda = (LambdaExpression)orderingExpression.Expression;
                            Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations = 
                                ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor.AnnotateExpression(lambda.Body, lambda.Parameters[0], this);
                                AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedProperties(lambda.Body, expandNodeAnnotations); 

                    // The IDataServiceStreamProvider API expects the full MLE instance.  If there exists an MLE type in the
                    // hierarchy, we need to query for the full of entities from the hierarchy. During serialization we will
                    // only serialize out the projected fields. 
                    bool foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy = false;
                    // Walk the list of types and infer projected properties as required by ETags and Epm. 
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes)
                        // Add all the ETag properties for this type since we will need them to generate ETag during serialization.
                        foreach (ResourceProperty etagProperty in this.ExpandProvider.Provider.GetETagProperties(this.Node.ResourceSetWrapper.Name, resourceType))
                        // Add all the Epm properties for this type since we will need them to be able to fill all the mappings 
                        //   during serialization.
                        if (resourceType.HasEntityPropertyMappings) 
                            foreach (EpmSourcePathSegment epmSegment in resourceType.EpmSourceTree.Root.SubProperties)
                                // Note that we intentionally add entire complex type properties and not the subproperties for those 
                                //   as we can't project just partial complex types. So even if the Epm needs just one property from
                                //   a complex type, the entire complex type will be projected. 
                                // Once we actually support projecting into the complex types (from the query) we might modify 
                                //   this here to project only the properties requried by Epm.
                                ResourceProperty property = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(epmSegment.PropertyName); 
                                this.AddProjectedProperty(epmSegment.PropertyName, property);
                        if (resourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
                            foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy = true; 

                    // Walk the types again and resolve open-type properties
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes)
                        // Walk all the open properties we are to project and check if some of them is not declared on this type
                        foreach (string projectedOpenPropertyName in this.projectedOpenPropertyNames) 
                            ResourceProperty property = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(projectedOpenPropertyName);
                            // If the property is declared on this type, add the declared version as well.
                            if (property != null)
                                this.AddProjectedProperty(projectedOpenPropertyName, property); 

                    if (!foundMediaLinkEntryInHierarchy) 
                        // Now fix some arbitrary order of the properties (the order itself doesn't matter,
                        //   but it needs to be fixed as it determines the indeces for projected wrappers).
                        // This allows us to find the right ProjectedProperty on the projected wrapper 
                        //   for a given property.
                        this.projectedProperties = new List(this.projectedPropertyCandidates.Count); 
                        // We found an MLE type in the hierarchy.  We are intentionally throwing away the work done above in this method.
                        // The reason for doing this is methods on the IDataServiceStreamProvider API expects the full MLE instances.
                        // If this.projectedProperties is not null, the query we construct will come back with partial entities in 
                        // the form of ProjectedWrapper objects. And passing the ProjectedWrapper instances to the stream provider
                        // breaks the API contract. 
                        // By leaving this.projectedProperties null, the query we construct will retrieve the full MLE entity which we 
                        // can successfully pass to the stream provider.  During serialization we will only serialize out the projected
                        // properties. 
                        Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties == null, "By default the entire resource should be projected.");
                    Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties == null, "By default the entire resource should be projected."); 

                // Now walk child expanded nodes and apply projections to them as well 
                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
            /// ----ings type information given the specified type. 
            /// Type expected for enumeration.
            /// true if a single result is expected of this node; false otherwise. 
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "enumeratedType", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1500:VariableNamesShouldNotMatchFieldNames", MessageId = "singleResult", Justification = "1:1 mapping")]
            internal void AssignTypeForExpected(Type enumeratedType, bool singleResult)
                this.enumeratedType = enumeratedType;
                this.singleResult = singleResult; 
                bool foundChildWithWrapper = false;
                bool foundChildWithFilter = false; 

                foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
                    Debug.Assert(child.Node != null, "child.Segment != null -- only the root has a null segment"); 
                    ResourceProperty property = child.Node.Property;
                    if (property == null) 
                        throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.BasicExpandProvider_ExpandNotSupportedForOpenProperties);

                    Type segmentType = property.ResourceType.InstanceType;
                    child.AssignTypeForExpected(segmentType, property.Kind != ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference);
                    if (child.RequiresWrapper) 
                        foundChildWithWrapper = true; 

                    if (child.hasFilterWithin) 
                        foundChildWithFilter = true;

