CodeGroup.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Policy / CodeGroup.cs / 1305376 / CodeGroup.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
//  CodeGroup.cs
// [....] 
//  Representation for code groups used for the policy mechanism 

namespace System.Security.Policy {
    using System;
    using System.Security.Util; 
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

    internal interface IUnionSemanticCodeGroup
        PolicyStatement InternalResolve( Evidence evidence );
    abstract public class CodeGroup
        private IMembershipCondition m_membershipCondition;
        private IList m_children; 
        private PolicyStatement m_policy;
        private SecurityElement m_element; 
        private PolicyLevel m_parentLevel; 
        private String m_name;
        private String m_description; 

        internal CodeGroup()

        internal CodeGroup( IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PermissionSet permSet ) 
            Contract.Assert( membershipCondition != null, "membershipCondition != null" );
            Contract.Assert( permSet != null, "permSet != null" ); 

            m_membershipCondition = membershipCondition;
            m_policy = new PolicyStatement();
            m_policy.SetPermissionSetNoCopy( permSet ); 
            m_children = ArrayList.Synchronized( new ArrayList() );
            m_element = null; 
            m_parentLevel = null; 
        protected CodeGroup( IMembershipCondition membershipCondition, PolicyStatement policy )
            if (membershipCondition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "membershipCondition" ); 
            if (policy == null) 
                m_policy = null;
                m_policy = policy.Copy();

            m_membershipCondition = membershipCondition.Copy();
            m_children = ArrayList.Synchronized( new ArrayList() ); 
            m_element = null;
            m_parentLevel = null; 

        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated 
        public void AddChild( CodeGroup group )
            if (group == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("group"); 
            if (m_children == null) 
            lock (this)
                m_children.Add( group.Copy() );
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated 
        internal void AddChildInternal( CodeGroup group )
            if (group == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("group");
            if (m_children == null)
            lock (this)
                m_children.Add( group );
        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public void RemoveChild( CodeGroup group ) 
            if (group == null)

            if (m_children == null)
            lock (this )
                int index = m_children.IndexOf( group ); 

                if (index != -1) 
                    m_children.RemoveAt( index );
        public IList Children 
            [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated 
                if (m_children == null)

                lock (this) 
                    IList newList = new ArrayList( m_children.Count );
                    IEnumerator enumerator = m_children.GetEnumerator();

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        newList.Add( ((CodeGroup)enumerator.Current).Copy() );
                    return newList;

                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "Children" ); 

                ArrayList children = ArrayList.Synchronized( new ArrayList( value.Count ) ); 

                IEnumerator enumerator = value.GetEnumerator();

                while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                    CodeGroup group = enumerator.Current as CodeGroup; 
                    if (group == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_CodeGroupChildrenMustBeCodeGroups" ) ); 

                    children.Add( group.Copy() );
                m_children = children;

        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated 
        internal IList GetChildrenInternal()
            if (m_children == null)

            return m_children; 

        public IMembershipCondition MembershipCondition 
            [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
                if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null)
                return m_membershipCondition.Copy();

                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "MembershipCondition" );
                m_membershipCondition = value.Copy();

        public PolicyStatement PolicyStatement
            [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
                if (m_policy == null && m_element != null)

                if (m_policy != null)
                    return m_policy.Copy();
                    return null;
                if (value != null)
                    m_policy = value.Copy();
                    m_policy = null; 
        public String Name
                return m_name;

                m_name = value;

        public String Description
                return m_description; 
                m_description = value;
        public abstract PolicyStatement Resolve( Evidence evidence ); 

        public abstract CodeGroup ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( Evidence evidence ); 

        public abstract CodeGroup Copy();

        public virtual String PermissionSetName 
            [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated 
                if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 

                if (m_policy == null)
                    return null; 

                NamedPermissionSet permSet = m_policy.GetPermissionSetNoCopy() as NamedPermissionSet; 
                if (permSet != null)
                    return permSet.Name;
                    return null;
        public virtual String AttributeString
            [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
                if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 

                if (m_policy != null) 
                    return m_policy.AttributeString;
                    return null;
        public abstract String MergeLogic 

