Utility.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Print / Reach / AlphaFlattener / Utility.cs / 1 / Utility.cs

//  Microsoft Printing
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2004
//  File:       Primitive.cs 
//  History: 
//      [....]: 04/20/2004  Created 
using System;
using System.Collections;              // for ArrayList
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics; 

using System.Windows;                  // for Rect                        WindowsBase.dll 
using System.Windows.Media;            // for Geometry, Brush, ImageData. PresentationCore.dll 
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 
using System.Windows.Controls;         // for Image
using System.Windows.Shapes;           // for Glyphs

using Microsoft.Internal; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MS.Internal.ReachFramework; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Windows.Xps.Serialization;

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(       "System.Printing, PublicKey=" + BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING)]
// This code is debug only until we decide to go all the way with enforcements.
//[assembly:SecurityCritical] //needed to run critical code 
// DRT tests
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(     "DrtAlphaFlattener, PublicKey=" + BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING)]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DrtVisualSerialization, PublicKey=" + BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING)]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(              "AvaPrint, PublicKey=" + "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100c1bcd9b7844cd35725b1138216ed5e0fab914676d580860f6f081c8c0e83b92d835ffae76fa968f7637e4b6e32d77fee1c084088cee736ce589d65ad0fa66f086c2f5f755a6f2909d17c643b45c72a906aaac617bfd67491a8fce54784ca98317aea28c0544546ff9123f6f94e59793f2874437bc3d136a40095d0f960e6a6a4")] 
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(                 "AvaVV, PublicKey=" + "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100c1bcd9b7844cd35725b1138216ed5e0fab914676d580860f6f081c8c0e83b92d835ffae76fa968f7637e4b6e32d77fee1c084088cee736ce589d65ad0fa66f086c2f5f755a6f2909d17c643b45c72a906aaac617bfd67491a8fce54784ca98317aea28c0544546ff9123f6f94e59793f2874437bc3d136a40095d0f960e6a6a4")]
namespace Microsoft.Internal.AlphaFlattener
 	internal static class StopWatch
		static double   s_total; // = 0; 
		static DateTime s_startTime;
 		static int      s_count; // = 0; 
		internal static void Start()
 			s_startTime = DateTime.Now;

 		internal static void Stop() 
			TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - s_startTime; 
			s_total += elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            if (Configuration.Verbose >= 2)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", s_count, elapsed.TotalSeconds, s_total); 
 	internal static class Utility
        #region Constants
        private const double OpaqueEnough      = 250.0 / 255; // 0.98
        private const double AlmostTransparent = 5.0 / 255; // 0.02 
        // Espilon for detecting two doubles as the same. It's a pretty large epsilon due to
        // high error when dealing with PathGeometry. 
        private const double Epsilon = 0.00002;

        /// Minimum geometry width and height in world space for it to be considered visible. 
        /// Currently defined as 1x1 rectangle at 960 DPI. 
        private const double GeometryMinimumDimension = 1 * (96.0 / 960.0); 

        /// Numerical limits from the XPS specification.
        private const double XpsMaxDouble = 1e38;
        private const double XpsMinDouble = -1e38; 
        /// Drawing cost of having transparency. 
        public const double TransparencyCostFactor = 2.5;


        #region Math and Transform 
        /// Apply transformation to Rect 
        static public Rect TransformRect(Rect r, Matrix t)
            if (t.IsIdentity) 
                return r; 

            return r;

        /// IsOne - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 1.
        ///  The double to compare to 1.  
        public static bool IsOne(double value)
            return Math.Abs(value - 1.0) < Epsilon;

        /// IsZero - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 0.
        ///  The double to compare to 0.  
        public static bool IsZero(double value)
            return Math.Abs(value) < Epsilon;

        static public bool AreClose(double v1, double v2) 
            return IsZero(v1 - v2); 

        static public bool AreClose(Point p1, Point p2) 
            return IsZero(p1.X - p2.X) && IsZero(p1.Y - p2.Y);
        static public bool AreClose(Vector v1, Vector v2)
            return IsZero(v1.X - v2.X) && IsZero(v2.Y - v2.Y); 
        static public bool AreClose(Size s1, Size s2)
            return IsZero(s1.Width - s2.Width) && IsZero(s1.Height - s2.Height);

        static public bool AreClose(Rect r1, Rect r2) 
            return AreClose(r1.TopLeft, r2.TopLeft) && AreClose(r1.BottomRight, r2.BottomRight);

        static public bool IsMultipleOf(double v1, double v2)
            if (IsZero(v2)) 
                return IsZero(v1); 

            double scale = v1 / v2; 

            double s = Math.Round(scale);

            return (s >= 1) && IsZero(scale - s); 
        static public bool IsScaleTranslate(Matrix transform) 
            return IsZero(transform.M12) && IsZero(transform.M21); 

        // x' = m11 * x + m21 * y + dx
        // y' = m12 * x + m22 * y + dy 
        // When m11^2 + m12^2 = m21^2 + m22^2 and m11 * m21 + m12 * m22 = 0
        // Distance between any two points will be scaled by a constant 
        static public bool HasUniformScale(Matrix mat, out double scale) 
            scale = 1; 

            double A = mat.M11 * mat.M11 + mat.M12 * mat.M12;
            double B = mat.M21 * mat.M21 + mat.M22 * mat.M22;
            if (IsZero(A - B))
                double C = mat.M11 * mat.M21 + mat.M12 * mat.M22; 

                scale = Math.Sqrt(A); 

                return IsZero(C);
            return false;
        // Euclidean distance: optimized for common cases where either x or y is zero.
        public static double Hypotenuse(double x, double y) 
            x = Math.Abs(x);
            y = Math.Abs(y);
            if (IsZero(x))
                return y; 
            else if (IsZero(y)) 
                return x;
                if (y < x) 
                    double temp = x;
                    x = y; 
                    y = temp;

                double r = x / y; 

                return y * Math.Sqrt(r * r + 1.0); 
        public static double GetScaleX(Matrix matrix)
            return Hypotenuse(matrix.M11, matrix.M21);

        public static double GetScaleY(Matrix matrix) 
            return Hypotenuse(matrix.M12, matrix.M22);

        public static double GetScale(Matrix trans)
            return Math.Max(GetScaleX(trans), GetScaleY(trans)); 
        public static bool IsIdentity(Matrix mat) 
            if (mat.IsIdentity) 
                return true;
                return IsOne(mat.M11) && IsZero(mat.M12) && 
                       IsZero(mat.M21) && IsOne(mat.M22) && 
                       IsZero(mat.OffsetX) && IsZero(mat.OffsetY);

        // Check if transform is null, identity or close enough to identity
        public static bool IsIdentity(Transform transform) 
            if (transform == null) 
                return true;
                return IsIdentity(transform.Value);
        /// Merge transform with relative transform
        public static Matrix MergeTransform(Transform trans, Transform relative, Rect bounds)
            Matrix mat = Matrix.Identity; 

            if (!IsIdentity(relative)) 
                // Calculate absolute derivation of the relative tranform
                // Refer to mil\core\resources\BrushTypeUtils.cpp: CBrushTypeUtils::ConvertRelativeTransformToAbsolute
                mat = relative.Value; 