                // The segment node needs filter if either a filter is present or 
                // page size or max results is set when the result count is non-single 
                bool needFilterForSelf = !this.isRoot &&
                                        (this.Node.Filter != null || (this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue && !this.singleResult)); 

                this.hasFilterWithin = needFilterForSelf || foundChildWithFilter;

                this.requiresExpandedWrapper = 
                    this.needSkipToken ||                   // We wrap to project $skiptoken expressions
                    foundChildWithWrapper ||                // We wrap to project custom types. 
                    foundChildWithFilter ||                 // We wrap to project filtered results. 
                    (!this.ExpandProvider.expanded && this.children.Count > 0); // We wrap to implement expansion.
                if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                    foreach (ExpandNode child in this.children)
                        // If the child was projected explicitely (has projection segment)
                        // remove it from the list of projected properties as we're going to use expanded wrapper to project it 
                        if (this.projectedProperties != null) 
                            int projectedPropertyIndex = this.GetProjectedPropertyIndex(child.Node.Property); 
                            if (projectedPropertyIndex != -1)
                                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "The parent segment must use projected wrapper, if some of its children where projected explicitely.");
                                // Note that this changes the order of projected properties
                                //   but we shouldn't have used that yet anyway. 

                if (this.RequiresWrapper) 
                    this.elementType = this.enumeratedType;
            /// Builds the projection to apply expansion for the specified .
            /// Query to build for. 
            /// A new query with the expansions performed inside. 
            internal IQueryable BuildProjectionQuery(IQueryable query)
                Debug.Assert(query != null, "query != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.isRoot, "BuildProjectionQuery is being called on a non-root node.");
                MethodCallExpression call = this.BuildProjectionExpression(query.Expression) as MethodCallExpression;
                // Sometimes in reflection scenarios, the projection simply results in the original expression being returned
                // back because the whole graph is already present in memory, for such cases we simply return the original query 
                if (call != null && !this.singleResult && this.RequiresWrapper) 
                        call.Method.Name == "Select",
                        call.Method.Name + " == 'Select' -- otherwise last expression must be a .Select projection.");
                    LambdaExpression selector = call.Arguments[1].NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote ?
                                                (LambdaExpression)((UnaryExpression)call.Arguments[1]).Operand : 
                    return RequestUriProcessor.InvokeSelectForTypes(query, this.elementType, selector); 
                    return query;
            /// Returns the index of the projected property.
            /// The property to look for. 
            /// The index of the projected property. This is the index under which the property 
            /// was projected into the ProjectedWrapper.
            internal int GetProjectedPropertyIndex(ResourceProperty property) 
                Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.projectedProperties != null, "Trying to find a projected property when no projections were applied.");
                return this.projectedProperties.FindIndex(
                    projectedProperty => projectedProperty.Property == property); 

            /// Creates a LambdaExpression and can be used when the delegate type is not known at compile time.
            /// A Type that represents a delegate type.
            /// An Expression to set the Body property equal to. 
            /// An IEnumerable<T> that contains ParameterExpression objects to use to populate the Parameters collection.
            /// An object that represents a lambda expression which has the NodeType property equal to Lambda and the 
            /// Body and Parameters properties set to the specified values.
            private static LambdaExpression BuildLambdaExpression(Type delegateType, Expression body, IEnumerable parameters)
                Debug.Assert(delegateType != null, "delegateType != null");
                Debug.Assert(body != null, "body != null"); 
                return Expression.Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters);
            /// Checks whether the specified method is the IEnumerable.Select() with Func`T,T2.
            /// Method to check. 
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise.
            private static bool IsMethodEnumerableSelect(MethodInfo m)
                return IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(m, "Select"); 
            /// Checks whether the specified method is the IEnumerable.Where() with Func`T,bool. 
            /// Method to check.
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise. 
            private static bool IsMethodEnumerableWhere(MethodInfo m)
                return IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(m, "Where");

            /// Checks whether the specified method takes a Func`T,bool as its second argument. 
            /// Method to check. 
            /// Expected name of method.
            /// true if this is the method; false otherwise. 
            private static bool IsNamedMethodSecondArgumentPredicate(MethodInfo m, string name)
                Debug.Assert(m != null, "m != null");
                Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)"); 
                if (m.Name == name)
                    ParameterInfo[] p = m.GetParameters(); 
                    if (p != null &&
                        p.Length == 2 && 
                        p[0].ParameterType.IsGenericType &&
                        Type functionParameter = p[1].ParameterType; 
                        return functionParameter.IsGenericType && functionParameter.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2;

                return false; 

            /// Create the accessor expression for a property (both CLR and late-bound) 
            /// Expression representing the instance on which to access a property 
            /// The  of the  on which to access the property. 
            /// The  to access.
            /// If set to true, nulls should be propagated through the property accesses, 
            /// this means that if the source is null, the result will evaluate to null without accessing the property.
            /// If set to false the property is accessed directly.
            /// An expression to access a property (singleton or set). The returned expression will always
            /// have the CLR type of the property being accessed. 
            private static Expression AccessProperty(Expression source, ResourceType resourceType, ResourceProperty property, bool nullPropagationRequired)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(resourceType != null, "resourceType != null");
                Debug.Assert(property != null, "property != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(resourceType.InstanceType.IsAssignableFrom(source.Type), "Trying to access a property on expression of a wrong type.");