        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public SecurityElement ToXml() 
            return ToXml( null ); 

        public void FromXml( SecurityElement e ) 
            FromXml( e, null );
        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public SecurityElement ToXml( PolicyLevel level ) 
            return ToXml( level, GetTypeName() );

        internal virtual String GetTypeName()
            return this.GetType().FullName; 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated 
        internal SecurityElement ToXml( PolicyLevel level, String policyClassName )
            if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null)

            if (m_children == null) 
            if (m_policy == null && m_element != null) 
            SecurityElement e = new SecurityElement( "CodeGroup" );
            System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.AddClassAttribute( e, this.GetType(), policyClassName );
            // If you hit this assert then most likely you are trying to change the name of this class.
            // This is ok as long as you change the hard coded string above and change the assert below. 
            Contract.Assert( this.GetType().FullName.Equals( policyClassName ), "Incorrect class name passed in! Was: " + policyClassName + " Should be " + this.GetType().FullName);
            e.AddAttribute( "version", "1" ); 

            e.AddChild( m_membershipCondition.ToXml( level ) ); 

            // Grab the inerts of the policy statement's xml and just stick it
            // into the code group xml directly. We do this to hide the policy statement from
            // users in the config file. 

            if (m_policy != null) 
                PermissionSet permSet = m_policy.GetPermissionSetNoCopy();
                NamedPermissionSet namedPermSet = permSet as NamedPermissionSet; 

                if (namedPermSet != null && level != null && level.GetNamedPermissionSetInternal( namedPermSet.Name ) != null)
                    e.AddAttribute( "PermissionSetName", namedPermSet.Name ); 
                    if (!permSet.IsEmpty())
                        e.AddChild( permSet.ToXml() ); 

                if (m_policy.Attributes != PolicyStatementAttribute.Nothing)
                    e.AddAttribute( "Attributes", XMLUtil.BitFieldEnumToString( typeof( PolicyStatementAttribute ), m_policy.Attributes ) ); 
                if (m_children.Count > 0) 
                    lock (this) 
                        IEnumerator enumerator = m_children.GetEnumerator();

                        while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                            e.AddChild( ((CodeGroup)enumerator.Current).ToXml( level ) ); 

            if (m_name != null)
                e.AddAttribute( "Name", SecurityElement.Escape( m_name ) ); 
            if (m_description != null) 
                e.AddAttribute( "Description", SecurityElement.Escape( m_description ) ); 

            CreateXml( e, level );
            return e;
        protected virtual void CreateXml( SecurityElement element, PolicyLevel level )

        public void FromXml( SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level )
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); 

            lock (this) 
                m_element = e;
                m_parentLevel = level;
                m_children = null; 
                m_membershipCondition = null;
                m_policy = null; 
                m_name = e.Attribute( "Name" );
                m_description = e.Attribute( "Description" ); 

                ParseXml( e, level );

        protected virtual void ParseXml( SecurityElement e, PolicyLevel level ) 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private bool ParseMembershipCondition( bool safeLoad )
            lock (this) 
                IMembershipCondition membershipCondition = null; 
                SecurityElement elMembershipCondition = m_element.SearchForChildByTag( "IMembershipCondition" ); 
                if (elMembershipCondition != null)
                        membershipCondition = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreateMembershipCondition( elMembershipCondition );
                        if (membershipCondition == null)
                            return false; 
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_MembershipConditionElement" ), ex );
//                    catch
//                    { 
//                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_MembershipConditionElement" ) );
//                    } 
                    membershipCondition.FromXml( elMembershipCondition, m_parentLevel ); 
                    throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidXMLElement" ),  "IMembershipCondition", this.GetType().FullName ) );
                m_membershipCondition = membershipCondition;
                return true; 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        private void ParseMembershipCondition()
            ParseMembershipCondition( false ); 
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated 
        internal void ParseChildren()
            lock (this)
                ArrayList childrenList = ArrayList.Synchronized( new ArrayList() );
                if (m_element != null && m_element.InternalChildren != null)
                    // We set the elements childrenList to a list that contains no code groups that are in 
                    // assemblies that have not yet been loaded.  This guarantees that if
                    // we recurse while loading the child code groups or their membership conditions 
                    // that we won't get back to this point to create an infinite recursion.

                    m_element.Children = (ArrayList)m_element.InternalChildren.Clone();
                    // We need to keep track of which children are not parsed and created in our
                    // first pass through the list of children, including what position they were 
                    // at originally so that we can add them back in as we do parse them. 