                //      MILRectF relativeBounds = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}; 
                //      pResultTransform->InferAffineMatrix(relativeBounds, pBoundingBox); 
                //      pResultTransform->Multiply(*pmatRelative);
                //      relativeToAbsolute.InferAffineMatrix(pBoundingBox, relativeBounds); 
                //      pResultTransform->Multiply(relativeToAbsolute);

                mat.OffsetX = mat.OffsetX * bounds.Width - mat.M11 * bounds.X - mat.M21 * bounds.Y * bounds.Width / bounds.Height + bounds.X;
                mat.OffsetY = mat.OffsetY * bounds.Height - mat.M12 * bounds.X * bounds.Height / bounds.Width - mat.M22 * bounds.Y + bounds.Y; 

                mat.M12 *= bounds.Height / bounds.Width; 
                mat.M21 *= bounds.Width / bounds.Height; 
            if (!IsIdentity(trans))
                mat *= trans.Value;

            return mat; 

        public static Point MapPoint(Rect bounds, Point p) 
            return new Point(bounds.Left + p.X * bounds.Width,
                             bounds.Top + p.Y * bounds.Height);

        public static Transform MultiplyTransform(Transform trans1, Transform trans2) 
            if ((trans1 == null) || trans1.Value.IsIdentity)
                return trans2;

            if ((trans2 == null) || trans2.Value.IsIdentity) 
                return trans1; 

            Matrix mat = trans1.Value; 


            return new MatrixTransform(mat); 
        /// Creates transformation mapping from first rectangle to the second rectangle.
        public static Matrix CreateMappingTransform(Rect r1, Rect r2) 
            Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-r1.X, -r1.Y); 
            transform.Scale(r2.Width / r1.Width, r2.Height / r1.Height);
            transform.Translate(r2.X, r2.Y); 

            return transform;
        /// Creates transformation mapping from first rectangle to rectangle at origin with specified dimensions. 
        public static Matrix CreateMappingTransform(Rect r1, double width, double height)
            Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-r1.X, -r1.Y);
            transform.Scale(width / r1.Width, height / r1.Height); 

            return transform; 

        #region Geometry
        /// Apply transformation to Geometry
        static public Geometry TransformGeometry(Geometry g, Matrix t)
            if (g == null)
                return null;
            if (t.IsIdentity)
                return g;

            Geometry newg = g.CloneCurrentValue(); 

            newg.Transform = MultiplyTransform(newg.Transform, new MatrixTransform(t)); 
            return newg;

        /// Apply transformation to Geometry
        static public Geometry TransformGeometry(Geometry g, Transform t)
            if (g == null) 
                return null; 

            if (t.Value.IsIdentity)
                return g;
            Geometry newg = g.CloneCurrentValue();
            newg.Transform = MultiplyTransform(newg.Transform, t);

            return newg;

        static public Geometry InverseTransformGeometry(Geometry g, Matrix mat) 
            if ((g == null) || mat.IsIdentity)
                return g;


            return TransformGeometry(g, mat); 

        /// Checks if a Geometry can be considered empty after transformation.
        /// Transformation hint to world space, may be identity 
        /// mat is used to transform geometry bounds to world space to test for 
        /// non-visible geometry. 
        static public bool IsEmpty(Geometry shape, Matrix mat) 
            if (shape == null)
                return true; 
            Rect bounds = shape.Bounds; 

            // If bounding rectangle is empty, the shape is empty 
            if (bounds.IsEmpty)
                return true;

            if (!mat.IsIdentity) 
                if (bounds.Width < GeometryMinimumDimension || bounds.Height < GeometryMinimumDimension)
                    // geometry bounds in world space is too small, treat as empty
                    return true; 
            return false;

        static public PathGeometry GetAsPathGeometry(Geometry geo)
            PathGeometry pg = geo as PathGeometry;
            if (pg == null) 
                pg = PathGeometry.CreateFromGeometry(geo); 

            return pg;

        static public bool IsRectangle(Geometry geometry) 
            if (geometry.Transform != null && !IsScaleTranslate(geometry.Transform.Value)) 
                // assume the transformation distorts the geometry, thus it can't be rectangle
                return false;

            bool rect = geometry is RectangleGeometry; 
            if (!rect)
                StreamGeometry streamGeometry = geometry as StreamGeometry;

                if (streamGeometry != null)
                    rect = IsRectangle(streamGeometry);

            if (!rect) 
                PathGeometry pathGeometry = geometry as PathGeometry;

                if (pathGeometry != null) 
                    rect = IsRectangle(pathGeometry); 
            return rect;

        // Checks if StreamGeometry is a rectangle 
        private static bool IsRectangle(StreamGeometry geometry)
            int pointCount; 
            bool isRectangle;
            bool isLineSegment; 

                out pointCount,
                out isRectangle, 
                out isLineSegment 
            return isRectangle;

        // Check if a PathGeometry is a normal rectangle 
        private static bool IsRectangle(PathGeometry geometry)
            if ((geometry == null) || (geometry.Figures.Count != 1)) 
                return false; 

            PathFigure figure = geometry.Figures[0];
            if ((figure != null) && figure.IsClosed)
                Point p = figure.StartPoint; 

                int n = 0; 

                for (int s = 0; s < figure.Segments.Count; s++)
                    PathSegment segment = figure.Segments[s]; 

                    if (segment != null) 
                        LineSegment seg = segment as LineSegment;
                        PolyLineSegment pseg = null; 

                        int count = 1;

                        if (seg == null) 
                            pseg = segment as PolyLineSegment; 
                            if ((pseg == null) || (pseg.Points == null) || (pseg.Points.Count != 3))
                                return false;

                            count = 3; 
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                            Point q; 

                            if (seg != null)
                                q = seg.Point; 
                                q = pseg.Points[i];

                            if (!IsOnRectangle(figure.StartPoint, p, q, n))
                                return false; 
                            p = q; 
                        return false; 
                return n >= 3; // 3 or 4 points

            return false;
        /// Non-exhaustive check if geometry is a single line segment. 
        public static bool IsLineSegment(Geometry geometry)
            StreamGeometry streamGeometry = geometry as StreamGeometry;
            if (streamGeometry != null)
                int estimatedPointCount;    // unused 
                bool isRectangle;           // unused
                bool isLineSegment; 

                    out estimatedPointCount,
                    out isRectangle, 
                    out isLineSegment 
                return isLineSegment;

            PathGeometry pathGeometry = geometry as PathGeometry; 

            if (pathGeometry != null && 
                pathGeometry.Figures != null && 
                pathGeometry.Figures.Count == 1)
                PathFigure figure = pathGeometry.Figures[0];

                if (figure.Segments != null &&
                    figure.Segments.Count == 1 && 
                    figure.Segments[0] is LineSegment)
                    return true; 

            return false;

        static public double GetGeometryCost(Geometry g) 
            StreamGeometry sg = g as StreamGeometry;
            if (sg != null)
                int  pointCount;
                bool isRectangle; 
                bool isLineSegment;
                    out pointCount,
                    out isRectangle,
                    out isLineSegment

                return pointCount; 

            PathGeometry pg = g as PathGeometry; 

            if (pg != null)
                return GetPathPointCount(pg); 
            GeometryGroup gg = g as GeometryGroup; 

            if (gg != null) 
                double sum = 0;

                if (gg.Children != null) 
                    foreach (Geometry c in gg.Children) 
                        sum += GetGeometryCost(c);

                return sum;

            if (g is RectangleGeometry) 
                return 4;

            return 10000;

        /// Check if the first Geometry completely covers the second one. 
        /// It's only used for optimization, so it's okay to return false anytime.
        /// True if Intersect(one, two) = two
        static public bool FullyCovers(Geometry one, Geometry two) 
            Rect bounds1 = one.Bounds; 
            Rect bounds2 = two.Bounds; 

            // Check if the bounds of one covers the bounds of two 
            if (bounds1.Contains(bounds2))
                if (IsRectangle(one))
                    return true;
                double cost1 = GetGeometryCost(one);
                double cost2 = GetGeometryCost(two); 