                Expression expression;
                if (property.CanReflectOnInstanceTypeProperty) 
                    expression = Expression.Property(source, resourceType.GetPropertyInfo(property)); 
                    if (property.Kind == ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference)
                        MethodInfo getter = DataServiceProviderMethods.GetSequenceValueMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(property.ResourceType.InstanceType);
                        expression = Expression.Call(null /* instance */, getter, source, Expression.Constant(property)); 
                        expression = Expression.Call(
                            null /*instance*/, 
                        expression = Expression.Convert(expression, property.Type); 
                if (nullPropagationRequired)
                    // If the expression is of a primitive type (for example int)
                    //   we need to change its type to Nullable so that if the source is null
                    //   we can return null.
                    if (!WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(expression.Type)) 
                        expression = Expression.Convert(expression, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(expression.Type)); 

                    expression = Expression.Condition( 
                        Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)),
                        Expression.Constant(null, expression.Type),

                Debug.Assert(property.Type.IsAssignableFrom(expression.Type), "The returned expression is not of the type of the property being accessed."); 
                return expression; 
            /// Create the accessor expression for an open property
            /// Expression representing the instance on which to access a property 
            /// The name of the property to access.
            /// An expression to access a property. This always returns an expression of type System.Object. 
            private static Expression AccessOpenProperty(Expression source, string propertyName) 
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(propertyName != null, "propertyName != null");

                Expression expression = Expression.Call(
                    null /*instance*/, 
                Debug.Assert(expression.Type == typeof(object), "Open properties should always return 'object' type.");
                return expression;

            /// Creates a  expression that binds an expression to the named property.
            /// The type to look for the property on. 
            /// Name of property on the element type.
            /// Source expression for property. 
            /// A  expression that binds an expression to the named property.
            private static MemberAssignment BindByName(Type type, string propertyName, Expression source) 
                Debug.Assert(propertyName != null, "propertyName != null"); 
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null"); 
                MemberInfo member = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
                return Expression.Bind(member, source); 

            /// Applies the segment filter to the specified expression.
            /// Expression to apply filter on. 
            /// The expression with the filter applied.
            private Expression ApplySegmentFilter(Expression expression) 
                // Collections filter with .Where, and singletons conditionally evaluate to null.
                Type expressionElementType = 
                    this.singleResult ?
                    expression.Type :
                if (!this.isRoot)
                    if (this.singleResult && this.Node.Filter != null) 
                        LambdaExpression filterLambda = (LambdaExpression)this.Node.Filter; 
                        expression = RequestQueryProcessor.ComposePropertyNavigation(
                            expression, filterLambda, this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired);
                    else if (!this.singleResult) 
                        // The filter should be applied before the .Take operation. 
                        if (this.Node.Filter != null) 
                            MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.WhereMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType); 
                            Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { expression, this.Node.Filter };
                            expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);
                        // If top level MaxResults configuration setting is on, we only request 1 more than max results limit
                        if (this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue && this.Node.ResourceSetWrapper.PageSize == 0) 
                            MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.TakeMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType);
                            ConstantExpression count = Expression.Constant((int)this.Node.MaxResultsExpected + 1, typeof(int)); 
                            Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { expression, count };
                            expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);
                return expression; 
            /// Builds the projection for this segment.
            /// Expected expression for this segment if it had no filtering or wrapping.
            /// The expression for this segment, possibly a filter and/or wrapped version of
            /// . 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpression(Expression expression)
                Debug.Assert(expression != null, "expression != null"); 
                expression = this.ApplySegmentFilter(expression);
                expression = this.ApplyOrderTakeOnInnerSegment(expression); 

                // If this segment requires a wrapper, project its child properties by passing
                // the expression for the property as the parameter.
                if (this.RequiresWrapper) 
                    Type expressionElementType = 
                        this.singleResult ? 
                        expression.Type :

                    Expression parameter = this.singleResult ? expression : Expression.Parameter(expressionElementType, "p");
                    Expression body;
                    if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper) 
                        body = this.BuildProjectionExpressionForExpandedWrapper(parameter); 
                        Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "this.RequiresProjectedWrapper");
                        body = this.BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper(parameter);
                    if (this.singleResult)
                        expression = body; 
                        Expression source = expression;
                        Type[] typeArguments = new Type[] { parameter.Type, body.Type };
                        Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeArguments); 
                        LambdaExpression selector = BuildLambdaExpression(delegateType, body, new ParameterExpression[] { (ParameterExpression)parameter });
                        Expression[] arguments = new Expression[] { source, selector }; 
                        MethodInfo method = ExpandNode.SelectMethodInfoEnumerable.MakeGenericMethod(expressionElementType, this.elementType); 
                        expression = Expression.Call(null, method, arguments);

                return expression;

