CardSpaceShim.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Client / System / IdentityModel / Selectors / CardSpaceShim.cs / 1305376 / CardSpaceShim.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.IdentityModel.Selectors

    using System; 
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.IdentityModel.Claims;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.IdentityModel.Tokens; 
    using System.ServiceProcess; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace;
    // For common & resources 
    using Microsoft.InfoCards;
    using System.Security;
    // Summary: 
    // If v2 is installed, this class will route calls to the native dll that was installed with v2. 
    // This class essentially mimics the behavior in CSD Main 58552 which has been checked into the .Net branch for Win7
    class CardSpaceShim
        private const string REDIRECT_DLL_REG_KEY = @"software\microsoft\cardspace\v1";
        private const string REDIRECT_DLL_IMPLEMENTATION_VALUE = "ImplementationDLL"; 
        private const string REDIRECT_DLL_IMPLEMENTATION_VALUE_DEFAULT = "infocardapi2";
        private const string REDIRECT_DLL_CARDSPACE_V1 = "infocardapi"; 
        private object m_syncRoot = new Object();
        private bool m_isInitialized = false;

        // Delegates defined as public for convenience in invocation 
        public CsV2ManageCardSpace         m_csShimManageCardSpace; 
        public CsV2GetToken                m_csShimGetToken; 
        public CsV2ImportInformationCard   m_csShimImportInformationCard;
        public CsV2Encrypt                 m_csShimEncrypt;
        public CsV2Decrypt                 m_csShimDecrypt;
        public CsV2SignHash                m_csShimSignHash;
        public CsV2VerifyHash              m_csShimVerifyHash; 

        public CsV2GenerateDerivedKey      m_csShimGenerateDerivedKey; 
        public CsV2GetCryptoTransform      m_csShimGetCryptoTransform; 
        public CsV2TransformBlock          m_csShimTransformBlock;
        public CsV2TransformFinalBlock     m_csShimTransformFinalBlock; 

        public CsV2GetKeyedHash            m_csShimGetKeyedHash;
        public CsV2HashCore                m_csShimHashCore;
        public CsV2HashFinal               m_csShimHashFinal; 

        public CsV2FreeToken               m_csShimFreeToken; 
        public CsV2CloseCryptoHandle       m_csShimCloseCryptoHandle; 

        SafeLibraryHandle                  m_implementationDll; 

        // GetBrowserToken not required because that is accomplished via Pheonix bit etc. (not exposed thru
        // managed interface). 
        // Summary:
        // Performs initialization of the CardSpaceShim if necessary. 
        // The v1 service will only allow one request from the user,
        // however locking anyway in case we change our behavior in v2.
        public void InitializeIfNecessary() 
            if( !m_isInitialized ) 
                lock( m_syncRoot )
                    if( !m_isInitialized )
                        string implDllPath = GetCardSpaceImplementationDll();
                        m_implementationDll = SafeLibraryHandle.LoadLibraryW( implDllPath );
                        if ( m_implementationDll.IsInvalid ) 
                            throw NativeMethods.ThrowWin32ExceptionWithContext( new Win32Exception(), implDllPath );

                            // Functions are listed in alphabetical order
                            IntPtr procaddr1 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "CloseCryptoHandle" );
                            m_csShimCloseCryptoHandle = 
                                ( CsV2CloseCryptoHandle ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr1, typeof( CsV2CloseCryptoHandle ) );

                            IntPtr procaddr2 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( 
                                m_implementationDll, "Decrypt" );
                            m_csShimDecrypt = 
                                ( CsV2Decrypt )Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr2, typeof( CsV2Decrypt ) );
                            IntPtr procaddr3 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "Encrypt" );
                            m_csShimEncrypt =
                                ( CsV2Encrypt )Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr3, typeof( CsV2Encrypt ) ); 

                            IntPtr procaddr4 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "FreeToken" ); 
                            m_csShimFreeToken = 
                                ( CsV2FreeToken )Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr4, typeof( CsV2FreeToken ) ); 

                            IntPtr procaddr5 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper(m_implementationDll, "GenerateDerivedKey");
                            m_csShimGenerateDerivedKey =
                                ( CsV2GenerateDerivedKey ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr5, typeof( CsV2GenerateDerivedKey ) );
                            IntPtr procaddr6 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "GetCryptoTransform" ); 
                            m_csShimGetCryptoTransform =
                                ( CsV2GetCryptoTransform ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr6, typeof( CsV2GetCryptoTransform ) );