                // Avoid expensive calls to convert to PathGeometry and calling ContainsWithDetail
                if (cost1 * cost2 < 10000) // 100 x 100
                    IntersectionDetail detail = one.FillContainsWithDetail(two);
                    return (detail == IntersectionDetail.FullyContains); 
                else if (cost1 < 500) 
                    IntersectionDetail detail = one.FillContainsWithDetail(new RectangleGeometry(bounds2));

                    return (detail == IntersectionDetail.FullyContains); 
            return false;

        static public bool Covers(Geometry one, Geometry two)
            Rect bounds1 = one.Bounds; 
            Rect bounds2 = two.Bounds;
            if (bounds1.Contains(bounds2)) 
                if (one is RectangleGeometry && one.Transform.Value.IsIdentity) 
                    return true;

            IntersectionDetail detail = one.FillContainsWithDetail(two); 
            return (detail == IntersectionDetail.FullyContains);

        /// Find intersection of two Geometries
        /// Transformation of resulting intersection geometry to world space for optimization purposes; 
        /// may be null.
        /// mat is used to estimate world-space size of the intersection, and return empty if
        /// intersection result is too small to be visible. 
        static public Geometry Intersect(Geometry one, Geometry two, Matrix mat, out bool empty) 
            empty = false;
            if (one == null) // null is whole
                return two;

            if (two == null) 
                return one;

            if (FullyCovers(one, two))
                return two; 
            if (FullyCovers(two, one)) 
                return one; 

            if (one.Bounds.IntersectsWith(two.Bounds))
                one = Combine(one, two, GeometryCombineMode.Intersect, mat);
                one = null; 

            empty = one == null;
            return one;
        /// Excludes second geometry from the first. 
        /// Transformation of resulting intersection geometry to world space for optimization purposes; 
        /// may be null.
        /// mat is used to estimate world-space size of the intersection, and return empty if
        /// intersection result is too small to be visible. 
        static public Geometry Exclude(Geometry one, Geometry two, Matrix mat)
            if ((one == null) || (two == null)) 
                return one; 

            return Combine(one, two, GeometryCombineMode.Exclude, mat); 

        /// Check if a clip Geometry is disjoint with a bounding box 
        static public bool Disjoint(Geometry clip, Rect rect) 
            // Null clip means no clipping
            if (clip == null)
                return false;
            Rect cBounds = clip.Bounds;
            return (cBounds.Left > rect.Right) ||
                   (cBounds.Right < rect.Left) ||
                   (cBounds.Top > rect.Bottom) ||
                   (cBounds.Bottom < rect.Top); 
        /// Gets upper bound to number of points in geometry data.
        public static int GetGeometryPointCount(Geometry geometry)
            int estimatedPoints;
            bool usePathGeometry = false; 
            if (geometry is PathGeometry ||
                geometry is GeometryGroup || 
                geometry is CombinedGeometry)
                // For GeometryGroup and CombinedGeometry, Geometry.GetPathGeometryData has hidden 
                // conversion to PathGeometry followed by serialization to PathGeometryData.
                // We therefore simply convert to PathGeometry and walk it to get point count. 
                usePathGeometry = true; 

            if (usePathGeometry)
                PathGeometry pathGeometry = GetAsPathGeometry(geometry);
                estimatedPoints = GetPathPointCount(pathGeometry); 
                Geometry.PathGeometryData data = geometry.GetPathGeometryData();

                estimatedPoints = GetGeometryDataPointCount(data); 
            return estimatedPoints; 
        public static int GetGeometryDataPointCount(Geometry.PathGeometryData geometryData)
            int pointCount; 

            GeometryAnalyzer.Analyze(geometryData, out pointCount); 
            return pointCount;

        public static int GetPathPointCount(PathGeometry geometry)
            int size = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < geometry.Figures.Count; i++) 
                PathFigure figure = geometry.Figures[i]; 

                if (figure != null)
                    size += GetPathPointCount(figure); 
            return size;

        public static int GetPathPointCount(PathFigure figure)
            int size = 2;     // For the startpoint and endpoint
            for (int s = 0; s < figure.Segments.Count; s++) 
                PathSegment segment = figure.Segments[s]; 

                if (segment != null)
                    size += GetPathPointCount(segment); 
            return size;

        public static int GetPathPointCount(PathSegment segment)
            Type typ = segment.GetType();
            int size; 
            if (typ == typeof(BezierSegment))
                size = 3;
            else if (typ == typeof(LineSegment))
                size = 1;
            else if (typ == typeof(QuadraticBezierSegment)) 
                size = 3; 
            else if (typ == typeof(PolyLineSegment))
                PolyLineSegment seg = (PolyLineSegment)segment; 

                size = seg.Points.Count; 
            else if (typ == typeof(PolyQuadraticBezierSegment))
                PolyQuadraticBezierSegment seg = (PolyQuadraticBezierSegment)segment;

                size = (seg.Points.Count + 1) / 2 * 3;
            else if (typ == typeof(PolyBezierSegment))
                PolyBezierSegment seg = (PolyBezierSegment)segment; 

                size = (seg.Points.Count + 2) / 3 * 3; 
            else if (typ == typeof(ArcSegment))
                // An arc can be converted to a maxiumum of 4 Bezier segments, Check ArcToBezier in DrawingContextFlattener.cs 
                size = 4 * 3;
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unsupported PathSegment"); 
                size = 0;

            return size; 
        private const double Tolerance_960_dpi = 0.1; 

        static private Geometry Combine(Geometry one, Geometry two, GeometryCombineMode mode, Matrix mat) 

            Geometry rslt = System.Windows.Media.Geometry.Combine(one, two, mode, 
                                Tolerance_960_dpi, ToleranceType.Absolute);

            if (Configuration.Verbose >= 2)
                if (IsRectangle(GetAsPathGeometry(one)) && IsRectangle(GetAsPathGeometry(two)))
                    Console.WriteLine("Combine({0})", mode); 

            if (IsEmpty(rslt, mat))
                return null; 
                return rslt;

        static private bool IsOnRectangle(Point start, Point p, Point q, int n) 
            switch (n)
                case 0:
                    if (!AreClose(q.Y, p.Y) || (q.X < p.X))
                        return false; 
                case 1:
                    if (!AreClose(q.X, p.X) || (q.Y < p.Y)) 
                        return false;

                case 2: 
                    if (!AreClose(q.Y, p.Y) || !AreClose(q.X, start.X)) 
                        return false; 

                case 3: 
                    if (!AreClose(q.Y, start.Y) || !AreClose(q.X, start.X))
                        return false; 

                    return false;

            return true; 


        #region Color

        /// Get opacity to be in [0..1], default = 1
        public static double GetOpacity(Brush brush) 
            if (brush == null)
                return 0;   // transparent 
            double opacity = brush.Opacity; 

            if (opacity > 1) 
                return 1;
            else if  (Double.IsNaN(opacity) || (opacity < 0)) 
                return 0; 
                return opacity;

        /// Check if opacity is high enough to be considered totally opaque 
        public static bool IsOpaque(double opacity) 
            return Utility.NormalizeOpacity(opacity) > OpaqueEnough;

        /// Check if opacity is low enough to be considered totally transparent 
        public static bool IsTransparent(double opacity) 
            return Utility.NormalizeOpacity(opacity) < AlmostTransparent;
        /// Check if a brush is opacity 
        /// True if brush is known to be opaque. It's okay to return false 
        public static bool IsBrushOpaque(Brush brush)
            if (IsOpaque(brush.Opacity))
                SolidColorBrush sb = brush as SolidColorBrush;
                if (sb != null) 
                    return Utility.IsOpaque(sb.Color.ScA); 

                // More common brushes can be added later

            return false; 