            /// Builds projection expression which projects the result as ExpandedWrapper to enable 
            /// on-demand expansion of navigation properties. 
            /// Expression which evaluates to the element from which to project.
            /// Projection expression which projects the result as ExpandedWrapper. 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpressionForExpandedWrapper(Expression source)
                Debug.Assert(source != null, "source != null");
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresExpandedWrapper, "this.RequiresExpandedWrapper"); 

                MemberBinding[] bindings = new MemberBinding[this.children.Count + 2 + (this.needSkipToken ? 1 : 0)]; 
                bindings[0] = BindByName( 
                bindings[1] = BindByName(this.elementType, "Description", Expression.Constant(this.WrapperDescription));
                for (int i = 0; i < this.children.Count; i++)
                    ExpandNode node = this.children[i];
                    // If we need to perform null checks (null propagation is required) we need to do the null check 
                    //   on the outer level around any possible Select/OrderBy/ThenBy/Take calls possibly generated
                    //   by the BuildProjectionExpression. 
                    Expression propertyAccess = node.BuildProjectionExpression(
                    // We need to check for null in cases where the source can be null.
                    // That is if the source represents a single result (in which case it represents a nav. property 
                    //   which may be null). It can also happen if the source is the root, in which case URI path
                    //   may have specified single result wrapper in an enumerable, but that result can be null.
                    //   (for example /Customers(0)/BestFriend?$expand...)
                    // Note that it is possible to get null on !singleResult but only on the root level (this.isRoot). 
                    //   We don't perform the null check in that case since that is our behavior in V1
                    //   and we want to remain 100% backward compatible. 
                    if (this.singleResult && this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired) 
                        // Need to make sure the result type is nullable. 
                        // But expanded properties are always of entity type or projected/expanded wrappers which all
                        //   are reference types and thus nullables.
                            "Expanded property should be projected into a nullable type.");
                        // We are to project a null. Some providers don't support projecting null of arbitrary type 
                        //   (for example Linq to Entities) so we will assume that providers which require null propagation
                        //   are able to project arbitrary typed nulls and providers which don't want null propagation 
                        //   don't support projecting arbitrary typed nulls.
                        //   In this case the provider already requested null propagation, so it better support projecting
                        //   arbitrary typed null.
                        // We may end up projecting null as a value of ResourceSetReference property. This can in theory break 
                        //   the serializers as they expect a non-null (possibly empty) IEnumerable instead. But note that
                        //   if we project null here, we also project null into the ExpandedElement property 
                        //   (see the same conditional expression in BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper) 
                        //   and thus the serializers will recognize this value as null and won't try to expand its properties.
                        //   (Note that there's an assert in the serializers which verifies, that for ResourceSetReference 
                        //   properties they do get non-null IEnumerable if they need to).
                        propertyAccess = Expression.Condition(
                            Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)),
                            Expression.Constant(null, propertyAccess.Type), 
                    bindings[i + 2] = BindByName(
                        "ProjectedProperty" + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                if (this.needSkipToken)
                    Debug.Assert(!this.singleResult, "We don't need sorting for single results"); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.orderingInfo != null, "Must have ordering info to require skip token");
                    Type projectedSkipTokenType = this.elementType.GetGenericArguments().Skip(this.children.Count + 1).First();

                    MemberBinding[] skipTokenPropertyBindings = new MemberBinding[this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count + 2];
                    skipTokenPropertyBindings[0] = BindByName(projectedSkipTokenType, "ExpandedElement", Expression.Constant((string)null, typeof(string))); 
                    StringBuilder skipTokenDescription = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count; i++) 
                        skipTokenDescription.Append(XmlConstants.SkipTokenPropertyPrefix + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Append(",");
                        LambdaExpression orderLamba = (LambdaExpression)this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions[i].Expression;
                        Expression orderExpression = ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(orderLamba.Body, orderLamba.Parameters[0], source);
                        MemberInfo member = projectedSkipTokenType.GetProperty("ProjectedProperty" + i.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        skipTokenPropertyBindings[i + 2] = Expression.Bind(member, orderExpression); 
                    skipTokenPropertyBindings[1] = BindByName(projectedSkipTokenType, "Description", Expression.Constant(skipTokenDescription.Remove(skipTokenDescription.Length - 1, 1).ToString())); 

                    Expression skipTokenBody = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(projectedSkipTokenType), skipTokenPropertyBindings); 

                    bindings[1] = BindByName(
                        Expression.Constant((this.WrapperDescription.Length == 0 ? "" : (this.WrapperDescription + ",")) + XmlConstants.HttpQueryStringSkipToken));
                    bindings[this.children.Count + 2] = BindByName(this.elementType, "ProjectedProperty" + this.children.Count.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), skipTokenBody); 

                return Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(this.elementType), bindings); 