                            IntPtr procaddr7 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "GetKeyedHash" );
                            m_csShimGetKeyedHash = 
                                ( CsV2GetKeyedHash ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr7, typeof( CsV2GetKeyedHash ) ); 
                            IntPtr procaddr8 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "GetToken" );
                            m_csShimGetToken = 
                                ( CsV2GetToken ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr8, typeof( CsV2GetToken ) );

                            IntPtr procaddr9 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "HashCore" ); 
                            m_csShimHashCore =
                                ( CsV2HashCore ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr9, typeof( CsV2HashCore ) ); 

                            IntPtr procaddr10 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "HashFinal" ); 
                            m_csShimHashFinal =
                                ( CsV2HashFinal ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr10, typeof( CsV2HashFinal ) );
                            IntPtr procaddr11 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "ImportInformationCard" );
                            m_csShimImportInformationCard = 
                                ( CsV2ImportInformationCard ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr11, typeof( CsV2ImportInformationCard ) );
                            IntPtr procaddr12 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "ManageCardSpace" );
                            m_csShimManageCardSpace =
                                ( CsV2ManageCardSpace ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr12, typeof( CsV2ManageCardSpace ) ); 

                            IntPtr procaddr13 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "SignHash" ); 
                            m_csShimSignHash = 
                                ( CsV2SignHash ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
                                                            procaddr13, typeof( CsV2SignHash ) ); 

                            IntPtr procaddr14 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "TransformBlock" );
                            m_csShimTransformBlock =
                                ( CsV2TransformBlock ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr14, typeof( CsV2TransformBlock ) );
                            IntPtr procaddr15 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "TransformFinalBlock" ); 
                            m_csShimTransformFinalBlock =
                                ( CsV2TransformFinalBlock ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr15, typeof( CsV2TransformFinalBlock ) );

                            IntPtr procaddr16 = NativeMethods.GetProcAddressWrapper( m_implementationDll, "VerifyHash" ); 
                            m_csShimVerifyHash =
                                ( CsV2VerifyHash ) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( 
                                                            procaddr16, typeof( CsV2VerifyHash ) ); 

                        catch( Win32Exception )
                            // NB: IDT.ThrowHelperError would have logged for the Win32Exception 
                            IDT.Assert( !m_isInitialized, "If an exception occurred, we expect this to be false" ); 
                        m_isInitialized = true;
        // Summary:
        // Returns true if fileName has only alphanumeric characters 
        bool IsSafeFile( string fileName )
            // If any match from outside the range of [A-Za-z0-9] then we will not use this file
            return Regex.IsMatch( fileName, "^[A-Za-z0-9]+$" ); 

        // Summary: 
        // Return the path to the v2 (or a version above v2) implementation dll.
        // We expect this to be infocardapi2.dll unless overriden by a registry key 
        // Remarks: It is left upto the caller to check if the v2+ implementation
        // dll actually exists or not. 
        private string GetV2ImplementationDllPath()
            string v2AndAboveImplementationDll = String.Empty; 

            // First look in the registry key to see if this is defined 
            using( RegistryKey implDllKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( REDIRECT_DLL_REG_KEY ) ) 
                if ( null != implDllKey )
                    v2AndAboveImplementationDll = ( string )implDllKey.GetValue( REDIRECT_DLL_IMPLEMENTATION_VALUE ); 

                    if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( v2AndAboveImplementationDll ) ) 
                        string v2RegPath = Path.Combine(
                                                Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.System ), 
                                                v2AndAboveImplementationDll + ".dll" );

                        // Is the filename safe (use alphanumeric like the CSD Main 58552). Does it exist? 
                        // If not, discard the registry key we just read.
                        if ( !IsSafeFile( v2AndAboveImplementationDll ) || !File.Exists( v2RegPath ) ) 
                            v2AndAboveImplementationDll = String.Empty; 

            // If reg key was not found or not safe, or value was not found, or found to be empty,
            // then use the default of infocardapi2.dll 
            if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v2AndAboveImplementationDll ) )
                v2AndAboveImplementationDll = REDIRECT_DLL_IMPLEMENTATION_VALUE_DEFAULT; 
            IDT.Assert( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( v2AndAboveImplementationDll ), "v2AndAboveImplementationDll should not be empty" ); 