        /// Converts a floating-point opacity value to a byte value.
        public static byte OpacityToByte(double value)
            return (byte)(NormalizeOpacity(value) * 255); 
        /// Converts a floating-point color channel value to a byte value.
        public static byte ColorToByte(float value) 
            return (byte)(NormalizeColorChannel(value) * 255);

        /// Calculate the blended color of two colors, the color which can achieve
        /// the same result as drawing two colors seperately 
        static public Color BlendColor(Color x, Color y) 
            if (Configuration.ForceAlphaOpaque)
                y.ScA = 1; 

                return y; 

            Byte a = x.A; 
            Byte b = y.A;
            int c = a * (255 - b);
            int d = (a + b) * 255 - a * b;
            if (d < 255) // 0.004
                return Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255); // transparent white 
                Byte red   = (Byte)((x.R * c + y.R * b * 255) / d);
                Byte green = (Byte)((x.G * c + y.G * b * 255) / d);
                Byte blue  = (Byte)((x.B * c + y.B * b * 255) / d); 
                Color ret  = Color.FromArgb((Byte)(d / 255), red, green, blue);
                return ret; 

        /// Multiply a color's alpha channel by an opacity value
        public static Color Scale(Color color, double opacity)
            if (IsOpaque(opacity))
                return color;

            // Do not return transparent white if opacity is transparent. 
            // We still need to preserve color channels for gradient stop colors. 

            color = Utility.NormalizeColor(color); 
            opacity = Utility.NormalizeOpacity(opacity);

            color.ScA = (float)(color.ScA * opacity);
            return color;
        #region Image

        // val could be larger than 255 * 255 because of super lumbinance
        static Byte Div255(int val) 
            if (val > 255 * 255) 
                return 255;
            else if (val < 128)
                return 0;
                return (Byte) (val / 255); 

        /// Blend an array of PBGRA pixels with a given Color rendering under it
        /// Only use the alpha channel in the image 
        ///     Critical   : pixels may contain critical information
        ///     TreatAsSafe: pixels is modified in place, not leaked
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static public void BlendOverColor(byte[] pixels, int count, Color colorX, double opacity, bool opacityOnly) 
/*          if (Configuration.ForceAlphaOpaque)
                for (int q = 3; q < count * 4; q += 4)
                    pixels[q] = 255; // Force opaque

            Byte xA = colorX.A;
            Byte xR = colorX.R;
            Byte xG = colorX.G;
            Byte xB = colorX.B; 

            int p = 0; 
            int op = OpacityToByte(opacity);
            while (count > 0)
                int b = pixels[p + 3] * op / 255;        // pixel.Opacity * opacity
                if (opacityOnly)
                    Byte pa       = (Byte) (b  * xA / 255);   // pixel.Opacity * opacity * colorX.A; 

                    pixels[p]     = (Byte) (xB * pa / 255); 
                    pixels[p + 1] = (Byte) (xG * pa / 255);
                    pixels[p + 2] = (Byte) (xR * pa / 255);
                    pixels[p + 3] = pa;
                    int c = xA * (255 - b) / 255;             // colorX.A * (1  - pixel.Opacity * opacity) 

                    pixels[p]     = Div255(xB * c + pixels[p    ] * op); 
                    pixels[p + 1] = Div255(xG * c + pixels[p + 1] * op);
                    pixels[p + 2] = Div255(xR * c + pixels[p + 2] * op);
                    pixels[p + 3] = Div255((xA + b) * 255 - xA * b);

                p += 4; 
                count --; 

        /// Blend an array of PBGRA pixels with a given Color rendering over it
        /// Only use the alpha channel in the image 
        ///     Critical   : pixels may contain critical information
        ///     TreatAsSafe: pixels is modified in place, not leaked
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static public void BlendUnderColor(byte[] pixels, int count, Color colorY, double opacity, bool opacityOnly) 
            Byte b  = colorY.A;
            Byte yR = colorY.R; 
            Byte yG = colorY.G;
            Byte yB = colorY.B;

            int yRb = colorY.R * b; 
            int yGb = colorY.G * b;
            int yBb = colorY.B * b; 
            int p = 0;
            int op = OpacityToByte(opacity);

            int op1_b = op * (255 -b ) / 255;
            while (count > 0)
                int a = pixels[p + 3] * op / 255; 

                if (opacityOnly) 
                    Byte pa       = (Byte)(b * a / 255);

                    pixels[p]     = (Byte)(yB * pa / 255); 
                    pixels[p + 1] = (Byte)(yG * pa / 255);
                    pixels[p + 2] = (Byte)(yR * pa / 255); 
                    pixels[p + 3] = pa; 
                    pixels[p    ] = Div255(pixels[p]     * op1_b + yBb);
                    pixels[p + 1] = Div255(pixels[p + 1] * op1_b + yGb);
                    pixels[p + 2] = Div255(pixels[p + 2] * op1_b + yRb); 
                    pixels[p + 3] = Div255((a + b) * 255 - a * b);
                p += 4;
                count --; 

        /// Blend two PBGRA buffer into one PBGRA buffer
        /// Output pixel array
        ///     Critical   : pixels may contain critical information
        ///     TreatAsSafe: pixels is modified in place, not leaked 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static public void BlendPixels(byte[] pixelsA, bool opacityOnlyA, byte[] pixelsB, bool opacityOnlyB, int count, byte[] pixelsC) 
            int p = 0;

            while (count > 0) 
                count --; 
                Byte a = pixelsA[p + 3]; // alpha for A
                Byte b = pixelsB[p + 3]; // alpha for B 

                if (opacityOnlyA)
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsB[p] * a / 255); p++; 
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsB[p] * a / 255); p++;
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsB[p] * a / 255); p++; 
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(a * b / 255); 
                else if (opacityOnlyB) 
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsA[p] * b / 255); p++;
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsA[p] * b / 255); p++;
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(pixelsA[p] * b / 255); p++; 
                    pixelsC[p] = (Byte)(a * b / 255);
                    pixelsC[p] = Div255(pixelsA[p] * (255 - b) + pixelsB[p] * 255); p++; 
                    pixelsC[p] = Div255(pixelsA[p] * (255 - b) + pixelsB[p] * 255); p++;
                    pixelsC[p] = Div255(pixelsA[p] * (255 - b) + pixelsB[p] * 255); p++;

                    pixelsC[p] = Div255((a + b) * 255 - a * b); 
                p ++; 

        /// Clips pixels to specified rectangle.
        /// Left position of clip rectangle.
        /// Returns array of clipped pixels.
        ///     Critical   : pixels may contain critical information
        static public byte[] ClipPixels(byte[] pixels, int width, int height, int x0, int y0, int clipWidth, int clipHeight)
                (x0 >= 0) &&
                (y0 >= 0) &&
                ((x0 + clipWidth) <= width) && 
                ((y0 + clipHeight) <= height)
            if (x0 == 0 && y0 == 0 && clipWidth == width && clipHeight == height)
                // no clipping
                return pixels;
                int stride = width * 4; 
                int clipStride = clipWidth * 4; 
                Byte[] result = new Byte[checked(clipStride * clipHeight)];
                int clipIndex = 0;
                for (int y = y0; y < (y0 + clipHeight); y++)
                        pixels, stride * y + x0 * 4,    // source
                        result, clipIndex,              // destination 
                        clipWidth * 4 
                    clipIndex += clipWidth * 4;

                return result; 
        /// Check if an image is of Pbgra format and has pixel with bgr > a. 
        /// Such images have to be encoded with pre-multiplied alpha channel to be accurate.
        /// Critical: This code calls an internal PresentationCore function CriticalCopyPixels 
        /// TreatAsSafe: We just return a boolean value, image itself is not exposed 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal static bool NeedPremultiplyAlpha(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
            if ((bitmapSource != null) && (bitmapSource.Format ==  PixelFormats.Pbgra32))
                int width  = bitmapSource.PixelWidth;
                int height = bitmapSource.PixelHeight; 
                int stride = width * 4;
                Int32Rect rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, 1);
                byte[] pixels = new byte[stride];