                    ArrayList unparsedChildren = ArrayList.Synchronized( new ArrayList() ); 

                    Evidence evidence = new Evidence();

                    int childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < childCount) 
                        SecurityElement elGroup = (SecurityElement)m_element.Children[i];
                        if (elGroup.Tag.Equals( "CodeGroup" ))
                            // Using safe load here to guarantee that we don't load any assemblies that aren't
                            // already loaded.  If we find a code group or membership condition that is defined 
                            // in an assembly that is not yet loaded, we will remove the corresponding element
                            // from the list of child elements as to avoid the infinite recursion, and then 
                            // add them back in later. 

                            CodeGroup group = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup( elGroup ); 

                            if (group != null)
                                group.FromXml( elGroup, m_parentLevel ); 

                                // We want to touch the membership condition to make sure it is loaded 
                                // before we put the code group in a place where Resolve will touch it. 
                                // This is critical in negotiating our recursive resolve scenario.
                                if (ParseMembershipCondition( true ))
                                    // In addition, we need to touch several methods to make sure they are jitted previous
                                    // to a Resolve happening with this code gropu in the hierarchy.  We can run into 
                                    // recursive cases where if you have a method that touchs an assembly that does
                                    // a resolve at load time (permission request, execution checking) that you recurse around 
                                    // and end up trying to jit the same method again. 

                                    group.Resolve( evidence ); 
                                    group.MembershipCondition.Check( evidence );

                                    // Now it should be ok to add the group to the hierarchy.
                                    childrenList.Add( group );
                                    // Increment the count since we are done with this child 

                                    // Assembly that holds the membership condition is not loaded, remove 
                                    // the child from the list.
                                    m_element.InternalChildren.RemoveAt( i ); 

                                    // Note: we do not increment the counter since the value at 'i' should 
                                    // now be what was at 'i+1' previous to the RemoveAt( i ) above.  However,
                                    // we do need to update the count of children in the list

                                    childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 

                                    // Add this child to the unparsed child list. 
                                    unparsedChildren.Add( new CodeGroupPositionMarker( i, childrenList.Count, elGroup ) );
                                // Assembly that holds the code group is not loaded, remove 
                                // the child from the list.
                                m_element.InternalChildren.RemoveAt( i ); 

                                // Note: we do not increment the counter since the value at 'i' should 
                                // now be what was at 'i+1' previous to the RemoveAt( i ) above.  However,
                                // we do need to update the count of children in the list

                                childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 

                                // Add this child to the unparsed child list. 
                                unparsedChildren.Add( new CodeGroupPositionMarker( i, childrenList.Count, elGroup ) );
                            // The current tag is not an  tag, so we just skip it. 

                    // Now we have parsed all the children that only use classes in already loaded
                    // assemblies.  Now go through the process of loading the needed classes (and
                    // therefore assemblies) and building the objects in the order that they
                    // appear in the list of children (which is the same as they now appear in the 
                    // list of unparsed children since we always added to the back of the list).
                    // As each is parsed, add that child back into the list of children since they 
                    // can now be parsed without loading any additional assemblies. 

                    IEnumerator enumerator = unparsedChildren.GetEnumerator(); 

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        CodeGroupPositionMarker marker = (CodeGroupPositionMarker)enumerator.Current; 

                        CodeGroup group = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup( marker.element ); 
                        if (group != null)
                            group.FromXml( marker.element, m_parentLevel );

                            // We want to touch the membership condition to make sure it is loaded
                            // before we put the code group in a place where Resolve will touch it. 
                            // This is critical in negotiating our recursive resolve scenario.
                            group.Resolve( evidence ); 
                            group.MembershipCondition.Check( evidence );
                            // Now it should be ok to add the group to the hierarchy.

