SqlOuterApplyReducer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DLinq / Dlinq / SqlClient / Query / SqlOuterApplyReducer.cs / 2 / SqlOuterApplyReducer.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Data.Linq; 
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { 

	internal class SqlOuterApplyReducer {
		internal static SqlNode Reduce(SqlNode node, SqlFactory factory, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations) {
 			Visitor r = new Visitor(factory, annotations); 
			return r.Visit(node);			
 		class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
            SqlFactory factory; 
			SqlNodeAnnotations annotations;

            internal Visitor(SqlFactory factory, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations) {
                this.factory = factory; 
                this.annotations = annotations;
            internal override SqlSource VisitSource(SqlSource source) {
                source = base.VisitSource(source); 

                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin;
                if (join != null) {
                    if (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.OuterApply) { 
                        // Reduce outer-apply into left-outer-join
                        HashSet leftProducedAliases = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left); 
                        HashSet liftedExpressions = new HashSet(); 

                        if (SqlPredicateLifter.CanLift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) && 
                            SqlSelectionLifter.CanLift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                            !SqlAliasDependencyChecker.IsDependent(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) ) {

                            SqlExpression liftedPredicate = SqlPredicateLifter.Lift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases); 
                            List> liftedSelections = SqlSelectionLifter.Lift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions);
                            join.JoinType = SqlJoinType.LeftOuter; 
                            join.Condition = liftedPredicate;
                            if (liftedSelections != null) {
                                foreach(List selection in liftedSelections) {
                                    source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection);
                        else { 
                            this.AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(join, SqlProvider.ProviderMode.Sql2000);
                    else if (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.CrossApply) {
                        // reduce cross apply with special nested left-outer-join's into a single left-outer-join
                        // SELECT x.*, y.*
                        // FROM X 
                        // CROSS APPLY ( 
                        //      SELECT y.*
                        //       FROM ( 
                        //          SELECT ?
                        //       )
                        //       LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        //          SELECT y.* FROM Y 
                        //       ) AS y
                        // ==> 
                        // SELECT x.*, y.* 
                        // FROM X
                        // LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        //     SELECT y.* FROM Y
                        // ) 

                        SqlJoin leftOuter = this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(join.Right); 
                        if (leftOuter != null) { 
                            HashSet leftProducedAliases = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left);
                            HashSet liftedExpressions = new HashSet(); 

                            if (SqlPredicateLifter.CanLift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                                SqlSelectionLifter.CanLift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                                !SqlAliasDependencyChecker.IsDependent(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) 
                                ) {
                                SqlExpression liftedPredicate = SqlPredicateLifter.Lift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases); 
                                List> liftedSelections = SqlSelectionLifter.Lift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions);
                                // add intermediate selections
                                this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(join.Right, liftedSelections);

                                // push down all selections 
                                foreach(List selection in liftedSelections.Where(s => s.Count > 0)) {
                                    source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection); 

                                join.JoinType = SqlJoinType.LeftOuter; 
                                join.Condition = this.factory.AndAccumulate(leftOuter.Condition, liftedPredicate);
                                join.Right = leftOuter.Right;
                            else { 
                                this.AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(join, SqlProvider.ProviderMode.Sql2000);
                    // re-balance join tree of left-outer-joins to expose LOJ w/ leftside unreferenced
                    while (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.LeftOuter) {
                        // look for buried left-outer-joined-with-unreferenced singleton
                        SqlJoin leftLeftOuter = this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(join.Left); 
                        if (leftLeftOuter == null)
                        List> liftedSelections = new List>();
                        // add intermediate selections
                        this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(join.Left, liftedSelections);

                        // push down all selections 
                        foreach(List selection in liftedSelections) {
                            source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection); 

                        // bubble this one up on-top of this 'join'. 
                        SqlSource jRight = join.Right;
                        SqlExpression jCondition = join.Condition;