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++) 
                    bitmapSource.CriticalCopyPixels(rect, pixels, stride, 0); 
                    int p = 0;
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++)
                        if ((pixels[p    ] > pixels[p + 3]) ||
                            (pixels[p + 1] > pixels[p + 3]) || 
                            (pixels[p + 2] > pixels[p + 3]))
                            return true; 
                        p += 4;

                    rect.Y ++; 
            return false;

        /// Extract constant alpha out from opacity mask
        public static bool ExtractOpacityMaskOpacity(Brush brush, out double opacity, Rect maskBounds) 
            ImageBrush ib = brush as ImageBrush;

            opacity = 1; 

            if ((ib != null) && (ib.ImageSource != null)) 
                BitmapSource bs = ib.ImageSource as BitmapSource;
                if ((bs != null) && (ImageProxy.HasAlpha(bs) == 0))
                    BrushProxy bp = BrushProxy.CreateBrush(ib, maskBounds);
                    if (bp != null)
                        // Bug 1699447: BrushProxy.IsOpaque just checks if viewbox fills up viewport, 
                        // Here we need to check if the brush fills the maskBounds. We need to add a
                        // rectangle or region to BrushProxy.IsOpaque later. 
                        if (ib.TileMode == TileMode.None)
                            if (! (bp.Brush as TileBrush).Viewport.Contains(maskBounds))
                                 return false;

                        opacity = bp.Opacity; 

                        bp.Opacity = 1;

                        if (bp.IsOpaque()) 
                            return true; 

            return false;

        #region Brush
        /// Create a DrawingBrush which is Opt-out of inheritance
        public static DrawingBrush CreateNonInheritingDrawingBrush(Drawing drawing) 
            DrawingBrush db = new DrawingBrush();
            // Opt-out of inheritance through the new Freezable.
            db.CanBeInheritanceContext = false;
            db.Drawing = drawing;
            return db;

        /// Retrieves the bounding box of TileBrush content.
        /// All Avalon brushes accepted, including VisualBrush
        /// DrawingBrush content bounding box may have TopLeft that isn't (0, 0).
        /// Returns Rect.Empty if no content, or content isn't visible. 
        public static Rect GetTileContentBounds(TileBrush brush)
            Rect bounds = Rect.Empty;

            ImageBrush imageBrush = brush as ImageBrush;
            if (imageBrush != null)
                if (imageBrush.ImageSource != null) 
                    bounds = new Rect(0, 0, imageBrush.ImageSource.Width, imageBrush.ImageSource.Height); 

                return bounds;

            DrawingBrush drawingBrush = brush as DrawingBrush; 
            if (drawingBrush != null)
                if (drawingBrush.Drawing != null)
                    bounds = drawingBrush.Drawing.Bounds;

                return bounds; 

            VisualBrush visualBrush = brush as VisualBrush; 

            if (visualBrush != null)
                if (visualBrush.Visual != null) 
                    bounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(visualBrush.Visual); 
                    Geometry clip = VisualTreeHelper.GetClip(visualBrush.Visual);
                    if (clip != null)
                return bounds; 
            Debug.Assert(false, "Unhandled TileBrush type");

            return bounds;

        /// Gets TileBrush absolute Viewbox. 
        /// Returns Empty if brush doesn't have absolute viewbox and content is not visible
        public static Rect GetTileAbsoluteViewbox(TileBrush brush)
            Rect viewbox = brush.Viewbox; 

            if (brush.ViewboxUnits == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox) 
                Rect content = GetTileContentBounds(brush);
                if (IsRenderVisible(content))
                    viewbox.Scale(content.Width, content.Height);
                    viewbox.Offset(content.Left, content.Top); 
                    viewbox = Rect.Empty;

            return viewbox;

        /// Gets TileBrush absolute Viewport relative to fill bounds. 
        /// Returns Empty if brush doesn't have absolute viewport and bounds are not visible
        public static Rect GetTileAbsoluteViewport(TileBrush brush, Rect bounds)
            Rect viewport = brush.Viewport;
            if (brush.ViewportUnits == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox) 
                if (IsRenderVisible(bounds)) 
                    viewport.Scale(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
                    viewport.Offset(bounds.Left, bounds.Top);
                    viewport = Rect.Empty; 

            return viewport;
        /// Creates transformation from TileBrush viewbox to viewport, with stretching and alignment 
        /// taken into consideration. 
        /// Absolute TileBrush viewbox; must be visible
        /// Absolute TileBrush viewport; must be visible
        /// This can be used to get world-space bounds of TileBrush content.
        public static Matrix CreateViewboxToViewportTransform(TileBrush brush, Rect viewbox, Rect viewport) 
            Debug.Assert(IsValidViewbox(viewbox, brush.Stretch != Stretch.None) && 
                         IsRenderVisible(viewport), "Invisible viewbox and/or viewport");

            Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-viewbox.Left, -viewbox.Top);
            // brush stretch
            double scale; 
            switch (brush.Stretch) 
                case Stretch.Uniform: 
                    scale = Math.Min(viewport.Width / viewbox.Width, viewport.Height / viewbox.Height);
                    transform.Scale(scale, scale);
                case Stretch.Fill:
                    transform.Scale(viewport.Width / viewbox.Width, viewport.Height / viewbox.Height); 

                case Stretch.UniformToFill: 
                    scale = Math.Max(viewport.Width / viewbox.Width, viewport.Height / viewbox.Height);
                    transform.Scale(scale, scale);
                    // do nothing 
            // brush alignment
                Rect stretchedViewbox = viewbox;

                double dx = 0; 
                double dy = 0; 

                switch (brush.AlignmentX) 
                    case AlignmentX.Left: dx = viewport.Left - stretchedViewbox.Left; break;
                    case AlignmentX.Center: dx = viewport.Left - stretchedViewbox.Left + (viewport.Width - stretchedViewbox.Width) / 2; break;
                    case AlignmentX.Right: dx = viewport.Right - stretchedViewbox.Right; break; 
                switch (brush.AlignmentY) 
                    case AlignmentY.Top: dy = viewport.Top - stretchedViewbox.Top; break;
                    case AlignmentY.Center: dy = viewport.Top - stretchedViewbox.Top + (viewport.Height - stretchedViewbox.Height) / 2; break; 
                    case AlignmentY.Bottom: dy = viewport.Bottom - stretchedViewbox.Bottom; break;

                transform.Translate(dx, dy); 
            return transform; 
        /// Creates transformation from TileBrush viewbox to viewport, with stretching and alignment
        /// taken into consideration.
        /// Brush with absolute viewbox, viewport.
        public static Matrix CreateViewboxToViewportTransform(TileBrush brush) 
            Debug.Assert(brush.ViewboxUnits == BrushMappingMode.Absolute); 
            Debug.Assert(brush.ViewportUnits == BrushMappingMode.Absolute);

            return CreateViewboxToViewportTransform(
        /// Creates transformation from TileBrush viewbox to viewport, with stretching and alignment
        /// taken into consideration.
        /// Brush with relative or absolute viewbox, viewport.
        /// Brush fill bounds used to calculate absolute viewport if needed. 
        public static Matrix CreateViewboxToViewportTransform(TileBrush brush, Rect bounds)
            return CreateViewboxToViewportTransform(
                GetTileAbsoluteViewport(brush, bounds) 
        #region Font