            /// Builds projection expression which projects all properties which we need
            /// based on active projections for this node. It uses ProjectedWrapper if necessary. 
            /// Expression which evaluates to the element from which to project the properties.
            /// Projection expression which projects all required properties from the . 
            private Expression BuildProjectionExpressionForProjectedWrapper(Expression source) 
                Debug.Assert(!this.RequiresProjectedWrapper || this.projectedProperties != null, "Must have a list of projected properties if projection wrapper is required."); 
                if (!this.RequiresProjectedWrapper)
                    // Project everything - so do not use any wrapper
                    return source; 
                    Type projectedWrapperType = ProjectedWrapper.GetProjectedWrapperType(this.projectedProperties.Count);
                    // This holds the expression built so far (for all the types walked so far)
                    Expression expression = null;

                    Debug.Assert(this.resourceTypes != null, "We should have filled a list of resource types already."); 
                    Debug.Assert(this.resourceTypes.Count > 0, "We should have at least the base type filled.");
                    // Walk the list of resource types (starting with the base and in the inheritance order) 
                    //   and generate the "(resource is Type) ? new ProjectedWrapper() { ... } : nextTypeExpr" expression
                    foreach (ResourceType resourceType in this.resourceTypes) 
                        // Prepare the bindings for the particular type
                        StringBuilder propertyNameList = new StringBuilder();
                        Expression[] bindingExpressions = new Expression[this.projectedProperties.Count + 2]; 
                        for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < this.projectedProperties.Count; propertyIndex++)
                            ProjectedProperty projectedProperty = this.projectedProperties[propertyIndex]; 
                            ResourceProperty resourceProperty = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(projectedProperty.Name);
                            Expression sourceExpression = Expression.TypeAs(source, resourceType.InstanceType);

                            // Now we need to decide if we are going to project the property or not (for this type).
                            // The rules are: 
                            // - If the projectedProperty is for a declared property (Property != null)
                            //   - If we found "a" declared property of the same name on the current type 
                            //     - If the declared properties are the same -> project the property (non-open) 
                            //     - Else the properties are different and thus potentially of different types -> don't project
                            //   - Else the type doesn't have such property, so don't project it 
                            // - Else the projectedProperty is for an open property (Property == null)
                            //   - If we found "a" declared property of the same name on the current type -> don't project
                            //     we will project that property as a declared property instead (it should be in the list already).
                            //   - Else no such property declared on the type -> project it as an open property. 
                            Expression propertyAccess = null;
                            if (projectedProperty.Property != null) 
                                if (resourceProperty != null)
                                    if (resourceProperty == projectedProperty.Property)
                                        // Project as declared property (non-open)
                                        propertyAccess = AccessProperty(sourceExpression, resourceType, resourceProperty, false); 

                                        // We must cast to nullable as we don't always project the specified property 
                                        //   and thus we must be able to project a null for it instead. 
                                        if (!WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(propertyAccess.Type))
                                            propertyAccess = Expression.Convert(propertyAccess, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(resourceProperty.Type));
                                if (resourceProperty == null && resourceType.IsOpenType)
                                    // Project as open property - if the type is open that is
                                    propertyAccess = AccessOpenProperty(sourceExpression, projectedProperty.Name);

                            if (propertyIndex > 0) 

                            // If we haven't projected anything yet, project null instead
                            if (propertyAccess == null)
                                if (projectedProperty.Property != null)
                                    // Strongly typed null if we have a declared property 
                                    propertyAccess = Expression.Constant(null, WebUtil.GetTypeAllowingNull(projectedProperty.Property.Type));
                                    // Open type null for open properties
                                    propertyAccess = Expression.Constant(null, typeof(object)); 
                                // We haven't projected the property, so don't include it in the property name list (basically mark this 
                                //   ProjectedProperty as "not in use").
                                // We have projected the property, so include its name in the projected wrapper's property name list
                            // For some providers we need to cast to object now since we are projecting into a property of type object. 
                            if (this.ExpandProvider.castToObject && propertyAccess.Type != typeof(object))
                                propertyAccess = Expression.Convert(propertyAccess, typeof(object));

                            bindingExpressions[propertyIndex + 2] = propertyAccess; 
#if DEBUG 
                            // Verification of projections 
                            // We should have projected each name exactly once (other occurences of the same name should be not-used slots)
                            string[] propertyNames = propertyNameList.ToString().Split(',');
                            foreach (string projectedPropertyName in projectedProperties.Select(p => p.Name).Distinct(StringComparer.Ordinal))
                                // It is possible for properties on derived types not to be projected at all
                                // on the base type (for example). That's why it can happen that some names won't be in the list at all. 
                                Debug.Assert(propertyNames.Where(name => name == projectedPropertyName).Count() <= 1, 
                                    "Each property name to be projected must be listed in the property name list at most once.");