                        join.Left = leftLeftOuter.Left; 
                        join.Right = leftLeftOuter;
                        join.Condition = leftLeftOuter.Condition; 
                        leftLeftOuter.Left = leftLeftOuter.Right;
                        leftLeftOuter.Right = jRight; 
                        leftLeftOuter.Condition = jCondition;
                return source;
            private void AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(SqlNode node, params SqlProvider.ProviderMode[] providers) {
                this.annotations.Add(node, new SqlServerCompatibilityAnnotation(Strings.SourceExpressionAnnotation(node.SourceExpression), providers)); 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification="Unknown reason.")]
            private SqlSource PushSourceDown(SqlSource sqlSource, List cols) { 
                SqlSelect ns = new SqlSelect(new SqlNop(cols[0].ClrType, cols[0].SqlType, sqlSource.SourceExpression), sqlSource, sqlSource.SourceExpression);
                return new SqlAlias(ns); 
            private SqlJoin GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(SqlSource source) {
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias;
                if (alias != null) {
                    SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect; 
                    if (select != null &&
                        select.Where == null && 
                        select.Top == null && 
                        select.GroupBy.Count == 0 &&
                        select.OrderBy.Count == 0) { 
                        return this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(select.From);
                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin; 
                if (join == null || join.JoinType != SqlJoinType.LeftOuter)
                    return null; 
                if (!this.IsSingletonSelect(join.Left)) 
                    return null;
                HashSet p = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left); 
 				HashSet c = SqlGatherConsumedAliases.Gather(join.Right);
                if (p.Overlaps(c)) {
                    return null;
                return join;
            private void GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(SqlSource source, List> selections) {
                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin; 
                if (join != null)
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias;
                if (alias != null) { 
                    SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect;
                    if (select != null) { 
                        this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(select.From, selections); 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification="Unknown reason.")] 
            private bool IsSingletonSelect(SqlSource source) {
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias; 
                if (alias == null) 
                    return false;
                SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect; 
                if (select == null)
                    return false;
                if (select.From != null)
                    return false; 
                return true;

        class SqlGatherReferencedColumns { 
            private SqlGatherReferencedColumns() { }
            internal static HashSet Gather(SqlNode node, HashSet columns) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(columns);
                return columns;
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor { 
                HashSet columns;
                internal Visitor(HashSet columns) { 
                    this.columns = columns;
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (!this.columns.Contains(cref.Column)) { 
                        if (cref.Column.Expression != null) { 
                    return cref;

        class SqlAliasesReferenced { 
            HashSet aliases; 
            bool referencesAny;
            Visitor visitor; 

            internal SqlAliasesReferenced(HashSet aliases) {
                this.aliases = aliases;
                this.visitor = new Visitor(this); 
            internal bool ReferencesAny(SqlExpression expression) { 
                this.referencesAny = false;
                return this.referencesAny;

            class Visitor: SqlVisitor { 
                SqlAliasesReferenced parent;
                internal Visitor(SqlAliasesReferenced parent) { 
                    this.parent = parent;
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (this.parent.aliases.Contains(cref.Column.Alias)) {
                        this.parent.referencesAny = true;
                    else if (cref.Column.Expression != null) {
                    return cref;

                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
                    if (col.Expression != null) {
                    return col; 

        static class SqlAliasDependencyChecker {
            internal static bool IsDependent(SqlNode node, HashSet aliasesToCheck, HashSet ignoreExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(aliasesToCheck, ignoreExpressions); 
                return v.hasDependency; 
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
                HashSet aliasesToCheck; 
                HashSet ignoreExpressions;
                internal bool hasDependency;

                internal Visitor(HashSet aliasesToCheck, HashSet ignoreExpressions) { 
                    this.aliasesToCheck = aliasesToCheck;
                    this.ignoreExpressions = ignoreExpressions; 
                internal override SqlNode Visit(SqlNode node) {
                    SqlExpression e = node as SqlExpression; 
                    if (this.hasDependency)
                        return node;
                    if (e != null && this.ignoreExpressions.Contains(e)) {
                        return node; 
                    return base.Visit(node); 
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (this.aliasesToCheck.Contains(cref.Column.Alias)) { 
                        this.hasDependency = true;
                    else if (cref.Column.Expression != null) {
                    return cref; 
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
                    if (col.Expression != null) { 
                    return col;
        static class SqlPredicateLifter {
            internal static bool CanLift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source != null);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aliasesForLifting != null);
                Visitor v = new Visitor(false, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions);
                return v.canLiftAll;
            internal static SqlExpression Lift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source != null); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aliasesForLifting != null);
                Visitor v = new Visitor(true, aliasesForLifting, null);
                return v.lifted; 
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor { 
                SqlAliasesReferenced aliases;
                HashSet liftedExpressions; 
                bool doLifting;
                internal bool canLiftAll;
                internal SqlExpression lifted;
                SqlAggregateChecker aggregateChecker; 