        /// Critical    - It calls critical internal function CriticalUriDiscoveryPermission 
        public static Uri GetFontUri(GlyphTypeface typeface)
            CodeAccessPermission discoveryPermission = typeface.CriticalUriDiscoveryPermission;

            if (discoveryPermission != null)
                discoveryPermission.Assert();   // BlessedAssert
                return typeface.FontUri;
                if (discoveryPermission != null)

        #region Visual
        /// Gets Visual transformation with offset included.
        public static Transform GetVisualTransform(Visual visual)
            Transform transform = VisualTreeHelper.GetTransform(visual);
            Vector offset = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset(visual); 
            if (!IsZero(offset.X) || !IsZero(offset.Y))
                if (transform == null)
                    transform = new TranslateTransform(offset.X, offset.Y);
                    Matrix matrix = transform.Value; 

                    matrix.Translate(offset.X, offset.Y); 

                    transform = new MatrixTransform(matrix);

            return transform; 


        #region Visual Rasterization

        #region Private Members 

        /// Visual rasterization pixel limit. 
        /// Rasterization is split into bands if it exceeds this limit.
        private const int VisualRasterizeBandPixelLimit = 1600 * 1200;

        /// Gets pixel dimensions of a bitmap given device-independent dimensions and DPI. 
        private static void GetBitmapPixelDimensions(
            double width, 
            double height,
            double dpiX, 
            double dpiY, 
            out int pixelWidth,
            out int pixelHeight) 
            pixelWidth = (int)(width * dpiX / 96.0);
            pixelHeight = (int)(height * dpiY / 96.0);

        /// Gets rasterization bitmap information given a Visual's bounds. 
        /// Used to calculate world-space bounds to determine rasterization size
        /// Returns false if bounds are invalid or too small for rasterization. 
        private static bool GetVisualRasterizationBitmapInfo( 
            Rect visualBounds,
            Matrix visualToWorldTransformHint, 
            out double bitmapWidth,
            out double bitmapHeight,
            out double bitmapDpiX,
            out double bitmapDpiY 
            bitmapWidth = -1; 
            bitmapHeight = -1;
            bitmapDpiX = 0; 
            bitmapDpiY = 0;

            if (!Utility.IsRenderVisible(visualBounds))
                // visual bounds invalid
                return false; 

            // estimate world bounds of visual to use as bitmap DPI 
            Rect approxWorldBounds = visualBounds;

            bitmapDpiX = approxWorldBounds.Width / visualBounds.Width   * Configuration.RasterizationDPI; 
            bitmapDpiY = approxWorldBounds.Height / visualBounds.Height * Configuration.RasterizationDPI;
            // render only if pixel dimensions are > 0 
            bitmapWidth = visualBounds.Width;
            bitmapHeight = visualBounds.Height; 

            int pixelWidth, pixelHeight;
            GetBitmapPixelDimensions(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY, out pixelWidth, out pixelHeight);
            return (pixelWidth > 0 && pixelHeight > 0);
        /// Rasterizes the specified bounds of a Visual to a bitmap. 
        /// Bounds to rectangle to rasterize.
        private static BitmapSource RasterizeVisual(
            Visual visual,
            Rect visualBounds, 
            bool renderForBitmapEffect,
            double bitmapWidth, double bitmapHeight, 
            double bitmapDpiX, double bitmapDpiY, 
            out Matrix bitmapToVisualTransform

            // calculate visual-to-bitmap transform 
            Matrix visualToBitmapTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-visualBounds.X, -visualBounds.Y);
            visualToBitmapTransform.Scale(bitmapWidth / visualBounds.Width, bitmapHeight / visualBounds.Height); 
            // render visual to bitmap
            int pixelWidth, pixelHeight; 
            GetBitmapPixelDimensions(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY, out pixelWidth, out pixelHeight);

            RenderTargetBitmap bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(
            BitmapVisualManager visualManager = new BitmapVisualManager(bitmap);

            visualManager.Render(visual, visualToBitmapTransform, Rect.Empty, renderForBitmapEffect);
            // calculate bitmap-to-visual transform
            bitmapToVisualTransform = visualToBitmapTransform; 


            return bitmap;
        /// Applies a bitmap effect to input, returning the output and any possible effect transformation. 
        private static BitmapSource ApplyBitmapEffect(
            BitmapEffect effect, 
            BitmapEffectInput input,
            out Matrix effectTransform 
            Debug.Assert(effect != null); 
            Debug.Assert(input != null);

            effect.RenderContext.Transform = Matrix.Identity;
            BitmapSource output = effect.GetOutput(input);
            // Avalon bitmap effects generate Transform that is in pixel units. We need to
            // convert to DIPs. 
            effectTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            effectTransform.Scale(output.DpiX / 96.0, output.DpiY / 96.0);  // convert to pixels 
            effectTransform.Append(effect.RenderContext.Transform);         // apply effect pixel transform
            effectTransform.Scale(96.0 / output.DpiX, 96.0 / output.DpiY);  // convert back to DIPs 
            return output;

        private static Visual CreateVisualFromDrawing(Drawing drawing)
            DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual(); 

            using (DrawingContext context = visual.RenderOpen()) 

            return visual;
        #region Public Members 

        /// Information on rendering a band of a Visual.
        public struct RenderedVisualBand
            public RenderedVisualBand(BitmapSource bitmap, Matrix bitmapToVisualTransform)
                Bitmap = bitmap; 
                BitmapToVisualTransform = bitmapToVisualTransform;

            /// Rasterized visual.
            public BitmapSource Bitmap;
            /// Transformation from bitmap to Visual/Drawing space.
            public Matrix BitmapToVisualTransform;

        /// Rasterizes a Visual in its entirety to a bitmap.
        /// Used to calculate world-space bounds to determine rasterization size 
        public static BitmapSource RasterizeVisual(
            Visual visual, 
            Rect visualBounds,
            Matrix visualToWorldTransformHint, 
            out Matrix bitmapToVisualTransform 
            double bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight;
            double bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY;

            bitmapToVisualTransform = Matrix.Identity; 

            if (!GetVisualRasterizationBitmapInfo( 
                out bitmapWidth, 
                out bitmapHeight,
                out bitmapDpiX,
                out bitmapDpiY))
                // bounds invalid or too small
                return null; 

            return RasterizeVisual( 
                bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, 
                bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY,
                out bitmapToVisualTransform 
        /// Rasterizes a Drawing in its entirety to a bitmap.
        /// Used to calculate world-space bounds to determine rasterization size 
        public static BitmapSource RasterizeDrawing( 
            Drawing drawing,
            Rect drawingBounds,
            Matrix drawingToWorldTransformHint,
            out Matrix bitmapToDrawingTransform 
            double bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight; 
            double bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY;
            bitmapToDrawingTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            if (!GetVisualRasterizationBitmapInfo(
                out bitmapWidth, 
                out bitmapHeight, 
                out bitmapDpiX,
                out bitmapDpiY)) 
                // bounds invalid or too small
                return null;

            return RasterizeVisual( 
                bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
                bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY,
                out bitmapToDrawingTransform
        /// Rasterizes a Visual with bitmap effect to a bitmap.
        /// Used to calculate world-space bounds to determine rasterization size
        /// May be null
        public static BitmapSource RasterizeVisualWithEffect(
            Visual visual, 
            Rect visualBounds,
            Matrix visualToWorldTransformHint,
            BitmapEffect effect,
            BitmapEffectInput input, 
            out Matrix bitmapToVisualTransform
            double bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight;
            double bitmapDpiX, bitmapDpiY; 

            bitmapToVisualTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            if (!GetVisualRasterizationBitmapInfo( 
                out bitmapWidth, 
                out bitmapHeight,
                out bitmapDpiX, 
                out bitmapDpiY))
                // bounds invalid or too small
                return null; 
            bool inputNeedsCloning = true; 

            if (input == null) 
                input = new BitmapEffectInput();
                inputNeedsCloning = false;

            if (input.Input == null || input.Input == BitmapEffectInput.ContextInputSource) 
                // rasterize visual in its entirety and use as input to bitmap effect
                if (inputNeedsCloning) 
                    input = input.CloneCurrentValue();
                    inputNeedsCloning = false;

                input.Input = RasterizeVisual( 
                    out bitmapToVisualTransform
                if (input.Input == null)
                    return null;
            // apply bitmap effect to bitmap, prepending the effect transform
            Matrix effectTransform; 
            BitmapSource output = ApplyBitmapEffect(effect, input, out effectTransform); 


            return output;