                        // The ResourceTypeName property 
                        // If the provider doesn't require null propagation
                        //   it also means (at least we assume) that it can't project arbitrary typed null 
                        //   So instead of projecting (ProjectedWrapper)null, we use a small trick where we project 
                        //   and empty string as the type name of the ProjectedWrapper. Later during serialization
                        //   we then recognize this and treat such ProjectedWrapper instance as null. 
                        if (!this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired)
                            bindingExpressions[0] = Expression.Condition(
                                    Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)), 
                                Expression.Constant(string.Empty, typeof(string)), 
                                Expression.Constant(resourceType.FullName, typeof(string)));
                            bindingExpressions[0] = Expression.Constant(resourceType.FullName, typeof(string));

                        // The PropertyNameList property 
                        bindingExpressions[1] = Expression.Constant(propertyNameList.ToString()); 

                        Expression initExpression = Expression.MemberInit( 
                            ProjectedWrapper.Bind(bindingExpressions, projectedWrapperType));

                        if (expression == null) 
                            expression = initExpression; 
                            // Generate the (source is resourceType) ? new ProjectedWrapper() { resourceType... } : expression
                            Expression typeIsExpression = this.ExpandProvider.Provider.IsV1Provider ?
                                (Expression)Expression.TypeIs(source, resourceType.InstanceType) :
                            Debug.Assert(typeIsExpression.Type == typeof(bool), "The type test expression should be of type bool."); 
                            expression = Expression.Condition(typeIsExpression, initExpression, expression);

                        Debug.Assert(expression.Type == projectedWrapperType, "The projection expression is of a wrong type."); 
                    Debug.Assert(expression != null, "We should have generated some projection expression."); 

                    // If this node represents a single result we need to make sure that we project "null" 
                    //   if the source of the projection was null
                    if (this.ExpandProvider.Provider.NullPropagationRequired)
                        Debug.Assert(WebUtil.TypeAllowsNull(expression.Type), "We should only project types which are nullable."); 
                        expression = Expression.Condition(
                            Expression.Equal(source, Expression.Constant(null, source.Type)), 
                            Expression.Constant(null, expression.Type), 

                    return expression;

            /// Applies OrderBy/ThenBy and Take on inner segments 
            /// Input expression 
            /// Output expression with OrderBy/Take possibly added to it
            private Expression ApplyOrderTakeOnInnerSegment(Expression expression)
                if (this.NeedsStandardPaging) 
                    // Since not a single result, infer element type from enumerable 
                    Type expressionElementType = ReflectionServiceProvider.GetIEnumerableElement(expression.Type); 

                    ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(expressionElementType, "p"); 

                    bool first = true;

                    // Order the segment based on OrderingInfo provided in ExpandSegment. 
                    Debug.Assert(this.OrderingInfo.IsPaged, "Paging should be enabled for current segment.");
                    foreach (OrderingExpression oi in this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions) 
                        string chosenFunction = first == true ? (oi.IsAscending ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending") : (oi.IsAscending ? "ThenBy" : "TheyByDescending");
                        LambdaExpression orderLambda = (LambdaExpression)oi.Expression; 

                        Expression updatedOrderingBody = ParameterReplacerVisitor.Replace(
                        expression = Expression.Call( 
                                        new Type[] { expressionElementType, updatedOrderingBody.Type },
                                        Expression.Lambda(updatedOrderingBody, parameter));
                        first = false; 
                    // Ask for PageSize number of elements. 
                    Debug.Assert(this.Node.MaxResultsExpected.HasValue, "Paging is on for this node, so it should have the MaxResultsExpected set as well.");
                    return Expression.Call( 
                                    new Type[] { expressionElementType },
                                    Expression.Constant(this.Node.MaxResultsExpected, typeof(int)));
                return expression;

            /// Sets the expanded wrapper element type on this node.
            private void SetWrapperElementType()
                // Build a wrapper of the required cardinality.
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresWrapper, "this.RequiresWrapper -- otherwise no need to call SetWrapperElementType"); 
                if (this.RequiresExpandedWrapper)
                    // 1 ExpandedElement type + * each expanded child's type + 1? $skiptoken type
                    Type[] typeArguments = new Type[1 + this.children.Count + (this.needSkipToken ? 1 : 0)];
                    int typeArgumentIndex = 0;
                    typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = this.RequiresProjectedWrapper ? this.GetProjectedWrapperType() : this.enumeratedType;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.children.Count; i++) 
                        typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = this.children[i].ProjectedType; 

                    if (this.needSkipToken)
                        Debug.Assert(this.OrderingInfo != null, "Must have ordering info to require a skip token");
                        Type[] skipTokenTypes = new Type[this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count + 1]; 