                internal Visitor(bool doLifting, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                    this.doLifting = doLifting;
                    this.aliases = new SqlAliasesReferenced(aliasesForLifting); 
                    this.liftedExpressions = liftedExpressions;
                    this.canLiftAll = true;
                    this.aggregateChecker = new SqlAggregateChecker();

                internal override SqlSelect VisitSelect(SqlSelect select) { 
                    // check subqueries first 
                    // don't allow lifting through these operations
                    if (select.Top != null ||
                        select.GroupBy.Count > 0 ||
                        this.aggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) || 
                        select.IsDistinct) {
                        this.canLiftAll = false; 

                    // only lift predicates that actually reference the aliases 
                    if (this.canLiftAll && select.Where != null) {
                        bool referencesAliases = this.aliases.ReferencesAny(select.Where);
                        if (referencesAliases) {
                            if (this.liftedExpressions != null) { 
                            if (this.doLifting) { 
                                if (this.lifted != null)
                                    this.lifted = new SqlBinary(SqlNodeType.And, this.lifted.ClrType, this.lifted.SqlType, this.lifted, select.Where); 
                                    this.lifted = select.Where;
                                select.Where = null;
                    return select;

        static class SqlSelectionLifter { 
            internal static bool CanLift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(false, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions); 
                return v.canLiftAll;

            internal static List> Lift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(true, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions);
                return v.lifted;
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
                SqlAliasesReferenced aliases; 
                HashSet referencedColumns;
                HashSet liftedExpressions;
                internal List> lifted;
                internal bool canLiftAll; 
                bool hasLifted;
                bool doLifting; 
                SqlAggregateChecker aggregateChecker; 

                internal Visitor(bool doLifting, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                    this.doLifting = doLifting;
                    this.aliases = new SqlAliasesReferenced(aliasesForLifting);
                    this.referencedColumns = new HashSet();
                    this.liftedExpressions = liftedExpressions; 
                    this.canLiftAll = true;
                    if (doLifting) 
                        this.lifted = new List>(); 
                    this.aggregateChecker = new SqlAggregateChecker();

                internal override SqlSource VisitJoin(SqlJoin join) {
                    return base.VisitJoin(join); 
                internal override SqlSelect VisitSelect(SqlSelect select) { 
                    // reference all columns
                    foreach(SqlOrderExpression oe in select.OrderBy) {
                    foreach(SqlExpression e in select.GroupBy) {

                    // determine what if anything should be lifted from this select
                    List lift = null;
                    List keep = null; 
                    foreach (SqlColumn sc in select.Row.Columns) {
                        bool referencesAliasesForLifting = this.aliases.ReferencesAny(sc.Expression); 
                        bool isLockedExpression = this.referencedColumns.Contains(sc); 
                        if (referencesAliasesForLifting) {
                            if (isLockedExpression) {
                                this.canLiftAll = false;
                            else {
                                this.hasLifted = true; 
                                if (this.doLifting) { 
                                    if (lift == null)
                                        lift = new List(); 
                        else {
                            if (this.doLifting) { 
                                if (keep == null) 
                                    keep = new List();

                    // check subqueries too 
                    if (this.canLiftAll) { 

                    // don't allow lifting through these operations
                    if (select.Top != null ||
                        select.GroupBy.Count > 0 || 
                        this.aggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) ||
                        select.IsDistinct) { 
                        if (this.hasLifted) { 
                            this.canLiftAll = false; 

                    // do the actual lifting for this select 
                    if (this.doLifting && this.canLiftAll) {
                        if (keep != null) 
                        if (lift != null) { 

                    return select; 

                private void ReferenceColumns(SqlExpression expression) { 
                    if (expression != null) {
                        if (this.liftedExpressions == null || !this.liftedExpressions.Contains(expression)) {
                            SqlGatherReferencedColumns.Gather(expression, this.referencedColumns);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Data.Linq; 
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { 

	internal class SqlOuterApplyReducer {
		internal static SqlNode Reduce(SqlNode node, SqlFactory factory, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations) {
 			Visitor r = new Visitor(factory, annotations); 
			return r.Visit(node);			
 		class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
            SqlFactory factory; 
			SqlNodeAnnotations annotations;

            internal Visitor(SqlFactory factory, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations) {
                this.factory = factory; 
                this.annotations = annotations;
            internal override SqlSource VisitSource(SqlSource source) {
                source = base.VisitSource(source); 