        #region Input Checking 

        /// Returns true if Rect when rendered would be visible.
        /// A rectangle is visible if it does not contain NaN, is finite, and has positive area.
        /// Warning: Be careful when using to cull geometry. Ensure that the bounds you
        /// are testing include the stroke, as it is possible to have visible output with
        /// zero-area geometry and a pen.
        public static bool IsRenderVisible(Rect rect)
            bool result = false; 

            if (!rect.IsEmpty) 
                result = IsValid(rect) && IsFinite(rect) && rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0;
            return result;
        /// Returns true if Rect is valid Viewbox 
        /// Viewbox is used for setup a transformation by design. When Stretch == None, it's not used for
        /// source clipping, so viewbox can have zero height/width.
        /// A rectangle is valid viewbox if it does not contain NaN, is finite, and has non negative width/height.
        public static bool IsValidViewbox(Rect rect, bool hasStretch)
            if (hasStretch)
                return IsRenderVisible(rect);
                return IsValid(rect) && IsFinite(rect) && rect.Width >= 0 && rect.Height >= 0; 

        public static bool IsRenderVisible(Point point) 
            return IsValid(point) && IsFinite(point); 

        public static bool IsRenderVisible(Size size) 
            return IsValid(size) && IsFinite(size) && size.Width > 0 && size.Height > 0;
        public static bool IsRenderVisible(double value)
            return IsValid(value) && IsFinite(value); 
        public static bool IsRenderVisible(DrawingGroup drawing)
            if (Utility.IsTransparent(Utility.NormalizeOpacity(drawing.Opacity)))
                return false; 

            if (drawing.Children == null || drawing.Children.Count == 0) 
                return false; 

            if (drawing.ClipGeometry != null && !Utility.IsRenderVisible(drawing.ClipGeometry.Bounds)) 
                return false;

            if (drawing.Transform != null && !Utility.IsValid(drawing.Transform.Value))
                return false; 

            if (BrushProxy.IsEmpty(drawing.OpacityMask)) 
                return false; 

            return true; 

        /// Returns true if the value is valid input. 
        /// Currently validity means the value is not NaN. 
        public static bool IsValid(double value)
            return !double.IsNaN(value); 
        public static bool IsValid(Point point) 
            return !double.IsNaN(point.X) && !double.IsNaN(point.Y); 

        /// Returns true if Size is valid. 
        /// Empty size is treated as valid.
        public static bool IsValid(Size size) 
            return !double.IsNaN(size.Width) && !double.IsNaN(size.Height);
        /// Returns true if Rect is valid. 
        /// Empty rect is treated as valid.
        public static bool IsValid(Rect rect)
            return !double.IsNaN(rect.X) && 
                !double.IsNaN(rect.Y) &&
                !double.IsNaN(rect.Width) && 
        /// Returns true if Matrix is valid.
        public static bool IsValid(Matrix matrix) 
            return matrix.HasInverse &&
                !double.IsNaN(matrix.M11) && 
                !double.IsNaN(matrix.M12) &&
                !double.IsNaN(matrix.M21) &&
                !double.IsNaN(matrix.M22) &&
                !double.IsNaN(matrix.OffsetX) && 
        public static bool IsFinite(double value)
            return !double.IsInfinity(value);

        public static bool IsFinite(Point point) 
            return !double.IsInfinity(point.X) && !double.IsInfinity(point.Y); 

        public static bool IsFinite(Size size) 
            return !double.IsInfinity(size.Width) && !double.IsInfinity(size.Height);
        public static bool IsFinite(Rect rect)
            return !double.IsInfinity(rect.X) && 
                !double.IsInfinity(rect.Y) &&
                !double.IsInfinity(rect.Width) && 

        /// Normalizes opacity/alpha value to [0, 1].
        public static double NormalizeOpacity(double value, double goodValue)
            if (double.IsNaN(value) || value <= 0)
                return 0;       // NaN is treated as 0
            else if (value >= 1) 
                return 1; 
                return goodValue; 
        /// Normalizes color channels to [0, 1] if NaN or they exceed limits. 
        private static float NormalizeColorChannel(float value, float goodValue)
            if (float.IsNaN(value) || value < (float)XpsMinDouble) 
                return 0; 
            else if (value > (float)XpsMaxDouble)
                return 1; 
                return goodValue;

        public static double NormalizeOpacity(double value)
            return NormalizeOpacity(value, value);
        private static float NormalizeColorChannel(float value)
            return NormalizeColorChannel(value, value);

        /// Normalizes if outside range, otherwise returns NaN if no normalization needed.
        private static float NormalizeOpacityIfChanged(float value) 
            return (float)NormalizeOpacity(value, double.NaN);
        private static float NormalizeColorChannelIfChanged(float value)
            return NormalizeColorChannel(value, float.NaN); 
        /// Normalizes Color so its components are in the range [0, 1].
        public static Color NormalizeColor(Color color) 
            float a = NormalizeOpacityIfChanged(color.ScA);
            float r = NormalizeColorChannelIfChanged(color.ScR); 
            float g = NormalizeColorChannelIfChanged(color.ScG);
            float b = NormalizeColorChannelIfChanged(color.ScB);

            if (!float.IsNaN(a)) 
                color.ScA = a; 

            if (!float.IsNaN(r)) 
                color.ScR = r;
            if (!float.IsNaN(g))
                color.ScG = g; 
            if (!float.IsNaN(b))
                color.ScB = b;

            return color; 


        #region Debugging

        /// Indicates if a debug header should be printed at the top of GDI output.
        /// Accessed by GDIExporter!CGDIDevice.HrEndPage.
        public static bool DisplayPageDebugHeader
                return Configuration.DisplayPageDebugHeader; 
        private static int _bitmapDumpIndex = 0;

        /// Saves a bitmap dump to file bitmap#.png. Debug only.
        private static void SaveBitmapDump(BitmapSource bitmap)
            string filename = "bitmap" + _bitmapDumpIndex.ToString() + ".png";

            BitmapEncoder encoder = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder(); 
            System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.FileShare.None); 

    #region GeometryAnalyzer 

    /// Analyzes Geometry through StreamGeometryContext implementation.
    internal class GeometryAnalyzer : CapacityStreamGeometryContext
        #region Constructors
        /// Constructs analyzer.
        /// Non-null to test for rectangular geometry
        private GeometryAnalyzer(Matrix transform, Rect? checkRectangular)
            _transform = transform;
            if (checkRectangular.HasValue) 
                Rect rect = checkRectangular.Value; 


                _rectDirection = TraversalDirection.None; 
                _rect = rect;