                            childrenList.Insert( marker.groupIndex, group );
                            // Add the element back into the child list in the proper spot.
                            m_element.InternalChildren.Insert( marker.elementIndex, marker.element ); 
                            throw new ArgumentException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_FailedCodeGroup" ), marker.element.Attribute( "class" ) ) );

                m_children = childrenList; 

        private void ParsePolicy()
            // There is a potential deadlock situation here
            // since the PolicyStatement.FromXml method calls 
            // into PolicyLevel and we are holding this CodeGroup's lock. 
            // We solve this by releasing the lock for the duration of
            // the FromXml call, but this leads us into some race conditions 
            // with other threads trying to alter the state of this object.
            // The trickiest of these is the case from FromXml gets called on
            // this object, in which case we will loop and try the decode again.
            while (true)
                PolicyStatement policy = new PolicyStatement(); 
                bool needToParse = false;
                SecurityElement elPolicy = new SecurityElement( "PolicyStatement" );
                elPolicy.AddAttribute( "version", "1" );

                SecurityElement localRef = m_element; 

                lock (this) 

                    // We create an xml representation of a policy statement from the 
                    // xml for a code group.  We do this to hide the policy statement from
                    // users in the config file.

                    if (m_element != null) 
                        String permSetName = m_element.Attribute( "PermissionSetName" ); 
                        if (permSetName != null)
                            elPolicy.AddAttribute( "PermissionSetName", permSetName );
                            needToParse = true;
                            SecurityElement elPermSet = m_element.SearchForChildByTag( "PermissionSet" ); 
                            if (elPermSet != null)
                                elPolicy.AddChild( elPermSet );
                                needToParse = true;
                                elPolicy.AddChild( new PermissionSet( false ).ToXml() ); 
                                needToParse = true; 

                        String attributes = m_element.Attribute( "Attributes" );

                        if (attributes != null) 
                            elPolicy.AddAttribute( "Attributes", attributes ); 
                            needToParse = true; 

                if (needToParse)
                    policy.FromXml( elPolicy, m_parentLevel ); 
                    policy.PermissionSet = null; 
                lock (this)
                    if (localRef == m_element && m_policy == null)
                        m_policy = policy;
                    else if (m_policy != null) 

            if (m_policy != null && m_children != null && m_membershipCondition != null) 
                //m_element = null; 
                //m_parentLevel = null; 

        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public override bool Equals( Object o) 
            CodeGroup that = (o as CodeGroup); 
            if (that != null && this.GetType().Equals( that.GetType() ))
                if (Equals( this.m_name, that.m_name ) &&
                    Equals( this.m_description, that.m_description ))
                    if (this.m_membershipCondition == null && this.m_element != null) 
                    if (that.m_membershipCondition == null && that.m_element != null) 

                    if (Equals( this.m_membershipCondition, that.m_membershipCondition )) 
                        return true;
            return false; 

        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated 
        public bool Equals( CodeGroup cg, bool compareChildren)
            if (!this.Equals( cg )) return false;
            if (compareChildren)
                if (this.m_children == null) 
                if (cg.m_children == null) 

                ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(this.m_children);
                ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(cg.m_children); 

                if (list1.Count != list2.Count) return false; 
                for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; i++)
                    if (!((CodeGroup) list1[i]).Equals( (CodeGroup) list2[i], true ))
                        return false;
            return true;

        [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical]  // auto-generated
        public override int GetHashCode()
            if (m_membershipCondition == null && m_element != null)
            if (m_name != null || m_membershipCondition != null)
                return (m_name == null ? 0 : m_name.GetHashCode())
                     + (m_membershipCondition == null ? 0 : m_membershipCondition.GetHashCode());
                return GetType().GetHashCode(); 

    internal class CodeGroupPositionMarker
        internal int elementIndex; 
        internal int groupIndex;
        internal SecurityElement element; 
        internal CodeGroupPositionMarker( int elementIndex, int groupIndex, SecurityElement element )
            this.elementIndex = elementIndex;
            this.groupIndex = groupIndex;
            this.element = element;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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