                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin;
                if (join != null) {
                    if (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.OuterApply) { 
                        // Reduce outer-apply into left-outer-join
                        HashSet leftProducedAliases = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left); 
                        HashSet liftedExpressions = new HashSet(); 

                        if (SqlPredicateLifter.CanLift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) && 
                            SqlSelectionLifter.CanLift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                            !SqlAliasDependencyChecker.IsDependent(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) ) {

                            SqlExpression liftedPredicate = SqlPredicateLifter.Lift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases); 
                            List> liftedSelections = SqlSelectionLifter.Lift(join.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions);
                            join.JoinType = SqlJoinType.LeftOuter; 
                            join.Condition = liftedPredicate;
                            if (liftedSelections != null) {
                                foreach(List selection in liftedSelections) {
                                    source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection);
                        else { 
                            this.AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(join, SqlProvider.ProviderMode.Sql2000);
                    else if (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.CrossApply) {
                        // reduce cross apply with special nested left-outer-join's into a single left-outer-join
                        // SELECT x.*, y.*
                        // FROM X 
                        // CROSS APPLY ( 
                        //      SELECT y.*
                        //       FROM ( 
                        //          SELECT ?
                        //       )
                        //       LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        //          SELECT y.* FROM Y 
                        //       ) AS y
                        // ==> 
                        // SELECT x.*, y.* 
                        // FROM X
                        // LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        //     SELECT y.* FROM Y
                        // ) 

                        SqlJoin leftOuter = this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(join.Right); 
                        if (leftOuter != null) { 
                            HashSet leftProducedAliases = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left);
                            HashSet liftedExpressions = new HashSet(); 

                            if (SqlPredicateLifter.CanLift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                                SqlSelectionLifter.CanLift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) &&
                                !SqlAliasDependencyChecker.IsDependent(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions) 
                                ) {
                                SqlExpression liftedPredicate = SqlPredicateLifter.Lift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases); 
                                List> liftedSelections = SqlSelectionLifter.Lift(leftOuter.Right, leftProducedAliases, liftedExpressions);
                                // add intermediate selections
                                this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(join.Right, liftedSelections);

                                // push down all selections 
                                foreach(List selection in liftedSelections.Where(s => s.Count > 0)) {
                                    source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection); 

                                join.JoinType = SqlJoinType.LeftOuter; 
                                join.Condition = this.factory.AndAccumulate(leftOuter.Condition, liftedPredicate);
                                join.Right = leftOuter.Right;
                            else { 
                                this.AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(join, SqlProvider.ProviderMode.Sql2000);
                    // re-balance join tree of left-outer-joins to expose LOJ w/ leftside unreferenced
                    while (join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.LeftOuter) {
                        // look for buried left-outer-joined-with-unreferenced singleton
                        SqlJoin leftLeftOuter = this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(join.Left); 
                        if (leftLeftOuter == null)
                        List> liftedSelections = new List>();
                        // add intermediate selections
                        this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(join.Left, liftedSelections);

                        // push down all selections 
                        foreach(List selection in liftedSelections) {
                            source = this.PushSourceDown(source, selection); 

                        // bubble this one up on-top of this 'join'. 
                        SqlSource jRight = join.Right;
                        SqlExpression jCondition = join.Condition;