                        // We don't use the ExpandedElement on the $skiptoken value, 
                        // so we'll project a null string always (roundtrips better then null object)
                        skipTokenTypes[0] = typeof(string);
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions.Count; i++)
                            skipTokenTypes[i + 1] = ((LambdaExpression)this.OrderingInfo.OrderingExpressions[i].Expression).Body.Type;
                        typeArguments[typeArgumentIndex++] = WebUtil.GetWrapperType(skipTokenTypes, Strings.BasicExpandProvider_SDP_UnsupportedOrderingExpressionBreadth);

                    this.elementType = WebUtil.GetWrapperType(typeArguments, Strings.BasicExpandProvider_UnsupportedExpandBreadth);
                    this.elementType = this.GetProjectedWrapperType(); 
            /// Returns the projected wrapper element type on this node.
            /// The type of the projected wrapper used for this node.
            private Type GetProjectedWrapperType()
                Debug.Assert(this.RequiresProjectedWrapper, "The node must have some projections for it to use projected wrapper.");
                return ProjectedWrapper.GetProjectedWrapperType(this.projectedProperties.Count); 
        #region ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor
        /// Expression tree visitor which annotates the tree with s.
        /// Given expression is annotated with  if it evaluates
        /// to an instance of the resource which belongs to the resource set represented by the . 
        /// For example in query /Customers?$expand=BestFriend all expressions which evaluate to
        /// customer.BestFriend will be annotated with the  representing the expanded 
        /// BestFriend nav. property. 
        /// This visitor doesn't modify the expression tree at all.
        internal class ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor : PropertyAccessVisitor 
            /// The parameter expression which is the parameter for the expression tree and evaluates to
            /// the resource instances.
            private ParameterExpression parameter; 

            ///  into which belongs the resource which the  
            /// evaluates to. 
            private ExpandNode parameterExpandNode;
            /// The created annotations.
            /// Annotations are stored as a dictionary where the expression is the key and the value is the
            /// .
            /// Note that since this annotation is entirely computed out of the subtree and not from the parents 
            /// of the expression subtree it is safe to annotate like this.
            /// Even if a given expression is referenced multiple times from the same tree its annotation 
            /// will be the same in all cases. 
            private Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations;
            /// Constructor
            /// The parameter expression which evaluates to the resource.
            /// The  into which the resource from
            ///  belongs to. 
            private ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor(ParameterExpression parameter, ExpandNode parameterExpandNode)
                this.parameter = parameter; 
                this.parameterExpandNode = parameterExpandNode;
                this.expandNodeAnnotations = new Dictionary(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); 

            /// Annotates specified expression with the respective s.
            /// The expression to annotate. 
            /// The parameter expression which evaluates to the base resource instance.
            /// The  which represents the base resource set. 
            /// Annotations stored as a dictionary. 
            /// The expression is not modified at all.
            internal static Dictionary AnnotateExpression( 
                Expression expression,
                ParameterExpression parameter,
                ExpandNode parameterExpandNode)
                ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor visitor = new ExpandNodeAnnotationVisitor(parameter, parameterExpandNode);
                return visitor.expandNodeAnnotations; 
            /// Visits a conditional node in the expression tree.
            /// The conditional expression to process.
            /// Possibly new conditional expression with which to replace the  in the tree with.
            /// This class needs to override this method since it needs to "merge" the  annotations 
            /// from the true and false branches of the conditional expression.
            /// It assumes that only one branch will actually have some annotation. 
            internal override Expression VisitConditional(ConditionalExpression c) 
                ExpandNode trueAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(c.IfTrue);
                ExpandNode falseAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(c.IfFalse);

                if (trueAnnotation == null || falseAnnotation == null) 
                    if (trueAnnotation != null || falseAnnotation != null) 
                        this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(c, trueAnnotation != null ? trueAnnotation : falseAnnotation);
                    Debug.Assert(trueAnnotation == falseAnnotation, "True and False branches of a conditional expression have different asigned expand nodes."); 
                return c; 
            /// UnaryExpression visit method
            /// The UnaryExpression expression to visit
            /// The visited UnaryExpression expression 
            /// This method simply propagates the annotation from the operand of the unary expression 
            /// to the unary expression itself.
            internal override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression u) 
                switch (u.NodeType)
                    case ExpressionType.Convert:
                    case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked: 
                    case ExpressionType.Quote:
                    case ExpressionType.TypeAs: 
                        ExpandNode operandAnnotation = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(u.Operand); 
                        if (operandAnnotation != null)
                            this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(u, operandAnnotation);


                return u; 