        #region Public Static Methods

        /// Analyzes geometry for point count.
        public static void Analyze(Geometry.PathGeometryData geometryData, out int estimatedPointCount) 
            GeometryAnalyzer analyzer = new GeometryAnalyzer(Matrix.Identity, null);

            PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData(geometryData, analyzer); 

            estimatedPointCount = analyzer.EstimatedPointCount;

        /// Performs more complex analysis of geometry.
        /// If not null, checks if geometry is the provided rectangle 
        /// Estimated number of points in geometry 
        /// True to indicate that geometry is guaranteed to be a rectangle
        /// True to indicate that geometry is one line 
        /// A geometry with one closed figure containing one segment is considered to
        /// have two line segments. 
        public static void Analyze( 
            Geometry.PathGeometryData geometryData, 
            Rect? checkRectangular,
            out int estimatedPointCount, 
            out bool isRectangle,
            out bool isLineSegment
            Matrix transform = Matrix.Identity;
            if (checkRectangular.HasValue) 
                // transform geometry to coordinate space of checkRectangular to allow for comparison 
                transform = System.Windows.Media.Composition.CompositionResourceManager.MIL_MATRIX3X2DToMatrix(
                    ref geometryData.Matrix

            GeometryAnalyzer analyzer = new GeometryAnalyzer(transform, checkRectangular); 
            PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData(geometryData, analyzer);

            estimatedPointCount = analyzer.EstimatedPointCount;
            isRectangle = analyzer.IsRectangle; 
            isLineSegment = analyzer.IsLineSegment;
        #region Private Fields

        private int _count;
        // transformation to apply to incoming geometry data; currently only used when checking rectangular
        private Matrix _transform; 
        // Check if geometry is a rectangle when != Invalid.
        // Rectangle checking can handle CW/CCW rectangles and intermediate points not at corners. 
        private TraversalDirection _rectDirection = TraversalDirection.Invalid;
        private Rect _rect;

        private Point _rectFirstPointUntransformed;  // first point traversed, not transformed by _transform 
        private Point _rectLastPoint;   // last point traversed, transformed
        private int _rectCornerCount;   // number of rectangle corners traversed 
        // Check if geometry is exactly one line segment.
        private int _lineSegmentCount; 

        // Upper bound to GDI point count.
        private int EstimatedPointCount
                return _count; 

        // If true, geometry is guaranteed to be a rectangle.
        private bool IsRectangle
                return _rectDirection != TraversalDirection.Invalid; 

        /// If true, geometry is guaranteed to be a single line segment.
        private bool IsLineSegment
                return _lineSegmentCount == 1; 


        #region Private Methods 
        /// Finishes geometry analysis. Call after PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData returns. 
        private void FinishAnalysis()
            if (IsRectangle) 
                // traverse back to start point to finish rectangle check 

                if (_rectCornerCount != 4) 

        #region Rectangle Checking Methods 

        /// Returns true if specified point is on a rectangle corner.
        private bool IsRectangleCorner(Point point) 
                (Utility.AreClose(point.X, _rect.Left) || Utility.AreClose(point.X, _rect.Right)) &&
                (Utility.AreClose(point.Y, _rect.Top) || Utility.AreClose(point.Y, _rect.Bottom));
        /// Starts rectangle checking with first point. 
        private void CheckRectangleStart(Point point) 
            _rectFirstPointUntransformed = point;
            _rectLastPoint = _transform.Transform(point);
            if (IsRectangleCorner(_rectLastPoint))

        /// Checks if geometry point is part of rectangle.
        private void CheckRectanglePoint(Point point) 
            // The idea is to get direction we're walking the rectangle compared to last point. 
            // Direction changes imply we're at a corner, and a rectangle has 4 corners.
            point = _transform.Transform(point);
            TraversalDirection dir = GetDirection(point - _rectLastPoint);
            if (dir != TraversalDirection.None && 
                _rectDirection != TraversalDirection.None &&
                dir != _rectDirection) 
                // direction change must occur at corner, and new direction must be perpendicular
                // to old direction
                if (IsRectangleCorner(point) && ArePerpendicularDirections(dir, _rectDirection)) 
            _rectDirection = dir;
            _rectLastPoint = point; 

        /// Indicates geometry is not a rectangle.
        private void SetNotRectangle()
            _rectDirection = TraversalDirection.Invalid;
        #region Line Checking Methods

        /// Adds another line segment count. 
        private void AddLineSegments(int count) 
            _lineSegmentCount += count;

        /// Indicates geometry is not a single line segment.
        private void SetNotLineSegment()
            _lineSegmentCount = 2;  // too many segments to be a single line segment 

        #region Traversal Direction Members
        private enum TraversalDirection
            Right = 0, Down = 1, Left = 2, Up = 3, 

            Invalid,            // geometry is not a rectangle 
            None,               // no direction, point duplicates previous point or haven't reached 2nd point yet

            FirstValid = Right,
            LastValid = Up, 
        /// Given a vector, gets direction in which we're traversing the rectangle.
        private static TraversalDirection GetDirection(Vector vector)
            bool xzero = Utility.IsZero(vector.X);
            bool yzero = Utility.IsZero(vector.Y); 
            if (xzero && yzero)
                // no change in direction
                return TraversalDirection.None;
            else if (xzero) 
                // traversing vertically 
                return (vector.Y < 0) ? TraversalDirection.Up : TraversalDirection.Down; 
            else if (yzero) 
                // traversing horizontally
                return (vector.X < 0) ? TraversalDirection.Left : TraversalDirection.Right;
                // traversing diagonally, can't be a rectangle 
                return TraversalDirection.Invalid;

        /// Returns true if travel directions are perpendicular. 
        private static bool ArePerpendicularDirections(TraversalDirection d1, TraversalDirection d2) 
            if (d1 == TraversalDirection.Invalid || d2 == TraversalDirection.Invalid)
                // invalid directions are never perpendicular 
                return false;
            int v = (int)d1;
            int prev = (d2 == TraversalDirection.FirstValid) ? (int)TraversalDirection.LastValid : ((int)d2 - 1); 
            int next = (d2 == TraversalDirection.LastValid) ? (int)TraversalDirection.FirstValid : ((int)d2 + 1);

            return (v == prev) || (v == next);

        #region CapacityStreamGeometryContext Members
        // CapacityStreamGeometryContext Members
        public override void BeginFigure(Point startPoint, bool isFilled, bool isClosed)
            // start point, and possible manual close via PT_LINETO 
            _count += 2;
            if (IsRectangle) 

            if (isClosed)
                // a closed figure either generates zero or two segments (first segment + closing segment)
        public override void LineTo(Point point, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin)
            if (IsRectangle)

        public override void QuadraticBezierTo(Point point1, Point point2, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) 

            // converted to 3 bezier points 
            _count += 3;

        public override void BezierTo(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) 

            _count += 3; 

        public override void PolyLineTo(IList points, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin)
            _count += points.Count;
            if (IsRectangle) 
                for (int index = 0; index < points.Count && IsRectangle; index++) 


        public override void PolyQuadraticBezierTo(IList points, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) 
            _count += (points.Count + 1) / 2 * 3;
        public override void PolyBezierTo(IList points, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin)

            _count += (points.Count + 2) / 3 * 3; 
        public override void ArcTo(Point point, Size size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, SweepDirection sweepDirection, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) 

            // An arc can be converted to a maxiumum of 4 Bezier segments, Check ArcToBezier in DrawingContextFlattener.cs
            _count += 4 * 3; 
        internal override void SetClosedState(bool closed) 

        internal override void SetFigureCount(int figureCount)
            if (figureCount != 1) 
                // assume more than one figure is not rectangle, not single line 

        internal override void SetSegmentCount(int segmentCount)
            if (segmentCount != 1)


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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