                        join.Left = leftLeftOuter.Left; 
                        join.Right = leftLeftOuter;
                        join.Condition = leftLeftOuter.Condition; 
                        leftLeftOuter.Left = leftLeftOuter.Right;
                        leftLeftOuter.Right = jRight; 
                        leftLeftOuter.Condition = jCondition;
                return source;
            private void AnnotateSqlIncompatibility(SqlNode node, params SqlProvider.ProviderMode[] providers) {
                this.annotations.Add(node, new SqlServerCompatibilityAnnotation(Strings.SourceExpressionAnnotation(node.SourceExpression), providers)); 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification="Unknown reason.")]
            private SqlSource PushSourceDown(SqlSource sqlSource, List cols) { 
                SqlSelect ns = new SqlSelect(new SqlNop(cols[0].ClrType, cols[0].SqlType, sqlSource.SourceExpression), sqlSource, sqlSource.SourceExpression);
                return new SqlAlias(ns); 
            private SqlJoin GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(SqlSource source) {
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias;
                if (alias != null) {
                    SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect; 
                    if (select != null &&
                        select.Where == null && 
                        select.Top == null && 
                        select.GroupBy.Count == 0 &&
                        select.OrderBy.Count == 0) { 
                        return this.GetLeftOuterWithUnreferencedSingletonOnLeft(select.From);
                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin; 
                if (join == null || join.JoinType != SqlJoinType.LeftOuter)
                    return null; 
                if (!this.IsSingletonSelect(join.Left)) 
                    return null;
                HashSet p = SqlGatherProducedAliases.Gather(join.Left); 
 				HashSet c = SqlGatherConsumedAliases.Gather(join.Right);
                if (p.Overlaps(c)) {
                    return null;
                return join;
            private void GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(SqlSource source, List> selections) {
                SqlJoin join = source as SqlJoin; 
                if (join != null)
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias;
                if (alias != null) { 
                    SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect;
                    if (select != null) { 
                        this.GetSelectionsBeforeJoin(select.From, selections); 

            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification="Unknown reason.")] 
            private bool IsSingletonSelect(SqlSource source) {
                SqlAlias alias = source as SqlAlias; 
                if (alias == null) 
                    return false;
                SqlSelect select = alias.Node as SqlSelect; 
                if (select == null)
                    return false;
                if (select.From != null)
                    return false; 
                return true;

        class SqlGatherReferencedColumns { 
            private SqlGatherReferencedColumns() { }
            internal static HashSet Gather(SqlNode node, HashSet columns) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(columns);
                return columns;
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor { 
                HashSet columns;
                internal Visitor(HashSet columns) { 
                    this.columns = columns;
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (!this.columns.Contains(cref.Column)) { 
                        if (cref.Column.Expression != null) { 
                    return cref;

        class SqlAliasesReferenced { 
            HashSet aliases; 
            bool referencesAny;
            Visitor visitor; 

            internal SqlAliasesReferenced(HashSet aliases) {
                this.aliases = aliases;
                this.visitor = new Visitor(this); 
            internal bool ReferencesAny(SqlExpression expression) { 
                this.referencesAny = false;
                return this.referencesAny;

            class Visitor: SqlVisitor { 
                SqlAliasesReferenced parent;
                internal Visitor(SqlAliasesReferenced parent) { 
                    this.parent = parent;
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (this.parent.aliases.Contains(cref.Column.Alias)) {
                        this.parent.referencesAny = true;
                    else if (cref.Column.Expression != null) {
                    return cref;

                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
                    if (col.Expression != null) {
                    return col; 

        static class SqlAliasDependencyChecker {
            internal static bool IsDependent(SqlNode node, HashSet aliasesToCheck, HashSet ignoreExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(aliasesToCheck, ignoreExpressions); 
                return v.hasDependency; 
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
                HashSet aliasesToCheck; 
                HashSet ignoreExpressions;
                internal bool hasDependency;

                internal Visitor(HashSet aliasesToCheck, HashSet ignoreExpressions) { 
                    this.aliasesToCheck = aliasesToCheck;
                    this.ignoreExpressions = ignoreExpressions; 
                internal override SqlNode Visit(SqlNode node) {
                    SqlExpression e = node as SqlExpression; 
                    if (this.hasDependency)
                        return node;
                    if (e != null && this.ignoreExpressions.Contains(e)) {
                        return node; 
                    return base.Visit(node); 
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) {
                    if (this.aliasesToCheck.Contains(cref.Column.Alias)) { 
                        this.hasDependency = true;
                    else if (cref.Column.Expression != null) {
                    return cref; 
                internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) {
                    if (col.Expression != null) { 
                    return col;
        static class SqlPredicateLifter {
            internal static bool CanLift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source != null);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aliasesForLifting != null);
                Visitor v = new Visitor(false, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions);
                return v.canLiftAll;
            internal static SqlExpression Lift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source != null); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aliasesForLifting != null);
                Visitor v = new Visitor(true, aliasesForLifting, null);
                return v.lifted; 
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor { 
                SqlAliasesReferenced aliases;
                HashSet liftedExpressions; 
                bool doLifting;
                internal bool canLiftAll;
                internal SqlExpression lifted;
                SqlAggregateChecker aggregateChecker; 