            /// ParameterExpression visit method
            /// The ParameterExpression expression to visit 
            /// The visited ParameterExpression expression 
            internal override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression p) 
                if (p == this.parameter)
                    this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(p, this.parameterExpandNode);

                return p; 
            /// Dervied class will override them method to process any property accesses found in the tree. 
            /// The name of the property being accessed.
            /// The expression on which the property is being accessed. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true, the  is null and the method
            /// changed this parameter, the caller will replace the operand in the original property
            /// access with the new expression provided in this parameter. The way the property is accessed 
            /// and its name remains the same.
            /// The entire expression of the property access. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter. 
            /// If the method returns true and this parameter is not null the caller will replace the entire
            /// property access expression with the new one passed in this parameter. 
            /// If the method returns false it means that it is not interested in this property access,
            /// and the processing of the tree will continue by examining the children of the property access expression.
            /// If the method returns true the caller looks at the returned value of .
            /// If it is not-null it will replace the entire property access expression with it. 
            /// If it's null it will just replace the operand of the property access with the .
            /// If the implementation wants to skip this property access without modification it should return true 
            /// and not modify the ref parameters. 
            /// If the method returns true the caller will not continue walking the children of the property
            /// access expression. It's the responsibility of the implementation to do so if it requires such 
            /// functionality.
            protected override bool ProcessPropertyAccess(string propertyName, ref Expression operandExpression, ref Expression accessExpression)

                ExpandNode operandExpandNode = this.GetExpandNodeAnnotation(operandExpression); 
                if (operandExpandNode != null) 
                    ExpandNode childExpandNode = operandExpandNode.FindChild(propertyName); 
                    if (childExpandNode != null)
                        this.SetExpandNodeAnnotation(accessExpression, childExpandNode);
                return true; 
            /// Helper method to determine annotation for a given expression.
            /// Expression to determine annotation for.
            /// Annotation for the  or null if no annotation was found.
            private ExpandNode GetExpandNodeAnnotation(Expression expression) 
                ExpandNode annotation; 
                if (this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(expression, out annotation)) 
                    return annotation; 
                    return null; 
            /// Helper method to set an annotation for a given expression.
            /// Expression to set an annotation on. 
            /// The annotation to set.
            private void SetExpandNodeAnnotation(Expression expression, ExpandNode annotation)
#if DEBUG 
                ExpandNode existingAnnotation;
                this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(expression, out existingAnnotation); 
                Debug.Assert(existingAnnotation == null || existingAnnotation == annotation, "Same expression can't have two different assigned expand nodes."); 
                this.expandNodeAnnotations[expression] = annotation; 
        #region AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor
        /// Expression tree visitor which finds all property accesses and marks the affected properties 
        /// for projection. 
        /// The visitor doesn't change the expression tree at all.
        /// Visitor recognizes all ways a WCF Data Services uses to access properties. 
        internal class AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor : PropertyAccessVisitor
            /// Annotations for the specified expression tree.
            private Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations; 

            /// Constructor 
            /// Annotation to use. 
            private AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor(
                Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations) 
                this.expandNodeAnnotations = expandNodeAnnotations;
            /// Inspects the specified  using the 
            /// and adds all accessed properties to the list of candidates for projection on their respective 
            /// s. 
            /// The expression to inspect.
            /// Annotation for the  computed 
            /// as a result of .
            internal static void AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedProperties(
                Expression expression,
                Dictionary expandNodeAnnotations) 
                AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor visitor = 
                    new AddPropertyAccessesAsProjectedPropertiesVisitor(expandNodeAnnotations); 

            /// Dervied class will override them method to process any property accesses found in the tree.
            /// The name of the property being accessed.
            /// The expression on which the property is being accessed. 
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true, the  is null and the method 
            /// changed this parameter, the caller will replace the operand in the original property 
            /// access with the new expression provided in this parameter. The way the property is accessed
            /// and its name remains the same. 
            /// The entire expression of the property access.
            /// The implementation may choose to return a different expression through this ref parameter.
            /// If the method returns true and this parameter is not null the caller will replace the entire
            /// property access expression with the new one passed in this parameter. 
            /// If the method returns false it means that it is not interested in this property access,
            /// and the processing of the tree will continue by examining the children of the property access expression. 
            /// If the method returns true the caller looks at the returned value of . 
            /// If it is not-null it will replace the entire property access expression with it.
            /// If it's null it will just replace the operand of the property access with the . 
            /// If the implementation wants to skip this property access without modification it should return true
            /// and not modify the ref parameters.
            /// If the method returns true the caller will not continue walking the children of the property
            /// access expression. It's the responsibility of the implementation to do so if it requires such 
            /// functionality.
            protected override bool ProcessPropertyAccess(string propertyName, ref Expression operandExpression, ref Expression accessExpression) 
                ExpandNode operandExpandNode;
                if (this.expandNodeAnnotations.TryGetValue(operandExpression, out operandExpandNode))
                    ResourceProperty property = operandExpandNode.BaseResourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(propertyName); 
                    operandExpandNode.AddProjectedProperty(propertyName, property);
                return true;

        #endregion Inner types. 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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