            // Get the full path to the v2Above dll
            return Path.Combine(
                Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.System ), 
                v2AndAboveImplementationDll + ".dll" );

        // Summary:
        // Return handle to the CardSpace implementation dll.
        // We will first check to see if a v2 (or above) redirection dll has been installed.
        // If not we will check to see if the v1 infocardapi.dll is installed. 
        // If that's not found as well, an exception is thrown
        private string GetCardSpaceImplementationDll() 
            string implDllFullPath = GetV2ImplementationDllPath(); 
            if( !File.Exists( implDllFullPath ) )
                // Choose infocardapi.dll, if v2+ dll does not exist 
                implDllFullPath = Path.Combine( 
                                        Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.System ), 
                                        REDIRECT_DLL_CARDSPACE_V1 + ".dll" );
                if( !File.Exists( implDllFullPath ) )
                    // If this does not exist either, then even CardSpace v1 is NOT installed 
                    // on this machine. Note: Throwing an exception using IDT.ThrowHelperError
                    // does not log to event log unless it derives from InfoCardBaseException. 
                    // This seems fine given that we don't want to be logging as "CardSpace X.0.0.0", 
                    // rather we'll let the client application log to event log if desired.
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperError(
                        new CardSpaceException( SR.GetString( SR.ClientAPIServiceNotInstalledError ) ) );

            return implDllFullPath; 

        // Delegate definitions ported from NativeMethods.cs

        internal delegate System.Int32 CsV2ManageCardSpace(); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate System.Int32 CsV2GetToken( 
                                      int cPolicyChain,
                                      SafeHandle pPolicyChain, 
                                      out SafeTokenHandle securityToken,
                                      out InternalRefCountedHandle pCryptoHandle);

        internal delegate System.Int32 CsV2ImportInformationCard(
             [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPWStr )] 
             string nativeFileName); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2Encrypt(
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle,
                                       bool fOAEP,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       int cbInData,
                                       SafeHandle pInData, 
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       out int pcbOutData,
                                       out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pOutData); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )]
        internal delegate int CsV2Decrypt(
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                       bool fOAEP,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       int cbInData, 
                                       SafeHandle pInData,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       out int pcbOutData,
                                       out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pOutData);

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2SignHash(
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       int cbHash,
                                       SafeHandle pInData, 
                                       SafeHandle pHashAlgOid,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )]
                                       out int pcbSig,
                                       out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pSig); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2VerifyHash( 
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       int cbHash,
                                       SafeHandle pInData,
                                       SafeHandle pHashAlgOid,
                                       [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U4 )] 
                                       int pcbSig,
                                       SafeHandle pSig, 
                                       out bool verified); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2GenerateDerivedKey(InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle,
                                                     int cbLabel,
                                                     SafeHandle pLabel,
                                                     int cbNonce, 
                                                     SafeHandle pNonce,
                                                     int derivedKeyLength, 
                                                     int offset, 
                                                     [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPWStr )]
                                                     string derivationAlgUri, 
                                                     out int cbDerivedKey,
                                                     out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pDerivedKey);

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2GetCryptoTransform(
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                       int mode, 
                                       int padding,
                                       int feedbackSize, 
                                       int direction,
                                       int cbIV,
                                       SafeHandle pIV,
                                       out InternalRefCountedHandle nativeTransformHandle); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2TransformBlock(InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                                 int cbInData,
                                                 SafeHandle pInData, 
                                                 out int cbOutData,
                                                 out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pOutData);

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2TransformFinalBlock(InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle,
                                                 int cbInData, 
                                                 SafeHandle pInData, 
                                                 out int cbOutData,
                                                 out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pOutData); 

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )]
        internal delegate int CsV2GetKeyedHash(
                                       InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                       out InternalRefCountedHandle nativeHashHandle);
        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )] 
        internal delegate int CsV2HashCore(InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle,
                                          int cbInData, 
                                          SafeHandle pInData);

        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail )]
        internal delegate int CsV2HashFinal(InternalRefCountedHandle nativeCryptoHandle, 
                                            int cbInData,
                                            SafeHandle pInData, 
                                            out int cbOutData, 
                                            out GlobalAllocSafeHandle pOutData);
        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success )]
        internal delegate bool CsV2CloseCryptoHandle([In] IntPtr hKey);
        //[ReliabilityContract( Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success )] 
        internal delegate System.Int32 CsV2FreeToken([In] IntPtr token); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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