                internal Visitor(bool doLifting, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                    this.doLifting = doLifting;
                    this.aliases = new SqlAliasesReferenced(aliasesForLifting); 
                    this.liftedExpressions = liftedExpressions;
                    this.canLiftAll = true;
                    this.aggregateChecker = new SqlAggregateChecker();

                internal override SqlSelect VisitSelect(SqlSelect select) { 
                    // check subqueries first 
                    // don't allow lifting through these operations
                    if (select.Top != null ||
                        select.GroupBy.Count > 0 ||
                        this.aggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) || 
                        select.IsDistinct) {
                        this.canLiftAll = false; 

                    // only lift predicates that actually reference the aliases 
                    if (this.canLiftAll && select.Where != null) {
                        bool referencesAliases = this.aliases.ReferencesAny(select.Where);
                        if (referencesAliases) {
                            if (this.liftedExpressions != null) { 
                            if (this.doLifting) { 
                                if (this.lifted != null)
                                    this.lifted = new SqlBinary(SqlNodeType.And, this.lifted.ClrType, this.lifted.SqlType, this.lifted, select.Where); 
                                    this.lifted = select.Where;
                                select.Where = null;
                    return select;

        static class SqlSelectionLifter { 
            internal static bool CanLift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(false, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions); 
                return v.canLiftAll;

            internal static List> Lift(SqlSource source, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) {
                Visitor v = new Visitor(true, aliasesForLifting, liftedExpressions);
                return v.lifted;
            class Visitor : SqlVisitor {
                SqlAliasesReferenced aliases; 
                HashSet referencedColumns;
                HashSet liftedExpressions;
                internal List> lifted;
                internal bool canLiftAll; 
                bool hasLifted;
                bool doLifting; 
                SqlAggregateChecker aggregateChecker; 

                internal Visitor(bool doLifting, HashSet aliasesForLifting, HashSet liftedExpressions) { 
                    this.doLifting = doLifting;
                    this.aliases = new SqlAliasesReferenced(aliasesForLifting);
                    this.referencedColumns = new HashSet();
                    this.liftedExpressions = liftedExpressions; 
                    this.canLiftAll = true;
                    if (doLifting) 
                        this.lifted = new List>(); 
                    this.aggregateChecker = new SqlAggregateChecker();

                internal override SqlSource VisitJoin(SqlJoin join) {
                    return base.VisitJoin(join); 
                internal override SqlSelect VisitSelect(SqlSelect select) { 
                    // reference all columns
                    foreach(SqlOrderExpression oe in select.OrderBy) {
                    foreach(SqlExpression e in select.GroupBy) {

                    // determine what if anything should be lifted from this select
                    List lift = null;
                    List keep = null; 
                    foreach (SqlColumn sc in select.Row.Columns) {
                        bool referencesAliasesForLifting = this.aliases.ReferencesAny(sc.Expression); 
                        bool isLockedExpression = this.referencedColumns.Contains(sc); 
                        if (referencesAliasesForLifting) {
                            if (isLockedExpression) {
                                this.canLiftAll = false;
                            else {
                                this.hasLifted = true; 
                                if (this.doLifting) { 
                                    if (lift == null)
                                        lift = new List(); 
                        else {
                            if (this.doLifting) { 
                                if (keep == null) 
                                    keep = new List();

                    // check subqueries too 
                    if (this.canLiftAll) { 

                    // don't allow lifting through these operations
                    if (select.Top != null ||
                        select.GroupBy.Count > 0 || 
                        this.aggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) ||
                        select.IsDistinct) { 
                        if (this.hasLifted) { 
                            this.canLiftAll = false; 

                    // do the actual lifting for this select 
                    if (this.doLifting && this.canLiftAll) {
                        if (keep != null) 
                        if (lift != null) { 

                    return select; 

                private void ReferenceColumns(SqlExpression expression) { 
                    if (expression != null) {
                        if (this.liftedExpressions == null || !this.liftedExpressions.Contains(expression)) {
                            SqlGatherReferencedColumns.Gather(expression, this.referencedColumns);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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